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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1920
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PAGE TWO THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL " FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920 --- i I ii i I I I I "- (600-s c-H 0 i H NOTES VOL. I. Shelton Wash., Friday, March 26, 1920 NO. 2 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor ............ John Melville, '20 Associate Editor...Teddy Skelsey '20 CLASS REPORTERS Senior ........ Kathrync Forrest '20 Junior ............... Eva Blake '21 Sophomore ......... Merna Wood '22 Freshman ......... Helen Clinton '23 EDITORIA L Thanks to the kindness of the edi- tor of the local paper every weekly issue will have a quarter page de- voted to happenings at the High School. All the editorials, jokes and ath- letic news, as well as essays of spe- cial merit will be written by the students. As the school is unable to afford a separate newspape'r at the present time we greatly appreciate this kind offer. A Student. BASEl]ALL The tLird intcrclass ball gamewas played la;t Wednesday, the Senior:-; and Frestunen clashing: this time. The Freshmen had Jack and Ted Cole pitchers and "Sherry" Daniels catch- er. Kennedy and Pringte were the Senior battery. After two innings of extra ball the Seniors were ¢ictors. Score 11 to 10. The second game Juniors vs. Fresh- men was disputed for the Juniors didn't get their last bat so this game doesn't count. Tonight the Freshmen and Sopho- mores mix. Th'e results will be given next week. Mr. Loop spent Mends:7 and Tues- "day in .Olympia attending a confer- ence of school men in the interests of legislation to raise funds for the common schools. If this legislation passes it will be very beneficial to the children and citizens of Mason County and will also slightly false the wage of the poorly paid school teachers. NEWS ITEMS i / WASHligGTOH HOLI}S i LEGISLATIVE SESSION Olympia, Wash.--Washlngton's leg-! lslature met here Monday noon in a Franklin Falser was absent last Week on accunot of the illness of his father at Camp 2. Mr. Falser is now :fully recovered. Startling new styles of hair dress- ing made their appearance in the ranks of the hair-pin bearing bipeds of our well known Senior and Fresh- men classes. The Peterson car was delayed Fri- day morning and Wesley Daniels wandered into the study hall about ten o'clock. Mr. Burroughs, superintendent of the King County schools, gave a splendid talk on "Why we sholud study more intensely.'! Nuf sad. He hit some Seniors pretty hard. Thursday and Friday of last week were the days set aside for the U. S. History exarnination. The results of the battle will appear in the next issue. That is if there is a survivor to tell the story. Miss Web:ter was an attentive vis- io," in l+e Civics ctas: last Tuesday. Tiffs class started Monday and Mrs. ],(",','i 'in lltl'ge. €/e, gather that Miss Webster was seeking for inside ii rorJ)ti,, as to t!e bet and most effective methods of managing the Senior English 4 "Class NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Dvon into Paine's Restaurant some noon if you wih to overhear a spir ited discussion about the present iow- i wagc of school teachers. We are in favor of a raise in their doges be- creme with tuore money we could have better teachers. You see, sim- ple. We will get our grade lowered about twenty per cent th,.: month for lc::rg out this whee:e so we a-k you to extend your sympathy. SF,NIOR DANCE The Senior Class announce a dance to be given on Saturday, April 10th at Kneeland hall, which will be taste- fully decorated to suit the occasion. No suitable name has as yet been submitted for this corner of the paper therefore it will be called "High School Notes" until a suitable title is chosen. provision for aommission to be ap- pointed by the governor to make a study and survey of the present com- mon school laws and to make'a re- po,rt of the condl'tions found and to make report and such recommenda- tions as necessary to the regular sew si.on of the legislature, in January, 1921. special session, the third special see- I The officers of the last legislature, sion in 30 years of statehood. Dr. P. H. Carlyon, president of the As recommended by the Joint ap-!senate, and Fred A. Adams, speaker propriation committee the matters to of the housel called the two bodies to be considered by the legislators were order ,.first, the general tax levy limitations; Rigid measures of economy, rather second, the common school emer- than greater appropriation,s, are need- geacy; third, the soldiers' compensa- I ed in all departments of the state gov- tlon measure; fourth, the national Jernment, Hart declared in his rues- women's s.uffrag0 am_endment; fifth, sage. L i i ii i ,' LIVE AND LET LIVE Mrs. Lewis--Mike, I wish you and Mary would settle down right away. Mike--Me settle down with her? Never! Mr. Gilbert--When you walk, why do you make so mac5 noise, Jack? Jack--I've got my heavy under- wear on. ArttIave some candy, Roe. Rae--Is it good ? Art---I had every piece in my mouth, so I know it's good. Found--A small Buick roadster by Latham's gate parked on wrong side of street. Owner may have same by paying fine and promising not to be seen in these parts again. Mr. Loop--What is density ? Thomas--I really can't define it but I can give an illustration. Mr. Loop--The illustration is good, sit down. A (touhboy bring's'us this story. Among the passengers was a man who stuttered. One day he approach- ed the captain and started: "" "I'm busy;" said the captain, "Tell it to the mate." The mate also was busy and the stntterer returned to the captain who tohi him to sing his troubles. The man started: "Should autd acquaintances be forgot and never brought to mind-- The blooming," cook fell overboard and is 20 miles behind." --(With Apologies.) A negro soldier at one of our camps approached the sentry and asked him if he might pass. "No sah," said the sentry, "you ain't got on password." At tMs point the negro pulled a razor from his pocket and with a mischievous look on his face, began stropping it upon his shoe. 'Tse got a mother in hebben, a fodder in de odder place and mah sweetheart down the street. I'se a- gwine ter see one of den tonight." He went. Money is needed by all the state schools, the governor said. The con- dition of the schools is deplorable, he asserted. Hundreds of teachers, he said, are quitting their profession for more remunerative employment. The governor's message warned the .legislate>re not to hold a long ssion and not to pass any appropatlon bills. "Never Was the general seztiment of the people of the state more com- I detely crystallized upon any matter than in the present demand that the legislators speedily attend to the busi- ness they find at hand to do arid re- turn to their homes, thus relieving the citizens of any anxiety as to what new legislation may be emitted," he declared. "Let's top it off with a good smoke" 'OTHING touches the epot like a good smoke--and nothing can touch, /, Chesterfields for genuinely "satisfying" body and flavor. In Chesterfields the finest of silky, aro- matic Turkish and rich, mellow Domestic tobaccos are blended to bring out a new and finer quality Of flavor. ,  ]Vow you know why Chesterfields "Satisf#!" And because this blend is exclusive andeannot be €opied, only Chesterfields can "satisfy !" '. Each package is wrapped in moisture-proof, lpassine paper that keeps all of the original i flavor intact. • The:Whole Secret A BeRer Tire 00i'mply a 0000atter of the Maker's Pollcle# This you will realize--once you ry a Brunswick--that a super-tire is possible only when the name certifies that the maker is follow- ing the highest standards. or tire making is chiefly a maC- tar Of standards and policies---cost lus care. Any maker can build a good tire if he cares to pay Eer. I[ection's price. All men -know BmnswicI stand, nrds, for Brunswick products have been famous for 74 years. lonaulas, fabrics and standards vary vastly in cost. Ieinforce- zncnts, plies and thickness are a mattcr of expense. And these vari- ations affect endurance. Tt rests ,with the maker hove far he wishes to go--how much hc can afford to give. For there are no secrets nor par- ents to h ol gll¢ back. To ascerfairi wha eacl/ triaHee offers one must analyze and test some 200 tires---as our laboratories have done. Then it is a ms, fee o€ eominlng the best features and building ac- cording to the highest standards, Once you try a Brunswicl yott ill understand how wc have builtt model tires, regardless of, factor expense. ,Yet Brunswick Tires cos you the Same as other like-type tires. Our saving is on selling cost, through our nation-wide organization. We realize that you expect more [rom Brunswicks, and we assure you that you get it. ONE Bruns- wick will tell you the story. And then you'll want ALL Brunswicks. No other tire, you'll agree, give Lo m_gc fo gour money. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Seattle Headquarters: 1919 Second Ave. Said On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis ii ii I ii II I1| I I I IIII III l00l00l]l)It/00l00 & CLIITItlEIi Maxwell Building, Railroad Avenue, Shelton JURY [muol:lMn00 SENATOR ' ' Maury of the Winloek State :, I bank, Is distributing free corn to the NEWBERRY IS GUILTY ranchers of the community. The eorn is of a new variety, Minnesota No. 13. Motor trucks, carrying choristers and bearing signs u.rgtng church at- tendance, will cover Spokane Easter morning, under plans announced by local ehuro.hoa. Grand Rapids, Mlch.Truman H. Newberry, Junior United States sena- tor from Michigan, was convicted by a Jury of having conspired criminally in 1918 to violate the election laws. He was sentenced by Judge Clarence W. Sessions to two years' imprisonment and fined $10,000. Released on bond pending an appeal, he at once Issued a statement declaring his intention to retain his seat in the senate unless that body deeldes otherwise, or the supreme court upholds his conviction. Sharing the fate of the senator were his brother, John S. Newberry, and 15 campaign managers, including Freder- ick Cody, New York, and Paul H. King, !Detroit. Both these men received tim !ltmit sentence with their chief. Charles A. Floyd, Detroit, also was sentenced to two years In the peniten- tiary, but he was fined only half as much as Newberry. The brother was fined $10,000 and was one eL four who were not sentenced to Leavenworth. Wholesale Prices Show an Increase, Washington.Wholesale prices in- creased generally throughout the United States In February as com- pared to January, the labor department announced, Philippine Women Vote. Manila, P. l.--Women voted at the democratic primaries in the Philippine islands to elect delegates to the ter- ritorial convention in April, when siz: delegates to the national convention will be chosen. It was the first time women had particlpated in a primar here. THIS SEASON START RIGHT I r I i ,i i ii i ii i , i By letting us equip your car with new tires and tubes. It pays to buy the best. We sell Firestone and Brunswick Tires, Gas and Oils and reliable accessories. Come in and let us show you what Real Service means•