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QU'llts made for charities:.
quilt-making party was go-
'n in the North Mason Tim-
d Library on Thursday,
n 11. The West Sound Quilt-
a d gathered to put together
for Various charities.
I e West Sound Quilters is a
aaade up of the Belfair
Builders, Loose Threads
Pplique Belles clubs. This
e first time they'd had an
!!d event to make the chari-
l[s together, according to
oreazen, guild president.
Came from Poulsbo, Gig
*r; Seabeck, Belfair and
-est Sound locations.
a as a colorful place, filled
rdage and squares of fab-
he 17 Women were all happi-
!ting while working to cut,
i. sew. There were 11 sewing
i es. and three irons present
m the tasks at hand.
PURPOSE is to get rid
r old stuff, then go out and
i w fabric," quipped Dorothy
ulst, Coordinator of the
t. Much of the fabric was do-
by members, as well as by
i: the local fabric stores and
rL 0P
,ll is a learning experience,
ha::" Lindquist stated. "We
aaanng ideas, and pooling tal-
u resources.,, e
,eharity quilts were to b
arrison Hosnital in Bremer-
,or fa "
. arauy members of pa-
• Who Stay in the Oncology
Unit, adult quilts.
• Harrison Hospital for babies
who will take the quilts home.
• Harrison Hospital, for the
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
patients, both lap and twin size
• St. Leo's Parish in Tacoma
for the Franciscan Rest Home, lap
quilts for nursing home patients.
• Celebrate Life Pregnancy
Crisis and Support Center of Port
Orchard, baby quilts.
• Alive Shelter in Kitsap Coun-
ty, for victims of domestic
violence, crib to full-size quilts.
"I DO THIS for the rewards
of helping other people," said
money on what I love to do, I
want a portion of that to go to
people who don't have what I
Several members spoke of their
love of fabric, its feel, the colors
and the endless patterns that can
be created with the pieces.
The charity quilt project has
been done by individual groups in
the past, and the count for the
month of January indicated a do-
nation of 39 quilts from the West
Sound clubs.
The guild meets on the first
Wednesday of each month in the
Givens Community Center, 1026
Sidney Avenue, Port Orchard.
Thelma Meyer of Belfair. "I feel New members and guests are hi-
like if I'm going to spend time and ways welcome.
.2 "" i I
• '! 3
BARBARA GREENE leans in to see the work that Dor-
othy Lindquist is doing on one of the charity quilts.
Thursday, March 25 Lodge 288, stated meeting, Masonic
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Temple, Belfair.
Program held at the Theler Center Friday, March 26
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
lunch served at noon. For information
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or 7 p.m. - midnight, Java juke box;
275-6246. teen get-together at Belfair Commu-
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds nity Baptist Church.
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Corn- 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
Weston, 275-8282, for information. Highway.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC 7;00 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri- Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
tional program, North Mason Medical cal Church, Allyn.
Clinic. Call 275-8340. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
open, Belfair Community Baptist
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- Church.
ment at Saint Hugh Community 9:30 p.m., Alcoholics'Anonymous,
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infer- candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
mation, call 895-1363. fair Highway.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Saturday, March 27
1:30 p.m., Gypsy Roamers RV Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
Club meets at the Belfair Community open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Baptist Church. Open to the public. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
For more information, call 275-0553. open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Sunday, March 28
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
per session, donated to North Mason
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair Monday, March 29
Community Baptist Church. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
group for young people in sixth 7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
through 12th grades is held at the Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
Belfair Community Baptist Church. munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
All young people welcome to attend, from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
For information call 275-6031. for information.
7 p.m., North Mason School Board, 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
board room at the district office.
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., North Mason Amateur Ra-
dio Emergency Service (NMARES) Tuesday, March 30
meets at the Church of Jesus Christ 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
of Latter-day Saints, Victor Cutoff Program held at the Theler Center
Road. For more information, call Bob until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
Dewey at 275-2483. lunch served at noon. For information
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, or lunch reservations call 275-4898.
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
tNR to begin || | 7:30 p.m., Hood Canal Masonic (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)meets at
=rtilizing forest or need to become self-sufficient. ==na,.wee00,,s
The program will also pool lo-
cal sources of information on ca- bowling results
reer planning, skill training, and Herald Highlights
bepartment of Natural Re- educational opportunities. Those The Boys and Girls Club Bowl-
!bNR) will be fertilizing planning to attend should bring a ing League held its final games,
.res by helicopter over the sack lunch. For information, with the following scores report- Meet Barbara Williamson of really bothers her? She said,
J. tate Forest beginning please call Laurie Adamson, OC ed:
Cefr a 10 to 12 day period. Women's Programs" Specialist, at The Dincos: Kelly Phipps, 25, Twanoh Falls. She is the manag- "Anything lame or stupid. I don't
er of Sunset Beach Grocery on the like stupid."
1 flcopter will hover over (360) 475-7478. 54; Serita Roberson, 45, 37; and South Shore, and delights in Her goals are to be happy, and
,UOks like a big cement Keith Saunders, 66, 41. making and serving homemade to raise her son to be a happy per-
said Janet Ballew of the Fiddlers visit The Cashiers: Tony Griffith, cookies and hot meals there, son.
,L'.hey fill buckets with 108, 102; Devi Farmer, 65, 100; Barbara's grandparents first (Editor's note: If you would like
[mch is straight nitrogen,
",white pellet form." o Easter weekend and Michael Griffith, 82, 87. came to Bremerton in the 1940s, to nominate someone to be fee-
The Kingpins: Aaron Pearson, and most of her relatives still live tured in "Herald Highlights,"
e Streams, wetlands, and The Shelton Old Time Fiddlers 110, 79; Zach Wing, 96, 105; and
ThereWater isWilln be in bufief Feat will take place Friday and Zack Schooley with high game OnbarathewasOlympiCborn inPeninsula'BremertonBar'and pleasant (360)c°ntact275-6680.)the Belfair Herald
ac,o • o known health Saturday, April 2 and 3, at Shel- and series, 127, 94. began her schooling there. She
- rdmg to Ballew. The ton High School Auditorium. The Pinkickers: Chris Taylor, grew up with a brother, two step-
:Ywants to inform peopm, The event will be held 7 to 9 68, 82; Was Kyes, 88, 95; and sisters and one step-brother.
t l hera know what the hell- p.m. on Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 Matt Smith, 88, 80.
' The family moved to Califor-
re doing to 9 p.m. on Saturday. The teams finished the season nia, which is where she completed
[l diets look somewhat like The event !s presented by Save with Kingpins in first place 10-2, high school. About five years ago
a_re similar to garden Our County s Kids (SOCK). A followed by the Pinkickers, 8-4; she came back to Washington,
kc, ['llhey should not be ca- spaghetti dinner will be served by the Cashiers at 6-6, and finally making North Mason her home.
' Wding to Ballew if the
e gets on your ear, you the Shelton High School parents the Dincos at 0-12. Barbara has two sons, and is
( is: zt off, as it converts of the class of 2000 on Saturday, Most pins all season was quick to point out that 17-year-
5 to 7 p.m. earned by Tony Griffith with old Christopher, a senior at North
il w Was enthusiastic about Tickets are available at the Al- 1,149, followed closely by Matt Mason High School, was named
Orae of the fertilization lyn Inn, Belfair Cafe, and the Smithwith 1,146. to the All State team in football
1 ',., • Theler Center. recently. She is just as proud of 6-
e : s a real positive for
w;°u.°ut here is so poor. For more information, please month-old Cody, who weighed
call (360) 432-0815.
add nitro to the trees U'8 soccer team just 2 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.
e quite an increase m "He's doing great now, ,,and
;2, Spring bazaar plays at half time weighs about 15 1/2 pounds, she BARBARA Williamson, her
at aal! plan is to thin the said. son Cody Wesseler, and his
ze ,out 40 years of age, to to benefit FD2 The North Mason Girls Soccer Barbara's hobbies include cook- grandma, do Hurley.
t aa, e two times, and to U-8 team, made up of girls under ing, camping and fishing. What ....
• about 60 years, the age of 8, will be playing an ex-
0ae Seekin further refer There will be a Spring Bazaar hibition game during half time of g"] I3[T
a g " "
825 Y Call the DNRoffice at to benefit Fire District 2 at the the Saturday, March 27, Seattle Baseball dinn ',r Satur
ish;r TM, and speak with Belfair Fire Hall on Saturday, Sounders game.
March 27, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Sounders will begin play The West Sound Baseball Club Baseball Club program.
l The event will feature plenty to against the Vancouver '86era at 7 is hosting the fifth annual dinner Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel is
h eat, with breakfast, lunch, snacks p.m. at the North Kitsap High auction on Saturday, March 27, located at 5640 Kitsap Way in
[E 0p offered and beverages to be served. There School stadium in Poulsbo. The at the Howard Johnson Plaza He- Bremerton. Tickets are $20 if
will be craft items and other prod- North Mason Youth Soccer Asso- tel from 6 to 11 p.m. purchased prior to the event, or
k ucts and gifts available for sale. ciation will keep a portion of each This major fund-raising event $25 at the door.
01y Look for the Easter Bunny in Bel- $5 admission ticket sold. Contact will feature many terrific auction For tickets and information
t-a ie CoD ........ fair on Saturday[
io ,ge wm nos an Sharon Meeder at (360) 275-5455 items, good food, and an opportu- contact Eric Anderson at (360)
,ft!'aesl, ', °.rkshop, "Transi- for tickets, nity to support the West Sound 69S-1330 or (360) 792-6686.
Io, 9 - n Wednesday, April Crlnl
• ',b -.ra to ......... oe to meet ====l
- a • o p m in ne • _ . .
% of , SOuth conference $1 hl-h €=hnnl " I " "
'N: r, 16 ae Bremer Student " " v...v--. Belfa,r s Cigarette & Cigar Store
rt uu Chester Avenue On Friday, April 2, the Twanoh
' 01y . ' Grange will have a very import-
tras 'Pc College Women's ant meeting regarding the future SMOKE FOR LESS
't bi ad the Washington of their property, from which the
rta ar aced Homemakers former building has recently been Located at the Log Cabin Plaza
!tll0p, u,. Co-sponsoring the removed, due to water damage.
?tiv','.mca is designed to of- The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in
t to=:, information and the North Mason School District
"'ueaaakers who want office building.
tKIiD A refinance loan from
, --- 1st Hand Mortgage Company can
aqRKY help lower your monthly
mortgage payment, pay off
installment debt, have cash left over
for all the fun things this spring.
• Late payment history
• High debt ratio and credit history
• Specialized loans
• NO COST inquiries
• 24-hour preliminary approval
(360) 308-0443
!'Cky Toll Free 877-208-1
°leSSionai,, ':4 LICENSED MORTGAGE BROKER" Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide
the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
9 a.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Wednesday, March 31
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public.
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
Thursday, April 1
7:30 a.m., no-host breakfast, 8
a.m. meeting, Allyn Community As-
sociation, Allyn Inn.
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, tbr information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m,, WIC
(Women, Infants and C.hildren) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls C.lub
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 lbr
6 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For information, call 275-6769.
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I would like to thank Fire District 2
EMTs and Chief Greene for their
kindness and professionalism
during my husband's recent fatal
heart attack.
Mrs. John (Kay) Beck
QU'llts made for charities:.
quilt-making party was go-
'n in the North Mason Tim-
d Library on Thursday,
n 11. The West Sound Quilt-
a d gathered to put together
for Various charities.
I e West Sound Quilters is a
aaade up of the Belfair
Builders, Loose Threads
Pplique Belles clubs. This
e first time they'd had an
!!d event to make the chari-
l[s together, according to
oreazen, guild president.
Came from Poulsbo, Gig
*r; Seabeck, Belfair and
-est Sound locations.
a as a colorful place, filled
rdage and squares of fab-
he 17 Women were all happi-
!ting while working to cut,
i. sew. There were 11 sewing
i es. and three irons present
m the tasks at hand.
PURPOSE is to get rid
r old stuff, then go out and
i w fabric," quipped Dorothy
ulst, Coordinator of the
t. Much of the fabric was do-
by members, as well as by
i: the local fabric stores and
rL 0P
,ll is a learning experience,
ha::" Lindquist stated. "We
aaanng ideas, and pooling tal-
u resources.,, e
,eharity quilts were to b
arrison Hosnital in Bremer-
,or fa "
. arauy members of pa-
• Who Stay in the Oncology
Unit, adult quilts.
• Harrison Hospital for babies
who will take the quilts home.
• Harrison Hospital, for the
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
patients, both lap and twin size
• St. Leo's Parish in Tacoma
for the Franciscan Rest Home, lap
quilts for nursing home patients.
• Celebrate Life Pregnancy
Crisis and Support Center of Port
Orchard, baby quilts.
• Alive Shelter in Kitsap Coun-
ty, for victims of domestic
violence, crib to full-size quilts.
"I DO THIS for the rewards
of helping other people," said
money on what I love to do, I
want a portion of that to go to
people who don't have what I
Several members spoke of their
love of fabric, its feel, the colors
and the endless patterns that can
be created with the pieces.
The charity quilt project has
been done by individual groups in
the past, and the count for the
month of January indicated a do-
nation of 39 quilts from the West
Sound clubs.
The guild meets on the first
Wednesday of each month in the
Givens Community Center, 1026
Sidney Avenue, Port Orchard.
Thelma Meyer of Belfair. "I feel New members and guests are hi-
like if I'm going to spend time and ways welcome.
.2 "" i I
• '! 3
BARBARA GREENE leans in to see the work that Dor-
othy Lindquist is doing on one of the charity quilts.
Thursday, March 25 Lodge 288, stated meeting, Masonic
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Temple, Belfair.
Program held at the Theler Center Friday, March 26
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
lunch served at noon. For information
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or 7 p.m. - midnight, Java juke box;
275-6246. teen get-together at Belfair Commu-
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds nity Baptist Church.
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Corn- 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair
Weston, 275-8282, for information. Highway.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC 7;00 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri- Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori-
tional program, North Mason Medical cal Church, Allyn.
Clinic. Call 275-8340. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
open, Belfair Community Baptist
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- Church.
ment at Saint Hugh Community 9:30 p.m., Alcoholics'Anonymous,
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infer- candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel-
mation, call 895-1363. fair Highway.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Saturday, March 27
1:30 p.m., Gypsy Roamers RV Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
Club meets at the Belfair Community open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Baptist Church. Open to the public. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
For more information, call 275-0553. open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Sunday, March 28
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
per session, donated to North Mason
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn.
6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair Monday, March 29
Community Baptist Church. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
group for young people in sixth 7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
through 12th grades is held at the Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com-
Belfair Community Baptist Church. munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in
All young people welcome to attend, from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504
For information call 275-6031. for information.
7 p.m., North Mason School Board, 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
board room at the district office.
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
7 p.m., North Mason Amateur Ra-
dio Emergency Service (NMARES) Tuesday, March 30
meets at the Church of Jesus Christ 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
of Latter-day Saints, Victor Cutoff Program held at the Theler Center
Road. For more information, call Bob until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
Dewey at 275-2483. lunch served at noon. For information
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, or lunch reservations call 275-4898.
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS #1357
tNR to begin || | 7:30 p.m., Hood Canal Masonic (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)meets at
=rtilizing forest or need to become self-sufficient. ==na,.wee00,,s
The program will also pool lo-
cal sources of information on ca- bowling results
reer planning, skill training, and Herald Highlights
bepartment of Natural Re- educational opportunities. Those The Boys and Girls Club Bowl-
!bNR) will be fertilizing planning to attend should bring a ing League held its final games,
.res by helicopter over the sack lunch. For information, with the following scores report- Meet Barbara Williamson of really bothers her? She said,
J. tate Forest beginning please call Laurie Adamson, OC ed:
Cefr a 10 to 12 day period. Women's Programs" Specialist, at The Dincos: Kelly Phipps, 25, Twanoh Falls. She is the manag- "Anything lame or stupid. I don't
er of Sunset Beach Grocery on the like stupid."
1 flcopter will hover over (360) 475-7478. 54; Serita Roberson, 45, 37; and South Shore, and delights in Her goals are to be happy, and
,UOks like a big cement Keith Saunders, 66, 41. making and serving homemade to raise her son to be a happy per-
said Janet Ballew of the Fiddlers visit The Cashiers: Tony Griffith, cookies and hot meals there, son.
,L'.hey fill buckets with 108, 102; Devi Farmer, 65, 100; Barbara's grandparents first (Editor's note: If you would like
[mch is straight nitrogen,
",white pellet form." o Easter weekend and Michael Griffith, 82, 87. came to Bremerton in the 1940s, to nominate someone to be fee-
The Kingpins: Aaron Pearson, and most of her relatives still live tured in "Herald Highlights,"
e Streams, wetlands, and The Shelton Old Time Fiddlers 110, 79; Zach Wing, 96, 105; and
ThereWater isWilln be in bufief Feat will take place Friday and Zack Schooley with high game OnbarathewasOlympiCborn inPeninsula'BremertonBar'and pleasant (360)c°ntact275-6680.)the Belfair Herald
ac,o • o known health Saturday, April 2 and 3, at Shel- and series, 127, 94. began her schooling there. She
- rdmg to Ballew. The ton High School Auditorium. The Pinkickers: Chris Taylor, grew up with a brother, two step-
:Ywants to inform peopm, The event will be held 7 to 9 68, 82; Was Kyes, 88, 95; and sisters and one step-brother.
t l hera know what the hell- p.m. on Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 Matt Smith, 88, 80.
' The family moved to Califor-
re doing to 9 p.m. on Saturday. The teams finished the season nia, which is where she completed
[l diets look somewhat like The event !s presented by Save with Kingpins in first place 10-2, high school. About five years ago
a_re similar to garden Our County s Kids (SOCK). A followed by the Pinkickers, 8-4; she came back to Washington,
kc, ['llhey should not be ca- spaghetti dinner will be served by the Cashiers at 6-6, and finally making North Mason her home.
' Wding to Ballew if the
e gets on your ear, you the Shelton High School parents the Dincos at 0-12. Barbara has two sons, and is
( is: zt off, as it converts of the class of 2000 on Saturday, Most pins all season was quick to point out that 17-year-
5 to 7 p.m. earned by Tony Griffith with old Christopher, a senior at North
il w Was enthusiastic about Tickets are available at the Al- 1,149, followed closely by Matt Mason High School, was named
Orae of the fertilization lyn Inn, Belfair Cafe, and the Smithwith 1,146. to the All State team in football
1 ',., • Theler Center. recently. She is just as proud of 6-
e : s a real positive for
w;°u.°ut here is so poor. For more information, please month-old Cody, who weighed
call (360) 432-0815.
add nitro to the trees U'8 soccer team just 2 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.
e quite an increase m "He's doing great now, ,,and
;2, Spring bazaar plays at half time weighs about 15 1/2 pounds, she BARBARA Williamson, her
at aal! plan is to thin the said. son Cody Wesseler, and his
ze ,out 40 years of age, to to benefit FD2 The North Mason Girls Soccer Barbara's hobbies include cook- grandma, do Hurley.
t aa, e two times, and to U-8 team, made up of girls under ing, camping and fishing. What ....
• about 60 years, the age of 8, will be playing an ex-
0ae Seekin further refer There will be a Spring Bazaar hibition game during half time of g"] I3[T
a g " "
825 Y Call the DNRoffice at to benefit Fire District 2 at the the Saturday, March 27, Seattle Baseball dinn ',r Satur
ish;r TM, and speak with Belfair Fire Hall on Saturday, Sounders game.
March 27, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Sounders will begin play The West Sound Baseball Club Baseball Club program.
l The event will feature plenty to against the Vancouver '86era at 7 is hosting the fifth annual dinner Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel is
h eat, with breakfast, lunch, snacks p.m. at the North Kitsap High auction on Saturday, March 27, located at 5640 Kitsap Way in
[E 0p offered and beverages to be served. There School stadium in Poulsbo. The at the Howard Johnson Plaza He- Bremerton. Tickets are $20 if
will be craft items and other prod- North Mason Youth Soccer Asso- tel from 6 to 11 p.m. purchased prior to the event, or
k ucts and gifts available for sale. ciation will keep a portion of each This major fund-raising event $25 at the door.
01y Look for the Easter Bunny in Bel- $5 admission ticket sold. Contact will feature many terrific auction For tickets and information
t-a ie CoD ........ fair on Saturday[
io ,ge wm nos an Sharon Meeder at (360) 275-5455 items, good food, and an opportu- contact Eric Anderson at (360)
,ft!'aesl, ', °.rkshop, "Transi- for tickets, nity to support the West Sound 69S-1330 or (360) 792-6686.
Io, 9 - n Wednesday, April Crlnl
• ',b -.ra to ......... oe to meet ====l
- a • o p m in ne • _ . .
% of , SOuth conference $1 hl-h €=hnnl " I " "
'N: r, 16 ae Bremer Student " " v...v--. Belfa,r s Cigarette & Cigar Store
rt uu Chester Avenue On Friday, April 2, the Twanoh
' 01y . ' Grange will have a very import-
tras 'Pc College Women's ant meeting regarding the future SMOKE FOR LESS
't bi ad the Washington of their property, from which the
rta ar aced Homemakers former building has recently been Located at the Log Cabin Plaza
!tll0p, u,. Co-sponsoring the removed, due to water damage.
?tiv','.mca is designed to of- The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in
t to=:, information and the North Mason School District
"'ueaaakers who want office building.
tKIiD A refinance loan from
, --- 1st Hand Mortgage Company can
aqRKY help lower your monthly
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the Prince of Peace Catholic Church
on Sand Hill Road in Belfair.
9 a.m., Mason County Board of
Commissioners' meeting, Building I,
Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa-
Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club
meeting at Belfair Community Bap-
tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call
275-2529 for information.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for
6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible
study for teens in grades 9-12, youth
center at the Belfair Community
Baptist Church.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
Wednesday, March 31
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC
(Women, Infants and Children) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club
meets at the Canal Room of the Ta-
huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor-
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil-
dren 4 years old through eighth
grade, Belfair Community Baptist
6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly
men's fellowship group held at the
Belfair Community Baptist Church.
All men welcome to attend. For infor-
mation call 275-6031.
6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman"
Bible study will be held at the Belfair
Community Baptist Church. Child-
care available; open to public.
7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup-
port Group, will be held at Westpark
Christian Church, 5204 First Street
in Bremerton. For information call
7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support
group for victims of domestic
violence; for meeting place or more
information, call 427-1263.
Thursday, April 1
7:30 a.m., no-host breakfast, 8
a.m. meeting, Allyn Community As-
sociation, Allyn Inn.
8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition
Program held at the Theler Center
until 3 p.m. Senior activities and
lunch served at noon. For information
or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or
9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. Call Bey
Weston, 275-8282, tbr information.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m,, WIC
(Women, Infants and C.hildren) nutri-
tional program, North Mason Medical
Clinic. Call 275-8340.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base-
ment at Saint Hugh Community
Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor-
mation, call 895-1363.
Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous,
open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway.
5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness,
Hawkins Middle School commons, $3
per session, donated to North Mason
Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls C.lub
of Mason County. Call 275-8602 lbr
6 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in the Grapeview School Li-
brary. For information, call 275-6769.
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I would like to thank Fire District 2
EMTs and Chief Greene for their
kindness and professionalism
during my husband's recent fatal
heart attack.
Mrs. John (Kay) Beck