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T-]T LTON--MASON COUNT JOU NAL- Published in "Chr$stmas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Traylor Points Out
Labor Voting Record ,,
State Rep, ~,V. S. "Bill" Tray- 'l ~l~[
i' WA$ IN TON/ lor spoke out today to "set the[ I ~V
Ihgl~ - -~,",~-' ~-'~ ,~ I ""' "/ record straight" on his SUl:)port of @ .
~.~.~t ~ (:. l~ N ~ /' labor legisl-dion I By lSeity Crass Beverly Huson, Bonnie Pudas ann
~"...-.T~ c* / "It's co~e to •m attention th'~tBELFAII~. ...... 1V[l'S. Ann West- Susan Pobreba at the gift table.
, y . , . . .
.................................................. someone is trying to distort mybcrg was installed as Worthy Ms- Bonnie DeLeo and Lucille Traws
votin~ record on labor' issues " he ]tron last Satl rday evening at the were in charge of the decorations
_ said. -"My position on labor" is I Belfair Temple wl{en Belfair Chap- and corsages were made by the
.I. cle%r I sm)nort legislation which|tot 241, Order of Eastern Star in- Beachcolnbers Garden Chlb.
I~[[~l~li~T]l 11 I~ benefits the'working man and his I stalled ,)fficers for the coming A CO~LMUNITY skating party
r'EnlVlnOi/41Vlg family." year. Also installed were John sponsored by the J,• High BYF
I~l Traylor said his action concern- R Huson, wort ly lratron ~ert-~ .... ,, ~,¢ t),, o,,~,~,,,,,,, church
ing thlee~ key. lahor bills, shows lllde Gllbelt, as oelate lnat , ..will ................ ho hold tonierh!~,.., ,M;nt I;tho ....... .~hol.
-. - , . , " ton Rfller Rmk from 6.30 to 9
whole be stands" t~.ichard Gilbert asstciate patron; ~ • -
l Senate hill 360. Traylor voted fh~tb. Purdnm, conductress; Susan n m Anyone needina a ride should
for the bill and gave it his full[Schlange, associate conduetl~ess; ~)e at tl~'e ehnrch by~'5'45 p m
support. It alh)ws collective bar- Alice Pope, secretary; Alice ~ice ~'~ " " "- - ""- ' 'n"
~__ / [ ga{ning for state, county and city treasurer; Truly Taylor, chaplain', in2£X~le~Un~fcer~;g~rt~t~e" nreexC~ ~ly
[ ~ emoloyees. I Georgia Oakland, marshal; Amber " ._ ~. _ ° ..... "...
~~~ .,\ 2". Senate bill 39 Traylor de-ITownsend, organist Judy Huson ~non~ns._J~arDara ~ca~!lmger_wlli
• . ~ ~ - oe premoent; wl~n ~cotr ~anlpoelt;
fended the• bill when It came to the Adah; Evelyr, Beck, Ruth; Math- , ' • ' "r se
~,~ Hotme. He played a key part in ryn Curry Esther; Judy Staudt, vice president, Kat,e .{~lal , . c-
• : .. . . .. ) . .retar ann l=larDara ~vnner, treas-
getting the bill passed w~thout ] Mal tha, Bonnie I eLeo, Electa,. .... Y,u^ ~,;,,, ~,~ ~av,., w~ ....
--' ' '" ' ¢ .... "l i Ill t,~. ~.~ ~.~,u~ ~.~.~-~. ~-~-~" .~-*.~
crB)ohn~r amendments. It r,lcleas-I Jack Curly, Walder, and Wlla ..............
~:~" ~ . . Slfle meeung was nets aL Llle ~nl~
I1 l .. es mdustrml insurance death ben-ITaylor, '~entinal ..... = . . .. . •
~{~ef eed$ an Itlk pad. Fast. [as) efigs and t)ermanent and tempor- I Mrs Leoma Wa,,ev na-t matron o~ ~,en t~oaa rest ~unaay evening.
[$cient Can be custom ordered t(l ary total disability payments. ]installed Mrs ~7~estber~-~'td wo~" Boy SCout Couyt of =_.H~nor.will
..... ° '. be held toni ~ at the I~ire rla~ at
meet any size shape 0r message re 3 House bill 337. Traylor is a thy patron, John Huson, was m- ^ g '
quirement. P[RMA-SIAMP will reDr(,, co-sponsor of the bill which passed ] stalled by his father, Wayne Hu- ~ p.m.
colors, fine lines, small type fat:e the legislature. It insures high / son. The Chuck Wagon Raiders 4-H
n nhntne in h,,, standards of medical care ~or Other installin~ officel~s includ, group will ]?tlt on demonstrations
~"~"---- "~cufateneIa,i"g"l~'"~" ~ve" v ...... - ....... ; under medical-aid con-ed' DoHie Lusk p~ast matron; Wfl-S~turday at South Kitsap Acti,ve
....... tractors. . .. Ima Rasmu~en' past matvoni Don C u.b. . ........
The first-term Democrat Sam lpenrmber, hast '~ateo~; Cazrie Tne Aa,scnooi play, '~rsemc
ell |AIII~aIAI he ts'doiw, all he can to get fav- I ~r:m..'..~"~ oh~,n]nh~. AIm~. Ma ' and Old' Lace", m scheduled for
l~e |~uu~M~ll~ orable aetmn on other key labor Donald marshal and Margaret ~ r,day night March 26 at 8 p,m.
' " hills ¢~ ,~. ~.~.t.* ~,~, .~d Mrs "~m I~ads will be, played by Judy "Fur-
----~'--'~----------~'----~" ] gogtr~nn, ,~tro~ta t,h~ ~f~'ini~_l ~r~at- nor
~brsha Tipton Mike Ernes t,
C~ , ' ' " ' I/ ...... ?= ........ :~" "?:': "B~'ho~f~--2f Stev.e Del~ere, Robert Farrell' and
I HOHE GAS Cql of Hoods.ort l[ ~rs, .u~usta .me., o
of David Ko~alczyk Admission ~or
.... the Social Club, was in c~a~ , ".
adults will be $I w;th 50 ee~ts for
the reception following the cere- " '
I U 'monies " bein S oil-
" |- ~ ' . I ~ Art Exhibit is g p
I I [ She was assisted' by L..ynne St e- ] sored by the, i~'M Elementaxy PTA
vens, g-uest book; Mareeua west- . -
I oonoA []~ NA(~ I/_ to be held• at the ~el~alr SchoOl
r~urM ll~ IWIM~ |I berg and Karen tmrsen programs,, the evening" of Anril 8 at 7"30
I I/Barbara Huson, punch bowl, and,, m ~ ~l be combined with £he
I Sales Service and Installatmn I[.........: ....... ~ Aprit meeting of the ele-
I ' l] I~!-L--.,,,.~ ,.,, I~l,,lk I~L~ I~men'~a~Y P~A. Thl~ is open to all
I • • cos for i|rl lRffllU $Wlmll rl~U~ dis~lgt ~lemen~a~'Y school child-
U whexl aronasm ur gas appilan It
I See s p g Y~ , ¢1 m, ~# ~ ~ . ,* I ten and arty. adulls, i~ the district.
I I/nreamasl mlaay I Ch.aren may st~bmtt oue entry in
• ' lub 1 any medium and adults may sub-
i Pl}NPltlitl:,,.._ ...... nr NETORAL GAS l/ The Fishevlv~ens C of She-lmit two entries in any medinm
lilY/ li .- n'
, ton is sponsozmg a me $ break- o|r~t|~elO~tLtinnm n~ ¢~|| n~l~otl Wst.
| . urn.. m. m .m_nL_ _ . ..... l/fast Sunday at the Shelton Hotel [ ~V~rr,~" ;a'~t~: ;h-~re~:';euip-
I Manges, water .eaters, unotnes myers, IJc ee Shop beginning at 7:30 tur% pen a~ lnka~g~oP~Latrtn~.
I I/ • ' I Pieces mus oe Y g~ g
I E ........ M P- e Into I/ Gttest speaker will be Dave I or display and clearly marked with
I rUlllaUU , O~l~llbUll~ll~i~l~ UI U~ I,,Uto~m || York, a past student body presi-lthe oxvner's name and aclrlress. En-
i i| dent from the University of Wasn-/ tries must beat the Belfair School
I I|ingtou. York will also speak at [ office between 1 and 3" p.m. April
I .... + ....+ ;--o+ollotio- I/the regular Fishermen s Club 1 8. Entries may be picked up after
I rrcv ~m~.,xA-¢~v~a ~a ~u ~.~ ,**~,.~ ,~ -, i[ meeting at the PUD auditorium/the show or April 9 at the school
I s]at 9:30 a.m. Sunday• ~ between 1 and 3 p.m. For further
I O-rtis B. Grout Owner Hoods,tort 877-5311 I! All men are cordially invited i information call cr. 5-2420. The
l ' *'- [| to attend the breakfast and the | public is urged to participate and
I i{9:30 men's meeting, / also to attend.
Puny for '6S is the biggest, plushest Plymouth ever...
but still svlldly in the low.price class.
Big on the outside, its wheelbase is a whopping 119 Inchem
Big on the inside, plenty of headroom, legroom and
hiproom. And new curved-glass side windows add to Fury'e
ontemporary styling. The plush part is the beauti£ul
interior. There's rich upholstery to compliment the exterior
finish, wall-to-wall nylon carpeting and a smart,
eadab1 instrument panel No wonder you're seeing mo o
and more Plymouth Fu $ on the road.
you W tt more good
t®I~OI~ fO~ buying Fury,
lee you¢ Plymouth Dealer.
He drives one
See the Hot Line at your Plymouth Dealer's.
m mlm'
707 South First Street
Shelton, Washington
ia Is Grapeview
GRAPEVIEW - Miss G~n'gia highwaV to ineet (ihe Bens,m-Ma-
Clayton was chosen Monday by a son.Lake .road: ~['t~is wil}. iml)r!u:e
vote of the Grapcview grade school m,'~il service L)elAveen Grapevmw
students to repr'osolrt Ollr conll-ll,ln- and those inclrld(~(/ on the now
ity as Grapeview's princess in thc rotltes.
1965 Mason County Folest Festa- \Ve m'e happy to report a bles-
val. Princess Georgia will take sed event, a little belatedly, per'-
part in the Queen's Coronation haps, but with as many good wish-
banquet and will also grace the es and congratulations as ever to
Grapevicw float entry in the big the overjoyed parents and grand-
Paul Bunyan para(le." pa,'ents, h;iis:~ Jill Marie Eacretl;
Georgia is 12 years old, a sixtll nla(!e her p rima~y dcbut..into the
~i'ader and is the d'tughter of Mr worm in the wee Snlltll n(~rlrs,
and Mrs V~/alter Clayton h' of March 10 at Long Beach Mem-
Grapeview. Our congratulations! or'm| Hospital. She wmghcd m at
Nearl 100 su)oilers of ~'la )e 7 pounds 10 ounces. She is the
. Y .. I P( '£.~' i~'lc " daughter of Mr, aP.d Mrs. Ken
vmw's new I]re na|[ projecl: ga- ~' .... _ ^,, r ~,.~ ~...~ ..... , o~..
thered at our schoolhouse last ..........
"nw .. ~_~,,.+~. graEo(langn~er oI iv[r, anci /VLrS.
Saturday evenl-~ t~ c~jt~y L~e ....
~ ~ .... Eke Eacrett of Grapevlew. ,hl)
Inn O[ a galnt, nlgnE spenser'el1 ..............
. .. ~ , ,~. .-. ," • joins lt-lnonLn-Oltl DroLner ~col.E
Dy £11e (~I'ape.vlew 11 ire .uep~l,.'[n]elll ... . ' '~ '~ (t •~ ""
Ladies Al|xiliar " A ~a " -leen St wesley anti li she :cvel.)ps a slnall
,-, . .', ., Y" .~," .Y g '; . '1)ortio1~ of the charm of that little
I:'atI'lCK'S Ulcnle a(lue£1 Col()r' I.O ~ ~ ~ ......
the ahead- colorful dis la of ~ellow sne 11 nave ~ mane, we say•
gifts and ~rizes arrangedp aYross . Eke and A,!m Eacrett ,oIlt~r'-
the school stage Those fortun- tames tnerr omer son ann nls ~a-
ate enough to take home some oimlly over the past weekend, Bob
the "loot~ fncluded Mesdames Eke and Shirley Eacrett with their"
Eacrett Walt Clayton Jr ~ Bill three youngstcrs, Mike, Lori and
Staudt 'DolorOUs Rehard Lee'What- Steve drove down from Oak Har-
ney, Jubie Hicks, tIenry Gatlin, bor at noon S~turd~y,.stoppmgnto
also Lee Whitney and Rod Is- see granama ug~m~a oeu)le c n-
sacson Joan Baxter and Judy ing on to Grapeview. A plcasant
Baxter. Losers were placated witi~ fami!y weekend ensued
hot coffee and homemade pies oeacncomoing mr snelm to asms~
served during intermission an'din 10-year old Lori's school science
everyone took advantage of the projec_t occnpying part of a sunny
opportunity to visit .with friends say. TmS was tne younger ~ac:
and. neighbors. A financial success, retts first visit to Stretch Ismna
also, the affaLv netted a fair ad-since Christmas.
ditic~ to the Auxiliary treasurey A new boy at school is always
whic~ will go. toward equipping cause for some excitmei~t and we
the new fire hall kitchen, have one at Grapeview. He is Ed-
GAME NIGHT Committee ward Herring-ton, who is in the
chairman Mrs 3ulie Stock, well- fifth grade and lives with his me,
pieased with "the evening's suc- thor at Mason Lake. He em'olled
cess, gave credit and thanks to at Grapeview last week.
her as.~istants Mesdames Ed Ok- Miss Susan Pogreba attended
onek, Don Query, Russ Wells and an M.Y.F. meeting and potluck
Bob Battles; also to firemen Ed dinner at the Shelton Methodist
Okonek, Russ Weds and Don Peg- Church last Sunday evening. She
reba for their" help Auxiliary was much impressed with the talk
president, Mrs Don Pogreba ad- by foreign exchange student Marit
ded her thanks, in behalf of' the Vaula and the beautiful slides of
organization, to 'the community Norway shown by her after the
for its support and interest oinner.
..... o" ~'"" h MISS KATHY KELLY of Seat-
: mrs Ann wescDerg z ~retc ......... , .... -' "~z""* of Dan
I-land ~"s instaP^d as We~u tle w~t.~ ~ w~,~..~ st ~
== . "2 -- .- ,~_ , rtny ny Robinson at the home of his
~tatron ot l~el~air unapter uraer ..... ~..~.~o ~r, ~,,a M.~ M .T
Of Eastern Star last Saturday ~,o,:~,~ ........ - ................
• I~oDInson.
evening at an impresmve ceremo- A d~14~,htfnl nnd sumntuous
ny held in Belfair's Masonic Tern- ,,d,~,n~F~"~l~e G'~-Harbo~; home
l~le Installir2~ officers from ,,~'" ~'~ '~n'vn~-- ~ 1 n as
• .,. .........~ ..... omu a e W
Grapeview were Mrs. Leona ICa- thozou-hl" en"o" ed b" Mrs In~'a
• l " ~ y J J¢ ~ *"
er, ast matron and Dot Penne
g P . : Cronquist and MrsTulle Stock of
hera past patron In charge ot " " •
,~. ' ._ _ '.. .... Grapewew last Sunday mornmg.
me gues~ bOOK was mzss ~ynn ~ce- _._. ,_ .,, .... ,~^.^~ .., ~,~ . ..
vens, ~usan FogreDa assls~e(1 a~
' " " to partake of the fine cnisine and
the gift table and Marcella West- lively conversation and Doris was
berg helped with programs. Cor-
sages and decorations were mad,,
by the Beachcombers' Garden
Club with Ann's red and white
'color scheme with gold accents
carried throughout. Nearly 200
guests attended, coming mainly
from Grapeview, Belfair and Bre-
merton. Long:time friends and
former Grapeview residents, Mr.
and Mrs. Buss Borgford drove
from Mr. Vernon to spend an over-
night and Mr. and Mrs. Les Rn-
ona came out from Seattle.
Pollowing the formal reception
held at the Temple, Ann ,and sev-.
eral of her officers and friends
returned to her home at Grape-
view where they relaxed, visited
and enjoyed a "do-it-yourself" type
of entertainment including sing-
ing, dancing and even a small jam
session. A really big night for
Ann. Congratulations !
GRAPEVIEW. pc~qtma.ster Julie
Stock announces there will be an
extension to Star Route 1--Grape-
view's postal delivew route, effec-
tive Saturday. The new route will
include deliveries as far south on
Highway 3 to Gudger's Mill--then
north again back along the old
especially happy to renew acquain-
tances with former Klamath Falls
friend and neighbor, Mrs. Mary
Holg, who has recently moved to
Bremerton. Mrs. Komulane and
her husband are part time Grape-
viewites, having purchased Mrs.
Cronquist's home near McLain's
The Clarence Bauligs weekended
;at their beach cottage on Fair
We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Collins have rcturned to their"
Treasure Island homc after ,,evcr-
al months of touring in their trai-
ler, sightseeing and absorbing sun-
shine in all the proper places---
such as California, Arizona, Flori-
da, etc. B~t they were impressed
with our sunshine when they
drove in Sunday. Welcome back!
John Royset--that gentleman
who believes in getting things donc
in a hurry--continues to show re-
markable progress on his dwelling
east of the Julie Stock home. Roy-
set is residing at the present
time with his £z'iend, Fred Nelson,
at his Treasure Island home, in
order to facilitate work on the
new constrnction.
Ninth Graders Getting Counselling Session For
Sehool l_ .tra ee Next Year; Donna Winn Princess
By EJm~ I-~way
and IAnd~ Crea~ey
Chester Dombroskl, Counselor
at Shelton I-~lgh School, has been
calling the ninth, graders out of
one o~ their classes in the Angle
B~ilding to talk to them individ-
ually about their next Year's sche-
dule He has oeen off~erin~, su~'-
geStions'and has. been help~g ~e
students in any way possible.
tu;Idell, a
IA . R h" :' ~th grader at
I the ~unior lg~l, has been elected
~esid,~nt of the
P ! w "l Crab
Western, ngt0n. Lisa attend-
~ed a j.~ator ~u~ DaY, held ~t
ithe Untv~ers!ty, of v~a~hington
I M.arch 13, waere youth Crom t~e
r W ' d e E~ ~
sta.te, ell Japan, performed.
and Mrs
I~ts~ daughtex c
Clyde Rudd.ell0 ta, ~ member of the
j~i0r hiKh "k" band.
GAE~ mNICLOY'8 fifth period
general u~la liar, a seventh
gr~.,~, group, recently engaged in
b~lamg the Shelto~ Jm%ior High
Philharmoaio 0~ehestra" from
pipe cleaners Al! of the instru-
ments in the orchestra are repre-
sented. It took the students about
two weeks to build the orchestra,
helping them to become familiar
with orchestral composition.
M,~s. Hettie Rodgers, 'a former
SJ~S stud~t, has. written an ar-
ticle in the "Alaska Magazine" on
life in an Alaskan logging camp.
In, the, article, Mrs. Rodgers, the
former Hettie Plerce, describes the
activities of the logging commun-
ity on Rodmazt Bay There are
several photographs tl~at help give
the reader a better image of the
Irene Rodgers, Mrs. Rodger's
daughter, was a student at the
JUnior high during the first sem-
ester of the current school year.
Donna Winn has been elected
princess to ride the Lion's Club
float durlng' the Forest Festival
PaPade. The final elections took
place on March 18 in the ninth
grade algebra and geometry clas-
Donald J. Wingard, Shelton, was
one of 71 students named on the
Dean's Honor List at the Univer-
:sity of Puget Sound for the fall
ses. The girls competing against
Donna were Beth Qutmby, Barb
Hubbard, Sue Hembroff, Mary Jo
Stroud, Anne Connolly, Connie
Cbeney and Gall Ziegler.
Ed Fr0gel, teacher in the ken-
ton school system, presented some
slides on Russia to SJHS seventh
graders March 11. Frogel took
the slides while on a 17-day tour
of the Soviet Union with a group
of students and teachers.
During his travels in the Soviet
Union, lle went from Leningrad to
Moscow,, back to Leningrad and
then o~'to the Scandinavian coun-
Next fall Frogel plans to go to
Iran t~. teach tn a Presbytebi0m
Missiomtry school for three years.
2nd & Cots
Home on spriug wwalion are Beacroft of
'ollege students Lvlme Stevens, I the hirlh of a son
Liz Seiners and I~inda Spo,,ner the I-tarriaon M Hi]el
ironl tim University of \Vashing-tBrcmerton. Ti~is yc
l on while l~.(~bert S1)ooner rel.urned I known as Jeffery
lo Recd Collegc in Orcgon, March lweighe(l in at a1
20. iPo,mds and six ou,
Linda has spent: five weeks int We extend our t
the Public Hcalth 1)epartment of a speedy recovery
Kitsap County as pa~ t of her Dcnnis who underW~
school of Nursing instruction. Silo Igel'V at Doctors' I-I0
was able to live at homc duriugltlc "last Tlmrsday.
that tiInc. Guest at the home of| The GrapevieW
her parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. William Auxiliary l~mt Ma~
Spooner, this past weekend, was grids school with l
John Humphrey who toolc tilnelof['iccl.~ for the CO|
off from his exi)erinlcnts in the lin~ the In'tin bust
U of ~V Physics Dcpartment, [ Prc~sident Shirley )
whele he is working for his doc-IPresident Leona So:
torate. [ retary Doris Stock
MRS. WILLIAM Spooner at- ~ for another term
i tcnded a Washington School Lib-[Query will serve as
rary Association tea at Mt. Ta-/thc coming year.
homa High School last Wcdnes-] serve as the Auxili~
day and enjoyed hearing the hen-[tative on the forest
ored guest and speakcr, Miss Vii'-n committee was sal
ginia McJenkin of Gcorgia, presi-/ Next month's m'
dent of the American Associationn held "7'30 o m Apt
of School Librarians. The Spooner] time tt'm-~'r"iml) will
" '" " O~ d'n " .... o -
family endea the oay in t ~'n ~ -| tion of ofticers
ing with friends. / A,, m,.,o*~ .... ;f 0fl
Friday, Mrs. Spooner attended] =.'~ .... Y~:v"._.ess
meetings of the Washington As-I~ntet~a'~a~X~mEck,
sociation of Foreign L~mguage] Guild's me~'~in~ la~
Teachers at the Winthrop Hotel/. .. ' , :,~ j
• . • IaQrcs CIIOSe zvzCo.
and found *t a stmmlatmg exper-[ ..... .~
ience with a full schedule of spea-it!;:jr, P;'CS~e~'h~rs:
kers, discussions and informative|" .'~" ~ . '.;_.
exhibits going on all day and eve-| re~ary ann mrs.
ning and then again Satmxtay[treasurer" ._.,~
morning. She enjoyed making new| ,~ ~2k~J~ ~.:
friends and renewing former ac-] ned for April 10 w,
quaintazlces. / gui. ds. oveiYrt d"
Spending the weekend here with/ann otnera
the Bruce Fulmer family was/also. Mrs. Alice C
brother Earl Fulmer of Seattle•] hand-crocheted afl
Beside being able to take home| given away at tha
a load of fireplace wood, Earl nbe displayed at tl~e
very much appreciated a brief va-/day of the sale.
cation from his drawing board,| The Saint paddy
where he keeps very busy through- | tion '~t the Grapevi~
out the week as a free-lance eom-| nesday was enlmnc'
eercial artist. | cupcakes se~-]ed bY
Celebrating an ammal get-to-[ Art Nicklaus w!
gether a little late, the Russ Wells] blissful (?) state
met with the Carl Waldens and] that day Congrat~
Mike Murrays in Tacoma Satur-| A public receP
day evening. Honoring a combin-| the International
ation of wedding and birthday an-| bow for Girls, ASS
niversafies, the three couples who| rict No. 2, will he
have been friends for many years| Grand Chaplain a~
spent the evening dining and dan-| risen, Grand Repre
cing at Johnny's Ranch. / kansas, at the At
Agatn we offer belated, but none| Templc Aberdeen,
the less enthusiastic congratula-]Friends' interested
lions, to Mr. and Mrs. James V.|cordially invited.
For living on a grand
A m~lNo
~c~o ~x rt~. YFJ~
How to weigh theworth of an
Imported MacNaughton measles up no
you weigh it! In age, proof, quality, it
thing you get from other Canadians.
And MacNaughton costs less, too!
C~l)lA~ll~l$1~, l [[~, ~YL~ OLO. 8~,0 PROOF. (~SCHENLE¥
Eells & ysllel
19" Economy Rotary
Sunbeam sustained 3 h.p,
engine with recoil starter.
Reg. $69.95