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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i, :{! :f 't ./ i J I ==- Local and PersOiml !, Judge Wright presided over a :hol . _/session Saturday, disposing of the =_ ='following probate matters: lliiiiHIitiili]i|H[i Estate William Prembo, deceased; C• I• Pritchard purchased this week a four-passenger Apperson Eight cal'. 51r/ and Mrs• M. H• Needham are happy over the arrival last Saturday of a 10-pound son. A "war garden" will this year be as necessary as before--to help war on the h. c. o. 1. April first happens along next Tlmrsday and epens the season :for order to pay necessary expenses in- curred. Estate Emma Johnson Clem'm, de- 'cease(i; order approving sale f per- sonal property. Estate Andrew Nelson, de,'eased; order to pay claim of F. C. Willey. for funeral expenses. BAPTIST CHURCH CEILING DROPS DOWN AT NIGHT. trout fishing. Buy a new license and ---- a fishpole. Shortly after ten o'clo'ck Tuesday . night the neigbborhood of the Bap- Now that the flu has auuarentlv tist Church was startled by a "rough nm its course and flown away, we 'house" in that direction, but investi- v 1 u'n our ' gation disclosed that no human ag- ma as wel. tj ..... attentmn to • " the s,,fin r,,,.,,, i ency was at fault• The plastermg . e, 6 ....... __ I from one half of tile ceiling, lath and Now that the sprin- e--ino -- has! all, had fallen and the ruin among bee n safel asse  th b "" -% .... the pews was a sight Willing hands . y p 'U e wors, oI [le;  ., • . • . , • pu[ [e next evemng a work clean most mild winter is over and the . mg up the mess and the damage will planting season lnay be anticipated" ibe repaired by a temporary ceiling. The weather of the week has been A hort time ago several small sec- tions of the plastering dropped and a mixed, but Monday aM Tuesday were perfect days. Wednesday it rained :staging had been put up to make [repairs by Mr. Oakley, when examin- and ihursday a trace of snow fell in 'aation showed that the whole ceiling ,places. J. Lee Pauley was a Tacoma visitor Wednesday. Mrs. hi. D. Knecland is spending the week in Tacoma. Louis Mayer of Matlock was in town on business Friday. Mrs. W. H. Smith and children visited in Olympia Saturday. Maurice Needham is Spending two days in Seattle on business. Mr. and Mrs. hi. B. Graves were town visitors from Lilliwaup Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valley of Fris- ken's Y were shopping 'in town on Tuesday. Mrs. R. R. Waffle of Los Angeles arrived Tuesday for a viist with her daughter, Mrs. N. E. goberts. H. E. Loop and Mrs. MaT M. Knight attended the superintcn(lents' nleel,ing at .Olympia last Saturday. Herbert Angle and Thomas O'Neill arrived home last night from the University to spend a sixort vacation ....... " , u. A• res¢e last SaLur(tay receive(! .... .-77--,--" . ..... I by expre,-s from Tleo Brugger, at doe all{.[ lonl Dortleaux anu I%US;Sell  "   •., • • .. ....... ,  krcsllaln, urcg'on, a tuoroLIg']iDreil Doruiailx Oi t2D£Lle nave been spena- . .. . . . _ o • • , • •. .. • . I Drown wlss DOll of three aunt is lor lng sevcl;.tl (lava in wn llllS WeeK... . . .  . .. '.', •  I [fllS aalry rancn oil bcol, E S lq'alrle• Mrs. R• H. Gardner of Seattle was in town one day this week attending to the packing of her £urniture for shipment. Mr• anti Mrs. J. H. Deer and fam- ily returned Tuesday evening from San Francisco wtlere they have spent several months. George Kellogg, who has been working in Tacoma for the past month was with his family at Oak- land Bay over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt and son Gerald and Miss Irene Bordeaux mo- tored down from Tacoma and spent last Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. R. F. Simpson has received word that Zer grandson, Marion Par- rish, is now on,the U. S, S, New Orleans at Cavite, Philippine Islands. H. E. Stumer reports one of those rare vieu's of tile Northern Light spectacle from his Alderbrook home on ttood Canal 5ionday night, and others in this vicinity say they notic- ed the unusual spectacle that evening. }was more or less pulled away from !its supports and dangerous even to illake t'epairs, lie left the work pend- ing a decision on what to do, and ti:,t fight came the catastrophe. It was fortunate that no one was in the room, and especially so that the accident had not occurred during ser- vices. NEW HOMES NEEDED Now that lumber is again coming ....... from the Ford mill and the new mill exn:teYTneg oree na O:r¢lnar  :,will also be turning out lumber tle ..... g .... I question of building materials will be senKe m lren:in:gacoesler °me :. !relieved in Shelton and those who axle i vacatin- "h ..... 1. u sre , ]thinking of new homes can go ahead i home 'wghc ,il m me'r nne new Iwith their plans. Lumber and labor for Mr an a a*rs ,eatagey oegm is as cheap here as anywhere, and ! ........... there is no prospect of gaining by I .....  ,.. [delaying the building operatiom. I unesver wooaworm, an ore-time .. e t rent are im-ossibo oa resident of Mason County, died at l h,,l,ou2 ? . -re har v to fina": ]the County Farm March,22nd, aged I'Z ." ": lefb-t "-"-ec---'"  ": 84  . . . nommgls i  u w u re vacang ] yoYems, lie was a native ot lew lot and start the building. Nev¢ faro- ,. . s.age, ou, naa s pen mos oi[ilies are coming to Shelton at the lsle:? .ne ,eVVele alia nornlng was ]rate of one each week, and the hous- ms p P • ing situation is getting acute. Rents Mrs. Mamie Taylor returned Tues- day from Tacoma where she spent several days. She also visited her sis- ter, Mrs. George Vogtlin at PuyaUup. Will McDonald, who was over from Kamilche yesterday, reports the val- lqetSodist Episcopal Ch00©h Sunday Services Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. Preaching Ii o'clock. Evening Services 7:30• Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. The public is cordially invited to these meetings. W. H. Thomas, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m.; sub- iect, "God's Help in Overcoming Dif- ficulties." B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.; sub- ject, "Love That Sla,s and Love That Stays." Every person in Shelton, especially the young people should hear this sermon., Come and bring a friend• Prayer Meeting on Thursday It}ght at 7:30. Teacher Training Class on Friday night at 7:30. Addison Self, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH "St. Edward's Catholic Church" On 2nd Sundays first liass is at 8 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko- mish at 11 a. m. On fourth Sundays Mass at 10 ia. m. Evening devotions at 7:30 p. m. ECONOMICS CLUB MEETS APR. 1 The Shelton Home Economics Club will meet next Thursday, April lt, at 2:30 p. m. in tlIe domestic science room at the high school. Every woman in Shelton is cordially invited to alitend: The program committee is affiancing an interesting entertain- ment for the occasion. Tea will be served, !IWETiNG OF DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE meflng of the Democratic Coun- ty Central Committee is hereby call- ed to meet at the court house in Shelton at 7:30 p. m., April 3, 1920. All prednd Committeemen are urged it0 attend. The meeting i s called for lay farmers having taken full ad- vantage of the fine weather to put in their early crops, even on some of tile lower grounds• 1 Arden Hall came Friday and - turned Saturday with Mrs. Hall and children to their home at Sedro Wool- lay. Mrs. Hall has been visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Beach for the past two weeks. S. Carlson of Tahuya )vas in town Wednesday on his way home from a \\;trip to Seattle. He says that an 9ccasional freight boat is the only service on the Canal ngv, which makes travelling difficult over there. Mrs. Cecil Gilbert and daughter Shirley. of Seattle are visiting Miss Gladys Hunter in town this week. Mrs. Gilbert has spent the past three months visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunter in the Skokomish Valley. lIr. and Mrs. C. H. Robbins Jr. of Shelton are receiving congratulations of friendi[ on the birth of a daughter born SUngay, March 21, at the family home near Shelton. The litle lady has been named Betty Ann. Mrs. Robbins will be remembered as Miss Ann Green of this city before her mar- riage.--Olympian. W. S. Heekman last week com- pleted the purchase of the Hilton property on Cots street, between First and Second streets. Mr. Heck- man was required to give up posses- sion of the home he has rented for several years past to its new owner, O. M. Hoffman, and found it neces- sary to purchase in order to secure a new home. the :puP:pose of fixing a time and 'have always been low, but new houses piace f0 holding a county convention Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hurst return- ed to their home down the bay last week after spending the winter at their old Kansas home. They report a rather cold and disagi-eeable win- ter, and were glad to get back to the mild weather of this section. But they enjoyed their stay and renewed many old acquaintances of youthful years, and the trip will long be re- membered. E. J. Eidemiller, with Mrs. Eide- miller and children, returned to Shel- ton Tuesday evening, after six months spent in Yakima closing up an estate. Mr. Eidemiller thought himself for- tunate in finding a home for his fam- ily, and purchased the Sharer prop- erty on Pine street from Mrs. Artliur Bogue. Thelatter recently purchased the Judge property on Eighth street, and this will be their permanent hem. BAPTISTS TO DRIVE lIason Covnty Baptists will be asked to raise the sum af $3725 to- ward Western Washington's quota of $830,000 in the Northern Baptist New World Movement campaign for $100,- O00,000 which starts on April 25th. I I This is to provide the denomination [| with a five-year budget so that it [| , may do its work ag home and abroad I more efficiently. Akldiaon Self af. this 1 |- cty is county campaign director. [| LOCAL MILL NOW OPERATING The new operators of the Shelton Lumber & .Shingle Co. are now over- hauling thelr mill and expect to be cutting rough lumber next week and A Parcel Post Sale will be held at for rent would bring whatever price It i? elect dlegates to the state con- the Dayton school house Saturday the owner might feel justified in ask- vention to be held at Spokane May evening, lIarch 27. Come and buy a ling , and this should justify the own- ]17, !920, and to transact such other package for twenty-five ents. Pro- era of vacant property and idle money [bUsiness as may come before the ceeds to be used by the Dayton Sun- l investing in louses to rent. When {meeting. (my School for missionary purposes.] the ice s brokeu other building will I George Simpson, Chairman. Everyone is cordially invited, follow fat. J F.C. Willey, Sac. pro tern. Raih'oad avenue, which hos been l DO YOU WANT A HOME? [ A fine and centrally located home has been placed with us for early sale. We also have several houses and vacant lots in town offered at well pockmarked with holes during the winter, was helped by a little dragging last week, but will require more attention before it can qualify as d speedway for more than the law- ful limit of twelve miles an hour. This week the Shelton High School comes out with the second issue of its publication whicb is located on page two. The staff appears at the mast head this week, and the school paper will appear there each week so they warn the readers not to miss it. It is entirely the work of the students, i Bids will be opened at th6 office of State Highway Commissioner Al- len in Olympia next Monday for the two Olympic projeefis in Mason Coun- ty, and the County Commissioners as well as other county citizens phin to be present with the intention of urg- ing rejection if the bids do not ap, pear to be fairly reasonable under present conditions. ; NEAR EAST RELIEF SHOWS: Features of the Near East Relief eampaign which will start on Easter Sunday will, be the two free motion picture shows which wiU be given at the Lyric theatre on the Friday pre- ceding. An aftelaoon show will be l given for the children and the even- ing entertainment is for the older folks. At this time a big feature play !will be given and the audience will be addressed by Dr. Allen of Walls' Walls who spent 13 years of his life among the famine stricken-people of Armenia. According to the committee in charge of the campaign every effort- should be made to hear the message Dr. Allen has to send out on that evening. The campaign for funds will be carried on throughout the county during the week following Easter. AGATE GRANGE DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD A lively dance will be given at Grange hall on Saturday, April 3rd. Good music and a big chicken supper are the features of the '. evening. Tickets $2 and worth every cent of it. Meet you there. ALWAYS READY FOR'CQUHTR¥ TRIPS COMFORTABLE CAR FOR DAY & NIGHT SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. MERRITT JOHNSON Headquarters JOHNSON'S GARAGE Phone 161. After 10 p. m. Res. Phone 621. will have the planer in place for turning out finished lumber by the following week. They say they will have lumber on the /narket in short order. The company consists of A. L. Chase, F. L. Chase, D. Chase, E. L. Chase, C. D, McKee and AI Allison, all formerly of Bellingham. Mr. Mc- Kee was at one time connected with' ' reasonable prices, and also cheap ad- dition lots. It might be well to get a chea.p lot before land prices raise, even k not ready to build now. If interested in a home talk to the Jour- nal Agency. NEW BOOKS JUST IN the Rock Creek Lumber Co., in Isa- "Men of the," Zane Grey.J1.90 bells Valley_. Cup of lry,'.' Rup, e Hughes.J1,75 ........... ..... I: RmO the World, Boner ..... $1.60 SUSPEND CHEHALIS STUDENTS i"Red and Black," Richmond .... $1,60' • --, ' :. 'l'Man With Three Names," Hallii A number of Chehahs high school il McGrah €  students have been permanently sus- IBo  -" "'''"" "-":" "{ :;"v .... y £OUS liana BOOK, ClOl;n pended following a genoral chogl ]: cover , 401 strike last week. The strike was the ............ ........... su n I School Fnendshi Boo result of temporary '@e s|on by " "p ks ....... LS0 Principal Paul Todd of the students Mother Goose and Her Goslings 1.00 who took part in'a dance at a sbol play rehearsal, which was against the rules of the,scho01. Mr. Todd wa formerly a teacher at the Agate school. Mrs. Ray Storts of Enumclaw is spendin a few weeks visiting among friends in Shelton and vicinity. ,aSter 00ats A complete line of the new styles awaits your approval. Select your new Spring Hat here. • bick's lliltinary. Shelton ----'=::==:=:=:==:==:=:::==___ SHELTON MARKET REPORT f (Revised March 26, 1920) Prices Paid for Products Butterfat .................... $ .66 Oats, per ton ................ 65.00 Potatoes, per ton ............. 110.00 Eggs ......................... 35 Retail Prices Sugar, new, per pound ......... 13 Wheat, 125 pounds .... 6.25 Corn ........................ 4.50 Ground barley ............... 4.25 Oil meal .................... 4.90 Chop ........................ 3.25 Mill run, 80 pounds .......... 2.05 Alfalfa hay 40.00 E. M. tir0othy hay ........... 4200 Butter, two pounds 1.45 Best lard, ten pounds..' ....... 3.60 I IBacon, per pound ... .......... 50 I Ham, per pound .............. 46 [Flour, per sack .............. 8.401 IOats ..... -; .............. ,.. 3.50, | starch feed ....... . ......... 4.65 Alfalfa meal ................ 2.55 Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. 1.00 JOURNAL STATIONERY SHOP AUTO: OWNERS ATTENTION If you are interested in Tire Expense con- sult J. B. RA:NSOM, Shelton, about IN- SYDE TYRES, Dis- tributor for Mason County. )ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that tlae partnership existing between L. B. Allphin and A. H. Huseby, engaged in the business • known as Shelton Pharmacy, Shelton, Washington has this da3 been dissolved, and that the undersigned will not be responsible for any further ndebtedness of said Shelton Pharmacy. 3-19-4-2 3t A.H. HUSEBY. i DRESSMAKING AND SEWING I am prepared to .do all kinds of Fancy Dress- making and Seamtress work and invite the ladies of , Shelton and vicinity to bring me ther dressmaking troubles. MRS. R M. DANIELS Fifth an unction Streets SMIt, Wash. • .. ., • .. PAGE FE ==== :: :===::=== Water Glass in new quart cans 35c m m When YOu Need 1'51s ask for it as NY&L PINE SYRUP • "-and ask promptly; [or the way Of • cough is often insidiously dangerous. The ".,VT'A2-- malmBmam our Ucrahom PINESYRUP l'er,Cod DvE. ta, tualyllYS S D.ltt tlme to atop • cough is when it is getting atarted: each day's delay is iacxessingly serious. NYAZ; COMPOUND MENTHOLATED: I i PiNE SYRUP i -"'= i • " "  i vtm i FIR • c,., is a sc;.mtllc combi. ..,.,,. nation of well.known expectorant and heal- ing ingredients which DRUG are of. recogniz.d value in many Iotas of respiratory conges. STORE tion and irritation.. 800 - Two Sizes. 25€ i i MOUNTAIN FLOWER HONEY 60-pound can of Mountain Flower Honey, de- livered,J15.00, 10 pounds for $3.00; five pounds for $1.75; 21/2 pounds for $1.00: MOUNTAIN I'Z,O'R 102qY rR Camp Two, Potlatoh, Wash. Paine's Restaurant Popular prices MEALS AT ALL HOURS Saturday open till 12 p. m. Restaurant closed on Sundays Oysters to your taste ===7===r== =-==== = = ========= = ===== = == === ALLPHIN'S Cold & LaG rippe Tablets are backed by us and guaranteed to break up a cold or yor money back• We are also well stocked with all makes of cold tablets and cough medicines, throat gargles, nose sprays, mus- terole, mentho]atum, etc. Protect your self against the FLU. We will be glad to help you. SHELTON PHARMACY 100 per cent for Shelton % L. B. ALLPHIN, Prop. . ....... I .: i:. :  , ,3. NeW Plmbing Sh@ PLUMBING and HEATING GENERAL REPAIR WoRK Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 33 R. H. HAWSER Shop in old L. M. Warehouse ---=== = = == === ====-=== ==== = -- ==== = = = = == =-=--'-== = ==== === = ==.=a THINGS FOR CHILDRIN SEALPAX UNDERWEAR ":' The Little Brother Sealpax Underwear fresh from the laundry to you, made with double seat for double wear, elastic non-binding back band, side opening, double sewed and reinforced. Ages 4 to 8 at $1.25 and $1.50. We will have them for little Sister too in a short time: NEW ROMPERS New Rompers'in yellow, pink aid • blue, trimIned wih white and with fancy black stitching, 2 years to6 years at $2.75. LADIE s APRONS • A few excellent styles in Ladies' cAP r o n s, Ginghams , Perles, Jap repe, Checks and Stripes, Also an all white Gaberdine, which is of unusual value. These alrons are going fast at from $3.25 to $5.50. NcDONALD &