March 25, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 25, 1971 |
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THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING dawned bright and clear, affording this
spectacular view of the snowy Olympics from a spot on Shelton's Angleside.
ch 25, 1971 Published in Shelton, Wash. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, 2 SectJ ons - 20 Pages
Wash. 98584, u~der act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during
12 week of Thanksgiving, at 227W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 10 Cents Per Copy
ton School AdviSory
Ltinuing its work
districts in
apProval of bond
:se districts for their
money for the new
igh School, it was
at the advisory
e meeting Monday
lCk-off,, dinner for
Sunday evening
of the
Y Concert
Will continue
ly figures of
asizing the
and music,
family, 503
wOming Year,
ere notified
have two high
'Tom, who
~t Year, and
The non-high districts will
vote April 6 on their bond issues.
Advisory Committee
Chai~'man Walt Parsons told the
committee the drawings which are
being used in presenting
information are not preliminary
plans, but, are drawings prepared
by the architect.
Preliminary plans, he said;
cannot be completed until all of
the non-high districts have
approved their share of the
The Advisory Committee has
worked up information on the
cost of the proposed bond issues.
He stated if state matching
funds at the rate of 28.9 per cent,
which is what isanticipated, are,
decorated dining tables in thewas Mrs. Lee Johnson, area
Social hall of the Methodist representative for the national
church, Community Concert Association.
The meal was planned and She will be at the headquarters at
prepared by board members Mrs. Dean's Studio all week to answer
F.W. H errick, Mrs. Frank questions, andat the close of the
MaranviHe and Mrs. Harold campaign will make arrangements
Hansen and served by Anita to book the artists for .next
Knight, Nancy Maranville and season s concerts.
Denise Herrick. A special guest Since last Thursday's concert
was the last for this season, new
board members and officers were
received, and the bonds go at an
interest rate of somewhere around
five per cent, the cost in the three
districts which participate t 00 per
cent would be about 3.2 mills a
year at the most. The three
districts which participate 100 per
cent arc Southside, Pioneer and
In the Hood Canal District,
which participates on the basis of
75 per cent, the cost would be
2.38 mills a year and in
Grapeview which participates on
the basis of 60 per cent, it would
be 1.91 mills.
It was reported by the student
members of the Advisory
Committee that a decision had
been reached with the high school
administration which will allow
the senior class members to select
three speakers as they have in the
past. The valedictorian and
salutatorian will be honored also.
Barbara, who will be a junior.
The foreign student selected
to come here under the AFS
program for the next school year
will live with the Brigham family.
The family is selected from
applicants submitted to the
National AFS headquarters by the
local AFS chapter.
Janice Springer
elected at intermission.
Newly-elected board members, EB Day Set
serving until 1974, are Mrs. M.W.
Hall, Mrs. William Duemling, Mrs.
Kelvin Hamilton, Mrs. James
Barrom, Rev. Kenneth Robinson,
Dr. Berwyn Thomas, K.W. Frank
and Donald Wiss.
Officers for 1971-1972 are
Clyde Knight, president; Harold
Hanson, first vice president; Mrs.
Richard Morton, second vice
president; Mrs. M.W. Hall,
secretary, and H.A. Linker,
Paul Wittenberg
The annual Shelton Chamber
of Commerce Education-Business
Day is planned for next
Wednesday morning at Mr. View
Chamber of Commerce
members this year are being
invited to the schools this year for
the program.
They will meet at the Mt.
View School office about 9:15
a.m. and will be given a tour of
the new addition to Mr. View
School which was completed last
year and of the new handicapped
school which is under
After the tours, they will hear
school officials discuss the
planning for the new high school
and will be able to see schematic
drawings of some of the plans so
Lunch will be served at the
school about 1 : 30 a.m.
Chamber members who are
planning to attend are asked to
contact Dick Brewer, chairman of
the Chamber Education-Business
Day committee at 426-3381 or
Rudy Oltman, secretary-manager
of the Chamber of Commerce, at
Burn Permits
Needed Soon
arestCommittee Wednesday noon me!announced this ...........
-~ wmJointhe Fire permits for outdoor
ason to select the Shelton High School three candidates from Sheltonburning will be required in
toolssenior to portray Paul Bunyan for High School announced last week city of Shelton after April 1, Fire
the Festival. lttenberg, oneaS membersof the°ff the Roval_ Con~t_ Chief Allan Nevitt said this week.
tte is Selected was Paul W" . " " • "'"
•Ted selected as queVen ~rls will be Department of Natural
air. W°~t n~fergMshel BnnqLtMed lat the Queen's
e required outside the city limits
~night Other candida r Y 8. after that date. The Department
, Bunyan were Mike Bac and The Shelton candidates arepermits normally go into effect
Rocky Nutt. Kathy Kelley, Diana Williamson March 15, but, the date was
SSoc ttion The two queen candidates and Wendy Erhart. moved back this year because o~
the wet weather.
Guidelines to replace the
Shelton School District dress code
were announced Wednesday by
Supt. Louis Grinnell.The
guidelines state "all Shelton
School students should be
conscious of their personal
appearance and wear appropriate
clothing properly and in good
"The school principal may
restrict appearance and attire with
special consideration for safety,
cleanliness or class requirements•
These standards may be set in
special areas by the teachers and
coaches involved in consultation
with the principal.
Only a small crowd, which
had few questions, showed up for
the hearing last Wednesday night
at Evergreen School on the
Shelton Planning area
comprehensive plan.
The hearing was held jointly
by the Shelton City Planning
Commission and the County
Planning Commission since the
comprehensive plan takes in the
city of Shelton and the
unincorporated area around it.
James Connolly, regional
planning director, reviewed the
land and roads and streets use
sections of the plan and Howard
Godat, Olympia engineer,
discussed the water, sewer and
drainage plan which his firm did.
Frank Maranville, chairman of
the Shelton Library Board, and
Mrs. Morley Kramer, librarian at
the Shelton Library, appeared at
the meeting to present objections
to the recommendations for
library service.
To Attend
Gov. Dan Evans and his
family will attend the Mason
County Forest Festival this year,
Festival officials have been
The announcement the
governor had accepted the
invitation to attend the Festival
was made at the meeting of the
Festival Association last
The Queen's Banquet, at
which the queen will be
announced, was set for May 18, a
Tuesday. This event traditionally
kicks off Festival activities.
A committee headed by Buck
Price has been set up to select one
of the three Shelton High School
senior candidates to portray Paul
Lucille McBride is in charge of
the window decoration contest
this year for the Zonta Club, She
reported that merchants have
been contacted and windows
obtained. Groups or individuals
interested in putting in window
displays can contact her at
426-4266 or 426-1463.
Mrs. Chloe Scoles, chairman
of the county princesses for the
Festival reported the princesses
were being selected and would be
announced later.
A bomb threat emptied the
Shelton Armory during the dance
being held last Friday night, the
Mason County Sheriff's Office
reported this week.
The Sheriff's Office received a
call at 9:53 p.m. stating there was
a bomb in the building.
The building was evacuated
and members of the Sheriff's
Department, City Police and City
Fire Department searched the
building and surrounding grounds,
but, found nothing.
The dance was called off, the
Sheriff's Office said.
Timber Sale
One sale in Mason County was
among the February Timber sales
by the Department of Natural
The sale was the Tiger Creek
~ale, which went to B. Kombol,
avensdale, for $14,500 for
450,000 board feet.
"The code will be reviewed by
the administration of the Shelton
School District in March of each
school year to determine changes
that may be needed for the
subsequent year. Any changes will
be made in light of the code's
effect on the total educational
Grinnell said the guidelines
were established after
consultation with members of the
district adrninistration, ~chool
board, faculty, student
representatives and parents.
It was arrived at, Grinnell
said, only after full consideration
to the rights and responsibilities
They stated the plan
recommended the Shelton City
Library joining the Timberland
Regional Library as a branch. The
local library board stated in a
written statement they would be
willing to ent, er into any
agreement which would inprove
library service, but, at the same
time, allow the Shelton library to
maintain its identity and
They also asked that figures
Shelton High School Students
are planning to join students from
Olympia, St. Martin's, St. Placid,
Tumwater, North Thurston,
Timberline, Yelm, Tenino and
Bremerton High Schools in a walk
to raise funds to aid the retarded.
The students are contacting
local businessmen and
organizations asking for pledges
for so much a mile for each mile
the students walk.
The 16-mile course has been
set up in Olympia and the walk
will start from Olympia High
School at 9 a.m. There will be a
lunch stop at South Sound with
lunch prepared by the National
Guard with Jaycee Wives and the
Junior Women's Club from
Olympia assisting with the
Coinciding with the walk,
members of the Olympia and
Shelton cross country teams are
planning a 24-hour marathon on
six alternate routes starting at
noon at the State capitol.
Among members of the
Jerry Burr, a teacher and
professional musician from the
Yakima area, will be the guest
artist at the third annual Shelton
High School Band and State Band
Guest Artist Concert.
The concert, directed by
Bruce Moorehead, will be
presented ~t 8 p.m. March 30 in
the High School Gymnasium.
Tickets are $1 and will be
available at the door.
Burr received his formal music
education at the University of
Washington and Central
Washington State College. Since
graduation, he has been teaching
high school music in the Yakima
area and has also been performing
as a professional musician
throughout the Pacific Northwest.
He will display his talents on
several instruments during the
concert here. He will first be
featured on the piano playing the
theme from "The Apartment"
with the concert band
accompanying him.
Later in the program, he will
perform on the alto flute and
valve trombone accompanied by
the stage band.
This will be the final concert
of the year for the high school
To Hear Plans
The Grapeview School Board
will have a special meeting at 8
p.m. April 1 at the Grapeview
Fire Hall to hear representatives
of the State Department of Public
Instruction and the Shelton
School District discuss the new
Shelton High School.
The meeting is open to the
public and anyone interested is
welcome to attend.
of individual students and the
student body generally.
The establishment of
guidelines to replace the present
dress code comes after more than
three months of study and
surveys of students, parents,
members of the community and
school administrators and school
district employees.
The school has been operating
under a relaxed dress code since
the first of December while the
studies were being conducted.
Under the code which has
been in effect since December, all
restrictions except three were
removed. They were beards for
on the number of employees at
the city library be corrected.
James Pauley, chairman of the
Shelton Port Commission, stated
his group objected to the proposal
that the water system at
Sanderson Field be connected
with the city water system.
Godat commented this was
something in the future, and, that
when city water service was
extended to the point where a
connection was practical, it could
executive committee for the
project is Wen~ly Erhart, a
Shelton High School Senior. Les
Hein of Shelton is one of the
adult advisors.
Starting about 8 a.m. Sunday,
"The Lynx", a band led by
Randy Linder of Shelton will
begin striking up the beat in
A doll raffle by the Mason
General Hospital Auxiliary has
been cancelled, Prosecuting
Attorney Byron McClanahan said
McClanahan said he had
contacted Mrs. Larry Nelson,
president of the Hospital
Auxiliary, after a story quoting
contradictory statements from
each of them, appeared in a daily
newspaper this week.
Jerry Burr,
boys, blue jeans for girls and bib
overalls for all.
The relaxed code was adopted
on the recommendation of a
student-faculty committee which
was working on revision of the
The school board, at its
meeting March 9, was urged by a
student delegation to arrive at a
decision on the dress code.
Grinnell said the provision for
standards in special areas would
permit some restrictions in such
areas as shop and physical
education where safety might be a
special factor.
be reviewed again.
The comprehensive plan now
goes back to the two planning
commissions for action.
The city planning commission
will refer it to the city
commission, which have to hold
another public hearing before it
can be adopted.
The county can adopt the
plan without further public
preparation for the walk.
Hein said the funds collected
by the Shelton participants will
go half to the State WARC and
half to the local WARC chapter.
Funds are used for research at
Rainier School, scholarships and
some to the Exceptional Foresters
McClanahan said the whole
thing was the result of a
misunderstanding. He said he had
numerous persons contact his
office to ask about projects their
organizations were considering.
He stated he tells these
persons anything which could be
considered gambling is a technical
violation of the law, but, there is
a question if there would be