March 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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a 25, 1.965
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published In ¢'Ohr stmasfo v,n, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin on
"~ Mrs. Jerome
Mrs. Leon
d since
m recovering re-
and Will soon be
the hospital.
17 members of
attended the
at the Matlock
With Skokomish
lecture hour
good. A mock
.iting two of
and gavel
part in
as the
:he groon],
ring bearer,
brides me-
as the
McGarvie as
Dora Heat'-
Bob Trenck-
220 Cota
Last !
Return From Tri
]lTlann flS lYlatron of ]lOllOl', It,~e
Fm'd and Roselta McGarvie were
candlelighters and ushers. Nin:t
Bradberry was lhe organist and
Chub Hearing sang, "Oh t]ow 8lie
IAed". Ma Portnmn emtg'ht the
bride's bouquet and lhc minb;ter
was played by Mellm Trenekmaml.
Cindy Stentz and Sue Valley
sang a eouple of real pretty songs.
Fern Anenson read poems on
income taxes.
Jim Sauer tohl some lively
jokes, and Pop Rutledgc tohl a
short story about a pm'si; and lax-
Peggy Sailer and Barhm'a May-
berry were dressed in Irish cos-
tumes and sang several Izish tunes
with Mary Valley accompanying
thmn on the piano.
A potluck hmeheon was stowed
folh)wing the program and was
enjoyed by evervonc. Overall at-
tendance was 106.
Mr. and Mrs. Athert Lord drove
to Chelmlis Sunday to attend the
Eagles District meeting.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pen-
dergraft were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Harry Simmons residence, the Co-
cil Blackweldcrs, tim Ira Stans-
burys, and the Eldon Todds gath-
cred for an evening of Reno-Keno.
When it was time for the refresh-
ments to be served, Helen Stans-
bury was determined to stick to
a diet and put on a sign, "Please
Do Not Feed".
Tile Fifth Degree Drill Team
will practice tonight at Progress
Grange Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nelson
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mr,~. ROy Mohney and also at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Pearson at McCleary Sunday.
The dance at Progress Grange
Hall Saturday night ended on a
sad note with the sudden death of
one of the dancers, Mrs. Messen-
ger of Elma. Worldng on the
dance committee was :Mr. and Mrs.
Cab Raincs, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lord,
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis: Cammack,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Marshall
and Mrs. Charles Lombard.
Thursday, Roy. Earl Bradley
conducted services at the Wash-
ington State Corrections Center;
and again Sunday, with some of
the members of Kamilche Com-
munity Church also attending.
Iue Lustre Electric
rau ~ent a Blue Lusf~o
Shampooer for $1
You buy famous Blue
this easy-~o.use,
equipment. You'll
look of your
Available At Yeur
126 S. 2nd Ray .Prouty, owner
Phone 426-3111
)To Eureka, Ca ifornia
Yh'. and Mrs. Dan Wood nml.oret
to Renlon 1o visit friends and rol-
l t iw's Tlnu'sday.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have re-
t:ul'ncd to their home at Teflon
Shc)rt,s afte.r ,~;p(,ndinff their win-
tel' \racal.iordllg at l)hoenix, Ariz.
M]'.% Edwin Petty went for a
W:II]¢ I~i'()n(l~ty t|n(I WItS veI'y pleas-
alHly surprised to find that tim
wild Easier r~ii?,s are in l)loonl.
Mason COllllly l)onlolltt G~ange
met at M:tthmk Grange Hall Sun-
day. Curl is Camnmck, John Bar-
iekniall, ~,]r. aAd Mrs. Ira Stans-
btlry and MI'. and Mls. Edwhl
T:lyh)r l~lld SOil attended front Pro-
g'l'esf; Grzlllge. A lot of l)ltsJne~ls
was transaete(t during the nteet-
ing with several resolutions being
aeLed tin. Master Charles Savage
acquainted nil members with
House Bill 426 at: Stale Legislat-
m'e. He stat,ed, "it's affect on our
schools bask:ally fm'eed consolida-
tion with no vote." Savage also
gave reports on other bills before
the l-Iouse and their progress.
Home Economics chairman, Mrs•
Elsie Whetham gave a talk about
the projects mad the progrmns of
the Home Economies Department
nationwide as well as statewidc;
din'inK the lecture hour.
The Progress Granges' answer
to the King Family on T.V.--the
Ira Stansburys and family enter-
tainedr with some real lively nmsic;
putting everyone in a gay mood
and finding it difficult to get
back to work on the business at
hand. The winners of the door
prizes were Mrs. Nellie Rossmaier
and Edwin Tayh)r. Our rnusieian
was Mrs. Bradberry.
FRll)AY EVENING guests at
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert
:Pendergraft were Mr. and Mrs.
John Rice.
: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor had
as their dinner guests Thursday
evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sam-
Sunday Mr• and Mrs. Harry
Simmons, :Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Blaekwelder and Mr. and Mrs.
h'a Stansbury traveled to Oak-
rifle to a birthday party given by
Mrs. Stanley McFie to honor her
Alton Gilbert flew in from Las
Vegas Wednesday to spend a few
days at the home of his daugh-
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs•
Walt Allen. Saturday, the Allens
drove Gilbert to his home at Lake
Stevens and spent the weekend.
Saturday night they all attended
the dedication of South Lake Ste-
vens Grange.
There will be a regular meeting
of Progress Grange Friday night
at 8 p.m.
The Walt Emsleys are busy get-
ling the Jess Brownfield home
ready t() move into.
Mrs. Nettle Ell]son is home
from the hospital and doing very
nicely. Guests this week to her
hollle w0re ~'[t'. and Mrs• Victor
Spending the weekend at home
frmn college was Mike Lambert
with friend, Lenny Knight.
A shoppin!~ trip to Tacmna was'
the order of the day Thursday
for :Mrs. Norms Richards, Mrs.
Alice ttaines and 1Krs. Ruth Nel-
son. Chet Richards and Herb Nel-
son were makinK a bnsiness trip
to Seattle and let the gals have
the day to themselves in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs• Cecil B]ackwclder,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury and
Ow(,n Miller at Carlyon l~each
\Vednesday evening.
Satlll'day, Mr. and ~AI'S. Helll:y
Robertson, Mrs. Wayne Robert-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Verse
and family traveled to Beaverton,
Oregon to visit Mr. and Mrs, W. C.
(hant. After visit.inK with the
(h"mts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Verse
returned to lheir home in San
Frgtneisco and the Robertsons re-
tin'ned home Saturday evening.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Stanshury and family were
dimter guests at Ihe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Stansbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dishon and
Mr and Mrs. Clarenec Thernew
spent one evening last week, and
were served refleslnnents at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
G[JESTS AT TIIE home of Mrs.
Eugene Taylor Monday were Mrs.
Mary Scott of Yakima and Mrs.
Carrie Conovcr of Billings, Mont.
Mrs. Annie Whitener is in Trin-
idad, Calif., visiting her daughter
Mrs. Dave Rankin.
Thursday dinner guests at the
Hm-ry Simmons' newly redecorat-
ed home were Lhe Cecil Blackwel-
ders and the Ira Stansburys.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Unger and
Sandy Sandberg made a trip to
Kent Sunday to attend a birth-
day dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Teter.
Spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bur-
ke were Mrs. Joe DeLong and two
children of Hoquiam.
Visiting at the home of Mr• and
M[rs. Keller Thursday evening was
Dr. Harold W. Bernard, Profes-
sor of Education In the Oregon
State System of Higher Educa-
tion. Dr. Bernard wits speaker at
the Bremerton Guidance Work-
shop held for teachers and super-
visors under the supervision of the
Guidance and Counseling Division
of the State Department of Ed-
ucation. Dr. Bernard started his
teaching career as a high school
principal under the guidance of
Mr. Keller.
AT TIIE RECENT school board
meeting, the members visited the
different rooms at Kamilche Val-
ley Scltool, checking the recently
installed acoustical tile and other
improvements made ill the school
building during the year. Plans
are in the formulative stage for
other improvements during the
summer months as well as other
long-range plans for the school.
This is the time of the year
when Mr. Keller and other school
administrators ar~ busy securing"
essential information about our
school systems for the State Sup-
erintendent of School to pass onto
the legislators. This being a legis-
lative year keeps the legislators
and administrators on their toes
to meet the school needs for the
coming biemfium.
The pupils of the Kamilche
school have selected Linda Sage
as their princess in the Forest
Festival. Linda is finishing the
eighth grade, and besides tatting
"a33 active part in sports, dramatics
and other school activities; is an
honor student as well.
One of the busiest little girls
in the Kimilehe School for the
past several weeks has been Kathy
Kelley; right on the job giving
a helping hand to the carpenters,
when the ceiling tile was being
installed. In years to come, she
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons via- not only can say, I was there; but
itcd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. also, I really helped.
By l)on:t O'N('il
HOODSPORT ....... To s'ty that
Jtflie Dickinson, 7, had rocks in
her head may not be very flatter-
ing, but last. week it was quit.e
true. It seems that dulie put a
rock in he.r car. After trying to
dig it out wii.h a pencil, she gave
up and called for hell). When even
her father, Gordon I)ickinson,
could not remove the stone, it was
off to the doctor. Thc only answer
was surgm:y .Whilc .hflie was in
surgery for her ear, it was de-
cided that tonsils and adenoids,
along with the rock, would have
to go. It was rather a dirty trick,
but father knows best, anti Julie
is doing very well now.
Julie's brother, Jimmie Dicldn-
son, had a btrthday party Sun-
day with ice cream and cake for
his friends. Needless to say, his
favorite gift is his new collie,
who may not really replace the
Dicldnson's deceased old Pal, but
will surely be his best substitute.
Rule Dickinson is spending the
weekend in Roseburg, Ore., with
her brother, C. B. Calkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Warman
spent a long weekend in Hoods-
port visiting their many old
friends. They were g~msts of thc
Ronald Koenig family. When the
Warmans left Hoodsport they
were a family of four. When they
returned for the visit they were
a family of five, the n e w e s t
member being a six-month old
baby girl. Don Warman was once
Chief Ranger at the Forestry Sta-
tion here in Hoodsport, but tm is
now in cimrge of the Recreation
Department of the Forest Service
at Gresham, Ore.
be selling Girl Scout cookies
March 31 through April 10. Mrs.
Virginia Pill is cookie chairman.
The sale will feature peppermint
and butter wafers. Other activi-
ties of Troop 27 included group
attendance to church March 7
and on March 10 the girls hosted
a mother's tea for which they
baked cookies and put on a very
successful skit which all of the
mothers thoroughly enjoyed. Also
on the agenda was the presenta-
tion of awards.
Mrs. Lester Dickinson has been
hostess to many friends in the
past week. Saturday Mrs. Follett
and her daughter, Priscilla, from
Everett, came to call on the Dick-
inserts. The Folletts at one time
owned the Gateway Inn which
once stood where the hatchery
now stands.
Sunday, Victor Hastings, h i s
wife, and mother from Scattle
were also visitors at the Dickin-
son home. The Hastings were
I~oodsport residents when the
Cushman Dam was being built.
Other visitors to the Dickinson
home included Mr. and Mrs. R.
Heath from Vashon Island, Mr.
and .Mrs. Hubert from Bremer-
ton, and Mrs. Wally Elwcll from
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addleman
spent Sunday in Tacoma. Mrs.
Addlcman had a chance to visit
her granddaughter, Terry Addle-
They Really Get Results
Journal Want Ads
3 Days Only! Begins Thurs.
Rock From Ear
mnn, who is a patient of the Mary
B~idge Children's Orthol)edic ttos-
Jane Shunmte is home f r o m
Ellensburg college for the quar-
ter break. In addition to Jane,
Mr. aPai Mrs. ,Tim Shumate's home
was filled this weekend wilh their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Smith and their two
The Darrell Rogers family,
bound fro" Alaska, arrived in Sit-
ka Friday and should be in Rod-
mart Bay by now.
Mrs. Mmius Kaare spent three
days in Seattle, March 18, 19 and
20, attending the grand court of
the Order of Amaranths Saturday
evening. She, ahmg with Mrs.
Mattie Baekhmd, Mrs. D e s s
ttaines, and Mrs. Francis Akers,
attended the installation. Mrs.
Kaare was installed as one of the
grand officers.
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Bollerslev and their son
Bobble from Puyallup, visited the
Kaare home Stznd;ty.
And now for the climax to this
short cohnnn. Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Nell Simmons, Jr., on March
18, one seven pound, thirteen onnce
boy named Michael Wayne. Con-
gratulations !
Assembly Of God To
Hear Singing Group
The Ambassador's Trio compos-
ed of Dave Harrison, pastor of
the Silverdale Assembly of God,
A1 Hulten, teacher at Northwest
College, and Jerry Robeson, pas-
tor of tim Umatilla Assembly of
God in Umatilla, Ore. will hold a
service at the Shelton Assembly
of God Friday at 7 p.m. This
group forinerly travelled in the
interest of Northwest College and
have sung together on various
occasions since that time. They
will be accompanied by Virginia
Lee and Bob Fox.
Thc p'~stor of the Shelton As-
sembly of God, MaSon Younglund,
extends an invitation to all in this
area to come and enjoy the well-
rounded ministry of tha Ambas-
sador's Trio.
Seattle Symphony Little Or-
chestra - Milton 'K'atlms;' C0nd.
Monday, April 5
8 P.M.
Olympic Theatre, Olympia .
Guest Pianist
Call 426-3104 for Tickets
, , ,i,
A FOOL UJILt. "1"aN 1"o READ
Honestly, we give you the
tops in service when you come
in for gasoline and oil.
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