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March 26, 1920 |
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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920
ii I I
"et le more Catarrh in this section
BEHSSH TOLD SiMS . oo00o,,, ,ho,
put together, and for years it was sup-
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
TO WATCH BRITISH loeal remedles0Rndbyconstantlyfafiing
to cure with local treatn'lent, pronounced
It In('urable. Caarrh Is a local disease,
greatly, influenced by constitutional con-
ditlons and therefore requires constltu-
t!¢)nal treatment. I-Jalrs Catarrh Medl-
X'ashingtou.--lear Admiral \\;Villiam clue, manufactured by P J, Chancy &
S. lenson, th(ll cti,f of llaVtl] opera- Co.. ']'rdedo, Ohlo, is a constitutional
titls, was t] off!sial vl}o told l{eal' rem(dy, Is taken internally and acts
thz'u the tIood on tIe :Jcous Surfaces
A,h:Lin] S:ns "not to let the BriII: h or' the System. One :ft'mdrcd Dolltrs re-
pull tht woo] or.g" yd,lr cg'; we would ward Is offered for any case that I-Iall's
• Catarrh Medklne failb o cure, Send for
as (',(m fiht Ill,'z]l a3 tl;(? (,0 INRllS, ch'eulars atld iestinlo,)ilds.
A(lmir/t Sims ieslirial l)ol'ore the Sell- I?. J. CHENEY & (/(h, Toledo, Ohio.
I_-'tld by ])rllllglsis 7:t'.
ate ommittee invstigaLing the navy's t:lall , l,'amly Pills :'r constipation.
con(luct of the war.
Admiral Sims said the remark was OTICE OP SALE ur STATE LANDS
made Just after he had received his
final instructions from Secre, tary Dan- Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the (;th day 'of April, 11)20, be-
[6Is preparatory to his departure for tween the h urs of ten o'c'loek in the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
England on the eve of the enVry of commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
the United States into the war. He noon of said day, in front of the main
entrance door to the County Court
• ('. added, however, that it was not made I-Iouse in tile City of Shelton, County
in the course of formal instructions, of Mason, State of Washington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
but during a conversation In the of- or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of the State of
rice of Rear Admiral Palmer, chief of ,Vashlngton, the following described
the bureau of navigatfot, state lands, together with the improve-
meats situated thereon, will be sold at
CALL PeR SUNNYSIDE-SXOXOMIS' public auction to the highest bidder
BRIDGE LIDS. therefor, to.wit:
Appllcatiom 7730.
N.ttce is hereby gh',n that sealed All tide ]nnds of the second class,
1)z'opostfls for the ('onstruetion of a OS dethled by section 1 of chat)tcr 3({
sted bridf.'e und al)llroa'bes across tile of the Se:sion Laws of 1.¢)]I, ovned by
Skul¢on]ish ltivc, r i.' Ia:on County will the State of Washington, situate in
be re(',elved by the l,oard of County i,l,nt o1", adJa(:ent to or abutting npon
Con]ulissl(*n(!l'S of llason County, In that part of hit .,• sectlol) 10, towIlShil)
their olhce at Shelton, V/tlstlh]gton, Ul]- 19 north, range 3 west, \\;V. 5:I,, nl(.qlSllr-
Ill 10 O'clock a. m., April 10, 1920, and ed long the nleun(ler line as folh)ws:
xvill at that time be 1)ubllcly opeued F,(;ginning at the l)(fint of intersec-
nnd read, ibn of th,? v:st line of said lot 2, with
Tbe br d.:< will he a 210 ft. pin-c0n- ;-aid ntellllder I|lie It, lid runnhlg" thence
]leeli'(l stir(!] S])ltl oil c(]tlcrl!te l)loz's to- 2,x[. (l(;o I,;. J35.F;{; feet, IllOl'e or less. to
14'ether wiLh 2(1I) litl. ft. of pile tl'e:l:le an angle poillt tl isald nlelll(ter lin,);
sill)roach, lhc who, ll? slrueture beh]g ,170 thence N. 830 4,' I,,', 3t;3 /e,:t. N. 24"
fL len;', with a clear road way of six- 58' E. 2t5 fl?et sJld N..(10 ° 18 E. I;7.58
te(,n ff. ['eet to the t(!rnllllll l)oint Of this de-
PI:tllS and sp(!of[}callons fop this work se, ri])ilon, with a I'rllltta;'e of 32.2!) lio-
z]ltty be oxal)lttled tit the office of the eal chahts, lntlr(! lit' ](?s's. nlet]sUl't)(t
(.!t)tttty Ettg'itlo(!r or (€)1 nty ndttor tit Lh)ng 111(2 tlb!lLa(ler lilt(,, :lS Sllown Ulli!n
the Coqlrt Eouse i)] She?licit. Col)lOs of thc plat of Sk(,olitttll inlet Tide, lands,
the plans and SlOelllcaJons lllay be [Ih!d in the olllee I' the (Jottltnlssioller
secure(1 frol the Cotnty l,;tKineer up- of Public' Lands at Olympia. Vashing-
on a deposit of ',10.00 wltich sum will tun, l)(.(.!(!olber 7, li)ll;, appraised at
be rl'unded on the return of said $(1.01l per linr, al chain or $73.74.
plans. SubJett, O suelt right, title or inter-
%11 bids shall be mate out on rag- est ts may have been acquired by the
n10r iorlhs and aeeotltpanted by a ecr- ])urehaser of ally part of said tide
ti:i('d cheek equal to 5 per cent of tile lands as tide lands suitable for the
amount of tile lunll] sul'n bid. cultivation of oysters tinder ally deed
• Tile ];Ioltrd of Commissioners reserve heretofore issued by the State
the right Co reject any and all bids. lngton,
]bate of first publication of tills notice Said lands will be sold for not le's
Date of first publication of this notice than the appraised value above stated
• " ' :March 19, 1920. and upon the terms and conditions rol-
e: lONE ,V. DOYLE, lowing:
(Seal) Auditor of hson County. Tams and {ondlttons of Sals.--Not
L 3-19-4-9-4t less than one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at the time of sale
COrYISSIONERS ' NOTICE 0P to the officer malting the sale. The
rEARING purchaser, if he be not the owner of
'L'I: State of Washington, the lmprovem ants. must forthwith p
County of Mason, ss. to the officer making the sale the full
: In the lgatter of the Petition or W. H. amount of the appraised value of the
'i Johuston, J. A. Edmlston and Karl improvements, as above stated. One-
T. Rose, for a l?runcltlse to erect tenth of the purchase price must be
' Telephones Lines. paid annually thereafter with interest
To Whom it liay Concern: of°n sixall perdeferredcentumPaymentSper annum,at thetogetherrate
Notice is hereby glve, that the pe-
with accrued interest on any balance
{t ! tition for a Franchise above mentioned, at the same rate: Provided That any
purchaser may make full payment el
I :'' has been filed in the office of the
oard of County Commissioners of principal, interest and statutory fees at
said County, said Franchise being de- any time and obtain deed or state
scribed In said Petition a.u follows: To patent. The purchaser of land contain-
: erect a line from Quarter Sac. line, ing timber or other valuable materials
Sac. 10-21-5 along Skokomish Valley is prohibited by law from cutting or
I.oad to "#ebb Ranch, thence over Navy removing any such timber or materials
Yard Highway fi'om Webb Ranch to without first obtaining consent of the
Union, thence commeaclng at intersec- Commissioner of Public Lands or the
lion ef Olympic Highway and Skoko- board, until tile full amount .f the
mlsh Valley ]toad ahmg Olympic High- purchase price has been paid and deed
way to city limits of Shelton, for a All sales of state lands are made
period of lll'ty y-?ars,
\\; 'llere'fore, it is ordered by the Board subJect to the reservations of oils,
gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils
that the hearing of said report will be of every name, kind and description,
held by the Board of County Commis- and to the additional terms and con-
stoners of said County at their office ditions prescribed in the act of the leg-
at the Court House in Shelton, Wasl- islature approved March 30, 1907, being
! lngtOn,at the hour on the of 25thp. of April, 1920, of Seeti°n1907.3 of chapter 256 of the Laws
Done this 8th day of March, 1920. Said land will be sold subJee to
V A HUNTEll, the terms, conditions and reservations
J, A, COLE, of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of
VeM. E. DANIELS 1911, radiating to easements for rights-
3-12-26-3t County Commissioners, of-way .and the carrying of timber,
......................... i sone, mineral anu ouler prooucs over
aZDS The above described lands are offered
Notice is hereby given that the I for sale in pursuance of an order of
Board of County Commissioners of Ma- the Board of State .Land Commission:
son County, Washington, will receive ler ana an ruer el sale aUl issues
seale bi o e -]. o,,tl ,f i"u ceri:lneu Dy ne uommlssloner O
m %-.- ..... -Y"?:-'Y" Y Publie Lands of the State of Washing-
rer anent l-llgnway No. 4-11:, Ior ne i ton now on file in the office of the
clearing, grubbing, grading, draining Icounty auditor of Sd county.
anu surfacing WJtn graveL, zrom ta-] CLARK V SAVIDGE
tion 510 plus 00 to Station 577 plus 148" Commissioner of Public Lands.
(about one and one-fourth, mile.) Bids 2-27-4-2-6t
to be opened April 6, 1920 at 2 p. m,
Plans and specifications to be seen at 'oTx OP A- O' TAT -AI
the offices of the County Engineer and .................
County Auditor at Court House In : r^.,^ ,o h. h.. ^.
Shelton, Washington. A certified cheek:da.' 6rh "¢l;'f ;ii' 1923 . b'-
r 10 per cent of the bid must ac- . .... ,, ^"s o e *"" elck in
corn n t "'' --' "" ........
pa y each 'b d. The Commissioners ',h ... ..... ' L;,' eX,,. ^.,z^,, u< th"
reserve the right to reject any and all ................................
.- afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock
k,. :!" nzas.. ........... in the forenoon of said day in front
'." vats or nrs puDIlCaUon or tnls of the main entrance door to the
notice, March 12, 1930.._ ...... Count; Court House in the city of
IONn; w. uxuJ, Shelton, County of Mason, State oz
(Seal) Auditor of Mason County. Washington, either by . the county
3-12-4-24t auditor of said county or y a msmoer
o. of the Board of State Land Commis-
sioners of the State of Washington,
SUI)IONS. the following described elate lands,
In the Sjjperior Court of the State of together with the improvements ella-
Washington for Mason County, ated thereon, will be sold at public
A. L. BELL and BLANCH B. BELL, auction, to the highest bidder therefor,
Husband and Wife, Plaintiffs. to-wit:
.o Applioation NO. 10983.
t-tnt o tnJn l. Ttlnnwn NEZ/ of NEi of section 16, township
Heirs .,e "t'r, '. PINTa De- I9 north, range 5 west V. M., contatn-
............... ENOCH' ir.lg 4O o
ceased tile 00nknown Heirs of ac=:00;:tres=: ::ss, o--o o==--:ng°t°
' ttl]e gove Y , P-
L, W1LLEY, Deceased, tl e Unknown ....... 0
Hoir oe i'IANOI- w Wtt,t2nv ] pralBe(l at bUU. U*
.................... Applloaton No. 10788,
Deceased, and all other persons or "rv ., xnrv ^ s^ction 16 townshin
iP2;tite: oU?,.k%°.winvnton/elmfnlgiTo 20'no't r;;:g: 2west W. M'., contain=
have an ri ht title estat lie r ling 80 acres, more or less, according
interest y- g- .... ' .... e, n o to the government survey thereof, ap-
scribed in (he com'pai'herJn: Ie-IprSa d ,atdSs2?fl'1001e sold for not less
fenlants, " ' ed
,r ........................ I thau the apprased value above stat
.a*-. irI'AWM9 U' WAItilINIdTU tO o.a u-on the terms and conditions fol-
the said Horace H. Pinto, the unknown lo'win, .
heirs of Horace H. Pinto deceased the Terns aad Oondttl0ns of Bale,---Not
'' unknown heirs of Enoch L, Willey, less than onedenth of the purchase
,' deceased, the unknown heirs of Francis price must be paid at the time of sale
(," W, "vVilley, decaed, and all other per- to the officer making the sale. The
sons or parties unknown, owning or purchaser, if he be not the owner of!
claiming to own, or having or claiming the improvements, must forthwith Da
' to have any right, title, estate, lien or to the officer making the sale the zull
interest In or to the real estate de- amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
ssribed in the complaint herein° de- tenth of the purchase price must be
endants :
paid annually thereaftez l'Cn znuerest
You and each of you are hereby usm- on all deferred payments at the rate
monad to appear within sixty days of six per centare per annum, together
after the date of the first publication with accrued interest on any balance
of this summons, to-wit, within oixty at the same rate: lrovtded That any
'i days after the 5t h day of March, 1920, purchaser may make full payment of
and defend the above entitled actton In principal, interest and statutory fees at
' the above entitled Court, and answer anSr time and obtain deed or state
} the complaint of the plaintiff and serve 15atenL The purchaser of land contain-
. a copy of your answer upon the under- ing timber or other valuable materials
i signed attorney for plaintiffs, at his is prollibited by law from cutting or
otfice below stated; and in case of your removing any such timber or materials
, without first obtaining consent of the
failure So to do, Judgement will be ren- Commissioner of Public Lands or tile
l dared against you according to the de- board,
I[ mand of t]e complaint, whlc'h has been purchase price has been paid and deed
filed wlth the clerk of said court, issued.
The object of this action is to ex- All sales of state lands are made
elude the above named defendants and subject to the reservations of oils,
each of them, from any right, tttle, es- gases, coal, ores, minerals and t'os;ils
i tats, lle or interest In the real es- of every name, kind and des(;ription,
tats situated in Mason County, State of and to the additional terms and cen-
t Washington, and more particularly de- ditions prescribed in the act of the
scribed as follows, to-wlt: legislature approved March 20, 1907,
Beginning at a point 28.05 chains East beiug uection 3 of chapter 256 of the
Laws of 1907.
: of the Quarter Section corner between Said land will be cold subject to
Sections 3. and 4. Township 20 North the terms, conditions and reservations
of Range 3 rest, V, M. for initial of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of
Doint: thence run East through the 1911, relating to easements for rights,
' center of said Section 3. 22.52 chains of-way and the carrying of timber,
, ,, t , to the beach; thence South 32" 30' stone, mineral and other products aver
East 3.70 chains; thence South 6P West the same.' /
, 2,29 chains; thence ?,rest 22.52 chains; The above described lands are offer-
thence North 4,25 chains to the initial ed for sale in pursuance of an order
point, containing 10.00 acres more or of the Board of State Land Commie-
less. . stoners, and an order of sale duly
CHAS. R. LEWIS, issued and certified by the Commie-
Attorney for Plaintiffs. stoner of Public Lands of the State of
Washington now on file n the oIlce
Office and postoffice address: Rooms 7 Of the county auditor of said county.
and , Lumberman's Building, She1- CLARK V. SAVIDGE,
ton, Mason County, Washington. Commissioner Of Publio Lands.
:, !k'gI'Fg"$ , 2.27.4-2-0t
No. 654.
In the Superior Court of the State of
%sbington for 1ason County. (In
In the latter of the Estate of AN-
I)I¢.I:'V T(.)\\;,'NSI,',NI), I)eccased.
Notice ts herel)y given, that I.otters
Of Adnlitfistrtttion eli the ],:slaie of
Andrew 'lo %%'llS eti d, deceased, Were
granted to the undersigned, on Ihe (;th
day of 51arch, lt:(t, by the said Sul)t] TM
tar C(Itlr t.
All 1)orsons having elaints ttainst
said r,state, Rl'e required to set\\; < t}leml
with the lle(;essary vouchers Ul)Ol] ntd,
al the .aw ()/lice el Alden C. ayley,
, S]l(,lt.n, \\;Vlt.shington, that being the
l)hle, or business for arid estate, with-
in six months alter the date of the
Ill'st publication of thts notice, to-wit:
Iwtthin six months after the 12th day
of 1',)20, n,]d tile the same with
the clerk of this Court together witt
proof of such service, or they shall be
forever barred.
Dated at Shclton, V/ash., this 12th
day of slarch, ].920,
Administrator of the Estate of Andrew
Townsend, Deceased,
Al,])IilN C. 13AYI.I,]Y,
Attorney for Administrator,
Shetton, Wash. 3-12-4-2-4t
NoIIce is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the 6th day of AI)ril, 1920, be-
tween lhe hours of ten o'clock tn file
f(ll'(:I|oon and four o'clock in the after-
IlllOll, (!etlln](!nch]* l).t ten o'clock In the
for(fllOOl] of said dll.y, In front of tile
tll;Lill ell[rllltee door to tile County Court
]huse in the, City of' Shelton, County
of Zlasot, ,State of ,Vashingt:on, elthcr
kv the Cunty Auditor of said county,
or by ,t member of the Zloard of State
1,:ud Commissioners of the State of
WI,shinglon, the titnber on tte follow-
ing dese'rlbed state land will be sold at
i)uhli, auction to the htghest bidder
therefor, to-vit:
Application No. 10803.
'rin]ber on N/j of SI,] of section 36,
towlsiflp 23 north, range 4 west, W. M.,
e.oillainlng 0 acres, more or less, ac-
cording to the government survey
thereof, aPl]raised at $3942:25.
Said timber on said land will be sold
for not less than the appraised valus,
as appraised by the Board of State
Land Commissioners in the manner
i)rovidod by law, a statement of which
is now on file in the office of the
Auditor of aid county.
Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid
on the day of sale,
The timber on the above described
lands is offered for sale in pursuance
of an order of th Board of Stats Land
Commissioners, and an order of sale
duly issued and certitlcd by the Com-
missioner of Public Lands of the State
of V(ashington, now on file in the office
of the County Auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
.Oil]ca of the State 11ighway Board,
:,Olympia, Wash., February 24, 1920.
Sealed bid will be received at this
oI11ce until two o'clock p. m, March 29,
1920, and then opened for the following
IInprov enlezzts :
(1) Grading, draining and paving•
with concrete about 3.0 miles of the
Olympic Hlghway between Thurston
,_ounty Line and I(amilche in iason
County, Post Road Project No, 6.
(2) Clearing, grading, drahting and
surlaeing witil gravel about 2.0 miles
of the Navy Yard I]ighway, between
Clifton and Holyoke Creek in Mason
County, Post Road project No, 58.
Each. bid must be accompanied by a
certified check payable to the State
Treasurer for th, e per cent. of tile
amount bid, The right is reserved to
reject any and all bids. The check of
all unsuccessful bidders will be re-
turned after the contract is awarded
and the, bond given.
Plans and speciltcations are on file
in the o[Iiees or the County Engineer of
Mason County, at Shelton; the Pacific
Builder & Engineer, Seattle the Em-
ployers' Association of the lnland Em-
pi];e, Spokane; the Employers' Associa-
tion of Washington, Tacoma; Asso-
ciated General Contractors of the Pac-
ifl Northwest, Portland, Oregon, where
they may be inspected.
Plans and specifications may be ob-
tained from this office by depositing
$2.00 for each set of plans required to
insure the return of them om or before
tile day the bids are opened.
Stats Highway Commlsioner,
Secretary of the Highway Board.
No. 324.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County.
W. H, MAXWELLsPlaintiff
of N.W,; S.W. of N.W.; S.E.
of N.W.A Sec. 17 Twp 22 N. R. 3
V. W. M. and all persons unknown,
if any, having or claiming to have
an interest in and to the real proper-
ty hereinafter described, Defendants.
Joseph M. Hawthorne and N.E.. O f
N.W.; S,V¢. of N.W.; S.E., of
N,W./ Sac, 17 Twp 22 N. It. 3 W.
W. M, and all persons unknown, if any,
having or claiming to have an interest
In and to the reel property hereinafter
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that W. H. Maxwell is the holder
of Certificate of Delinqusncy numbered
1716, issued on the 1st day of June,
1917, by the County of Mason, State
of Washington, for the amount of One
Hundred, Two and 63-100 Dollars, the
same being the amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year 1915
and 1916 together with penalty, inter-
est and costs thereon, upon real prop-
erty assessed to you and of which you
are the owner or reputed owner, situ-
ated in said County, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to-
wit: North East Quarter of the North
West Quarter ( N.E. of N.W, 4 )
South West Quarter of the North West
Quarter (S.W. of N.W. ) South
East Quarter of North West Quarter
(S.. of N.W.) All in Section 17
Township 22 North Range Three West
and upon which he has paid taxes
assessed against said property as fol-
Year's tax, 1917; Date paid, June 20,
1919; Tax Receipt No., 2803; AmoUnt,
$57.81. TOtal amount of taxes paid
since date of iCertitlcate of Delinquency,
all of said amounts bearing interest at
the rate of llfteen per c'ent per annum;
and you are further m)tified that he
will apply to the Superior Court of the
Stute of Washington, in and for said
County, for a Judgment foreclosing his
lien against the property hereinbefore
mentiom,d, and you are hereby sun]-
monad to appear witldn sixty days
aftr the date of the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the day of
said first publication, and defend this
action or pay tile amount due, togetller
with',,cosls; and in case of your failure
to do so, Judg'ment will bs rendered
foreclosing the lien for said certificate
of dqlin(luency, taxes, penalty, interest
and costs, against the lands and prem-
ises hereinbefore mentioned, Date of
first publication February 0 1920.
Any pleading or process may be
served upon the undersigned at the
address hereatfer mentioned.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. 0. Address, Shelton, Wash.
No. 556.
In the Superior Court of tlo State of
Wlshingten for lason County. in
In the ]lattcr of the Estate of JAMES
F. EV%N, l)eceased.
Notie ix hereby given, that Letters
of A(hninistration on the Estate of
JalneN F. l,]vans, deceased, were granted
to t}h: utlderslgncd. On the ]3th d:ty of
,lal'lth, I!)'0, fly th said Sill)erior Court.
All persons having claizl]s agah]st
sttld esla|t!, are r(!(lllired to serve theln
Wlth tile ne.c'essary voue}lers upon hie
:it lhe l,,,tw t)lliee Of Alden C. lItyley,
Shot(oil, \\;Vashhlgl(n. th:]t being desitg-
naiad Its the I)llce of bllsiness Of said
estate, within six mont]ls allh!t ' l]le tittle
of Lhc first ])ul)licaIiotl o[ this notlc'e,
to-wIL, within six l]lonths after the 19th
(lay of March, 1[t2(I, and lile the s:lnle
with the clerk of this C.lrt tog,.tber
with I)roof of such servlce, or they
s}la]] bc forever barred.
l)ated at Shelton, Wash., this 19th
day of March, 1920.
Administrator of the Estate of James
F. Evans, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Shelton, Wash. 3-19-4-9-4t
No. 545.
i ln the Superior Court of the State of
Washington In and for the County
of Mason. In Probate.
In the Matter of the Estate of JOItN
FLANIGAN, Deceased.
Notice is hcerby givt.n, thrtt George
A. 1,'lanlgan, Administrator of the l,:s-
tats of John l']llnigan, ])eceas!d, has
Iliad with the Cleric of the above on-
titled court his Ilnal uccotlllt tl.lld peti-
tiou for di:tribution ol; the (,,;ttllc of
S0,1d d cce[l,;ed, "%, }l (>r (,i i1 lhc e)urt is'
askcll to ,¢,t'tL]e Sl (:}I Ite(iOtlllt, ([isiribute
the l)roperty o[ the 'st;ILc to ]he heirs
elltttled to the Stllle slid diseha'b;c Lhe
Notice is further gh'en, lha: in ae-
cor(l:ltlce with [ttL ord(!l' (l J" Lid (!OU l'|
nlade and entered on the 13 Lh da.y ( , lr
March, ]'.t:(), . h.trlng will be h.,id bc-
foz'e tl.e court on :said lilltl| tl.C¢Olltlt Slid
p('tlti(,n for dlstrib(ltiotl On ;al]lrda.,
the l{th day of April, lt20, at 10
o'eh:ck V, m. of said day ill th(: Court
ti:uom c.t tnis Court, at the Court l:h)use
]z: Shelton, ',; ashington.
])a¢.(t Ibis 13th day of ]{areh, l!)20.
Clerk of the said Sul)crlor COurt.
Attorney for Administrator,
F;helton, Washington, 3-19-4-9-4t
No, 557.
In the Superior Court of tile State of
Washington for Iason County. In
In the latter of the Estate of AN-
DREW NELSON, Deceased.
undersigned has been appointed and
i]as qualified as Administratrlx of the
estate of Andrew Nelson, deceased;
that all persons having claims against
said deceased or against said estate
are hereby required to serve the same.
duly verified, on said dministratrix or
her attorney of record at the address
below stated and file the same with the
clerk of said Court, together with proof.
of such service, within sx months after
the date of the first publication of this
notice, or the same will be barred,
Date of ilrst publication March 12,
Admtn|stratrix of said Estate.
Address, Shelton, Washington.
Attorney for Estate,
Rooms 7 and 8, Lumberman's :Bldg.,
S_j/el t oj:_ Nashl t] gt !m' .... 3"!2:4:2"_4 t _
Application No. 7588,
State of Washington, Office of Com-
missioner of Public Lands.
application Ilas been, filed in the office
of the Commissioner of PubUc' Lands
of the State of Washington to pur-
chase the following described tide lands
situated in Mason County, Washing-
ton, to-wit:
All tide lands of the second class,
owned by the State of Washington, in-
cluded in a tract described by metes
land bounds as follows:
t eginning at the south meander cor*
ner ,to fractional 'sections 9 and 10
township 19 north, range 3 west, W. M.,
and running thence north 200 feet, N.
56" E. 677 feet, N. 89 ° E. 357 feet, S.
48" 30' E. 210 feet and N. 47 ° 19' 50
seconds E. 838.S feet to the southwest
corner of a tract of oyster lands deed-
ed by the State of Washington to
Humphrey Nelson, February 6, 1920,
under application No. 7562: thence S.
83" 12' E. 79.2 feet to the initial point
of said Nelson Claim; thence S. 22 ° 1P
30 seconds W. 299.3 feet, S. 85" 30 W.
213 feet, N. 48" '30 W. 210.5 feet, S.
87 ° Ar. • 303.8 feet, S. 57 ° 30' W. 423.8
feet and S. 44" W. 872.7 feet to the
point of beginning, entalning an area
of 8.792 acres, according to the plat
thereof on file In the oifice of the Com-
missioner of Public Lands at Olympia,
Washington, for the purpose of plant-
ing and cultivating oysters thereon.
Any person or persons having or
claiming any interest in or right to
tl]e lands applied for, or authorized by
law so to do, may protest against or
contest said application in manner and
form provided by law, The protest or
contest must be filed in the oltlee of
the Commissioner of Public Lands
within thirty (30) days after the date
of the last publication of thls notice,
and must set forth fully the grounds
of the protest or contest,
Date of last publication, March 26,
3-5-26-4t Commissioner of Public Lands
No. 549.
In the Superior Court of the State of
: Washington in and for the County
i of Mason, in Probate.
:In the Matter of the Guardianship of
the Estate of JOHN ANDERSON,
under authority of an order made by
the Superior Court of the State of
Washlngton for Mason County, dated
and entered February 28, 1920, the
undersigned guardian of the above es-
tate will, in obedience to said, order,
on the 22nd day of Marsh, I920, or
thereafter, sell at private sale hls
ward's undivided one-half interest in
and to the following described real
estate situated in Mason County, Wash-
Ington, to-wlt:
T,;old in Sections 3 nd 4,'Tnwnship
20 Norlb, Tange 2 %'est, %V. lI,, par-
tteularly de,cr]bcd as follows:
('onmlenetng at the one-sixtesnth cor-
ner west of tle corner cemmnn to See-
lion 3 and 4. stdd Township and
1 { , I g' e: thence South (vs. 22,. deg,)
15 chains to the initial point of thh
(teserll)ttm; thence South (vs, 22, deg.)
4.75 ehatn; thenc.e East: (vs. 23 dcg.)
tr th( meander 1 ne; then'6o Northerly
along the meander line to a point East
(vs. 23 deg.) of the l)olnt of beginning;
thence V;est to the point (,f beginning,
eenltflnlng I0 aer(,s, more or leSS,
The nnderslgned will receive bids in
writing up to and including the date
of sale at the Lay Office of Alden C.
Baylcy, Shelton. Washington, or bids
rosy be delivered to the mderStgned
persoually or filed in the office of the
Clerk of the ahove entltled court.
']'he sale will be for cash, 10 per. cent
payable at the time of purchase and
safe, and the balance upon the con-
flrmatlon of said sale by the eurt, cud
delivery of deed.
Guardian of the Estate of John Ander-
son, Insane.
Attorney for Guardian,
Shelton0 Washington, 3-6-19-3t
Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks
: . =
I have a large stock of logger's and heavy and
light work shoes in different sizes on which I
can save you money. I can sell them cheaper
because they are a side lifie to my Shoe Repair-
ing business. It will pay you to investigate
these shoes. I also make shoes to order.
H. M. ROSEHOLT . .'.
i i !
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 0ils, Varnishes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for o?e year.
uiilliiiiiiiii I
i s i
helton Shoe Factory
| AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP '" ...........
= Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also
- have a line of serviceable, high-topped logger
__= boots. All kinds of shoe repaii%g neatly done. _
Hail Stage Line
L. M. STEWART, Prop.
Daily Schedules
Leave Shelton
8:30 a.m. 3:00 p. rm
11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m.
Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garage---Waiting Room
Tickets good until used.
Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m.
Headquarters at Central Bus Station
Waiting Room and Lady Attendant. Phone 22.
Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings,
Doors, Windows. If yoti are going to build don't overlook
the fact. We san save you money. Let us figure with you.
A square deal to all Is our motto. Mill at Matloek. Yards
at Shelton.