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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pae4 SFIELION,MA, ON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ch:ristmastow,,. U.S.A.," Shelton. Washington rnal Shelton&apos;s Synthetic Parents will bc ('oudueivc 1o iris development, When /t child learns lo respect these virtues lit' w(m'l tr,'at them ligMly rio malter what infhmnee he en- c.onnters out,qide the honle. flu! it ,i('enls l.ha! a nunilwr of Nhelton l)arent abdicated their t)arental l unetil)ns. Polh'(, Chief Paul Hlni()n has said thai a major prol)h,m he eneounier with youngsters i, tlmt their par('nt don't know or refuse to acknowl- edge what theh" ehlhlrea are doing. Others dealing" closely wiIll the yolmgsters in the c.omnmliity alto) point an accusing finger at parents wimm they charge with l'efusing to co- (literati, wilh eff()rts to gtli(;l(., erring yonngsters, iade(,d, with even refusing to accept the fact tiI't (heir ("lihh'en ('t)uhi do any wrong. So Shelton folk are faced with the problem of pl,oviding a synthelic parerlt . a substitute for the real lhing. Some synthetics are stronger, nmre durahle than the real thing or possess some other cilara('lerislic that makes them a better substitute. But a synthetic parent cannot measure tip t,, a yt,a[ ()lit'; it's lJ(tUlld to be inferior. Thoe working to curb juvenile delhlquen(,y thus hay(', it atrlke agitillSt lhem Ix'i'ore |hey start. We haven't b('en ill the eolnllltlally long, i)al tgiready we lieN(: heard runlblings about tile hH)fiell(,ss of Silt'troll jllsti('t', lilt(lilt ho%v tOO nmny of the eases, tire (l('('lllls(l in favor of the defendan|, lhls this. too, had its el'feets on lit(; town's youth ? Thus. we cannot, help but wonder if "surface" reniedies new recrr, ational facilities, curfews and th(, like will have any apprecial)h: effect on the pl'ohI enl. 5,rt, ilaV(? nol been Ul your eonunnnity long. l)erhaps our ewiluation of the situation you face lilts been L(lo strong. But we liRe you to think about wllat we have said. Wc wish you luck. CAROLYN IfILLIER ITow to construct rt sylli.hetic psi,roll lhts iz the IYi'o|)]en oc(,l.lpyirlg' Sh,,llorl folk anti the Mason (?mlncil of I't.))'ent-T(mehe)s Associtlions ]H[OI", r. Th('y haverl't calle(i il that. llwy called it ju- youth, d(dinqu(:nvy and how h) cope wiltl it t)ut it ;Ill 8nl()tull.s to findh'lg a ,ud)stilut(, for paletllai 43tida)lee and training. %Vlm is the (a.e we use to back up this slate- D'lent ? J. C. Ultristellsen, theater optrator, has sahi that one of his iligKes( prollen1.< is parenls itinK his theater a.' a Ilithy sill:or. (:hil(Irert as yCIUl g ;iS pre->('}lool age are th'opped .rf early ill lira c\\;'cnil)y and Iefl until the theater /'l()s/g Sltf)le are v¢itholll l'i(Ios eve11 l]'lon. Oilier ('olnln(*ll|% ('l)nl.ern tile |yl)e of )ilo,¢ie. ehlhllon are alh)we(l to at lend, till* lilac- live nf s('nlllrlg ('hihllql (fit Io I)aby sit who aren'l ohl enough Io I)(', wllhoui lhelr ()wit par- ellis a,n(I allowing ('hlllll'lql to rtul IOIISC all day wlthaul "l,heeklng 111," These are clearly parealal middle, caners, o1' worse, "fel(tni(,s." 13ut, you ask, what about lhc oMcr children high sehool-ag(t youths whose a(.- li()).ls a It:lrcIlt ('tt)l'l nil)niter very well. These tit'(' (,lie ones (hal the police at'c* hauling' in for theft all(t V:111(11 |i:M/1. TI'll(.. Cerl;li,dy, evetl llIIiCh (if this c'ollld he a\\;,oidcd if parents kol)l prOl)Cr I't'igu on their off- ¢4pl'illg btlVIll' theln VJol'k It) earn spending nll/nl?y, keep (,crl.aill hl)ul'S ;llltl treal th(.ir use of the family vat. as  [nivilege and IlOt g,l right. TI3eo things, it. goes wilhoul, saying, should lie dolt(, [Ilti lillle aw::ly fl'onl holtlo ho\\;v can a |1,11<'(!111 ag,qlll'(,  the behavior of a. (:hill| then'.* Jf no prepara)i(m had been made wblie the child's activ- ities wore eonfin(d tit the honle, there is little that (H:in h( (htlle la, l(?l'. Character traits such as respectfulness, honesty, obedien(.e )'c,sponsihleness and fairness lllUSt be cul- rivaled by lhe parcnl "it an marly age for there iN I10 lnyHil'll'l('e 111111 Ii cIlil(l': ()lllside t'l/Vll'Ol3lTlelll Our' Hall-Way" Democracy ]aioF's remarks. Unfortunately, values are being .uhor.dinated 1o expediency in too many minds today. The "half-way democracy" is in wlgne, and education slmws tlis to() clearly. We are not trying to l'esurrect tile Russian s])ulnik scare. Its effect is well passed. However. let us create the American school scare. Let. IiS warn lhal the greatest danger we ftiee now is not from the, Soviet Union. but fronl the inner decay and collap.e <)I" our (lenlocratie ideals and institu- t JO:I. The first Me I) b, th(; "half-way democracy" Wl, ulcnliolll'(]. You see il wh('r(; elttze.llS are llillilg,- Io attend PJrA, bul won'l vote ior bond iSlll,; lire "avl'are" of s('|lOOi prol)lcnl, bill won'f pay lhe laxe niwe.,,istiry lo alievhile lliot, i)robh,ni,,,i • ill'l, lipporl(,r,,4 of gralh, sehool, Inll il.ofl at IIn, "eKlhead hltelh,-('illai" who i,ilriOl'l, fr()nl illllllliions lif llighcr lelirning'. ]f ('v(')" Anlerica ilad "OIl(# clear c.:tli" il is Lo ¢'ol//init itself l(t tile edncaiion of its yotlth-.a colll- llh'te. Iltlquil]ifio(t conlnliltill tO the fnllire of otlr ]l/ll )l)II. -- IOGEP, SIMPSON About 20 miles froln here. har)-icd legislators are W(ll'kinK o111 lh(.' Ins! hilches irl a s[ale fiscal pl'ol(l'arll for the cfnllin/y, bi'Rlllllnl nd ill every area (ff our sial.e, cilizens are wondering what cf- fc('tS lhe ticiions of 1.ills session will have on oiir lives in 1he i.¢Jlillll .t,ars AS ;qilid(,llLS al l|le i]1tiv(,rsilv (if Washirlglorl, we art: revolved wJtii orl(' ;s])('el of the Olympia rneditati()ns hiKhe]' (,rht('al.iotl li ])arL of tt great tlalit)ll<ti (.hlllcngl: in ,cltl{:ttti)li for all ages. A cl'itic el ],059 Allte1"i(qlll donlocral'y conl(ds ihLt 1]l( "hin(.,ss (if Altl,ti('.a" has pt(vol]lod tl fl'(tnl eg)tisidi!liill.. + Ih( l,eiIiLivt* v:tlll/4 itlld intl)()lTHIlee (Jl" (illl. li]ariv effo#|.s. We :t:kid :, proluin!lil legislalor io ()lyrnltia iow l)l+, 1}'nivcrsilv ;i li,rltf411iNR'lOn fal Ilig dtiring' Ihc ('.Ollli)lllto(' il(.arills (tli I1 blldf,et. Itis tfp|y \\;vts liOl (li(')ill'aJn,': "11 %(, lind ,'iMl{n(,d I)riorlly io lllee nlat- ler. hih(>r ('thlvtttlou anil elhi(,alhlii hi goneral iVt)lild hilVe re('vlv('d flri i*l)li.hh,ril.iil)ll. Ihll y()il slal'l al tim bl'R'ililling o[ till liillha- I)elil'al it,i of ilKi'll(,i(,, lin(I prl)(,(),(ql 1o (qloi) l,voryllilng, ,vlltl Io%e M#z'iii (l[ vahlPs," {4r(4 i','('] |]l(41'f' is l-t.lis()ll f()l' COrlCtq.rt i)i this legis- JANE'S JOTTINGS Around Ias()n (h)iln(y wilh (h)unty Extensioll Agenl COUNTY AGENT'S COLUMN NOV€ ] ](n()w tllel'(Cs a g]anll)llr iimt's only skilt d(,ep. It's the gia- inour of utth()islel'e(i ftirnilill'e. Rip off ii(, nlak(,ilp and ih0re VOli h'/ve 11. n'lise(qhtily of staph,s, sc'i'ap of btlrla|) and odd upilolSlel'y, ghlt,, car(lh()ard, an(l llltllti('oh)r(,(l c(dton linters. It's a hit ()t" a sho('k tit Set" (lln' n/ost plush fornl of flll'n- ishings in all its nakc, dness. 'I"]11, wolnell of lhe upholstery work- shops these past two wet,ks have tak('ll nlatlers into their owI1 /1;Itids and have nearly rebuilt each tile('( '. They've put webbing where there was none belt)re. They've relied springs t(t nlake then1 slurdier nnd they've I)eCll Vel'y eareftil tit s,,e that each piece (if finish fabric is Imlh>d witi all tilutnoss illinllili- 13' possibh'. THE AMBITIOUS ones are; Mesdames Paul Hunter, Ch(,ster Rosenbcrg, George Valley, Ches- ter Valley, Eric Sjoholm, Ryan Miller, Max Latzel, Paul Dittnlan, P. VanderWal, Earl Carl', C. Ka- dolul, J. Lentz, W. D. Anstin, I. Seljostad, R. Rickey, R. Winrove. The Agrienltnral Outh)ok sny we'll have an increase of 30 t() 40 per cent in the number of house- holds by 19.75. This points one di- rection of County Agents' work in helping homemakers with henri' furnishint4s skill and fllrnitlire buying. Wood refinishing is a good pro- j(t. May I once again heat tlte drun'l for the finish that uses seal- er. ,(, haw, a bulletin that de- scribes the formula of equal parts of linseed o11. spar varnish and turpentine. When you finish fh)ors and wood with this plus several Coats of a solvent base wax, the "worn areas can be re- finished with sanding and sealer again without all the bother of taking off varnish or shellac, and going over the whole floor or piece of furniture. Mrs. Frank Minor in the kokomish did a beautiful job with commercial fill- er and wax and she can testify to the ease of keeping these floors glossy. IF YOU'RE going to do over a piece of furniture and you've been usnlg polish containing sillicones, call the office for direction about removing the old finish If you don't take precaution, any new fin- ish will pit wtth craters Lots of folks like to have a eow or two here in Mason county. Sure- there is a surplus of milk that { wasted. If you want the de- tailed instructions on cheese of butter making, keep us in mind. ()Ill' h()nlellla kers are safety consciou since Vera Troy and Jo Bunce becanle state safety chair- men of the Washington State Homemakers' Council. Each month we stress a special honle hazard. .......................................................................................................................................... Lasl nlonth It was burns. "O/c are )'ill(" All e]evalor will be. used Lt) ] C1h Ves, while in Califoll]bl, we reminded that several kiEds (if air Lake _._____Nahwatzel ,,,,<,. <,,,,, ,,, ,),,. ,,,..,,.*<:. <,,,: fihning of several d(,odorizers, tn,ect repellants, en- I aboitl "500 fe(,( high. Also a real scenes of Virarner Bros. new lllovie { aYilel alld paini sprays alld hair ) lly MAI('V I)Altti',()N li[' rid(. iu :, Stll)i)a.'})l(' will he "A SlllllnIor |: lace" slarring San- sprays are l)(ttenttal b]ov¢ torches. {]FOlliliJ{,'% l'lien(i,-; m,iuhhors i'(,)dy lhis \\;(,'it' (])'H l)e(! lind Tl'oy [)onaillltL l)art They sil()llld be kepl on I1 high and r(!;ith,i's! Af!(,r ' Iht'o(.-lii)lll}Is TI), ll'it), ',vhh.ll n(Idod lip 3.337 of wilal we saw vctis in ]Vl(tnterey, shelf llway fronl e×perinl0nting ahNoflle t,iliN,(l I.iv sivknt.s>; ii?t(I ;i illih.s wii:4 tliOSil (,lll(iylihh, "vVeath- llle i't!sl \\;viis a shol of & l±ilbotlt. childr(ql and novof be llsed no:tr • }1/I Ill)Oil flanle. | l,o]((n H11klt ), | t'il ;i.!fit)l) )i'v I() ('i' V,.'s l.t'iin(i NI (leTCeS tht ) day ()vol'lul'ning' Ill l'Ol1°h seas. It. \\;VIIN keep "'[,;tke N:diwiizel" news in v..,, wet'(, in I.,()s Angeles Highways filmed al l>oint. Joe Cypress NEVER THROW empty press- ti)'* paper (,ltCll vvtek lh[i(,ve lilt,, trot(, ill 12oo(t shlip(', people werl; 1)(linl ill'ell. V(,t'v int(,rosting, lo lu'ized cans iato t;ile furnac(, or ill- ] have ll'lis(,d o:tllilr n'iv noiahb()t's v(,).v l*()lil.teolis and f r l , n d i ]%, say lhl, l(,llsi, cineral()r becalisc all exllloshtn ('iln tqlob ,,{t)itday nlt))"ni)l2 alld visii- lhl'i)ll'ttOlll th(' ll'it). rhih' in (3till- l')a\\;vs()n'.q Resorl will 1'e-open resull i,, ,, ft,,,, nli,,,,I,,s ,,,I,il,. ,.,,,,1 ,<t,'nla ,,,. VlSi,,,<l ,,,i, ,tai,ht,'r.,,<, *,,,ii, ,,'isilin< s,.,s,,,, ,,,ill sta,-t mLl-¢UtU""'-'ni" STotiN lilci)' rl('\\;v::L I':tl)lily sev("r;ll days ill ['ol't ()I'd. this year April .191h and w(, expeet ; .lllt I'eltliTlod lasl M'ond:t3 l'l.onI ('illif.. Si4q. /}2.C. and Mrs Leroy a good seasorl. Boats arid c.ahins n l(, lrtp Io (Talifm'ni:l. %,'(, (, SI)ilT)a)l(1 children ,Maly El!eP, a)e still available I,'or rcsel'va-ABOUT $5 LOST Itl'(')\\;.' tt' ftil' sotiih ItS S;t)t .ltl:ttl [)n\\;vsl)n, :ire now livinK lhere, tions call }lA 6-8;/23. ('altif;ll.ano. Missed llte swallows (-)11 Olli. I'f'llll'll hi)lie \\;k'c slayed March 291h special Easter Stln- A wallet containing aboul $5 t)3' ()li), day. 8p(,111 r)tl4, (llt't- 1| i)l lh(' srt()w COllntry 111 M|, Nbasta. dtiv servlcPs will be held at the , was stolen from lhc Nunecker's l(no(.ts Ber)'y .I,'ar)n and one in Quile l vhanKe t'ront lhe sunny Mtitlock Conullunily Chureh. Mac residence at 202Mills St.. last Sun- J)isl)eylanlt. To say the h,asl. Ihcy v,'ellher we had been enjoying in Worknlan of Shellon will conduct day, the poliee office disclosed lit'e bulb vet 3' exciling and oduea- (h," N(itlttl. Na\\;v I)utny l'll-in, borlu- lhe services. A shorl children's ,{rs. Jovce Nnnecker ropovted lionlll ''rol'ds ]llSl ('an't des(.ribe t.iful sighls ())l OIII' iFip t)lll nono |)l'OT:lIll will be at 10:30, her billfold contained $3 in bills llle l):lariy (!xcilint tlriboliev,abh ns pl.ctty lis Lake Nahwa|zel. {:1- l]vol'yono v<e]cOllle. l:lltraelionq i ill. Disl/eyl'uld. T]ley NOl) Colitllv. rain ul(I all [ Allan Hickson was confined to aud about ,$2 in loose change. It was taken sometime Sunday afLer- are now wdrking on ;i "B()h ,.led" " I his ilonle severa.I day wilh the noon while no one was at honle., ............................................................................................................................................................. flu. A neighbor told t)olice he saw Miss Sharon Kemery had as her a man leaving the Nunecker honle. overnight guests hlst weekend Tle man was described as six feet Yvonne Lan(tis, Jean Trenckman tall beiween 30 and 35 years old and Viekie Williams. A very en- and about 185 pounds. joyable weekend was had hy all. *2 98 and 00pencer 00'rost of ......................................... n Oakville were Slttnrday callers at AFL-CIO Offers the Kenneth Zillyett home. Scholarships Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ziliy. Students wishing to apply for $14 95 eft and son visited Mr. and Mrs, AFL-CIO four-year scholarships • Clarence Zillyett at Montesano. for 1960 must arange to take the Later that day they drove to West- Merit Scholarship examination at Parkers "'-"° rtan d vi sited Mr. and The late afternon Mrs" Ray t h ei was r Io c al hi gh school. If the spent digging razor clams, prnipieal cannot make the exam- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hanson inatlon available, write National and Mr. and Mrs, Eanest Lawson Me r i t Scholarship Corporation, 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. ..................................................................................................................................................... enj°_Yed_2as_l__Stmdayat_.Lu!;ls Children of AFL-CIO members Mr. Home Owner... - _ -_ _ PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Increase its value by keeping ahead on REPAIRS e REMODELING e ADDITIONS By Painting and Other Essential Maintenance Work If Your ROOF Needs ]fixing If [>"O11 Need an EXTRA ROOM If You Need a GARAGE ," If You Need a NEW FOUNDATION WE GAN HELP YOU And Will Gladly Furnish FREE ESTIMATES Plus 100% FINANCING IElt ablil, hed 11195) INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA. 6-4393 are eligible. JUNIOR DEPUTIES DIIVE Plans for a membership drive were made at Monday's meeting of the Junior Deputy Sheriffs. A prize will be awarded the squad bringing in the most new members. In other business, Everett Me- Coy was elected treamirer and plans were made for the opining day of the fishing season. Creek near Oenliralia looking for agates. Their trlp was very suc- cessful Mr. and Mrs James Bleeker were weekend guests in Port An- geles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Epps. Mr. F. E. Hewson spent three days last week visiting relatives in Yakima and Granger. A week ago Snnday Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Hewson were dinner guests in Olympia at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parker. M'r. and Mrs. ken Thomas and daughter, Mr'. William Price and children, all of Shelton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Meleum Dick and ehildren and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keyes of Montesano visited with Mrs. Edward Bateman Later that day Mr. Stanley Reed of Olympia called. We are happy to report Mrs. Myrtle Cameron is recovering very fasi fro'l a recent operation. She iv recuperating at her home on the Lake. Steve Reed is home visiting this week from his school in Seattle. At 7:30 a.m.. March 24. our ['irsl swsllows arrived to start building their nests. Lake Nah- watzel swallows may not be as famous as the Capistrano ones are, but, "the), arrive Just as regularly and can build just as many nests. pring hae now officially started at lhe Lake. Thu Eells & Valley Appliance Center Fabulous Discount A REAL DEAL ON. . FULLY AUTOMATIC Just set one simple control and forget it. AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL Provides ideal drying atmos- phere for all types of fab- rics. • AUTOMATIC TIMER Full range 10 to 115 minutes • . . no need for resetting. • FULL-TIME SAFETY DOOR Stops heat, motion and tim- er when opened • GAS OR ELECTRIC (Electric works cn either 115 or 230 volts) • SUPER-SIZED LINT TRAP • FULL-OPENING DOOR • SMOOTH, EVEN DRYING • MAYTAG DEPENDABILITY LOWEST PRIOE IN HISTORY FOR A FULLY AUTOMATIG MAYTAG DRYER 4 Model 65 C TERMS Put a new Maytag in your home for only $5.5 down and up to 24 months on the balance. THESE ARE ALL BRAND NEW MACHINES IN FACTORY CRATES $ I HAYTAG "All Fabrio" 1 We're dealing at 2-SPEED WASHING ......... ':: :::'; ":: ............... I"  ': : :,:::%"::: :;:::T!,::':::::':.:': N:>a:,\> ' :!: :ii:![::: }i:i!!.< :: i3: i{i:4i':!i$e{}!} :ii:i i:::: O 2 - S P E E D D R Y I N G :: !i:l  AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEl  !iil !i ' .:: :U@':I <:>""  {h ;!i #i, ,,, :, and see wba) :::!,:i:*.  C O N T R 0 L PUSH-BUTTON SUDS RETURN COLD WATER WASHING OR RINSING . . , of you wish your old or dryer i worth on $ new Eells & Valley Appliance Center 123 S. 2nd stre# Phone HA 6- Pae4 SFIELION,MA, ON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ch:ristmastow,,. U.S.A.," Shelton. Washington rnal Shelton's Synthetic Parents will bc ('oudueivc 1o iris development, When /t child learns lo respect these virtues lit' w(m'l tr,'at them ligMly rio malter what infhmnee he en- c.onnters out,qide the honle. flu! it ,i('enls l.ha! a nunilwr of Nhelton l)arent abdicated their t)arental l unetil)ns. Polh'(, Chief Paul Hlni()n has said thai a major prol)h,m he eneounier with youngsters i, tlmt their par('nt don't know or refuse to acknowl- edge what theh" ehlhlrea are doing. Others dealing" closely wiIll the yolmgsters in the c.omnmliity alto) point an accusing finger at parents wimm they charge with l'efusing to co- (literati, wilh eff()rts to gtli(;l(., erring yonngsters, iade(,d, with even refusing to accept the fact tiI't (heir ("lihh'en ('t)uhi do any wrong. So Shelton folk are faced with the problem of pl,oviding a synthelic parerlt . a substitute for the real lhing. Some synthetics are stronger, nmre durahle than the real thing or possess some other cilara('lerislic that makes them a better substitute. But a synthetic parent cannot measure tip t,, a yt,a[ ()lit'; it's lJ(tUlld to be inferior. Thoe working to curb juvenile delhlquen(,y thus hay(', it atrlke agitillSt lhem Ix'i'ore |hey start. We haven't b('en ill the eolnllltlally long, i)al tgiready we lieN(: heard runlblings about tile hH)fiell(,ss of Silt'troll jllsti('t', lilt(lilt ho%v tOO nmny of the eases, tire (l('('lllls(l in favor of the defendan|, lhls this. too, had its el'feets on lit(; town's youth ? Thus. we cannot, help but wonder if "surface" reniedies new recrr, ational facilities, curfews and th(, like will have any apprecial)h: effect on the pl'ohI enl. 5,rt, ilaV(? nol been Ul your eonunnnity long. l)erhaps our ewiluation of the situation you face lilts been L(lo strong. But we liRe you to think about wllat we have said. Wc wish you luck. CAROLYN IfILLIER ITow to construct rt sylli.hetic psi,roll lhts iz the IYi'o|)]en oc(,l.lpyirlg' Sh,,llorl folk anti the Mason (?mlncil of I't.))'ent-T(mehe)s Associtlions ]H[OI", r. Th('y haverl't calle(i il that. llwy called it ju- youth, d(dinqu(:nvy and how h) cope wiltl it t)ut it ;Ill 8nl()tull.s to findh'lg a ,ud)stilut(, for paletllai 43tida)lee and training. %Vlm is the (a.e we use to back up this slate- D'lent ? J. C. Ultristellsen, theater optrator, has sahi that one of his iligKes( prollen1.< is parenls itinK his theater a.' a Ilithy sill:or. (:hil(Irert as yCIUl g ;iS pre->('}lool age are th'opped .rf early ill lira c\\;'cnil)y and Iefl until the theater /'l()s/g Sltf)le are v¢itholll l'i(Ios eve11 l]'lon. Oilier ('olnln(*ll|% ('l)nl.ern tile |yl)e of )ilo,¢ie. ehlhllon are alh)we(l to at lend, till* lilac- live nf s('nlllrlg ('hihllql (fit Io I)aby sit who aren'l ohl enough Io I)(', wllhoui lhelr ()wit par- ellis a,n(I allowing ('hlllll'lql to rtul IOIISC all day wlthaul "l,heeklng 111," These are clearly parealal middle, caners, o1' worse, "fel(tni(,s." 13ut, you ask, what about lhc oMcr children high sehool-ag(t youths whose a(.- li()).ls a It:lrcIlt ('tt)l'l nil)niter very well. These tit'(' (,lie ones (hal the police at'c* hauling' in for theft all(t V:111(11 |i:M/1. TI'll(.. Cerl;li,dy, evetl llIIiCh (if this c'ollld he a\\;,oidcd if parents kol)l prOl)Cr I't'igu on their off- ¢4pl'illg btlVIll' theln VJol'k It) earn spending nll/nl?y, keep (,crl.aill hl)ul'S ;llltl treal th(.ir use of the family vat. as  [nivilege and IlOt g,l right. TI3eo things, it. goes wilhoul, saying, should lie dolt(, [Ilti lillle aw::ly fl'onl holtlo ho\\;v can a |1,11<'(!111 ag,qlll'(,  the behavior of a. (:hill| then'.* Jf no prepara)i(m had been made wblie the child's activ- ities wore eonfin(d tit the honle, there is little that (H:in h( (htlle la, l(?l'. Character traits such as respectfulness, honesty, obedien(.e )'c,sponsihleness and fairness lllUSt be cul- rivaled by lhe parcnl "it an marly age for there iN I10 lnyHil'll'l('e 111111 Ii cIlil(l': ()lllside t'l/Vll'Ol3lTlelll Our' Hall-Way" Democracy ]aioF's remarks. Unfortunately, values are being .uhor.dinated 1o expediency in too many minds today. The "half-way democracy" is in wlgne, and education slmws tlis to() clearly. We are not trying to l'esurrect tile Russian s])ulnik scare. Its effect is well passed. However. let us create the American school scare. Let. IiS warn lhal the greatest danger we ftiee now is not from the, Soviet Union. but fronl the inner decay and collap.e <)I" our (lenlocratie ideals and institu- t JO:I. The first Me I) b, th(; "half-way democracy" Wl, ulcnliolll'(]. You see il wh('r(; elttze.llS are llillilg,- Io attend PJrA, bul won'l vote ior bond iSlll,; lire "avl'are" of s('|lOOi prol)lcnl, bill won'f pay lhe laxe niwe.,,istiry lo alievhile lliot, i)robh,ni,,,i • ill'l, lipporl(,r,,4 of gralh, sehool, Inll il.ofl at IIn, "eKlhead hltelh,-('illai" who i,ilriOl'l, fr()nl illllllliions lif llighcr lelirning'. ]f ('v(')" Anlerica ilad "OIl(# clear c.:tli" il is Lo ¢'ol//init itself l(t tile edncaiion of its yotlth-.a colll- llh'te. Iltlquil]ifio(t conlnliltill tO the fnllire of otlr ]l/ll )l)II. -- IOGEP, SIMPSON About 20 miles froln here. har)-icd legislators are W(ll'kinK o111 lh(.' Ins! hilches irl a s[ale fiscal pl'ol(l'arll for the cfnllin/y, bi'Rlllllnl nd ill every area (ff our sial.e, cilizens are wondering what cf- fc('tS lhe ticiions of 1.ills session will have on oiir lives in 1he i.¢Jlillll .t,ars AS ;qilid(,llLS al l|le i]1tiv(,rsilv (if Washirlglorl, we art: revolved wJtii orl(' ;s])('el of the Olympia rneditati()ns hiKhe]' (,rht('al.iotl li ])arL of tt great tlalit)ll<ti (.hlllcngl: in ,cltl{:ttti)li for all ages. A cl'itic el ],059 Allte1"i(qlll donlocral'y conl(ds ihLt 1]l( "hin(.,ss (if Altl,ti('.a" has pt(vol]lod tl fl'(tnl eg)tisidi!liill.. + Ih( l,eiIiLivt* v:tlll/4 itlld intl)()lTHIlee (Jl" (illl. li]ariv effo#|.s. We :t:kid :, proluin!lil legislalor io ()lyrnltia iow l)l+, 1}'nivcrsilv ;i li,rltf411iNR'lOn fal Ilig dtiring' Ihc ('.Ollli)lllto(' il(.arills (tli I1 blldf,et. Itis tfp|y \\;vts liOl (li(')ill'aJn,': "11 %(, lind ,'iMl{n(,d I)riorlly io lllee nlat- ler. hih(>r ('thlvtttlou anil elhi(,alhlii hi goneral iVt)lild hilVe re('vlv('d flri i*l)li.hh,ril.iil)ll. Ihll y()il slal'l al tim bl'R'ililling o[ till liillha- I)elil'al it,i of ilKi'll(,i(,, lin(I prl)(,(),(ql 1o (qloi) l,voryllilng, ,vlltl Io%e M#z'iii (l[ vahlPs," {4r(4 i','('] |]l(41'f' is l-t.lis()ll f()l' COrlCtq.rt i)i this legis- JANE'S JOTTINGS Around Ias()n (h)iln(y wilh (h)unty Extensioll Agenl COUNTY AGENT'S COLUMN NOV€ ] ](n()w tllel'(Cs a g]anll)llr iimt's only skilt d(,ep. It's the gia- inour of utth()islel'e(i ftirnilill'e. Rip off ii(, nlak(,ilp and ih0re VOli h'/ve 11. n'lise(qhtily of staph,s, sc'i'ap of btlrla|) and odd upilolSlel'y, ghlt,, car(lh()ard, an(l llltllti('oh)r(,(l c(dton linters. It's a hit ()t" a sho('k tit Set" (lln' n/ost plush fornl of flll'n- ishings in all its nakc, dness. 'I"]11, wolnell of lhe upholstery work- shops these past two wet,ks have tak('ll nlatlers into their owI1 /1;Itids and have nearly rebuilt each tile('( '. They've put webbing where there was none belt)re. They've relied springs t(t nlake then1 slurdier nnd they've I)eCll Vel'y eareftil tit s,,e that each piece (if finish fabric is Imlh>d witi all tilutnoss illinllili- 13' possibh'. THE AMBITIOUS ones are; Mesdames Paul Hunter, Ch(,ster Rosenbcrg, George Valley, Ches- ter Valley, Eric Sjoholm, Ryan Miller, Max Latzel, Paul Dittnlan, P. VanderWal, Earl Carl', C. Ka- dolul, J. Lentz, W. D. Anstin, I. Seljostad, R. Rickey, R. Winrove. The Agrienltnral Outh)ok sny we'll have an increase of 30 t() 40 per cent in the number of house- holds by 19.75. This points one di- rection of County Agents' work in helping homemakers with henri' furnishint4s skill and fllrnitlire buying. Wood refinishing is a good pro- j(t. May I once again heat tlte drun'l for the finish that uses seal- er. ,(, haw, a bulletin that de- scribes the formula of equal parts of linseed o11. spar varnish and turpentine. When you finish fh)ors and wood with this plus several Coats of a solvent base wax, the "worn areas can be re- finished with sanding and sealer again without all the bother of taking off varnish or shellac, and going over the whole floor or piece of furniture. Mrs. Frank Minor in the kokomish did a beautiful job with commercial fill- er and wax and she can testify to the ease of keeping these floors glossy. IF YOU'RE going to do over a piece of furniture and you've been usnlg polish containing sillicones, call the office for direction about removing the old finish If you don't take precaution, any new fin- ish will pit wtth craters Lots of folks like to have a eow or two here in Mason county. Sure- there is a surplus of milk that { wasted. If you want the de- tailed instructions on cheese of butter making, keep us in mind. ()Ill' h()nlellla kers are safety consciou since Vera Troy and Jo Bunce becanle state safety chair- men of the Washington State Homemakers' Council. Each month we stress a special honle hazard. .......................................................................................................................................... Lasl nlonth It was burns. "O/c are )'ill(" All e]evalor will be. used Lt) ] C1h Ves, while in Califoll]bl, we reminded that several kiEds (if air Lake _._____Nahwatzel ,,,,<,. <,,,,, ,,, ,),,. ,,,..,,.*<:. <,,,: fihning of several d(,odorizers, tn,ect repellants, en- I aboitl "500 fe(,( high. Also a real scenes of Virarner Bros. new lllovie { aYilel alld paini sprays alld hair ) lly MAI('V I)Altti',()N li[' rid(. iu :, Stll)i)a.'})l(' will he "A SlllllnIor |: lace" slarring San- sprays are l)(ttenttal b]ov¢ torches. {]FOlliliJ{,'% l'lien(i,-; m,iuhhors i'(,)dy lhis \\;(,'it' (])'H l)e(! lind Tl'oy [)onaillltL l)art They sil()llld be kepl on I1 high and r(!;ith,i's! Af!(,r ' Iht'o(.-lii)lll}Is TI), ll'it), ',vhh.ll n(Idod lip 3.337 of wilal we saw vctis in ]Vl(tnterey, shelf llway fronl e×perinl0nting ahNoflle t,iliN,(l I.iv sivknt.s>; ii?t(I ;i illih.s wii:4 tliOSil (,lll(iylihh, "vVeath- llle i't!sl \\;viis a shol of & l±ilbotlt. childr(ql and novof be llsed no:tr • }1/I Ill)Oil flanle. | l,o]((n H11klt ), | t'il ;i.!fit)l) )i'v I() ('i' V,.'s l.t'iin(i NI (leTCeS tht ) day ()vol'lul'ning' Ill l'Ol1°h seas. It. \\;VIIN keep "'[,;tke N:diwiizel" news in v..,, wet'(, in I.,()s Angeles Highways filmed al l>oint. Joe Cypress NEVER THROW empty press- ti)'* paper (,ltCll vvtek lh[i(,ve lilt,, trot(, ill 12oo(t shlip(', people werl; 1)(linl ill'ell. V(,t'v int(,rosting, lo lu'ized cans iato t;ile furnac(, or ill- ] have ll'lis(,d o:tllilr n'iv noiahb()t's v(,).v l*()lil.teolis and f r l , n d i ]%, say lhl, l(,llsi, cineral()r becalisc all exllloshtn ('iln tqlob ,,{t)itday nlt))"ni)l2 alld visii- lhl'i)ll'ttOlll th(' ll'it). rhih' in (3till- l')a\\;vs()n'.q Resorl will 1'e-open resull i,, ,, ft,,,, nli,,,,I,,s ,,,I,il,. ,.,,,,1 ,<t,'nla ,,,. VlSi,,,<l ,,,i, ,tai,ht,'r.,,<, *,,,ii, ,,'isilin< s,.,s,,,, ,,,ill sta,-t mLl-¢UtU""'-'ni" STotiN lilci)' rl('\\;v::L I':tl)lily sev("r;ll days ill ['ol't ()I'd. this year April .191h and w(, expeet ; .lllt I'eltliTlod lasl M'ond:t3 l'l.onI ('illif.. Si4q. /}2.C. and Mrs Leroy a good seasorl. Boats arid c.ahins n l(, lrtp Io (Talifm'ni:l. %,'(, (, SI)ilT)a)l(1 children ,Maly El!eP, a)e still available I,'or rcsel'va-ABOUT $5 LOST Itl'(')\\;.' tt' ftil' sotiih ItS S;t)t .ltl:ttl [)n\\;vsl)n, :ire now livinK lhere, tions call }lA 6-8;/23. ('altif;ll.ano. Missed llte swallows (-)11 Olli. I'f'llll'll hi)lie \\;k'c slayed March 291h special Easter Stln- A wallet containing aboul $5 t)3' ()li), day. 8p(,111 r)tl4, (llt't- 1| i)l lh(' srt()w COllntry 111 M|, Nbasta. dtiv servlcPs will be held at the , was stolen from lhc Nunecker's l(no(.ts Ber)'y .I,'ar)n and one in Quile l vhanKe t'ront lhe sunny Mtitlock Conullunily Chureh. Mac residence at 202Mills St.. last Sun- J)isl)eylanlt. To say the h,asl. Ihcy v,'ellher we had been enjoying in Worknlan of Shellon will conduct day, the poliee office disclosed lit'e bulb vet 3' exciling and oduea- (h," N(itlttl. Na\\;v I)utny l'll-in, borlu- lhe services. A shorl children's ,{rs. Jovce Nnnecker ropovted lionlll ''rol'ds ]llSl ('an't des(.ribe t.iful sighls ())l OIII' iFip t)lll nono |)l'OT:lIll will be at 10:30, her billfold contained $3 in bills llle l):lariy (!xcilint tlriboliev,abh ns pl.ctty lis Lake Nahwa|zel. {:1- l]vol'yono v<e]cOllle. l:lltraelionq i ill. Disl/eyl'uld. T]ley NOl) Colitllv. rain ul(I all [ Allan Hickson was confined to aud about ,$2 in loose change. It was taken sometime Sunday afLer- are now wdrking on ;i "B()h ,.led" " I his ilonle severa.I day wilh the noon while no one was at honle., ............................................................................................................................................................. flu. A neighbor told t)olice he saw Miss Sharon Kemery had as her a man leaving the Nunecker honle. overnight guests hlst weekend Tle man was described as six feet Yvonne Lan(tis, Jean Trenckman tall beiween 30 and 35 years old and Viekie Williams. A very en- and about 185 pounds. joyable weekend was had hy all. *2 98 and 00pencer 00'rost of ......................................... n Oakville were Slttnrday callers at AFL-CIO Offers the Kenneth Zillyett home. Scholarships Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ziliy. Students wishing to apply for $14 95 eft and son visited Mr. and Mrs, AFL-CIO four-year scholarships • Clarence Zillyett at Montesano. for 1960 must arange to take the Later that day they drove to West- Merit Scholarship examination at Parkers "'-"° rtan d vi sited Mr. and The late afternon Mrs" Ray t h ei was r Io c al hi gh school. If the spent digging razor clams, prnipieal cannot make the exam- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hanson inatlon available, write National and Mr. and Mrs, Eanest Lawson Me r i t Scholarship Corporation, 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. ..................................................................................................................................................... enj°_Yed_2as_l__Stmdayat_.Lu!;ls Children of AFL-CIO members Mr. Home Owner... - _ -_ _ PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Increase its value by keeping ahead on REPAIRS e REMODELING e ADDITIONS By Painting and Other Essential Maintenance Work If Your ROOF Needs ]fixing If [>"O11 Need an EXTRA ROOM If You Need a GARAGE ," If You Need a NEW FOUNDATION WE GAN HELP YOU And Will Gladly Furnish FREE ESTIMATES Plus 100% FINANCING IElt ablil, hed 11195) INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA. 6-4393 are eligible. JUNIOR DEPUTIES DIIVE Plans for a membership drive were made at Monday's meeting of the Junior Deputy Sheriffs. A prize will be awarded the squad bringing in the most new members. In other business, Everett Me- Coy was elected treamirer and plans were made for the opining day of the fishing season. Creek near Oenliralia looking for agates. Their trlp was very suc- cessful Mr. and Mrs James Bleeker were weekend guests in Port An- geles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Epps. Mr. F. E. Hewson spent three days last week visiting relatives in Yakima and Granger. A week ago Snnday Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Hewson were dinner guests in Olympia at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parker. M'r. and Mrs. ken Thomas and daughter, Mr'. William Price and children, all of Shelton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Meleum Dick and ehildren and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keyes of Montesano visited with Mrs. Edward Bateman Later that day Mr. Stanley Reed of Olympia called. We are happy to report Mrs. Myrtle Cameron is recovering very fasi fro'l a recent operation. She iv recuperating at her home on the Lake. Steve Reed is home visiting this week from his school in Seattle. At 7:30 a.m.. March 24. our ['irsl swsllows arrived to start building their nests. Lake Nah- watzel swallows may not be as famous as the Capistrano ones are, but, "the), arrive Just as regularly and can build just as many nests. pring hae now officially started at lhe Lake. Thu Eells & Valley Appliance Center Fabulous Discount A REAL DEAL ON. . FULLY AUTOMATIC Just set one simple control and forget it. AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL Provides ideal drying atmos- phere for all types of fab- rics. • AUTOMATIC TIMER Full range 10 to 115 minutes • . . no need for resetting. • FULL-TIME SAFETY DOOR Stops heat, motion and tim- er when opened • GAS OR ELECTRIC (Electric works cn either 115 or 230 volts) • SUPER-SIZED LINT TRAP • FULL-OPENING DOOR • SMOOTH, EVEN DRYING • MAYTAG DEPENDABILITY LOWEST PRIOE IN HISTORY FOR A FULLY AUTOMATIG MAYTAG DRYER 4 Model 65 C TERMS Put a new Maytag in your home for only $5.5 down and up to 24 months on the balance. THESE ARE ALL BRAND NEW MACHINES IN FACTORY CRATES $ I HAYTAG "All Fabrio" 1 We're dealing at 2-SPEED WASHING ......... ':: :::'; ":: ............... I"  ': : :,:::%"::: :;:::T!,::':::::':.:': N:>a:,\> ' :!: :ii:![::: }i:i!!.< :: i3: i{i:4i':!i$e{}!} :ii:i i:::: O 2 - S P E E D D R Y I N G :: !i:l  AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEl  !iil !i ' .:: :U@':I <:>""  {h ;!i #i, ,,, :, and see wba) :::!,:i:*.  C O N T R 0 L PUSH-BUTTON SUDS RETURN COLD WATER WASHING OR RINSING . . , of you wish your old or dryer i worth on $ new Eells & Valley Appliance Center 123 S. 2nd stre# Phone HA 6-