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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[.000sp o _ Satu,da, i~rn°°n, Art lndahl went k With hi to ... ks bulldozer, giving a i~cth;f~l~.sna a nudge there. The m *ttention was two of .l~ three cabins on " I[nderson,s Walt m"ds o property in 'f~y P rt, next to Shumate EAfter mOVing cabin on • to e back abithe south, he demolished l~iem- two was then pushed in r ~e, onto t if'cab. he remains of the ![ m and received the same iSUnday, the Hoods or lartrnent ._ p t Fire II. set fire to the ile of Ir~'~':::ending by in re:Jiness • i J. • -nen the original fire Lmt~de d~iwn sufficiently, Art lihed tL a ot his bulldozer | ,re remalrung cabin onto en u the pile of embers and ashes, where it was also smashed and burned. Needless to say, the fire went as planned and was completely under control at all times. St. Patrick's Day will be a day to remember for some time to come, for Mae Hooven and her aunt Florence Lanning. Returning from a shopping trip to Bremerton, Mac attempted to pass a car and a garbage truck. Just as she was even with the car, the truck started to make a left hand turn. Seeing that she had insufficient time to stop, she also made a left turn into the Alpine Christmas Tree yard, hoping to avoid a collision. Unhappily a car was parked on the outer edge of the yard in Mae's line of travel. She swerved rns to miss the car and the back of her car spun around hitting the front of the parked car. Extensive damage was done to the parked car and the left side of Mae's car. Both gals received bruises and Florence received a badly sprained hand. After all of this, the truck driver saw her coming and turned back, clearing the road so she could have passed with no problems. St. Patrick's evening the O.N.O. club got together at the home of Mrs. Gordon Dickinson. Mrs. Gene Edwards served as co-hostess. During the evening, plans were made for the dinner, the gals will have in April. In keeping with the theme of the day, Leprechaun Pie was served, to the enjoyment of all. Portland, Oreg. has relocated ins to the John Dorn residence at me Grove. First a week-end visit from son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Brown. Next, Corky's morn, Mrs. Nellie Cross, came for a five day stay. While here she renewed many friendships which she made two years ago, while recovering from surgery. A week ago, the excitement of entertaining had died down, leaving a let down feeling, so Corky stirred up a little. She stuck her thumb in a car door, smashing it sufficiently to give her a weeks vacation. This past week-end, the Dorn's entertained a long time friend, Charles Krieger. About 9 p.m. Sunday the Hoodsport Fire Department In roI ver answered a call to aid at the scene of an accident, just south of Warfield's Resort. A vehicle driven by Joe-Wilkerson, son of Alice Frank, swerved to miss an unidentified vehicle traveling on the wrong side of the road. Joe lost control and hit a car driven by Sue DiUey, causing both cars to be a total loss. Five of the seven persons in the crash are in Mason General Hospital. Mrs. Dilley is in the intensive care unit, listed in satisfactory condition, with severe chest injuries. Passengers in the Dilley car, Steve Leach and his wife Ruth are being treated for nose and chest injuries and knee lacerations. Mr. Dilley was treated and released. Joe and his wife Salley are both hospitalized. He has chest injuries and neck lacerations, while Salley is receiving care for facial lacerations. Vic Frank a passenger in the Wilkerson car was treated and released for head and ear lacerations. Great news for Potlatch residents. The light pole located directly in front of the Post Office has been moved. According to postmistress Belle Larson, it is now safe, even for men to get the mail. Molly's Ceramic Shop will be closed for 10 days, while Molly has her tonsils removed. She entered Mason General Hospital today, with surgery scheduled for the morning. Monday, Mrs. Harold Drake and Kenny drove to Seattle, where Kenny entered the Children's Orthopedic Hospital. He was scheduled for ear surgery, Tuesday, to repair a hearing loss. After eight months, Mrs. Warfield is home from the hospital. She first entered Mason General Hospital and then transfered to Panorama City Convalescent Center. She said it is just great to be home. To add to the enjoyment of her return, Mr. A.K. Pearson of Twisp, a guest at the resort, caught a 25 lb. King Salmon, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Liner returned home Monday, after nine days in Seattle where they had a display at the Home Show. Sunday evening, as the show closed, Glenn went one way, Cecele the other, collecting boys to help them move out. Glenn released the bed on the dump trailer, which he designed, pulled the blocks and with the aid of the five boys, had the trailers, signs and themselves back at the Tropics Motor Hotel in time for a 10 p.m. swim. LaVern and Red Williams, former residents of this area, were in a serious auto accident in Roseburg, Ore. where they now live. Anyone wishing to send cards, please contact Mrs. Rudy Schwab. ING narles Mr. and Mrs. Missionary,s from Speak at the morning he Matlock March 28 and at the Evening p.m. range had its t Friday night luck supper and There were 23 Mr. and Mrs. were given the members now. application P.F.C. dies was received. Next Will be April 2, eting. Club met at the night with r host were seven SCore went and Max Cash. Lottie Ford and and low score and Darl Goldy. Will be April 3 and Roy Dudics and ;Pent last week Orchard visiting Larry Hand and leaves Bridgeport, lVes. OSsmaier and Mrs. I.C. Ford and Mrs. Louis Asche attended the Ladies Council convention at Olympia last week Wednesday. Then Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford attended the Grange Friendship meeting at Harstine Island. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Herbert Helin attended the Grange supply annual meeting at Satsop Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merland Goodburn and family of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry. Loft Goodburn spent the weekend with the Bradberrys. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier of Tumwater to celebrate Paul's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker were Friday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams of Shelton spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash left to spend a week in Seattle and Everett with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Skokomish Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson of Shelton were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Hunter returned to their home on Lake Nahwatzel last week after spending five months at Florence Junction, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamberlin and children of Port Orchard were Saturday overnight guests of their folks the Lud Rossmaiers. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Thursday night at the Charles La Brec home in Elma. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Blair Thompson of Wynooche were visitors at the Ed Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Dundas and children of Shelton spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley and on the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and children of Aberdeen were guests at the Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stingl of Wisconson left for home Wednesday after spending two weeks with Mrs. Stingl's sister and family the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr's. Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford enjoyed clam digging at the beach Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Augustson of Issaquah spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Jr. at their farm here. Mr. Augustson is a sergeant on the Mercer Island poliee force. Mrs. Wayne Evers and Alberta caiJed at the FAk'in Hearing home Sunday. ..... : It FAMous . . . LUXURY.. • 2-1N-1 °llar'f°r'd°lla " " in Amer ca O Io ,°us two- t_r th!s Is one of the best blanket values ..... - ur ..... ',,-one bla ......... , ......+tractive strlpea pattern to $~t, " guIIrt ~,..~ n,.., /~:;Vl~l~l:~ IIUIII I~111 uI- / n ../ -*ell jn^L" ~-ulOrs a s Pol,/ester and r ayon with a Or ,l~..rt "". ~lJ~,u u,~,lu u. J, . ange and i lYalc°n binding. Machine washable. Green, gold, pink, blue, 72x90 inch 90x 108 inch Regular 14.98 Regular 21.98 ONLY 50 DOWN WILL HOLD YOUR BLANKETS IN LAYAWAY \ MICHAEL L. HOLT MANAGER -- VICE PRESIDENT JOE A. RAMSFIELD CHERIE SKAGEN GENE S. GE OF THE NTY OFF C / OF FORMERLY SHELTON TITLE COMPANY in nd join come r acqua~n: ) For all of your titl nel see... SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY F WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY OFFICE 317 RAILROAD AVENUE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 TELEPHONE (206) 426-8288 Thursday, March 25, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15