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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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u Vern Morgus and his Harmoni- cnns will perfi)rn at a comnmnity benefit concert tomorrow evening nl Griffin School Cafeteria. The event is scheduled to raise funds t'or homeowners in the West ()[ympia area who have lost Nomination deadline March 31: Harmonicans will perform C00iss to honor real he benefit for slide victims for May 7 at the Holiday Inn Se- gives rise to the MorguE' group will share the playbill with Scott Cossu, Snake Oil and Back Porch Swing, as well as singer-songwriter Mike Kelso. The Blues Torpedoes will be special guests for the concert. The Thurston-Mason County Chapter of American Red Cross continues to receive nominations for seven local community "real heroes." They'll receive nominations through March 31 for police, fire, medical, 911 dispatch, adult and youth "good Samaritan" and ant- mal-rescue heroes, says Sue Lar- sen of the Red Cross office. A nomination committee of non-Red Cross volunteers and staff members will select one hero from each category, and the hero awards will be presented at the second annual American Red Cross Real Heroes Breakfast set their homes to landslides south of ttunter Point. It will run from 7 to 10 p.m. March 26. A minimum $5 donation will be requested for tickets, which are for sale at the door. L- iii iial  n ii.  iii ill n iii ill iII Ims allll N  .. II  III IIR -JI now offering Formula Shell Gasoline i  3001 Olympic (360) Q Hwy. North 426-7224 Shell on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell "HILAR Director Ron Howard WITH EACH LARGE PIZZA ORDERED AT REGULAR PRICE THE SHELTON DOMINOS WILL DONATE $3.00 TO THE WOOD FAMILY FUND. f::c.>r validatiorl plea;e fill out and present to driver or return to store. :I Name :+:;: Address NOI v+llil Will] ¢lll IIIHt:Yi O113 Of %P(lal O1"I(*( )l)Od tot / IJt111te(| IlITII Only ;-::::=:=::: ==:== lallI CARRY-OUT =! MED. PEPPERONI $ 4,99 "'-- OR LG, PEPPERONI $ 6.99 Plus Tax (::arty out only Wth ths coupon Double portions and deep dish shghtly extra Not valid with other offe;s. Shelton Domino] lhzza only 134 North I st, Cash value 1/20¢ L:xp,es 4/4/99 Shelton 427-8700 2-MEDIUM 2-TOPPINGS, & ONE 2 LITER SODA $1 .++.. ORIGINAL CRUS'T ORIGINAL CRUST With th,s coupon; Double portions and deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with other offers Shelton Domino' Pizza only. Cash value 1120¢. Expires 414199. 134 North 1st, Shelton 427-8700  !Y! i! The TIDE WATERS ,- Resta, • YES . Highway 101 IS OPEN to here! 877-6450 Open daily 7 a. m - 8 t, m. Deb, Candy 27057 North H'qjhway 101, .3 mile,, north of Hoodsport New Restaurant Hours -- Wcd.-Thurs .............. "7 a.m.-6 p. n. Fri. .7 a.m.-9 I.),m, Sat. 8 a.m.-9 l).m. Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Mo,,day m.l "lhesday Prime Rib Served Fridays and Saturdays 5-9 p,m, Pool Tournament Friday Night Sign up at 7 p.m. - start at 7:30 p.m. Mondays ---f'ree l+ml " l'bod to Go" 7431 W. Shelton-Matloek0 Road 426-8811 426-9592 Happy Easter from Lake Nahwatzel Resort Our Sunday Breakfast Special: Eggs Benedict -'7 95 Served 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dinner Special: Roast Pork & Stuffing +'-"12 95 Served 2-9 p.m. Our 10th Fishing Derby EI_ Jm, FOr uson KMSB MAlIH|W  IIlI- - - A I M¢CONAUOH|Y "+;!Y" I II ............ DALLY 11:00 a.m., 7:00 I "3tAWA R D Jqk. NC)NI I NATI()NS BEST PICTURE DALLY 1:30, 9:30 The Other  i$A DALLY 4:15 517 W. Franklin St., Shelton DD[ ,ESOL D I G I T a k CHECKS ...... , ........... WELCOME Drop in, Neighbor :00I00:LiCI, o e $ SI)(I: C!00L$ " at Little Creek Casin¢ MONDAYS • 5PM TO 9PM YOUR CHOICE OF: • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon  Red Potatoes l-J -- or-- - _ Vegetables , • The Daily Breakfast Specl •  Dinner Roll  _- 6$1 __6 +. ,,,,__also 99 $39 VCRYDAV  OAm-NOO. 1 O YOU get this stake: FRIDAY, SATURDAY | I PM-6AM $5 matchplay, or SUNDAY-THURSDAY 1 1 PM-aAM • coupon for Megamania/Flashcash I Open Dally • interchtue H' 101/108 • Shelton • (60) 417-7711 . re, Check out our new hours: Sunchy Ihrd Wedne thru Saturday 10m to 6m kAdkAAdk I/ III Page 24 - Shelton Mason County Journal - Thursday March 25, 1999 lect in Olympia. To request a nomination form, those with real heroes they'd like to nominate can call the Red Cross office at 352-8575. The form requests the category of the nomination and a detailed account of the incident which candidate must be a or employed in, ThurstOa' son County. Nomination entries mailed or faxed by American Red Cross, 1547, Olympia, 98507, 352-0861. I ruesday$cial ,,+ I Pan4ded Oysters Sl .... ....... :: Reg.' Tuesday through Saturday 5:00 p.m.-9:0g c 221 W. Roilrood, Suite D s 360-47-g70 "OUTLANDISHI" -- The New York Times High-Quality H=OI ©Touchstone Pictures OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 At part Dairy (:.)IICCII - C@ ,1 We Treat Y Shelton • 221 North 1st • 426 "7 ( AM D Q Corp/1995 Dairy Queen stores are proud sponsors ® Reg US Pat Off AM D Q Corp Network Telethon which benetits local hospitals WE BAKE mYOU BA GREAT PI $799 Add $1 for baked pizza. GIANT.SIZE SIDE-BY.SIDE Pan P PIZZA for Half pepperoni, half Canadian-style bacon and pineapple. Flgaro'e Itellln Kitchen GIANT-SIZE CREAMY PanP GARLIC PIZZA 3 Varieties to choose Irom: • Garlic Chicken Pizza • Garlic Club Pizza o Garlic Vegg e 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton In Barkley Square 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Food stamps welcome on "You-Bake" i u Vern Morgus and his Harmoni- cnns will perfi)rn at a comnmnity benefit concert tomorrow evening nl Griffin School Cafeteria. The event is scheduled to raise funds t'or homeowners in the West ()[ympia area who have lost Nomination deadline March 31: Harmonicans will perform C00iss to honor real he benefit for slide victims for May 7 at the Holiday Inn Se- gives rise to the MorguE' group will share the playbill with Scott Cossu, Snake Oil and Back Porch Swing, as well as singer-songwriter Mike Kelso. The Blues Torpedoes will be special guests for the concert. The Thurston-Mason County Chapter of American Red Cross continues to receive nominations for seven local community "real heroes." They'll receive nominations through March 31 for police, fire, medical, 911 dispatch, adult and youth "good Samaritan" and ant- mal-rescue heroes, says Sue Lar- sen of the Red Cross office. A nomination committee of non-Red Cross volunteers and staff members will select one hero from each category, and the hero awards will be presented at the second annual American Red Cross Real Heroes Breakfast set their homes to landslides south of ttunter Point. It will run from 7 to 10 p.m. March 26. A minimum $5 donation will be requested for tickets, which are for sale at the door. L- iii iial  n ii.  iii ill n iii ill iII Ims allll N  .. II  III IIR -JI now offering Formula Shell Gasoline i  3001 Olympic (360) Q Hwy. North 426-7224 Shell on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell "HILAR Director Ron Howard WITH EACH LARGE PIZZA ORDERED AT REGULAR PRICE THE SHELTON DOMINOS WILL DONATE $3.00 TO THE WOOD FAMILY FUND. f::c.>r validatiorl plea;e fill out and present to driver or return to store. :I Name :+:;: Address NOI v+llil Will] ¢lll IIIHt:Yi O113 Of %P(lal O1"I(*( )l)Od tot / IJt111te(| IlITII Only ;-::::=:=::: ==:== lallI CARRY-OUT =! MED. PEPPERONI $ 4,99 "'-- OR LG, PEPPERONI $ 6.99 Plus Tax (::arty out only Wth ths coupon Double portions and deep dish shghtly extra Not valid with other offe;s. Shelton Domino] lhzza only 134 North I st, Cash value 1/20¢ L:xp,es 4/4/99 Shelton 427-8700 2-MEDIUM 2-TOPPINGS, & ONE 2 LITER SODA $1 .++.. ORIGINAL CRUS'T ORIGINAL CRUST With th,s coupon; Double portions and deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with other offers Shelton Domino' Pizza only. Cash value 1120¢. Expires 414199. 134 North 1st, Shelton 427-8700  !Y! i! The TIDE WATERS ,- Resta, • YES . Highway 101 IS OPEN to here! 877-6450 Open daily 7 a. m - 8 t, m. Deb, Candy 27057 North H'qjhway 101, .3 mile,, north of Hoodsport New Restaurant Hours -- Wcd.-Thurs .............. "7 a.m.-6 p. n. Fri. .7 a.m.-9 I.),m, Sat. 8 a.m.-9 l).m. Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed Mo,,day m.l "lhesday Prime Rib Served Fridays and Saturdays 5-9 p,m, Pool Tournament Friday Night Sign up at 7 p.m. - start at 7:30 p.m. Mondays ---f'ree l+ml " l'bod to Go" 7431 W. Shelton-Matloek0 Road 426-8811 426-9592 Happy Easter from Lake Nahwatzel Resort Our Sunday Breakfast Special: Eggs Benedict -'7 95 Served 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dinner Special: Roast Pork & Stuffing +'-"12 95 Served 2-9 p.m. Our 10th Fishing Derby EI_ Jm, FOr uson KMSB MAlIH|W  IIlI- - - A I M¢CONAUOH|Y "+;!Y" I II ............ DALLY 11:00 a.m., 7:00 I "3tAWA R D Jqk. NC)NI I NATI()NS BEST PICTURE DALLY 1:30, 9:30 The Other  i$A DALLY 4:15 517 W. Franklin St., Shelton DD[ ,ESOL D I G I T a k CHECKS ...... , ........... WELCOME Drop in, Neighbor :00I00:LiCI, o e $ SI)(I: C!00L$ " at Little Creek Casin¢ MONDAYS • 5PM TO 9PM YOUR CHOICE OF: • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon  Red Potatoes l-J -- or-- - _ Vegetables , • The Daily Breakfast Specl •  Dinner Roll  _- 6$1 __6 +. ,,,,__also 99 $39 VCRYDAV  OAm-NOO. 1 O YOU get this stake: FRIDAY, SATURDAY | I PM-6AM $5 matchplay, or SUNDAY-THURSDAY 1 1 PM-aAM • coupon for Megamania/Flashcash I Open Dally • interchtue H' 101/108 • Shelton • (60) 417-7711 . re, Check out our new hours: Sunchy Ihrd Wedne thru Saturday 10m to 6m kAdkAAdk I/ III Page 24 - Shelton Mason County Journal - Thursday March 25, 1999 lect in Olympia. To request a nomination form, those with real heroes they'd like to nominate can call the Red Cross office at 352-8575. The form requests the category of the nomination and a detailed account of the incident which candidate must be a or employed in, ThurstOa' son County. Nomination entries mailed or faxed by American Red Cross, 1547, Olympia, 98507, 352-0861. I ruesday$cial ,,+ I Pan4ded Oysters Sl .... ....... :: Reg.' Tuesday through Saturday 5:00 p.m.-9:0g c 221 W. Roilrood, Suite D s 360-47-g70 "OUTLANDISHI" -- The New York Times High-Quality H=OI ©Touchstone Pictures OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 At part Dairy (:.)IICCII - C@ ,1 We Treat Y Shelton • 221 North 1st • 426 "7 ( AM D Q Corp/1995 Dairy Queen stores are proud sponsors ® Reg US Pat Off AM D Q Corp Network Telethon which benetits local hospitals WE BAKE mYOU BA GREAT PI $799 Add $1 for baked pizza. GIANT.SIZE SIDE-BY.SIDE Pan P PIZZA for Half pepperoni, half Canadian-style bacon and pineapple. Flgaro'e Itellln Kitchen GIANT-SIZE CREAMY PanP GARLIC PIZZA 3 Varieties to choose Irom: • Garlic Chicken Pizza • Garlic Club Pizza o Garlic Vegg e 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton In Barkley Square 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Food stamps welcome on "You-Bake" i