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Journal photo by Dean Siemon
North Mason High School's Jennifer Hicks returns a ball. Hicks was
defeated in singles action during Tuesday's home match against North
Kitsap High School.
North Mason loses at
home to North Ki
By DEAN SIEMON "We'll get Brie playing "[Orr] could be a really
some singles and Jennifer good tennis player," Harris
North Mason High School [Hicks]. some time in dou- said.
girls tennis suffered a loss bles," Harris said.
to Olympic League rival Hicks lost her singles March 22 at North Ma-
North Kitsap High Schoolmatch 6-0 and 6-0 to North son High School in Belfair
on Tuesday in Belfair, 7-0. Kitsap's Sydney Crabtree.
After losing the first The singles lineup has North Kitsap 7, North
set, the Lady Bulldogs (0- been shifted, Harris said, as Mason 0
2) were unable to send Tiffany Nelson has been un-
any match to the third set able to play due to flu-like Singles - Farmer (NK)
against the Vikings (2-0). symptoms, def. Orchard (NM), 6-1, 6-0;
North Mason's best per- "We just need to get more Crabtree (NK) def. Hicks
formance was in the third experience for some play- (NM), 6-0, 6-0; Shalta (NK)
doubles match, where Em-ers," Harris said. . def. Phillips (NM), 6-0, 6-2
ily Satran and Brie Ab- In the fourth doubles
planalp lost the second set match, North Mason's Doubles - Bohl/Gru-
7-5 to North Kitsap's Julia Amanda Orr and Gabriellenigen (NK) , def. Martin/
Hoak and Stephanie BirdMelendez lost to North Kit- Zevnick (NM), 6-0, 6-3; Yee/
after being shutout 6-0 in sap's Maegan McClanahan Shansi (NK)def. Urdahl/Ja-
ihe first, and Ta!ia From bach 6:1 cobsen (NM), 6'0, 6'2;Hoak/
North Mason head coach and 6-3. Bird (NK) def. Satran/Ab-
Clifford Harris said Abpla- Harris said the sopho- planalp (NM), 6-0, 7-5; Mc-
nalp was impressive dur- more Orr has been impres- Clanahan/Fromback (NK)
ing the doubles match and sive with her movement on def. Orr/Melendez (NM),
could be moved up. the court. 6-1, 6-3
Journal photo by ~)ean Siemon
Shelton High School's Joe Strand prepares to
throw to second base after catching a pitch
in Saturday's home game against Bellarmine
Preparatory School, where the Highclimbers
earned a 7-2 4A Narrows League win.
NM girls golf tops
Olympic while the
boys tie at LakeLand
North Mason High School Victoria Effray rounded
golf hosted an Olympic out the score for North Ma-
League rival, Olympic High son with a round of 72.
School, on Tuesday at Lake- The North Mason boys
Land Village in Allyn. golf team ended in a tie
The girls team defeated with Olympic, both teams
the Trojans, 313-334, after combining for total scores of
going into a tie in their first 263.
opening match against Port Tommy Renne and Blake
Townsend High School. Eddy each led the Bulldogs
The Lady Bulldogs (1-0- (0-1-1) with rounds of 49,
1) were led by Anela Bar- followed by Michael Wise-
bera with a score of 55 on man's 50 and Andy Renne's
the nine-hole round, the51.
best overall. North Mason golf is in
Barbera was followed by action at White Horse Golf
Madison Johnson's 59, Tori Course in Kingston to face
Bamford's 60 and Sarah North Kitsap High School
Mundell's 67. today at 3 p.m.
Look in my bi-weekly
County Journal - Thursday, March 24, 2011 - Page C-5