March 26, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 26, 1920 |
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A Genuine Columbia Grafonola
sound volume for which the Gra£onola is famous. z
(]rom Journal of March 23, 1900) sacks of oyste,s are shipped each
Mrs. D. Keelty left for home in week with prices $3.75 te $4.00 per
Seattle Tuesday noon. sack.
Assesser Speeee has been worldng Fent Spencer received a letter from
in the vicinit.v of Clifton, and the his brother Fred-at Nome, AlasKa,
Upper Canal ;this week. also a copy of the Nome Gold Digger
Mrs. F. Chester and imr niece, Mrs. a weekly at $24 a year's subscrintion.
Eva Rcm., left Monday for Cal- It wo'uld be an interesting trip to
ifornia. ', visit Willey's mill at the head of the
[ Thee. Brown has moved into" the bay. It is probably the oldes water
1 hoe, se recently sold by --. H. Knee- power mill in the state, its whip saw
land now actively at work .rinding out
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Norris of Neh- lumber in the oht fashioned wav, un-
alem, Oregon, arrived in town this der the guidance of one man. '. W.
week fo) a visit to California V PfiPl L°I]
Gee. Vogtlin, H. J. Wehncs ann A.
J. Munson and families visited Sko-
The total cost after Free Trial is but $54.25 and this
includes 10 selections on 5 double-faced 10-inch Records.
$4.75 cash and $1 a week. Monthly payments if you pre-
fer it.
At 'this big Phonograph
House you can choose the
New Edison, the Victrola or
the Columbia Grafonola, the
World's Leaders.
of all makes
are here, and
we send Rec-
ord Orders by
Mail, Postage
We will send our big
Monthly List of all the New
Music Free, on request.
l'lopper-Kelly Companyp
Send me full partmulars of Free Trial offer on tlis
and other Phonographs.
Name ........................................................... ' ...........................
Addren .................................................................................
Biggest Battleship Launched.
Newport News, Vs.--The super-
dreadnought Maryland, designed a
the most powerful battleship in the
world, was launched here with Mrs. E.
Brooke Lee, wife of the controller of
the state of Maryland, as sponsor.
,v eedn g
more than
Developments in aeronau,
tics have found us ready with
a grade of Zerolene for each
type of engine.
Thousands of gallons of ZeP
olene Liberty Acre Oil gave
service to the U.S. and Allied
Governments during thewar,
The same foresight and sd,
entitle application marks the
work o four Board of Lubrica*
tion Engineers in the field of
automobile lubrication.Their
reeornmendations of Correct
Lubrication with Zerolene
are lengthening the life of
automobiles everywhere.
There is a Zerolene Correct
Lubrication Chart for each
make of ear. Get one for your
car at your dealer's or our
nearest station. Use Zerolene
for Correct Lubrication,
3000 Killed In Leipslc Fighting,
arrived here from Lelpslc.
kokomish HatchelT on Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Speed Shelten also inspect-
ed the Hatchery on me same day.
J. J. Brenner and Harry Weather-
all of Mud Bay were inspecting oys-
ter beds in Shelton Bay this week.
Dr. Wells has lumber on the ground
for an addition to his house on Cota
J. T. Burke has purchased the
propmy of Hans Bergeson on Fourth
and Cote streets.
A new switch board was installed
at the local telephone office this week.
M. G. King this week sold his
restaurant and candy business at the
"Blue Front" to Mrs. W. R. Stewart
and daughters.
The boiler and all the machinery
for the new sawmill of Hunter &
Eaton Company has arrived and is
bein set tm at the mill site.
Harry Lloyd has purchased the im-
proved ])art of the old Walter -lace
down the bay of D. W. Roderick and
has moved his family there.
in the bay above the Narrows th
following have oyster chdms; T-hos.
O'Neill, A. L. ]XlcDonahl, John anti
Thos. Gosser, Jolm Moran, Ferd Sta-
benfeldt and the remainder is held by
the state. Harry Weatherill, Charles
Hilderbrand, tiarry Cox and Joe Deer
own the best lands in the main bay
and in Swindall's Cove, the Heilberger
beds, owned by McDonald & O'Neil
John Scig, Thos. Sabudcup, John
Labor and Vie Bunnell are the main
shippers. At this time over 1000
Coblenz.Three thousand persens
woa'e killed in the fighting at Letpsie
before the government roops captured REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS
the town, according to statement made
by three American business men who
Iteal estate transfers furnished week-
.for 'Tractors
There Is a correct grade
of Zerolene for each type of
tractor. Get our attraive
booklet on the CorreCt Lu-
brication of your traeor.
&sk our agent for a copy.
{California )
O. M. HOFFMAN, Special Agent, Shelton,
I1 9 "P p YA- D HY DDVs ac, To
" "
ly by the Mason County Abstract &
Title Company.
Eva Bell leairehlld wld to John A.
Schmtdt, wd, lot 4 blk 18 Frances Shel-
tows add. Con. $10.
John A, Schmidt to Alice Schmidt,
qcd, lot 4 blk 18 Frances Shclton's add.
71olet M. 7Oalslo, formerly Taylor to
ft. J. ]3rennet C'ItYster Co,, qed, house
and small plece a of land surrounding
same' In see 21 10 3, said ilollse known
as old S. K.' Taylor dwelling house.
Con. $1.
Clarlnda A. Hulbert and hus to
Bertha Hulbert, wd, und one-half ant
in lot 4 sec 1 and se se 2 19 3 exc
land sold to John N. Sells. also und
one-half ant in 4 acres in lot 1 sec'
11 10 3 exc r of w. Con. $I0.
Bertha Hulbert and h to Clarinda
M. Hulbert, wd, und one-half ant In
west 4 acres lot I sec 11 19 3. Con. $10.
Joseph Gilmore bach to James B.
Johnson, wd, no no and e n so no 31
22 2. Con. $10.
Scan Amer Realty Co. to S. P. Griffls,
wd, n e se sw 24 20 5. Cdn. $10.
J. L. Keeslor to Joseph E. Filipiak,
wd, sw nw no 7 19 4. Con. $10.
McKinley & Matson to Ella McKinley
wd, sw se 1 24 3. Con. $10.
John Arilson bach to Walter R. Polk,
wd, 15.17 acres in lots 3 and 4 sec
26 21 2. Con. $10.
Walter R. Polk to Mrs. C. W. I-Into-
mend. wld. wd. des same as above (und
one-half InS) Con. $10.
Joseph M. Hawtlmrne to Hsnry L,
Pinney, wd. se sw sec 8, ne nw and
s nw 17 22 3. Con. $10.
Clarence r. Fisk et al to S. S. Fisk,
wd. lot 5 blk 12 David Shelton's 2rid
add. Con. $300.
Maggie :Hllton et al to Winflel S.
Heckman, wd, lot 6 blk 15 Frances
Shelton's add. Con. $1200.
John Sroupe & Co. to J. H. Deer.
qc, ]and dese by m and b In lot 1 se
20 20 3. being known as tax No. 89
:Mason CO. Wash. Con. $1.
-Wallace L. Turney to Wm. F. Bailey,
wd. sw ne 26 20 5 exe r of w. Con.
Harry C . Ashfleld and w to Harry
}]urst, \\;d, 7.50 acres in lot 8 see 22
20 3. Con. $10.
Harry Hurst and w to James :M'.
Sprlng'er, wd, 9 acres in lqt 6 sec 23
20 3. Con. l.0.
Christopher lbbotson to Chris "Ward
and w, wd. 2 acres des by m and b in
se se 11 22 4.(3 on. $10.
All U. S. Soldiers Out of Siberia,
Washington.All American forces
have been evacuated from Siberia, the
war dpartment has anuounceL
Splendid three-year course in
nursing offered in this model
hospital, to intelligent young
women. Training leads to mat-
riculation from this foremost
school. Instruction in a noble
profession offered.
Pleasant sm2oundings and
congenial companionship. Im-
mediate entrance. For complete
information address, St, M.
u ±
t/RK WiLL GET '[ /kl A MAN T,
-too; -"-IF" L,..._,
Information of Priceless Value to
Every Shelton Citizen.
How to aCt in an emergency is
knowledge of inestimable worth, and
this is particularly true of the dis-
eases and ills of the human body. If
you suffer from kidney backache, ur-
inary disorders, or any form of kidney
tuble, the advice contained in the
following statement should add a
valuable asset to your store of knowl
edge. What could be more convin-
cing proof of the efficiency of Dean's
Kidney Pills than the statement of a
nearby resident who has used them
and publicly tells of the benefit de-
[ ,M. M. Thein, retired carpenter, 721
/E. 2nd St., Aberdeen, Wash., says:
"Dean's Kidney Pills are all right
and I recommend them to anybody
who needs a kidney medicine. I have
taken Dean's Kidney Pills on several
occasions when I have thought it nec-
essary and they have always done me
Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney rcmedyget
Dean's Kidney Pillsthe same that
Mr. Thein had. Foster-Milbuna Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Call and see our large stock
or write "for prices. We
erect Menuments anywher
2006 First Ave., Seattle, Wn.
(Established 1874)
"Here's Something for You to Remember"
says the Good Judge
And any man who uses the
[; Real Tobacco Chew will tell
" f-,, you so.
You get a lot more satisfac-
.)- tion in a little of the Real
7/2/. Tobacco Chew than in a big
/ / chew of the old kind.
/ e/"- And it costs less to chew.
l/_---. The full rich, real tobacco
..lllm,_ taste lasts so much longer.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a sh!rt-cut tobacco
W-B CU r is a long fine-cut tobacco
No other thing contributes so
much to the influence of your
home as the wall paper. You
see it morning, noon and night
every day in the year. It is
the background fer your entire
hmne-life, and therefor you ewe
it to your family to see that it
is attractive and cheerful at all
NOW is the time to re-dec-
orate. Our stock is fresh and
tasteful. A personal visit, or a
postal will receive our cour-
teous and prompt attention.
,, Journal
Stationery Shop
i,i • _ _ ] i i i
"The House of Prompt Service" "The House of Prompt Service"
Business is Good
ii i i i i ii i ii
And the reason we are always busy is
BECAUSE we handle the best and most pop-
ular cars.
BECAUSE our stock is far larger than any
other garage in the county.
BECAUSE our work is prompt.
BECAUSE our shop is best equipped and in
the hands of good mechanics.
AND BECAUSE our prices are right.
Shelton, Washington
m 7.