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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Home Front Letter box: They've got a little list. Nosey newsmen and Congressional investigators have turned up the fact that United States Army intelligence files contain information on 25,000,000 Americans the military considers a danger to the security of the military-cost overrun complex. There has been much criticism of the massive surveillance and compilation of dossiers on civilians, but nowhere has the public been able to find out what the brass considers a threat, since contents of the files have been kept secret. Your friendly, hometown newspaper decided to do something about this information gap. We admit to pirating a successful scheme from William Randolph Hearst Jr. to accomplish our purpose. When the Hearst newspapers want to present an in-depth snow job, they send the Hearst Task Force, a group of prose pros, to do the job. You are about to benefit from the results of the fh-st offering of the Journal Task Force, a select newsman we sent to Washington, D.C., to bring back the true case histories of. the one-in-ten Americans who threaten the security of our war machine. Through hard work and the purchase of eight double martinis for a disgruntled clerk in the Pentagon, the Journal Task Force obtained a number of dossiers, the eye-opening contents of which we reproduce below. The reports are sketchy, but they tell the story of those who are destroying our country from within. "Biilie Jo Thrush; Green Mold, Louisiana; female, white, 42-42-42 - Left out the words 'rockets' red glare' while singing the Star/Spangled Banner prior to Little League game between Green Mold Giants and Snake Haven Braves. Agent X-14457 was disguised as umpire and submitted expense claim for three orange pops and two hot dogs." "Morley Hertz; Gomorrah, Utah; male, white - Scraped American flag decal off windshield of 1956 Chevrolet and replaced with STP sticker." "John Forward, Pete Forward, Sam Guard, Harry Guard and Leland Center; Hoop, Indiana; all male, white - Starting five on Hiram Q. Black High School basketball team. Agent X-2398 set new undercover record when he arrived at scene three minutes after reading headline on sports page of the Hoop Chronicle that said: 'BLACK PANTHERS TO INVADE EAGLE GYM'." "Harvey Squint; Big Puddle, Texas; male, white, near-sighted - Set fire to reel of film at American Legion stag party while smoking cigar next to projector. Agent X-13659 was treated for smoke inhalation. Squint was hospitalized with a skull fracture and multiple abrasions and contusions. Sixty-eight Legionnaires suffered bruised knuckles and extreme frustration." "Inspector Lew Erskine; Video, California; male, white - FBI Inspector Erskine, wearing a fright wig, false beard, fLLi sed; leJ and - o.t pa ttp, ) tic ted froitt o¢' ~'BI ]aeadqu ters m Buttg l l nfana, carring sign that read 'BAN BUTTE. "Rear Admiral Dudley Derriere; Fantail, Maryland; male, white, 42-54-61 - Won $100 bet on Army-Navy game from Colonel Wesley Point, head of intelligence unit at Fantail, Maryland." "'Harvey Lathe; Cheddar, Wisconsin; male, white - Drank twelve Moscow Mules at Christmas party of Cheddar Machine Works, a prime defense contractor." "George Running Board; Barren, Wyoming; male, American Indian - Displayed bumper sticker on car reading 'CUSTER WORE AN ARROW SHIRT'." "Tansy Ragwort; Sardine, Maine; female, white - Burned sheet of six-cent stamps in lobby of Sardine Post Office to protest 14-day delivery of birthday card from mother in town 28 miles away." "'Amos Nandy; Geoduck, Washington; male, black - Attempted to deliver laundry through front door of Geoduck Elks Club." "Bernard Bleedingheart; Quaker, Pennsylvania; male, white - Disrupted an executive meeting of the Peace Corps by delivering a speech advocating peace." We are sure that after reading these intelligence reports you will come to the horrifying conclusion that the only group actively protecting our government from its citizens is the United States Army. It is imperative that the list be expanded. The times dictate that we cannot afford to be half-safe. Surely no American can rest easy in his bed until the Army has a file folder on each of us. Telephone, wire or write Senator Henry M. Jackson today. Tell him nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are not enough. We must not let the Russians remain ahead of us in the secret police race. Freedom is everybody's business. Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412 Published at She!ton, Mason County, Washington, weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa. Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspal~r Publishers' Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County, in advance -- Outside Mason County $6.00 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay PLANT SUPERINTENDENT ........................ Jim Shrum NEWS EDITOR ................................... Alan Ford OFFICE MANAGER ......................... Lodema Johnson OFFICE ASSISTANT ............................. Mary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER ...................... Don Adolfson WOMEN'S EDITOR .............................. Jan Danford domeg e By: ROBERT C. CUMMINGS The House was just about ready to send another proposed constitutional amendment to the Senate last week when, on a hunch, the majority leadership sent it back to committee. The proposal raises the present $400,000 ceiling on public indebtedness which the Legislature can incur without submitting the issue to a vote of the people. The proposed new ceiling would be 9 per cent of the average of three years general state revenue. Its purpose is to speed up action on general obligation bonds, which now must wait two years to be approved by the voters. It would also obviate issuance of so many revenue bonds, which require a higher interest rate than general obligation bonds, and has been requested by the Governor. Sorry, Wrong Number The measure came out of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation and sent to Rules Committee where it was awaiting a place on the House second reading calendar when a Rules Committee member noticed the measure's number - H JR 42. That is the same number as the ill-fated tax reform proposal which was so overwhelmingly 'rejected by the voters last November. House Republican leaders have decided that, in view of the results, that number should be retired. The new HJR 42 was sent back to Revenue and Taxation Committee and HJR 52, an identical proposal, will be sent out in its place. Tax Post Mortem :Behind the high stack of varied income tax proposals int'ioduced in both legislative hoyses is the volume of mail received by numerous law-makers, especially those from Western WaC~hington. Much of the mall indicates second thoughts on Gov. Dan Evans' tax reform program, which the voters so recently turned down by a margin of more than two to one. It is prompted by what many refer to as "runaway" property taxes, and is making an impression on many legislators. But the "runaway" property Our own Scoop Jackson is making it big in the national press these days as he floats his trial balloons from state to state. He is the last guy in politics who finds it necessary to warn the electorate that the Russians are not exactly our friends. In an age when even the Republicans are finding new subject matter for political discussions, the Senator is refreshing. He will put us to work building ABM's and SST's as long as the alphabet and the taxpayer hold out. Senator Jackson has a magic formula. He discovered years ago that conservatives, while they dislike spending government money, fall silent when the money is spent with them; particularly when it is spent on taxes are wholly unrelated to the defeat of tax reform. They are the result of reappraisals, and would have occurred even if tax reform had been approved. Those inclined to analyze the tenor of their mail are wondering what the voters' reaction would have been if they had approved the income tax and still watched their property taxes go sky high. Meanwhile, even those who think the3; are reading a change in voter sentiment are quick to concede an income tax bill doesn't have a chance of passing this Legislature in any form. \ d on Editor, The Journal: Since I do not receive copies of the weeklies here in Washington, D.C. because they are sent to my Western Assistant, Senator Bob Bailey, who goes through them and sends me the pertinent information from them, I did not see the editorials which were recently printed in YOur paper. May I assure you that I was not responsible for any 8-page telegram to any newspaper. It is a policy of mine to use telegrams to the press only when precise details or verifications are necessary for accuracy, and these telegrams are never sent to weeklies unless it is a matter of life or death to some constituent. The telegram in those cases would be a simple one- or two-line communication. My policy has always been to try and prepare the weekly information and have it in the mail so that it may arrive at the desks of the weeklies before Monday and meet their deadlines. However, apparently my press assistant took it upon himself to forw.ard a lengthy telegram to your paper. May I reiterate, this was not my authorization and it is not my policy. I think it is well to remember, however, that when one hires a committee we are called upon to be in the House of Representatives answering the roll call, voting, and listening to debate. I think few people understand that the amount of office time we have is relatively limited if we intend to participate or serve as active Congressmen. Many of us wish there were more office time for we do not get to oversee office operations to the degree that I did, for example, in my own business office. But Congress is that kind of an establishment and a representative body where the business of Congress is transacted in the House rather than any place else. Thank you so much for Understanding the problem which arose, not through any fault of mine. This is one of the things I have constantly warned my employees about - when they make a mistake it is my head on the block, never theirs. No one bothers to investigate who made the mistake. And I am perfectly frank in accepting responsibility when I make a mistake, but it is with some dismay that I am called upon to accept responsibility and criticism for those who make a mistake Under my name without my knowledge. military hardware, press assistant, the details of his Incidentally, it may be work must be left up to him. I am interesting for you to know that I As for liberals, they will vote for anybody who has a in committee hearings from am very careful with my clean shirt and a Democratic nomination, before 10:00 in the morning until .telephone and telegram budget. In our state, Scoop Jacksonhasspreadhimselfoutacross long after 5 00 at night we nave not used our full the political spectrum. Only tile Neanderthal Right and the Therefore,. I am out of my office" allotment in several years and the only necessity for using the Barefoot Left escape his charrn and both are more useful as whiCh, because of mvall day, including the lunch hour telephone is because of the enemies than as friends in these oubled times. ;hPaPrOprla~oun:usS~ahl~?l;~leirSe le~s' slowness of our mails, as it has But will it work in national politics9 been increasingly neces f " ' sary for us You can play Big Daddy to a single state forever. The last it is impossible in the usual to use faster communications guy who tried it for the whole nation, though, was Lyndon context oi the average business than the U.S. mail provides- and Johnson. The outcome was not inspiring, daY to oversee the activities of with whose management I have From the Bainbridge Review each individual, nothing to do. When we Members are not in Julia Butler Hansen, M.C. Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1971 Editor, The Journal: I read with astonishment the gargantuan PUD "Pollution Solution" advertisement and am compelled to protest the unwise use of funds by our local effete snobs. Really boys, you mustn't use our money to pull the nuclear pollution over our eyes! Speaking of often quoted "cleans and dirties": Clean is electric heat, but Dirty is the aftermath of nuclear generation! Getting down to the nitty-gritty (no pun intended), nuclear power stations~ produce approximately 100 times the waste heat of coal-fired stations of similar capacity. We are presently adding heat to our environment faster than it can be re-radiated into space, causing the temperature of the earth to rise and ultimately resulting in a world-wide tropical climate. Nice if you're a lizard. Editor, The Journal: In your article of March 4 issue of the Journal the Indians of Oklahoma paid our Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen high honor for her work in behalf of the Indian People. Julia has been very helpful to all Indian tribes, working long hours and traveling many miles. She is outstanding in her work for {Ire Editor, The Journal: I am very disturbed. You see, I'm sitting in the Junior High auditorium. The A.F.S. Talent Show is taking place. As I recall it, there were several mentions of A.F.S. week in our local paper, and on school announcements. It seems that a lot of people should be aware of the activities sponsored by A.F.S. this week. It also seems to me that if the people of our community are interested in students, their future, and in general, interested in the youth of today, they would support their activities. Welt, the auditorium isn't even half full. The majority of the audience is composed of students. I can see only about 5 adults. Many of the students in the audience are also taking part in the performing. " What disturbs me is that the people of Shelton seem to always want to have a large say in what we young kids can and can not (perhaps I should say are supposed to and are not supposed to) do. And I am forever hearing about the noisy minorities, II Editor, The Journal: We would like to commend the young people who attended the AFS dance last Friday night at the Armory. This was the dance that was abruptly ended because of a bomb threat that was called in. There were about 175 teenagers at the dance when the call came in. Everyone had to leave the building at once. We waited outside in the cold for almost an hour while the building was Editor, The Journal: - We want to say "Thank You" to the Democratic Party for the dinner being given in honor of Chester Streckenbach this coming Saturday. Many of his family will be unable to attend because of a family wedding and it has occurred to us that there are others who will be unable to attend who do appreciate his efforts and the tremendous amount of time and self he gives By March of 1970 already some 75 radioactive wastes nuclear power United States of effective disposal of radioactive yet unanswered. Most.~ in tank farms whose ranges from 10 to 20 Hanford, more than 5 year are used up for storage. The of these wastes If you're not already~ in your electrically single 1,000 - MW year of operation radioactive cesium, iodine than all weapons tests ever Don't you realize on, boys? Surely there "Pollution Solution" between dirt and death. us. In due time, her, also. I find that Congressmen, or to do most also help those districts with their We, the Indian very proud to call May she travel buckskin moccasins. Geol composed of makers, getting publicity, while the the "good," of tomorrow are about. Well I am excellent example good efforts of sees it? Kids. I can't really community all observed a great people attending department's pl Lincoln", another however with a involvement of population, (which necessary due to production.) It so many .peop,!e , tile displays5 witnessing. And as Tracy "Teach your childretl Don't you ever If they told you, Just know they love and teach your Don't you ever ask If they told you • • I must listen. B. K# re searched by the patiently waiting back into the announced that the be cancelled as precaution. Although ev disappointed, the disorder for people are so o~tell dance chaperones, our Shelton great. Mr. & MrS: to the people Of and the State of well. We think it wonderful if these "post card "Thanks" to chet 30 years of We want him to have been aPPt address: Chester 1719 Madison St. It Stan Pro]