March 26, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 26, 1920 |
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Co00espo00den ce.
Don't forget the Parcel Post Sale
Saturday evening at the School house.
Everybody cordially invited.
Miss Ethel Bailey spent Tuesday
night with Juanita Hickson.
Mrs. F. J. Miller left for Tacoma
Tuesday, where she will remain a few
Miss Gulliver and Miss Seamons
called at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Olsen Tuesday evening.
Last Wednesday afternoon the
teachers of the Dayton school gave a
St. Patrick's Day party for the chil-
dren. Ice cream and cookies were
served songs were sung, and every-
one enjoyed it very much. At the
'close of school each child was given
a green carnation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bunnell and
children visited at the home of Mr•
and Mrs. Pellischeck near Beeville
Mr. Sheldon, who lives in Seattle
was visiting at th Malmberg ranch
last week.
Mrs. Baker, Fay Baker and Mr.
Sheffield's youngest boy who Mrs.
Baker is taking care of, are spend-
ing the week at Mr. Sheffield's.
Fay Baker is planting potatoes for
Mr. Sheffield•
Mr• West and children were called
to Tacoma to the sick bed of Mr.
West's youngest daughter, Donn.a,
who has been in the hospital for the
past two weeks.
John LaRocque went to town last
week with Mr. Smith to have some
dental work done.
Mr. Meacham bought a horse from
Bert Cruson last Mend y.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hurst, who
have been visiting their parents in
Kansas for the last four months, re-
turned to their home down the bay
last week.
Last Sunday Mr. Bates took the
railroad ers who were working
for the Washington State Logging
Company to Goodro's camp to look
at same grading.
Domina Lans Wisa ad portmn
Hoodi cure Domino Henro Smith's et
Domina, die secundo iter fecit.
The graders finished the grade for
the Washington State Logging Co.
last Saturday and went down to Se-
attle Monday to get settled up with
Mr. Wilson.
Mrs. Ray Storts of Enumclaw and
Mrs. E. E. Storts and Mrs. Chalmer
[Saeger of Shelton visited at the
Diggs home one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chapman and
family visited at the Smith home
Sunday. Tom helped Mr. Smith kill
two nice hogs which Mr. Smith took
to Sheiton Monday.
Mrs. Fannie Johnson and Jenivee
visited Saturday night ind Sunday
at the Evans' home. Solon Evans
came home with her and spent Sun-
day evening with the Diggs family.
Mr. and Mrs, Oakley of Southside
visited the 1)ig'gs' Sunday.
A1 Linton and Gee. Diggs traded
plows this week.
The Grange Aid met Wednesday at
the Grange hall.
. ...... 4,1
Miss I::zel Tweedie wa a visitor
€ at Reed's Monday eveniv z.
I Mrs. was a visitor of Mrs.
i r O .
John Reed Fu.sdav afternoon.
Mrs. John Reed was a visitor at
Mrs. Will Budding's Wednesday eve-
Mrs. Gill was a visitor of Wesser-
ling's Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bunt Williams were
l wcek-end visitors at Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Budding's.
Mrs. John Reed and daughters
Gertrude, Ruby, Dorothy and Alice
were visitors at Zandell's Sunday•
Andrew Hansen of Shelton spent
the week-end with Harold and Elton
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson went to Ta-
Friday on business, returning
Saturday evening.
Miss Arbutus and Mary Cripe were
visitors of Miss Gertrude and Ruby
Reed I'riday 'evening.
Little Margaret ZandeU celebrated
her seventh birthday Friday after-
noon by inviting a few of her little
friends to a tea pai-ty. The after-
noon was spent in playing games.
Mrs. Tweedie was a '-:sit0r at Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Baker's Sunday eve-
Miss Hazel Tweedie was a visitor
at Robin's Sunday.
Mrs. Jolm Cripe and Miss Arbutus
Cripe were afternoon visitors at Mrs.
Zandell's Friday.
Mrs. M. E. Brink gave a birthday
party in honor of little Vera Johnson's
sixtl birthday on Sunday, March 21,
The weather man gave us a delight-
ful (lay and the children all had an
enjoyble time. After sitting down
to a big dinner the boys and g, irls
went out and played baseball. Little
Vera was as much of a baseball play-
er as the larger ones• They report a
good time and wish Vera many more
such birthdays.
Capt. Win• Brink has shaken the
dust of Stadium from his feet for
some of Olympia's shingle mill dust.
He has retumed to work again at
his old trade as a shingle wcacr
after three months' rest•
Win. Blomgren was an Olympia
caller last Friday.
R'. F. Johnson was a caller at Sta-
John Bowman, who has been en-
gaged in putting the cenent floor in
the basement o,f the shool house
this week, is reported dn the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schumacher and
family were Sunday visitors at the
Tom Moran home.
• George Kellogg, who is in the auto
business in Tacoma spent the week-
end at home.
'Leon Larsen and Miss Mable Lar-
sen mtored .from Tacoma Saturday
spending the week-end at the Afdem
home and returned home Sunday eve-
ing. Mis Alma Larsen and Rudolf
Sundstrom •were also guests of Mrs.
.fdem Saturday and Sunday. •
Iola Christensen is on the sick list
this week and unable to "attend school•
:Mrs. Tom Morar and family and
little Laurence Gosser were visitors
at school last Tuesday.
Miss Pearl Doak was a supper
guest at the V. E, Paul home last
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tillman spent
several days down Sound last week.
: The social given at the school house
for the purpose of raising a hospital
und proved :isuecessfl and abe)at
thirty-eight dollars was collected.
The Washington State Logging dium last Sunday to see his children
Comnanv exnects to start un their l and to attend his young (laughter's
rook'he'use oon• Mrs" McIn'tosh is I bi]day, am!..enjoY some good eats.
to be the chief chef. ' ,he etrotes gave a pcmc ms
Mrs. Smith is on the sick list. I Smday..E.d Cronq:is: took a 'crowd
:Mr. and Mrs.' George Wiss have ire J)ero ]n ms st g.
gone to keeping house on their own Misses Ella and Helga Blomgren
place near Smith's corners•
The McInto:d bunch were out joy-
riding Tuesday evening
Cyrus Carlson made a trip to Se-
attle last week on pleasure bent•
Services were held in the school
house Tuesday evening by Bros. Berry
and Hall of the Robert G. Seymour.
There was a large attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolie were Union
visitors Sunday.
There will be a social evening at
the gymnasium Saturday evening,
March 27th, with refreshments and
dancing. Everybody invited.
,On Sunday, April ltth, Capt. Hall
of Robert G, Seymoui" will conduct
all da seliee in ,Mr. Coldevin's
barn. There will be short service in
attended the Detroit picnic•
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cronfluist and
son Otto attended the picnic at De-
Master H. J. Hansen went down to
Detroit to hear the speaking. Ted
and Bryan Rauschert went also, on
their bicycles•
C. W. Baird is the proud owner of
a real-honest-to-goodness Ford truck
which he bought last week, so now
old dobbin will have a rest. Charlie
intends to do his own marketing here-
after. He will not have to wait on
tide nor wind, but just hop in his
chug car and be on his way rejoicing.
The new launch is progressing
nicely and the way s. H. is driving
the nails and sawing boards it won't
be long before Bertha II will be ready
for her plunge.
The farmers around here are start-
ing there spring work, but on ac-
count of it being cold here are doing
very planting.
the morning, with picnic dinner at
noon, anal song service in the after-iDISPERSAL SALE OF
ripen. This barn,we wish to ay, is new REGISTERED JERSEYS
and has never been used for stock, !
so come and bring your dinner. I wish to call the attention of the
Ed. Christinsen has returned from
Win. Lewiston spent the week-end
in Seattle.
Jack Farwell was over from Unio
Mrs. V. L. Knowlton and Gee. C•
Lundy attended the meeting of school
directors held in Shelton last Friday.
Mrs. Glewis and son Albert have
returned to their home in North Da- ]
kota ffter several weeks visit with
Mrs. Glewis' sister, Mrs. J. A. Din-
Mrs. S. C. Ogg, Mary Ogg, Mrs.
E. L. Bunell and children called at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W: H Hall
one day last week•
Mrs. Mary Ogg spent Sunday at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston and
sons Ronahl and Arnold made a trip
to Camp 2 Sunday, attending the ball
game between the teams of Camps
1 and 2.
Nothing brings larger or more sat-
isfactory returns than time spent in
systematic planning for next season.
Note where the mistakes were made
during the past year and avoid them
in the future. Study your problems
thoroughly and have a complete plan
ready when, the new season begins.
PogulaV membership in a farm bu-
reau is essential bec'aUsO the purpose
)f such a bureau is to serve all the
rural people rater than to aid a few
persons or special interests. As on
gives so does one receive. One cannot
expect' to i-ec'etve benefit unle'ss he takes
hold and helps. Tohre situation in any
rural community ' region is condi-
.tioned on the people of that commun-
ity; the situation can be imDroved only
hrough the people• Every ' person owes
n obligation to his community; one of
the ways in which he can meet his
obligation s to Co0perate in the farm
bureau ente,prise, The voting manage-
ment of these bureaus should lie as
faras possible; with'the people of their
region.L. :l-I• iBalley.
le of Mason County to the dis-
sale of registered Jerseys be-
L. Brewer of Satsop,
take place on .pril
6, 1920. There are approximately
20 head of heifers under one year
30 head of bred cows and heifers
4 males.
Brewer herd is so well known
hat it needs no introduction. This is
a splendid opportunity for anyone in
this County interested in registered
Jerseys to get unexcelled foundation
stock for a registered herd.
H. E. DREW, County Agent.
Ten Rules
of Beef Production
It will pay to investigate. We are selling our
entire herd of hogs.
20 Hogs ranging from 8 months to 2 years old.
(17 bred).
1 Sow with Pigs.
1 Service Boar.
First. Plenty of pasture and food.
Second. The right kind of cows.
The kind that will prflduce good
Third. A good purebred register-
ed bull--one that will sire good
calves persistently.
Fourth. A large calf drop. This
means that all cows shall drop calves
and that the calves shall be carefully
for at birth.
Fifth. Proper care of the breeding
mrd and calves.
Sixth. Selection of good heifer to
replace old or inferior cows.
Seventh. Prevention of disease
among the breeding herd and the
younger stock.
Eighth. Shelter sufficient to pro-
tect the cattle from both severe cold
and extremely hot weather.
Ninth. A practical knowledge of
fattening cattle for market.
Tenth. Marketing to advantage.
1 Heifer Calf.
1 Jersey-Guernsey Cow fresh in June.
We will also sell all of our chickens except
Rhode Island Reds. Hereafter we will keep
only Rhode Island Red chickens.
On Saturday even!ng April 3rd the
officers elect of the Skokomish Grange
will be installed. Members of the
Shelton Valley Grange will Journey
over and participate in the installa-
tion and entertainment. All members
of both granges are asked to re-
member the date and be present on
that evening.
Mrs: W. E. Edwards
Route 2, (Phone) Shelton, Wash.
Cid Boreas is preparing to go
To his home i n the North, i n lasting
'Tis his farewel song 'round the
chimney flue,
We hear it with shiver.---his whew!
WO0-O0-O !
Good bye old Boreas, the long winter
You have twisted with pleasure our
• suffering noses,
Your frosty old breath nippe d our
fingers and toes-es--
Now to your rule 'tis a happy adieu--
Go on with your snarling wind--
Closely around the bright fire we'll
We will not succumb to your freezing
old weatherl
Our hearts are as lights as the light-
est old feather;
'Cause we know you'll go back with
your windy crew--
Go on singing your songl oh whewl
Here is a definition sponsored by
the College of Agriculture of Ohio
State University:
Co-operation means so to conduct
yourself so that others can work with
S(,rghum Smith's brother had built a
new barn. Shortly after it was con,-
pleted a cyclone swept his ectlon of
the county• He was in the grocery
store the next day and Sorghum asked
"Did that cyclone hurt our new barn?"
"I dunno. 1 ain't found it yit."
i i
- , k,¢ ,, :', 1,, " !!
We have a nice assortment of Cotton Chicks,
Ducks and Rabbits. Also Flying Birds and
Ducks from 5c to 25c.
Our assortment of Easter Cards and Book-
lets, with envelopes to match, has never been
larger. Also Place Cards, Tally Cards, Postals
and Rabbit Seals. 5c and 10c.
We have just received a shipment of Kno-
Glair Linen Electric Light Shades in plain col-
ors and cretonne effects which will freshen up
your bedroom. Plain 20c each, two for 35c,
Floral 30c each, 2 for 50c.
Paas & Chick-Chick Easter Egg Dyes.
A good assortment of books at all times.
Also sheet music.
Journal Stationery Shop
Your Chance to Help
the starving thousands of famine-stricken Armenia is at hand
THE NEAR EAST RELIEF CAMPAIGN will start on Easter Sunday
and continue one week. Enlist in the Great Cause.
At Lyric Theatre, Friday, April 2
Afternoon for children, evening for adults
The feature of the entertainment will be an address by Dr. Allen of
Walla Walls who spent thirteen years in famine stricken Armenia.
County Committee: Mrs. M. F. Knight, H. E. Loop, Rev. Addison Self,
Rev. Tlomas and Charles Paine, Chairman
Blue EnameUe Ware S eclal"
Here is an assortment of "Ski-Blue" Enamelled Ware, specially
priced for quick selling. Every piece practical.
Per set of 8 nieces .. ....................................... $9.00
One 2-qt. Coffee Pot.
One 6-qt. Dutchess Sauce Pot.
One 8 qt. Tea Kettle.
One 8-qt. Dutchess Kettle.
One 14-qt. Roll Rim Dish Pan.
One 6-qt. Convex Kettle with
Cover. ",$$1
One 4-qt. Convex Sauce Pan
with Cover.
One 2-qt. Cereal Cooker.
Following are the prices of each
vidual pieces.
8-qt. Tea Kettle ........... ,%1.25
14-qt. Roll Rim Dish Pan..$1.25
6-qt. Convex Kettle ....... $1.25
4-qt. Convex Sauce Pan...$1.00
piece. You may purchase indi-
2-qt. Cereal Cooker ....... $1.00
2-qt. Coffee Pot ......... :$1.00
6-qt. Dutchess Sauce Pot..$1.25
8-qt. Dutchess Kettle ..... $1.25
This is one color Blue Ware, same inside and out.
of goods, guaranteed first class.
r I
A beautiful piece
i i