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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:i !, 'i i¸ i . ii'~ i < •!}'/ i ~?i;! i !!i i~ ;(! !!/ I :il i::i !i!i! PAGE FrELT01 ---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--PuNished in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, this week is as follows: Monday: Senior Parent meeting, cafeteria at 8 p.m. Tuesday: Girls Club program, 10 a.m. in cafcteria. Wednesday: CoileKe Bound Jun- iors and Seniors nmeiing', 1 p.m. in cafet(:ria. "' Thursday: N.M.E.A. meeting, 4 p.m. Friday: All School play. Saturday: Rally Squad bake sale, at Pope's. The All-school play will be giv- en Friday dining school houl's f0Y junior and senior high school Slal- dents who wish to attend. Admis-. All-School Play To Be Presented For Students; Juniors, Seniors, Hear Talks On College By Dehhie Rest All girls planning to apply for I~ELFAIg ..... The schedule for a scholarship to Mr. Lee's Beauty sion will be 25 cents. A meeting for all juniors and seniors planninK on nttcnding eoI- lake was he.M Wednesday, Stud- ent.s who have already graduated from high school and that are now atlending college, will be guest speakers. The meeling was held this Wednesday at 1 p.m. and students wishing to attend had to he signed up with Mr. Hawkins. i congratulations has been ex- tended to Gary Miller for making the Olympic League All-Opponent r ~ y ream. AI,;o conp.,ratulat:ed was Ja5 Allen for the Honorable Mention. TItE GIRLS TENNIS team turnouts have been held on Mon- day and Wednesday each week. The girls on the team are Susie Pruit~, Chris Bixenmann, Patsy Bixenmann, Barbara Huson, Jan- ice Harstad, Theresa Cooper, and Patti Criss. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's p~- scription, our drug called ODRINEX. You mtmt lose ugly fat or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called radar- trig candies, crackers or cookies, or thawing gum. ODRINEX is a tiny tab- let and easily swallowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have the urge for ex- tra portions because ODRINEX depres- ses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come dowu, because as your own doe- tot' will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and Hve longer. ODRINEX costs $3.1~ and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason Just re- turn the package to your druggist and get your full money l)ack. No ques- tions asked. ODRINEX is sold with this guarantee by: ISVERGREEN DRUG CENTEI~ 306 ]~allroad Ave. Mall Orders l~llled School should sign np with Mr. Hawkins as soon .as possible. Two girls will receive scholarships, The Season Ticket ch'ive is still continuing. Several hm~dred don htrs worth of tickets have been sold but the sale must continue to meet the cost of the football lights. Tickels may be obtained from any of the North Mason ttigh School students. The tickets are $20 and are good for two zears of athletic events. A meeting was held at the Ed- Imond Meany Hotel Balh'oom at 8 p.m. March 17 fay all interested students The meeting wts spon- I sored by lhe American Heritage Association and presented infor- mation on its Americ'm Studies and Em'opean Sl.odies Programs for high ,;chool sLudenls. St{idents spend time in these programs ei- ~Lher on the East Coast or Europe. Students who will bc freshmen at the University of Washington this coming fall will be interested :in learning ah(mt the Study Ab- lroad Credit Programs available at the University o2 Washington for College Freshmen. Students from many different high schools atLen- clod this meeting. MILS. AItMSTRONG talked to th'e Girls Club Tuesday at 10 a.m. ou charm. She also gave a similar talk last year. Some of i the things included were posture weiglat, proper grooming, eating habits, etc. Also the Girls Club has been planning a talent show which will include many different kinds of entertaimnent. After the All-School Play the Girls Club will sell pie and coffee in the cafeteria. The freshmen girls are in charge of publicizing this pro- ject, One of the main coming events is the Spring Music Festival. It will be held April 6 and will start at 8 p.m. All the music depart- ments will be featured such as elementary band, junior high band, senior high band, swing band, junior and senior high chor- al groups, choral ensemble, etc. This production is going to be an original. Pictm'es and further in- formatmn will be given at a later date. Journal Want Ads Pay DATSUN spo.Ts cA. This power-packed beauty deliver~ with every eros- tare comfort at hundreds of dollars below other sports cars in its elas~. Here's a few -- all-transistor radio, heater, WSW tires, console, tonneau cover, boot, wind- shield washer, 4-speed stick, clock, roll-up windows GIVE IT A SPIN AT YOUR DEALER HOWl RAY'S RAMBLER -. DATSUN Sales & Service 616 Legi,on Way Olympia Ph. 352-8525 "Since 1935" 8URPR|SE SPORTS CAR OFI THE ~EAR [11'111 I I IIIPlllll I I .-qt,~ IIANSON, CItltlSTENSEN IN (iI~.OCEICV CtlANGE~ Resignation of Larry H'ans:cm :~s manager of Tradewell's Shelt()n supermm l.:ot and him mov,, to 20Lh Century Thriftway, effective 1)e- ginning thin weal}, movad Perry Christensen up to his first rna:> agerial assignment with the Tradewell organization. He had been assistant manager during the 14 months Hanson had managed the Shelton slorc, as well as under previolls l'lla n 7~ge I S. Christenxen, a 1952 gradtmLe of Shelton high school anti a resident of this commtmity Mnce 1947, joined the Tradewell organiTa',ion in 1957, Hc and his wife of shout a year live at 1710 Monroe St. Hanson had been with T"ade- well for 12 years. The Sh~lton store was hi,~ third management assignment. His new duties at 20th Century will be general in nature as special assistant to own- er Bob Watson and manager Gone White. Hanson has been active in Shelton civic circles during him brief residence here and he will be installed as president of the: Shelton Junior Chamber of Com- merce next week. $ *