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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ommunity 00alendar Meetings March 25 Shelton Toastmasters, Citizens for Academic and EXcellence, McDonald's TOPS (Take Off Pounds 1188, United Methodist 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start' facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, " . r00genda ,n to discuss archives Lawson will explain what the regional branch of the State Archives has to offer members of the Mason Genealogical Society at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 1. Due g conflict, the meeting will not be at Mount Olive Church. It will be held in the Relief Society Room the Family History Center at the Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints, located at the corner of 12th and streets on Mountain View. 00anal RVers plan campout h.TL e Hood Canal Chapter, Good Sam Recreational Vehicle ,-o Will .... ._ . meet at noon Thursday, April 1, (no foohn) at Jim 311rl ' .. gs Doo Wop Diner, SE 843 State Route 3 just south of "eltoa. The group will discuss the April 12 campout in Kelso. women will hear judge Washington State Court of ADDeaIs Judge Robin Hunt will be eaker for the next gathering of the Republican Women of 3.  County set for noon Friday, March 26, at This and That, eL" East Johns Prairie Road in Shelton Those attendin 0Uld bring brown-bag lunches. " g 00;lections scheduled at VFW Oa Friday, April 2, Mason County Veterans of Foreign °rost 1694 and its auxiliary will nominate and elect offi- d' ae meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hall, Second t_-franklin streets in Shelton Spokesperson Marguerite ]rshall reminds members to come and support their candi- qates. l00Ock society meets tonight Rock and Mineral Society members will view a vid- "Odds, Ends and Machinery" at their next set for 7 o'clock tonight at the PUD 3 Afiditorium, aad Cota streets. Guests are welcome to attend. of '53 slates luncheon S. Reed Class of 1953 will welcome classmate Au- ey Ray, who has moved back to Mason County, at,a, noon Tuesday, March 30, at the home of Pat in Allyn. Directions are available from Stone at .':: or Billie Howard at the Mason County Museum, 426- will form at 11:20 a.m. near the garden center parking lot. Those attending should bring lunches; the hostess will furnish dessert and bever- teachers to at SOCK Swap on County Retired Ltion will hold raeeting at the SOCK the former Shelton Ar- e set rday ages dance to the rock of Johnnie B and is scheduled for 27, at the Shel- mory, where members will par- ticipate in a garage and collect- ibles sale. The event begins at 10 a.m. Friday, April 2, at the SOCK Center located on Franklin Street next to the movie theater. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the association's scholar- ship fund. 6:30 to 10 p.m., fund-raiser for the School eighth- team's an- Washington, D.C. for a family, $7 tad $5 for single ad- ey are available and at the door event. ds will benefit the a parent spokes- adding that the its time and the its facility. ge is located on Hul- the Shelton-High- ge. Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. Friday, March 26 7:30 a.m., Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce, business board meeting, Alpine Way. 9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Community Church, 877-6842. Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call 427- 6831. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694 dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 2 p.m., Fibromylagia Support group meeting, Burgermaster. For more info, call 432-0124. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxili- ary, Memorial Hall. 7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Hoodsport library. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma- son General Hospital. Saturday, March 27 7 p.m., QW.I.B. (Quality World In Balance), chemical dependency sup- port group, Shelton United Methodist Church. 7'.30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square dance, small hall, Mason County Fairgrounds. Sunday, March 28 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. 9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD 3 Auditorium. 9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Burgermaster conference room in Shelton, 754-4433. 6 p.m., Save Our County Kids (SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar- mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119 for more information. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Monday, March 29 3 p.m., Shelton City Commission, city hall. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. • 7 p.m., Mason County Singles, PUD 3 building. For information, 427-1796. 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Tuesday, March 30 8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma- son County board meeting, 900 Al- pine Way, Shelton, 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, commissioners' chambers. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton United Methodist Church. Call 426- 0101 for information. 6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society, Burgermaster, Olympic Highway North. 7 p.m., genealogy class by Shelton LDS Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Skokomish Tribal Center. 7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call The Lady Redneck Department is now open featuring 300/0 off all Georgia work boots for women and men and all NAOT shoes Sale prices valid March 25-April 11, Shelton and Tumwater stores. i .o.Rs: ] 930 Johns Prairie Rd [Monday-Friday ....... 10-6 427-4265 ................... [ Sunday .................... 11-5 Also in Tumwater at 849 Trosper Road Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous, Pershing Room at Mason General Hospital. For more info, call 427- 6847. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, women's group, Saint David's Episco- pal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Wednesday, March 31 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill Creek Inn. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa- nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant. Noon, Mason County Democratic Women's Club, Orient Express. Noon, Shelton Civil Service Com- mission, city hall. 6 p.m., Mason County Council on Abuse and Neglect domestic violence education and support group. Call Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664 for location. 7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol- ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym- pic Highway North. 7:15 p.m., A1-Anon meeting (help and hope for families of alcoholics), Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room 17 Shelton, basement entrance, 427- 6831. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 100 Years Ago- From March 24, 1899, Mason County Journal: Last Friday evening, a batch of strangers came in on the night boat and several proceeded to "bowl up." One, Andrew Berg, became obstre- perous, and Marshal Potts proceeded to take him in. During the struggle he pro- duced a knife and made a lunge at the marshal, the blade sticking some books in his pocket. John C. Berg, wanted in Warsaw, Wisconsin, for the embezzlement of $14,047.26 of the funds of Marathou Coun- ty, while County treasurer in 1893-4, was found at Simp- son's shingle mill by Sheriff Vogtlin, Tuesday, and taken into custody...With their usual gall the Seattle police are throwing boquets at themselves for this capture, but the credit belongs to our efficient Sheriff Vogtlin. Class of '79 plans reunion The Shelton High School Class of 1979 will hold a reunion plan- ning meeting at 2 p.m. this Sat- urday, March 27, at the home of Cheri err Crawford in Olympia. Directions are available from her at 360-456-8632. The 20th reunion is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, at the Tyee Hotel in Olympia. Treasures' hunt April 9 to benefit MGH MODELS FOR TREASURES' April 9 Evening of Memories show off some of the items up for live and silent bids. Proceeds from Treasures, Mason Gen- eral Hospital Foundation's thrift store, and the event will go to pur- chase medical equipment for the hos- pital and North Mason Medical Clinic. Models, left to right, are Laura Morris- sette in a full-length, charcoal gray wool coat and holding a Franklin Mint car; MGH Foundation board member Marlene Davison, attired in a fox coat and holding a Fenton bowl; MGH Foundation liaison Karla London in a mink jacket with matching pillbox hat and a Frank Sinatra album; volunteer Katherine Gold with a black beaver cape and silver serving dish; and vol- unteer Denise Murchinson in a full- length, black leather coat and top hat. Manager Carol Barker says the top one percent of the store's rare and unusual clothing and collectibles is set aside for the event. The silent auction will begin at 5 p.m. Friday, April 2, at the store on the corner of Railroad Avenue and Third Street, with the live auction at 7 o'clock. The event, including re- freshments and entertainment, is lim. ited to the first 100 tickets sold. Ad- vance tickets may be purchased for $10 at Treasures or at the foundation of- fice at MGH. They will be $15 at the door. Items not sold will be available to the public on Saturday. OCS writers to read from new 00,,.tccotash Olympic Poets and Writers Workshop will host the contribu- tors to Succotash, the occasional magazine of the "Anyone Can Write" class at Olympic College Shelton, as tonight's readers in the series showcased at Saint Da- vid's Hall downtown. The reading will begin at 7 p.m. in the fireplace room of the hall at 218 North Third Street. Work featured in the fifth edi- tion of Succotash includes mem- oirs of Mason County life by Dick Parrett, Norm Eveleth and Frank Guyer; a portion of a World War II account by Phyl Meyer; poetry by Tracy Drake, Darlene Castle, Gordon Personius, Phil Sevilla, Virginia Trammell and Zella Mounts; poetry and prose by Ida Leggett, Jean Maxwell and Bill STORM? WE HAVE THE ANSWER! Stop by and see us today ... WORKS _/i[iiii WXrHOUT POWER With your high output, energy-effi- cient Dovre Sapphire Ii gas stove, .............. you'll get a warmer feeling inside t all winter I long. And, with our direct vent technology, you can put your Dovre stove practi- cally anywhere ----_ / you need to turn on the heat. Your choice of two models in cast black or four different enamel colors. Get a warmer fi00e!ing Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 6:oo p.m. Capital City Sat. Stove & Fan Center 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. 2118 Pacific Ave., Olym fla * 943-5587 Young; and prose by Betti Has- kins and John Davis. Copies of the publication will be available for sale and auto- graphing at the reading, which is free and open to the public. The host organization will serve coffee and cookies. By JAN DANFORD J] ........................................ v Haiku Snow encrusted boughs, beautiful in December, are less so in May. Haiku Throughout the daytime I learn sad songs to be sung in the still of night. Congratulations to Alicia Garcia, NAC, Recptionist You have been voted by Fir Lane residents and staff as March Employee of the Month! Alicia is Fir Lane's receptionist during the day, Monday through Friday. Her duties include answer- ing eight phone lines, doing the filing for most of the building, ordering office supplies, doing the mail and assisting with payables. Alicia also fills in as a part-time nursing assistant when needed. "You have to be friendly, and you have to be able to deal with the stress (on the phone), but I'm pretty down to earth, and I can pretty much deal with anything," she said. Her favorite thing about Fir Lane is the people, especially the residents. Her goal as part of the Eden Altemative is to make life worth living for the people she is honored to serve. "1 get along well with other people, and I'm will- ing to help anybody," she said. St Lic NH735 2430 North 13th Street Shelton, WA 98584 3601426-1651 FAX 360/426-2140 I Thursday, March 25, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 :i 00ommunity 00alendar Meetings March 25 Shelton Toastmasters, Citizens for Academic and EXcellence, McDonald's TOPS (Take Off Pounds 1188, United Methodist 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start' facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, " . r00genda ,n to discuss archives Lawson will explain what the regional branch of the State Archives has to offer members of the Mason Genealogical Society at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 1. Due g conflict, the meeting will not be at Mount Olive Church. It will be held in the Relief Society Room the Family History Center at the Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints, located at the corner of 12th and streets on Mountain View. 00anal RVers plan campout h.TL e Hood Canal Chapter, Good Sam Recreational Vehicle ,-o Will .... ._ . meet at noon Thursday, April 1, (no foohn) at Jim 311rl ' .. gs Doo Wop Diner, SE 843 State Route 3 just south of "eltoa. The group will discuss the April 12 campout in Kelso. women will hear judge Washington State Court of ADDeaIs Judge Robin Hunt will be eaker for the next gathering of the Republican Women of 3.  County set for noon Friday, March 26, at This and That, eL" East Johns Prairie Road in Shelton Those attendin 0Uld bring brown-bag lunches. " g 00;lections scheduled at VFW Oa Friday, April 2, Mason County Veterans of Foreign °rost 1694 and its auxiliary will nominate and elect offi- d' ae meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hall, Second t_-franklin streets in Shelton Spokesperson Marguerite ]rshall reminds members to come and support their candi- qates. l00Ock society meets tonight Rock and Mineral Society members will view a vid- "Odds, Ends and Machinery" at their next set for 7 o'clock tonight at the PUD 3 Afiditorium, aad Cota streets. Guests are welcome to attend. of '53 slates luncheon S. Reed Class of 1953 will welcome classmate Au- ey Ray, who has moved back to Mason County, at,a, noon Tuesday, March 30, at the home of Pat in Allyn. Directions are available from Stone at .':: or Billie Howard at the Mason County Museum, 426- will form at 11:20 a.m. near the garden center parking lot. Those attending should bring lunches; the hostess will furnish dessert and bever- teachers to at SOCK Swap on County Retired Ltion will hold raeeting at the SOCK the former Shelton Ar- e set rday ages dance to the rock of Johnnie B and is scheduled for 27, at the Shel- mory, where members will par- ticipate in a garage and collect- ibles sale. The event begins at 10 a.m. Friday, April 2, at the SOCK Center located on Franklin Street next to the movie theater. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the association's scholar- ship fund. 6:30 to 10 p.m., fund-raiser for the School eighth- team's an- Washington, D.C. for a family, $7 tad $5 for single ad- ey are available and at the door event. ds will benefit the a parent spokes- adding that the its time and the its facility. ge is located on Hul- the Shelton-High- ge. Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. Friday, March 26 7:30 a.m., Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce, business board meeting, Alpine Way. 9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Community Church, 877-6842. Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call 427- 6831. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694 dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 2 p.m., Fibromylagia Support group meeting, Burgermaster. For more info, call 432-0124. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxili- ary, Memorial Hall. 7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Hoodsport library. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma- son General Hospital. Saturday, March 27 7 p.m., QW.I.B. (Quality World In Balance), chemical dependency sup- port group, Shelton United Methodist Church. 7'.30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square dance, small hall, Mason County Fairgrounds. Sunday, March 28 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. 9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD 3 Auditorium. 9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Burgermaster conference room in Shelton, 754-4433. 6 p.m., Save Our County Kids (SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar- mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119 for more information. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Monday, March 29 3 p.m., Shelton City Commission, city hall. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. • 7 p.m., Mason County Singles, PUD 3 building. For information, 427-1796. 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Tuesday, March 30 8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma- son County board meeting, 900 Al- pine Way, Shelton, 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, commissioners' chambers. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton United Methodist Church. Call 426- 0101 for information. 6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society, Burgermaster, Olympic Highway North. 7 p.m., genealogy class by Shelton LDS Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Skokomish Tribal Center. 7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call The Lady Redneck Department is now open featuring 300/0 off all Georgia work boots for women and men and all NAOT shoes Sale prices valid March 25-April 11, Shelton and Tumwater stores. i .o.Rs: ] 930 Johns Prairie Rd [Monday-Friday ....... 10-6 427-4265 ................... [ Sunday .................... 11-5 Also in Tumwater at 849 Trosper Road Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous, Pershing Room at Mason General Hospital. For more info, call 427- 6847. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, women's group, Saint David's Episco- pal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Wednesday, March 31 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill Creek Inn. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa- nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant. Noon, Mason County Democratic Women's Club, Orient Express. Noon, Shelton Civil Service Com- mission, city hall. 6 p.m., Mason County Council on Abuse and Neglect domestic violence education and support group. Call Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664 for location. 7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol- ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym- pic Highway North. 7:15 p.m., A1-Anon meeting (help and hope for families of alcoholics), Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room 17 Shelton, basement entrance, 427- 6831. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 100 Years Ago- From March 24, 1899, Mason County Journal: Last Friday evening, a batch of strangers came in on the night boat and several proceeded to "bowl up." One, Andrew Berg, became obstre- perous, and Marshal Potts proceeded to take him in. During the struggle he pro- duced a knife and made a lunge at the marshal, the blade sticking some books in his pocket. John C. Berg, wanted in Warsaw, Wisconsin, for the embezzlement of $14,047.26 of the funds of Marathou Coun- ty, while County treasurer in 1893-4, was found at Simp- son's shingle mill by Sheriff Vogtlin, Tuesday, and taken into custody...With their usual gall the Seattle police are throwing boquets at themselves for this capture, but the credit belongs to our efficient Sheriff Vogtlin. Class of '79 plans reunion The Shelton High School Class of 1979 will hold a reunion plan- ning meeting at 2 p.m. this Sat- urday, March 27, at the home of Cheri err Crawford in Olympia. Directions are available from her at 360-456-8632. The 20th reunion is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, at the Tyee Hotel in Olympia. Treasures' hunt April 9 to benefit MGH MODELS FOR TREASURES' April 9 Evening of Memories show off some of the items up for live and silent bids. Proceeds from Treasures, Mason Gen- eral Hospital Foundation's thrift store, and the event will go to pur- chase medical equipment for the hos- pital and North Mason Medical Clinic. Models, left to right, are Laura Morris- sette in a full-length, charcoal gray wool coat and holding a Franklin Mint car; MGH Foundation board member Marlene Davison, attired in a fox coat and holding a Fenton bowl; MGH Foundation liaison Karla London in a mink jacket with matching pillbox hat and a Frank Sinatra album; volunteer Katherine Gold with a black beaver cape and silver serving dish; and vol- unteer Denise Murchinson in a full- length, black leather coat and top hat. Manager Carol Barker says the top one percent of the store's rare and unusual clothing and collectibles is set aside for the event. The silent auction will begin at 5 p.m. Friday, April 2, at the store on the corner of Railroad Avenue and Third Street, with the live auction at 7 o'clock. The event, including re- freshments and entertainment, is lim. ited to the first 100 tickets sold. Ad- vance tickets may be purchased for $10 at Treasures or at the foundation of- fice at MGH. They will be $15 at the door. Items not sold will be available to the public on Saturday. OCS writers to read from new 00,,.tccotash Olympic Poets and Writers Workshop will host the contribu- tors to Succotash, the occasional magazine of the "Anyone Can Write" class at Olympic College Shelton, as tonight's readers in the series showcased at Saint Da- vid's Hall downtown. The reading will begin at 7 p.m. in the fireplace room of the hall at 218 North Third Street. Work featured in the fifth edi- tion of Succotash includes mem- oirs of Mason County life by Dick Parrett, Norm Eveleth and Frank Guyer; a portion of a World War II account by Phyl Meyer; poetry by Tracy Drake, Darlene Castle, Gordon Personius, Phil Sevilla, Virginia Trammell and Zella Mounts; poetry and prose by Ida Leggett, Jean Maxwell and Bill STORM? WE HAVE THE ANSWER! Stop by and see us today ... WORKS _/i[iiii WXrHOUT POWER With your high output, energy-effi- cient Dovre Sapphire Ii gas stove, .............. you'll get a warmer feeling inside t all winter I long. And, with our direct vent technology, you can put your Dovre stove practi- cally anywhere ----_ / you need to turn on the heat. Your choice of two models in cast black or four different enamel colors. Get a warmer fi00e!ing Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 6:oo p.m. Capital City Sat. Stove & Fan Center 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. 2118 Pacific Ave., Olym fla * 943-5587 Young; and prose by Betti Has- kins and John Davis. Copies of the publication will be available for sale and auto- graphing at the reading, which is free and open to the public. The host organization will serve coffee and cookies. By JAN DANFORD J] ........................................ v Haiku Snow encrusted boughs, beautiful in December, are less so in May. Haiku Throughout the daytime I learn sad songs to be sung in the still of night. Congratulations to Alicia Garcia, NAC, Recptionist You have been voted by Fir Lane residents and staff as March Employee of the Month! Alicia is Fir Lane's receptionist during the day, Monday through Friday. Her duties include answer- ing eight phone lines, doing the filing for most of the building, ordering office supplies, doing the mail and assisting with payables. Alicia also fills in as a part-time nursing assistant when needed. "You have to be friendly, and you have to be able to deal with the stress (on the phone), but I'm pretty down to earth, and I can pretty much deal with anything," she said. Her favorite thing about Fir Lane is the people, especially the residents. Her goal as part of the Eden Altemative is to make life worth living for the people she is honored to serve. "1 get along well with other people, and I'm will- ing to help anybody," she said. St Lic NH735 2430 North 13th Street Shelton, WA 98584 3601426-1651 FAX 360/426-2140 I Thursday, March 25, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 :i