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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1965
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25, 1.965 $I-rELTON--MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Cbristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 1.,3 • Q Q I ~" .i¸ I • taste t,W~k "Ot¥ "= $6s ?, / i i)? il ;i , 26|h ANHlVERSARY CELEBRATE9 SHELTOH G RDEN CLUB MEMgERS Tile 26th mmiversary of the founding of the Shelton Garden Chlb w'ts observed March 15 in lhe home of Mrs. George Cropper. Mrs. L. D. Hack read an account of the club's firm meeting which was held in'her home. Mrs. Crop- per displayed the club's achieve- ment scrap book and t\vo framed awards for work done b~- the club in b'eautifying Raih'oad Avenue and the triangle area at the foot of ttillcrest. A t'Hk on I~hododendron wu'iet- ies and their culture was given by Mrs. Ben Briggs. The annual consmwation lunch- con of the Shelton Garden Club will take place at the April 19 meeting in the Shelton Hotel. The hmeheon will hegin at 12:30. Spe- cial guests will be F'orest Festi- xrql C)lleerl Patsy Bixenn'lann altd the festival court. Those wishing MARYANNE JUDAH, one of the Top Ten in the Shelton High i 11~11. L %"~ school graduating class of 1965, teaches dancing in her spare f time. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Judah. 1Y[aryanne Judah is one of the Born Sept. 4, 1947 in Seatt Shelton High school seniors named she moved to Shelton as a three- to the Top Ten list for the grad- . .... ~a ~h~ ;~ ~,A,, ,.n ~.a h~ uating class of 1965. She is the ~[*'" ........ ..oy~ .~: ......... g~een eyes ann cart: nalr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Judah and has two brothers, Butf, Dancing, snow and water ski- 14, and Tony, 10. ing and painting are her favorite This year's schedule of classes hobbies. She has taken dancing lessons since she was seven years carried by Maryanne includes che- mistry, French (second year), old and now teaches dancing to composition, commercial arts and local youngsters. civics. French and art are her favorites. She is secretary of Pep Ch, b J.¥1o Christensen and belonged to Future Teachers of America in her sophomore year. r~ver~een PTA She is a member of Young Life. Maryam]e has not decided def- Speaker Tonight "You~? Child and His Contem- poraries" will be the subject of guest speaker, Marvin Christen- sen, at the Evergreen PTA meet- ing tonight, beginning at 8 p.m. in Evergreen auditorium. Mr. Christensen is the chief pro- bation officer of the Mason County Juvenile Court. All parents are invited to attend the meeting. Coffee will be served. initely on her future but does plan to attend college and is interested in retail merchandising. For Pizza TO GO : i:Then come in and pick up . . . NO WAITING! *L reservations for tim luncheon may calI Mrs. J. C. Bridger, 426-2218, or Miss Dora Fledson, 426-'3458 on or before Friday, April 16. l{efreshments at the annivers- ary meeting were served by co- hostesses Mrs. IIem y Jest and Mrs. William Baker. Olympia Concer! Ticke;s AvailabOe The Seattle Symphony Little Orchestra, eonduet.ed by Milton, will appear in concert Monday evening April 5 in the Olympic Theatre in Olympia. Guest artist, pianist Joel Ryce, will play. Shostakovich Concerto No. 1. The performance will begin at 8 p.m. Ticket reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki, 426-3104. CO GOLDEN AGE MEETING A meeting of the Golden Age club v¢ill be held tonight, /vIarch 25, in the Memorial Hall. The ttemem er evening will begin with a pothmk THE PIZZA GARDEN Mar°,, 26-27, P.U.D. Building OPeN am to pm sponsored by ' 2.d 426-8011 Laurel Court Order ,of Amaranth REGEPTIOH FOR P ULYS A reception honoring thhe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pauly was held March 14 at the Hood Canal Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. Pauly, the former Mrs. Helen R. Cook, retired Hoodsport school principal, married the Spokane man February 4 in Moscow, Idaho. Former staff members and pupils were among the guests greeted by the Paulys at the Sunday reception. Service 9,ties In Viet Ram By Dora He~ring MATLOCK -- Word was re-~ ceived that Gone Brehmeyer, son i of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehn'my- er St',, left South Viet-Nam and now is in Okinawa, and hopes to be home around April 1. Matlock Grange entertained 110 Grangers at its Friendship meet- ink Friday evening. They had tree visitors from l~]lma Grange, and an application for one new n]('m- 42,6 8011 at 6 p.m. A program has bet, David Valley. been planl)cd. Mrs. Helen Crane of Olympia, m ................... ~ .................. was an overnight guests c~f Mr, lgUMI ]AGE SALE a,~d Mrs. Hcrbe,'t Helin Monday. M L AND MRS. LUD l~ossmm- er spent Thursday evening with *Leading •coustieal co•sultants conducted tests in which 1965 Fords (Galaxie 500 Sedan, XL and LTD Hardtops) wlth 289-eu. in. V-8 engi•es a•d automatic tran=missions rode quieter tha• a new Roils-Royce. Tests were certified by the U.S. Auto Club. Test Drive Total Performance '65 Best year yet to go Ford! @@@n CLEO HULET stands in front of her fireplace which is well cov- ered with bowling trophies won by her and her husband. He=" recipe for Apple Skillet Cake is one .of her favorites. A !~iece (~f w;.u'nl Apple Skillet Cake with whipped cream is about as delicious a dessert as you can smwe. This week's recipe comes from Cleo Hulet whose husl)and, John, is a Captain for the Foss Tug Company. Cleo leads a rather unordinary life a.s John is away from home; 15 days on the job, then is home! the remaining 15 clays of the !month. During his days away she fills her time by cleaning house, bowling, reading and crocheting afghan bedspreads. When he is tmme they spend most of their time in the out- of-doors as they both love hunt- ing and stream fishing. They bowl together in the Mr. and Mrs. League and have a mantle full of trophies. Cleo substitutes for all women's leagues and is vice pres- ident of the Mr. and Mrs. League. The Hulets have one daughter in Illinois and plan to make a trip there and to Florida this summer when their first grand- child is born. * * $ Appio Skillet Cako 3 Tbs. butter 2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar s los 3 cups thinly ~liced app , (about 3 medium pared) 1/3 cup raisins 1 1/3 cups sifted flour ' 2 tsp. double acting baking POwder ]/~ tsp. salt ~A cup sugar 2/3 cup firmly packed brown SUgar mn .1./3 cup shorte " g 2 Unbeaten egg yolks 1 tsp. vanilla reed milk 2/3 cup undiluted caz 2 egg whites h Melt butter in heavy 10-incd skillet, l~emove from heat. Ad 2/3 cup brown sugar. Arrange apples on top and add raisins, Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.Add sugar 2/3 cup bream sugar to shortening creaming Blend in egg 'yolks and Beat Well. Add dry ingredients al- ternately With mi~¢, blending thor- oughly after each addition. Beategg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold into batter. Pour over apples. Bake in 350-degree oven 35 to 40 minutes. Turn out of skillet immediately. Serve warm, With or without whipped cream. ~:gds~lz~.e proved a '65 Ford LTD suspension puts a big ultrasoft coil tests ae quieter than a Rolls-Re ce ~°~e PeOple y , spring at each wheel ea~ t L,, are all at sea. The ust New Luxury LTD's • Decorator in- eblk,a."~ueve It. Solution Y j teriors, thick nylon carpeting • wal- Por- t drive at o" " a uo- ueater, .. -y ur nearestnutlike vinyl inserts on doors ana m- ~. tbrd a ~:..X.~e one. You won't strument panel • Rear-seat center arm ~lls.Ro." -~.- nvul of the fabulous rests, five ash trays (4-door hardtops), ~atsta~i~l~"lJut you will find it has padded instrumcnt panel ,qe t; qualit . ~_ a~ quail,., .. y • • because quiet a"erself. 7."a" ~-Ome see (and hear) for New Power • Big, new 289-cu. in. V-8 standard in XL's and LTD's • New !t~:ag?s~a:~?r BIG SiX--biggest Six in any car, std. 10J)°~o new body--on other Galaxie and Custom models t 'irr;,-,. n a Ford Frame tunes Visit your Ford Dealer and take a ,,*tung road vibration • New test drive soon l the Paul Rossnmier family of Olympia to help Paul celel)rale bis birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble, Mrs. Gladys Tozier and Mrs. Gertrude Elson all of Shelt,m called on Mr. and Mrs, Her, bert Brehmeyer St', Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and family of Olympia called at the Edward Valley home Satin'- day and also visited wiih Mr. and 1V[Fs, Lud Rossmaiers. We are happy to report that Le- Roy Valley was able to come home home after three weeks in the hospital, although he is confined to a wheel cimir. He is getting along nicely and nopcs to get back to school in a couple of i weeks. His many friends and neighbors are calling on him. Mr, and Mrs. Ben ]~1uller Jr. spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mr. I. C. Ford. Pat Walker of Seattle spent the weekend with his folks, the Earl 'Walkers. Mrs. Beulah Gowan of Shel- ton spent Saturday afternoon with i the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr., family. MR. AND MRS. R. E. Bradber- ry called on the Wes Goodburn family of Shelton Friday. Mr. and ]~Irs. Kenneth Gribble and son Don, and the Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. fa~]ily picnicked at Schafer" Park Sunday. Earl How_oral- o_ff lVlont_esano Jack Smith Eagle Card Party Winner ._Jack Smith won high honors at ~n~d~arcl~ 13 Eagle's card party ~r=or~ ~ne Eagle's Hall at the _~ ~;~ ~e.eond was won by Er- ne~a~'~fue~. Ladies high W a,_S '~ ..... ~l TM vera Huntington, wz~u secon., going to Mary Needham. '1 ravem~g Pinochle went to Ernest Stuck m~d,Jenny Tratnlck, "lne nexL card nartv sponsorea h x- ,, by t e lodge will be~,in at 8 p.m. March 27 in the airport hall. Step in teday!. 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 LTD 4-Door Hardtop Shelton, Wash. m L • '" 501 Railroad Ave. Beachcombers Have Successful Sale most successfnl pl;lnt sale climaxed the March meeting of the Beachcomber's Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Everett Rey- n~flds, at Rocky Bay. Some fine shrubs, grown by members, were sold. A conservation report was giv- en by Mrs. H. Knocll. Mrs. Carl Izett discussed the classification and placement committees respon- sibilities for the Chnlb-flower show to be held June 17 ~t the Ma- sonic Temple in Belfair. Guests at the meeting and luncheon were Mrs. Robert Haeger and Mrs. Robert Andrews .of Vic- tor. Mrs, Orville Kaegcr and Mrs. Edwin Griggs will entertain the Beachcon~bers at the Kaeger home on Stretch Island April 8. The agenda includes plans for Easter greetings to the patients at the Allyn rest home. AMARANTH RtJMMAGE SALE Laurel Court. Order of Amar- anth will hold a rummage sale this Friday and Saturday, March 26, and 27 in the PUD building. Hours of the salc will be 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles S. 0fr~l~heltO• at Taylor:To~tle '.' 24 Hr. Phone 421~;4707 Gates open 6:45, .~l~ow at 7:00 FR,.. $ h/~( ~" j~ r,~u~z IKtt~ • TECtINICOLOIte" 'rECtlNIRAMAe spent Sunday with the Kenneth Howard family. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford called at the Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. home Sunday evening, Georg'e Cash spent the weekend in Seattle with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lack- stronl. , .. ~.~..~:'. ,., Let us help yoit plan your whole insurance program- your an, i y, home, / and business.., your very way of so that it protects you better with every penny you invest. Call or visit us soon! Rocky Hembroff Agency • •Make this "ZEBRA TEST" yeurself! H ONE COAT WALL PAINT COVERS BETTER Gallon White and ready-mlxed colors, lO00 Moesfro® Colors slightly higher, • Dries in 30 minutes. * Walls are easily washed. • Clean up brush or roller wlth warm water. ¢OHPAHY On Hillcrest Phone 426-4522 | t