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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real tate Services Se ices Personal Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, CONFIDENTIAL CARE for is $0.90 per M board feet for all NOTICE OF HEARING SUMMONS BY accurate. Precision grinding. NowL~NE HOUSE MOVING unwed pregnant teen-age girls,species. A total volume of 100 FRANCHISE APPLICATION PUBLICATION at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Houses Raised, Foundations UGN Agency. C~llect calls thousand board feet in addition No. 5307 NO. 10515 ~-- accepted. Florence Crittenton to that which is surplus to needs In the Matter of the Application IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn and Leveling Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, of domestic users and processors of Cascade Natural Gas Co. for a THE STATE OF WASHING FOR BATHROOM AND kitchen Seattle, We. 98178.8/28tfn as stated herein, if any, is franchise to construct, operate THE COUNTY OF MASON. remodeling. Roofing, patios, Phone426-8147 ~~ exempted from domestic carports. Smaller jobs also. Call 1/27 tfnNEED CASH? We buy or con~ign processing. If successful bidder and maintain 2-inch welded steel VAN R. RICHMOND, Plaintiff vs. Osborne's426-6241. lO/l~tfn almost anything. Tropics notifies Forest Service prior to gas main upon a portion of State ELWlN BRIDGES and EDITH Ballroom Auction, Olympia award that he will notexport all RouteNo. 300, in Mason County, BRIDGES, his wife; THE 1618 Olympic Highway South TREE TOPPING and falling, BOB OGDEN 943-9949. D2/26tfn or part of the exempted volume, Washington. TRAVELERS INDEMNITY 426-1600 phone 426-3532. Mc8/8tfn the exempted volume in the WHEREAS, the Cascade COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT, ALCOHOLISM INFORMAT, ION contract will be adjusted Natural Gas Co., a corporation, Defendants. I'M READY to take care of your Installation Service and Referral center 428 Birch St. according ly, so that the has filed with the Washington The State of Washington to WATERFRONT BEAUTY spring cleaning needs. Floor Shelton. Phone 426-4407. uncommitted export exemptionsState Highway Commission, the said Elwin Bridges and Edith First time on market-3 bedrooms, stripping, ceiling, waxing, carpet Carpeting - Formica - s2/12tfn may be assigned to one or more under ,the provisions, of Chapter Bridges, his wife, Defendants. subsequent sales. Bidders are47.44 RCW and amendments You are hereby summoned to lovely living room with corner cleaning. Shelton Janitorial advised that violations of the thereto, an application for aappear within sixty. (60) days fireplace, gourmet designed 5ervice, 426-8936. R3/25-4/15 Ceramic and Linoleum ALC0HOLIC$ Domestic Processing requirement franchise to construct, operate after the date of the first kitchen, bath, large utility room, constitutes breach of contract and and maintain 2-inch welded steel publication of this summons, Iots of storage, separate recreation YOUR SINGER Representative Licensed, Bonded ANONYMOUS may result in contract gas main line upon a portion of to-wit: within sixty (60) days room, large workshop for the man will be in Shelton on Tuesday and of the house, 100 ft. waterfront, Thursday for Sale and Service. & Insured cancellation or in refusal to award State Route No. 300, in Mason after the 25th day of March, timber sales to the violator, or County, Washington, for a period 1971, and defend the above lOw bank, approximately 2 acres, Contact locally Keys Draperies, Little Assembly debarment or suspension from of twenty-five (25) years, at the entitled action in the above 5 minutes from city center, 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, $29,950. 426-6207. Singer Center on the Phone 426-3155 bidding on future timber sales. If following locations: entitled court, and answer the requested by the State of Beginning at a point on the complaint of the plaintiff, and Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash.,3/6 tfn Invites you to a Washington or by Grays Harborwest side of SR 300 as now serve a copy of.your answer upon EXCELLENT VIEW 491-3400. Public information or Mason Counties, or by any located and of record in the office the undersigneD attorneys for The Not only a nice view but 3 large BACKHOE SERVICES with late L B meetifig at the person deemed to have a of the Director of Highways atTravelers at his (their) office I o I.W.A. Hall 2nd. and reasonable interest in the Olympia, Washington, said point below stated; and in case of your bedrooms, extra large bath with model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years c N Grove Street at proposed sale, or in its terms, a being opposite approx. H.E.ST.failure so zo no, judgment will be area for washer and dryer, experience. Also sewage systems.E O carpeted living room, dining area, Top workmanship. Earl T. Mart, N E 7:00 p.m. April 3rd. public hearing will be held in the 0+55 located in the SE ]/4 of rendered against you according to breakfast bar, heat-o-later 426-3053.6/11tfn ~o O Shelton, Wash. office of the Forest Supervisor, Section 29, Township 23 North,the demanD, of the complaint, Range 1 West, W.M.; thence which has been filed with the fireplace, deck, landscaped yard, 3/18-4/1-3t Federal Building, Olympia, northerly along the west side of clerk of said court. Washington on the 26th day of SR 300 at a point approx. 20 The object of the above partial basement, lot is 204 ft. March 1971 at 2:00 p.m., ocal West of and parallel to the entitled action is indemnification deep, all this $17,500. GENERAL HAULING ~,v~---v--------------------- time. Requests for public hearing Sand -- Pit Run -- Gravel will not be considered unless MT. VIEW LOCATION 5-Yard Dump Truck Bulkheads, Fills Pets, Livestock received in the office of the and Loader -- Peat Soil F o rest Supervisor, Federal A s s u m e t h e I o w m o n t h I y --~-~----_----------~-~-_-.--.----.--------- payments, $88 includes taxes and Tel.- FRANK--426-3153 Excavating, sand and gravel Building, Olympia, Washington, insurance, 2 bedrooms, living also Light Clearing delivered, dozer, loader and 4ten AQHA YEARLING colt $210. on or before March 19, 1971. room, large family size kitchen, 3/4tfn yd. dump trucks to serve you. Terms available. Call 426-2871. Dated March 1, 1971. Wynne M. utility room, new furnace, extra Hourly or contract. H3/25 M a u I e, F orest Supervisor, Olympic National Forest. large bath, fenced yard, excellent 3/4-11-18-25-4t location, S11,500. ELECTROLUX SALES PETE FA$$10 REGISTERED THREE year old Tennesee Walking Horse mare. Broke to ride. $500.00. 426-6233 Sales -- Service -- SuppliesP.O. Box 111 Union, Wn. or 426-6055. S3/18tfn NOTICE OF sALE Sue M. Daniels-- Broker CAL L 426-3544 Phone 898-2452 Margaret Young For free delivery -- Jack Manley Salesman - 426-6110 8/20tfn"~-'----------"-------"~------------ Trine Moorhead - 426-1369 " Wonted I I TERRIFIC VIEW: Small 1 bedroom house, secluded with view of mountains, water and city of Shelton. Terrific buy also at $5,500. I"ERRIFIC VIEW AND COUNTRY LIVING, TOO: Large 3 bedroom, 2 , bath home completely carpeted, large fireplace, birch cabinets, built-in dishwasher, range, garbage disposal and much more! 3-4 miles from town and only $25,OOO VICTORIAN RESTORED: Lovely 2 bedroom home, Franklin Fireplace, wood floors, beautiful wallpaper, remodeled kitchen and bath, utility room, dining room, secluded but close to downtown. A real buy at $12,000 and Contract terms 2 bedroom homes bring in $125.00 per month in rent. $10,000 or make an offer. SEVERAL UNDER $7,000: Call about these. REMODELED IN THE COUNTRY: 3 bedroom, large living room, dining room, carpeted, new kitchen cupboards, large garage building, small barn, woods and garden spot. $17,500 with 4½ acres or less with less acreage. MOBILE HOME SITE -- 7 ACRES: We'll even sell you the mobile home which is already located on the property. 2 bedroom, 10 x 50 with expando LR. Acreage $6000 -- Mobile Home $3,500 completely furnished. HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED • 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/11tfn PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured Call 426-8773 7/4 tfn I III I SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. GLEN PARR DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work- 2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/9tfn Mobile Homes 1969 12'x60' 2 bedroom $400 for equity. Phone 426-6041 evenings. D3/18-25 DODGE EXPLORER motor home like new, 12,000 miles. Call Hoodsport 877-5301. $3/11-4/1 WATERFRONT: Lovely large 2 bedroom home on Hood Canal, SEVERAL GOOD used mobile Hi~_ bank, tidelands, can assume at 6~h% int. See this to homes for sale. See us at Shelton HPC Home Center, Taylor Towne, appreciate the many extras. 426-4455.2/11 tfn Call 426-1641 Bey Thomason 426-8615 AGIN¢Y REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. %%%%%%%%%%%~ WANT TO buy spoiled hay for mulch. Phone 426-3871. L3/25-4/1 WANTED -- GOOD used girl's lightweight 3-speed bicycle. Call 426-2338. M3/25-4/1 WANTED SPRINGER spaniel pup. Call 426-4706. V3/18-25 Cards of Thanks WOULD LIKE to get into car pool to Olympia, 8-4:30 shift. Phone 426-8448. C3/1 ltfn The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts, and special thanks to the class of '47. Mrs. Robert W. Wells & Family Mrs. Grace Wells Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wells & Family 3/25 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. The Family of Lucy M. Foster CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindnesses shown during the loss of our home by fire. The Don Lyon Family. Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances 625 So. Ist 426-241 i lost & Found LOST -- SMALL blonde dog, part cocker and terrier, wearing silver choke chain. Reward. 426-8516. H3/25-4/1 QUICK 330 reel & pole handle was lost at Little Vance Creek bridge on Thursday p.m. Reward. Call 426-3055 after 6 o'clock. W3/25 LOST IN Pickering Pass 9 ft. brown row boat. Irvin Shefler 426-4861. $3/25 FOUND. GIRL'S jacket, owner may claim by describing and paying for ad. 426-4538. V3/18tfn Mobile Homes Did You Know 95% of the new one-family homes being sold in the under $]5,000 price bracket are mobile homes. , Wonder Whye. . We have the Answer NEW PRE-IUILT HOMES (12 & 24 feet wide -- 36 to 68 feet long.) $6,830 2 bedrooms, front dining rooms, a 15'x16' living room with carpet and furnished. $8,250 really deluxe 2 bedroom -- ]3/4 baths -- kitchen table bar, completely carpeted and furnished. " $5,395 ] bedroom, lots of builtins, all-electric, shag carpeted living room -- furnished. DOUBLE WIDES USED Special price on new 1970- 2 bedroom 24' wide. Deluxe kitchen, carpeted throughout. Save lots of $ on these used homes. 2061426-4455 Home Center Mobile Home Sales and Service At Taylor, Towne Shelton, Washington 98584 REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN terrier male puppies. Phone 426-6152. F3/25tfn K-9 KELPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/31tfn GOING ON Vacation? Leave your dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru Kennels, 426-2387. N8/14tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointment, call Mrs. LeVant. 426-4164. L9/17tfn Legal Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 10615 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. HAZEL LINK FLUCKINGER, et al., Plaintiffs,-vs- ROBERT M. STEVENS and JANE DOE STEVENS, husband and wife, and all the unknown heirs of ROSS W. LINK, deceased and all other persons or parties unknown ¢!~iming any right title or iffterest i in the rea= prb~3erty described"in- the complaint, Defendants ............... THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said ROBERT M. STEVENS and JANE DOE STEVENS, husband and wife, and all the unknown heirs of ROSS W. LINK, deceased and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right title or interest .. in the real property described in the complaint, Defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONDED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, within sixty days after the 25th day of March, 1971, to defend the above entitled action in the Court aforesaid, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon OF REAL PROPERTY BY NEGOTIATION No. 4036 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LEON S. FRITZ, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal representative has negotiated a sale on the following described property: Situate in Mason County, State of Washington: All of that portion of the South half of Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North of Range 3, West, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of said Section, Township and Range, and run N 58 Deg. 45' East (Va. 23 Deg. 30' E.) 633.9 feet, more or less, to the junction of the rights of way of the old County road and the Lost Prairie road, as located over and across said land on the 10th day of May, 1928; thence N. 27 Deg. 10' W. 21 feet to the initial point of this description; thence along the right of way of said old county road N. 27 Deg. 10' W. 142 feet and N, 18 Deg. 10' W. 83.3 feet; or to the North line of the South half of Northwest quarter of Northeast centerline of SR 300 to a point on a surety bond. opposite approx. H.E.ST. 11+20 Date of first Publication, located in the SE V4 of Section 29, March 25, 1971. Township 23 North, Range 1 Robert B. Leslie of West, W.M., in Mason County, Johnston, Quigley, Washington. Hatch & Loveridge Together with a 3/4,, gas service Attorneys for The Travelers crossing at approx. H.E.ST. 7+97. P.O. Address 2920 NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS Seattle First Nat'l Bldg. HEREBY GIVEN: Seattle, King County, Wash. That a hearing will be held on 3/25-4/1-8-15-22-29-6t said application by the Washington State Highway Commission at its office in the Highway Administration Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 19th day of April, 1971, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 25th day of February, 1971. W.M. Foster Assistant Director for Highway Development 3/25-4/1-8-3t quar~r Aaf, said .Section 30; thence Shelton, W.@shington along" said North line South 88 '9858'4 ...... : '~ ' "~ Deg 30' East 403.3 feet to the Robert L. Snyd~r~~' ':~* "' ' right of way of said Lost Prairie Attorney for Estate road; thence along said right of way South 57 Deg. 50' West 366.9 feet to the initial point, containing 95/100 acres, more or less, subject to the right of way for roads. The sale is for a cash price of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ($1,250 00) DOLLARS. This sale shall be cant rmed after April 5, NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4193 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of ROBERT WESLEY WELLS Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after March 25, 1971, or the same will be forever barred. Patricia Leah Wells 153 Ballantrae Drive 125Vz N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 3/25-4/1-8-3t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 10715 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. 1971. MASON COUNTY FEDERAL This Notice is made pursuant CREDIT UNION~ a Washington to R.C.W. 11.56.100.\ corporation, Plaintiff vs. HUGH DATED this 22nd day of COSGROVE and MANNA C. March, 1971. COSGROVE, husband and wife John C. Ragan Defendants. Attorney for Personal THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Representative and Agent for to the said HUGH COSGROVE Non-Resioen~gent and MANNA C. COSGROVE, Defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 25th day of NOTICE OFHEARING March, 1971, and defend the FINAL ACCOUNT NO.4148 above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF the Complaint of the plaintiff, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON and serve a copy of your answer FOR MASON COUNTy IN upon the undersigned attorney pROBATE, for plaintiff at his office below the undersigned attorney for the John C. Ragan plaintiffs at her office below Attorney at LaW stated; and in case of your failure ! Shelton, Washington 98584 Telephone 426-2061 3/25-1t so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of this Court; That the object of this action is to partition and divide the following described property to the persons entitled thereto or in the alternative in the event said partition is not feasible for the NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, Shelton, Washington before the City Commission of the City of Shelton to consider- the petition for vacation of the following described property: That part of South 13th Street between Blocks 26 and 27, Angleside Addition No. 2 to the City of Shelton according to the plat thereof in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, Washington; commencing at the South line of the alley as platted in said Blocks 26 and 27, thence Southerly to the South line of said Blocks 26 and 27. Helen W. Stodden City Clerk 3/4&3/25 CALL FOR BIDS MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sealed bids will be received by the Mason County Commissioners until 11:45 a.m., Monday, March 29, 1971, for furnishing Mason County with Asphalt Materials for the calendar year 1971, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications an~'~Proposaf'forms are available at the office of the Mason County Engineer. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept only that bid deemed most advantageous to the County. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington By Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 3/18-25-2t CALL FOR BIDS MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sealed bids will be received by the County Commissioners of Mason County at their office in the Courthouse, Shelton, Washington, until 11:15 a.m., Monday, March 29, 1971, for three county projects, at which time they will be publicly opened and read: Project No. 1: Plan cost for this Project is $2.00. Clear, grub, grade, drain and surface County Road No. 1873, Binns-Swiger Road, 0.59 miles, Principal quantities involved are: sale of said realty and division of ~o--,~--/Nc j2TEE MATTER OF THE stated; and in case of your failure Roadway Excavation 19,000 C.Y. the proceeds to the persons OF Wl LLIAM j. to do so, judgment will be Gravel Base 1,920 C.Y. entitled thereto: rendered against you according to Crushed Surfacing The north one-half Section 9, STRUTZ Deceased. NOTI'CE IS GIVEN that the the demand of the Complaint, Top Course 650C.Y. Twp. 2ON., Rge. 3W., W.M. lying Final Account and Pet!tion forwhich has been filed with the Culvert Pipe 400 L:F. easterly of Northern Pacific'R.R. Distribution has been ~led With Clerk of said Court. Project~ No. 2: Plan cost tar and, Government Lot One (1) inthe Clerk of the above ~.ourt and T h e o b j e c t o f t h e this Project is $5.00. Section in said Township and ~h n hal representative seeks above-entitled action is to collect ,,.e ,.erso C ear, grub, grade, drain and Range, Mason County, settlement of the .account, money due on a promissory note.surface County Road No. 2391, Washington distribution of the eszate, and Gerald L. Whitcomb Agate Road, 2.22 miles. ~'rincipal Trena Belsito Worthington discharge, which matters have been Attorney for Plaintiff quantities involved are: Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Trena Belsito Worthington Attorney at Law 205 Thurston Savings & Loan Building Olympia, Washington 98501 3/25-4/1-8-15-22 -29-6t n Aprd 16, 1971 set for hearing o _ " . , at 9:30 a.m., in the courzroom of the above-entitled court. /s/LeRoy W. Heyd .. Personal RepresentaTwe Glenn E. Correa Attorney at Law 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington 3/25-1t TIMBER SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Law Offices of: Glenn E. Correa 121 S. Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 3/25-4/1-8-15-22-29-6t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 10709 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON Roadway Excavation 40,000 C.Y. Gravel Base 6,900 C.Y. Crushed Surfacing Top Course 2,750 C.Y. Culvert Pipe 860 L.F. Relaying Culvert Pipe 400 L.F. Project No. 3: Plan cost for this project is $5.00. Clear, grub, gradd, drain and surface County Road No. 5767, McReavy Road, 1.68 miles. Roadway Excavation 63,000 C.Y. COUNTY. N A T I O N A L F O R E S T NO. 4188 KENNETH N. BRECK, Plaintiff, Gravel Base 5,300 C.Y. TIMBER FOR SALE, OI.YMPIC IN THE SUPERIOR cOURT OF vs, JANE ARLENE BRECK, Crushed Surfacing NATIONAL FOREST, CAN. R. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Defendant. Top Course 1,800 C.Y. SAL. H6. 70 SALE, located FOR MASON COUNTY IN STATE OF WASHINGTON TO Culvert Pipe 800L.F. within T. 21 and 22N., R. 6W.,PROBATE. and T. 22N., R. 7W., W.M., IN THE MATTER OF THE THE SAID JANE ARLENE Light Loose Ripr.ap 50 C.Y. BRECK, DEFENDANT: n d These projects will be bid on partially surveyed. Public notice is ESTATE OF NELLIE THERESE YOU are hereby summa e separate Proposals. hereby given that pursuant to the PARKER Deceased IVEN to.appear within 'sixty (60) daysPlans for informational provisions of Section 5 of PublicNOTICE IS HE'REBY G after the date of' the first purposes only are available at: Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. that . the. undersigned has been publication of this Summons, Olympic Plan bervice, Olympia, 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and aPpom~ed and has qualified as the to-wit, Withn sixty (60) days and AssociaTed General Personal Re the Cooperative Agreement for - ' te . presentative of the after the 18th dayof March, Contractors offices in Tacoma the Management of the _IE~tI~KE°t NELLIE THERESE 1971, and defend the and Seattle. Participating Forest Properties in P .R,. ~leceased; that all above-entitled action in the Plans and specifications may the Shelton Cooperative p.ersonsnavmg claims against said above-entitled Court and answer be obtained in the office of the Sustained Yield Unit er~tered into deced=t~h~ are hereby required to the Complaint of l~he Plaintiff, County Engineer at Shelton, serve ne same n by and between the United States _ un~ . , duly verified, o and serve a copy of your answer of America and the. Simpson the rd°~rs!gned or his attorney of upon/he undersigned Attorney at WashingtOn.accompanied EaChby a bidbid muStbond beor Timber Company, dated reCOfr address below stated his o ice below stated; and incashier's cl~eck in the amount of December 12, 1946, 2000 i andth~esat?de same with the Clerk case of your failure so to do,five per cent (5%) of the proposed board feet of timber marked oror . . o COurt, together withjudgment will be rendered against bid. otherwise designated for cutting, proo~ oz..SUch service within four you according to the demand of, Mason County reserves the {4) morons after t f f'rstthe Complaint, which has been right to make awards as may be will be sold to the Simpson • ; .. a.i he date o T i m ber Company, Seattle, puDHC .~.on of this notice or the filed with the Clerk of said Court. deemed to be in the best interests Washington, on April 5, 1971. same Wmbeh~,. -..,,~. That the Plaintiff is suing the of the County, or to reject any or This is a sale by amount. The _. Date °f first publication: Defendant for a decree of all bids. minimum acceptable bid per M Mar~-==,~v/1. absolute divorce on grounds of• DATED at Shelton, /s/Harold W Parker mental cruelty. board feet is: Douglas-fir $48.40; . Washington this 15th day of western hemlock and other personal Representat ve /s/John C. Ragan March, 1971. coniferous species $27.00. In Glenn . ~orrea Attorney for Plaintiff B o a r d o f C o u n t y addition there is an unestimated Attorne.y,~or Estate John C. Ragan Commissioners of Mason volume of all species of hardwood Bell ~u~=o=nq Attorney at Law County, Washington which will be paid for at $1.75 121 South I~'ourth Street Shelton, Washington 98584 By Ruth E. Boysen per M board feet. Additional Shelton, Washington Telephone 426-2061 Clerk of the .Board deposit required for slash disposal 3/11-18-25-3t 3/18-25-4/1-8-15-22-6t 3/18-25-2t Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1971 Legal TIMBER SAL NATIONAL TIMBER FOR SALI NATIONAL FOi~ SAL. 70, 1 DIA 9 5, within T. 22 and 2 and T. 22 and 2-~ W.M., partially surv notice is hereby pursuant to the I: Section 5 of Publi 78th Congress (58 U.S.C.A. 583-58 Cooperative Agreel Management of th~ Forest Properties i Cooperative Sustair entered into by an United States of A~ Simpson Timber C( December 12, 19 board feet of tirol otherwise designat( will be sold to Timber Compa Washington, on /~ This is a sale by minimum accepta al~ board feet is: Doug western hemloC con iferous speci addition there is volume of all spec which will be f per M board deposit required is $5.92 per M species. A total thousand board to that which is of domestic users as stated exempted fron processing. If notifies Forest award that he or part of the the exempted contract wi accordingly, uncommitted may be assigned subsequent sale advised that Domestic constitutes breach 0 may result i~ cancellation or in timber sales to debarment or bidding on future requested by Washington or Ma~on person deeme rea sonable proposed sale, public hearing office of the Federal Build Washington, on March 1971 at time. Requests will not be received in the Forest Super~ Building, on or Dated March 1, Maule, Fore; Olympic National CALL FOI SHELTON NO. 309, Shelton, NOTICE IS H that sealed bids by the Board Shelton District No. Washington, f¢ transit school I integral built chassis by one Specification obtained at the Shelton School Evergreen ScllO( Shelton Sealed the Clerk's School, 8th p.m., April 13, time bids will be The Boarc reserves the righ all bids or irregularities in bidding. By order Directors of District No. Washington, Louis Secretary NOTICE TO THE SUPER WAS COUNTY. IN THE M ESTATE OF Deceased. NOTICE • that the appointed personal, estate. I agains the to serve the on the attorney of stated below with the CI~ together service within March 18, 19; be forever Marlis L. Personal Re John C. Ra, Attorney for Title Insuran~ 122 Railroad Shelton, NOTICETO IN THE SUf THE TATE FOR MAS PROBATE). IN THE COMBINE WALTER AUGUSTAi The un appointed an( of said comb havingoclaim are required duplicate, d undersigned record at th( and file the of the Court of service after 11 Ma~ will be forev Anna E. Executri Address: Box 65, B. Franklin Attorne~ Angle BI Shelton,