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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l ZI-IELTON-,fA0N COUNTY JOIRN:AL -- Published in "ChrLtmasfaw;7, [L,q.A.," helton, Washington Thursday / OVMNI l Ope.o,*d ky M=. d dl Wqshlnshm Stets Fvm4eal Dkretwe FUNERAL IIOM] BYRNE • BATSTONI= 703 Railroad Avenue PHOIE HA 6-4803 'Training Sohool Held in Shellon Th State Department of Natw al Resources conchtded their ar ntml training school last week. Tile t)rogrnn Jrlcill(led 1 race ing of Olympic District admini,  trators, all aerial photograph school and a fores{ practiee school. Reforestation. euttin[ practices, and the use of phottgl ruphy ill forest nmnagement ant l'ire c.ntrol were discussed. More than ,i0 department per. sonne] froll] t|lY'()Hgh()ut tht' stat attt,nded t he St'Selene. Try a Journal Want Ad i H ii t i i i u j KNIVES, SCISSORS SHARPENED • KEYS MADE • BIOYOLES, LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED • GENERAL REPAIRS • SLEYSTER'S BIKE & FIXlT SHOP 223 Cots Street Phone HA 6-8118 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • RED PATENT • HONEY • BLACK PATENT • WHITE 98 AND UP STRAPS -- PUMPS  FLATS GET YOUR POLL-PARROT SURPRISE PACKAGE AT THE BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" the Rutgers University School of Education fox' the fall semester of the 1958-59 academic year. A .junior education rla.jor &t New Jersey's State University, McEiroy now resides in Wetfl¢ld, N. 3. He is married and has two children. SIMPSON STORY--Mrs. Earl Merlcle, Mountain Simpson Logging Co. The cards offer an inter- View second grade teacher, demonstrates the set esting explanation of the local industry. of cartoon placards presented to the schools by LidMoEIroYat Ruigers°n Dean's Students See Cards, Tour Smmpson plant James C. McEh'oy, son of J. C. McElroy of 628 Cascade St., has Shorten second graders this of a new teacidng aid. been named to the Dean's List of week began enjoying the benefits Colorful placards telling about Simpson Logging Company's rail- Egg Seek0 Ro dy road vero presented by Simpson r a to the Shelton schools. They are being used as an intro- For H0odspod Hull duction and followup to theannual =inul i i i LOYAL ORDER' OF MOOSE Shslton Lodge Na. 1684 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Walter Tyynismaa, Soy, Phone HA 6-3292 i What we already know about your 1963 car The en&ine of your 1963 car will be lighter anti will give you improved performance, including better gasoline mileage. We know this because Standard's seientLts are ah'cady developing gasolines of the future. To test them, we u experimental engines installed in current model cars. The engines are obtained from auto makers and modified in our laboratories to match engine design forecasts. future fuels are. given the toughest possible workout -- on the road, as well as on this "indoor highway." Here we can create almost any kind of visit all second grade classes make Peter Cottontail is shaduled to to the Simpson raih'oad. blaze a bum3,y trail to the home Clarence Beauchamp, Simpson of BIll G0od'paster on the Lake artist, applied his talents to the Cushman Road at 2 p.m. this Sun- nine placards which include bEt- mated log's riding the train and da ifteen dollars worth of prizes careful reproductions of engines, and hddert candy eggs will be the or "lokies," roundhouse, turntable, 0_bject of Irch &t the mnual caboose and dispatcher's house. aster egg aunt in Hoodsport. A Mrs. Earl Mericle's Mountain plethora of pial;-aed htmter8 will View school second grade class be turned lose to seek out the made the first trip Tuesday and goodies, the other six are scheduled for the The age classification is one to following three weeks. All tohl, four-year-old& five to eight-year- some 200 children will get a first- olds and nine to twelve,year-aids, hand look at a part of Sheiton in- The yearly Easter rush, sponsor- dustry. ed by the iood Canal Legion and Auxiliary Post and Unit 230, is under the direction of Mrs. Nor-- -Dependents urga"-e = man Gray this year. Free ice cream will be given to all persons at the hunt. To Note Deadline up weather or driving situation at the touch of a button. Gasolines are tested at varying speeds and engine loads to simulate mountains, traffic, freeways... under climatic conditions ranging from 120 ° desert heat to 40 ° below zero cold. Your car of the future may never experience such punishing conditions. But if it does, we'll be ready with gasolines that will deliver all the power and performance built into its engine. Research that leads to new and improved gasolines is one of the ways the people at Standard are planning ahoad to serve you better. Ill , STANDARD 01L COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA September 30, 1959, can be an important date for dependents of certain disabled workers, accord- ing to C. A. Skinner. district man- ager of the Olympia Social Se- curity Administration office. The 1958 amendments to the So- cial Security Act authorized monthly benefit payments to de- pendents of a worker who is re- ceiving disability insurance bene- fits, Skinner explained. He added, however, that as in the case of ether types of social security pay- ments, retroactivity is limited to twelve months from the date a claim is filed. Thus. since the amendments be- came effective with September 1958, an application must be made no later than September 1959. in order to avoid the loss of one or more months' benefits. Of course, no payments can be made for months before September 1958, the month the law was amended. The changes permit payments to all the following classes of depen- dents formerly eligible only as de- pendents of a retired or deceased worker: 1. Unmarried children under age 18. 2. Disabled children over 18 if the disability began before age 18, and they are unmarried at the time of application. 3 A wife over 62 years of age. 4 A .Wife of any age, provided the wife has in her care a child entitled to benefits. 5. A dependent husband age 65 or older. H i- IT'S i DATE - [ Iourn's Calendar i of Events Today, Thursday, March 26 HC Unit No. 230, American gion Auxiliary, rummage sale, PUD. Golden Age Club, diner, pro- gram and dance, 6 p.m., Union Hall. Cub Scout Pack No. 12, 7 p.m., Bordeaux School. HC Woman's Club, potluck din- her, 7 p.m., Potlatch Clubhouse. Mason County Democratic Club, 8 p.m., PUD. Friday, March 27 Golden Age Club. rummage sale, Union Hall. Hospital Auxiliary, rummage sale, 8'a.m. to 4 p.m.. Armory. HC Unit No. 230 of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary, rummage sale, PUD. Shelton churches invite you to attend services. Saturday, March 28 Beta Zeta. bake sale. Needham's. Golden Age Club rummage sale, Union Hall. Shelton Valley Ch)vers bake sale, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sears Store. Sunday, March 29 Shelton churches invite you to attend services. Wednesday, April 1 Golf Club, free instruction for ladies, 9 a.m. Golf Club, men's haz'trd tourna- ment, 2 p.m. Atahwalpa COG skate party, 7 to 9:30 p.m., roller rink. #pe/ Un4em/e HERB ROTTER Title Insurance Building Proapeotue 9= lgeueat $011001, MENUS MondayVacation. , "- " "'" ; Buy Now for Spring! Ttlesday .... Italian spaghetti with ..."'" "'" ..... ' hot buttered French bread, corn :' "" .....' MATCHING COORO| chilled apple sauce and milk. ' ..... _.. :..._" " ." " ". Colorful Blouses and Wednesday .... W,e,,er,,n ,,tte,,ed .:..,::./../-a; crackerhU"' potato salad, iced grahamand milk, W from $12s! Thuz'sday - Chili con carne, fin- Parkers ger salad, peanut butter sand- --.,tll':. ": ., ":  " wich, apple cobbler and milk. Fri(tay ..... Clam chowder, ctteese . . slices, carrot sticks, ice cream J . . :. • and milk. Insta.t. relief 00om' L Sick of burning dollar bills in gas.glutton engines? 'Fifty-nine Mercury is the big. car solution to "Gas-eatis" with V.8's that minimize power-plundering heat and friction- topped by the world's only carburetor with a car-owner's con- science. There's economy, too, in Mercury's longer engine life-- result of shorter piston travel and fewer revo- lutions per mile. " ............... _ MERCURY This jewel of an engine has the some setting you'd expect. A car.! flair, with a styling that makes cut-down compartments and hatch" doors, but big, honest ir for six--and doors you can without folding into a "z. Like to sample the )rescriptiot best miles of your life? Take of a Mercury at Jim Pauley Inc. FIFTH AND Shelton, Printing.. ... Pays For Itself PRINTED STATIONERY insures a handy supply of letterheads and envelopes--no time lost look- ing for the proper paper and an envelope. When you think of Printing . . . think what it saves -- NOT what It costs! pRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window envelopes save billing time--get better returns. DRIND BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily eash sheets," "paid out eliue" helu keep records straight, shorten bookkeeping time. DRINTED ENVELOPES Day for themselves in time saved writing return addresses. PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUSINESSLIKE! IS MORE BUSINESSLIKEI Dial 6-4412 for your printing needs! Shelton-Mason County Journal l ZI-IELTON-,fA0N COUNTY JOIRN:AL -- Published in "ChrLtmasfaw;7, [L,q.A.," helton, Washington Thursday / OVMNI l Ope.o,*d ky M=. d dl Wqshlnshm Stets Fvm4eal Dkretwe FUNERAL IIOM] BYRNE • BATSTONI= 703 Railroad Avenue PHOIE HA 6-4803 'Training Sohool Held in Shellon Th State Department of Natw al Resources conchtded their ar ntml training school last week. Tile t)rogrnn Jrlcill(led 1 race ing of Olympic District admini,  trators, all aerial photograph school and a fores{ practiee school. Reforestation. euttin[ practices, and the use of phottgl ruphy ill forest nmnagement ant l'ire c.ntrol were discussed. More than ,i0 department per. sonne] froll] t|lY'()Hgh()ut tht' stat attt,nded t he St'Selene. Try a Journal Want Ad i H ii t i i i u j KNIVES, SCISSORS SHARPENED • KEYS MADE • BIOYOLES, LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED • GENERAL REPAIRS • SLEYSTER'S BIKE & FIXlT SHOP 223 Cots Street Phone HA 6-8118 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • RED PATENT • HONEY • BLACK PATENT • WHITE 98 AND UP STRAPS -- PUMPS  FLATS GET YOUR POLL-PARROT SURPRISE PACKAGE AT THE BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" the Rutgers University School of Education fox' the fall semester of the 1958-59 academic year. A .junior education rla.jor &t New Jersey's State University, McEiroy now resides in Wetfl¢ld, N. 3. He is married and has two children. SIMPSON STORY--Mrs. Earl Merlcle, Mountain Simpson Logging Co. The cards offer an inter- View second grade teacher, demonstrates the set esting explanation of the local industry. of cartoon placards presented to the schools by LidMoEIroYat Ruigers°n Dean's Students See Cards, Tour Smmpson plant James C. McEh'oy, son of J. C. McElroy of 628 Cascade St., has Shorten second graders this of a new teacidng aid. been named to the Dean's List of week began enjoying the benefits Colorful placards telling about Simpson Logging Company's rail- Egg Seek0 Ro dy road vero presented by Simpson r a to the Shelton schools. They are being used as an intro- For H0odspod Hull duction and followup to theannual =inul i i i LOYAL ORDER' OF MOOSE Shslton Lodge Na. 1684 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Walter Tyynismaa, Soy, Phone HA 6-3292 i What we already know about your 1963 car The en&ine of your 1963 car will be lighter anti will give you improved performance, including better gasoline mileage. We know this because Standard's seientLts are ah'cady developing gasolines of the future. To test them, we u experimental engines installed in current model cars. The engines are obtained from auto makers and modified in our laboratories to match engine design forecasts. future fuels are. given the toughest possible workout -- on the road, as well as on this "indoor highway." Here we can create almost any kind of visit all second grade classes make Peter Cottontail is shaduled to to the Simpson raih'oad. blaze a bum3,y trail to the home Clarence Beauchamp, Simpson of BIll G0od'paster on the Lake artist, applied his talents to the Cushman Road at 2 p.m. this Sun- nine placards which include bEt- mated log's riding the train and da ifteen dollars worth of prizes careful reproductions of engines, and hddert candy eggs will be the or "lokies," roundhouse, turntable, 0_bject of Irch &t the mnual caboose and dispatcher's house. aster egg aunt in Hoodsport. A Mrs. Earl Mericle's Mountain plethora of pial;-aed htmter8 will View school second grade class be turned lose to seek out the made the first trip Tuesday and goodies, the other six are scheduled for the The age classification is one to following three weeks. All tohl, four-year-old& five to eight-year- some 200 children will get a first- olds and nine to twelve,year-aids, hand look at a part of Sheiton in- The yearly Easter rush, sponsor- dustry. ed by the iood Canal Legion and Auxiliary Post and Unit 230, is under the direction of Mrs. Nor-- -Dependents urga"-e = man Gray this year. Free ice cream will be given to all persons at the hunt. To Note Deadline up weather or driving situation at the touch of a button. Gasolines are tested at varying speeds and engine loads to simulate mountains, traffic, freeways... under climatic conditions ranging from 120 ° desert heat to 40 ° below zero cold. Your car of the future may never experience such punishing conditions. But if it does, we'll be ready with gasolines that will deliver all the power and performance built into its engine. Research that leads to new and improved gasolines is one of the ways the people at Standard are planning ahoad to serve you better. Ill , STANDARD 01L COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA September 30, 1959, can be an important date for dependents of certain disabled workers, accord- ing to C. A. Skinner. district man- ager of the Olympia Social Se- curity Administration office. The 1958 amendments to the So- cial Security Act authorized monthly benefit payments to de- pendents of a worker who is re- ceiving disability insurance bene- fits, Skinner explained. He added, however, that as in the case of ether types of social security pay- ments, retroactivity is limited to twelve months from the date a claim is filed. Thus. since the amendments be- came effective with September 1958, an application must be made no later than September 1959. in order to avoid the loss of one or more months' benefits. Of course, no payments can be made for months before September 1958, the month the law was amended. The changes permit payments to all the following classes of depen- dents formerly eligible only as de- pendents of a retired or deceased worker: 1. Unmarried children under age 18. 2. Disabled children over 18 if the disability began before age 18, and they are unmarried at the time of application. 3 A wife over 62 years of age. 4 A .Wife of any age, provided the wife has in her care a child entitled to benefits. 5. A dependent husband age 65 or older. H i- IT'S i DATE - [ Iourn's Calendar i of Events Today, Thursday, March 26 HC Unit No. 230, American gion Auxiliary, rummage sale, PUD. Golden Age Club, diner, pro- gram and dance, 6 p.m., Union Hall. Cub Scout Pack No. 12, 7 p.m., Bordeaux School. HC Woman's Club, potluck din- her, 7 p.m., Potlatch Clubhouse. Mason County Democratic Club, 8 p.m., PUD. Friday, March 27 Golden Age Club. rummage sale, Union Hall. Hospital Auxiliary, rummage sale, 8'a.m. to 4 p.m.. Armory. HC Unit No. 230 of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary, rummage sale, PUD. Shelton churches invite you to attend services. Saturday, March 28 Beta Zeta. bake sale. Needham's. Golden Age Club rummage sale, Union Hall. Shelton Valley Ch)vers bake sale, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sears Store. Sunday, March 29 Shelton churches invite you to attend services. Wednesday, April 1 Golf Club, free instruction for ladies, 9 a.m. Golf Club, men's haz'trd tourna- ment, 2 p.m. Atahwalpa COG skate party, 7 to 9:30 p.m., roller rink. #pe/ Un4em/e HERB ROTTER Title Insurance Building Proapeotue 9= lgeueat $011001, MENUS MondayVacation. , "- " "'" ; Buy Now for Spring! Ttlesday .... Italian spaghetti with ..."'" "'" ..... ' hot buttered French bread, corn :' "" .....' MATCHING COORO| chilled apple sauce and milk. ' ..... _.. :..._" " ." " ". Colorful Blouses and Wednesday .... W,e,,er,,n ,,tte,,ed .:..,::./../-a; crackerhU"' potato salad, iced grahamand milk, W from $12s! Thuz'sday - Chili con carne, fin- Parkers ger salad, peanut butter sand- --.,tll':. ": ., ":  " wich, apple cobbler and milk. Fri(tay ..... Clam chowder, ctteese . . slices, carrot sticks, ice cream J . . :. • and milk. Insta.t. relief 00om' L Sick of burning dollar bills in gas.glutton engines? 'Fifty-nine Mercury is the big. car solution to "Gas-eatis" with V.8's that minimize power-plundering heat and friction- topped by the world's only carburetor with a car-owner's con- science. There's economy, too, in Mercury's longer engine life-- result of shorter piston travel and fewer revo- lutions per mile. " ............... _ MERCURY This jewel of an engine has the some setting you'd expect. A car.! flair, with a styling that makes cut-down compartments and hatch" doors, but big, honest ir for six--and doors you can without folding into a "z. Like to sample the )rescriptiot best miles of your life? Take of a Mercury at Jim Pauley Inc. FIFTH AND Shelton, Printing.. ... Pays For Itself PRINTED STATIONERY insures a handy supply of letterheads and envelopes--no time lost look- ing for the proper paper and an envelope. When you think of Printing . . . think what it saves -- NOT what It costs! pRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window envelopes save billing time--get better returns. DRIND BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily eash sheets," "paid out eliue" helu keep records straight, shorten bookkeeping time. DRINTED ENVELOPES Day for themselves in time saved writing return addresses. PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUSINESSLIKE! IS MORE BUSINESSLIKEI Dial 6-4412 for your printing needs! Shelton-Mason County Journal