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Moore found guilty of growing
marijuana disc :( ,vered after fire
Bruce Wales Moore, 50, of 6960
McKinley Avenue, Tacoma, was
f()und guilty on Wednesday,
,March 17, of cultivativing mari-
iuana tbllowing a brief bench trial
heft)re Judge James Sawyer.
l)eputy Prosecutor Amber Fin-
lay said the expedited trial could
t)av, the way fi)r an appeal based
.n the police statement of prob-
able cause and on rulings of the
Wash inKton Suprc, me Court con-
ccrning the use of marijuana for
medicinal purposes, Washington
v)ters approved such use in last
N()vember's gmeral election.
Moore was arrested on March
13. 1998 after Detective Shane
Brooks of WESTNET (West
Sound Narcotics Enforcement
Team) [bund 524 live marijuana
phmts growing in his house at
8320 East Grapeview Loop Road,
Grapeview, according to court pa-
That address on Grapeview
Loop Road came to the attention
of the authorities the day before
Moore's arrest when Fire District
5 responded to the report of a
structure fire there, according to
court papers. They found the
porch and the northeast corner of
the house on fire, Brooks wrote in
his statement of probable cause.
Brooks wrote that they found a
pot growing operation above the
Brooks also found 19 grow
lights and a splice in a nearby
power line. "this jumper wire ran
around the front of the house on
the south side, underneath the
deck on the east side, and was
spliced into the feeder wires going
into the house then into the ga-
rage area," he wrote in his report.
Finlay said the state could cite
Washington vs. Williams in re-
sponding to any appeal of Moore's
conviction filed by defense attor-
ney Jeff Steinborn. That ruling by
the Washington Supreme Court
was made on last December 4, a
month after the state's voters ap-
proved the medical use of mari-
The majority opinion in that
ruling states "the defense of medi-
cal necessity is unavailable for
drugs that are classified as
Schedule I Controlled Substances
because the Legislature has con-
clusively determined that mari-
juana has no currently accepted
medical use in treatment in the
United States."
Superior court roundup:
Norling facing a third charge
Two pending Mason County
Stq)erior Court cases against Leo-
nard Norling may be joined by a
Norling, 22, of Lilliwaup was
identified Wednesday, March 17,
in c(mnection with allegations
that he tried to intimidate wit-
nesses in cases of armed robbery
and assault in the second degree
that were tiled against him earli-
er this year.
Judge James Sawyer found
probable cause for the latest alle-
gations against Norling, who is
jailed in Grays Harbor County
while awaiting trial in Shelton.
lie appointed Richard Woodrow
to represent Norling and sched-
uled arraignment fi)r March 25.
According to the statement of
probable cause, Norling tried to
intimidate three witnesses in the
two cases against him. He asked
a fellow inmate of the Mason
County Jail to contact Ron
"Reefer" Wardwell who was to get
Aml)er Beasley, Jacob Clary and
Joe Martin to change their state-
ments, according to court papers.
l,aw officers heard of the at-
tempt. "Wardwell was contacted
and signed a statement confirm-
ing (that) Norling had asked him
to intimidate or strong-arm the
three people that had given state-
ments against him," the arresting
officer wrote. Deputies said they
have a map that Norling drew
giving the other inmate directions
to Wardwell's house.
1N OTHER court proceedings
on March 17:
• Steven Fredriek Christy,
39, of 2149 Lake Boulevard, Shel-
ton, was identified for violation of
the state drug laws.
Sawyer found probable cause
for his arrest and appointed
Charles Lane to be his attorney.
The judge set bail at $5,000 and
scheduled his arraignment for
March 25. Christy has an out-
standing warrant in Shelton Mu-
nicipal Court for assault in the
fourth degree.
The judge told him to stay
away from drugs and alcohol and
said he must have a new local ad-
dress before he can be released on
yer and Judge Toni Sheldon pre-
sided over a number of cases on
the criminal motion calendar:
• Jeffrey T. DuBell, 33, of
3131 Bloomfield Road, Shelton,
pled not guilty to two counts of fe-
lony harassment and two counts
of assault in the fourth degree.
All four matters relate to allega-
tions of domestic violence. He al-
legedly assaulted and threatened
to kill Deborah and Kimberly
Clark, according to information in
the case.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 26, a pretrial
hearing for May 26 and trial for
the jury term that begins June 7.
The judge also heard allegations
by Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz that DuBell tried to
make 45 telephone calls from the
Mason County Jail to his former
girlfriend and her daughter, the
alleged victims of these crimes.
Schuetz asked that bail be raised.
"These phone calls were never
accepted so no contact ever
occurred," defense attorney Bruce
Finlay said. "In addition, there is
no evidence that he made these
Judge Sawyer denied the
state's motion but said that if Du-
Bell tries to call the alleged vic-
tims again he will set bail at
$50,000. Bail remained at
• William Glenn Hender-
son, 37, of 19404 Rocky Bay
Road, Gig Harbor, and Stefani
Dean Brock, 29, of 220 East
Wilson Road, Shelton, were iden-
tified in connection with allega-
tions that they possessed chemi-
cals used in the manufacture of
methamphetamine, an illegal
The two pied not guilty to the
charge. Judge Sawyer kept bail
for Henderson at $7,500 and
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
April 29, pretrial for May 26 and
trial for the term that begins
June 7.
Judge Sheldon set bail for
Brock at $2,500 and scheduled an
omnibus hearing for April 29, a
pretrial hearing for May 26 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins June 7.
They two were arrested after
their former landlady, Lorna J.
Hink of Jarrells Cove Marina,
found a yellow margarine con-
tainer while cleaning the rental
unit they had occupied, according
to the statement of probable
cause• When she opened it she
found a clear liquid that started
fuming, according to court papers.
She informed the authorities who
then arrested Henderson and
• John Walter Goit, 47, of
11251 NE North Shore Road, Bel-
fair, plod not guilty to charges of
felony harassment and assault in
the second degree. Sheldon sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for May
6, pretrial for May 26 and trial for
the jury term that begins June 7.
• Dane J. Kudia, 20, of 431
West Bambi Farms Road, Shel-
ton, pied not guilty to a charge of
assault in the second degree.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 29, pretrial for
May 26 and trial for the jury term
that starts June 7.
• John Harris Wood, 51, of
226 East Springfield Loop, Shel-
ton, pled not guilty to failing to
register as a sex offender. Judge
Sheldon kept bail at $5,000 ad
ordered him to appear .arian om-
nibus hearing on April 29, a pre-
trial hearing on May 26 and trial
during the jury term that begins
June 7.
* Oscar John Sweaney, 31,
of 80 East Skyline Drive, Shelton,
pied not guilty to malicious mis-
chief in the second degree. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 26, pretrial for
May 26 and trial for the jury term
that begins June 7 and denied a
request by the alleged victim that
a no-contact order be removed.
She said the order will remain in
place while the trial is pending.
Shawn Edward Olson, 28,
of 113-B Aberdeen Road, Morton,
pied not guilty to five counts of
theft in the second degree and six
counts of unlawful issuance of
bank checks.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 1, a pretrial
hearing for April 8 and trial for
the jury term that begins May 10.
21110 Highway 101, Shelton, plod
not guilty to unlawful possession
of a firearm in the second degree.
Sheldon released him on personal
• recognizance and scheduled an
omnibus hearing for April 29, a
pretrial hearing for May 26, and
trial for term that begins June 7.
* Lisa M. Grogan, 18, of
1502 Lauridesen, Port Angeles
was ordered to pay $2,001 in res-
titution to the Pizza Factory in
Belfair• She pied guilty on De-
cember 23 to theft in connection
with allegations she skimmed
money from the till while em-
ployed at the pizza parlor.
• Judge Sheldon ordered a
$2,500-bail warrant for the arrest
ofAsha Ponis, 32, of 1221 21st
Street, Puyallup. Sheldon signed
a $2,500 warrant for his arrest af-
ter he failed to appear for ar-
raignment on charges of two
counts of forgery.
IN COURT proceedings Fri-
• Roy Sanford Shaw, 37, of
1911 Washington Street, Shelton,
pied not guilty in two separate
cases. One case charges him with
one count of manufacturing meth-
amphetamine and three counts of
delivering the illegal drug in Oc-
tober, November and December of
last year. l: , . , ,
The other case charges him
with one count of manufacturing
methamphetamine on March 10.
IN COURT proceedings on
• Daniel C. Williams, 16, a
Shelton resident with no fixed ad-
dress, pled not guilty to a charge
of residential burglary. He is
charged with burglarizing the
home at 604 North Sixth Street,
Shelton, on January 30.
Judge Sawyer kept bail at
$2,500 and scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 1, a pretrial
hearing for April 28 and trial for
the jury term that begins May 10.
Sawyer also listened to a de-
fense motion by attorney Richard
Woodrow in another criminal
charge against Williams• He au-
thorized spending up to $333 for a
private investigator to help the
defense answer charges of con-
spiracy to commit robbery.
Williams and Viliamu Purcell,
Man jailed for assault
Several individuals were given
jail sentences in the course of pro-
ceedings in Mason County Supe-
rior Court last week. Among them
was a Pickering-area resident
who got into trouble with the law
after a new marriage turned sour.
Carl R. McMillen, 62, for-
merly of 3080 Pickering Road,
Shelton, was sentenced Thursday
in Mason County Superior Court
to 11 months in jail for second-de-
gree burglary and unlawful pos-
session of a firearm. The charges
followed an incident last fall in
which he broke into the mobile
home of his estranged wife, Shir-
ley, and held a pistol to her head.
He was also given a concurrent
90 days for felony eluding and fe-
lony violation of a no-contact or-
der. Judge Toni Sheldon told him
to stay away from Shirley McMil-
Ion for 10 years. Sam Davidson,
one of his defense attorneys, said
a marriage dissolution is pending.
UNDER THE first-time of-
fender option he'll be under court
supervision for 24 months follow-
ing his release from prison• He
plans to move to Idaho and live
with his son, Ray McMillen, the
court was told.
"What he put Shirley McMillen
through warrants more than 90
days," Deputy Prosecutor Rein-
hold Schuetz said, citing the
"aura of a last-ditch stand" and
contending McMillen dialed 911
thinking he was calling TV news•
Ray McMillen spoke on his fa-
ther's behalf. "I feel that he has
realized how serious the crimes
he has committed are," he said.
Sheldon ordered the elder Mc-
Millen to pay $602.15 in court
costs and $1,000 to the crime vic-
tims' fund.
IN OTHER sentencings be-
fore the court last week:
• Theodore Frank Bech-
told, 29, of 2261 Highway 108,
Shelton, was sentenced Thursday
to 90 days of day reporting for
burglary in the second degree,
180 days in day reporting for felo-
ny violator of a no-contact order
and 60 days in day reporting for
malicious mischief in the second
The terms will be served con-
currently. Day reporting may
sound easy but it involves strict,
rules, Judge Sheldon warned• If
he breaks them he'll have to serve
the time in jail without credit for
any time spent in the day report-
ing program. He will be under
state supervision for 12 months
after his release.
Sheldon also ordered him to
pay $201•40 court costs and $500
to the crime victims' fund. A resti-
tution hearing is set for June 24.
• Moses Lee Brown, 21, of
1907 Olympic High North, Shel-
ton, was sentenced to 60 days in
Mason County Jail for possession
of stolen property in the second
degree. He will be under Wash-
ington Department of Corrections
supervision for 12 months after
his release. Sheldon also ordered
him to pay $286.25 in court costs,
$500 to the crime victims' fund,
$350 toward attorney-fee recoup-
ment and $120 in restitution.
• Jeffrey Todd Kuehnau,
$250 fine, $110 in court costs and
$250 to the crime victims' fund.
Kuehnau will be on probation
for 12 months. During that time
he is to possess no drugs and sub-
mit to random tests for the pres-
ence of drugs in his system.
• Matthew Scott Marcy, 18,
of Spokane was sentenced to five
months in jail for theft in the sec-
ond degree.
Judge James Sawyer said he
can serve consecutive weekends
until May 1. If he misses any
weekends he'll have to serve the
full sentence. If he doesn't he may
qualify for day reporting, which
would allow him to keep his job.
Marcy was arrested in October
1997 and originally charged as a
juvenile. "You really don't take it
very seriously," Sawyer said of
Marcy's dealings with the law. He
ordered 12 months of supervision
following release and ordered
Marcy to pay $478.92 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
fund $450 toward his attorney's
fees and $468 in restitution.
"I'm a lot better than I was be-
fore. Now I've got a job," Marcy
told the court.
• Tammy Ray Moody, 27, of
16993 East State Route 3, Allyn,
was sentenced in three separate
cases• Sheldon found her compe-
tent for sentencing despite some
mental-health concerns.
Sheldon sentenced her under
the first-time offender option to
90 days in jail for violation of the
state drug laws, imposing court
supervision for 24
her release. The
tenced her to 90 days
24 months
ing a motor vehicle
owner's permissxon
months in jail for
end degree and possession
len property.
She was ordered
$871.70 in court costs
crime victims' fund,
the cost of her legal
tion and a $500 fine to
fund. A restitution
scheduled for June 24.
Sheldon said Moody is
checked for chemical
and her mental health
days of her release from
was ordered to
drug users and be
human immunodeficienCY
• Christopher Lee
23, of 602 Firwood
ton, was sentenced to 30
day reporting for theft in
end degree. He was
making cash witl
someone else's bank card.
Defense attorney
said Keith works at a
taurant and "owned up
sponsibility from the
Sheldon ordered
under supervision for 12
and to pay $212.70 in
$500 to the crime
and $350 toward
"I was wrong and I
wrong and I'm willing to
that," Keith said.
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HURRY! fo.r
Hutzler gets prison .Ni©kdamesSwagerty, 27, also ofShelton, are accused in 36, of 411Way to Tipperary, Shel-
an inmate at the Washington connection with an incident in ton, was sentenced to 90 days in Donna Wolden Charleen
Correction Center in Shelton, was February in which Purcell alleg- jail for possession of marijuana, a
. misdemeanor. Sheldon suspended 4 2 6-- 8 2 7 4 4 2
for possessing meth identified andarraignedon, three edly used a knife to hold police at
counts of custodial assault. De- bay outside the Safeway Store in 89 days and told him to pay a
A Skokomish Valley Road resi-
dent who entered a change of plea
in a Mason County Superior
Court drug case last week went
straight to prison and will serve
22 months fbr the offense.
Robert W. Hutzler, 32, of 301
Deyette Road, Shelton, plod
guilty Friday to possession of
nlethamphetanine, an illegal
Judge James Sawyer sen-
tented him to 22 months in prison
and ordered him to pay $158.80
in court costs, $350 tbr attorney
and $1,000 to the drug enforce-
ment fund. He will be under the
supervision of the Washington
Department of Corrections for 12
months after his release.
He was arrested last July 14
after a sheriffs deputy stopped
him for driving a vehicle with de-
fective equipment. The deputy got
his permission to search the vehi-
cle and found methamphetamine,
according to court papers•
Amber Finlay prosecuted the
case. Donald Lundahl defended
The family of John Beck
would like to thank all
of our friends
for the cards, flowers, memorials
and many acts of kindness.
A special thank you
to the
Shelton Elks #2467 Ritual Team
for the beautiful service.
Kay, Craig and Haani
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1999
lense attorney Charles Lane en-
tered not-guilty pleas to all charg-
es on his behalf. He was released
on his personal recognizance,
since he remains in custody at the
prison. Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing for April 29, a pre-
trial hearing for May 26 and trial
for term that begins June 7.
• William Alvin Allen, 22, of
The two were stopped while al-
legedly trying to steal some beer
from the store, according to court
Williams is being held on
$5,000 bail in the earlier-filed
case, which is scheduled for trial
in the jury term that begins April
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Moore found guilty of growing
marijuana disc :( ,vered after fire
Bruce Wales Moore, 50, of 6960
McKinley Avenue, Tacoma, was
f()und guilty on Wednesday,
,March 17, of cultivativing mari-
iuana tbllowing a brief bench trial
heft)re Judge James Sawyer.
l)eputy Prosecutor Amber Fin-
lay said the expedited trial could
t)av, the way fi)r an appeal based
.n the police statement of prob-
able cause and on rulings of the
Wash inKton Suprc, me Court con-
ccrning the use of marijuana for
medicinal purposes, Washington
v)ters approved such use in last
N()vember's gmeral election.
Moore was arrested on March
13. 1998 after Detective Shane
Brooks of WESTNET (West
Sound Narcotics Enforcement
Team) [bund 524 live marijuana
phmts growing in his house at
8320 East Grapeview Loop Road,
Grapeview, according to court pa-
That address on Grapeview
Loop Road came to the attention
of the authorities the day before
Moore's arrest when Fire District
5 responded to the report of a
structure fire there, according to
court papers. They found the
porch and the northeast corner of
the house on fire, Brooks wrote in
his statement of probable cause.
Brooks wrote that they found a
pot growing operation above the
Brooks also found 19 grow
lights and a splice in a nearby
power line. "this jumper wire ran
around the front of the house on
the south side, underneath the
deck on the east side, and was
spliced into the feeder wires going
into the house then into the ga-
rage area," he wrote in his report.
Finlay said the state could cite
Washington vs. Williams in re-
sponding to any appeal of Moore's
conviction filed by defense attor-
ney Jeff Steinborn. That ruling by
the Washington Supreme Court
was made on last December 4, a
month after the state's voters ap-
proved the medical use of mari-
The majority opinion in that
ruling states "the defense of medi-
cal necessity is unavailable for
drugs that are classified as
Schedule I Controlled Substances
because the Legislature has con-
clusively determined that mari-
juana has no currently accepted
medical use in treatment in the
United States."
Superior court roundup:
Norling facing a third charge
Two pending Mason County
Stq)erior Court cases against Leo-
nard Norling may be joined by a
Norling, 22, of Lilliwaup was
identified Wednesday, March 17,
in c(mnection with allegations
that he tried to intimidate wit-
nesses in cases of armed robbery
and assault in the second degree
that were tiled against him earli-
er this year.
Judge James Sawyer found
probable cause for the latest alle-
gations against Norling, who is
jailed in Grays Harbor County
while awaiting trial in Shelton.
lie appointed Richard Woodrow
to represent Norling and sched-
uled arraignment fi)r March 25.
According to the statement of
probable cause, Norling tried to
intimidate three witnesses in the
two cases against him. He asked
a fellow inmate of the Mason
County Jail to contact Ron
"Reefer" Wardwell who was to get
Aml)er Beasley, Jacob Clary and
Joe Martin to change their state-
ments, according to court papers.
l,aw officers heard of the at-
tempt. "Wardwell was contacted
and signed a statement confirm-
ing (that) Norling had asked him
to intimidate or strong-arm the
three people that had given state-
ments against him," the arresting
officer wrote. Deputies said they
have a map that Norling drew
giving the other inmate directions
to Wardwell's house.
1N OTHER court proceedings
on March 17:
• Steven Fredriek Christy,
39, of 2149 Lake Boulevard, Shel-
ton, was identified for violation of
the state drug laws.
Sawyer found probable cause
for his arrest and appointed
Charles Lane to be his attorney.
The judge set bail at $5,000 and
scheduled his arraignment for
March 25. Christy has an out-
standing warrant in Shelton Mu-
nicipal Court for assault in the
fourth degree.
The judge told him to stay
away from drugs and alcohol and
said he must have a new local ad-
dress before he can be released on
yer and Judge Toni Sheldon pre-
sided over a number of cases on
the criminal motion calendar:
• Jeffrey T. DuBell, 33, of
3131 Bloomfield Road, Shelton,
pled not guilty to two counts of fe-
lony harassment and two counts
of assault in the fourth degree.
All four matters relate to allega-
tions of domestic violence. He al-
legedly assaulted and threatened
to kill Deborah and Kimberly
Clark, according to information in
the case.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 26, a pretrial
hearing for May 26 and trial for
the jury term that begins June 7.
The judge also heard allegations
by Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz that DuBell tried to
make 45 telephone calls from the
Mason County Jail to his former
girlfriend and her daughter, the
alleged victims of these crimes.
Schuetz asked that bail be raised.
"These phone calls were never
accepted so no contact ever
occurred," defense attorney Bruce
Finlay said. "In addition, there is
no evidence that he made these
Judge Sawyer denied the
state's motion but said that if Du-
Bell tries to call the alleged vic-
tims again he will set bail at
$50,000. Bail remained at
• William Glenn Hender-
son, 37, of 19404 Rocky Bay
Road, Gig Harbor, and Stefani
Dean Brock, 29, of 220 East
Wilson Road, Shelton, were iden-
tified in connection with allega-
tions that they possessed chemi-
cals used in the manufacture of
methamphetamine, an illegal
The two pied not guilty to the
charge. Judge Sawyer kept bail
for Henderson at $7,500 and
scheduled an omnibus hearing for
April 29, pretrial for May 26 and
trial for the term that begins
June 7.
Judge Sheldon set bail for
Brock at $2,500 and scheduled an
omnibus hearing for April 29, a
pretrial hearing for May 26 and
trial during the jury term that be-
gins June 7.
They two were arrested after
their former landlady, Lorna J.
Hink of Jarrells Cove Marina,
found a yellow margarine con-
tainer while cleaning the rental
unit they had occupied, according
to the statement of probable
cause• When she opened it she
found a clear liquid that started
fuming, according to court papers.
She informed the authorities who
then arrested Henderson and
• John Walter Goit, 47, of
11251 NE North Shore Road, Bel-
fair, plod not guilty to charges of
felony harassment and assault in
the second degree. Sheldon sched-
uled an omnibus hearing for May
6, pretrial for May 26 and trial for
the jury term that begins June 7.
• Dane J. Kudia, 20, of 431
West Bambi Farms Road, Shel-
ton, pied not guilty to a charge of
assault in the second degree.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 29, pretrial for
May 26 and trial for the jury term
that starts June 7.
• John Harris Wood, 51, of
226 East Springfield Loop, Shel-
ton, pled not guilty to failing to
register as a sex offender. Judge
Sheldon kept bail at $5,000 ad
ordered him to appear .arian om-
nibus hearing on April 29, a pre-
trial hearing on May 26 and trial
during the jury term that begins
June 7.
* Oscar John Sweaney, 31,
of 80 East Skyline Drive, Shelton,
pied not guilty to malicious mis-
chief in the second degree. Judge
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 26, pretrial for
May 26 and trial for the jury term
that begins June 7 and denied a
request by the alleged victim that
a no-contact order be removed.
She said the order will remain in
place while the trial is pending.
Shawn Edward Olson, 28,
of 113-B Aberdeen Road, Morton,
pied not guilty to five counts of
theft in the second degree and six
counts of unlawful issuance of
bank checks.
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 1, a pretrial
hearing for April 8 and trial for
the jury term that begins May 10.
21110 Highway 101, Shelton, plod
not guilty to unlawful possession
of a firearm in the second degree.
Sheldon released him on personal
• recognizance and scheduled an
omnibus hearing for April 29, a
pretrial hearing for May 26, and
trial for term that begins June 7.
* Lisa M. Grogan, 18, of
1502 Lauridesen, Port Angeles
was ordered to pay $2,001 in res-
titution to the Pizza Factory in
Belfair• She pied guilty on De-
cember 23 to theft in connection
with allegations she skimmed
money from the till while em-
ployed at the pizza parlor.
• Judge Sheldon ordered a
$2,500-bail warrant for the arrest
ofAsha Ponis, 32, of 1221 21st
Street, Puyallup. Sheldon signed
a $2,500 warrant for his arrest af-
ter he failed to appear for ar-
raignment on charges of two
counts of forgery.
IN COURT proceedings Fri-
• Roy Sanford Shaw, 37, of
1911 Washington Street, Shelton,
pied not guilty in two separate
cases. One case charges him with
one count of manufacturing meth-
amphetamine and three counts of
delivering the illegal drug in Oc-
tober, November and December of
last year. l: , . , ,
The other case charges him
with one count of manufacturing
methamphetamine on March 10.
IN COURT proceedings on
• Daniel C. Williams, 16, a
Shelton resident with no fixed ad-
dress, pled not guilty to a charge
of residential burglary. He is
charged with burglarizing the
home at 604 North Sixth Street,
Shelton, on January 30.
Judge Sawyer kept bail at
$2,500 and scheduled an omnibus
hearing for April 1, a pretrial
hearing for April 28 and trial for
the jury term that begins May 10.
Sawyer also listened to a de-
fense motion by attorney Richard
Woodrow in another criminal
charge against Williams• He au-
thorized spending up to $333 for a
private investigator to help the
defense answer charges of con-
spiracy to commit robbery.
Williams and Viliamu Purcell,
Man jailed for assault
Several individuals were given
jail sentences in the course of pro-
ceedings in Mason County Supe-
rior Court last week. Among them
was a Pickering-area resident
who got into trouble with the law
after a new marriage turned sour.
Carl R. McMillen, 62, for-
merly of 3080 Pickering Road,
Shelton, was sentenced Thursday
in Mason County Superior Court
to 11 months in jail for second-de-
gree burglary and unlawful pos-
session of a firearm. The charges
followed an incident last fall in
which he broke into the mobile
home of his estranged wife, Shir-
ley, and held a pistol to her head.
He was also given a concurrent
90 days for felony eluding and fe-
lony violation of a no-contact or-
der. Judge Toni Sheldon told him
to stay away from Shirley McMil-
Ion for 10 years. Sam Davidson,
one of his defense attorneys, said
a marriage dissolution is pending.
UNDER THE first-time of-
fender option he'll be under court
supervision for 24 months follow-
ing his release from prison• He
plans to move to Idaho and live
with his son, Ray McMillen, the
court was told.
"What he put Shirley McMillen
through warrants more than 90
days," Deputy Prosecutor Rein-
hold Schuetz said, citing the
"aura of a last-ditch stand" and
contending McMillen dialed 911
thinking he was calling TV news•
Ray McMillen spoke on his fa-
ther's behalf. "I feel that he has
realized how serious the crimes
he has committed are," he said.
Sheldon ordered the elder Mc-
Millen to pay $602.15 in court
costs and $1,000 to the crime vic-
tims' fund.
IN OTHER sentencings be-
fore the court last week:
• Theodore Frank Bech-
told, 29, of 2261 Highway 108,
Shelton, was sentenced Thursday
to 90 days of day reporting for
burglary in the second degree,
180 days in day reporting for felo-
ny violator of a no-contact order
and 60 days in day reporting for
malicious mischief in the second
The terms will be served con-
currently. Day reporting may
sound easy but it involves strict,
rules, Judge Sheldon warned• If
he breaks them he'll have to serve
the time in jail without credit for
any time spent in the day report-
ing program. He will be under
state supervision for 12 months
after his release.
Sheldon also ordered him to
pay $201•40 court costs and $500
to the crime victims' fund. A resti-
tution hearing is set for June 24.
• Moses Lee Brown, 21, of
1907 Olympic High North, Shel-
ton, was sentenced to 60 days in
Mason County Jail for possession
of stolen property in the second
degree. He will be under Wash-
ington Department of Corrections
supervision for 12 months after
his release. Sheldon also ordered
him to pay $286.25 in court costs,
$500 to the crime victims' fund,
$350 toward attorney-fee recoup-
ment and $120 in restitution.
• Jeffrey Todd Kuehnau,
$250 fine, $110 in court costs and
$250 to the crime victims' fund.
Kuehnau will be on probation
for 12 months. During that time
he is to possess no drugs and sub-
mit to random tests for the pres-
ence of drugs in his system.
• Matthew Scott Marcy, 18,
of Spokane was sentenced to five
months in jail for theft in the sec-
ond degree.
Judge James Sawyer said he
can serve consecutive weekends
until May 1. If he misses any
weekends he'll have to serve the
full sentence. If he doesn't he may
qualify for day reporting, which
would allow him to keep his job.
Marcy was arrested in October
1997 and originally charged as a
juvenile. "You really don't take it
very seriously," Sawyer said of
Marcy's dealings with the law. He
ordered 12 months of supervision
following release and ordered
Marcy to pay $478.92 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
fund $450 toward his attorney's
fees and $468 in restitution.
"I'm a lot better than I was be-
fore. Now I've got a job," Marcy
told the court.
• Tammy Ray Moody, 27, of
16993 East State Route 3, Allyn,
was sentenced in three separate
cases• Sheldon found her compe-
tent for sentencing despite some
mental-health concerns.
Sheldon sentenced her under
the first-time offender option to
90 days in jail for violation of the
state drug laws, imposing court
supervision for 24
her release. The
tenced her to 90 days
24 months
ing a motor vehicle
owner's permissxon
months in jail for
end degree and possession
len property.
She was ordered
$871.70 in court costs
crime victims' fund,
the cost of her legal
tion and a $500 fine to
fund. A restitution
scheduled for June 24.
Sheldon said Moody is
checked for chemical
and her mental health
days of her release from
was ordered to
drug users and be
human immunodeficienCY
• Christopher Lee
23, of 602 Firwood
ton, was sentenced to 30
day reporting for theft in
end degree. He was
making cash witl
someone else's bank card.
Defense attorney
said Keith works at a
taurant and "owned up
sponsibility from the
Sheldon ordered
under supervision for 12
and to pay $212.70 in
$500 to the crime
and $350 toward
"I was wrong and I
wrong and I'm willing to
that," Keith said.
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HURRY! fo.r
Hutzler gets prison .Ni©kdamesSwagerty, 27, also ofShelton, are accused in 36, of 411Way to Tipperary, Shel-
an inmate at the Washington connection with an incident in ton, was sentenced to 90 days in Donna Wolden Charleen
Correction Center in Shelton, was February in which Purcell alleg- jail for possession of marijuana, a
. misdemeanor. Sheldon suspended 4 2 6-- 8 2 7 4 4 2
for possessing meth identified andarraignedon, three edly used a knife to hold police at
counts of custodial assault. De- bay outside the Safeway Store in 89 days and told him to pay a
A Skokomish Valley Road resi-
dent who entered a change of plea
in a Mason County Superior
Court drug case last week went
straight to prison and will serve
22 months fbr the offense.
Robert W. Hutzler, 32, of 301
Deyette Road, Shelton, plod
guilty Friday to possession of
nlethamphetanine, an illegal
Judge James Sawyer sen-
tented him to 22 months in prison
and ordered him to pay $158.80
in court costs, $350 tbr attorney
and $1,000 to the drug enforce-
ment fund. He will be under the
supervision of the Washington
Department of Corrections for 12
months after his release.
He was arrested last July 14
after a sheriffs deputy stopped
him for driving a vehicle with de-
fective equipment. The deputy got
his permission to search the vehi-
cle and found methamphetamine,
according to court papers•
Amber Finlay prosecuted the
case. Donald Lundahl defended
The family of John Beck
would like to thank all
of our friends
for the cards, flowers, memorials
and many acts of kindness.
A special thank you
to the
Shelton Elks #2467 Ritual Team
for the beautiful service.
Kay, Craig and Haani
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1999
lense attorney Charles Lane en-
tered not-guilty pleas to all charg-
es on his behalf. He was released
on his personal recognizance,
since he remains in custody at the
prison. Sheldon scheduled an om-
nibus hearing for April 29, a pre-
trial hearing for May 26 and trial
for term that begins June 7.
• William Alvin Allen, 22, of
The two were stopped while al-
legedly trying to steal some beer
from the store, according to court
Williams is being held on
$5,000 bail in the earlier-filed
case, which is scheduled for trial
in the jury term that begins April
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