March 25, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 25, 1971 |
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Baptists Slate
Lucy M. Foster
Walter H. Rea
CB Group Has
Washington State Patrol
Brevig, Rt. 5, Box 114,
lying while
fine, five days
;nded, license
days; James
Dies In Belfair Dies In Hospital"" ran"e,., r e-ree Team To Coffee Break
The Northside Baptist Mrs. Lucy M. Foster, Belfair, Walter H. Rea, Hoodsport, The CB Social Group met for
a coffee break at the Agate
Church, Olympic Highway North died March 17 in her home. She died Saturday in Mason General Give Work At Meeting Grange Hall Saturday. Mr. and
and C streets, will hold revival was 75 years old. Hospital. He was 70 years old,
meetings March 28 through April She was born Sept. 27, 1895,and had been a resident of Mrs. Jack Yeck were host and
MASON COUNTY Ralph Endicott reported a 4. in Aldrich, Mo., and had lived in Hoodsport for the past 14 years. By MARY VALLEY Montesano spent the weekendhostess for the evening.
JUSTICE COURT pony missing. Rev. Gilbert Skaar will be the the Belfair area for 51 years. She He was born April 13, 1900 in SKOKOMISH - This Friday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
earing on the docket in evangelist and his wife, Greta, will was a member of the Belfair Howard, Kansas. He was a Navy evening, at 8:30 p.m. the Bert Deyette. Jack Yeck Jr., and family, Pat
LOUnty Justice Court Mrs. Jack Gray reported a direct the music. Community Baptist Church. veteran of World War II; he was a Skokomish Grange third and Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley, Peck, Patty Yeck, Janie Yeck, Mr.
Udge Glenn Correa during chain saw taken. The program will start at 7:30 She is survived by two sons, member of Southgate Masonic f o u r t h D eg r e e team will Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley and and Mrs. Lloyd Robertson; Mr.
Week were: Bill Besch reported a tape p.m. each evening. Jesse of Belfair, and Homer of Lodge No. 247 F and AM and aexemplify the Degree work at the Mrs. Alice Crossan attended the and Mrs. Chuck Nutter and son;
Brazilia, Brazil; three daughters, past patron of Southgate OEShall in the Skokomish Valley. All
deck and 20 tapes taken.
Louis Jofiff reported a pistol
Lance Willhite reported a
rifle, record player and speakers,
tape deck and tapes taken.
R.L. Bixenmann reported a
Lake Blvd., bicycle taken.
, driving while Dennis Bachel reported a coat
d, $125 fine, $50 taken.
, five days in ~:}~, Perry McDonald reported a
SUspended 30 d y." house broken into.
t, 1828 Walker Parr: Mrs. Melvin Guy reported a
driving while
fine, five days
:nded, license
days; Dahle
524 Belfair,
forfeit; Eleanor
Box 485, Belfair,
forfeit; Anthony
Caocade, Shelton,
forfeit; Bill M.
speeding, failure
of center line, $I 5
McDonald, Allyn,
license on
forfeit; Thomas
Box 9, Lilliwaup,
passing, $15
on, defective
me, $10 suspended;
1612 Ridge Rd.,
Parking, found
1, Box 409
$15 forfeit;
P.O. Box 151,
brakes, failure to
ring of keys lost.
Bob Sanders reported people
taking oysters.
Launi Bennett reported a
stereo taken.
March 21, 11:20 a.m., Jerry
O'Leary residence, electric fire.
March 19, W.G. Henderson
residence, 212 Wyandotte,
chimney fire.
Divorce decrees were signed
DeWayne Isbell from Debbie
Raymond Hash from Mary
New Cases
Washington Service Co.
against Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hurd,
transcript of judgment.
City Police assisted the
Sheriff's Office in checking a
report of gas siphoning at Taylor
Vi Stickley reported an
abandoned car in the parking lot
at her real estate office.
Jim Evans reported a spool of
telephone wire in the roadway on
Jefferson St.
Windows were reported
broken in the disposal plant.
A car driven by David Guyer
and parked vehicles owned by
Diane Eddy and Thelma Bartlett
were involved in a collision.
Del Hartwell reported a key
taken from a Post Office vehicle.
Carl Sabe reported a wallet
and a flashlight taken.
Keith Anderson reported a
These programs are open to
the public, says Rev. Paul
Butterfield, pastor of the church.
New A "
Mason General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bassett,
Rt. 2 Box 895, a girl, March 17.
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Delph,
1818 Summit Dr., a boy, March
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Heinitz, Rt. 3 Box 50, a boy,
March 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther J.
Cowan, Rt. 5 Box 570, a girl,
March 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Powers Jr., 1410 Ellinor, a boy,
March 22.
44th Ave. E.,
failure to keep
line, $15 forfeit;
2026 Adams St.,
a public
3350 269th St.,
)OSsession of oysters,
HOWard Johnson,
S., Federal Way,
of oysters, $50
Larimer, 33305
possession of
Mrs. Mary Deputy and Mrs. Helen
Christensen of Shelton, and Mrs.
Katherine Barnes of Bonifay, Fla.;
36 grand-children; 21
great-grandchildren; three
brothers, D.W. McKinney,
Paradise, Cal., and Homer and
James McKinney of Chelan Falls,
Wa. ; three sisters, Mrs. Edna
Cooksey, Taft, Cal.; Mrs. Gladys
Meade of Milton Freewater, Ore.,
and Mrs. Ona Bradshaw of
Phoenix, Mo.; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
The Ray. Wendell Harder
officiated at a funeral held at 11
a.m. Saturday in the Belfair
Community Baptist Church.
Burial was in the Belfair
Community Cemetery.
WHEN I see someone burn
the American flag, or show the
flag of North Vietnam, I get the
idea he's not very friendly.
Spiro Agnew
Sept. 9, 1968
Chapter No. 190.
He is survived by his wife
Ellen of the home; a brother,
Albert, and two sisters, Miss
Susan Rea and Mrs. Esther Bain,
all of Seattle•
Funeral arrangements will be
announced at a later date by
Batstone Funeral Home.
Child Classes
Classes to be taught by Mrs.
Anthony Bisser on care of the
new born infant and child safety
in the home, which were
scheduled to start today have
been postponed until 1:30 p.m.
Dr. James Worley is in charge
of the well child clinic in Mason
Further information can be
obtained from the Mason County
Health Department at 426-4407.
the Granges in the County are
invited to bring their candidates.
The refreshments after the
meeting will be 'pot luck'. April 3
from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Skokomish
Grange will serve an oyster
supper, also chili, pie and coffee,
$1 for adults, .50 cents for
children under 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wilkinson of Shelton were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Helin of Matlock Saturday.
This Sunday the Skokomish
Community Church will have a
pot luck dinner following the
morning service.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter had
as their dinner guest on Thursday
evening, Miss Marlene Geraud
who is teaching missionary
children in the Ivory Coast
Academy in West Africa.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mikesell
of Quinalt, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Anderson and family of
Hi Low Precip.
March 18 50 27 -
March 19 54 27 -
March 20 63 29 -
March 21 53 28 -
March 22 52 39 .7
March 23 51 38 .63
March 24 55 39 .51
The extended outlook is for
periods of rain through Saturday
with showers on Sunday. High
temperatures should be in the
upper 40's and low 50's with the
lows mostly in the 30's.
first and second degree work at
Shelton Valley Grange hall last
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter
attended the Northwest Christmas
Tree Association meeting and
tour in Salem, Ore. over the
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
drove to Seattle last Thursday
where they stayed overnight with
their son Arian and family and
attended the Seattle Schools Fine
Arts Festival.
These tides are for the Union
area. For Shelton and Oakland
Bay add an hour and a half and
2.4 feet.
Thursday, March 25
High ....... 3:42 a.m.12.4 ft.
Low ....... 9:48 a.m.3.4 ft.
High ....... 3:36 p.m.11.0 ft.
Low ....... 9:48 p.m.1.5 ft.
Mrs. Charles Keith and son; Garth
Grunert, Marie Utter; Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Lund and girls; Don
Yeck; John Healy; Mr. and Mrs.
John Cook and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Kelly Lund; George Churns;
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Watters; Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Harsh and sons;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wheaton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Injustice is relatively easy to
bear; what stings is justice.
Henry Louis Mencken
WW Compost Grinders
Rt. 3, Box 17
This year Scotts early-season sale
is bigger and better than ever.
It's the Super EarlyBird SALE!
bike taken. Friday, March 26
Two boys. oneage 12andone High ....... 4:12a.m. l:,,, these best-selling lawn products
ant age 16, were arrested in Low ......10:30a.m. 1.7ft:
521 Dearborn,connection with the theft ofHigh ....... 4:36p.m. l l.5ft.
minor frequentin
)SSession of falsg bicycles. The 12-year-old was Low ....... 10:36p.m. 2.5ft.
to days in jail; charged with petit larceny and the .....
Jr., Rt. 11, Box 1 6-year-old with possession of Saturday, March 27
stolen property and referred to High ....... 4:42a.m. 12.6ft. Super fertilizer for lawns Easy way to stop pan annua -
• Speeding, $35 juvenile authorities. Low ......11:12 a.m.-0.5 ft.
Rt. 3, Box
$90 fine;
CoLa St.,
Box 44,
St. Rt.
drunk in
care and
'; Thomas
too closely,
Peck, 2236
loitering at
)nduct, $150
~nt°nsumption of
. t driving, $100
Week were
Letha Quinn reported a High ....... 5:36 p.m.11.9 ft.
wheelbarrow taken. Low . • • •.. I 1 : 24 p.m. 3.6 ft.
Russell Denny reported Sunday, March 28
speakers and tapedeck tapes
taken from a car. High ....... 5:12 a.m. 12.6 ft.
Mable Johnson reported a Low ...... l l:54p.m.-1.5 ft.
starter taken from her car. High ....... 6:36 p.m.11.9 ft.
J.C. Diaz reported a dog Monday, March29
poisoned. Low ...... 12:06 a.m.4.8 ft.
Bob Cardwell reported glasses High ....... 5:48 a.m. 12.4 ft.
taken from a car. Low ...... 12:36 p.m.-2.0 ft.
Irene Locke reported a key High ....... 7:36 p.m. 11.8 ft.
Tuesday, March 30
Low ......12:54 a.m.5.9 ft.
~-----.--- ___ ~ _ High ....... 6:24 a.m. l 1.9 ft.
Low ....... 1 : 24 p.m. -2.0 ft.
Marriage Licenses High ....... 8:42 p.m. 11.5 ft.
Wednesday, March 31
- =-----------------------------~ Low ....... 1:48 a.m.6.9 ft.
Applying for marriage licenses 7:00 a.m.11.3 ft.
in the Mason County auditor'sHigh .......
Low ....... 2':18 p:m. -1.5 ft.
office this week were: High ....... 9:54 p.m.11.1 ft.
Antoneo Czerewatz, 23,
Seattle, and Donna Sondergaard, Thursday, April 1
32, Tacoma. Low ....... 2:48 a.m. 7.6 ft.
Charles Missman, 27, Port High ....... 7:48a.m. 10.5 ft.
Orchard, and Leona Pierce, 43, Low ....... 3:18 p.m. -0.8 ft.
Bremerton. High ...... 11 : 12 p.m. 11.0 ft.
Loans for all kinds of homes, new and
used. First Bank has the money,
plus a hundred years of experience,
that can make your home
financing a snap.
Super Turf Builder, the high
greening-power fertilizer for
western lawns. It's made by
the exclusive Polyform pro-
cess, that releases its nutri-
ents over a prolonged period
--as the grass needs them.
There's no wasteful over-
feeding, or surge growth to
cause extra mowing. Just a
greener, sturdier lawn.
Save $4 on 10,000 sq ft bag LgJ 14.95
Save $2 on 5,000 sq ft bag 7.95
Save $1.10 on 2,500 sq ft bag A,4Tf 4.35
Halts. Simply spread it on
your lawn in early spring to
stop pan annua before it
starts. HALTS forms an invis-
ible barrier that knocks off
pan annua as it sprouts. A
second application in !ate
summer completes the year's
treatment by stopping fall
germination. A terrific bar-
gain at this sale price.
Save $2 on 5,000 sq ft bag.9,OS" 7.95
Choice of Scotts grass seed
Here's your chance to save
on two famous Scotts blends
containing WINOSOR, the im-
proved variety of Kentucky
bluegrass. Given time to de-
velop, Windsor builds mag-
nificent green turf that takes
wear and tear. It is available
in blends containing 70%
Windsor or 35 % Windsor.
Blend 70
Save $2 on 2,500 sq ft box.gJ) 7.95
Blend 35
Save $1.80 on 2,500 sq ft box£ )5- 7.15
Moss and fungus control
Scotts PLUS-M, the lawn
moss and fungus control that
simultaneously full-fertilizes
your lawn. Plus-M takes care
of leafspot, snowmold, dol-
larspot plus other diseases.
Gives your lawn the same
prolonged feeding as Scotts
Super Turf Builder too. All
from a single application.
Save $2.60 on 5,000 sq ft bag 12,#6"10.35
Save $1.50 on 2,500 sq ft bag 6.00
426-2574 Eves.
Of Shelton •
taken, a
on Private
StOdden reported a
"Building Mason County"
Thursday, March 25, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3