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WlLMA DITTMAN, left, and Ina Wivell, view Merle
VanderWal's painting, which will be displayed in the Annual
Art Scholarship Show to be sponsored by the Shelton Adult
Art Club from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Wednesday in the PUD
auditorium. Proceeds will provide an art scholarship for a
Shelton High School art student. Paintings must be entered
no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, and will be accepted by the
pictured co-chairmen on Tuesday.
-- Southside
place of the
March 1 7,
Convention at
Pic Was "consumer
s very interesting.
and buffet
a tour of the
were Shirley
a Heinis, Ruth
Kreifels and Jo
club meeting
atson's house
called the
the flag salute
and 4-H pledge.
Lennie Christensen
introduced Kim Dyson as a new
member of our 4-H club.
They talked about
dem onstrations.
Lennie Christensen told
everyone, she would call them up
and tell them when they had to
be there to do their
dem onstration.
The club has already collected
more than $60 on the money
making project.
They told when the next
meeting was and then the meeting
was adjourned, reported Christie
Friendship Club met March
17 at the home of Ester Horton.
There were ten members
The next meeting is April 7 at
the home of Marie Carder.
On March 9 the Live Wires
4-H club held a meeting at
Southside School.
Members present were Kathy
Bailey, Julie Kamin, Sharon
Johnson, Nancy Eveleth, Mrs.
Bedell, Mrs. Wolf and Cheryl
They discussed going up to
Flap Jacks or some where in the
Mountains with Mr. Johnson and
Mr. Kamin for guides.
They also discussed
demonstrations which were March
In new business they
discusse~,.having ~a sl~l~ber party
at Nanc~Eveleth's, reported Cheryl
Mrs. John Cookson and
Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimball
and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha
and Shelley visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Kratcha on various days on
the weekend.
at the
You'll find a tempting taste treat
of the week. Open 7-8 Sun.
Thurs. 7-6 Friday. Closed Sat.
Winners Named
North-S0uth winners for the
Shelton Bridge Club's Monday
night meeting were Clyde Ruddell
and Bruce Kreager; Jane Bennett
and Bob Quimby; May Graler and
Eva Aamodt.
Winning for East-West were
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stock; Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Zobel; Bill
Batchelor and Shirley Byrne.
Today, Thursday, March 25
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Golden Age Club potluck
supper, 6 p.m. Meeting & social
evening to follow. Memorial Hall.
Bake sale & Easter gifts, 10
a.m. - 3 p.m., PUD. Mason
General Hospital Auxiliary.
Rock Society, 7:30 p.m.,
Friday, March 26
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF Hall.
Rummage sale, 10 a.m. -4
p.m., PUD. David Ray Orthopedic
Saturday, March 27
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m.,
Mason County Democratic
Club dinner, 6:30 p.m., Memorial
Jayettes, 10 a.m., home of
Mrs. Dick Andrews.
Jobies' Easter Sale,
Sunday, March 28
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Teen Moose family breakfast,
9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Moose Lodge.
Monday, March 29
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
It's About Time Tops, 7:30
p.m., County Health Office.
Creative Stitchery Display
opens at the Shelton Public
Tuesday, March 30
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
Wednesday, March 31
Drivers license examiner, I0
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
Annual Scholarship Art Show,
11 a.m. - 9 p.m., PUD.
Thursday, April 1
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.;
business meeting, 8 p.m.,
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30
p.m., PUD conference room.
Multi-service Center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
DPW noon, Timbers
VWWI Madrona Barracks No.
1462 & Auxiliary, noon potluck,
1 p.m. meeting, Memorial Hall.
Fair Harbor Grange, 6 p.m.
Potluck; 7:30 meeting, Grapeview
Fire Hall.
green salad.
garlic bread
With dr- •
S h. USSlnn ..._
-hP: Saladi 'a r.anberry sauce, hot roll,
"=ver -- olage. P tato,
ONLy )50
EVery Served
"Since 1927"
1st and Grove
Quick Parts & Service,
Mon. thru Sat.
By Dolores Drake
Early history came to life last
Thursday when a panel of
Skokomish Indians presented a
program for the Hood Canal
Federated Woman's Club and
guests. Mrs. Dexter McCulloch
assisted the panel by locating, on
a large map she had prepared,
Indian settlements along Lower
Hood Canal, the North and South
Forks of the Skokomish River
and Vance Creek. Mrs.
McColloch, the former Karen
James, is a close friend of
Grandma (Louise) Pulsifer, and
has worked closely with the
Indians to learn early customs and
to study basket weaving. She
currently attends the University
of Washington.
Indians from these many
communities migrated throughout
the area gathering their food.
Their customary places for fishing
were in all the streams that
flowed into Hood Canal. The long
house was their winter home, but
their summer homes were
temporary structures of mats,
boughs and poles.
War-like incidents were kept
at a minimum by inter-marriage
between the Indian communities
in this area: and they spoke a
common language. Indians from
these communities were confined
to the Skokomish Indian
reservation during the 1850's.
George Miller stated that
according to the 1880 census,
there were 245 Indians on the
Skokomish Reservation. Of these,
only 20 were full blooded
Skokomish Indians. There were
84 women, 70 men, 47 girls and
41 boys. During the year there
were eight births and three
deaths. Twenty-nine of the
Indians were enrolled in school,
35 could read the English
language and 30 could write; 68
could speak the English language.
There were 67 couples, but only
23 considered to be legally
married; 37 of the Indians had no
Indian names. The statistics also
revealed that there were 80
horses, 88 cows and 44 domestic
fowl. The Indians also harvested
80 tons of hay and 450 bushels of
grain per year. In addition to the
farmers, there were four
carpenters, two blacksmiths, one
interpreter, one policeman, six
medicine men, seven
washer-women and six mat and
basket makers.
Miller, an active member of
the Skokomish Tribal Council,
explained that the Skokomish
Indians purchase commercial
fishing permits from the Tribal
Council and pay a percentage of
their fishing income to the Tribal
Council. Anyone may purchase a
$5.00 sports fishing permit which
permits him to fish on the
reservation for one year from the
date of purchase. Some of these
monies are used by the Tribal
Council to pay for the river
patrolmen. The Tribal Council
also has a revolving loan fund to
assist students in completing
college educations. This year they
assisted a third-year Forestry
student with books and tuition
for the winter quarter. The
Council also has many plans for
the Lower Skokbmish School. It
is hoped that it will house a
community library and even an
Indian crafts center.
Bruce Miller gave a resume of
the Indians' social structure.
There were three class distinctions
- the upper class, middle class,
and slaves. It was very disgraceful
to be captured by another
community and to be made a
slave. If a Slave escaped and
returned to his settlement, it
would be necessary for him to
give a Potlatch to regain his
esteem. If he could not afford to
do this or was unable to return,
he would remain a slave and his
decendants would also belong to
the slave class.
Bruce also described the
costume modeled by his niece,
Mrs. Michael Twidwell, and he
explained the baskets displayed.
Mrs. Twidwell wore a wind dress
designed like the bark, or
soft-skin, dress of the coastal
Indians. Beads and shells
decorated the garment. Her boots
were typical of the Shoshonean
Indians. Baskets were made of
cedar root, bear grass, sweet grass,
and cedar bark. The Cedar root
basket was used for carrying
water, gathering berries and for
cooking purposes. The open
weave basket was made of the
inner bark of cedar trees. This
basket was used to gather clams
and to hold them while they were
left in the salt water to pump out
the sand. The bright yellow dye
used in the basket came from the
Oregon Grape and the deep red
dye was made from the wild
cherry bark. The Skokomish
symbol was the dog with the tail
curled up. A herring bone design
and a fox with the tail down was
also worked into the Skokomish
Indian folk-lore tales were
passed down from generation to
generation, and Mrs. Jeanne
Everendon related tales told to
her by her Grandmother Adams.
One story dealt with the origin of
the four seasons, and night and
day. It seems that the (Du-wi-bah)
told the Bear, Rabbit and Ant
that he would grant a wish to the
one who could dance the longest.
Mr. Bear, being his old sleepy self,
started to dance; he wanted to
wish for a long, long winter so
that he could sleep most of the
time. It was not long, though,
before he was very tired and fell
fast asleep. Now the frisky little
rabbit thought he would win as he
could just jump all around and
dance and dance. Mr. Rabbit did
jump and dance, but as time went
by he became so worn-out that he
just couldn't go on any longer.
Now Mrs. Ant was very
industrious, and she danced and
danced. She was hungry, but she
didn't stop dancing; she just kept
tightening her belt a little more.
Of course, she danced the longest.
When the Du-wi-bah asked Mrs.
Ant what she had wished for, she
expressed her desire for the four
seasons - spring to work her
fields, summer to grow the crops,
fall to do the harvesting, and
winter to use up all that she had
stored away. She also asked for
day and night that she might rest
during the working seasons. That
is why we have four seasons, day,
and night, and also why the ant
has a small waist.
Many of these legends were
recorded by Edna Gunther in
1926, but copies are no longer
available. It is hoped that the
local Indians will compile these
tales in book form, before they
are forgotten.
Mrs, Alex Gouley sang a
modem Indian love song, 'Pale
Moon.' Mrs. Gouley's father, Mr.
Peterson, was one oL the early
teachers on the Skokomish
Reservation. Self-taught, he in
turn taught his people, using both
the English and Indian language in
order that they could quickly
understand. The first little school
house was moved up from the
boarding school where the Nalley
ranch is now located, to the
present site of the Lower
Skokomish school.
Goodness" of
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Thursday, March 25, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9