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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 25, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 25, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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% FOR RENT IERVICES SERVICES SWING DANCE. It's a party at the Shelton Ballet School! This Saturday, 3/27 from 6 p.m.-midnight. Free lesson at 7:15 p.m. Teaching and coaching all evening. Dress in swing attire or cos- tume, receive $2 off entry fee: $6 stu- dents and seniors, $9 adults. Reserva- tions or more info, 432-0660. P3/25 DIET MAGIC - lose up to 30 pounds, 30 days, $30. All natural guarantee. Call Sue 1-800-242-0363, Ext 2326. $3/25 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072 or 1-800-925-1520. G3/18-6/3 LOST 3/14, female yellow Lab mix, one blue/one brown eye. Belfair/South- shore area. (360) 275-2966. L3/25 AKC CHOCOLATE Lab pups, Champion bloodlines, dewclawed, shots, $350. 426-6057. C3/25 AKC BLACK Lab, 10 me., house trained, micro chip. Loves to hunt, very friendly, from Montana, $250, 427- 7156. H3/25 DACHSHUND AKC male, 15 months, short hair, chocolate/tan dapple, shots, etc. $350. (360) 458-8626, Yelm H3/18-25 EMUS PROVEN breeder pairs for sale. $500 a pair. Discount for quantity sale. Call (360) 275-4396. P3/25 TWO GREAT family horses. Bay/Arab gelding, 15.1 hands, many years in 4-H, $800. Grey Arab mare 14.3 hands, good trail horse or 4-H project, $1,000. Tack also for sale. 426-3211. A3/18-25 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G1 l/9tfn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as. needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn COTTAGE CLEANER, references, reli- ability, Dona, 877-9277. M3/4-25 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6tfn MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 i I JAY B UTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 INSTALLATION --RE PAl RS 1,000 gal., l, 150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Cone. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair hc #SHAREDS207OB "If it has a small gas engine, we can fix it." Authorized parts, repair and warranty dealer for." SPRING TUNE-UP TIME[ New season, same great service. FAST TURN-AROUND, PICK UP & DELIVERY SALES- SERVICE- PARTS 877-0604 TC's TRACTOR & MOWER REPAIR 426-4932 s.c. 5380 Flrcadia FId. Shelton Tune-Up • Overhauls Repairs on All Brands Gas, Diesel Engines Transmission & Rear End Repair Pick-up & Delivery Available Make Your Reservations Early For Spring and Summer Needs PROTECT VALUABLES Video Tech Ltd. will make an inexpensive, profes- sional video tape of all you value in your home. Your proof for insurance claims if you have a fire or theft loss. Call today 360-432-0222. B3/4-25 BOOK YOUR summer projects now be- fore the busy season. Free estimates. Storm damage repairs, roofing, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, pressure washing services, remodeling, manufactured home repairs, home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237. LI #DAVIDWGO44KU. W3/11-4/29 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Your northwest drywall special- ists. Licensed, bonded and insured. 426-5265. O3/4tfn HOUSECLEANING SERVICES.Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talk! Call Sue, 432-9537. J3/11-4/1 HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling. LIC #ZlRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T12/5tfn I 00PUTF-..R WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted - 375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 1988 PONTIAC Flare excellent condi- tion inside/out, one owner, garaged, well maintained, 5-speed, red, 162K freeway miles, $2,100 427-0912. F3/25-4/15 1993 F150 XLT, 351 cu. in. Fully pow- ered beautiful truck in excellent condi- tion, 106K. A must see. $9,500, 360- 427-2380. G3/25-4/1 1983 VW Westphalia camper 6-pas- senger with refrigerator, propane stove, gray water storage, $4,500 OBO, 360-427-8699. N3/25-4/15 1988 OLDS 98 touring sedan. Loaded, leather interior, new tires, etc. Low book $3,000, 898-4113. P3/25-4/1 1993 FORD Ranger, 61K, XLT, axe/cab, V6, 5 spd, AC, PS, PB, tilt cruise, al- loys, extra wheels and studs, matching canopy, $9,200. 360-898-6262. M3/25- 4/1 1972 EL Camino, fresh rebuilt motor, AT, PB, PS, $2,500 OBO, call morn- ings, 432-0478. C3/18-25 '74 CHEVY, 3/4T PU, new transmis- sion, runs great. $1,200 OBO. 426- 8097. M3/18-25 1997 LANCE 81/2' camper, self-con- tained, loaded, $6,950. 1990 F-150, 4x4, 61K, new tires, mint, $6,950, 427- 9371. P3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, 305 V8, AT, well-maintained, runs good, $1,650 OBO. (360) 427-0692. Ask for Jason. Mc3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVY Camaro Z-28, 305 V-8, 5- speed, low miles, runs great, $2,200 OBO, 427-7689. M3/4-25 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 DATSUN pick-up. Great runner. Many'extras, $1,000 OBO, 427-8824. P2/25tfn ROOMMATE WANTED, $300 per month plus 1/2 utilities. New 3 bedroom mobile at Timberlakes, call 426-9356. C3/25- 4/15 2 BEDROOM older mobile with view of Timberlake. Nice area, current refer- ences required. $425 monthly includes water. $425 deposit, 427-9450. $3/25- 4/1 '86 GLASPLY Impulse, 18 ft., open bow, 85 hp Suzuki O/B, full canvas, Eagle depth finder, Roadrunner galvan- ized trailer, excellent condition, $3,950. 426-8346. A3/25-4/1 NICE BOAT for sale or trade, 141/2 ft. NICE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, single- car garage $560 monthly $600 deposit, no pets, 426-7091. L3/25-4/1 2105 BEVERLY Blvd, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large lot, older home, $500 plus $200 security deposit. 426-2170. L3/25 NOW ACCEPTING applications for low income HUD subsidized apt. for elderly. Resident manager on premises. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apts, 303 S. 7th, Shelton, 360- 426-3903. G3/25-4/29 FOR RENT, Belfair. 3(+) bedroom, 11/4 bath. Close to schools and shopping. On 21/2 wooded acres. Rent $600. De- boat with trailer, 40 hp Mercury motor, posit $700. References required, 360- electric trolling motor, fish finder with 275-2557. A3/25 speed and temperature, distance log and side finder. Good strong motor, new pump, T-stat, plugs, start relay, GOLD 'N' MILL troll plate. Boat has new seats and bat- tery. Trailer has new tires, rims, and bearings. Too much to list, over $2,000 invested. Sell for $1,350 or trade for 4- wheel ATV of equal value, 427-7143. B3/25 1963 20' Skagit with Volvo/Penta I/O, 2 axle E-Z Loader trailer with electric winch. All $1,800 426-1206. J3/25 10' OLYMPIAN with Fisherman motor and new Shorelander trailer, $1,200. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn 1995 SUZUKI ATV 4 wd, 500 miles, $3,300, 426-5343. H3/25-4/1 1979 YAMAHA 750 Special. Has been parked in garage, hasn't been ridden in years, $1,000 or trade? 427-4196. $3/18-25 HEALTH REASONS, used once, must sell 1999 Sandpiper, 21 ft. 5th wheel. Hitch, air, microwave, electric jacks. $10,500, 360-427-0158. L3/25 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. $9/17ffn Realty & Property Management RENTALS $435 -- Super large 1 BR apt, newly decorated, close to downtown/fwy access. Laundry room, DW, W/S/G paid. $500 -- 2 BR townhouse. Clean! Newly decorated, new carpet/vinyl. W/t; paid. $550 -- l.arge 2 BR, 2 Bath town- house, great access location. Laun- dry room, W/S/G paid. $795 -- AGYC -- (;harming, fair- way view, cedar log home. Beauti- ful setting on peaceful, private cul- de-sac. Wood-stove, 4 appls, Berber. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • 25 Years experience • Scheduled inspections • Tenant screening • 'l'ax & bill paying service • l!mergency services a Members Mh% NAR, WAR We are a full-service company, including Property Management, Real Estate Sales, Licensed & Bonded Maintenance/Repair/ Cleaning services. Compare our low rates! (360) 427-425S m nlaLtOR • ! Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 25, 1999 STAR LAKE, available 4/8, small (320 sq. ft.), 1 bedroom cabin. Cute and sunny, big deck, overlooks lake. $325 monthly, 206-244-0301.03/25 LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable TV. No pets. $435 monthly with $435 damage/cleaning deposit. Call 426- 3164. K3/25 TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly re- modeled, near hospital, no pets, $475 monthly. 427-6985. F3/25 3 BEDROOM house, gas heat, no pets, $650 monthly, $600 deposit, referenc- es and credit check. 427-5636, 426- 2113. $3/18-4/1 2 BEDROOM 2-story townhouse style unit, close to downtown, $500 monthly plus deposit. References, 360-307- 9505. J3/25tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- room, fireplace, W/D hook-up, garage, W/S/G paid, $450, no pets. 426-9059 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B3/4-25 RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available. $200 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn TWO BEDROOM single-wide mobile W/D fenced yard, carport, quiet neigh- borhood. No pets. $550 me $250 de- posit. Call 426-3859. F3/1 ltfn SHORECREST COMMUNITY. Studio cabin, W/D, full bath, charming, in woods, close to lake and swimming pool, all utilities included. No pets, $395 first/last/S250 deposit/refer- ences, 425-432-6810 message, 360- 432-0532. T3/18-4/8 TWO BEDROOM mobile, storage shed, W/D hookup. No pets. $475 monthly plus $475 deposit. (360) 427-6688, ask for Micki. C3/18-25 DOWNTOWN SHELTON studio and one bedroom apartments available, $325, $365. Lawton Apartments, 426-0674. K3/18 tfn LAKELAND VILLAGE, picturesque lakefront, golf, 2 bedrooms. No smok- ing or pets. $776 plus deposit. (253)265-6458. A3/18-4/8 BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications Call for Appointmentl i 9t Pro.00 Rental Mgmt. For Rent a COTA Street: 3 bed apt., laundry, w,sj paid. $625 • Downtown: Studio apt-S250 mo. • Downtown: 2 bed 1 bath.S450 mo • Oak Park: 3bdrm home w/garage, gas heat, w/d hkup. $675 a Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath newer mobile, N/S, no pets. $550 me • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath on 7 acres-1997 mobile, N/S, no pets. $725 me. • Pickering: Amazing view-3 bed 11/2 bath mobile, 2 car gar., w/d hookup and wdstv. 650 mo. • Harstine Isl.:2 bed 1 1/2 bath, in- credible view, no pets. $750 me. • $38 Screening Fee • MINI STORAGES Various sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Cola St., Heated Units N Hwy 101 Inside/Heated ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERSI Is your property vacant or are you dissatis- fied with your current situation? I can help. Professional management with a personal touch. Call Sam today at 427-6154. 427-6154 I'R We are proud to announce 900 Olympic Avenue and Firwood Garden Apartments 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units 1912 Olympic Hwy. N. Suite 101 Shelton, WA 98584 now managed by: g (360) 426-3567 iuet give them a celltl I 2 BEDROOM in town, $525 monthly. 3 bedroom Lake Limerick, $725 monthly plus deposits. 1-877-375-5246. V3/18- 4/8 RV SPACE, W/S/G, cable available, near town and bus stops, 426-2015. E2/25tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ma- rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. J9/3tfn TWO BEDROOM duplex, 1100 sq. ft., W/D hookup, garage, fireplace, very nice, $550 monthly, $175 deposit, W/G paid. Call Betty 426-7646. $3/18 tfn LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/S/G included, near hospital and shopping, no pets, $495, call evenings 206-725- 3242. M3/18 tfn DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/ dishwasher, W/D connections. Excel- lent insualtion=very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile out- side City, (no high City Utilities). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427-7189. Mc2/4ffn MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL $400- 2 bdrm. very large apt., new carpet, HILLCREST $425- 2 bdrm. mobile, very clean, carport, possible lease option, TIMBERLAKES $450- 55 or older, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, w/ s/g paid, DOWNTOWN $475- 2 bdrm. fourplex, clean, close to shopping, MT. VIEW $525- 2 bdrm. Ig. duplex, new paint. HILLCREST $550- 2 bdrm, Waterfront house HAMMERSLEY INLET $61)0- 3 bdrm, fireplace, garage, fenced yard, DOWNTOWN $650- 3 bdrm, newer home, jacuzzi bth, garage, possible lease option, SHORECREST $650- 2 bdrm, waterfront home, new paint/carpet/vinyl, deck, fireplace, HOODSPORT COMMERCIAL NE(;, Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!! 606 WEST COTA r Ask for Rentals RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North gl 426-3319 $500.00:2 bedroom home on the south side of Shelton. Single detached garage, rent includes w/s/g. No pets. $400.00 de- posit. $500.00:2 bedroom home on Oakland Bay. Single detached garage with a large yard. De- posit, $500.00. $500.00:2 bedroom double wide mobile at Timberlakes. No pets., $500.00 deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. Month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront home at Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. $625.00 2 bedroom Hood Canal waterfront home. Great view of Mt. Rainier. No pets. $500.00 deposit. $625.00:3 bedroom home in Oak Park. No pets, month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have Mini Storage units and commercial rentals! l II 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, no other pets. $6 Belfair/Allyn/Shelton area. one child. 877-0675. BUSINESS SPACE available, 400 sq. ft. Frontage on Hwy N. Available April days, 426-4326, evenings. OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. ibility, prime location, n( Olympic Hwy. North. ties included. 426-4712. Hlt DESPERATE! FC ing sale of this beautiful home in nice nes huge equity and sell fast. Call today. SN 800-542-5624. D3/4 FREE! $1,500 rebate and screen TV with satellite. NeW homes for the price of 1-800-490-9424, dlr. UNBELIEVABLE! 1996 5 bath for $49,900. Hurry DIr, 1-800-490-9424. TRAVEL TRAILER space clean, secure park in city, 253-858-7442. R3/4-25 FORCED TO sell rape: package, 3 bedroom, 2 tured home only at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. I'LL GIVE you $995 it takes to get into a new 3 bath manufactured home land. O.A.C. Mike at dlr. W3/25 FORCED TO sell! Owner into this beautiful new 3 on large wooded corne desperate and will work you have down if credit advantage. SN #24524, dlr, 5624. D3/4 ...Just got 0 FREE c ' G.E. 18 CU. I:1". GORHAM 1 WHITE FLAT PAl  PLUS BONUS OFFER: G.E. WASHER AN[ ONLY $550.00! (Not installed). ' Upgrade ,s al m, ’xt,4 chaq’ when you t O" There has never been a belier 111 new FuqLla honle! I)iscover the outstanding standtu'd UP(IRAI)ES to tl,e See your Fuqua home this very special builder d www.endlesshome ' t , sh, ho, 681 S.E, Craig Shelton (360) PUBLISHER'S All real estate advertising paper is subject to the Fair which makes it illegal to preference, limitation based on race cap, familial status or an intention, to make anY! once, limitation or discr" milial status includes age of 18 living with custodians securing custody of This newspaper will no cept any advertising for r is in violation of the laW. hereby informed that all vertised in this news on an plain of d at 1-800-669-9777. The phone number for the is 1-800-927-9275. % FOR RENT IERVICES SERVICES SWING DANCE. It's a party at the Shelton Ballet School! This Saturday, 3/27 from 6 p.m.-midnight. Free lesson at 7:15 p.m. Teaching and coaching all evening. Dress in swing attire or cos- tume, receive $2 off entry fee: $6 stu- dents and seniors, $9 adults. Reserva- tions or more info, 432-0660. P3/25 DIET MAGIC - lose up to 30 pounds, 30 days, $30. All natural guarantee. Call Sue 1-800-242-0363, Ext 2326. $3/25 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072 or 1-800-925-1520. G3/18-6/3 LOST 3/14, female yellow Lab mix, one blue/one brown eye. Belfair/South- shore area. (360) 275-2966. L3/25 AKC CHOCOLATE Lab pups, Champion bloodlines, dewclawed, shots, $350. 426-6057. C3/25 AKC BLACK Lab, 10 me., house trained, micro chip. Loves to hunt, very friendly, from Montana, $250, 427- 7156. H3/25 DACHSHUND AKC male, 15 months, short hair, chocolate/tan dapple, shots, etc. $350. (360) 458-8626, Yelm H3/18-25 EMUS PROVEN breeder pairs for sale. $500 a pair. Discount for quantity sale. Call (360) 275-4396. P3/25 TWO GREAT family horses. Bay/Arab gelding, 15.1 hands, many years in 4-H, $800. Grey Arab mare 14.3 hands, good trail horse or 4-H project, $1,000. Tack also for sale. 426-3211. A3/18-25 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G1 l/9tfn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as. needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn COTTAGE CLEANER, references, reli- ability, Dona, 877-9277. M3/4-25 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6tfn MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 i I JAY B UTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 INSTALLATION --RE PAl RS 1,000 gal., l, 150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Cone. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair hc #SHAREDS207OB "If it has a small gas engine, we can fix it." Authorized parts, repair and warranty dealer for." SPRING TUNE-UP TIME[ New season, same great service. FAST TURN-AROUND, PICK UP & DELIVERY SALES- SERVICE- PARTS 877-0604 TC's TRACTOR & MOWER REPAIR 426-4932 s.c. 5380 Flrcadia FId. Shelton Tune-Up • Overhauls Repairs on All Brands Gas, Diesel Engines Transmission & Rear End Repair Pick-up & Delivery Available Make Your Reservations Early For Spring and Summer Needs PROTECT VALUABLES Video Tech Ltd. will make an inexpensive, profes- sional video tape of all you value in your home. Your proof for insurance claims if you have a fire or theft loss. Call today 360-432-0222. B3/4-25 BOOK YOUR summer projects now be- fore the busy season. Free estimates. Storm damage repairs, roofing, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, pressure washing services, remodeling, manufactured home repairs, home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237. LI #DAVIDWGO44KU. W3/11-4/29 OLYMPIA PAINTING Company. Quality interior and exterior painting. Residen- tial, commercial, and designer applica- tions. Your northwest drywall special- ists. Licensed, bonded and insured. 426-5265. O3/4tfn HOUSECLEANING SERVICES.Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talk! Call Sue, 432-9537. J3/11-4/1 HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling. LIC #ZlRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T12/5tfn I 00PUTF-..R WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted - 375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 1988 PONTIAC Flare excellent condi- tion inside/out, one owner, garaged, well maintained, 5-speed, red, 162K freeway miles, $2,100 427-0912. F3/25-4/15 1993 F150 XLT, 351 cu. in. Fully pow- ered beautiful truck in excellent condi- tion, 106K. A must see. $9,500, 360- 427-2380. G3/25-4/1 1983 VW Westphalia camper 6-pas- senger with refrigerator, propane stove, gray water storage, $4,500 OBO, 360-427-8699. N3/25-4/15 1988 OLDS 98 touring sedan. Loaded, leather interior, new tires, etc. Low book $3,000, 898-4113. P3/25-4/1 1993 FORD Ranger, 61K, XLT, axe/cab, V6, 5 spd, AC, PS, PB, tilt cruise, al- loys, extra wheels and studs, matching canopy, $9,200. 360-898-6262. M3/25- 4/1 1972 EL Camino, fresh rebuilt motor, AT, PB, PS, $2,500 OBO, call morn- ings, 432-0478. C3/18-25 '74 CHEVY, 3/4T PU, new transmis- sion, runs great. $1,200 OBO. 426- 8097. M3/18-25 1997 LANCE 81/2' camper, self-con- tained, loaded, $6,950. 1990 F-150, 4x4, 61K, new tires, mint, $6,950, 427- 9371. P3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, 305 V8, AT, well-maintained, runs good, $1,650 OBO. (360) 427-0692. Ask for Jason. Mc3/11-4/1 1984 CHEVY Camaro Z-28, 305 V-8, 5- speed, low miles, runs great, $2,200 OBO, 427-7689. M3/4-25 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1972 DATSUN pick-up. Great runner. Many'extras, $1,000 OBO, 427-8824. P2/25tfn ROOMMATE WANTED, $300 per month plus 1/2 utilities. New 3 bedroom mobile at Timberlakes, call 426-9356. C3/25- 4/15 2 BEDROOM older mobile with view of Timberlake. Nice area, current refer- ences required. $425 monthly includes water. $425 deposit, 427-9450. $3/25- 4/1 '86 GLASPLY Impulse, 18 ft., open bow, 85 hp Suzuki O/B, full canvas, Eagle depth finder, Roadrunner galvan- ized trailer, excellent condition, $3,950. 426-8346. A3/25-4/1 NICE BOAT for sale or trade, 141/2 ft. NICE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, single- car garage $560 monthly $600 deposit, no pets, 426-7091. L3/25-4/1 2105 BEVERLY Blvd, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large lot, older home, $500 plus $200 security deposit. 426-2170. L3/25 NOW ACCEPTING applications for low income HUD subsidized apt. for elderly. Resident manager on premises. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apts, 303 S. 7th, Shelton, 360- 426-3903. G3/25-4/29 FOR RENT, Belfair. 3(+) bedroom, 11/4 bath. Close to schools and shopping. On 21/2 wooded acres. Rent $600. De- boat with trailer, 40 hp Mercury motor, posit $700. References required, 360- electric trolling motor, fish finder with 275-2557. A3/25 speed and temperature, distance log and side finder. Good strong motor, new pump, T-stat, plugs, start relay, GOLD 'N' MILL troll plate. Boat has new seats and bat- tery. Trailer has new tires, rims, and bearings. Too much to list, over $2,000 invested. Sell for $1,350 or trade for 4- wheel ATV of equal value, 427-7143. B3/25 1963 20' Skagit with Volvo/Penta I/O, 2 axle E-Z Loader trailer with electric winch. All $1,800 426-1206. J3/25 10' OLYMPIAN with Fisherman motor and new Shorelander trailer, $1,200. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn 1995 SUZUKI ATV 4 wd, 500 miles, $3,300, 426-5343. H3/25-4/1 1979 YAMAHA 750 Special. Has been parked in garage, hasn't been ridden in years, $1,000 or trade? 427-4196. $3/18-25 HEALTH REASONS, used once, must sell 1999 Sandpiper, 21 ft. 5th wheel. Hitch, air, microwave, electric jacks. $10,500, 360-427-0158. L3/25 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. $9/17ffn Realty & Property Management RENTALS $435 -- Super large 1 BR apt, newly decorated, close to downtown/fwy access. Laundry room, DW, W/S/G paid. $500 -- 2 BR townhouse. Clean! Newly decorated, new carpet/vinyl. W/t; paid. $550 -- l.arge 2 BR, 2 Bath town- house, great access location. Laun- dry room, W/S/G paid. $795 -- AGYC -- (;harming, fair- way view, cedar log home. Beauti- ful setting on peaceful, private cul- de-sac. Wood-stove, 4 appls, Berber. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • 25 Years experience • Scheduled inspections • Tenant screening • 'l'ax & bill paying service • l!mergency services a Members Mh% NAR, WAR We are a full-service company, including Property Management, Real Estate Sales, Licensed & Bonded Maintenance/Repair/ Cleaning services. Compare our low rates! (360) 427-425S m nlaLtOR • ! Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 25, 1999 STAR LAKE, available 4/8, small (320 sq. ft.), 1 bedroom cabin. Cute and sunny, big deck, overlooks lake. $325 monthly, 206-244-0301.03/25 LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable TV. No pets. $435 monthly with $435 damage/cleaning deposit. Call 426- 3164. K3/25 TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly re- modeled, near hospital, no pets, $475 monthly. 427-6985. F3/25 3 BEDROOM house, gas heat, no pets, $650 monthly, $600 deposit, referenc- es and credit check. 427-5636, 426- 2113. $3/18-4/1 2 BEDROOM 2-story townhouse style unit, close to downtown, $500 monthly plus deposit. References, 360-307- 9505. J3/25tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLEX, large 1 bed- room, fireplace, W/D hook-up, garage, W/S/G paid, $450, no pets. 426-9059 after 7 p.m. or leave message. B3/4-25 RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available. $200 monthly, 426-2015. E3/4tfn TWO BEDROOM single-wide mobile W/D fenced yard, carport, quiet neigh- borhood. No pets. $550 me $250 de- posit. Call 426-3859. F3/1 ltfn SHORECREST COMMUNITY. Studio cabin, W/D, full bath, charming, in woods, close to lake and swimming pool, all utilities included. No pets, $395 first/last/S250 deposit/refer- ences, 425-432-6810 message, 360- 432-0532. T3/18-4/8 TWO BEDROOM mobile, storage shed, W/D hookup. No pets. $475 monthly plus $475 deposit. (360) 427-6688, ask for Micki. C3/18-25 DOWNTOWN SHELTON studio and one bedroom apartments available, $325, $365. Lawton Apartments, 426-0674. K3/18 tfn LAKELAND VILLAGE, picturesque lakefront, golf, 2 bedrooms. No smok- ing or pets. $776 plus deposit. (253)265-6458. A3/18-4/8 BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- sonably priced. 426-5511. N9/17tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit  $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit  $521 Now Taking Applications Call for Appointmentl i 9t Pro.00 Rental Mgmt. For Rent a COTA Street: 3 bed apt., laundry, w,sj paid. $625 • Downtown: Studio apt-S250 mo. • Downtown: 2 bed 1 bath.S450 mo • Oak Park: 3bdrm home w/garage, gas heat, w/d hkup. $675 a Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath newer mobile, N/S, no pets. $550 me • Lake Limerick: 3 bed 2 bath on 7 acres-1997 mobile, N/S, no pets. $725 me. • Pickering: Amazing view-3 bed 11/2 bath mobile, 2 car gar., w/d hookup and wdstv. 650 mo. • Harstine Isl.:2 bed 1 1/2 bath, in- credible view, no pets. $750 me. • $38 Screening Fee • MINI STORAGES Various sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 Cola St., Heated Units N Hwy 101 Inside/Heated ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERSI Is your property vacant or are you dissatis- fied with your current situation? I can help. Professional management with a personal touch. Call Sam today at 427-6154. 427-6154 I'R We are proud to announce 900 Olympic Avenue and Firwood Garden Apartments 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units 1912 Olympic Hwy. N. Suite 101 Shelton, WA 98584 now managed by: g (360) 426-3567 iuet give them a celltl I 2 BEDROOM in town, $525 monthly. 3 bedroom Lake Limerick, $725 monthly plus deposits. 1-877-375-5246. V3/18- 4/8 RV SPACE, W/S/G, cable available, near town and bus stops, 426-2015. E2/25tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. N9/17tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ma- rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. J9/3tfn TWO BEDROOM duplex, 1100 sq. ft., W/D hookup, garage, fireplace, very nice, $550 monthly, $175 deposit, W/G paid. Call Betty 426-7646. $3/18 tfn LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/S/G included, near hospital and shopping, no pets, $495, call evenings 206-725- 3242. M3/18 tfn DELUXE AND New. Spacious two bed- room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like fenced yard, garage w/opener, ref/ dishwasher, W/D connections. Excel- lent insualtion=very low heating costs. Quiet area on north side, one mile out- side City, (no high City Utilities). $615. Call 427-5107, or 427-7189. Mc2/4ffn MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL $400- 2 bdrm. very large apt., new carpet, HILLCREST $425- 2 bdrm. mobile, very clean, carport, possible lease option, TIMBERLAKES $450- 55 or older, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, w/ s/g paid, DOWNTOWN $475- 2 bdrm. fourplex, clean, close to shopping, MT. VIEW $525- 2 bdrm. Ig. duplex, new paint. HILLCREST $550- 2 bdrm, Waterfront house HAMMERSLEY INLET $61)0- 3 bdrm, fireplace, garage, fenced yard, DOWNTOWN $650- 3 bdrm, newer home, jacuzzi bth, garage, possible lease option, SHORECREST $650- 2 bdrm, waterfront home, new paint/carpet/vinyl, deck, fireplace, HOODSPORT COMMERCIAL NE(;, Barkley Square, 1700 sq. ft. Store Frontage Retail!! 606 WEST COTA r Ask for Rentals RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North gl 426-3319 $500.00:2 bedroom home on the south side of Shelton. Single detached garage, rent includes w/s/g. No pets. $400.00 de- posit. $500.00:2 bedroom home on Oakland Bay. Single detached garage with a large yard. De- posit, $500.00. $500.00:2 bedroom double wide mobile at Timberlakes. No pets., $500.00 deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. Month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront home at Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. $625.00 2 bedroom Hood Canal waterfront home. Great view of Mt. Rainier. No pets. $500.00 deposit. $625.00:3 bedroom home in Oak Park. No pets, month to month rental. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have Mini Storage units and commercial rentals! l II 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, no other pets. $6 Belfair/Allyn/Shelton area. one child. 877-0675. BUSINESS SPACE available, 400 sq. ft. Frontage on Hwy N. Available April days, 426-4326, evenings. OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. ibility, prime location, n( Olympic Hwy. North. ties included. 426-4712. Hlt DESPERATE! FC ing sale of this beautiful home in nice nes huge equity and sell fast. Call today. SN 800-542-5624. D3/4 FREE! $1,500 rebate and screen TV with satellite. NeW homes for the price of 1-800-490-9424, dlr. UNBELIEVABLE! 1996 5 bath for $49,900. Hurry DIr, 1-800-490-9424. TRAVEL TRAILER space clean, secure park in city, 253-858-7442. R3/4-25 FORCED TO sell rape: package, 3 bedroom, 2 tured home only at 1-800-490-9424, dlr. I'LL GIVE you $995 it takes to get into a new 3 bath manufactured home land. O.A.C. Mike at dlr. W3/25 FORCED TO sell! Owner into this beautiful new 3 on large wooded corne desperate and will work you have down if credit advantage. SN #24524, dlr, 5624. D3/4 ...Just got 0 FREE c ' G.E. 18 CU. I:1". GORHAM 1 WHITE FLAT PAl  PLUS BONUS OFFER: G.E. WASHER AN[ ONLY $550.00! (Not installed). ' Upgrade ,s al m, ’xt,4 chaq’ when you t O" There has never been a belier 111 new FuqLla honle! I)iscover the outstanding standtu'd UP(IRAI)ES to tl,e See your Fuqua home this very special builder d www.endlesshome ' t , sh, ho, 681 S.E, Craig Shelton (360) PUBLISHER'S All real estate advertising paper is subject to the Fair which makes it illegal to preference, limitation based on race cap, familial status or an intention, to make anY! once, limitation or discr" milial status includes age of 18 living with custodians securing custody of This newspaper will no cept any advertising for r is in violation of the laW. hereby informed that all vertised in this news on an plain of d at 1-800-669-9777. The phone number for the is 1-800-927-9275.