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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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75 MILERS 00Jr. Hi Tracksters ,. To Face Jefferson Jr. Hig i ; hool I I',:tck lean), re- ,-,.iv,-,I pi,-s which acknowledged The Shelton ,Jr. High School 1.I¢oiv eIll);lllcC KIlo |JIC "'5 ;tl[e" track team opens ils season April ¢qnlr 2 aga)nt .lefferson Jr. High School II :l,i,.1 1( qP.l,lly It,l '.lit, ('bib. .1 )Iympza at .Stevens FieM in tilt: ,, .tJlt: /li,, ;1,,, ['I111 ".,i l,'a.t 75 capitol t:ily SHIP.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published In "OhLmaoum, U.S.A, " Ninlh Grad,.r .L,lm Sells. l.ay llob Bvickert heHd coaciL said. INt'iHq,r l)ick l,'i:.Illt'/'. [)oil Jotm-. "mrmg |hellI were mix l'e.ltlrnlng son and Mikt ,{Y,|lh. i;ilevnlt'H. The A bracket hokl- overs include Gary Shelton 9th Eighth (;ra,l,,r ticky l)urkin. grafte shoi.-plltLer and sorinlt.r. ,%','t,rltb (irl,lers l'Jlli Scrat- I (!INI)EIMEN who earned let- find l'lill MiIte. .he Sl/yder, " - lcrs lasl year. and are back with (_('tl'',' I,:-tVIINOI1 kilt( [{l).} r t::tliOtlI1.  EVINRUD| SALES and SERVICE Ill,}t*",' d*llint' lh' 'lalel' l(a.oil, :e"Pl*lly-tlVe hnplftllS tllrlletl tip 'I'h, ii,,,vo,;l Ill,ll'lb,l'N al'c" 11 tim first tllrnout I,qsl \\;veel.. P0 :. .... .... o , , ,:, ., .... . . .... ........ ..:!, : N:::  ." " WORLO'S FIRST Lhe E, squad are Rieky Durhin. pole-vaulter; Fred Bostwtek. sprinter: Dave Utter. broad-jump- el" and sprinter; and Joe Waters. sprinter. All B holdovers are eighth graders. I'he jmior high tracksters are mdefeated in dual competition the last two years. They went to Vancouver, Wash., to compete in the Southwest Conference meet last year, and lost out for top "mnors hy 3t:r points. "TILE TEAM this year isn't as slrong as the 1958 championship team, but they've shown well ill practice. They are strong in all field events," Brlekert declared. The head coach, who Is the Jun- ior high school football coach dur- ing the autunm, begins his fifth year' as track mentor this year. He'll be assisted by Jack Mallln- gel'. A cocker spaniel pup should grow a half a pound a week. A great Dane should add five pounds. $10.95 • 4 CYLINDER @ 50 HORSEPOWER @ V ENGINE Now at HILLOREST HARUWARE Falrmont & Olympic HIway " i i iii iii i i i i ii RADIATOR REPAIR AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Phone HA. 6-3483 GAS TANKS SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Boon's Plumbing, Heeling, Sheel Melal 623 So. First • Les Hansen, Owner RE-OPENING APRIL Isl Dawson's Resort ON LAKE NAHWATZEL FISHING SEASON OPENS APRIL 19 We Expect a Good Season TO RESERVE BOATS AND CABINS PHONE HArrison 6.8323 _ ijl ii iii, ii,]1 i| ,ira i i I ii iiiiiiii I ii ii i ii ii PROFILE POWER ... from 200 Mark Takes Bad Beating in Majors . MAJOR LEAGUE Pts. N,n,hwe't Evert.,.re(n ............. ,35 Dan's Nile Hawks ................... 13.1 Timber B(,wl ....................... ,28 Home Gas Company ............... 127 Jim Pauley, Ine .................. 9.'tz W)lden's Chevron Service .... 87.'., Ritner's Broiler ...................... 78 Olson Barber & Beauty .... 66 High totals Bill Roberts 633, B. Turner 615, Glen Robertson 603 High games B. Turner 246, Bill Roberts 236. Joe Holt 235, Chub Nutt 225, Bill Roberts 224. Exactly 15 "200" games were b,,wlod in Major League eompeti- Ming Tree ........................ 19 lion last Friday. B. Turner of Ralph's ........................... 18 SUCCESSFUL LAUNCHING'Cltmber Pitcher sophomore track and field team won the annual Jerry Mallory doubled as high-jumper at the post-season cind-.r meet with 51 points. Juniors recent inter.squad track meet held at Loop were second; seniors, third. Field. Mallory, a junior, cleared the bar as a (Journal photo, Dean print) young onlooker watched from the sidelines. The Young 'Olimber Nine Blazers of Glory Opens Season Apinsl i Sophomore Cindermen Impressive S011|ksp igJ|sapg, a younSUnag ma ' fancy ii n Inter Class Track Victory lightly turns to thoughts of . . . yes, baseball. And, it begins thi afternoon at Loop Field. By Akira Ichlkawa ning the first track event. Laurie Chet Dombroski's young High- S O p h o m o r e trackmen Somers, sophomore cousin to Har- ley Somers, high-hurdled 80 yards climbers take on South Kltsap in amassed 51 points to take thein 12 fiat to take the race. a non-league game with either Jim interclass track meet Friday i "IT'S TOO EARLY in the seas- Sargent, senior, or Jerry Mallory, a junk)r, on the mound, at the Loop Field. Junior on to tell how the boys will do in THE SHELTONIAN b e lie r s league competition yet," Bob Sund, have a young squad this year cindermen ran a close second head coach, said after the after- with 20 of the 23-man team being with 46, and the seniors, 1958 noon meet. underclamen. Twelve are juniors Sund, in his second year of and eight, sophomores, champs of the event, third coaching at Shelton as head track The Highclimbers will build with 40. coach, heads a staff including Jer- ry Vermillion, field events and their team around seven returning Overcast skies and uppergla junior high school coach, Bill lettermen. Besides the two pitch- competition couldn't contain the ers, there are Ray Manke, junior pace-setting sophomores. In the Brickert, Jack Mallinger and Walt infielder; Kermit hivermore, jun- 440 yard dash, Vince Bostwick, i Clayt°n" ior shortstop; Garth Getty, senior sophomore, posted a fast 56.9. He "We have a young squad this outfielder; Al Smith, senior out- was pressed by senior, Lon Dey- year, and rm counting on the let- fielder and Roger Hermes, junior ette, who was bothered by a sore termen to see us through," Sund catcher, leg. declared. Mel Mlekelson and Jerry Moore Harley Seiners, senior sprinter IN RETROSPECr, Sund ex- who were lost through gradua- and hurdler, was the only double plained he was quite satisfied with tion helped Dombroski and the winner. He tnrned in a 11.2 time the track meet, but added the boys needed to gain more exper- team to a championship last year. in th(; 100 yard dash, and 15 flat ience. There are only eight re- They threw five no-hitters be- in the ]20 low hurdles. tween them in 1958. The present turning lettermen fl'om last year's pitchers saw limited action last IN TIlE DISCUS event, two team which was undefeated in dual year. sophomore tossers took top honors meets. in a closely contested lnatch. Dave The holdovers are Harley Som- DOMBROSKI EXPECTS the iSharpes snared first place with a strongest competition from Che- 117 foot 9 inch lob. Pete Buechel ers, hurdler; Dave Roundtree, 880; Rawlin, McInelly, mile; Warren halls which lost only one player missed tying Sharpes' mark by Zeitler, shot-put; Ray Baker, fron last year's team. He antiei- an inch. Buechel, however, beat pates a strong North Thurshm out Sharpes in the shotput contest, broad Jump; Ron Guthrie and Tom team also. North Thurston took Kendall, pole vault; and Lon Dey- Warren Zeitler's heft of 42 feet ette, 440. the Central Ixague championship 7 inches was enough for taking in 1957. 80 YD. HIGH HURDLES--Lau- The Shelton nine plays three the event. Buechel finished second, Pat Dugger, senior, third, and tie Somers (Soph); Hurst (Jr); non-league games after the South Sharpes, fourth. Schneider (Soph); Smith (Sr). Kitsap (.cam before the league op- The high-scoring sophomores 12.0. Bernie' Barber Shop ........ 31 ener against Elms on April I0 at jumped into an early lead by win- 100 YD. DASH--Harley Somers Grayston ............................ 29 Imop Field; Two games with West (Srl; Bailey (Jr); Halbert ISoph); Les Joslin Insurance ........ 26 Bremerton on March 31 and April Robertson Soph). 11.2. Shamrock Cafe ................. 22 2 wi,, be 00o,l,,wed b, gamo Junior High Baseball .... Dave Roundtree (Sr); Herb Angle Insurance ...... 21 against Olympia on April 7. Pearee (Soph); Close (Soph); Ed- Beekwlth Jewelry .............. 18 /:/i;;,;:; h:;T-; Team Has New Ooach wards (Soph).-2:14.8. Pm'ker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 15 ' 440 .... Vince Bostwick I Soph); Hembroff Agency .............. 14 W L April 2 marks the opening day Deyette (Sr); Northness (Soph); Ar-own Bakery .................. 21 12 for baseball at Shelton Junior Livermore (Jr). 56.1}. New inside u well as outsid The new Johnson Sea-Horses go better with your boat... € make your boat go betterl THEM N SAEGER MOTOR SHOP Lions Club .......................... 20 13 High School. The seventh, eighth 120 LOW HURDLES -- Harley Timber Bowl ...................... 19 14 and ninth graders take on Marcus Seiners (Sr); Schneider (Soph); Ztegler Studio ................... 18 12 Whitman School of Port Orchard. Kendall (Jr); Rodgers (Jr). 15.0. Ed Byrne ............................ 17 16 Coach Jerry Knutson, who is in 220).--Larry Holt (Sr); Bailey Active Club .......................... 13 17 his first year as head baseball (Sr); Lallant (Soph); hawson iIigh Scores coach, has cut the squad once al- (Soph). 25.3. ' Boys' high game--Keith Savage ready. Holdovers include Joel Wat- MILE -- Rawlin Melnelly (Jr) ; 171 ters, utility infielder; Wayne Carl- Young (Sr); Wiflgard (Soph); Me- Boys' high total--Keith Savage son, utility infielder; Bruce Cow- Clendon (Jr). 5:13.8. 321 an, pitcher and outfielder; Rich- 880 RELAY -- Seniors; Sopho- Girls' high game-:-Gcry Wilson ard Watson, outfielder; and Henry mores; Juniors. 1:42.3. 136 Rose, shortstop. All five are ninth POLE VAULT -- Tom Kendall Girls' high total-Barb Schnei- graders. (Jr); GUthrie I Jr). 10'6"'. der 251. THE TEAM finished the season DISCUS--Dave Sharpes (Soph); WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE last year with a 5-3 record. Coach Buechel (Soph); Zeitler (Jr); Dug- Knutson said the team lacks pitch- get (Sr). 117' 9". W L ing power. HIGH JUMP -- Tim Hurst (Jr) Rainier Beer ........................ 76 24 ...... t i ..... ! and Bob Huas (St) (tie)" Rodgers Shelton Recreation ............ 60 0 unaer j m or mgn cnoot m es, [ nd Mallory -,. ,,d '-H,, t., Ritner's Straight Shots .... 59 40 a pitcher can pitch only seven inn- 17tie) 5 TM 4 '' .......... " .... The Tropics ........................ 50 50 lngs a week. Watters and Carlson, I " .@ ', ........ e  rxur r'ux --- warren ;el[ler ' the two pitch rs, are good starters, [ "JI )' Bueche" "-o h" --u'ee Miek's Tavern .................... 50 50 but if ever we should need anyl.Si.' Sha e i (op,); ,L, v, r Log Cabin ............................. 36 64 el e chin ' ' ( "; rp s (topn.  "i . Heidelberg Beer ................. 35 65 r i f pit g for them, we re in[ BROAD JUMP  Ray Baker Rtshel Logging Co ............. 34 66 a bind." (Jr); Halbert (Soph); Northness High game---Dot Roberts 181 High total---Dot Roberts 469 IIOUSEWlVES LEAGUE W L Shelton Union Service .. 29 19 Evergreen Texaco ........ 27 21 101 Park In .................... 26 22 Jhn Pauley, Inc ............. 23 24, Byrne & Batstone ........ 21 27 Buechel's Garage ..... ..... 17, 30, High game-Jean Rau 214 High totaL Jean Rau 555 (Soph); Manke (Jr). 18' 5". . MIXED FOURSOME W L Deerslayers .................... 72 36 Who Knows ................ 68 40 Rusty Ducks ................ 60 48 Board Busters ............ 56 51 i Timber Ducks ............ 56 52 Pin Busters ................ 40 68 Odd Balz .................... 35 73 Wee-Uns ........................ 33 /;, 74 ,, High Scores lell'R game--.Charlie Savage 211 Men's total--Charlie Savage 569 Women's game--Jo Clary 177 Women's total----Jean Rau 484 SVING SHIFT LEAGUE w L ttemlockers .................... 28 16 Planers ............ 26 18 Strippers ......... ::::::::::::.:::: 25 I9 Woodworms .................... 23 21 Log Peelers .................... 19/ 24V, Chasers ............................ 19 24, Mixers .............................. I8 26 Pin Benders .................... 1T 27 High game---Don Paulson 220 High series-Don Paulson 590 VOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Hcdriek's Sport Centcr 78 26 McConkey's Pharmacy 61. 42b) Jay Novelty .................. 521, 51,. Cots Grill ........................ 51 53 Manley's .......................... 48 56 Shelton Hotel ................ 45 59 Olse's .............................. 42 62 Ritner's ............................ 38 66 Itigh game ..... Alice Kopperman and E. Benet 172 Itigh total- Evelyn Eliot 479 TItURSDAY'S BAN'rAMS V 1, ('hnabel's Jay Birds,.. 22 11 Mercel"s Alley-Cops  21bJ llb Northwest Evergreen .. 20 13 .... Morgan and Eacrett .... 15b', 17!., Hedrick's Sport Center 11 22 Boon's Plumbing ............ 9 24 High Seor,.s Boys' high game-.Ronnic Good- win 122 Boys' high total--Thane Rucker 201 Girls' high game---Alice Pearson 94 Girls' high total--Alice Pearson 180 S E E Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 Northwest Evergreen came thru with a blistering 246 to cop the night's high. Turner was edged out by Bill Roberts. Timber Bowl, in the highest total however. The Timber Bowler amassed a healthy 633. Both Turner and Roberts turn- ed in two 200 games. Gene Robert- son of Home Gas joined them to make a trio of 200 bowlers. Turner turned in 211-158-246 series; Rob- erts, 236-173-224; and Robertn, 214-188-201. Other high included 235 by Joe Thursda MERCltANT'S LEAGUE W L Thackeray Electric ........ 27 17 .19hnson Shell ................ 26!:. 17!. Prepp's Drugs .............. 25!z 18b, \\;Vestel- Meat ............ 2l 20 Kimbel's ..................... 20 2.t Don & LcRoy's ................ 19 25 Ziegler's ........................... 17[fi 26# Olympic Plywood ......... 16. 27!fi High game Jim Kitna 234 ttigh total-Jim Kitna 606 STANDINGS W I, Darigold ........................... 28 20 Timber Bowl ................. 27 b, 20._, Richfield ......................... 27 21 Den's Flying A ............ 25 23 Eells & Valley ............ 24 !.e 23L) Gott Oilerettes .............. 19 29 25 26 RESEARCH I Mailtenance Celluloses Wood Birds Pin Curlcrs ........... ,, Acetate Aces ....... . Silva Foxes ............ . Clockwa tehers Rayoncttcs High h' Bob Tabke 236 High total Wayne CITY Beckwith's Wilson's Needham's ,t$&8 Frisken Oil L.M. Co. High game.--Jean Rau 245 Simpson High series. Phyllis Ziegler 612 Mac's Corner ........... ! ............. High The new $2.50 and Sa.O0 becks High game .-B. of U.S. Savings Stamps are handy High total---M. and dandy for all gift occasions. High team Ask at your post office. High team An inter-squad game played Saturday showed the Junior high graders' hitting prowess. Knuton pointed out Carlson, Jim Hilder- man, a ninth-grade catcher, and Bill Sloan, an eight-grade infielder, as power hitters. KNUTSON WAS graduated at Central Washington College of Ed- ucation last year. He attended South Kitsap high school, and was ou the basketba/1, baseball and football teams. I[ SHELTON HIGH SCHOOL RACKET SQUADFive tennismates of Coach Bob Kreger's took time out to accommodate a Journal photographer. Netmen kneeling from left to right are Ed Knee- land, soph.; Jerry Eby, soph.; and Lars Sjoholm, soph. Standing on the left was Don Anderson, sr.; and Dennis Peacock, Jr. The s01e 'Climber lettorman, Nick Zopolis, senior, is not shown. (Jouraal lhoto, aa prior.) BUD PAULEY'S Holt and 225 by Chub Nutt, both ALL CAR8 READY TO RUN of Wolden's Service; 220 by H. Spers, Dan's Kite Hawks; 215 by 1958 PLYMOUTH OLUB B. Calkins, Pauley, Inc.; 211 by Radio Heater, Auto. Trans., Driven 3,000 Miles by € Charles Savage, Ritner's; 203 by .de Kopperman of Home Gas: 201 --- by J. Archer, Northwest Ever- 'reen, and Mary Carter, Home 1957 FORD 4-DOOR STATION zs; and 200 by Clyde Zeigier. During the flutter armmd the Journal int week. the bowling itgze scorch were overlooked. Our apologies ar extended to the tegm mad bowler whone scores were omitted. A peehO pology Is due Warren Woods, who topped the 600 mark with a 688 score for Pantorinm In the Industrhd Legne. " i' WOMEN'S COM2M[ERCIAL LEAGUE Jean Rau's sizzling 245 topped the high game scoring in Tues- day night Women's Commercial Bowling League. The Timber Bowl pin-buster lost out to Phyllis Ziegler of Richfield in the hlgh series, 612 to 535. WOMEN'S BOVLING LEAGUE W L Hedrick's ........................ 74 26 McConkey's .................... 57, 42 !... Jay Novelty .................... 52L 47b Cota Grill ........................ 48 52 Manley's .......................... 48 52 Shetton Hotel ................ 42 58 Olsen's ............................ 41 59 Ritner's ............................ 37 63 High game-- L. Cole ]92 High total.-L. Cole 529 JUNIOi{ LEAGUE W 13 15  18: 22 23 26 29 3O High game-Stan Ahlquist 209 High total-SLan Ahlquist 555 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Insulating Board ................ 27 13' Purchasing .......................... 27 13 Lumber .................................. 24 16 Olympic Plywood .............. 24 16 Accounting ............................ 22 18 Loggers .................................. 14 26 Engineering ........................ 13 27 Research .............................. 9 31 High game-Phyllis Collins 220 High&otalPhyllis Ziegier 541 SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE W L Inmllating Board ........ 34, 91,, Engineers .................... 31 13 Loggers ........................ 28Va 151," Mill 2 ............................ 24 20 Railroad ............. , .......... 19 25 Loaders ........................ 15 29 Mill 1 ............................ 14 30 Shopa ............................ 10 34 High game---F. Snelgrove 225 High totalF. Snelgrove 572 FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Cascade-Olympic ........ 29 ,, 18 Lions Club .................... 26 22 Fuller Construction ...... 26 22 Active Club ................ 26 22 Moose Lodge ................ 22, 25V Kiwanis Club ................ 20 28 McCleary ...................... 20 28 High gameL L. McInelly 245 High total---L. L. McInelly 639 COMM]ERCIAL LEAGUE W L Delight Park. ................. 29 I5 Legal I61 ........................ 25 18!. Verie's .............................. 23 21 Wingard's ........................ :l 7 Gott Oil ............................ 21 22 Ritner's ............................ ll a Hanson's Oil .................. ]9 .5 Moose ............................ 16 11 High gae---C. Nutt 2x6 High tota]--C. Nutt 604 e 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering, 19S9 License $2195.00 1953 PONTIAO 4-DOOR Radio, heater, auto. trans., 2 new tires, ' $695.00 1955 DODGE PIOKUP TRUOK Ton, 6 Cylinder, Long Box, Valves '51 Ford Victoria ............. : ................... , Overdrive- Good Running Condition i '50 Ford Station Wagon ........................ 8-Passenger, Runs Good, Looks Good 1956 Hillman Husky Station Wa Valve grind, new rings | ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT SMALL I See and Drive a HILLMAN MINX, Complete ' Emergency Parts. i SPORT CAR ' HILLMAN DELUXI00 | i $57 30 Per Monlh | i Pauley Dodge - Plymouth A 1ST AND RAILROAD # Planning Is - with 6RAYgTONE MA THE COST IS NEED A SIDEWALK Our top quality ready-mix for a 4-inch thick walk costs only P about .............................................. m Call us for courteous friendly your building questions. No  0F 7TH & PARK PHONE HA, Over an hour of cartoon specials @ Games and Prizes IN Brakeman at tle BLUE OX Saturday, • 2 BIG 12 NOON  2:30t Kids .................... Students ............ Adults ................ 75 MILERS 00Jr. Hi Tracksters ,. To Face Jefferson Jr. Hig i ; hool I I',:tck lean), re- ,-,.iv,-,I pi,-s which acknowledged The Shelton ,Jr. High School 1.I¢oiv eIll);lllcC KIlo |JIC "'5 ;tl[e" track team opens ils season April ¢qnlr 2 aga)nt .lefferson Jr. High School II :l,i,.1 1( qP.l,lly It,l '.lit, ('bib. .1 )Iympza at .Stevens FieM in tilt: ,, .tJlt: /li,, ;1,,, ['I111 ".,i l,'a.t 75 capitol t:ily SHIP.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published In "OhLmaoum, U.S.A, " Ninlh Grad,.r .L,lm Sells. l.ay llob Bvickert heHd coaciL said. INt'iHq,r l)ick l,'i:.Illt'/'. [)oil Jotm-. "mrmg |hellI were mix l'e.ltlrnlng son and Mikt ,{Y,|lh. i;ilevnlt'H. The A bracket hokl- overs include Gary Shelton 9th Eighth (;ra,l,,r ticky l)urkin. grafte shoi.-plltLer and sorinlt.r. ,%','t,rltb (irl,lers l'Jlli Scrat- I (!INI)EIMEN who earned let- find l'lill MiIte. .he Sl/yder, " - lcrs lasl year. and are back with (_('tl'',' I,:-tVIINOI1 kilt( [{l).} r t::tliOtlI1.  EVINRUD| SALES and SERVICE Ill,}t*",' d*llint' lh' 'lalel' l(a.oil, :e"Pl*lly-tlVe hnplftllS tllrlletl tip 'I'h, ii,,,vo,;l Ill,ll'lb,l'N al'c" 11 tim first tllrnout I,qsl \\;veel.. P0 :. .... .... o , , ,:, ., .... . . .... ........ ..:!, : N:::  ." " WORLO'S FIRST Lhe E, squad are Rieky Durhin. pole-vaulter; Fred Bostwtek. sprinter: Dave Utter. broad-jump- el" and sprinter; and Joe Waters. sprinter. All B holdovers are eighth graders. I'he jmior high tracksters are mdefeated in dual competition the last two years. They went to Vancouver, Wash., to compete in the Southwest Conference meet last year, and lost out for top "mnors hy 3t:r points. "TILE TEAM this year isn't as slrong as the 1958 championship team, but they've shown well ill practice. They are strong in all field events," Brlekert declared. The head coach, who Is the Jun- ior high school football coach dur- ing the autunm, begins his fifth year' as track mentor this year. He'll be assisted by Jack Mallln- gel'. A cocker spaniel pup should grow a half a pound a week. A great Dane should add five pounds. $10.95 • 4 CYLINDER @ 50 HORSEPOWER @ V ENGINE Now at HILLOREST HARUWARE Falrmont & Olympic HIway " i i iii iii i i i i ii RADIATOR REPAIR AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Phone HA. 6-3483 GAS TANKS SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Boon's Plumbing, Heeling, Sheel Melal 623 So. First • Les Hansen, Owner RE-OPENING APRIL Isl Dawson's Resort ON LAKE NAHWATZEL FISHING SEASON OPENS APRIL 19 We Expect a Good Season TO RESERVE BOATS AND CABINS PHONE HArrison 6.8323 _ ijl ii iii, ii,]1 i| ,ira i i I ii iiiiiiii I ii ii i ii ii PROFILE POWER ... from 200 Mark Takes Bad Beating in Majors . MAJOR LEAGUE Pts. N,n,hwe't Evert.,.re(n ............. ,35 Dan's Nile Hawks ................... 13.1 Timber B(,wl ....................... ,28 Home Gas Company ............... 127 Jim Pauley, Ine .................. 9.'tz W)lden's Chevron Service .... 87.'., Ritner's Broiler ...................... 78 Olson Barber & Beauty .... 66 High totals Bill Roberts 633, B. Turner 615, Glen Robertson 603 High games B. Turner 246, Bill Roberts 236. Joe Holt 235, Chub Nutt 225, Bill Roberts 224. Exactly 15 "200" games were b,,wlod in Major League eompeti- Ming Tree ........................ 19 lion last Friday. B. Turner of Ralph's ........................... 18 SUCCESSFUL LAUNCHING'Cltmber Pitcher sophomore track and field team won the annual Jerry Mallory doubled as high-jumper at the post-season cind-.r meet with 51 points. Juniors recent inter.squad track meet held at Loop were second; seniors, third. Field. Mallory, a junior, cleared the bar as a (Journal photo, Dean print) young onlooker watched from the sidelines. The Young 'Olimber Nine Blazers of Glory Opens Season Apinsl i Sophomore Cindermen Impressive S011|ksp igJ|sapg, a younSUnag ma ' fancy ii n Inter Class Track Victory lightly turns to thoughts of . . . yes, baseball. And, it begins thi afternoon at Loop Field. By Akira Ichlkawa ning the first track event. Laurie Chet Dombroski's young High- S O p h o m o r e trackmen Somers, sophomore cousin to Har- ley Somers, high-hurdled 80 yards climbers take on South Kltsap in amassed 51 points to take thein 12 fiat to take the race. a non-league game with either Jim interclass track meet Friday i "IT'S TOO EARLY in the seas- Sargent, senior, or Jerry Mallory, a junk)r, on the mound, at the Loop Field. Junior on to tell how the boys will do in THE SHELTONIAN b e lie r s league competition yet," Bob Sund, have a young squad this year cindermen ran a close second head coach, said after the after- with 20 of the 23-man team being with 46, and the seniors, 1958 noon meet. underclamen. Twelve are juniors Sund, in his second year of and eight, sophomores, champs of the event, third coaching at Shelton as head track The Highclimbers will build with 40. coach, heads a staff including Jer- ry Vermillion, field events and their team around seven returning Overcast skies and uppergla junior high school coach, Bill lettermen. Besides the two pitch- competition couldn't contain the ers, there are Ray Manke, junior pace-setting sophomores. In the Brickert, Jack Mallinger and Walt infielder; Kermit hivermore, jun- 440 yard dash, Vince Bostwick, i Clayt°n" ior shortstop; Garth Getty, senior sophomore, posted a fast 56.9. He "We have a young squad this outfielder; Al Smith, senior out- was pressed by senior, Lon Dey- year, and rm counting on the let- fielder and Roger Hermes, junior ette, who was bothered by a sore termen to see us through," Sund catcher, leg. declared. Mel Mlekelson and Jerry Moore Harley Seiners, senior sprinter IN RETROSPECr, Sund ex- who were lost through gradua- and hurdler, was the only double plained he was quite satisfied with tion helped Dombroski and the winner. He tnrned in a 11.2 time the track meet, but added the boys needed to gain more exper- team to a championship last year. in th(; 100 yard dash, and 15 flat ience. There are only eight re- They threw five no-hitters be- in the ]20 low hurdles. tween them in 1958. The present turning lettermen fl'om last year's pitchers saw limited action last IN TIlE DISCUS event, two team which was undefeated in dual year. sophomore tossers took top honors meets. in a closely contested lnatch. Dave The holdovers are Harley Som- DOMBROSKI EXPECTS the iSharpes snared first place with a strongest competition from Che- 117 foot 9 inch lob. Pete Buechel ers, hurdler; Dave Roundtree, 880; Rawlin, McInelly, mile; Warren halls which lost only one player missed tying Sharpes' mark by Zeitler, shot-put; Ray Baker, fron last year's team. He antiei- an inch. Buechel, however, beat pates a strong North Thurshm out Sharpes in the shotput contest, broad Jump; Ron Guthrie and Tom team also. North Thurston took Kendall, pole vault; and Lon Dey- Warren Zeitler's heft of 42 feet ette, 440. the Central Ixague championship 7 inches was enough for taking in 1957. 80 YD. HIGH HURDLES--Lau- The Shelton nine plays three the event. Buechel finished second, Pat Dugger, senior, third, and tie Somers (Soph); Hurst (Jr); non-league games after the South Sharpes, fourth. Schneider (Soph); Smith (Sr). Kitsap (.cam before the league op- The high-scoring sophomores 12.0. Bernie' Barber Shop ........ 31 ener against Elms on April I0 at jumped into an early lead by win- 100 YD. DASH--Harley Somers Grayston ............................ 29 Imop Field; Two games with West (Srl; Bailey (Jr); Halbert ISoph); Les Joslin Insurance ........ 26 Bremerton on March 31 and April Robertson Soph). 11.2. Shamrock Cafe ................. 22 2 wi,, be 00o,l,,wed b, gamo Junior High Baseball .... Dave Roundtree (Sr); Herb Angle Insurance ...... 21 against Olympia on April 7. Pearee (Soph); Close (Soph); Ed- Beekwlth Jewelry .............. 18 /:/i;;,;:; h:;T-; Team Has New Ooach wards (Soph).-2:14.8. Pm'ker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 15 ' 440 .... Vince Bostwick I Soph); Hembroff Agency .............. 14 W L April 2 marks the opening day Deyette (Sr); Northness (Soph); Ar-own Bakery .................. 21 12 for baseball at Shelton Junior Livermore (Jr). 56.1}. New inside u well as outsid The new Johnson Sea-Horses go better with your boat... € make your boat go betterl THEM N SAEGER MOTOR SHOP Lions Club .......................... 20 13 High School. The seventh, eighth 120 LOW HURDLES -- Harley Timber Bowl ...................... 19 14 and ninth graders take on Marcus Seiners (Sr); Schneider (Soph); Ztegler Studio ................... 18 12 Whitman School of Port Orchard. Kendall (Jr); Rodgers (Jr). 15.0. Ed Byrne ............................ 17 16 Coach Jerry Knutson, who is in 220).--Larry Holt (Sr); Bailey Active Club .......................... 13 17 his first year as head baseball (Sr); Lallant (Soph); hawson iIigh Scores coach, has cut the squad once al- (Soph). 25.3. ' Boys' high game--Keith Savage ready. Holdovers include Joel Wat- MILE -- Rawlin Melnelly (Jr) ; 171 ters, utility infielder; Wayne Carl- Young (Sr); Wiflgard (Soph); Me- Boys' high total--Keith Savage son, utility infielder; Bruce Cow- Clendon (Jr). 5:13.8. 321 an, pitcher and outfielder; Rich- 880 RELAY -- Seniors; Sopho- Girls' high game-:-Gcry Wilson ard Watson, outfielder; and Henry mores; Juniors. 1:42.3. 136 Rose, shortstop. All five are ninth POLE VAULT -- Tom Kendall Girls' high total-Barb Schnei- graders. (Jr); GUthrie I Jr). 10'6"'. der 251. THE TEAM finished the season DISCUS--Dave Sharpes (Soph); WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE last year with a 5-3 record. Coach Buechel (Soph); Zeitler (Jr); Dug- Knutson said the team lacks pitch- get (Sr). 117' 9". W Ling power. HIGH JUMP -- Tim Hurst (Jr) Rainier Beer ........................ 76 24 ...... t i ..... ! and Bob Huas (St) (tie)" Rodgers Shelton Recreation ............ 60 0 unaer j m or mgn cnoot m es, [ nd Mallory -,. ,,d '-H,, t., Ritner's Straight Shots .... 59 40 a pitcher can pitch only seven inn- 17tie) 5 TM 4 '' .......... " .... The Tropics ........................ 50 50 lngs a week. Watters and Carlson, I " .@ ', ........ e  rxur r'ux --- warren ;el[ler ' the two pitch rs, are good starters, [ "JI )' Bueche" "-o h" --u'ee Miek's Tavern .................... 50 50 but if ever we should need anyl.Si.' Sha e i (op,); ,L, v, r Log Cabin ............................. 36 64 el e chin ' ' ( "; rp s (topn.  "i . Heidelberg Beer ................. 35 65 r i f pit g for them, we re in[ BROAD JUMP  Ray Baker Rtshel Logging Co ............. 34 66 a bind." (Jr); Halbert (Soph); Northness High game---Dot Roberts 181 High total---Dot Roberts 469 IIOUSEWlVES LEAGUE W L Shelton Union Service .. 29 19 Evergreen Texaco ........ 27 21 101 Park In .................... 26 22 Jhn Pauley, Inc ............. 23 24, Byrne & Batstone ........ 21 27 Buechel's Garage ..... ..... 17, 30, High game-Jean Rau 214 High totaL Jean Rau 555 (Soph); Manke (Jr). 18' 5". . MIXED FOURSOME W L Deerslayers .................... 72 36 Who Knows ................ 68 40 Rusty Ducks ................ 60 48 Board Busters ............ 56 51 i Timber Ducks ............ 56 52 Pin Busters ................ 40 68 Odd Balz .................... 35 73 Wee-Uns ........................ 33 /;, 74 ,, High Scores lell'R game--.Charlie Savage 211 Men's total--Charlie Savage 569 Women's game--Jo Clary 177 Women's total----Jean Rau 484 SVING SHIFT LEAGUE w L ttemlockers .................... 28 16 Planers ............ 26 18 Strippers ......... ::::::::::::.:::: 25 I9 Woodworms .................... 23 21 Log Peelers .................... 19/ 24V, Chasers ............................ 19 24, Mixers .............................. I8 26 Pin Benders .................... 1T 27 High game---Don Paulson 220 High series-Don Paulson 590 VOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Hcdriek's Sport Centcr 78 26 McConkey's Pharmacy 61. 42b) Jay Novelty .................. 521, 51,. Cots Grill ........................ 51 53 Manley's .......................... 48 56 Shelton Hotel ................ 45 59 Olse's .............................. 42 62 Ritner's ............................ 38 66 Itigh game ..... Alice Kopperman and E. Benet 172 Itigh total- Evelyn Eliot 479 TItURSDAY'S BAN'rAMS V 1, ('hnabel's Jay Birds,.. 22 11 Mercel"s Alley-Cops  21bJ llb Northwest Evergreen .. 20 13 .... Morgan and Eacrett .... 15b', 17!., Hedrick's Sport Center 11 22 Boon's Plumbing ............ 9 24 High Seor,.s Boys' high game-.Ronnic Good- win 122 Boys' high total--Thane Rucker 201 Girls' high game---Alice Pearson 94 Girls' high total--Alice Pearson 180 S E E Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 Northwest Evergreen came thru with a blistering 246 to cop the night's high. Turner was edged out by Bill Roberts. Timber Bowl, in the highest total however. The Timber Bowler amassed a healthy 633. Both Turner and Roberts turn- ed in two 200 games. Gene Robert- son of Home Gas joined them to make a trio of 200 bowlers. Turner turned in 211-158-246 series; Rob- erts, 236-173-224; and Robertn, 214-188-201. Other high included 235 by Joe Thursda MERCltANT'S LEAGUE W L Thackeray Electric ........ 27 17 .19hnson Shell ................ 26!:. 17!. Prepp's Drugs .............. 25!z 18b, \\;Vestel- Meat ............ 2l 20 Kimbel's ..................... 20 2.t Don & LcRoy's ................ 19 25 Ziegler's ........................... 17[fi 26# Olympic Plywood ......... 16. 27!fi High game Jim Kitna 234 ttigh total-Jim Kitna 606 STANDINGS W I, Darigold ........................... 28 20 Timber Bowl ................. 27 b, 20._, Richfield ......................... 27 21 Den's Flying A ............ 25 23 Eells & Valley ............ 24 !.e 23L) Gott Oilerettes .............. 19 29 25 26 RESEARCH I Mailtenance Celluloses Wood Birds Pin Curlcrs ........... ,, Acetate Aces ....... . Silva Foxes ............ . Clockwa tehers Rayoncttcs High h' Bob Tabke 236 High total Wayne CITY Beckwith's Wilson's Needham's ,t$&8 Frisken Oil L.M. Co. High game.--Jean Rau 245 Simpson High series. Phyllis Ziegler 612 Mac's Corner ........... ! ............. High The new $2.50 and Sa.O0 becks High game .-B. of U.S. Savings Stamps are handy High total---M. and dandy for all gift occasions. High team Ask at your post office. High team An inter-squad game played Saturday showed the Junior high graders' hitting prowess. Knuton pointed out Carlson, Jim Hilder- man, a ninth-grade catcher, and Bill Sloan, an eight-grade infielder, as power hitters. KNUTSON WAS graduated at Central Washington College of Ed- ucation last year. He attended South Kitsap high school, and was ou the basketba/1, baseball and football teams. I[ SHELTON HIGH SCHOOL RACKET SQUADFive tennismates of Coach Bob Kreger's took time out to accommodate a Journal photographer. Netmen kneeling from left to right are Ed Knee- land, soph.; Jerry Eby, soph.; and Lars Sjoholm, soph. Standing on the left was Don Anderson, sr.; and Dennis Peacock, Jr. The s01e 'Climber lettorman, Nick Zopolis, senior, is not shown. (Jouraal lhoto, aa prior.) BUD PAULEY'S Holt and 225 by Chub Nutt, both ALL CAR8 READY TO RUN of Wolden's Service; 220 by H. Spers, Dan's Kite Hawks; 215 by 1958 PLYMOUTH OLUB B. Calkins, Pauley, Inc.; 211 by Radio Heater, Auto. Trans., Driven 3,000 Miles by € Charles Savage, Ritner's; 203 by .de Kopperman of Home Gas: 201 --- by J. Archer, Northwest Ever- 'reen, and Mary Carter, Home 1957 FORD 4-DOOR STATION zs; and 200 by Clyde Zeigier. During the flutter armmd the Journal int week. the bowling itgze scorch were overlooked. Our apologies ar extended to the tegm mad bowler whone scores were omitted. A peehO pology Is due Warren Woods, who topped the 600 mark with a 688 score for Pantorinm In the Industrhd Legne. " i' WOMEN'S COM2M[ERCIAL LEAGUE Jean Rau's sizzling 245 topped the high game scoring in Tues- day night Women's Commercial Bowling League. The Timber Bowl pin-buster lost out to Phyllis Ziegler of Richfield in the hlgh series, 612 to 535. WOMEN'S BOVLING LEAGUE W L Hedrick's ........................ 74 26 McConkey's .................... 57, 42 !... Jay Novelty .................... 52L 47b Cota Grill ........................ 48 52 Manley's .......................... 48 52 Shetton Hotel ................ 42 58 Olsen's ............................ 41 59 Ritner's ............................ 37 63 High game-- L. Cole ]92 High total.-L. Cole 529 JUNIOi{ LEAGUE W 13 15  18: 22 23 26 29 3O High game-Stan Ahlquist 209 High total-SLan Ahlquist 555 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Insulating Board ................ 27 13' Purchasing .......................... 27 13 Lumber .................................. 24 16 Olympic Plywood .............. 24 16 Accounting ............................ 22 18 Loggers .................................. 14 26 Engineering ........................ 13 27 Research .............................. 9 31 High game-Phyllis Collins 220 High&otalPhyllis Ziegier 541 SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE W L Inmllating Board ........ 34, 91,, Engineers .................... 31 13 Loggers ........................ 28Va 151," Mill 2 ............................ 24 20 Railroad ............. , .......... 19 25 Loaders ........................ 15 29 Mill 1 ............................ 14 30 Shopa ............................ 10 34 High game---F. Snelgrove 225 High totalF. Snelgrove 572 FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Cascade-Olympic ........ 29 ,, 18 Lions Club .................... 26 22 Fuller Construction ...... 26 22 Active Club ................ 26 22 Moose Lodge ................ 22, 25V Kiwanis Club ................ 20 28 McCleary ...................... 20 28 High gameL L. McInelly 245 High total---L. L. McInelly 639 COMM]ERCIAL LEAGUE W L Delight Park. ................. 29 I5 Legal I61 ........................ 25 18!. Verie's .............................. 23 21 Wingard's ........................ :l 7 Gott Oil ............................ 21 22 Ritner's ............................ ll a Hanson's Oil .................. ]9 .5 Moose ............................ 16 11 High gae---C. Nutt 2x6 High tota]--C. Nutt 604 e 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering, 19S9 License $2195.00 1953 PONTIAO 4-DOOR Radio, heater, auto. trans., 2 new tires, ' $695.00 1955 DODGE PIOKUP TRUOK Ton, 6 Cylinder, Long Box, Valves '51 Ford Victoria ............. : ................... , Overdrive- Good Running Condition i '50 Ford Station Wagon ........................ 8-Passenger, Runs Good, Looks Good 1956 Hillman Husky Station Wa Valve grind, new rings | ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT SMALL I See and Drive a HILLMAN MINX, Complete ' Emergency Parts. i SPORT CAR ' HILLMAN DELUXI00 | i $57 30 Per Monlh | i Pauley Dodge - Plymouth A 1ST AND RAILROAD # Planning Is - with 6RAYgTONE MA THE COST IS NEED A SIDEWALK Our top quality ready-mix for a 4-inch thick walk costs only P about .............................................. m Call us for courteous friendly your building questions. No  0F 7TH & PARK PHONE HA, Over an hour of cartoon specials @ Games and Prizes IN Brakeman at tle BLUE OX Saturday, • 2 BIG 12 NOON  2:30t Kids .................... Students ............ Adults ................