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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Out in the Open iRI.CENTLY IT WAS ANNOUNCED that . enhsts have determined that mice who exer- develop more neurons than mice who don t. I not SUre what a mouse would want with 'r re. neurons. Nor am I exactly sure what a neu- o_ i.. nut whatever it is I wonder: Why are 'entlsts always picking on mice? b I have no idea about this either, but it might e SOmething a Uldhelp. little therapeutic counseling giV be Scientists say an increase in neurons And  ice the ability to remember more stuff. When a mouse rem-mbers more stuff the 0Use be- -'" comes smarter. ad then I ask: How much stuff does a mouse ave to remember, and is it such a good idea to ave Sill Th after mice? .. e average brain contains 12 billion neurons a While that " ra0re sounds hke a lot it is only slightly Icb^! 10 percent of all hamburgers sold by auaald's. So, while we now know it will take ra 10 mice to remember all of McDonald's reU.rgers, is there still a reason for mice to eraber more? a  . JUST HOW MANY more neurons does elu e need to have to do whatever a mouse :rnl. to do? What is it in a mouse's life that is so h.  ated it would forget? Where it hid the ,,Se? Not to make fun of the cat? th,_s not like it has to remember where it left , r keys. 0C aich just happens to be my problem right tho'ln fact, I shouldn't be sitting here writing °ut Ihave nothing else to do since for the  ,ae ! cannot remember where I put those , keys I nave an old ci,ar box nn m I , - ,. .. _ _..y desk where put Je S -- -- • -- fOUr y When I come home. I do thin because I qUii..o__ Yself, always searching for them. It was the,, .rUstratin. But since I started putting 0w' xn a box everything has been fine. Until Whaut thisi is beside the point. ideato- Want to know is: Is it sucn a bright ! d- .nave smarter mice? 0t s at know, and that's what scares me. I'm thee I.m ready for a neuron-charged mouse : a anng around the house. , SURE, IT WOULD come in handy if I e SOmeone to conjugate verbs or hel me e   my income taxes, but how often do I %u_ o do either of those things? Not often g ( to have some smart-alecky mouse quot- wBcasat O r fighting me for the remote when wrist, watcha discussion of Frank Lloyd br/' 7 PBS while I'm settling down for 1. e Teenage Witch. I digress. '"' Scientists nut the mice into two ou s :'i  ,- gr p . wt^ a Cage with an exercise wheel and one 1 "' t. The • • • 0Wd y stud the mce wth the wheel rep a an increase in neurons as their brains so[ ed to take-in additional information ' aY the exercise They said the exercise E-mail at stimulated the mice to remember more. They surmised it was a way for the mice to remember how to get back from where they were running to. NOW, I HATE TO show my ignorance, but hello! Did these scientists ever stop to consider the mice didn't need to remember where they were going and how to get back, since all they were doing was running on an exercise wheel in a cage and weren't going anywhere anyhow? I bet even the mice could have figured that out. Besides, if this were true, and all it took was a bit of exercise to grow brain cells, then how come pro-athletes aren't calculating rocket trajecto- ries, curing cancer and cleaning up on Wheel of Fortune? And if we're talking about smarts, what about all those computer programmers? Take Bill Gates. Here's a guy with more dollars than neu- rons. He has to be smart. But do you see him ex- ercising? Do you see him running in a wheel in a cage? Certainly not. I'D LIKE TO SEE one of those smarty-pants mice try to run a big company like Microsoft. I bet it couldn't do it. If mice were in charge they would probably do something stupid like create a world-wide computer crash in the year 2000 or something insane like that. I sure am glad someone smarter than mice is in charge. The scientists said they took the two groups of mice and put each into a maze. The mice with the exercise wheel were able to negotiate the maze easier and quicker than the non-exercising mice. Well, duh. You see, what's going on here is what goes on everywhere. These scientists are being in- fluenced by their own cultural prejudices and are interpreting what they are seeing into what they are believing. It's not the smart mice that are exercising. Anyone with half a neuron knows that running in a wheel in a cage is not going to get you any- where. The really smart mice are the ones that are hanging out at the cheese spigot while the dumb ones are running themselves ragged. And as for the maze? The smart ones don't care. They've been there, they've done that. YOU DON'T BELIEVE any of this? Well, then, just look at me. I never exercise. Never have, never will. I just don't believe in it. I figure life is too short to get all hot and sweaty for no reason at all. But yesterday I decided take the dog for a walk. It wasn't a long walk, but it was a walk just the same. And now today I can't find my car keys. Do you see the connection? I do. I think what would put an end to all this is to put the scientists in a cage and make them run around in circles and see how smart they get. I bet they would wise up in a hurry... al,k-jog event set for eler Wetlands area : rj°ggers and nature Theler Community Center at 275- a -o.. enjoy the Theler 4898. The next steps are lining up id e,al System can help sponsors or pledges and walking, rads. wth new or the wetlands between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Pating m a pledgeev?e jogging strolling . ' April 24. April 24. • lg°vernment a encies [eaem funding to bild the ,:" out there are no '}aintenance,,, notes an of the event "Since the  Opened eight years -as been a stead m visitor Y " ._. s to the wetlands ;t °the public." , -u visitors walked ;st Year, according to .ro. ae Hood Canal Wa-  ct Center at the wet- Prizes will be awarded for the 8 :h , W,d'raising goal is  ,ers and io ers can sheets'atgghe 00et- ty ng or the Theler Com- ener or contact the 0000lhSoi r}. g a00lit r00ty' s t ,.ag Authority of Ma- i ' ,Wich was audited by r t%he Period October i, "Y, ':: °eptember 30, 1998 'a Z as found in com- :it;s s release from the h" aid. I: b State Auditor t)e,. g. said the housing 'h ::: Plied with state re t. I . wn established pol-  & )Cedures, and with .s ' ; requirements. No " r,: t°ncompliance were '  indicated. most miles walked on the day of the event, the most pledges col- lected, and the oldest and young- est participants. More information is available from the Theler Center at the number listed above. OWN LAND, ! Plans from 1000 to 2080 Sq. Ft. • Building since 1969. • Optional Garage Available. • Northwest's largest "on your lot" builder. * Limited ten year warranty with every home. Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am.6:00 pm "Practical Homes For Practical People" //00A00AIR 2302 9Y#AveSW I111SW17O'Ave 63309NelsAndersonRd 541BusintssParkDrSteF Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton, OR 97006 Bend, OR 97701 Medford, OR 97504 (36@) 352.8571 (503) 645-3547 (541) 382-4068 (541) 732-1560 *Special site conditions, local codes. WA sales tax or mileage fee will cause price to vary. II Property audits slated for county The Washington State Depart- ment of Revenue will conduct au- dits of personal-property assess- ments in Mason County over the next several months, announces Personal Property Tax Program Manager Joe Simmonds of the Department of Revenue. Audits will begin in April and will be conducted countywide, Simmonds said. They will include the Lake Cushman area. The audits estimate the mar- ket value of selected residential and business properties and ac- counts. Approximately 60 proper- ties to be audited were selected at random from county assessment rolls and are used to establish how close county assessors are coming to valuing properties at 100 percent of their true market value. The information, Simmonds said, is used to adjust state school levies for each county. Simmonds said Department of Revenue employees Markie Brew- er and Christa Roy will conduct the audits under his direction. Taxpayers who receive notifica- tion of an audit will be provided with phone numbers of the agents and are encouraged to contact them if they have questions or concerns, Simmonds said. Additional information about the process is available from the tax program manager at 753- 5552. 40 et 8 schedules a benefit breakfast The public is invited to the 40 et 8 Charity Breakfast in Shelton from 9 a.m. to noon this Sunday, March 28. The menu will include hash- browns, toast or biscuit, choice of ham, bacon or sausage, and eggs to order (including omelets) for $3.50. The veterans' organization will also serve just biscuits and gravy for $2.50. Proceeds will help fund the 40 et 8's charitable programs and scholarships. Those attending should use the back (alley) door of the 40 et 8 building, the second structure in the 100 block of West Cota. Any- one with a question may call 426- 5060. RJ's Mufflers and More 2316 Olympic Highway North 427-3581 For oil your outomotiw rpoir needs 00]ournal of Record (Continued from page 16.) Road and East Timberlake Drive. Sunday, March 21 Fire District 4 responded at 5:01 a.m. to the report of a struc- ture fire at 2402 SE Cole Road, Shelton and at 9:47 p.m. to the re- port of a structure fire at 1240 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton. Medic One responded at 2:32 a.m. on March 21 to the report of an assault in the fourth degree at 2210 Olympic Highway North, Shelton. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a disturbance after a wom- an allegedly drove a car into a ditch while trying to get away from a man who took a shovel to the front door of a house on West Lost Lake Park Drive. Burglaries were reported to a house on East Grapeview Loop Road, where a 1971 car was re- portedly stolen as well, and to a summer cabin on East Wood Lane, Shelton. A caller from Belfair reported suffering chest pains from smoking too much marijuana. A caller told dispatchers North Mason High School had been broken into. Monday, March 22 Fire District 11 and Medic One responded at 3:55 p.m. to the report of an injury at Sanderson Field. Five juveniles reportedly got stuck on a small island off East Lakeshore Drive West. They told dispatchers they rode out there on a small crate and got stuck during the thunderstorm. A person from Hoodsport called to complain about and on- going problem with "firearm-tot- ing" neighbors. A woman called to complain that someone had burned her be- longings. A caller from Grapeview re- ported that a barge was spilling oil as it approached the dock. Confused? Stressed? Anxious? Seek professional help. Doing taxes yourself can send you through a range of emotions. Relax and let a professional help. At H&R Block, we're familiar with the 824 tax code changes. And we're ready to talk when you are. 104 East "D" Street (Corner of Olympic Highway North and "D" Stree0 Weekdays 9-7 426-9077 Saturday 9-5 Shelter Home Improvement Section Coming April 15th Here's your chance to tell about your product .or serv,ce ,n the o ...... q'00e r or furnishing field. ' - - Ad Deadline April 1 : st For advertising ,nformat, on and assistance, call • Stephen Gay • Dave Pierik • Janet Daugherty 426-4412 • Brenna woodward 275-6680 Thursday, March 25, 199g - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 [] ram= Out in the Open iRI.CENTLY IT WAS ANNOUNCED that . enhsts have determined that mice who exer- develop more neurons than mice who don t. I not SUre what a mouse would want with 'r re. neurons. Nor am I exactly sure what a neu- o_ i.. nut whatever it is I wonder: Why are 'entlsts always picking on mice? b I have no idea about this either, but it might e SOmething a Uldhelp. little therapeutic counseling giV be Scientists say an increase in neurons And  ice the ability to remember more stuff. When a mouse rem-mbers more stuff the 0Use be- -'" comes smarter. ad then I ask: How much stuff does a mouse ave to remember, and is it such a good idea to ave Sill Th after mice? .. e average brain contains 12 billion neurons a While that " ra0re sounds hke a lot it is only slightly Icb^! 10 percent of all hamburgers sold by auaald's. So, while we now know it will take ra 10 mice to remember all of McDonald's reU.rgers, is there still a reason for mice to eraber more? a  . JUST HOW MANY more neurons does elu e need to have to do whatever a mouse :rnl. to do? What is it in a mouse's life that is so h.  ated it would forget? Where it hid the ,,Se? Not to make fun of the cat? th,_s not like it has to remember where it left , r keys. 0C aich just happens to be my problem right tho'ln fact, I shouldn't be sitting here writing °ut Ihave nothing else to do since for the  ,ae ! cannot remember where I put those , keys I nave an old ci,ar box nn m I , - ,. .. _ _..y desk where put Je S -- -- • -- fOUr y When I come home. I do thin because I qUii..o__ Yself, always searching for them. It was the,, .rUstratin. But since I started putting 0w' xn a box everything has been fine. Until Whaut thisi is beside the point. ideato- Want to know is: Is it sucn a bright ! d- .nave smarter mice? 0t s at know, and that's what scares me. I'm thee I.m ready for a neuron-charged mouse : a anng around the house. , SURE, IT WOULD come in handy if I e SOmeone to conjugate verbs or hel me e   my income taxes, but how often do I %u_ o do either of those things? Not often g ( to have some smart-alecky mouse quot- wBcasat O r fighting me for the remote when wrist, watcha discussion of Frank Lloyd br/' 7 PBS while I'm settling down for 1. e Teenage Witch. I digress. '"' Scientists nut the mice into two ou s :'i  ,- gr p . wt^ a Cage with an exercise wheel and one 1 "' t. The • • • 0Wd y stud the mce wth the wheel rep a an increase in neurons as their brains so[ ed to take-in additional information ' aY the exercise They said the exercise E-mail at stimulated the mice to remember more. They surmised it was a way for the mice to remember how to get back from where they were running to. NOW, I HATE TO show my ignorance, but hello! Did these scientists ever stop to consider the mice didn't need to remember where they were going and how to get back, since all they were doing was running on an exercise wheel in a cage and weren't going anywhere anyhow? I bet even the mice could have figured that out. Besides, if this were true, and all it took was a bit of exercise to grow brain cells, then how come pro-athletes aren't calculating rocket trajecto- ries, curing cancer and cleaning up on Wheel of Fortune? And if we're talking about smarts, what about all those computer programmers? Take Bill Gates. Here's a guy with more dollars than neu- rons. He has to be smart. But do you see him ex- ercising? Do you see him running in a wheel in a cage? Certainly not. I'D LIKE TO SEE one of those smarty-pants mice try to run a big company like Microsoft. I bet it couldn't do it. If mice were in charge they would probably do something stupid like create a world-wide computer crash in the year 2000 or something insane like that. I sure am glad someone smarter than mice is in charge. The scientists said they took the two groups of mice and put each into a maze. The mice with the exercise wheel were able to negotiate the maze easier and quicker than the non-exercising mice. Well, duh. You see, what's going on here is what goes on everywhere. These scientists are being in- fluenced by their own cultural prejudices and are interpreting what they are seeing into what they are believing. It's not the smart mice that are exercising. Anyone with half a neuron knows that running in a wheel in a cage is not going to get you any- where. The really smart mice are the ones that are hanging out at the cheese spigot while the dumb ones are running themselves ragged. And as for the maze? The smart ones don't care. They've been there, they've done that. YOU DON'T BELIEVE any of this? Well, then, just look at me. I never exercise. Never have, never will. I just don't believe in it. I figure life is too short to get all hot and sweaty for no reason at all. But yesterday I decided take the dog for a walk. It wasn't a long walk, but it was a walk just the same. And now today I can't find my car keys. Do you see the connection? I do. I think what would put an end to all this is to put the scientists in a cage and make them run around in circles and see how smart they get. I bet they would wise up in a hurry... al,k-jog event set for eler Wetlands area : rj°ggers and nature Theler Community Center at 275- a -o.. enjoy the Theler 4898. The next steps are lining up id e,al System can help sponsors or pledges and walking, rads. wth new or the wetlands between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Pating m a pledgeev?e jogging strolling . ' April 24. April 24. • lg°vernment a encies [eaem funding to bild the ,:" out there are no '}aintenance,,, notes an of the event "Since the  Opened eight years -as been a stead m visitor Y " ._. s to the wetlands ;t °the public." , -u visitors walked ;st Year, according to .ro. ae Hood Canal Wa-  ct Center at the wet- Prizes will be awarded for the 8 :h , W,d'raising goal is  ,ers and io ers can sheets'atgghe 00et- ty ng or the Theler Com- ener or contact the 0000lhSoi r}. g a00lit r00ty' s t ,.ag Authority of Ma- i ' ,Wich was audited by r t%he Period October i, "Y, ':: °eptember 30, 1998 'a Z as found in com- :it;s s release from the h" aid. I: b State Auditor t)e,. g. said the housing 'h ::: Plied with state re t. I . wn established pol-  & )Cedures, and with .s ' ; requirements. No " r,: t°ncompliance were '  indicated. most miles walked on the day of the event, the most pledges col- lected, and the oldest and young- est participants. More information is available from the Theler Center at the number listed above. OWN LAND, ! Plans from 1000 to 2080 Sq. Ft. • Building since 1969. • Optional Garage Available. • Northwest's largest "on your lot" builder. * Limited ten year warranty with every home. Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am.6:00 pm "Practical Homes For Practical People" //00A00AIR 2302 9Y#AveSW I111SW17O'Ave 63309NelsAndersonRd 541BusintssParkDrSteF Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton, OR 97006 Bend, OR 97701 Medford, OR 97504 (36@) 352.8571 (503) 645-3547 (541) 382-4068 (541) 732-1560 *Special site conditions, local codes. WA sales tax or mileage fee will cause price to vary. II Property audits slated for county The Washington State Depart- ment of Revenue will conduct au- dits of personal-property assess- ments in Mason County over the next several months, announces Personal Property Tax Program Manager Joe Simmonds of the Department of Revenue. Audits will begin in April and will be conducted countywide, Simmonds said. They will include the Lake Cushman area. The audits estimate the mar- ket value of selected residential and business properties and ac- counts. Approximately 60 proper- ties to be audited were selected at random from county assessment rolls and are used to establish how close county assessors are coming to valuing properties at 100 percent of their true market value. The information, Simmonds said, is used to adjust state school levies for each county. Simmonds said Department of Revenue employees Markie Brew- er and Christa Roy will conduct the audits under his direction. Taxpayers who receive notifica- tion of an audit will be provided with phone numbers of the agents and are encouraged to contact them if they have questions or concerns, Simmonds said. Additional information about the process is available from the tax program manager at 753- 5552. 40 et 8 schedules a benefit breakfast The public is invited to the 40 et 8 Charity Breakfast in Shelton from 9 a.m. to noon this Sunday, March 28. The menu will include hash- browns, toast or biscuit, choice of ham, bacon or sausage, and eggs to order (including omelets) for $3.50. The veterans' organization will also serve just biscuits and gravy for $2.50. Proceeds will help fund the 40 et 8's charitable programs and scholarships. Those attending should use the back (alley) door of the 40 et 8 building, the second structure in the 100 block of West Cota. Any- one with a question may call 426- 5060. RJ's Mufflers and More 2316 Olympic Highway North 427-3581 For oil your outomotiw rpoir needs 00]ournal of Record (Continued from page 16.) Road and East Timberlake Drive. Sunday, March 21 Fire District 4 responded at 5:01 a.m. to the report of a struc- ture fire at 2402 SE Cole Road, Shelton and at 9:47 p.m. to the re- port of a structure fire at 1240 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton. Medic One responded at 2:32 a.m. on March 21 to the report of an assault in the fourth degree at 2210 Olympic Highway North, Shelton. Deputies were asked to inves- tigate a disturbance after a wom- an allegedly drove a car into a ditch while trying to get away from a man who took a shovel to the front door of a house on West Lost Lake Park Drive. Burglaries were reported to a house on East Grapeview Loop Road, where a 1971 car was re- portedly stolen as well, and to a summer cabin on East Wood Lane, Shelton. A caller from Belfair reported suffering chest pains from smoking too much marijuana. A caller told dispatchers North Mason High School had been broken into. Monday, March 22 Fire District 11 and Medic One responded at 3:55 p.m. to the report of an injury at Sanderson Field. Five juveniles reportedly got stuck on a small island off East Lakeshore Drive West. They told dispatchers they rode out there on a small crate and got stuck during the thunderstorm. A person from Hoodsport called to complain about and on- going problem with "firearm-tot- ing" neighbors. A woman called to complain that someone had burned her be- longings. A caller from Grapeview re- ported that a barge was spilling oil as it approached the dock. Confused? Stressed? Anxious? Seek professional help. Doing taxes yourself can send you through a range of emotions. Relax and let a professional help. At H&R Block, we're familiar with the 824 tax code changes. And we're ready to talk when you are. 104 East "D" Street (Corner of Olympic Highway North and "D" Stree0 Weekdays 9-7 426-9077 Saturday 9-5 Shelter Home Improvement Section Coming April 15th Here's your chance to tell about your product .or serv,ce ,n the o ...... q'00e r or furnishing field. ' - - Ad Deadline April 1 : st For advertising ,nformat, on and assistance, call • Stephen Gay • Dave Pierik • Janet Daugherty 426-4412 • Brenna woodward 275-6680 Thursday, March 25, 199g - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 [] ram=