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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!:, ;i¸ i i~il ', [! i i~ • 5 L i :)' ! i, i ;/ / = iii[:~ ii~ 2; !i PAGE 16 gHELTON--MASON .COUNTy JOURNAL-- Published in "Ol 'Lgtmaslm n, U.S.A.', ,qhelton, Washing%on Thursday, tioninge Lm'ry . Ju.~i: as lhis artleh, was gohig [ Weir's Highclimber baseball squad lle press,+.Coac!i La.l'ry Well' Jill- ] " " '' ' "0 i 0 [ n nolul('(~d flip S(!lleinulllg Ol a sou- itching f~l act l n, but w th tit ~, y ........... , . . ill sight for another week ] DnqlI~lgtlC.r %VII|I ||oqnnun s i]rlz- ] wt'h• wants zeroes this ~veekend zlle. next Sldurday morning at/ ................................................................... ----7- ................................................... ..... .... . ~ t ,ioquiam. The first genie will start i , ~ ,, f;[[j:In[(, t L,'° ;,.m., ,,,,, Cihn,,,,• i, 5 Lettermen Gild I TIDES OF THE WEEK I BPAA Qualifiers Burn u,+,,o.o, / ' l I ' "' Sheldon Golf He es omputed ,or Hood a.a, Lan • ... .. ] ........................... es, B& R Od s3205 Olympia Beats ale due. to Vl.,lt I batting eye yet so Weir very like- p_.. ~___m ~_ " Oaldand Bay tides are 1 hr. and ~ t, J ~aa ~, ~ a Loop Field. , . ly WOuld send sophomore Tommy t rot uomlng eas0n I I 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft. i l ne,eveu ~ll-/Ime reCK If he had a game tooay, chances [ Malsh'fll benind the plate to hen- / ] ..... ~ - . ...... • ' • r " ' ' ' = I J~lll mescn ana sis ~ ~ *~ Uilcrs • ) l (,en u v, ith atdie the offtrin~,s of lefLhanded{ II, MIKI~ ISBI~LL [ ..... ~;hTmCi>re b~tdr;I Senti' catcher[ slabster Bob Masteller, who has] Five returning ,ettermen put ~'rhlay, March 26 S3~ltr3tahi:t~Csan:ftdeigg*lngt lnt°:kh, e ~. . " . . : ~ + . , : looked slharper at this pc;int than a lustre on tiighc'imber golf hopes Hi,all I 1 32 a m in ~ e¢~ .... he~,.,H ...... m,~ • i~ Jim wienaras just nasn'l, Z()lJnct nis .... senior lefthander, ...... Tim Rose The ,| this"...... ~n,,nn~,' ,~ "l h~v., ......... ,i,.+ Beh W',l ~,- ,} ,J,wr .................. ~ ............... l-"~-u7 a'm"~.z:':' zt• ''~ ....... men S womnlercml"'~ ....... c~,~.,,,;,.,l~eague.• : ..... ~" "'" "-------7 ............. 7 ............... lefthanded swinging Marshall has[ b/irtz George Heuston Rick Hen- Hiffh 10'59am 84ft Fhe Oilors lod hv R~,oh'~ as2 | l/been pounding the bali ilarct in/.~xm, l{ich Rice anti Joe Earl.Lox'~v .............. 6:37nm 12ft' .e/'ies (186"2iVh'407~sco~.'ched tt~;" [ I batting pr'tctice ] Several othel candidates among ............... r .... E ._ ~: .-. ".." '. .' .. ..... ' ' • '" ' ' ~,ltlirih~-" M--e' "~ II[IIoCF bOWl lanes ior a starHlng I RI: T TIlE fiROWD I/ IN Tills SUPI'OSED situation, ]21 turnmg, out for the five var-lu,,~, ' Yo'.oa ~.~U! ~" ,, a., [3205 team total, believed to be all I .............. |] Jack Bryant would hold forth at/sity positions, are oeginning to l~-'s[" .............. :.~: ........~'~.~'lall-time pinnacle for the local Din | ............ ][ shortstop, where /Wm'shail nor-ishow good golfing skill to fur- L~0w .............. .~:~la.m. b~.~.~, colony It hardly needs mention I ]~l~l-[~(~ lt~t3l~ I] mally would operate if Richards[ ther encourage Coach Andy Tu-]~lga .............. lz:z7 p.m. ~Att. tha~ ¢',,~. ~u~,.~'~,~,~ ;'l ..... ~+.~ | I~ Vtas UD t0 hittin~ t)ar / son. With the first match not [I~0w .............. "~.,4 1'1 ft" [BPAA .... l{f,,,,~ .~,~la ,,~ f l, ; ¢: I LAWHMOWER IH I I All this could change, of course, i d!le.t.lntil A pl[l! 12,.be IS taking I S~++, ~3 i achievement. ----- "~ "" sis Lime selectln~ills ~ man val HI h | ......... I] by the time Olympia visits Loop . _ '" " " "g ......... : .... 3:05 a•m. ll.3fL. ] The Oilers had successive games I ,,.~-- ~...~ ~..=,~ I/Field, but a game today would find [ sll:y squaa. . '. .... I/~°W .............. ~:55 a.m. 6.1ft. I of 1089, 1064 and 1052 (including | ~ |H~| ~U ]] lefthanded Toni Fredson at first I. A 1~ew.scorlng system wlu ~.e ]High .............. l:38p.m. 8.7ft. [114 pins handicap in each)• . in el~ieet tills yeal In tl2e ~)lyIU~lfi Low I I/base, by a slender edge over right- " . , : " ' .. ,~ ' . "l .... :- ........ 8:22 p.m. 1.0 ft. ] In any other year the 3140 te- ll|ague wnl(n pelmlts a gouer m i .........,n.,.. li handed Ron Landis, who has been .. ~ . . : , ' ,, . ,. i M~-,o- ~ ..... ,. on I t~l tilt by Ritner's Highballers on score points %~nethet ne WmS nlS ~'~"**', "~'~*~" +" ¢ | ~M,~|~U 6] hitting well in practic, e' letterman i , '~ . ' .' "' ~ .s l~io~, ...~ o,~ ~ ~. ¢+ [the same shift would have led +he " -- nlatcn OI not It IV~flone Olnt ~,-* z~ | ......... ~'--- I] Rich Mackev at second'and letter I .... • g P ]~". _ .............. Z'~Z .......~'*.'~.' t field but this time it is good only I ............ -- l/ ..... r ...... 5 ....... u ~+ ~.,~ " for a bogey (one stroke over par) ~,ow .............. ~:~u_ a.m. ')'~ ;u I for second "-lace B^b T-I ....... h I ' I/ ........... ................ ' .... I ' , v .............. two foI a pat, ~luee for a blrdle tgn ........ z35pm 91ft. a ' ' AND TUNEUP li In the outfield, letterman Denny (one urdel )r j. a3d fou for'~.nIL°w ...... 9'05 p m 1 0 ft 244 high single game and a 596 I • , • (" " ,' I ' ~" ' + " .............. .... series Balls3 has been laying wood )n ea+le (two under -ar" "n each - - -- - ' I • II the ball as well as anyone on the ] ho~c i, ~w , ] __. "l~e~.~, _~arelt 30 I The Highballers had games of • I| ' " "d* eta betw nI :' ,ll-li&ax 4'0!am ll6ft ]908 1132 and 1100 in another squaa an~ worn op ' te ee d a h ni hol ' " .............. " • ' " | |[: .: ...... ., ~+~,,+ ,,,.,] ,At the en ofe c ae ~S]Low .............. 1O:0~a.m. 4.5ft ]~ntazing pin spree • iet~erman ,~¢1 ~awson ] .... s,,~ ...... o' " r k ded ti ' t 0e ' ' . " | Whde Here ]]the transfer veteran from Walls]these p l~ts a en d(ha" ~p_ o :,.[ .] I~igh .............. 3:.24p.m. 9.Sft.] . • * • | • |r Walls, Dale Huffman, in left, both [ [eSr~ione o~fn°thWet s~:tc~l~ a~ "~:n; j I~W .............. ~:'a p.m, 1.2 ft. [ TRIO Tl~lO HIT 600, | ~,,,, ~L.A M .... l[ of whom have loOked good at the l PoI~, noin~ is awarded to the team I M/ednesd~V, March 81 IN BPAA QUALIFYING I .~m~ |n~ 1111111 It slate too I___=_~ -- -",~, ............ ,.~.,. I Htmh '4'26~.m 11 6 ft Three individuals hit, 600 series | |] TIlE RIGItTIIANDED Dttchin~ I,i,,. ~,~ .... tl .... e hi~ 'match [Low .............. 10:28a~a. 3.6ft. ] nd three teams from the Mess | |~ |A~M~OV J[deartl~ which Weir needs to solv~ ]~arns-t'hree"poi'n'ts for his team [.High .............. 4:09p~m. 10.Oft.]T~i~tL~atgt~4~r~epm:Th the top | ! ii~ a.~WW|t~| |] to get any mound balance may be lA niaver nest do this once dur- ]I.*OV~ ............ ..10:19p.0. 1.7 ft. ] g a , i h have 1 ~- ~ * qualified for the BPAA finals aft- | .... |/own'come by Dawson and Powel, Ling the season to earn his letter• ] Thursday, ~FU 1 I^. ......: ............. • ' " 1 ...... , vr 14Aa~ ~I'lUI~' Ill~llt S aCL10n at i Mod l* it who llave b?en tblow!ng imp es- i A competing hneup is made l Ht~h .............. 4:+6 a•m. 11.6 It. 1 the. Tirnhm,. m++wl I ........ I/s1vely In Dat,ung practice, [ Lip of five players for a given ILow .............. 10:56 a.m. 2.6 ft. ] -B,[~,~'~;+ +oa o~ +n~ ,.., | I [ The ()lily thing keeping sophs- ] match The Climbers have nine I Hlgh 4'52 p m 10 4 ft 61" "t'ac- "."7'."~= ...... -~.o-..~,,~, .,/. | |]more Ion Arn~strong from taking/scheduled matches at this time• ILo~ ..[[:..[.[[['[10:54p[m] 212ft[ ]a