March 25, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Mr. and Mrs. John R. Snyder
Miss Ikehara Is A Bride
Immediate family members
witnessed the marriage of Miss
Shirley M. lkehara and John R.
Snyder on March 17 in the United
Methodist Church.
The Rev. Horace Mounts
performed the double-ring
ceremony for the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Ikehara, Atsugi
Naval Air Station, Japan and the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Snyder, Shelton.
Attendants for the couple
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Snyder,
brother and sister-in-law of the
groom. The couple will reside in
Bellingham where both are seniors
in Western Washington State
The John Morrows Observe
Silver Wedding Anniversary
Seventy friends and relatives Norris, John, Barbara and three
Bouquets of white
chrysanthemums, red carnations
and greens decorated the altar of
Saint Edward's Catholic Church
for the December 19 wedding of
Elizabeth Kelly Fredson to James
Michael Olson.
The Reverend Gabriel
Donohue officiated at the
double-ring ceremony for the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Fredson and the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Olson, all of Shelton.
Altar boys were Jim and Jerry
Johnsen. Music was provided by
Jeff Mitchell, soloist, and Mrs.
Ted Wittenberg, organist.
Escorted by her father up the
aisle between pews marked with
holly and moss green ribbon, the
bride wore a candlelight satin
peau gown fashioned with
scooped neckline, empire
waistline and bishop sleeves.
Alencon lace appliques trimmed
the bodice, sleeves and the skirt
which flowed into a chapel-length
train accented with peau bows
and pearls. An elbow-length veil
of French illusion was caught to
the bow back of her Camelot hat
of peau and Alencon lace. She
carried a bouquet of white spider
chrysanthemums and red
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Larry Warner. Bridesmaids were
Kathryn Flower, Sandi Lewis and
Kathy Olson, sister of the groom.
They were attired in floor- length,
empire-styled gowns of moss
green velvet with ruffled velvet
cuffs on the long sleeves, and
stand-up ruffled velvet collars.
They wore headpieces of white
spider chrysanthemums and green
velvet ribbon and carried holly
wreaths accented with bows and
streamers of red ribbon.
]'he bridegroom's best man
was his brother, Dan Olson.
Ushers were Don Nail, Mike
Sergeant, Jay Cook, Tom Fredson
and Tim Fredson, brothers of the
Moss green accessories
complemented the honey-beige
knit dress and coat ensemble of
the bride's mother. The
bridegroom's mother chose a
turquoise blue sheath and lace
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Olson
tiered wedding cake, with a base
of four hearts, was decorated with
red roses and topped with two
Assisting at the reception
were the Mesdames Gene Hanson,
Ernie Pierce, Phil Morrison,
Leonard Flower, Ken Fredson,
Murry -Coleman, Dwight
Southmayd and Mick Moses. Lori
Cook, Connie Fredson, Mary Jane
Southmayd, Terri Coleman and
Lisa Coleman also assisted.
The bride is a graduate of
Shelton High School and
Washington State University and
is a member of Alpha Chi Omega.
The groom is a graduate of
Shelton High School. They are
making their home in Seattle.
When one crosses the bridge ....
which is the only entrance to the
Nalley Farm in the Skokomish
Valley, one enters another world.
An island, the property is
bounded on three sides by the
Skokomish River and on the
fourth by Hood Canal. Wild game
birds strolling in fearless leisure
along the narrow road may bring
a vehicle to a standstill, and as far
as the eye can see there is an
abundance of unspoiled natural
Margaret Gates and her
husband, Robert, for the past
year have been caretakers on the
Nalley Farm. Mrs. Gates feeds the
trout in the pond, the geese and
the wild Mallards, and the
Auracana chickens that lay
olive-tinted eggs. She catches her
limit of fish in the river flowing
past her back yard, and she enjoys
Many years ago Margaret
Gates owned more than 100
horses including a white Arabian
stallion trained as a parade horse,
and a Palomino stallion. "Rodeo
Ranch", owned and operated by
Margaret and her husband, was
located on the outskirts of
Seattle. There wild horses brought
from Eastern Washington were
broken, trained and re-sold. Also
on the premises was a riding
"We offered moonlight trail
rides", Mrs. Gates reminisced.
"We charged a dollar for three
hours, and the ride through the
hills included the roasting of
marshmallows around an open
Margaret Gates was born in
California, but was raised in
Seattle, where she had lived most
of her life before coming to the
• I
Jan Danford, Society Editor
gathered at the Cloquallum grand-children. Morrow is coat with matching accessories. I
Grange Hall on March 13 to associated with the Mason County The church hall was decorated
honor Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow Road Dept. and Helen has gained with Christmas trees, huckleberry,
on their silver wedding a .large aquaintance through her salal and holly for the reception.
anniversary. The event, which was work with the News Tribune and An arrangement of white spider
planned as a pot-luck dinner, more recently as "mail lady" cn a chrysanthemums and red
came as a surprise to the couple Star Route in the Dayton area. rosebuds graced the tea table. The - '
Nalley Farm. She was employed
for 20 years by florist Pete
Jayettes To Hold
MARGARET GATES cooks in the kitchen of
Naltey Farm.
who were married in Montesano
on March 15, 1946 and have been
residents of the Shelton area for
gathered in the large hall. Mr. and
Mrs. Morrow danced an
anniversary waltz and were then
joined on the floor by other
couples. Music was furnished by
Arthur Hliboki, accordionist, Ray
Johnson, guitarist, Ray Hughes,
mouth-organist and Florence
Anderson, pianist. A large cake
had been baked and decorated by
Bea Loertscher.
The Morrow family includes
Mrs. Jane Riley, Mrs. JoAnn
Jobies To Sell
Easter Items
Job's Daughters will sell
Easter centerpieces, Easter lilies
and Easter seals downtown on
Saturday. A rummage sale is set
for April 3, and will be held from
9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Masonic
Job's Daughters Sunday was
observed at the 11 a.m. service in
the Faith Lutheran Church last
Sunday, and the last regular
meeting of the organization was
held on March 16.
Jobie of the Month was Cathy
Kimbel and the Birthday March
was won by Janet Wiley. Pro-Tern
were Tammie Blackwell, 5th
Messenger; Nancy Archer, Jr.
Custodian; and Sue Ruddell,
Visitors were Linda Koch,
PHQ Bethel No. 37; Jack Powell,
Grand Outer Guard and PAG
Bethel No. 37; and Mrs. Francis
Magruder, Royal Matron, Laurel
Court No. 26 Order of Amaranth.
Potluck Planned
The Veterans of World War I"
Madrona Barracks No. 1462 and
auxiliary will meet next Thursday
in the Memorial Hall for a noon
potluck to be followed at 1 p.m.
by entertainment and the regular
meeting. Each person should
bring his own table service.
RENT or BUY on
Easy Terms
announce the engagement of their daughter Jeanne to Gary
Prouty, son of Don Prouty of Sedro Wooley. Miss Peterson
was graduated from Shelton High School in ]969 and is
currently employed at Budget Finance in Olympia. Her
fiance was graduated from Sedro Woolley High School in
]965. He now attends OVTI and is employed part-time at
Capital Way Chevron. The wedding date is June 19th.
Liability & Property Damage
(over age 25) $27 (3 Me.)
Fire Insurance Canceled?
We can help en all fire
insurance and home owners.
843 Pacific, CHEHALI$, 745°8855
Dairyland Insurance Co.
lehnny's Music hx
20S Cota 426-4302
Rosaia, and for two years she, great-g:
-- ""_,_ _Special Meetin9 herself, owned a shop. She also crowd is a common'
IIUDI_ .rrese nrs. ~ , / *' ' • shop,W°rked andin the forB°n florist RobertMarche flower haow' v,hen shg Gates, .an'
Pizzicato,.._ _, ., ...... . . aruraay morn,ng
uwn;uria~n~tL~.rno~mo'nS a special meeting of the " *'•' * ,4,,, . ~,, .... ....... ~ ..... ~tar'
-'-'- v-----r - - - ------' .. :!~?: : -,' :'~ ' * ~ Shelton layettes will be held at Mrs. Gates is an artist, and she Place in a flatbaking
The regular meeting of tt/e composition was titled "Spring10 a.m. Saturday in the home of works in both oils and of raw rice; add
Pizzicato Club, held at 7 p.m. on
March 9 in the home Of Ann
Quimby with Nancy Eveleth as
co-hostess, opened with the
singing of the Junior Collect and
the hymn of the month as
designated by the National
Federation of Music Clubs.
The entire program consisted
of original selections composed
by the members themselves.
Alexis and April Kuhr played a
flute duet written by Alexis and
entitled "Early in the Morning".
Cheryl Bedell played her guitar
number called "The Pick and
Pickles Blues". Connie Tuson
played two of her own pieces:
"Excitement" and "Lousay".
Tracey DeMiero sang a poem of
Rod McKuen's, "An Outstretched
Hand", to her own guitar music.
Susan Hamilton played "Ditty"
on the piano. April Kuhr's piano
for YOU
Q. I am completely gray. What
type of hair coloring should I use?
A. There are four different
types of hair coloring products:
temporary, semi-permanent,
one-process permanent and
double-process blonding.
You can use any of these types.
Your choice should depend, not
upon the present color of your hair,
but upon the effect you want.
If you simply want to add silver
or platinum tones to your gray hair,
use a temporary rinse or a
semi-permanent hair color. The
former lasts only until the next
shampoo. The latter lasts through
from three to five shampoos.
It you want to change your hair
to any color other than blond- or
if your hair is white and you want
to become a blond -- use a
one-process permanent hair color.
This color will not wash out.
If your hair is gray rather than
white and you want to become a
blond, you will have to use a
double-process blonding product.
The first step in this process
"decolorizes" the natural pigment
in the hair; the second process
deposits the blond shade.
Flowers" and Lori Huber's was
.called "Don't Ask Me." Karen
Kytta's contribution was named
"The March of the Busbies" and
Susan and Laura .Hamilton sang
"Once I was Younger" with
words and guitar music composed
by Susan.
The annual progressive dinner
was held Saturday, starting at 5
p.m. Appetizers were served in
the home of Nancy Eveleth,
salads in Susan Edson's, main
dishes in Belinda Rae's and
desserts in Kerry Kramer's home.
All girls helped with the
preparation of dishes• which
represented foods of various
countries and many members
wore national costumes.
Mrs. Dick Andrews with Mrs.
Dick Wanner co-hostessing.
A short orientation on the
state layette organization will be
presented by officers.
The group met for a wine-and
cheese-tasting party on March 13
in the Tom Myers home. Mrs.
Jack Webber acted as chairman.
Gifts made by the club will be
taken to Madigan Hospital
patients before Easter.
Rose Is Candidate
Martin J. Rose is a winter
quarter candidate for a master of
education degree at Central
Washington State College.
"Your hair
fashion is
only as
good as the
condition of
"your hair".
Extra Special for
with Conditioner and Fillerall
Reg. $25 ............ NOW $20.50
With Full Bleach, Conditioner and Fillerall.
Regular for short hair $27.50 . "... NOW
Remember! Our Permanent and Wig special prices
are good the rest of this month!
Our Operators schedules are...
Stella-- Man. thru Fri. Kathy -- Tues., Fri. & Sat.
Alyce "- Tues. thru Sat. Arlene -- Thurs. and Fri.
Marlene -. Monday thru Sat. except Tuesday
Chris ~ Monday thru Sat. except Tues. and Wed.
phone 426-6659
i nnu r I
Open Mon. thru Saturday
Evenings By Appt.
watercolors; she paints china; she
has studied ceramics, at one time
owning a kiln; she crochets-
knits-sews; she plays organ; and
she gardens• in the flower beds on
Nalley Farm. She likes animals,
and among her pets are two cats,
a Mynah bird, and the farm
watch-dog, a large black Labrador
named Clinker.
She and her husband have
three daughters, four sons, 27
grandchildren and four
onion and greeia
plus cut up stew
as carrots,
Pour over this
tomatoes OR 2 ca~S
OR 2 cans
water to cover,
chops, pork steakS,
patties or links.
to taste, cover,
hour at 375
t&~- • •
It's motive-- purest flattery! To
slim your ankle, curve your
make your foot look slender
pretty. To wear, to walk in, to:
feel your very best in-vitally
Our Shoe Club P
Over 2,700
107 S.
Neirs Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1971