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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920 ANNOUNCEMENT REDERICK ge NELSON invite the many amateur photographers of Washington and elsewhere to en- ter their pictures in competition for display at an Exhibition of Photographs to be held from November 1 to 13, 1920, at the FREDERICK & NELSON Store, Fifth Avenue and Pine Street, Seattle. Entries for this Exhibition will close Octo- ber 10, 1920. The merit of each picture will be decided by competent judges. Eighteen prizes will be awarded, according to the following plan: First Prize $100 Second Prize $75 Third Prize $50 Five Prizes $10 each Ten Prizes $5 each Complete rules governing this Exhibition will be sent all those desiring to enter into competition, upon request to the Photographic Exhibit Bureau The FREDERICK  NELSON Store Fifth Avenue and Pine Street Seattle, Washington i ¸ C0RRES,0NDE00CE I i I LOWER MATLOCK I I i I * .. * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Evers called on 1Vlr. and Mrs. A. S. King Sunday. Albert Beck spent Saturday and Sunday at the Rediska home. Mrs. Perle Anderson and Mrs. Leonard Anderson visited Mrs. Ed. Evers Thursday afternoon. Ruth Peterson called on Rediska's Tuesday evening. Mrs. Annie King and Mrs. Hattie Bateman, Fred and Louis Mayer were Shelton callers Friday. Mrs. Edward Evers spent Monday afternoon with Rediska's. Mrs. Albert Winkelman and chil- dren Edward, Fred, Frank and Glen- ny spent Sunday afternoon at the Bateman home. Dora and Bell Rediska were'callers at Brady Friday. Carl Spalding Jr. called on his sis- ter, Mrs. Bo" Meek of Aberdeen Saturday evemng. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Anderson and children Raymond, Roy and Louisa 0£ Matlock called at the Harry Ford aome Sunday. MORE PO WEB and greater mileage for less money ! That is what the valve- in-head motor and the well balanced construction of the Chevrolet affords its owners. That is what makes it ideal for business as well as general use. SHELTON GARAGE Phone 391 rm Miss Dolly Tay]o." frm" Seattle i :. HOLD EXHIBgION visiting her broiler Garfield Taylor - I ISABELLA VALLEY ! ! Saturday night, April 17, is the time that we have set to give our program, which we have been plan- ning to give for some time, but post- poned .on account of flu. Please plan to keep this date open for Isabella Valley. We are to have a good pro- gram, a lunch, etc. Details will be given later. Those who attended, our basket social in January and listened to the program will not require an- other invitation. A birthday dinner in honor of Ada C. Clothier was held at the C. C. Elson home Sunday. Those present were: Mrs. J. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elson and sons Lewis and Eu- gene, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones, and Jack Cote. Edward and Stella Wive]l were vis- itors at the McKay residence Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saeger were callers at the Saeger home Sunday. Frank Barber visited at the Wivell home Sunday afternoon. Edward, Minnie and Emma Wivell and Gene Holman visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saeger and family Sun- day. , Mr. LaBrec and sons were down to Wivell's Sunday evening. Mrs. J, Cole and son Jack were callers at the Baldwin home Sunday. l of this valley. Mr. and Mrs. Garfi-ld Taylor and daughter Margaret m:d hiss Dolly Taylor and Axel Anderson went to Potlatch Sunday. OF WORK OF AMATEUR Mrs. RobL C. Johnson and daugh- ters Marian and Ahce visited Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Taylor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McElhaney spent part of Saturday and Sunday at the Ib:fl,lwin home. lXlisses Maude and Luella Baldwin accompanied them for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Miller near Arcadia Sunday. They went to Olym- pia on Monday. .. VICTOR ! The dance at the Victor school house, turned out fine and everyone had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Kelz, Mrs. Hender- son and Faye Price spent Thursday evening at the Nelson's. Miss Larsen spent the weekend in Tacoma. Miss Larsen, Dagmar Smith, Mary and Mabel Smith spent Thursday evening at J. W. Henderson's. Camilla Larsen entertained Ira Nelson and Pauline Smith Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Henderson visited Mrs. F. M. Sisson Friday afternoon. Carl Smith and son Christian and F. M. Sisson went to Tacoma on busi heSS. Mrs. M. Knight visited the Victor school Friday afternoon, as did also Mrs. Meacham. Mrs. Carl Smith and Mrs. N. C. Smith visited Mrs. H. Dahl Saturday. Mrs. F. B. Sisson and daughter Helen visited Mrs. K. Dahl Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and son Jack and Miss F. Price were dinner gests at the Dahl home Sunday. it's. F. M. Sisson v,'ed Mrs. Carl Smith Sunday afternoon. Myrtle and Frank Nelson spent Sunday evening at D. C. Nevitt's. Andrew Nelson spent Sunday eve- nine" at the Henderson ranch. The Victor school children are busy workin for a progrmn to be given April tenth. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and cMldren were dinner guests at the r:El?_°??e:: ............. : ...................... S II E LT O N INDEPENDENT Aut ° S tages --= .... ---_ _ Leave Shelton- Leave Olympia 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a. m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a. m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 5:30 p. rm Shelton to Old Kamilche.. .50 Shelton to Snider's Prairie .75 Shelton to Olympia ...... $1.00 Olympia to Sniders Prairie .50 Olympia to Old Kamilche. .75 Olympia to Shelton ..... 1.00 Leaves Olympia from Braeger's Place, opposite Bus Station FRED THOMPSON AND RUFUS DUNBAR Headquarters: Shelton, Hotel Shelton. Olympia, Knox Garage STATE Pi00i0000TOGRAPHERS SEATTLE DEPARTMG:T STORE PREPARES FOR EXHIBIT TO ENCOURAGE BETTER PHO- TOGRAPIIY THRUOUT N ORTtIWEST An hmovation in the fiehl of mod- ern art in the Paciiic Northwest has been inaugurated by the Frederick & Nelson Store in Seattle. This is the e;tablb;hment of an Annual Pho- tographic Exhibit of the work of amateur Camera artists. The initial exhibit will be held in the auditorium of the store Novem- ber 1 to 13, 1920. Its objective is the encouragement and romotion of better photography among the pic- ture-taking tyros and lovers of this art. The mechanical pe¢ection achieved in the production of the camera, re- sulting in wonderful progress in this newer art, has made feasible such an exhibition. It is to inculcate the de- sire for finer photographs, photo- graphs of beauty, definition and pur- pose, this this display will be staged. The institution back of this move- ment is inspired by a sincere desire to 'contribute something worth while to modern art; to direct into more praiseworthy channels the vast amount of amateur photographic en- ergy now being expended. EEP a supply of PEARL OIL (kero- sene) on hand for use in oil cookstoves, heaters and lamps. Pearl Oil is clean and economical. Your dealer can supply 'ou.-Ask for PEARL OIL. HAVE YOU TRIED SMITH'S FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Our new electric roaster does them to a turn. SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods W. H. SMITH All the Daily Papers PROFESSIONAL CARDS c Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the ofces of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Shelton, Wash. Open 9 to 121 to 5 Evening by appointments. DR. J. J. MUSTARD Res. ohone 755. Office over Capital National Bank, 'Olympia, Office phonc 639. Office hours 10:30 to 12:30 p.r 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 p. m. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEYATLAW, Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermen Bldg.) L ? ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton HONE 231. Shelton, Wash A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. :Iorn Bldg. Shelton, Wash GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyanctng Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARREIq? HEsBANE of old age is constipation. The bow- become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid. For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age and older on account of their gentle action. A Helpful Seed Book ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS No wise seed buyer will think of purchasing his re- quirements without first consulting this bo. It tells positively of the "lll'S'i' SEIdDN FOR 'rllEI AV'E,.'P. °* Brimful of authentic Information and containing WigS'PEIIN ttil,lD CA'VALOG. it ] -AVIIITI' FOlt YOI'ltL COI'Y TODAY k i The Chas. H. Lilly Co. Seattle Yakhna Portland O" II/DIMI A Wholesome, £1eansln, , JlU..e's. , Relreshtno and llcalln9 JJ Ik -%... Lollon--Murine for Red. 'oa c} ness, Soreness, Granu!a- • z _ " b-=-'h- €" tion,Itching and Burning YOUR L'L3oI the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After the Movies. Motoring or Golf will win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist rMurine when your Eyes Naed Care. ]fUx'iXlC "IG-YO ltetncdy C.,o,, Ght;ago BlacksmithingHorseshoein g C. H. HILLN00 has leased the Phil Horn black- smith shop, and is now doing blacksmithing, h o r s e shoeing and genera ! repair work. I Learn Shorthand The Hall way under "":' WORLD'S LH&DING GRECO EXPERT , Iso l BOOKg EPI NC; TYPINg&, .NGLISH Every teacher an expert gp'ciall.t 0 PL!ITiONS * await ,z'aduate -| We train you be,ter than five I ye:,rs actual office experl- ¢.ce. We are I,,',;:o' zilfle . f: r living cor.dttions al ! ,clfsre of girl t trader Ill Dean of Worsen. r,d for catalog. | Hall [usiness College| Third and Coumba - eattle I SHORTY L THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies Gentlemen Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and pressed . $1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed . 2.00 Skirts ....... 1.00 Coats ...... 1.00 • " Pants .... 1,00 Jackets " . . 1.00 Pants sponged and pressed . . .50 Dresses . . . 1.75 up Overcoats dry cleaned and pressed 2.00 Fancy Dresses cleaned and Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00 pressed" . '. ...... 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton SOFT DRINK STORE EMIL PAULSON, Prop. All kinds of pleasing Soft Drinks, Hot Drinks and Light Lunch Fine Candies, Cigars and Fresh Roasted Peanuts Furnished Rooms for Transient Guests. Shelton, Washington r III J. E. CONNOLLY Shelton Plarket and Ice giant STR: S, G, S IMPS ON i THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Stngle Fare $L51. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o clock p. m .... Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COHPANY