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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!%' 25, 1¸965 SI-IELTON---MAfl0N COUNTY 30URNAE--Published In tChrlsfmastown, U.g.A.', Shelton, Washington PACE 1I O- Nars|ine ! around must be on a busy out of in front of may be just a piece of Working road. So am or drive Tierney Green in his narrow piece near Mar- Works; no narrow d i r t COuld not be seriousl, as taken io for treat- overnight. rk the same who in- reported equally at the Coun- on the Island, but it in suggested when working near curves, they should put their road signs up to avoid possible accidents, to the crew and t)el'SOllS driving 'trOlllld CUI'VeS. hit's. Phil Rogers is in the Clin- ic Hospital rceupe]ating nicely following surgery performed last week. She was due home last Thursday. Gordon Simmons continues to improve following his illness and surgery in December. Ite is work- inK in the garden, prmling and making rose cuttings. Guesls last week in the Simmons home were Mrs. Jessie Rutherford of Monte- sane and Mrs. Earl H.utherford of Raymond. Mrs. Tyra Green, our Harstine school teacher, was given a sur- pri.~e birthday party, by her stu- dents, Monday. Party was held at noon in the school. l~Ir. and Mrs. Joe I'~amm from Seattle spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- field Williams. While here they were guests aL The Maples picking oysters. :Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson of HEWS Choir Concert In Tacoma; restling Awards Are Presented Wlll~rd Shelton High ~ader the direction attended a choir at Lincoln numbering 100 30 a.m. in two at 1:30 and "I Will singers, to sing choir. This [nlg". for home in the With other awards as- 4th per- .at SHS. At and bas- presente~ 11 Brick- Fredson0 :lly, Mike Swi- and Dave were Doherty. presented Taylor, E~,ing received the inspirational award, and Daron Taylor the honorary captain award. A large number of girls are turning out for the SHS pep staff. The girls had regular turn-outs last Tuesday and Thursday, and some girls were out on Wednesday. Ill the weehs to come, the girls will practice as often as they de- sire, receiving help from this year's staff. It is still not too late to begin come-out, if you can meet the requirements. $ $ $ Last Monday night, a dinner was given at the SHS multi-pur- pose room honoring the SHS bas- ketball players for the 1964-65 season. Coach Doherty and Gee. Hermes supervised and sponsored the gathering, to which the team members and the pep staff were invited. Tonight the basketball team members will be once again hon- ored, this time by the public, at a dinner held at the Mt. View School, and sponsored by the Shcl- ton Rotary Club. The SHS pep staff also will attend the dinner, at which Jack Nichols, one of the most outstanding University of Washington basketball players, will be the guest speaker. Two weeks ago, the junior high and high school boys and girls physical education classes began a program of supervised swim- ruing at the Pool Nuotare on Mt. View. The classes are supervised by teachers Ruth Koenig, Ruth Willard, Jack ~lallinger, Larry "~Veir, and Gery Nmmelee, vohm- teers from the Shelton High School, who serve as life guards. Phillips Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAuliffe of Harsline left Tuesday for Seattle and will re- turn to their homes Thursday. The two couples as Forest Park Ran- ge|'s will attend the Ranpers Con- vcntion and stay in lhe l'~enjamin Franklin Hotel headquarters for the convention. Gov. 1)ardel J. Evans will be the l)anquet speak- er. A reception for the wives of rangers was heht Tuesday. TIIERE IS A NICIV activity in the Bud Glaser home! Inste'td of watching TV, they listen and watch the new dish washer. The kida purrrring while smugly sit- ting, as Dommtte scz, "It doesn't eat anything and it never sez, UO ! " The A1 Pridhmns play pinochle wi!;h Billy Stromb()ski and Itihna Wingcrt last week. For the first time in her life, :Monica held 1500 trmnp. The llarstine Island Grauge had a 5tuecessful meeting Friday ill the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Chapman. Fourteen members at- tended the putluek supper. Mrs. Lillie Owen and daughter Phyllis of West Seattle are on the Island for a few days at their home on the South end jt!:st above MacDougalls property. Lots of news in Lhe Jack Meeks 11,$,0.5, Iospeded Folger's Reg. Drip & Fine lb. Tin family. Mike is home from Cali- fornia and will be here mHil fall, when he will return to college lle'tr Los Angeles. Mike is w()rking at Siml)son in Silelton. Vonnie Meeks Stronlboski was for the weekend froln Olyml)ia v, rhere s]le has an apartment anti is employed in the Administration building on the Slat,,, Capitol Grounds. Guest in the Meeks home last weekend was Sheryc Johnson of Shelton. Cherri Meeks and her hou:~e guest attended the Cadet (lance at the Community Hall Saturday night an,t the Chapel Sunday. If you receive your Journal in time on Wednesday or saw notice in last week's Jom'nal, hop on the noon Ferry and go to hit's. Hal Mc- Clary's home down Arcadia road. tIelen Plum~), widely known book F~t,~a ~';iraa ~i~..~n Nua~ |'7 Anwnm,, [ ed the residence of Charles Payee ,.~ 6=i0~o M=eaa ulf.! ,1 Iw..=O , i~2dozbU~edf~n at,:2 ::ntrV.o?le~C~eS The Washington State Depart- winds,burstinto flames"~hichl " "e by • . the Hoodsport Fire Department ment of Natm'al Resources office spread rote surroundinggrass l ssist ~ "-th " .... ~ " at the Shcllon airport reports that ,,,,~ 1,,.,,~.~ ~, ..... ~,,~ ~r. ~o,.~ [a%. ea Dy e l~epat~men[ or St) l':lr thM year live fires have "~"~"":"".~" ........ s, -,-o~----. .lr~aturat rtesources. hill lied t)'~ '.~-. . -.. March 1($ Ileal' the HOO0 tJanal i ....... *et: ,,, ac,?s ,n aso,, -il - "' - t, ash -lie' ,, •n g l SChOOl, a Durmng • , p las~ ~arI::.:,st~l:;la:::)¢::;;~ ~;z~;a~ spread into the grass and destroy-/lournaI Waft Ads Pay One of the largest burns was March 11 when a 'row dust pile ou John's Prairie, fanned by high reviewer of Olympia, in going to be there. She is the one we had plam~ed to have at the Harstine V(omen's Club for a review. Tile program starts at 1:30 p.m., for the benefit of the Women's Soci- ety of Christian Service. A silver offering will be taken. Adults are weleon~e. [ ....... ----- ...... -' Dance ........ "*"'""7 To The Music of Slater's Triumphs • • Friday and Saturday night Musmmns' Jam Session, 3- 6 p.m. Saturday The She!ton Hotel .... t Dining Cuisine -- Banquets-- Rooms) ] SWISS U'S'D.A. Cho/ce ROUND BONE CHUCK CUT Omy Genuine 4 to 5 lb. Aver ......................... Ib. [] Family ,Pack (Fryer & a half) ............ lb. U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Cross Rib Cut ............................................................. lb. !i:i:iii :i:: Fresh Center Cut Rib ............................................................ | ................. lb. TY EQUIP EN E(}UIPI EHT I Jiffy STANDBY GOLD MOUNTAIN 46 OZ. Tin 40 oz. pkg. For those delicious quick fix short cakes. COUNTY FAIR LARGE DOZ. Ctn. Adds Up To More Efficient Use of Your Power Dollar d ag carried out by your P.U.D. -es two important things--brings electricity,, assures you of fewer Your Power service. P.U.D. HO. 3 ~ent; T. W. WEBB, vice president; JERRY SAMPLES, manager I: TTER ELECTRICALLY Sd , ...................................................... c*" "', is ................. ! ,o, ,', tgn It_¢ ua Tw,n P,y t for $' u2:o """ ""* o,w,,o ,.,, SQUASH Corn. ::;o,o ,=.. :'; Kernel ........................................................... Tins or Whole Kernel 12 oz. White Corn ......................................... Tins for SNOBOY Leaf or Chopped SNOBOY SNOBOY 10 OZ. pkga, ! pkgs. Tip Top .... (Contains real orange juice) '6 oz, 2 - 12 oz, Tins 69¢ ............................................... Tins Booth 16 ............................................................................................................ p.ko, ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ..................................................................................... ,...... ........................... LB, Large Firm Heads --- California PINK INDIAN RIVER Prices effective thru Sat., March 27, 1965. No sales to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quality. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. {i} i¸: i