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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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VOLUME XXXIV. SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920 NO. 15 KAMILCHE VALLEY FARMERS TO HAVE PHONE CONNECTION .ADDITION OF LAST NEAR-BY DISTRICT WILL MAKE T0.TAL OVER 400 PHONES UNDER LOCAL CENTR/i-L. : The Kamilche Valley falTners, al- though within easy reac,hing distance, are th'e lst to take interest it/ get- ting telepTlone connectidn with Shel- ton, and are now taking up tlie mat- ter of service. While the district is one of the old- est settled in Mason County, bY rea- son of 'its larger fai'ms includes a ,smaller population than some of the .other districts, whicl makes the cost .of telephone connection' more expen- ,sire. However, several meetings have been held and a committee consisting of L. H. JacolJs and Chas. Griggs visited Shelton Thursday to secure local support in their project of con- necting with the She]ton central of- rice. They received considerable en- couragement, and are assured of enough funds here to make up what- ever balance wouhl be required be- yond the stock taken by the farmers themselves, all of whom will join. As in other directions the Kamilche telephone sysetm will be incorporat- ed, and conducted under the require- ments of the state law, which will insure its pelznanence and good ser- vie,. About thirteen miles o£ new pole line will be required to serve the valley, and from the Dave Ellison place the wi¢s will be :brought to Shelton over the taciric line to con- nect with the local central office. This will bring the Shelton central to over ,400 patrons and be a material ad- vantage both to the farmers and to Shelton, increasing the business re- lations within the county. START CAMPAIGN FOR MAMMOTH STADIUM ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS DRIVE TO RAISE $500,000 FUND WILL BE CONDUCTED BY ALUMNI THROUGHOUT STATE i Determination to conduct a sales campaign throughout 'the sate of Washington during the week of April 2 to 78 inclusive for $500000 to con- strnct a mammoth athletic stadium upon the ,University Of Washington campus at Seattle, was the result Of state-wide convention of Washing- ton alumni' at ttxe Ella's Club, Seattle, Sunday, March 21. The alunmi representatives also approved of a plan for financing the proposed athletic field by means of a sale of bronze souvenir plaques entitling the purchaser to a specific reserved seat at any and gll .func- tions held in the' stadium du'ring'the period for which the plaque is issued. These plaques will be issued for two year and five year terms. Be- dause of the more frequent use, the plaque sold to people living within a radius of fifty miles of Seattle will ost $50 for two years, and $100 for five years, while those s61d outside of the fifty mile radius will cost $25 and $50 respectivelYlt 1 a 1 Sle Alunmi from prac "c 1 y every tion of the state were present at meeting, and each delegate was al- .10ted a quota for his" district with ; instructions to organize the alumni ]n his locality. Tuesday, March 30, was designated as a general get-t0- gether (tay throughout the state, at which time preliminary ulans for the financia drive will be dscussed. The meeting in Seattle wee pre- sided over by William J. (Wee) Coyle, plesident of the Washington State Alumni Association, and was opened with an address of welcome by President Henry Suzzallo of the University of Washington who char- acterized the proposed stadium as a "monument of state-wide civic pride." Arthur.R. Priest. former dean of men at the University of Washington, was another pl)minent speaker at the convention. CHEAP MEAT WEEK SET. Oregon Housewives Urged to Buy Inexpenalve Cuta on March 29. Washtngton.--Weeks In which the department of Justice' will initiate its ]Plan to "save mone on meat" in groups of states have been announced. Retail dealers will carry unusual stocks of the cheaper cuts of meat, which customers are urged to buy. Week beginning March 29 includes .Washington, Oregon and California. April 12, Idaho, Nevada, Montana •nd Wyoming. If customers would buy these cheap- er, but "highly nutritious an d, palat- able" cuts during these weeks, the department's tatement" s'ald, "the' sav- Ing effected will be tremendous and the slackened demand for the Cuts now popular wiii result in 'lower prlce. Chsreol." FORD SAWMILL OVERHAULED, INCREASED CUT PROMISED The Ford sawmill near Matlock started up again Monday after being closed several weeks for overhauling. The demand on the plant for lumber has been far beyond its capacity so H. E. Ford has added new machinery and made other changes to increase the lumber cut considerably, and it is expected that the local yard will will soon get a supply of building material on hand to care for local orders, and encourage much building in Sheltoh this summer. $CH.O.00 DIRECTORS MEET TO CONSIDER • EXISTING EMERGENCY NEARLY EVERY DISTRICT IN COUNTY REPRESENTED AT EETING CALLED BY SU- PERINTENDENT LAST SATURDAY Nearly every school in the county was represented at the annual school directors meeting held at the county court house last FYiday. The meet- ing was called at this time by County Superintendent Mrs. Knight, for the purpose of learning the opinions in the present emergency regarding the lack of school funds. Considerable interest was shown by the gathering in the problem of the existing scarcity of teachers and salary question. The meeting was called in advance of the annual meet- ing of county superintendents ¢hich convened in Olympia the following day, in order that Mrs. Knight could carry with her the .suggestions of various directors. Subjects to which close attention was given were: "School Finance" by A. S. Burrows, Superintendent of King Co. Schools, supplemented by Superintendent Loop of the Shelton School, in further explanations of the present and proposed systems; Du- ties of Boards of Directors, and "School Elections" by Superintendent Knight. The "20-20 plan" was worked out in last year's meeting of the county superintendents to meet the need of greater financial support of the schools in general, and the call for higher salaries for teachers to accord somewhat With the increased salaries in other lines ow work. It was planned to take the place of the $10 per census child, levied by state and 'county, and was thought necessary m order to maintain the schools in a satisfactory degree of efficiency. Mr. Burrows gave much time to the subject and stated, s did also Superintendent Knight, existing eo- "ditions in their counties.  After due deliberation, the mo$ion to endorse the "20-20 plan" was fnade and Unmiimously carried. ,' The following directors were in at- tendance from the different districts: Thomas Moran, Route No.2; T. W. McDdnald, New Kamilche; J. E. J'.ons, Grant;Mrs. M F. Pixley, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Nelson azd O. N. Nobl¢s, Union; Mrs. Sarah Weld- burger, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, Mrs. Della Greenwood, Albert Ellison, Laura F.. Kn'drews and Will Waldrip New Kamilehe; C. O. Decker, A. E Elphick, Tom Taylor, Mrs. Nellie Hall, Mrs. A. S, King, and Mrs. Will Grtsdale, Matl5ck. Mrs. Effie Knowlton, Tahuya; Mrs. Fannie M. Smith and Oscar Ahl, Hoodsport; ThSmas H:_.. James and M. rB" Graves, Litli aup; John Shdf: field, Route 2; Frank Brans, Route li Chas. Wivcll; Isabella Valley; L. G. Shelton, Sbelton Valley; Fred Bell, Mrs. J. F. Simmons and Mrs. John Woodworth, Potlatch; Mrs. E. F. Don- ohue, Cloquatlum. WHOLE TRUTH WANTED Tacoma municipal light and power plant for January is reported to have made net earnings of $6284. The statement is murther made that the earnings will be used in ex- tending the Lake Cushman power plant. All this sounds well but the whole truth about municipal ownership is never given to the public or will be. Seattle has a municipal lighting system and street car lifie and is piling ups deficit on  the taxpayers of two million dollars. San Francisco has a municipal street car system that is running be- hind and demanding that it be given increased fares. As it competes with a private sys- tem, 'the monent fares are raised the people will mostly ride on the other line and deficits will increase. One great item is always overlook ed--that a municipal plant pays no taxes and state, cbunty, city and school districts are losers. Municipal plants should be required either to pay general taxS or they should at least be required to include taxes in their reports. By hiding part of the facts the people continue to be cleceived and the politician is able to heap Up un- knowzi burdens on the taxpayers. Iziddstrial News Bureau. ..... " SSFSA.OSS' ....... --" EMERGENCY SESSION APPROPRIATES OVER 20 MILLION DOLLARS GOVERNOR..ASKS SPEEDY SESSION PASS SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT, PROVIDE FOR SOLDIERS EXTRA COMPENSATION, LEVY I:NCRE AS ED FUNDS FOR EDUCATION AND MAKES PROVISION BY INCREASING STATE TAX LEVY TO FIVE MILLS What the Special Session Did. | Ratified the women's suffrage amendment to the national con- stitution, making the 36th state to take such action, and as- suring the women of the na- t0n the privilege of voting for the next president. Passed a 20-10 school meas- uz'e to replace the old 10-10 Gunderson barefoot school boy act, which for twenty years has proven ample to cover the educational needs of the state. Raised the limit of the gen- eral fund tax levy from 3 to 5 millls mainly to give financial aid' to the higHer'institutions of learning. Passed a soldiers' compensa- tion act providing $15 for each month's service in the army, but referred the measure for approval to the voters at the November election. Provided for a commission to study the school laws and form a new educational code• Empowered the governor and attorney general to report to the next legislature a stats'ad- ministrative code consolidating offices, pronmting efficiency and eifecting needer economies. The emergency session of the leg- islature called by Governor Hart call- vened in the capital city Monday morning all primed for a short nd busy session. Considerable preliminary work had been done by the leaders toward holding down the work to that absolutely necessary and which could not await the regular session next January. With few exceptions the legislators were all at hand and only enough clerks were employed to cover the work to be done. After heazng the governor's mes- sage giving the reason for the emer- gency and urging that the session be confined to enacting only the specified relief, both bodies pro'ceeded to busi- ness. A large lobby of women was at hand and in order to have relief from wire-pulling in that direction both bodies xshed through the suf- frage amendment with little speech making 2, Provide Relief for Schools Tlte next great question was, that of providing more funds for the ira; mec]iae relief of the university an state 'cOlleges, and the  measu fir/- ally passed by both houses provided for a two-miU increase, from 3 to 5 mills, in the general state tax levy, to raise about $2,000,000 additional a year. Incidental and encouraged by a big lobby of school officials and teachers from all over the state, the matt'er of raising the limit for district school taxation to provide: for more com- pensation and better teachers was threshed out and the result was a law providing that the state shouhi levy sufficient funds to proyide $20 to go with the $10 raised in'local districts for each school child. This plan will afford more relief for the smaller and poorer districts and place a large share of the increased tax burden for school purposes upon property best able to bear it. Te last session of the legislature failed to approve any measure for the relief of service men, on the ground that it was the duty of the nation rather than the state to care for its fighters. However, the ex- 'ervice meu of the state had formu- lated a plan for relief and were be- fore the special session with strong support, finally securing the passage of the law, providing for $15 for each month of service to each Washington nmn, and providing for the raising of $11,000,000 to pay this bonus. Houses Finally Agree It was stated that there are 63,000 men and women in the state qualified to receive bonus. The debt is to be retired by an annual mill tax raising one million a year, ond the pension cost before it is tin'ally wined out will be more than fifteen million dol- lars. The debatd over this question occupi most of Tuesday, and it was not until 4 o'clock Wednesday morn-' ing that the houses came to agree- ment, passed the law and adjourned. The senate stood for putting the measure in imfiediate effect, but the house held out for the referendum and finally won out. Mason County's representative, M. E. Reed held a leading part throughout the session, and was largely responsible for hold- ing down the session to the urgent matters, and cutting out new matter which would have prolonged the ses sion indfinitely. The total cost of the session was $8,500, but its appropria- tions for the twenty hours o its la- bors ere over a million dollars au hour. The new census will show a vast boom aC the ,aionkL capita], tl e are more 'dler]  'oi': the pay S [than during, tWvar.  ..... ¢ AMERICAN LEGION PLAN SMOKER FOR APRIL 17TH According to present plans the American Legion Smoker will be pulled off on April 17 at the Earl- win hall. According to the committee in charge of the entertainment it is going to be the biggest thing ever undertaken in Shlton. Timy are col- lectin some of the cleverest boxing materml in the northwest. They plan three big outside bouts With a cotple of loca 1 ones as preliminaries. Tl{ey say the will givethe county a thrill, ENGLISH ADVERTISING LOOKS HUMOROUS TO AM00CAN STUDENT IS PRODUCT OF OLDEN TIMES WEN ONLY VE]Y FEW COU LD READ Oxford, England, February 21, 1920. --The difference between England EXPLAINS HOW NEW SCHOOL LAWS AID LOCAL DISTRICT- CITY SUPERINTENDENT LOOP SAYS LOCAL SCHOOLS WILL GET MORE REVENUE FOR SAME LEVY In answer to tim question as to what benefit will be derived locally from the new school legislation enact- ed by the state legislature this week, Superintendent H. E. Loop of the city schools, submits the following explanation: Considerable interest was manifest- ed during the special session of our state legislature over the "common school emergency." This interest was to a great extent confined to those actually engaged in school work. Nevertheless the school patrons and young and bustling one. That, I sup- pose, is the remon why one shop and factory out of our sports the royal arms and tim announc.cmcnt "Makers by Appointment to his Majesty the King. Established 1642." We eat one of the many kinds of marmalade which his majesty has appointed, and districts in the state on the basis of i actual attendance in that district. This wouhl mean that a district like Shelton with a low valuation and high attendance (increased by con- solidation bonuses) wouhl receive by far more from the state than it 'would pay to the state. For example find that he has very good taste. English advertising started in the good old days when not one person in ten could read. Consequently some figure or yotem was hung up in place of a placard. This is the origin ef such delightful names as "Ye Ohle Mill Inns," "Ye Blue Boar Tavern," "Ye White Hae," aud many more• A picture of a mill, or the stuffed or carved head of'a boar or a deer actually hung in front of the build: ing., Unfortunately, this picturesque ohl custom has ahnost disappeared bc£orc the invading hosts o£ educa- tion. The signs are usually furnish- ed gratis, in case of public houses, by breweries, and merely read, "The Old Mill, Jink's Ale and Stout." A few of the old signs fortunately remain. I saw one not long ago in Reading-- a boar's head, whether originally blue or not I cannot say. Signs Are Laughable last year Shelton district paid to this state fund (wfluation $548,044 multi- plied by 2•443 mills) about $1340. She received back by apportionment $4627.89. Who paid this extra? The district with a high valuation and low attendance. This method of rais- ing school revenue is called the bare- foot school boy law" because it guar- antees to every boy and girl a chance for an education no matter where he lives. The county also levies a sufficient sum (2.577 mills in Mason County last year) to give $10.00 for each census child in the county. This is apportioned back to the different dis- tricts in the county on the" basis of actual attendanae in such district. This present law is therefore call- ed the "10-10" law. Now if this does not produce suf- ficient revenue the local directors can levy what is necessary of 10 mills I am not one of those who main- and by a vote of the people what is ]rain that the English have no sense]ncessary of 20 mills. of humor I have heard too many I S,vi- ,e ; ;no " good jokes .ver here to t)elmve m'j , ....   h,,,, ÷h ,,on m,, o,,, • "n ub w aec ne neon CLXSnC, 'rms for a moment, and I consider 'Punch'  .,':' , . 7",." .. ?"7 ...':' the most lmmorous magaz e p "{ ,e'. " 1" ," , " " . az ncon 11 recmve fom the lished But I must admit that it is • - " ' a mystery to my American mind why state approximately $5000 on a levy the English people do no burst with laughing a some of the signs they hang up. On the English railways a cord or chain runs through all the carrmgeg, to:be Used y either p,ssazigers or conduct&.s to sig.nal to tle engineer to stop the train in case of accident. In all the trains belonging to one rail- way company is te sign, "Do Not Spit," and directly below it, "In Case of Emergency Pull the Chain to Stop the Train.' ] never heard of an AmeriCan railway so obliging. . The manufacturers of Bovxl, a meat extract, have large blue and white signs posted in the railway stations all over England with just the one word, "Bovril," 'on the sign. Two Americans w'ere once on their I way from Liverpool "to London; one looked out of the 'window as the train stopped. I "What station is this?" the other aske'd. "Bovril," be answered, "But I can't find it on the map." ' The butcher is a very impmq;ant person in the meat-eating co.untry, and he has his own ideas about the dignity of his calling. The mere title, "butcler," does not satisfy him..Ours advelises himself as a "Pork and Family Butcher," which sounds to me like a confesssion of murder. An, other is a "Purveyor of Pork," while one very enterprising man has a large sign on his slmghtezhouse, "Piggot's Bacon Factory." We have been getting a lot of this synthetic bacon recently, and I suppose that is where it comes from. Keep One Guessing • One trade is had enough, bht where some gifted workmanhas two strnigs to his bow the combination if often amazing. In Basinstoke tlere is a sign which rea'ds, "Scientific Chimuey Sweeper and Humane rse Slaugh- terer." All of these advertisements are at least capable of being figured out. But what would my readers say was the meaning of "Hall's Distemper for Healthy Homes"? It sounds like a that" of infection on Mr..Hall's part. Tl,e mystelT lies i the man- ing of Distemper." It is not a dis- gusting complaint of dogs  and horses but an excellent grade of paint. Courtesy is a m.]ced chm'acteristiV. of most Oxford shopkeepers, and to one of:them I' am indebted i0r what [I am Se is  most repectful s|gn /evbr putln pnt  It is posted in i of 2•239 mills; from the county ap- proximately $5,000 on a levy of 2.510 mills; from local tax alproximately $9,800 on a levy of 18 mills. This makes a total revenue of $19,800 on a total levy of 22.749 mills. Under the "20-10" plan next year to re- ceive the same revenue she will re- ceive approximately $10,000 Srom the state on a leyy of 5.6 mils; from the county $5,000 on a levy of 2.6 mills and approximately $,800 from local tax on a tevy of 8 mills; malting a total revenue of $19,800 on a total levy of 16.2 mills. Thus a sa?ing of dvr 6 mills. This leaves room for increased levy if necessary for in- creased cost of opeztion. But at any rate Shelton will get .more.revenue for same levy. So few really understand the "20- 10" law. The large drily papers in figuring the cost of the special ses- sion made the statement that the law would cos the state $3,480,000 be- cause there were 348,000 census chil- dren at $10 per head. Absolutely false. It will no doubt increase 'the total school rev'enue el" the state but it will be absolutely impossihle to say how much until the bhdgets for next year are mde. It will equalize the taxes for school purposes. Seattle with a valuation of $234,- 000,000 will under the new law pay into this state fund about $1,300,000 and receive therefrom about $1,100,- 000. Of course it would be more ad- vantageous for her to levy a local tax and receive it all. But that wouhl not be ,the "barefoot school boy law" spirit. SPOKANE PHYSICIANS SOCIETY PROHIBITS TAKING CONTRACTS By a vote of 35 to 10, the Spokane County liedic!al society pasmd an amendment to the bylaws, said to set a precedent among similar organizations in the United States, which prevent physicians and surgeons who take con- tract work from holding membership in the society. The amendment directly focts 22 Spokan physicians acting for railways, lodges, insurance com- pan|es, department stores and mutual benefit societlos, but xeludes city and