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Bielec leads Bulldogs to league opening win over Olympic
North Mason High
School's Kasey Bielec
showed how good he can be
after a complete game gave
the Bulldogs the 5-3 Olym-
pic League win on Monday
over Olympic High School.
The Bulldogs (1-2, 1-0
1A/2A/3A Olympic League)
allowed four errors which
allowed all three of the
Trojans' (0-1, 0-1 1A/2A/3A
Olympic League) runs.
Bielec threw six strike-
outs and two walks while
giving five hits.
North Mason head coach
Bill Geyer said the Bull-
dogs have to find a way not
to allow unearned runs, es-
pecially with their ace on
the mound.
"When [Bielec] pitches,
we should play good defense
behind him and should win
games, or at least stay in
them," Geyer said.
The Bulldogs scored
three runs in the fourth in-
ning, including a two-run
double by Brandon Dun-
ham, who went one for
three at the plate.
North Mason's offense
was highlighted by M.J.
McDonnell's two-run home
run in the fifth inning over
the right-center field fence.
"It's a big win for us to
beat a team that finished
better than us last year,"
Geyer said.
But while the Bulldogs
Journal photo by Dean Siemon
North Mason High School Riley McKean fouls
a pitch to the ground d 'mg Mondafs home
March 21 at North Mason
game against Olympic High School. High Sch.ool in Belfair
McKean also gave up three
While the Bulldogs gave
up the six run first inning,
Geyer said he was pleased
that North Mason didn't let
the game get out of hand.
"They were down 6-0 af-
ter one and they didn't give
up,~ he said.
Evan Daley stepped in
for the rest of the fifth in-
ning, allowing one earned
run and one hit with a
Bielec closed out the final
two innings on Saturday,
giving up 0nly two hits and
struck out one Seahawk.
In the game against
Lakes, North Mason start-
ed M.J. McDonnell who
gave up four runs in the
first inning.
were happy with the win on league win after two non-
Monday, they spent their league losses to teams from Olympic 1100001 - 351
N. Mason000320x-584
Tuesday practice going the 3A South Puget Sound
back to the basics. League. North Mason pitching:
"We spent a good hour of After an 8-2 loss in the Kasey Bielec - 7 IP, 0 ER, 5
basics," he' said. "Nothing season home opener on H, 6 K, 2 BB
but basics." March 16 against Lakes
Geyer sa~d good defense High School (1-1), North March19 at North Mason
is a key factor for North Mason gave up six runs in High School in Belfair
Mason's success in an the first inning in a 9-2 loss
Olympic League that has to Peninsula High School Pen. 6 0 0 1 2 0 0- 9 11 3
an even quality of teams on Saturday in Belfair. N. Mason 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 - 2 2 4
throughout. Riley McKean started North Mason pitching:
"If you don't play well, for the Bulldogs, throwing Riley McKean- 4.1 IP, 8 ER,
you could get beat by any- the first four and a third 8 H, 3 BB; Evan Daley - 0.2
body," Geyer said. innings, giving up eight IP, ER, H, K; Kasey Bielec -
The Bulldogs earned the earned runs on eight hits. 2 IP, 2 H, K
NM track and field take part in Olympic jamboree
North Mason track and Johnson (57.6 seconds) and In the boys 200 meters, Rene Gaspar finished un-
field took part in a jambo- Brandon Beauprey (59.3 Ahron Stroud finished sec- der a minute in the 300-me-
ree event at Olympic High seconds), ond with a time of 24.8 sec- ter hurdles, a first place
School in Silverdale on Kameron Crosswhite took onds. time of 45 set~nds.
Wednesday, March 16. first in the boys long jump In the girls shot put, Re- In the boys~javelin, Brody
While there were no with a distance of 19 feet nee Willey took first with Stromberg threw for a dis-
points scored, several Bull- and one inch, while Emma a throw of 31 feet and four tance of 120 and a half feet
dogs earned top places at the Berg took first in the girls inches, followed by fellow for second place, followed by
jamboree, and six won their long jump with 15 and a half North Mason thrower Ruby teammate Nick Jenson's 114
events, feet. Nelson's 25 feet and four and ahalffeet.
Tevin Williams won the Berg also took third place inches. Charlie Becker had a
boys 400-meter dash with in the 200-meter dash with Nelson had another sec- third place finish in the
a time of 56.8 seconds, fol- a time of 29.2 seconds, less ond place finish in the girls boys 800-meter race in 2:10,
lowed by teammates Josh than 0.1 behind teammate discus throw with a distance while Summer Mielke took
Hosier (57.2 seconds), Matt Alivia Sandquist for second, of 59 and a half feet. third in the girls 800 meters
North Mason's Tabitha in2:54.3.
Schwerzler took first in the The Bulldogs were back
SPINAL CORD INJURY girls 100-meter dash with a in action onMarch 23 (aRer
time of 14.2 seconds and a the Journal's press dead-
fourth place time of 29.5 see- line). Full results will be re-
onds in the 200-meter dash. ported in next week's issue.
Most spi- cord. So, play it safe.
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out that about 6,000 American cal therapy care, call SHELTON
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tom to sustain a spinal cord injury, which helps them perform daily
The surface tension on the water living skills using adaptive tech-
can be enough to injure the spinal niques.
Thursday, March 24
TRACK AND FIELD Shelton High School vs Wilson
High School/Foss High School/Gig Harbor High School
(in Gig Harbor), 3:30 p.m.; Mary M. Knight High School
at North Beach High School (in Ocean Shores), 3 p.m.
BOYS GOLF "timberline High School vs Shelton High
School (at Alderbrook Golf Course in Union), 2:45 pm.;
North Mason High School vs North Kits~p High School
(at White Horse Golf Course in Kingston), 3 p.m.
GIRLS GOLFTimberline High School vs Shelton High
School (at Bayshore Golf Course in Shelton), 2:45 pm.;
North Mason High School vs North Kitsap High School
(at White Horse Golf Course in Kingston), 3 p.m.
GIRLS TENNIS Timberline High School at Shelton
High School (in Shelton), 3:30 p.m., North Mason High
School at Olympic High School (in Silverdale), 4 p.m.
FASTPITCH Shelton High School at Central Kitsap
High School (in Silverdale), 4 p.m.
Friday, March 25
BASEBALL Shelton High School at Olympia High
School (in Olympia), 4 p.m.; North Mason High School
at Port Townsend High School (in Port Townsend), 4
FASTPITCH Shelton High School at Olympia High
School (in Olympia), 6 p.m,; North Mason High School
at Port Townsend High School (in Port Townsend), 4:15
GIRLS TENNIS North Mason High School at Port
Townsend High School (in Port Townsend), 4 p.m.
BOYS SOCCER Shelton High School at Central Kitsap
High School (in Silverdale), 7:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 26
BOYS SOCCER Port Angeles High School at North
Mason High School (in Belfair), 12 p.m.
Monday, March 28
BOYS GOLF Yelm High School vs Shelton High School
(at Alderbrook Golf Course in Union), 2:45 pm.; North
Mason High School vs Bremerton High School (at Gold
Mountain Golf Course in Bremerton), 3 p.m.
GIRLS GOLF Yelm High School vs Shelton High School
(at Bayshore Golf Course in Shelton), 2:45 pm.; North
Mason High School vs Bremerton High School (at Gold
Mountain Golf Course in Bremerton), 3 p.m.
BASEBALL Shelton High School at Central Kitsap
High School (in Silverdale), 4 p.m.
BOYS SOCCER Bremerton High School at North
Mason High School (in Belfair), 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 29
BASEBALL North Mason High School at Port Angeles
High School (in Port Angeles), 4 p.m.
FASTPITCH North Mason High School at Port Angeles
High School (in Port Angeles), 4:15 p.m.
BOYS SOCCER Olympia High School at Shelton High
School (in Shelton), 7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 30
TRACK AND RELD Eatonville High School at North
Mason High School (in Belfair), 3 p.m.
BASEBALL Central Kitsap High School at Shelton
High School (in Shelton), 4 p.m.
FASTPITCH Curtis High School at Shelton High School
(at MCRA in Shelton), 4 P.m,- ,
Comingup ' !'
For those in the North Mason community interested
in being members of a Bulldog Booster Club, a com-
munity interest meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on
March 31 at the Timberland Library in Belfair.
Shelton Parks and Recreation and Shelton High
School Highclimber baseball are offering a spring break
baseball camp for boys and girls, ages 7-14. The camp is
scheduled for April 6, 7 and 8 at the SHS baseball field
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fee is $40. Pre-registration is re-
quired at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West
Cota Street in Shelton. For more information, contact
Parks and Recreation supervisor Mark Ziegler at 432-
5194 or at
All recreational and youth sports results must be
sent to the Shelton-Mason County Journal by 5 p.m. on
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