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Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Charles A. Loyd, 163 Hawthorne
Drive, Shelton, $400; Alexander
Galids, East 101 Huckleberry
Court, Union, $685,365 days, 364
suspended; Ray (3. Dyson, 1309
East Dickenson, Shelton, $735,
365 days, 364 suspended; Smith
W. Osborne, 481 Forest Drive,
Brinnon, $925, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended; Paul D. Brown, SE 2691
Kamilche Point Road, Shelton,
$925,365 days, 363 suspended.
Negligent driving: Caleb D.
Barnett, 3219 Farragut, Bremer-
ton, $200.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Jesse N.
Stoner, 2160 SE Binns Swiger
Loop, Shelton, third degree, $150,
and hit-and-run unattended
(property), $150, 180 days, 102
suspended; Joseph D. Nichols, 80
East Hammersley, Shelton, third
degree, $200, 90 days suspended;
Kelly Joe Roark, 202 Montesano-
Brady Road, Montesano, third
degree, $350, 90 days suspended;
April I. Olson, 3000 Johns Prair-
ie Road, Shelton, third degree,
$200, 90 days suspended; Ray-
mond D. Greenup, East 200 West
Lakeshore Drive, Shelton, third
degree, $250, 90 days suspended;
Darren M. Evans, West 140
Stoner Road, Shelton, revoked,
$250, 365 days, 355 suspended;
Everett E. Brannon, NE 210 Cap-
tain Hook Drive, Belfair, four
counts third degree, $700, 90 days
suspended, 90 days with 85 sus-
pended, 90 days with 80 suspend-
ed and 90 days with 75 suspend-
No valid operator's license:
Reynoso Jose Loarca, 4166 West
Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton,
$480; Benny N. Williams,
North 20 Twana Court, Shelton,
$480, and no insurance and seat-
belt violation $551.
No valid operator's license
and failure to appear (FTA): A1-
lal C. Bennett, East 69 Budd
Road, Shelton, $527.
No liability insurance: Don-
ald L. Brooks, East 700 Timber-
lake Drive, Shelton, and expired
vehicle license and failure to
wear seatbelt, $622; Michelle C.
Harp, 261 NE Anchor Drive, Bel-
fair, and seatbelt violation, $551;
Michael Brandon Price, Sea-
beck, and failure to stop at stop
sign, $551, and no valid opera-
tor's license, $480; Richard Ral-
ston, NE 191 Katchemak Lane,
Belfair, and expired vehicle li-
cense and seatbelt violation,
$708; Kevin Raye Sutterlict, 3771
East State Route 106, Union, $480.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Herbert L. Savage, 256 SE
Craig Road, Shelton, $527; Ken-
neth K. Whitten, 2215 West
Franklin Street, Shelton, and
thilure to stop at stop sign, $646;
Terina L. McCord, 1911 Wash-
ington Street, Shelton, $527;
James A. Huff, East 361-B Capi-
tol Prairie Road, Shelton, and
failure to stop at stop sign, $598.
Hit and run: Esteban Esteban-
Juan, 1040 Burwell Street, Brem-
erton, $500, 90 days, 80 suspend-
Unlawful fishing in the sec-
ond degree: Samuel G. Corri-
gan, 4135 First Street, Bremer-
ton, $50.
Failure to properly dispose of
solid waste: Stanley G. Wood-
ward, 1600 West Deegan Road,
Shelton, $250; Rhonda Geor-
ganne Harris, 365 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton, littering more
than one cubic foot, $475; Vicki
L. Carkhuff, 281 East Dartmoor
Drive, Shelton, $250.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Carrie L. Hawley, 1909 South
First Street, Shelton, domestic
violence, $125, 365 days, 355 sus-
pended; Brent T. Hancock, 1158
Irish Court, Port Orchard, do-
mestic violence, and malicious
mischief, $200, 365 days, 364 sus-
Other offenses: Kristopher
Alexander Saeger, SE 1070 Arca-
dia Road, Shelton, displaying a
weapon With intent to intimidate,
$200, 365 days, 361 suspended;
Michael Scott Beacraft, 31 East
Portree Place, Shelton, minor
possessing and/or consuming
alcohol, $150, 365 days, 355 sus-
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Harry James Johns Jr., SE 1707-
A Mason Street, Shelton, driving
with license suspended in the
third degree, hit-and-run, no in-
surance and resisting arrest,
$2,390, 365 days, 335 suspended,
and 90 days, 80 suspended; Ste-
yen Paul Schoening, 1622 Jeffer-
son Street, Shelton, $695, 365
days, 365 suspended.
Negligent driving: Brent E.
Corbin, 141 East Anthony Road,
Grapeview, $250; Duane Eddy
Hicks, 3786 West Shelton-Mat-
lock Road, Shelton, first degree,
$680, 90 days, 89 suspended, one
day community service.
Driving while license sus-
pended orrevoked: Christina L.
Johnson, 2311 Adams Street,
Shelton, third degree, $470, 90
days, 75 suspended, 15 days com-
munity service; Scan Martin
Rasmussen, 523 West Birch
Street, Shelton, third degree,
$470, 90 days, 88 suspended, two
days community service; Esther
Elaine Sage, 1304 West Cota
Street, Shelton, third degree,
$200, 90 days, 89 suspended, one
day community service; Loren
Paul Richards, 318 Wyandotte,
Shelton, third degree, $750, 90
days on electronic home moni-
toring, 45 suspended; Brian
Dean Lisk, East 631 Pickering
Road, Shelton, third degree, per-
mit violation, no insurance, ex-
pired vehicle registration, $1,307,
90 days, 83 suspended, 365 days,
362 suspended; Nathan B. An-
derson, 4081 SE Arcadia Road,
Shelton, third degree, $350, 90
days, 87 suspended, three days
community service, and no in-
surance, $480.
No valid operator's license:
Mario E. Bacilio, 100 West Pine
Street, Shelton, $350, 90 days, 89
suspended; Rolmo Martinez-
Ramirez, 861 Agate Road, Shel-
ton, refusal to give information
to officer, 90 days, 87 suspended.
Possession of marijuana: Di-
ane Lynn Parsley, Shelton, two
counts possession of drug para-
phernalia, two counts theft in the
third degree, $1,290, 90 days, 85
suspended, 90 days, 80 suspended
365 days, 360 suspended, 90 days,
85 suspended, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended third degree, $350, 90
days, 75 suspended.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Daniel L. Andrews, 332 South
Third Street, Shelton, two counts
domestic violence, $700, 365
days, 355 suspended; Zane Neal
Hansen, 1914 Jefferson Street,
Shelton, $470, 365 days, 350 sus-
pended, five community service.
Theft in the third degree:
Dawn Susan Tatum, East 390
Agate Drive, Shelton, five
counts, 365 days, 355 suspended.
Unlawful issuance of a bank
check: Michael John London,
East 31 Arellem Road, Union,
two counts, $300.
New Cues
Household Financial Ser-
vices, Incorporated against Bret
L. and Jane Doe Hermes, ab-
stract of judgment.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Sixteen Penny
Construction, tax warrant.
Sears Roebuck & Company
against James N. and Jane Doe
Neal, commercial.
AAA Pro Rental Management
against Jacqueline Marquez,
unlawful detainer.
Crystal A. Doubek against
Patrick J. and Jane Doe Guders-
ki, tort motor vehicle.
Sears Roebuck & Company
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1999
against June and John Doe Boul-
ton, commercial.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Deborah Lynn Treadwell, tax
Onyx Acceptance Corporation
against Michael J. Colluccio and
Barbara Cook, miscellaneous.
General Electric Capital
against Richard and Kim Bur-
row, commercial.
Reid Realty-ERA against
Blake Ruffin and Jill Fitch,
Thomas G. Morris and J.R.
Cascade, Incorporated against
David L. Baumgartner, Linda
L. Baumgartner, Edward M.
Borgatti, Peggy L. Borgatti and
the Bank of Sumner, quiet title.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Double R Trucking, Incorporat-
ed, tax warrant.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Donald L.
Betker, tax warrant.
Wells Fargo Bank against
Frank L. Carkhuff, Vicki L.
Carkhuff and their marital com-
munity, commercial.
Day Motors, Incorporated
against Lynn Burkett, transcript
of judgment.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Belfair Sand and Gravel, tax
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Gordon Kauhanen, 11170 East
State Route 106, Union, residence
and storage garage, $185,782;
Kevin Schasel, 380 East Deer
View Circle, Shelton, mobile
home, $69,000; Robert Cope, 23542
Highway 101, Hoodsport, resi-
dence, $72,374; Elma Game Club,
2090 East Beerbower Road, Elma,
exchange old mobile home for
newer one for caretakers' resi-
dence, $9,950; Randy Roberts, 31
East Watson Lane, Belfair, mo-
bile home, $42,403; Kirk Peter-
sen, 500 East Eagle Rid::Rodl
Shelton, residence, garage and
covered deck,, $86,665; Merle
Boettcher, 190 NE Riverhill
Drive, Belfair, garage, $17,709.
Ginger Ford, 231 East Auseth
Lane, Shelton, residence,
$142,503, and garage, $27,245;
Garnett Brooks, 151 NE Lynn-
wood Loop, Shelton, garage and
light storage, $27,926; Stephanee
Yost, 1700 East Shelton Springs
Road, Shelton, replace mobile
home, $28,978; Dennis Baker,
21650 East State Route 3, Belfair,
garage hobby shop, $15,136;
James Ricketson, 340 East Is-
land Lake Road, Shelton, car-
port, $6,168; Richard Wood, 331
East Julian Road,'Shelton, resi-
dence and garage, $85,100;
Richard Kelly, 2171 East Mason
Lake Drive East, Grapeview,
dock, $3,800.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Steven Grout, 5721 East State
Route 106, Belfair, demolish ex-
isting house damaged in traffic
accident; Bob Hungerford, 13851
NE North Shore Road, Belfair,
demolish old structure; Michael
Sullivan, 621 SE Bayview Road,
Shelton, preinspection for pro-
posed addition.
New construction and other
major projects receiving permits
during the past week include:
Richard Gates, 328 West Rail-
road Avenue, install lighted
sign, $2,500; Ernest B. Goys, 1209
Olympic Highway South, reroof,
March 18:6:24 a.m., Shelton
Springs Road, conditions.
March 19:6:07 p.m., South 12th
Street, illegal burn.
March 20:12:00 midnight,
with Mason County Medic One,
East and Washington streets,
injury; 10:10 a.m. with Medic
One, 619 East Poplar Street, as-
March 21:12:23 a.m., Quik
Stop, suspicious circumstances.
Tuesday, March 16
A burglary was reported to a
garage on the 1000 block of Dear-
born Avenue.
An altercation between an
adult and six juveniles reported-
ly occurred after the juveniles
allegedly tried to run the adult
off of Franklin Street.
Wednesday, March 17
Police were asked to deal with
a suspicious package in the lobby
of Seafirst Bank. It turned out to
be a package for Exotic Pets.
A caller from the 2100 block of
Lake Boulevard asked police to
take care of three stray puppies
that keep knocking over her
Thursday, March 18
Police were asked to assist
sheriffs deputies with an injury
accident on Arcadia Road.
A caller complained about two
guys who were pushing a shop-
ping cart down the sidewalk on
the 700 block of North Seventh
Police were asked to destroy
an injured deer on Northcliff
A stereo system was reportedly
stolen from a home on West C
Friday, March 19
A caller reported the theft of
tips from the Fifth Street Espresso
A female was reportedly caus-
ing a disturbance at the office of
Mason County Probation.
A carload of juveniles was re-
portedly chasing someone on the
Powerlines Road.
Saturday, March 20
A caller from Ellinor Avenue
said that a man was yelling at
his children excessively as they
were riding bicycles in front of
his car.
A theft was reported by the
owner of a store on the 700 block
of Cascade Avenue.
Police were asked to stop a
group of juveniles from smash-
ing bottles near the intersection
of Olympic Highway South and
Ellinor Avenue.
Sunday, March 21
A burglary was reported to a
home on the 600 block of Park
A woman reported that a sus-
picious man tried to get into her
car on Franklin Street with a
half case of beer.
Monday, March 22
A burglary was reported on the
600 block of Grant Avenue. The
intruder reportedly tore the house
A caller from 3737 Shelton
Springs Road said a student was
injured in the band room by a
blow to the head.
Burglaries were reported to the
caboose on Railroad Avenue and
to a nearby floral shop.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 104, Thursday
107, Friday 107, Saturday 106,
Sunday 107, Monday 105, Tues-
day 104.
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, March 16
Fire districts 12 and 16 re-
sponded at 7:49 and 7:53 a.m.
with Mason County Medic One to
the report of injuries on West
Shelton-Matlock Road.
Fire District 4 responded at
7:43 a.m. to the report of a fire on
460 SE Sells Drive and at 12:53
p.m. with Medic One to the report
of an injury on Highway 101.
Deputies were asked to take
care of a dead dog in the middle
of East McEwan Prairie Road.
A burglary was reported by a
caller from East Spencer Lake
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a sexual-assault allega-
Wednesday, March 17
Fire District 12 responded at
3:37 p.m. to the report of a proper-
ty fire on West Beeville Loop
Road, Matlock.
Deputies responded to the re-
port of a fight in progress in
which half a dozen people alleg-
edly surrounded one in the mid-
dle of East South Island Drive,
A burglary was reported by a
caller from West Meadows
Place, Shelton.
Thursday, March 18
Fire District 4, Medic One and
sheriffs deputies responded at
9:41 p.m. to the report of an in-
jury accident at 471 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a possible burglary to a
home at East Annas Way and
East Lakeshore.
Deputies received a call from
a man who said he tried to con-
tact the President about his new
invention but he couldn't get
through. He said he wanted to be
switched to 911 in Las Vegas so
he could tell them all about it.
A burglary was reported to a
business 14.8 miles out North
Shore Road at Tahuya.
Friday, March 19
Burglaries were reported to
homes on East Lakeshore Drive
East and East Walnut Street,
Saturday, March 20
Fire District 4 responded at
2:13 a.m. to the report of a struc-
ture fire at 783 SE Binns Swiger
Loop, Shelton.
Fire District 13 responded at
11:38 a.m. to the report of a wild-
fire at 1000 West Rock Creek
Road, Shelton.
Fire District 16 responded at
4:18 p.m. to the report of a prob-
lem with utilities on West Shel-
ton-Matlock Road.
Burglaries were reported to
homes on NE Clairview Drive,
Tahuya, East Grapeview Loop
(Please turn to page 17.)
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Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
Charles A. Loyd, 163 Hawthorne
Drive, Shelton, $400; Alexander
Galids, East 101 Huckleberry
Court, Union, $685,365 days, 364
suspended; Ray (3. Dyson, 1309
East Dickenson, Shelton, $735,
365 days, 364 suspended; Smith
W. Osborne, 481 Forest Drive,
Brinnon, $925, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended; Paul D. Brown, SE 2691
Kamilche Point Road, Shelton,
$925,365 days, 363 suspended.
Negligent driving: Caleb D.
Barnett, 3219 Farragut, Bremer-
ton, $200.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Jesse N.
Stoner, 2160 SE Binns Swiger
Loop, Shelton, third degree, $150,
and hit-and-run unattended
(property), $150, 180 days, 102
suspended; Joseph D. Nichols, 80
East Hammersley, Shelton, third
degree, $200, 90 days suspended;
Kelly Joe Roark, 202 Montesano-
Brady Road, Montesano, third
degree, $350, 90 days suspended;
April I. Olson, 3000 Johns Prair-
ie Road, Shelton, third degree,
$200, 90 days suspended; Ray-
mond D. Greenup, East 200 West
Lakeshore Drive, Shelton, third
degree, $250, 90 days suspended;
Darren M. Evans, West 140
Stoner Road, Shelton, revoked,
$250, 365 days, 355 suspended;
Everett E. Brannon, NE 210 Cap-
tain Hook Drive, Belfair, four
counts third degree, $700, 90 days
suspended, 90 days with 85 sus-
pended, 90 days with 80 suspend-
ed and 90 days with 75 suspend-
No valid operator's license:
Reynoso Jose Loarca, 4166 West
Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton,
$480; Benny N. Williams,
North 20 Twana Court, Shelton,
$480, and no insurance and seat-
belt violation $551.
No valid operator's license
and failure to appear (FTA): A1-
lal C. Bennett, East 69 Budd
Road, Shelton, $527.
No liability insurance: Don-
ald L. Brooks, East 700 Timber-
lake Drive, Shelton, and expired
vehicle license and failure to
wear seatbelt, $622; Michelle C.
Harp, 261 NE Anchor Drive, Bel-
fair, and seatbelt violation, $551;
Michael Brandon Price, Sea-
beck, and failure to stop at stop
sign, $551, and no valid opera-
tor's license, $480; Richard Ral-
ston, NE 191 Katchemak Lane,
Belfair, and expired vehicle li-
cense and seatbelt violation,
$708; Kevin Raye Sutterlict, 3771
East State Route 106, Union, $480.
No liability insurance and
FTA: Herbert L. Savage, 256 SE
Craig Road, Shelton, $527; Ken-
neth K. Whitten, 2215 West
Franklin Street, Shelton, and
thilure to stop at stop sign, $646;
Terina L. McCord, 1911 Wash-
ington Street, Shelton, $527;
James A. Huff, East 361-B Capi-
tol Prairie Road, Shelton, and
failure to stop at stop sign, $598.
Hit and run: Esteban Esteban-
Juan, 1040 Burwell Street, Brem-
erton, $500, 90 days, 80 suspend-
Unlawful fishing in the sec-
ond degree: Samuel G. Corri-
gan, 4135 First Street, Bremer-
ton, $50.
Failure to properly dispose of
solid waste: Stanley G. Wood-
ward, 1600 West Deegan Road,
Shelton, $250; Rhonda Geor-
ganne Harris, 365 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton, littering more
than one cubic foot, $475; Vicki
L. Carkhuff, 281 East Dartmoor
Drive, Shelton, $250.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Carrie L. Hawley, 1909 South
First Street, Shelton, domestic
violence, $125, 365 days, 355 sus-
pended; Brent T. Hancock, 1158
Irish Court, Port Orchard, do-
mestic violence, and malicious
mischief, $200, 365 days, 364 sus-
Other offenses: Kristopher
Alexander Saeger, SE 1070 Arca-
dia Road, Shelton, displaying a
weapon With intent to intimidate,
$200, 365 days, 361 suspended;
Michael Scott Beacraft, 31 East
Portree Place, Shelton, minor
possessing and/or consuming
alcohol, $150, 365 days, 355 sus-
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Harry James Johns Jr., SE 1707-
A Mason Street, Shelton, driving
with license suspended in the
third degree, hit-and-run, no in-
surance and resisting arrest,
$2,390, 365 days, 335 suspended,
and 90 days, 80 suspended; Ste-
yen Paul Schoening, 1622 Jeffer-
son Street, Shelton, $695, 365
days, 365 suspended.
Negligent driving: Brent E.
Corbin, 141 East Anthony Road,
Grapeview, $250; Duane Eddy
Hicks, 3786 West Shelton-Mat-
lock Road, Shelton, first degree,
$680, 90 days, 89 suspended, one
day community service.
Driving while license sus-
pended orrevoked: Christina L.
Johnson, 2311 Adams Street,
Shelton, third degree, $470, 90
days, 75 suspended, 15 days com-
munity service; Scan Martin
Rasmussen, 523 West Birch
Street, Shelton, third degree,
$470, 90 days, 88 suspended, two
days community service; Esther
Elaine Sage, 1304 West Cota
Street, Shelton, third degree,
$200, 90 days, 89 suspended, one
day community service; Loren
Paul Richards, 318 Wyandotte,
Shelton, third degree, $750, 90
days on electronic home moni-
toring, 45 suspended; Brian
Dean Lisk, East 631 Pickering
Road, Shelton, third degree, per-
mit violation, no insurance, ex-
pired vehicle registration, $1,307,
90 days, 83 suspended, 365 days,
362 suspended; Nathan B. An-
derson, 4081 SE Arcadia Road,
Shelton, third degree, $350, 90
days, 87 suspended, three days
community service, and no in-
surance, $480.
No valid operator's license:
Mario E. Bacilio, 100 West Pine
Street, Shelton, $350, 90 days, 89
suspended; Rolmo Martinez-
Ramirez, 861 Agate Road, Shel-
ton, refusal to give information
to officer, 90 days, 87 suspended.
Possession of marijuana: Di-
ane Lynn Parsley, Shelton, two
counts possession of drug para-
phernalia, two counts theft in the
third degree, $1,290, 90 days, 85
suspended, 90 days, 80 suspended
365 days, 360 suspended, 90 days,
85 suspended, 365 days, 360 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended third degree, $350, 90
days, 75 suspended.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Daniel L. Andrews, 332 South
Third Street, Shelton, two counts
domestic violence, $700, 365
days, 355 suspended; Zane Neal
Hansen, 1914 Jefferson Street,
Shelton, $470, 365 days, 350 sus-
pended, five community service.
Theft in the third degree:
Dawn Susan Tatum, East 390
Agate Drive, Shelton, five
counts, 365 days, 355 suspended.
Unlawful issuance of a bank
check: Michael John London,
East 31 Arellem Road, Union,
two counts, $300.
New Cues
Household Financial Ser-
vices, Incorporated against Bret
L. and Jane Doe Hermes, ab-
stract of judgment.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Sixteen Penny
Construction, tax warrant.
Sears Roebuck & Company
against James N. and Jane Doe
Neal, commercial.
AAA Pro Rental Management
against Jacqueline Marquez,
unlawful detainer.
Crystal A. Doubek against
Patrick J. and Jane Doe Guders-
ki, tort motor vehicle.
Sears Roebuck & Company
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 25, 1999
against June and John Doe Boul-
ton, commercial.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Deborah Lynn Treadwell, tax
Onyx Acceptance Corporation
against Michael J. Colluccio and
Barbara Cook, miscellaneous.
General Electric Capital
against Richard and Kim Bur-
row, commercial.
Reid Realty-ERA against
Blake Ruffin and Jill Fitch,
Thomas G. Morris and J.R.
Cascade, Incorporated against
David L. Baumgartner, Linda
L. Baumgartner, Edward M.
Borgatti, Peggy L. Borgatti and
the Bank of Sumner, quiet title.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Double R Trucking, Incorporat-
ed, tax warrant.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Donald L.
Betker, tax warrant.
Wells Fargo Bank against
Frank L. Carkhuff, Vicki L.
Carkhuff and their marital com-
munity, commercial.
Day Motors, Incorporated
against Lynn Burkett, transcript
of judgment.
Washington Department of
Labor and Industries against
Belfair Sand and Gravel, tax
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing the past week include:
Gordon Kauhanen, 11170 East
State Route 106, Union, residence
and storage garage, $185,782;
Kevin Schasel, 380 East Deer
View Circle, Shelton, mobile
home, $69,000; Robert Cope, 23542
Highway 101, Hoodsport, resi-
dence, $72,374; Elma Game Club,
2090 East Beerbower Road, Elma,
exchange old mobile home for
newer one for caretakers' resi-
dence, $9,950; Randy Roberts, 31
East Watson Lane, Belfair, mo-
bile home, $42,403; Kirk Peter-
sen, 500 East Eagle Rid::Rodl
Shelton, residence, garage and
covered deck,, $86,665; Merle
Boettcher, 190 NE Riverhill
Drive, Belfair, garage, $17,709.
Ginger Ford, 231 East Auseth
Lane, Shelton, residence,
$142,503, and garage, $27,245;
Garnett Brooks, 151 NE Lynn-
wood Loop, Shelton, garage and
light storage, $27,926; Stephanee
Yost, 1700 East Shelton Springs
Road, Shelton, replace mobile
home, $28,978; Dennis Baker,
21650 East State Route 3, Belfair,
garage hobby shop, $15,136;
James Ricketson, 340 East Is-
land Lake Road, Shelton, car-
port, $6,168; Richard Wood, 331
East Julian Road,'Shelton, resi-
dence and garage, $85,100;
Richard Kelly, 2171 East Mason
Lake Drive East, Grapeview,
dock, $3,800.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Steven Grout, 5721 East State
Route 106, Belfair, demolish ex-
isting house damaged in traffic
accident; Bob Hungerford, 13851
NE North Shore Road, Belfair,
demolish old structure; Michael
Sullivan, 621 SE Bayview Road,
Shelton, preinspection for pro-
posed addition.
New construction and other
major projects receiving permits
during the past week include:
Richard Gates, 328 West Rail-
road Avenue, install lighted
sign, $2,500; Ernest B. Goys, 1209
Olympic Highway South, reroof,
March 18:6:24 a.m., Shelton
Springs Road, conditions.
March 19:6:07 p.m., South 12th
Street, illegal burn.
March 20:12:00 midnight,
with Mason County Medic One,
East and Washington streets,
injury; 10:10 a.m. with Medic
One, 619 East Poplar Street, as-
March 21:12:23 a.m., Quik
Stop, suspicious circumstances.
Tuesday, March 16
A burglary was reported to a
garage on the 1000 block of Dear-
born Avenue.
An altercation between an
adult and six juveniles reported-
ly occurred after the juveniles
allegedly tried to run the adult
off of Franklin Street.
Wednesday, March 17
Police were asked to deal with
a suspicious package in the lobby
of Seafirst Bank. It turned out to
be a package for Exotic Pets.
A caller from the 2100 block of
Lake Boulevard asked police to
take care of three stray puppies
that keep knocking over her
Thursday, March 18
Police were asked to assist
sheriffs deputies with an injury
accident on Arcadia Road.
A caller complained about two
guys who were pushing a shop-
ping cart down the sidewalk on
the 700 block of North Seventh
Police were asked to destroy
an injured deer on Northcliff
A stereo system was reportedly
stolen from a home on West C
Friday, March 19
A caller reported the theft of
tips from the Fifth Street Espresso
A female was reportedly caus-
ing a disturbance at the office of
Mason County Probation.
A carload of juveniles was re-
portedly chasing someone on the
Powerlines Road.
Saturday, March 20
A caller from Ellinor Avenue
said that a man was yelling at
his children excessively as they
were riding bicycles in front of
his car.
A theft was reported by the
owner of a store on the 700 block
of Cascade Avenue.
Police were asked to stop a
group of juveniles from smash-
ing bottles near the intersection
of Olympic Highway South and
Ellinor Avenue.
Sunday, March 21
A burglary was reported to a
home on the 600 block of Park
A woman reported that a sus-
picious man tried to get into her
car on Franklin Street with a
half case of beer.
Monday, March 22
A burglary was reported on the
600 block of Grant Avenue. The
intruder reportedly tore the house
A caller from 3737 Shelton
Springs Road said a student was
injured in the band room by a
blow to the head.
Burglaries were reported to the
caboose on Railroad Avenue and
to a nearby floral shop.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 104, Thursday
107, Friday 107, Saturday 106,
Sunday 107, Monday 105, Tues-
day 104.
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, March 16
Fire districts 12 and 16 re-
sponded at 7:49 and 7:53 a.m.
with Mason County Medic One to
the report of injuries on West
Shelton-Matlock Road.
Fire District 4 responded at
7:43 a.m. to the report of a fire on
460 SE Sells Drive and at 12:53
p.m. with Medic One to the report
of an injury on Highway 101.
Deputies were asked to take
care of a dead dog in the middle
of East McEwan Prairie Road.
A burglary was reported by a
caller from East Spencer Lake
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a sexual-assault allega-
Wednesday, March 17
Fire District 12 responded at
3:37 p.m. to the report of a proper-
ty fire on West Beeville Loop
Road, Matlock.
Deputies responded to the re-
port of a fight in progress in
which half a dozen people alleg-
edly surrounded one in the mid-
dle of East South Island Drive,
A burglary was reported by a
caller from West Meadows
Place, Shelton.
Thursday, March 18
Fire District 4, Medic One and
sheriffs deputies responded at
9:41 p.m. to the report of an in-
jury accident at 471 SE Arcadia
Road, Shelton.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a possible burglary to a
home at East Annas Way and
East Lakeshore.
Deputies received a call from
a man who said he tried to con-
tact the President about his new
invention but he couldn't get
through. He said he wanted to be
switched to 911 in Las Vegas so
he could tell them all about it.
A burglary was reported to a
business 14.8 miles out North
Shore Road at Tahuya.
Friday, March 19
Burglaries were reported to
homes on East Lakeshore Drive
East and East Walnut Street,
Saturday, March 20
Fire District 4 responded at
2:13 a.m. to the report of a struc-
ture fire at 783 SE Binns Swiger
Loop, Shelton.
Fire District 13 responded at
11:38 a.m. to the report of a wild-
fire at 1000 West Rock Creek
Road, Shelton.
Fire District 16 responded at
4:18 p.m. to the report of a prob-
lem with utilities on West Shel-
ton-Matlock Road.
Burglaries were reported to
homes on NE Clairview Drive,
Tahuya, East Grapeview Loop
(Please turn to page 17.)
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