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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Bank Merger Completed Pioneer Returns Home of 1 Puget Sound National Bank of;r Long 75 millio~ Tacoma and the National Bank of ~astes Mason County of Shelton haveBy ANN WHEELER Mr. and Mrs. R. Kowalsky wer merged institutions effective prnNEER - We are all so ~ladwere at Spencer lake Saturday alom March 19, it was announced to llear'Mrs Peter Tanasse~of and Sunday getting ready for ~ioC°tiveV;ttm jointly by A E Saunders ....... o has been ve" ill opening day and the summer ~ . " " rlcKerlng wu ,~ 'ed..icallYtrohtht~,.j~idlg0ibli~o Sii~M°s~:~L?~CORATORShe~;~rtised c~stfmnat.l°nally ~1 ~ti~p.m.Attending the public grand sue sings in me CHOir ~ne is a ........ president of Puget Sound and .... ... w able to do season. home or in your car, drive in to ~ T.R. Weston, former president of since last tan isno_~ v .... s---^ Mr and Mrs Klinefelter from wh°seesiu~[7"arwO'DAYSCHOOL opening, scheduled for MItNOR~ A&~r DR2oVrE~NiaOn ~ the National Bank of Mason om?hterilne~sWOrr, nitu t~tt um~ Bremerton spent Sunday at the 10 to 20 Yqllrs Arlene - re than 5 #~ Go'" l'arker and Mrs Wednesday, March 31, will be the M . " . wn " County. ~,. ~,a "U~s Carl Hanson home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay on - -his~ tt of Kay's Dran,~;,~o" president of Security Title W. has a complete taste tempting Formal ......val b,~ the .............. " -'- up tot train, atte-a-~ v..... , .... ' - v - .. . " rtat ~pencer LaKe. .. . J ,a~a. ,,uvu a two day salos 5aerwooa Norton, along with menu that will satisfy even the cnmntrnller nf the currency to from the Log Cabin Reso I, ~,,~ on,~a ,~,,o ¢,,~,, esumateu %I"¢Corav-- - ~ ~ .. . _ . ...... : ~---r .............. , l ...... " .........--"'" ...... c#lhl- ,iS school snons,~-~ diner aignitaries ot the company, most demanding gourmets, and ..... £ merge was given following annual LakeCres U O Stnh aOl ttPdC Pioneer to hear of the excellent :S IS OUt/]"urman, "+ """ " erved , ~.~-a~:,t s of Salisbu-. Refreshments will be s they are open every day of the meetings of the stockholders of ~?lnsU'an;'~'Mr and "Mrs J turnout for the Mother and lot a£reauy ]Bulacturer~ "Y' between the hours of 2 and5 week ........ ...... '~:~ k both banks earl'ler this" year ............ " ...... ""'"+ ate and Mrs daughter "Fun Night' " March 20, That's-30- for this week• : ..... n u cement vanaerwa~ oL ~,~ - MW reacI,~.~ents and be~ window • • ~i ~.:+ ~ In making the an o n , w~.r, ...... f Pickerin~ as well as for the Father and Son ilion contt#-l~e WorkshopUSpreaaSssi " DL'S CORNER t~ ~': ~ Saunders and Weston said that the .... ~V~at a grand surprise Em"Fun Night" March 13. slum, str0~l Were h~ se pus of the ~ two offices of ehe National Bank ...... " ..... ~ ~ . . " ........ Babcock of eickering naa friday~auy t;.o.oK, irene GoMsby -he Itat ,,~m on the-- As the old saying goes ... t all tn tawba uampus . ,, _~d~t,, •College in Salis~--- "Spring has sprung ... and sohas .............. ~f-- : li ~ at°t lvlasonl~ellalr WluLOUnty atcontlnue ~nelton anato operate morning when her nephew Jackand Bert Miller assisted at the ever .c.o~"~h~rolina' ""'Y' much better weather... ' 1'.. I--- -- rl .... 1.. ~ |i ~ Howard called her to get ready Mothers and daughters event and ~uv LUlU 10 ~,lu~--y ~ ~~ with their present staff as ¢,,,afli,~tina4nassengercessna John Cook and Bud Valley .u^,rea~Z~e~]~ern~le,,at" the school the . So, don;tolet a}iotut~e bitunO~fa~f ~~-----_-_- il ~~ branches of Puget Sound National ~o'visit ~ack's sister Toni Coffelt assisted at the Father and son c~Y "~,, " ~,o~ ~tended wn~t.~l, ..... l~eep you ir m y ~- ~ ~~ ,lutlon " [~/ °t Color and ¢.+. ...... shopping for spring things... 2 bedroom apartment. Call Mason County was started Oct.~d f:y !lYh eyn stOp;S d I s2t nBdo e OI •tla ~wi -,~uttcsWln tneU". . " 'evenS'he Pioneer School has aFOR RENT 2 bedroom house or !:~ : ~ Bank The National Bank of md den a;6r~ ndow dressin~ ann .... And with spring things come 426-4541. F3/25 ..... ~".,, 3 1 1 964,and has present ace e ]~is~" o Coordinate other spring sales, where you can sae .t~. +~ t~ wiow iota oot ~er are ust a few ~~~!~~~~ ' stores at whicn you can save tillS LI'~ON M~vt~.. week... ,~RllllJT~~ The big Penny Sale is on at e, weh°P¢~pP~E_Sm;wseli ~TKER openings to show beautiful I~ Through Basic give theteacherstimetoeattheir fashions. No experience ~ I1 ......... lunch and take care of problems necessary, must be over 21• If you i Ili Mark reterson, son ot Mr. andin re,,~-ao *,- o-,-----, - ^-,- ,,, .... ---- . n ~alua LU ~,IIUUI WUII%. I-IU~U can work 3 even ngs a week have I II .. Mrs. Reuoen reterson. Mason call n .... u .......... onn~ .._ transportation and would I'ike a ~ II Lilliwaun Lake, completed 1-2 weeks of ...... a r~azur~uV,.+.~o-o~,u, fu~ hose out#E~ Ution cente-- gton . . . ' high income and free $400 / II ~ ............ ~?,~+~ .... !" ............ more information _bl#l~quarter^~ -~ operationCHOiCe is tops... --- :~ :~+~'~ " oaslc training at the u 5 Coast wardrobe, call Vi 426-4596. i I[ .......... .. their proT'~aiilace" ~u at Kirkland is For a low, low price on tires, W3/25-4/1 ~ ! :i:: t=.. = ....--.. I.. Guara ~tauon at Alameda, Calif., f=--- ........... - ............ - .... Indian N~'~o~.,.. check with SEARS this week. LOST BLACK toy pood e near ~ ~ ~:~i~+~!~ ~ll~|lrw~y |~ Marc?¢25 .......... ! Mason County Democratlc Club JtJ~ ~Y War " ~'-----~-- " ..... ~ Attcl a t~ uay leave, ne Will o call t~,~(lent a-~ naca, Seattle, vice Manager Maxlne Rhoades has junction of Cole Arcadia and ~f!!~ ~ as It I be assi ned -aboar ! " | Requests $1.SO per person to raVels 10;~, I, saidta~:neral manager of many sizes in stock and most are Lynch roads $5 reward. Phone i~ ~i~i~ ~ ~4PIIIII~I~ g d the high | homo doftay theexponse of casin • . ~Lme-. ttenger s new reduced to clear the inventory. • • 426-1362. M3/25 .... !~,;~i!++~ "------"----" w'~,t~,~ endurance cutter Klamath, based |CHET STRECKENBACH Dinner d~ at inc Dixte Eagle out of Seattle ,eorgla aa1 .... ludes responsibilityThe world of fiber optic ~si--~ ' " By VIVIEN OLSON . . " { Memorial Hall, 6:30 .,~lseme , . ..... 'Jlal~d i. nt of the fir~'~ lightingis now available in - ...- with cabine{ base; 200 gallon oil 11¢ is a 1969 graduateof SAT., MAR 27 I Sh'e,~verett, Moses Lake Shelton at RAY WARREN'S barrel with stand. Double bed ^pJ~ LILLIWAUP - Members SheltonHigh School- { " " ir~ iierly ~on Operations He BECKWITH'S JEWELRY. Owner with Hollywoo(] headboard, .~_¢~1~----~ )l&~lll found something new had been " : .... - ........ ---- .... ------------------~ ~ ItyI managed the Kirl~land RaYeWarren says the best in this spring and mattress; old buffet,S'#~-~I ~_~h~ I[~I~/-V added to the Lilliwaup | .......... ... - ,'bad" '~t,'.l~Pson B " yp of gift is by Poly-Optics, so two sets of large double doors. ~l~~ ~ Cnmmunltv Cluh house on " - " - " " " - Phone 426-6152. F3/25tfn '~II_V~'~¢.._'J~.~ i_/'qPI "V'oiT:-"'i'te la~" Frida " Ernest ~t ~,0 ]~llyUilding Su--b ;o a stop in and take a gander ~ ";%~.~ ~ I~AF,~ I' I/~1/~ pin cnle nit t y. • tO • own pp j ,o • • ". ttlng~ Th,,,ed subsidiary of Twenty per cent off is the THREE BEDROOM. one year old ~,3~e~") -- ...v Haines and Lloyd Wilton had .............. ..m-- Lie the/::~.li0_ ",~,oer Comnan,, ,,+,;+~ ~ word from LUMBERMEN'S OF home, one bath, large kitchen and "vu~ - collaborated in building a new az [nl u standl~' ' .nWlde "- ~ ~'"~ ~ .... "~"" ............. P ll~tb~tlon, ..... network of SHELTON on some of Scotts d)nln.g room: two-car garage, Dixie Eagle has been selected and Mrs. WentzEagle, andshehas stairway at the entrance to the are " RFr0sh, ,~eittties. proaucts. Larry Knutsen, manager ~+lr~,PLa0ce~42~.~)827a~)2~e~/~r~ as Rotary Student of the Month two brothers and two sisters. She clubhouse. A much appreciated - .. • • • ~et4t~'~°ch, manager of 'he and Ann Bennington of the .......... - ....... /~.~-../~.~ by the vocational teachers in was born in Shelton on July 5, improvement. ~ ~l~'lll-,~lJl-I mil~al~ lm o~:~re+7_~ distribution ,,..:~. garden center, have a lot of stock FOR RENT -- three bedroom Shelton ni~h School 1953. Edna Haines and Anna . II~lrl !111.11111111~.~ tple.°L~w'/~0~W~ed. A success'or'~a'~ for everyone, SO stop in this week unfurnished home, $125.00 per "~ ,, "After my graduation," says Johnson were first prize winners " " r=-- -- ~ ...... month. Phone 426-4870 evenings.She has concentrated in me n~x~- ~a~le "I ho,~e to find a lob at the evenings card nartv Second m. • • -- E3/25t n Home Economics area, and her Evel n of..glu°'..'~l(:cri~ lOINs'U oe named SOon. pric . . .ande pick some up for a low ~t ...... in which~ 'I can workV with people. ..... prize winners were Y I dl all ll • DIE I ! hobbies include cooking and , Hal eally '%~Ir~fv,, _ ,,,ethat~-,.t~OPERAT .... Good family dining awaits HAY FOR sate -- Arvid A. ' " ' l wanttobeactive. Nicholson and Ernest "nes. L=U~;t Iltl#~gUllglas FI ,u~ you at the HALLMARK INN Johnson, Skokomish Valley. sewing. She makes her own I Phone426-4039.3/25-4/1 clothing. She is interested in sports, both as a spectator and as ~ um ~. | ~ .Sb /-XLHe.b, / miles from town • • Some land cleared for building a. parhclpant, and she.played on ! I"U=~K ! A SPEED QUEEN site. Good year around creek, the rowuer ruff iootbatI team. ~ I~ll=~tlI~#l, II • I I~ li=llnlln ( n gZlll==.-i~ ~t=.,t# =,.el 1200 ft. frontage on county road. .... -- Minimum down of $4.200 with M,ss Eagle studies clvlcs, [ KBV. I/UNALO rill: | @TfilIUII:~(~ RTI:I=/ bal. on contract of 7%. Angle family living, child development, ~ ~ IWPII'IIIIII,,I,,IMIII,~ llJlLLL Agency- 426-8272.3/25 and girl's drafting; she is assistant I P~o~ Northwest College I 4- I:1 II I ~ 4- WA- H i:1t teacher for home furnishings and I l IIm, i i • • rlv um dLtpLen%"qa~l~,L~oviLg'cLrUe foCrairefant ....... • "" | SUNDAY, MARCH 21 and 28 ! ' "'" "'""'" to4years Myhome 5-dayweek member of the Future ~ + } I _~,IIII II-IklI-I~¥ I~IIIII~I',I ....... "...... f ' " - , ..... ! " ~ ~ VVI/ lillll~ll/ II=~VU~II~/ • Ll'Zb-EtSO~. ~J/ZOt n HomemaKers oi America, ann is{ ~ T(%NI &~I;:J~.RI V /"~i2 t"~.~'~l~ ~+~ ' .............. +' ..... ..... ' ~~ ~Ctive in the FoursqUare Churct{ -~~~'1.O~! vr ~,~Vl,~ ~E ~ i, , .......... 4-door 21,000 miles like new Crusader Youth group. / 152t~ M°nroe ~° und, Pastor +t' ~ .... $1,325.00 Phone 426-4823. Dixie is the daughter of Mr. ~-~-~ B3/25tfn I I ~ B. IOY~E'rONoI~;I~,OPENS Ron Elieclge, manager of ' i:' Ill : . ee • ",.,~ [~-Ctlrlty Ti'" MILLER'S, has a men s suit sale ~ay ~f ~, ti.e Insurance that was brought about by an It'll~q~quarters"asnmgton, with exceptional purchase Don't miss a~l" ]~.TM a Ma ,,. ~n Seattle, has t " avm s event that includes JJU II II~rO~a S"'t LOu--* ..... his s g "~ ' 7~- (~!~n'~-' havin- "tY °tl.~ce °n many all new styles' " • " .:,L~" Title - ~ PUrchased Congratulations to the ;",,', '""i! .t.,, o01iea~.e)'~t ~o. from Brock D & S M I T H ,, I !,: : t l01Nieh • A R N O L . M ael C E i'; lngt ;,~o~_ L. ltol" INSURAN AGENCY +' "'; he d~tL~l[~'~ Title C t, President of basketball team that took 3rd at the d~,,~,~ has been o. the past two .lace in the Olympia Invitational ed a' "~;~t of Se;udV~ted to vice District Tournament last week. .~k.°" of th- -- y title and The team is a member of the i eve~v " ~ Mason Count • ~;~_...= ------. "" Y Shelton City League A.A.U... :n ere .,h0 l For scrumptous eating at ,r Wzu+' l ofte " rues, ~1~ --~~~'~'~~ ~I' WARIUkNTY ee,-a e" All Pads & All Labor : #I TWO YEARS (( of of • ¢ : k lta;~! ,0se,,°;4 wer :'¢| :het f°~t~ '.o Rtt°~i3 ' st. ._ tts SUper fertilizer Ow at SUper savings iZer t°t; 7e:te TURF BulLDEIL the lawn fer" di ke' Your law?lawns" Super Turf Builder r • ! v-"no rn .... - grow greener, thicker, stur- "! -tier what kind o e _ ePs it tha, " " f grass you hav . Prolorl a ~ t Way longer too. because of its teedmg action. Super EarlyBird Sale 20% off 2,500 sq ft bag A,4fr" 4.35 _ 5,000 sq ft 7:5 10,000 sq ft bag.L84:.95- 14:5 nd * Shelton ALL NEW STYLES FOR THIS SAVINGS EVENT! COMPARE AT $65.00 If you demand top return for every dollar you put into a suit.., buy this two-trouser suit that's made for wear and good looks. The fabric is all wool for remarkable strength, resilience and crease retention. Handsomely styled and tailored with the new wider lapel and center vent. A great selection of solids, stripes and fancy patterns in a handsome assortment of COlors. Sizes 38 to 46. • BUY NOW ON LAYAWAY • USE YOUR OPTIONAL CHARGE I II I + PLUS + 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON TRANSMISSION PARTS Save up to $50.00 SPECIAL SALE Automatic Washers start at *with working trade-in. 4th & Cota OPEN DAILY: 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Thursday, March 25, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page