March 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 25, 1965 |
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25, 1965 gI-IELTON-=.MAg0N ,CO . TY JQ.URNA.,L.--P lb!Mied in uOhtlstma, tmvn, U A"
........... g,. ,. ghe!ton, W.a hingtort PAGE 5
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Graham, ot c,:"rie2 o elfi'la with red and white
Rhode I;dand, be- !baby ro:~es on he:' Bible.
of Vmtor Jamcsi Her attendant:; Mi'ds Lauren
of Mrs. Carroll,
on February 13.Cooke and Miss Barbara Wood
ceremoriy was wore red velvet empire gowns with
Mills Methodistfloor-length sheath skirts. They
Hili. carried ted and white carnation
of Mr. and bouquets. The flower girl was
was attired inLynne Army.
gown of white The bridegroom's best man was
trim, as she wasGeorge Hernandez. Ushers were
tar by her father. John Coop, Jack Keene, and Vic
hat held her McGowan, all fellow members of
veil. She the Navy and stationed with the
blidegroom at Newport.
Following the service, conducted
by the Rev. Edmuud Miller, a re-
ception was held in the church
hall. Later the newlyweds left
on a tour of the southern states.
VALLEY Mrs. Satterfield, a graduate of
Cumberland High School, is an
HALL IBM tape librarian at Leesona
Har 2T
Corp. at Warwick. The bridegroom
is a graduate of Irene S. Reed
high school in Shelton and is sta-
re tioned with the U.S. Navy aboard
Y THE the USS Cascade based at New-
port Rhode Island. The couple will
PERS make its first home in the Edge-
wood section of Providence, R.I.
These and Many Other Items
Available at
315 So. First
Tlnu'.~day, March 25
Evergreen PTA, 8 p.m. Ever-
~,~ ,,t.')~ Ailditorillm.
Rotary Club lunclaeon, noon,
MinK Tree Cafe.
l_)e?>':'ee of l-lion)r. 8 p.m. ]V[em-
,' : '1 lla!l.
Golden Age Chlb, l)otluclq 6
.LI:I. Melllo"ial Hall.
lh~ta ", I", .:4'-y.i-, i "anq~!e', 3:3t;
p,m., lV[t View Sciiool,
ICoresl. I,'e~ii','a C~r',~mi',tmL ,~.
I pro., PUI) BuiMing.
B,.efit bas!:etball for sv,,im
l,~m!, She'tcn AIl.S{a:'s v::;. \VC(.
--fi"sl gain,- 6:30. .~econl game
:; L~ '1 G]P,~toll gyl:l.
"~ " .... ' .' ,c:ah Lodge. 8 p.m
IOOF Hull.
.' ..... q,,::~ t'tlnllnage sale, PUD,
N:ll;tir~lay, ~lari'h 27
Dri:eY',~: L!conse examiner, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
FOE car,1 pa','ty, 8 p.m., airport
Amaranth rummage sale, PUD.
9 to 4 tzm.
Sunday, March 28
Shelton chinches mwtes you tc
to attend the church of your
Monday, March 29
PUD commis,~ion meets 1 p.m.
PUD building.
County commission meets, i0
a.m. "l~ourthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD building.
Tuesday, M~reh 30
Kiwanis club hmcheon noon Me-.
mortal Hall'.
City Commission meets, 8 p.m.,
city hall.
Wednesday, March 31
Shelton Jaycees and Jayette
joint installation banquet, Shelton
Hotel, 6:30.
Driver's license examiner, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
Mason County Hospital District
commission, 7:30 p.m. courthouse.
Sweetheart Swirl
Held March 19
Last Friday, l~arch 19, from
8:00 to II,00 p.m., the DeMolays,
Rainbow Girls, and Job's Daugh-
ters combined their efforts to hold
a dance at the Masonic Temple, to
which they also invited guests of
their members. The theme of the
dance was "Sweetheart Swirl".
The main colors were red and
white. The dance had been post-
poned from February.
The guests elected Cheryl Bead
and Denny Bailey as thc king mad
queen of the dance•
Each couple was given pro-
grams made by Job's Daughters,
in the shape of a heart, and upon
which was the written couple's
The Honored Queen of Job's
Daughters is Terri Turner, the
Worthy Advisor of Rainbows is
Cindy Willard, and the Master
Councilor of DeMolay is Milton
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
at the Mason County Auditor's of-
rice during the past week were
Marvin Nagel, 19, Vancouver, and
Joyce Halvorson, 19, Vancouver.
Rodney Mulvahill, 27, Sequim,
and Alexis McIntosh, 38, Sequim~
William Armstrong, 28, Brem-
erton, and Andree Ham, 29, Brem-
Little Things
that Count/ !
lake, ART POINT wedding invitations! One of the most im-
POrtant little details which are necessary to make your wedding
youA ; ° nt invitations are always socially correct in. evety, deta.,
as a De proud to send them'to your friends as g marks you
, t" ,~on ot extreme ,.o^d taste
• t ric 8 v .
e tta t - ecepties or At Home footnotes on the weoamtl--'nu
• '--arge . . • details about your we .
let our Societ Ed
• drag plans. Y ltor have all th
0¢" {
Suciety Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412
~:I'* "~ F'.~
%.,, I.:.'ih ~' ili I, |~'z,lllli
Twen~ y-five ):I'?I]ll)C, lq of *~.~, e] -
t,,n':~ jFllio)' rlu.-,ie oh, flu; jc,ineJ
+)vel" 100 olhf,!' jilnior rlnlsiclans,
affiliated with th.e \V;,.M~ington
Sl.ate Federaii'u of A%:.~ie C!ul)s,
in attending /he 111!., uinl',m! •lan-
ier I3:',y lllO,?l (>:;1 I~le {Iliivw•:lif~"
of ~Vashin