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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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EX.CEPTIONAL instruction. sday thru Airport n 0 a.m. Hood )rium. Call )rmation. For Rent For Rent For Rent ONE BEDROOM furnished house, $70 per month. First and last months rent required. Water, garbage furnished. House at 4361/2 Fairmont. 426-6785. P3/25tfn APARTMENT AND cottage for rent. Call 426-8423. W3/25-4/1 LARGE NEW 3 bedroom duplex. Available April 1. 1316 So. 2nd LY certified Phone 426-8525 or 426-2561. soon, $3/25-4/15 one BEAUTIFUL TWO bedroom ONE BEDROOM apartment with waterfront apartment, wall to carpeting and drapes, all utilities wall carpeting. No children except except lights, kawton under one year. Reference Apartments, 723 Pine. 3/18tfn required. $150.00 per month ....................... Water, garbage furnished. ONE BEDROOM furnished 426-4951 after 5 p.m. S3/11tfn apartment, large looms. Call 426-4560. Mc 2/25tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close _ to downtown. Call 426-4426. lO/9tfn MT. VIEW FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom furnished apartment, $85. Call Mud Bay Realty, 426-1654 ask for Mr. Savage. S3/25tfn Elwood Manor Apartments Sporting Goods 1970 YAMAHA 360 Enduro. Fully equip. 670 miles, $700. Phone 426-2829 after 5 p.m. S3/25 20" BICYCLE, can be converted to boys or girls. Has training wheels. $25.00. 426-4002, 426-2785. K3/18tfn 4 TIRES and rims for 3/4 ton truck, 12x16.5 8 ply. 4 H.P. Minibike, needs clutch. 8 ft. plywood hydroplane, best offer. 426-2333. E3/25-4/1 YOGA ---------------------------------" Business Opportunities TRAILER SPACES for rent on 2 Bedroom 1969 15' Chrysler aluminum boat --------------------------.--.--.--.--.-------~ Mt. View at the Pines. Near 55 h.p. electric start alt & cd beginning & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY in stores.~__426-3273" O1/14tfn Unfurnished Certifiedtrailer' takeon oVerairport.payments.R3/25 See at eeting MarchShelton, Launderette for sale and REX MOBILE Manor -- a real Available NOW No Pets lt0n .. - the building for lease. This spacious family mobile park, CONTACT MANAGER ----"~ 'vlethodist Churchbusiness has provided good steady offering two months free rent or income for previous retired free electrical hook-up, your 426-3]00 Sl',l-I)OO Ca11352.2265 owner. Contact George Grisdale, choice. 426-4560 for more tfn 132 Park or 529 Cedar. 426-8102. information. Mc3/1 ltfn 3/114/1 3/1825 $ALE$ and $ERVIC£ MOVE IN TODAY New and Used Machines One and two bedtoon~ ,,~.~-------------------------------- apat t ~lents with cappet, drapes & Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate 0 LYM P I C Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 1 ] or phone 426-8663. 5847 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA 491-8477 12/17 tfn R mira IIIIIB m Real Estate Real Estate Realy State Call 426-2646 ACRE the er. AGATE QUALITY SUBURBAN HOME Located near Island Lake on large lot. Huge carpeted living room with nice fireplace. 3 bedrooms, attached garage. Priced at $19,500 with financing available. NAME YOUR TERMS - Excellent 5 year old home near the site of the new high school. Wall-to-wall carpet, 3 bedrooms, family room, large wooded lot, plus 1200 sq. ft. garage-shop building. Owner moving soon. $23,950. OWNER WILL TRADE... This man has no use for 5 bedrooms, rec room, 2 fireplaces, sewing room, gobs of storage, and a shop. He's got 2 jobs and is never home anyway. So if you own a comfortable 2 bedroom home and need more space, call us on this one. QUALITY HOME - We just listed this handsome exclusive-type home on South Hill with bay view, spacious living room, fully applianced kitchen, full basement with rec, room and guest room with full bath. urvey. Store. ROOMY OLDSTER - Be first to see this new listing. It is something refreshingly different in which the owner -- has just installed new carpet, redecorated and bought a ,ded brand new furnace. Big private yard, a nice view and a price to too of $18,950.00. He who on hesitates loses out!! at feet 6O0 the 33 ACRE FARM - If you have always wanted to live in the country, this is the place for you. Trade in that city place for the down payment. Cozy 2 bedroom home, small guest house, barn and shop building. About 5 acres clear, balance wooded $29,000 on contract terms. Check )me, an cared ace to ancing INLET BIG, BIG LOT!! VERY PRIVATE - A charming home in a more exclusive range that has been arranged so as to screen out intrusion. 3 bedrooms and a large study. A unique kitchen. Many sp3eciial features including a large swimming pool. This is offered now at $33,500. This may be the trade up you've been holding out for so don't miss it. SMALL HOME - And right downtown handy to shopping. A person could live here and not even own a car. The full price on this one bedroom home is just $4,200 on contract terms. ANGLESIDE - We would like to show you this neat and trim Angleside 3 bedroom home that's waiting for a new .owner. There's Oil furnace heat., .a cneery fireplace nd even a mg Dasement Th.- a . , • c,,z~ aopra~sed Price is $1'7~750 'and of course, the terms are the best. Call us. GROWING FAMILY?? 3 bedroom ramb er nr ..-. • ' ~" ~vd[e fenced yard, wuth patio for those summer barbecue. All this anakEa;t/e°S'e ac°r~u~il~'!~nYngeJ!r!~!~i' ' " " "" too. FHA apPraised at $18,750. 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, RIGHTON!! living room breakfast room, utility and part basement all Outstanding 2 k_, '~uroom for $8,750 and there's still suburban, home, on larae I~, more to tell. A nice start for a near the Beach on Ham~-~c .'"" ~ooY°Ung family. Good location,, !ii!i~iilCfi~ k~ii ~ ca ~nO~ ~i~ ilh Y , . NOW AVAI LABLE - Suburban 3 bedroom 5 year IT'S GOT IT!! old home a completely ",c nas g refinished inside. Drapes are a,!! This South Hill ho .... bedrooms, sealed garaae lam~ new (and expens ve) and you [I ot, view overlook ~ :-;' u~ "'~J bnelton rind fireplace, rec room and versatile kitchen a steal ~ super sized garage all on 1V2 $13,200. Let ~. - =~ $18,950.acres just north of town for terms to sunt" Y°ur=budget!!w°rk out DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 ~, C~II DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 • • DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 M ° MORLEY PREPPERNAU -- 426-8676 I.! 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH O UNION OFFICE 898-2581 HOODSPORT OFFICE 877-521 ! We have a few homesites at Alderbrook on the golf course priced for immediate sale. Good terms! North Shore 2 Bedrm. on 50' bulkhead with addt. community beach &. dock facilities. 2 Bedrm. & wide open view of entire canal & Olympics. Union $11,500 Terms. The best get-away home on the canal. Very private 2 bedrm. contemporary with its own 100 feet of exclusive waterfront. Situated on a beautiful bay on Hood Canal. $45,000. North of Hoodsport 3 miles. New one bedroom home par, tly furnished. View of H~od Canal, Franklin fireplace, appliances, beach access. $12,000, terms. Outstanding view lot at Ayock Beach just off waters edge. See miles of Canal view! $9,150.00 Contract at 7V1% Choose from 4 of the finest view lots on the canal at Union. Full sweep of Olympic Mts. $3,500-$7,500. 2 Bedroom Brand new across road from W.F. Comm. Beach & elegant clubhouse. S16,500 "First in recreational properties in Mason County" Three acre tract of land, sweeping view of city, you will have to take a look to appreciate this property. Only $5,750 but worth a lot more! Let us show you this one. Comfy 2 bedroom home on Capitol Hill. Comes nearly all furnished and owner is willing to carry a contract. $6,500. Ten beautiful acres, two lovely building spots, a steal at $12,500. Black top road right to property. Only two miles from town. Downtown home with 2-3 bedrooms, new gas heater and separate garage. Convenient walk to stores, schools, etc. Owner will carry contract at $7,500. Want five, ten or twenty acre tracts? We have several of these, some wooded and some all cleared. Nearly atl remodeled 2 bedroom home with carpets, drapes and excellent heating system. Also has 1/2 basement for work shop and storage. Separate garage. $9,000. A lot for a little, three plus acres, one half cleared, rest in alder timber. $4,000 cash or terms can be arranged, owner will carry contract. Very comfortable 3 bedroom home with lovely view of the Olympics from front window. New electric baseboard heat, carpeted and refinished kitchen. Has separate garage, fruit trees, and even an extra lot for large garden or recreation area for the kids. $13,700. Seventy beautiful acres suitable for cattle. Matlock area, one half cleared and in pasture, creek runs through property. Large wood lot only $50,000 terms can be arranged, owner will carry contract. Very well kept 3 bedroom home with full bath and 2 half baths. Fireplace, garage, and a huge fenced double lot. Good view over town. $19,000. A little money maker going restaurant all equipment included, $12,000 and terms can be arranged. Owner wishes to retire and will carry contract. Excellent lease arrangements available. With 80' of no-bank frontage on a beautiful salt water inlet and a commanding water view. Has 2 bedrooms, fireplace, and handsome panelled walls. In an area of permanent and recreation properties. $23,950. Four bedroom home on corner lot close to stores and schools, paved street. All newly reconditioned, the price, believe it or not anged owners w0carr is $12,500. Terms can be arr, " y contract. Two bedroom home one mile out to.wards Olympia. Needs a little - ~--, ~,,,,~ ~--,. ,,~ rms can be arranged Excellent dr011ed TtXlng up. ~/ uuu ,...a::,H u,te . well, large lot. Hurry on this one, it won t last long at this price. Rock Hounds -- here is just wha!lY°U have been looking for! One and a .... ,f m es north of Shelt Highway half acres, s x and a no, on on 101 $3,450. Only $450. down $50. Per month 7% interest. Owner will carry contract. 110 RAILROAD AVENUE -- Evenings Call JIM RoUSH 426-8522 Or DON BROWN 426-6388 426-444/ Phone Phone 426-1654 426-1654 124 N. First $7,950 2 bedroom cozy bungalow on Mt. View. This one if FHA appraised for $8,000 and you can finance the full purchase price. Call now. $8,500 $10,950 $11,500 -- BATCHELOR PAD. -- Secluded one bedroom partially furnished "cutie" on Phillips Lake off shore lot. Drilled well & shop building. Make offer on terms. Charming A frame on Shorecrest level grounds with swimming pool membership and guaranteed salt water access. Fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, full bath and built-ins -- Call today. -- No loan. MINI-FARM in Agate-Pickering area. Large 2 bedroom bunaalow. Farm size kitchen. Nice view of water -- year around spring. Uwner contract on easy payments, no loan costs. ~lt UUII#~I~IIAAn 4 Bdrms nicely paneled, doublegarage- This is a fantistic home for growing family and we will tailor the payments to fit your budget. Neat older home. $12,750 - FULL BSMT. Hillcrest family home. This large 2 bedroom has 3rd in daylite bsmt. Auto. gas furnace, wall to wall carpet & formal dining room. FHA or VA terms. Sl Mt. View family home at a price anyone can afford. Great big living room w/fireplace, 21950 deluxe kitchen, separate utility, three bedrooms and double size detached garage. See this today? Easy FHA or VA financing. S13 Double wide mobile home permantly set up includes water view, sun deck, carport & 1950 extra storage & landscaped lot. Call today! Easy Te, ms -- Low Interest. $13,950 Better than new 2 bedroom chalet with elec. heat & Franklin stove, full bath on large corner grounds at Lk. Limerick. Double carport plus storage. Easy terms. $14,000 -- FOUR ACRES plus fixer upper 2 bedroom rambler, drilled well & outbuildings. Perfect for you horse lovers. Located just South of town. Cash talks or will trade!! Additional adjoining 5 acres for $5,000 more. $161950 Country rambler south of town with 3 bedrooms, sliding glass doors, planter entry, massive stone fireplace and lots of other extras -- double size lot. FHA, VA terms. $17,500 $17,950 3 bedroom basement home plus out buildings on one acre grounds just south of town. Also business potential with highway frontage. Perfect for growing family. -- Almost new 2 bdrm., basement on [ acre beautiful grounds on Harstine Island. Will trade?? ,,-¢1--,,-7u01~ MT. view newer rambler at a price you can affordI 3 bedrooms, gleaming oak floors, fire alarm system. Low interest mortgage can be assumed. Quiet dead end street. -- Will also go FHA or VA. $1 950 Contemporary 3 bedroom on main floor with full finished basement & family kitchen. 1 Double plumbing plus extras galore. Why not trade up today on this bargain. iF $21 500 NEW ENGLAND CAPE COD. Huge carpeted living and dining rooms, modern 1 spacious kitchen, utility room 2 twin size bedrooms and deluxe full bath on main level. Dormitory size bedroom up with half bath. Garage attached. Level corner grounds, paved streets, walks and alley. Dare to be different -- see this charmer today. $231950 TWO-LEVEL 3 bedroom ultra modern featuring full daylite bsmt. & extra plumbing. Dble fireplace, family room and garage -- all on 100 x 120 grounds inside city. Trade up or terms avatlable. Call today! ,,.--,, ..,...¢?a,'mn Quality is the watchword with extras galore in this 2 bath gorgeous 3 bedroom family rambler. Part brick & stone, well landscaped Mt. View corner grounds. Why not trade up today! Call now. Ranch Home on 4V2 fenced level acres. Immaculate 3 bedroom home plus den and ~ll~l V11#11#i~a'~li~~ office --2 baths, built-in appliances, beautiful carpet and stone fireplace. All this and formal dininq room too! Trade up today! Quality throughout. ,e. ~vve'~.nnn UP- We have many choice lots and building sites. Some w~th beach rights. YOU build or we will build for you. Terms of course!! $5,500 Five acre tracts, new road, power and phone. Minutes from town. Terrific for mobile h;}me sites! Low down payment. Easy terms. $13,500 S2 ,000 Sixteen acres just perfect to build that farm home. Year around stream -- nice view-- partially fenced. Hurry on this one. Special buy on a huge 35 acre tract only 3 miles from Shelton City limits. Call today! 80 acres on Harstene Island -- E-Z terms. Now $44,950 $26 ,450 - 100 ft. waterfront, 2 acres of land only four miles from town. Huge 2 bedroom permanent home plus guest house and trailer hook up! Fruit trees & garden spot, fabulous view. Hurry on this one!!! S271500 -- 200 ft. plus tideland. Two level 3 bedroom home plus guest room and garage on over 2 acres. Nice fenced horse corral and extra septic & water for mobile home. -- We trade -- how about you? SALT-S13,500 $ALT.$21,950 -- NO BANK --Owner will finance this choice 75 ft. tract on Hammersley and it's right at the end of county road -- Buy nowt Level low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot in Mason County. Can subdivide. SALT-$291950 3 Bedroom, basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft. low bank waterfront with fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace, sundeck, dining room, Kitchen with modern built ins and large breakfast room. All this plus wall to wall carpeting and drapes. Easy assumption with low payments. LAKE $16 500 120 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel- Sweeping view of lake and mountains. Real " ! good cabin included -- you name the terms! This one is right on the water. Charming A frame chalet on bulkheaded 60' x 300', Spencer Lake level wooded lot. Truly a bargain. Completely furnished. Built-in range, nice trees. 4 bedroom -- 3 baths -- basement -- Charming story and a half with full basement and garage -- sprinkler system. Located right on Island Lake -- On the water. We trade! SHELTON OFFICE - 124 N. FIRST PHONE 426-1515 OR 426-1654 --- BRANCH OF MCCLEARY ;" ":='- INS. REAL ESTATE JAMES W. HODGES EVENINGS CALL; REALTORS: ~'om Townsend ......... Asso. Broker ........ 426-6597 Reid "Mitch" Mitchell .... Asso. Broker ........ 426-2519 Tom Savage ............ Asso. Broker ........ 426-8584 McCLEARY OFFICE: 495-3398 OLYMPIA OFFICE: 943-7839 Thursday, March 25, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17