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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE F0tm "' ' r I IIInl  I . II I I I' '1) '1 II! IIII IIII II ILl ! THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL GRANT C. ANGLE & SON, Publishers p tembar of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations Entered as seeond-e'lass matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington Published every Friday morning. Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency) JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT The Post-Intelligcncer, in offering a kindly comment on the feeble pro- test  voiced by the Journal against BUDGETING THE STATE A movement has been started to unravel a lot of useless red tape which has been bound around Wash- II II I, I II THE.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL II]1 II I i,[¢ " LOST OPPORTUNITIES Classified Ads *2" *2 ADVERTISING RATES A voice of protest is raised in Ma- i son County, apparently too iote to ihave effect, against the taking over of a water power site on the North fork o :the Skokomish river • to gen- erate current for the exclusive use of the people of Tacoma. The Shelton J0mmal points out to residents of the county the los that will be sustained in this great potentiality. It pictures tle industrial plants that might ];ave come near to the source of electrical pply and given to the county taxa- ble propey that would have borne half tte cost of county government. And it points out the process by 5 cents a line (six words) in classified columng. Minimum charge 25c; twice for 40 cents; three times for 50 cents. 10 cents a line on local page; 30 cents minimum. Cash or stamps must accompany all orders. MONEY TO LOAN on thb monthly ..... FRmAY, MARCH 26, 1920 ...... ' ': ':: .......... ......... r ............  i 1 FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE--Choice of three working mares, chunks 1300-1400 pounds, one three-horse disc harrow with evener, 3 walking plows, cultiva- tor, stump puller, slip scraper, several sets of mrness, double and single, both light and heavy. J.G. ]icRac, Shelton, Bordeaux Ranch. Phone for particulars. 4-2 FOR SALE--Jersey-Din'ham cow and calf. Fresh Mirch 20th. Carr Ranch, Kamilche. 4-2 FOR SALE--House and ten acres of land one mile from town. Address P. O. box 356, Shelton. W. 1 4-9 i FOR SALE--On reasonable terms, one five-room house on Cots street. A. L. Bell, Shelton. 422 FOR SALE OR TRADE-r-Large house, suitable for two families, two good lots. Will sell or take smaller house in trade. Mrs. C. Barren, 4th street, near Cots. 4r9 payment plan. Olympia Building & Loan Assn. Apply Mason Coun- ty Abstract & Title Co. 10-17tf sTUMPAGE FOR S.LE Good logging proposition on Hood Canal, close to water with one donkey and shm truck hauli 3 million feet, mostly merclmntable fir, stumpage at $1.50. If interested ask at Journal Agency. the prospective loss of Skokomish i ington public affairs on alleged de- which the water power site came into power •, points out the teasons for the mand of the people in past years private ownership, "on a shoe-string I but which has hardly rendered ser- investment, t Is asserted, to yield a WANTED TO RENT--Good type- helpless plight in which Mason Coun- " " " ty find itself. We have already cheer- vice in line with economy. Without I fortune to the manipulator who is writer for several months. Inez fully admitted the inefficiency of this'doubt many of the state bureaus, ;now turning it over for the exclusive Shorter, Shelton. 3-26 community, in common with the commissions and separated depart-fuse of a fraternity far away. A ments, with the duplicated efforts, i final effort is to be made to prevent WANTED---Two giris to learn tailor- small community everywhere, in hay- i offices and employes, as well as heads consummation of the transfer], but ing trade in my shop. Good wages ing no special guardian of our rights, and also of lacking the willingness of departments, are not worth their ',the prospect is unhopeful, for nego- from Start. Big money when trade to co-operate our energies into an cost. This state has been hailed as;tiations have gone too far to be is learned. Tailoresses get from .......... " r eo le have .... one of the leaders ii progressiveoverturncd by a community. hat has - -,.€ w¢a , ...... ............ ot- .oo .r q fft,w fre. Ou P P .... i e .... r in its " ,,, ,,, ..... .._._ u^_  deas, and its tax rate has hkew s defaulted m its part of gua d g Wlh 'ln;la • ,qholfow  '2.R i ng again% hepetha: thveoia Or:feinh i('i;.e'tei°=t"owari"prunng's'omTof" e i°'hils'crse%rings to mind the in-I Wlat th--our2 . " . '  . 7" . los c " fly kri w ' It can only sp eu p  P-/ gobb . s a , . M ". • • " - of simpl:fyin00e:h00h:ta00u00 t oF00a00?:2 ment, and custom e00Olc?00l 00uZt or, ,ayton, Shelto. I' O It • ,;. ' , " ." ' "" of.Illino's md• b g " Y: of unwritten law l t " " Y] . of this power would be a flutes-f told ]'any state, bureaus, commissions sni in this era of :ong trPnsmission of/ 4-9 blow  i'S°arC°m}tY:he  ore ,],it'st, in n,i w at',, r!the like, ad,; placing the control un- electrical power the' range of its[ F : . ; r, , s. : .  du.' ;' • d : '. ' ' no present value to a , - y. : - more prospective indutries utilizing ipresent numerous commissions have munty wMch is unable to acqmre or FOR SALE--Several tons of loose the power withiu the county; and separate overhead and huge items hohl it; but every community, in the wheat, oat and vetch hay, $32. Ask third, the inability of the city, even for office expenses and salaries, aside Northwest especially, has the right at this office. if it had surplus power to sell, to from tl'e 'salaries of members. Un- to dream of future development and permit the llason County citizen to ' , doubtedly all the present state ac- feel itself the victim of circumstances FOR SALE--Gas donkey engine, A1- buy any of it. tivities could easily be cared for un- when what it regards an important me engine, Franklin gear, 3 dram, Our people might feel more cheer- :der three or four groups without ser- factor of that development is taken good sled. First class shape. Used ful over the matter if a part of the iously overworking the heads of the from it. only one month. F. S. Backus, power to be devloped could be se-'ldepartments , and a great saving Tere is opportunity for a new Price and Backus Camp, Potlatch. cured in Shleon and in the settle-,made in the rising cost of state ad- profession, in this plight of many 4 -2 ments of Mason County by farmers i ministration, communities--a financial guide or or- and small industries. Under a state ! It may be, however, that with the ganizer who can forni a community FOR SALE21-foot cedar launch law passed some year ago to curb'state, the county or the individual, into a business corporation and use hull and boat house. The price is the cities from too great expanMon, the urge for ecdnamy has not yet its resources to secure to itself the right. A.' P. Saeger, phone 83, .they are not permigt'ed to market become inMstent, enough to bring benefits of undeveloped potentialities. public utilities outside tle city limitsL about aiy fiard results, and the If an individual cai, Wii;h a "shoe- Shelton. 4-2 and the state constitution prevents / budget idea is not welcome, string investment," alcqtiire title to the taxation of any'municlpal prop- a great water power, why may not erty..Th'ehe provisions became lLw ' a thousand or more or less inhabi- FI6H00 in the days before cities reached out rants of a community likewise ac- for power and water beyond even the quire it? The reason is stated above limi{s of their respective counties, THE I HIG WAGES--custom has been otherwise. We and the only remedy now possible is shall hear many more plaints like the that of the state law removing the one from Mason County before the restriction )n the sale of power. MILLI(N ,'A"VES OR- new professional ov the new cojacep- tion of value of potentialities inpels GANZE rN FAVOR OF MORE people to create means t5 protect Newberry was convicted of spend- WORK ANI: LESS PAY their interest in natural resources.-- ing more money in his coritest for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. .senate than Henry Ford of "tin-boat" fame in Michigan. The former seems Chicago, March 19.--A' million to have been unfortunate in being :American farmers have banded to- ENGLISIt ADS HUMOROUS a republican and having all the ad-:gether to fight short hours and high ministration forces on his trail, while iwages of city labor, t (Continued from page 1) CHEAP BUILDING LOTS--If you Henry's profligacy escaped notice. It These farmers are members of theside each of the shop windows and are looking for cheap buihling lots is quite unlikely that Mr. Ford's American Farm Bureau Federation, reads "It is respectfully intimated the chapest in Shelton are located friends left any card in their hand the national organization of lhich bicycles must not under any in the Southside Additions where wasuerfectcd here recently, consideration be leaned against this unplayed. "W'e desire to point out tha a wall." If I could only show that model It is suggested that the man who large factor in the high cost of liv-to the people who write the "Keep ing is the curtailment of production Off the Grass" signs at home. demands a 44-hour week at high pay ought nat to expect the farmer to through short hours, lessened effic-I One Oxford barber has given his work all day arid/half the night iency of labor and strikes," the fed- shop a name which is, I am sure, the eration formally •declared. direct result of a lack of humor. The raising cbeap food for him. Certabl "And yet," as one speaker pointed' name is "The Martyr Hairdressing; farm products  seem to be about all out, "these same shoit-hour workers Parlor." I presume it was originally that offer a surplus at present, judg- ing from the lowering price, which in cities are complaining loudest be- given that name . because . /t is near gives small encouragement for the cause food products are hiher in the Martyrs Memorial. But I went' :farmer to hustle this year. But his price. Of course food is higher. It in there the other day to get shaved, day is coming, if not steered away costs more for the farmer to grow t and , well,'it has earned an indepen- by the visionary and the agitator, foo, d J.H. BINNS, costs more because city labor dent right to the name. has forced up farm labor .wages, and Recent polls of about half of the has increased prices of everything newspapers and a considerable num- the farmer buys." OA v-v: b.': l"s 0 :m'r'r.OZm'@ her of legislators of this .state on The American farm bureau move-] ooxzx v.. , r presidential preferences give Wood ment is the most conservative of all Bids are hereby called for the build- S considerable lead, with Poindexter farm groups and is bitterly opposed ing of a community Hall at Wayside Lowden and Johnson in the order to such radical farm organizationi School ouse District 46 near Martin :Brldge, Mason County, Wash, Plans named. Wood also seems to be lead- as the Nonpartisan league. The na- may be seen at the residences of .Tack tug ]n several of the states which tional convention opposed "govern- rraith or C. H. Ford. or at the office have lately held primaries, mental interference with the eco-: of the County Superintendent of S,:hools, Shelton Bids must reach the heroic law upon which great indus- undersigned clerk on or before April Currycombs ought soon to be of- tries are founded." [24ti} 1920, when they will be publicly fered in the list of government sur- . opened. plus army supplies to hit the h.c. i Each bid must be accompanied by a O. l., as a milhon combs were ordered The luckless tenant in the cities amountCertified checkbid, madef°r 5 payablePer centtoOfJackthe to cufy the 150,000 horses in army lugs to decide between staying in the Wraith. Clerk forfeltedSCh°°l Distrlctif the No. 46. Success- will he which service, bv some bright mind in the old flat anti being trimmed by the war department not hep to the fact landlord, or having his stuff man- ful bidder refuse to sign contract; all that one comb w)ll wear out several handled by the tmlckmen for a fee of°thercontract.e'hecks to be returned on award horses, of half its value, It's a great game The Directors resettle the right to i the city that we country jays reject any and all bids. There is certainly a strong reaction miss.. By order ofJAcKthe ]3oard%vl.AiTH,Of DirectorS,clerk. agaimt the "dryy order but extreme-  School District No. 46. ly unlikely that it will swing far The ohl adage of "nothing new l 3"19"4"2"t enough to "tilt the lid" in the nation, under the sun" ought to be changed I Box 133 Route A, Elms. Wash. It's almost worth the price to weed to read "something new every day"l No. 3633. out the genus hobo. and somebody always ready to bite. 'tT.os In the Suierior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County .(Official Publication) of Mason. GEe;aGE C. LUND¥, Plaintiff, vs. STATEMENT OF STATE BANK OF SHELTON s.rnl :M. LUNDY. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. to the said Seraphin .'Yi. Lundy, Defendant: Report of the financialcondltion of the State Bank of Shelton, located You are hereby summoned to appear at Shelton, State of Washington, at the close of business on the 28th (lay within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- of 'February, 1920. ' mons, towit, within sixty days after RESOURCES the 26th day of :March. 1920, and de- Loans and Discounts ....................................... $327,488.45 fend the above entitled action in the Overdrafts ................................................ None above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve U, S. Bonds, Certificates of Indebtedness, War Savings and a copy of your answer upon the under- and Thrift Stamps ................................. ,.. 68,125.28 signed attorney for plaintiff a his Other Bonds and Warrants ................................ 145,996.11 omce bblow stated: and in case of your Banking House .................................... 3,000.00 failure so to do. judgment will be ren- ........ dreed au'atnst you according to tle de- Cash on hand, clearing house items, and due from approved mand of the complaint, which has been reserve agents (Legal reserve) .......................... 254,052.76 filed with the clerk of said court. Outside Checks and other cash items. 561.15 The object of this action is to oh- ....................... tan for the plaintiff an absolute de- cree of divorce on the ground of m'uel Total ............................................... $799,223;75 treatment and personal Indignities rcn- LIABIIATIES I dcring plaintiff's life burdensome. Capital Stock paid in ...................................... $ 25,00000 AI,DEN C. IAYLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff, Surplus Fund .............................................. 25,000.00 office and postofllce address: Shelton. ' .....o.....o. Undivided ] refits less expenses and taxes paid 8,599.45 },Iason County. Washington. o Demand. Deposits ......................................... 473,398.79 3-6-4-30-7t Time Deposits ............................................ 267,225.51 No American citizens or other Total ................................. .............. $799,223.75 foreigners were injured as far as it is State of Washington, County of Mason;.ss. known in the recent counter revolution I, C. I. Pritchard, Cashier of the above named bank,, do solemnly in' Germany, according to swear tat the foregoing!statement is" true to/ the best of my:kowledge and behef. C. Ii PRIToHARD, Cashier. reaqhing the state department from Berlin. Subdribed}and swoditb!bore me this 4th di.y o/March, 1920. ' The war dep.rtment h'as announced , ' ,;, .1. , ,  , ,4 1  ALDI, O, B..E,__ r that approximately 500Os01diers si. N'otmr Public in and fo tl{e stai of Wishin,tfi, residin ' , l,' ....... ' "'  " ................ at ,Slelt0n; Washington.' . ors an madpe O f the Anterican force  Correct, Attesti Ai !)," GOVIY. abroad; ?lui{in the' War brought baC GRNT C. ANGLE, • .reti wivsm French: gtIswere m0n Directors. p bp__h l[i,_ ............................... WE BUY, raise and sell, fur-bearing rabbits, and other fur-bearing ani- mals, List what you have with us, stating your lowest prices on large lot shipments. The Fur & Special- ty Farming Co., 515-517 N. P. ave,, Fargo, North Dakota. 4-2 FOR SALE OR TRADE--Young team, 2200; harness and buggy, cheap, or will trade for cow. John Hleboki (Lost Prairie) Shelton P.O. 4-9 4 FOR SALE--Second-hand cook stove in good condition.' Will sell real cheap. Mrs. Anna Runacres, Shel- ton. 4-2 FOR SALE--16 h. p. steam tractor. Apply to H. E. Stumer, Union City, Wash. 320tf FOR SALE--% Guernsey bull calf 3 weeks old, at near veal prices. Fred Bellr Skokomish. (Address Potlatch). 3-26 ANGLESIDE FARM FOR SALE OR rent for season, 150 acres adjoining Shelton, about 20 acres in bearing orchard and seeded, balance  pas- ture and wood land; fine potato land. Apply this office. LOTS IN SHELTON--We have a number of vacant lots in Shelton in various locations offered .for sale. If interested better 10Ok them up soon, because there are reasons for the owners to stiffen on prices:  Journal office. TIDE LANDS FOR SALE We have forty acres of tide lands and beacl in a' single body reaching from the Hall Donation Claim to Skookum Point. The strip .contain some good clam and oyster• lands and excellent seining grounds an should be of interest to the upland owners. The land is offered in a body. For information ask at the Journal Agency. LOGG00-OFF LAND a block can be bought for the -i " a "o" "o " -e Logged-off land: for sale to actual p ce o i  a wn own u ss n P!' '  ,., ..... '  . settlers. Price $3'.00 per acre a d up man a naE-mne Irom rne an according to location, topography and corner, telephone an.d electric hght hrer - ooil Liberal terms of s .wlce, waer Wlllln, reacn, w]n -a---e'* - "-terest on deferred 1 " 11 "ew I P Y*** ** uu x . .,. finemr a d v[ _:..Take a walk paymeints at tll rate of six percefit up. mere nex ou.uay a-u e wa .... ..., "t.i'rtr honda eaten in improvements the residents are amnra',,ar " " ..... making. Paces-are due to raise ................. . " A shortl.y: ASk ag the Jommal: office. SImpSON L?GGING COMP•_ NY Your family is aI1 together now. How long will it be so? Pre- semre the present happy home spirit in a group portrait by us. The Heckman Photo Shop SHELTON " LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAI IIOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. An Insured Title Is a Safe Title. OWNERS,' PURCHASERS' ANI) • .! OITGAGEES' POLICIES OF" TITLE INSURANCE WRITTEN BY THIS COMPANY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES OF TITLE MAPS AND BLUE PRINTS M00ON COUNTY ABSmACT COMPANY (Under .State Supervision) Sm.ON. WASFZ | Hosiery and Underwear Men's, Women's and ChiMren ' s You know of course about how much you are willing to pay for any needed article in these lines. Now there's certain satisfaction in know- ing besides that the price you pay is right and reasonable. When you buy the Iron Clad and Burlington line you have the satisfaction of haVing as good as there is made. They are dependable, the goods are invariably 'honest--they are priced right and fair. They come i the wanted colors in silk and cotton. You know them for we have been selling them for a long time. If you have not tried them, just come in and see them and you will be satisfied' that you are get- ting value in every pair you purchase. ATHENA UNDERWEAR FOR WOME The shaped underwear, fits the form perfectly. No bag- ging nor ulicomfortable feel- .ing when wearing. Several styles--low neck, V neck, tape finish. All-sizes. PLAY SUITS Children's Blue Demin Play Suits for boys and girls, sizes 2to8. Lumberme'n00 s" Mei'canti0000- Company : .... . ...... "" [ Ill I i I ....