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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 &apos;Fle Bonds you save will be your I }ov,'n. The B'onds you own may[ save. you. Meanw'hile Series E i Savmg:s e.,mas grmv .s :<,)u hol. I ] I lien1. ] ........... i IN WESTERN WASfllNOTON COME TO US r-OR ALES PARTS,.D SERVICE R DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL LONG LASTING P,.PlLLAR. ' ® DIESEL E NGI N ES. MOTOR GRADERS. TRACTORS, EARTH MOVl NG EQUIPMENT. k BONDED BUY, CERTIFIED BUY AND BUY AND TRY iSED EQUIPMENT .... _w QeeQIIIOSSOooQOOOIOS t@@QOe@@@O@O - 0Well, your Telephone Manager in Shelton . |eQle*l, ell, s,• o e o o o o o o • • •• 4, o o @ e e e I O wonder just what happens when you receiver .:. hea a dial tone... dial? makes those clicking sounds.., that • that busy signal? even need to leave the comfort- in front of your TV set to find the SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pacific Telephone, featured Tuesday, on Success Story," 7:00 - 7:30 p.m., find out what happens when you Call. called long distance? You'll see a operator.., hear her placing a araway places. . SOrae of the people who worl "back- Telephone to serve you . . ght... SHELTON-MASON " a.O00NAL - raSt0'(;)t, []..A.." Shelton, Washin Social Events Mrs. Angle Relates South American Trip A Catholic (:impel hewn out nf wails, pparenlly bY drilling, but solid salt in an Indian n"dne was t}h'-tl si]e WaS aIlazed at the l)el'fec - ()n( nf tile nlllny attl':.lclions I.haL lion of Ilh' ('onceailllelll. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arlgh' saw First sto l) on the Angle ll'i[) w;ls thu'ing tieir month's tom' (if Col.. in Medellin, the ()t'('hid capital ot ombia SOlllh Americl. The Allgles the world. Ml'S. Angle said sh(, was l'(,tlll'ned l:lsl 'r'hul:.s(la?¢. in!presst,(t willt the nillnbt,l' o[ The chapel, located just outside Am(q'ican industries present in the of Bogola, lies beneath tile earth's ('.it3', which she ealh,(l the imhls- Sllrfllce and is entered throngh a lri&l center of Colomhia. tunnel in the mountain. Final stop in Colombia was C, ar- The' chapel walls have heen lhag'erla, foundod in 1,533 by Span- smoothed and highly polished. Con- lards. Mrs. Angle des(')Sbe(t il as cealed lighting ilium]narcs beaut{- one of ]he oldest cities in Soulh fill start atory work. Mrs. Angle America. commented that the wiring was A seven-mile wall built (ff coral completely concealed in tile sail snrroun(Is the city, Mrs. Anglo ................................ i" ................. ' ...... saM. "This is ()no of the city's Masonic Group mo:,t i,,te,'es00in00 at, Tl, e wall was built by slave labor to l)rote(,t the city from dmrau(ling Installs Officers ,),,n,s. 'P"  p '*'' ''' ' ' '''' ' g1' ' ] '' . that th(.y had lak(,n front the )lgt - White baskets filled with pink liv,,s in (arl'hag(,na uqflle,await- roses decorated the Union City ing shipn]ent to Spain. Masonic Temple for the recent il-' "The wail is so wide in pof stallation of El]nor Chapter 177 lions that the Spaniards drilh,d of the Eastern Star, ih(,ir soldiers on it," Mrs. Angle re- Installed were Addles Schaufler, lated. "The eity was never in- worthy matron; Joe Huntley, wor- wuted aft(u" Ill(, wail was built." thy patron; Hazel l)ammann as-i Mrs, Angle ealled Carthagena sociate matron; Clarence Latham, lone of the most colorful of the associate patron; Georgia Miller, [Colombian cities Silt' arid her illls- secretary; Elms White, treasurer;]band visited. "The citv ix on the Hazel Tiffany conductress Fran- water's edge. Canoes f]'(ml the ()ut- (' Moake, ssociate conductress; j lying islands come in bearing Lenore Borg, chaplain; and Elea- goods flu' lhe nalive market," not' Pierce, marshall. 'File Angles were in Bogota dur- Others were Cords VJatkins, or- Iing a student l'iot in which buses were overturned and car" tires flal- ist;. Marian Grisdale, Ada; arlaRee(ter, Ruth; Esther Chris- tened. "We stayed in the hotel tensen. Esther; Alvina Wright, that day,' Mrs. Angle said laugtl- MISS SANORA COLLINS an4 Mr. Lewis McCord were married Martha; Katherine Wermer, Elec- ing. in a double ring ceremony In tile F,ltb Lutheran ChurCh iunday tra; Evelyn Nicholson, Warder; Mrs. Angle recalled that the by the Reverend Bernhard Bretheim. The couple will live in Top- and Harry Mawson, sentinel, most embarrassing experience of penish, Washington. (Journal Photo by Dean.) Those elected to courtesy officer their trip was when tieir porters __-.2.- posts are Hattie Huntley, pro- put their bags in a private' (:at'. r tern officer'; Mattie Baeklund, "We arrived at the airport in Collins, Mccord Ama anth Court prompter: Char]a Reeder, soloist: Medellin to find thst ,no one spoke Susie Anderson, Bible bearer and English. So by sign language and Wed Here Sunday Honors Visitors my smatLe,'ing of Spanish Idireet- jewel keeper; and Christine Ahl, ed the boys to load our hags for birthday chairman, the hotel. They ttmn disappeared White stock and baskets of The Iurel Court, Order of the Installing officers were Edna and while we were waiting for white gladiolas and blue daisies Amaranth held Friend's Night at Haines, matron; Mat.tie Backhmd. them Lo return the car's owner decorated Faith Lutheran Church their March meeting, matron; Clarence Latham, patron; apl)eared, I guess they thought for the wedding last Sunday of Officers from Grays Harbor Ruth Latham chaplain; Betty this car was nicer than their older Miss Sandra Joan Collins to Mr. Court. Aberdeen; Capital Court, Goodpaster. marshal]; Margaret ta×i's. Lewis McCord. Olympia, and Canal Court Union. Suhr. organist; and Roberts Hub- The Angles visited Panama, held all offices for the opening and bard. soloist. Mexico City and Los Angeles as Tim new Mrs, McCord is the closing of the court. Mattie Backhmd, retiring ma- well as Colombia, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Raymond Lewis Cql)ins of Shelton. The Honored Lady Edna Smlley and tron, and Clarence Latham. retir- _ ............. groom is lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. Sit" Knight Weaver Berkman, Roy- ing patron, were presiding off]- FAIR OFFI(EIIS IIETUINEI) McCord of 12 N. Elm St., Top- al Matron and Patron of the Grays eers. All officers of llae Mason C, oun- Harbor Court. presided during the ......... ty I'air Board have been re.. opening. Honored Lady Grace Os- BUTLEI{S WEEKENII (IliES'rS (dec;(,(1. The bride wore a gown of white trand and Sir Knight Carl Os- Mr'. and Mrs, Glen Butler were Officers are C, W. St rectcenbach chantilly lace over satin with long trand, Royal Matron and Patron the weekend guests nf M]' and president: Robert Nhitnlarsh. vice molded bodice studded with se- of the Capital Court, presided dur- Mrs. Dean O. Smilh of Ewrett, president: Gyneth Auseth. secre- quins. The gown's full skirt was ing the regular business meet- While there, the Butlers attended tary; and George Wagener. tress- waltz length, in front, tapering tng. a luncheon and bridal shower in m'('r, to heel length in back. A finger- At the April meeting officers honor of Miss Nancy Smil.h who Carl Emsley was a[)poitfl.e(I pub- tip veil on a tiara of sequins and will be elected and "Life Member- will become the bride of their son. licity chairman Appointed tel the pearls crowned the ensemble. The ships" presented to five charter Jack on April 18. Bltil(li)g and (;rotmds (,,(mmittee ........ were Dale Van Valkenburg, Charles HOSPITAL HEAl) IIONORED K. Peck. Martin Auseth. and Carl Mrs Helen MeCann, superinte, n- Emsley, ('hairnlan. members. HAM WINNERS ANNOUNCEI) Winners have been announced for the Ham Drawing g,ven re- cently by the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild. They are Herman Johns and Lil- lion Franklin, winners of the two hams, and Mrs. Stewart Steehler, Mrs, Ann Tare and Mrs. Harriet Campeau, winners of Easter bas- kets. Election of officers is the mat- ter of business for the April 2 meeting. Mrs. Dale Nye and Mrs, George Hunter will be co-hostesses for that meeting.. JAYETTES HEAR TALK The Shelton Jayettes heard a talk on color co-ordinating and in- terior decorating by Mrs. Jane Windsor at their recent meeting. Club business included a report on the Jaycee District No. 2 meet- ing and the election of Mrs. John Dallam to the District No. 2 vice presidency. " - the state Plans were mane for . . I convention in Spokane April 24 to 26. bride earl'led white gardenias with single blossoms of hyacinths in white net with blue ribbon. Gerrie Nelson of Seattle. cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a copen blue taffeta gown wiih a high front necklace, dipping to a V in back and copen hlue satin slippers. She carried a bouquet of white stalk and white streamers. Bridesntaids were Mrs. Sally Stacy, Olympia; Mrs. Pearl Aguirre, Moxee, and Miss Ruth Worsen and Miss Phylis Gallen- get, both of Seattle, The bride's twin cousins, Jane and Joan Dittman, were flower girls. They wore ccpen blue taf- feta dresses set off .with white lace and a matching sash at the waistline. Robert Dittman, cousin, was ring bearer. 'Walter Pugsley of Zilla. Wash., was best man. Ushers were Ray Collins, Jr,. brother of the bride; William McCord, bther of the groom; Norman Johnson and Skip Chandler. The couple will live in Toppeno ish when they return from a hon- eymoon along the Oregon coast. Both are now juniors at Central Washington College, Plain talk to the man who thlnke "all oars are built alike today" Thls acts as an insulator-absorbs road" shocks that would otherwise travel up to the steering wheel. Mercuyy, unlike some cars, gives you this with either manual or power steering. WE IV[ Iq.[NTY = r!lOlif 'IrN4T TUIS THE mT-KT  I, i Tq¥ We know it is the greatest Mercurlt cvcr designed "and built. Never ia Mcrcur,/s 20-year history have we had so much value in the product itselL Mercury has advantages everywhar over competition. The four deg:ribed on this page are only typical. In future messages YII tell you about dozens more--in tyling, comfort, in every- dfing you want in a car." Mercury Markedng Manager 5th and Railroad Shelton, Washington "The one thing w¢ know ¢r kuycrs want above all in an automobile is quality. Yet many people assume that all cars today are pretty much the same in this rcspect. s ia far from being the case. I can leat 30 asic differences in of aur 9 Mercury. Natu- these differences make a better car. For example: " ;IIENQTH STARTS WiTH THE FRAME frh'aCkbone of ever Mercur is the -me. W- Y Y tt t. e use a heavy box-type con. (',o)2?l}.-the hcaviest iu the industry. -',evp tltors use r  that are u to 1251 " , fanes  p Unds lighter. 2 W[ IIIII. nUALI T y CAN S E 0,- -, Y OU E girtelare.tlte way Me.rcury builds en- vha, t UOds. Most competitive cars use known as a single-pancl con- struction. This type of hood'can be twisted and I.nrned with the slightest pressurc-often flutters and vibrates when thc car is in motion. At Mercury, on the othcr hand. wc use a double- panel construction--two layers of steel with the insulation sandwiched in between. Not only is Mercury's hood more rigid, but it looks better• YOU FEEL THE QUALITY WITH EVERY STO. Mercury hrakes are the largcst in the ficld-with up to 22% more brake lin- ing than compctitive cars. And only Mercury in its field h:ls brakes that adjust thcmselves mechanically. You save money by eliminating periodic adjustments. And you are safer be- causc Mercury brakes stay properly adjusted i0r thc lile of the linings. ...AND EV[RY TIM[ YOU TAK[ THE WH£[L All 1959 Mercurys have a flexible cou- pling installed in the steering ystem. "m Pauley Inc. dent of Shelton General Hospital, was honored yesterday with a sur- prise party to celebrate her first year of service at the imspHal. Some thirty employees presented her with a cake and orchid cor- sage, MEETING SCHEDULED The Mason County Democratic Club will have a business meeting this evening .in the PUD building with an open meeting following at 8 p.m. Mary Ann Reynolds, state librarian, will be guest speaker. PIONEERS WILL MEET Daughters of the Pioneers nf Washington. Matin county chap- ter No. 14 will meet at 2 p,m., April 2, in the home of Mrs. Florence Groshonff, 123 Alder St. Officers will be., elected. HIGHLIGHTS TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Fau- bert returned Wednesday from a meeting of the Hotel. and Resort Owners held in Port Angeles. The Fauberts report an interesting meeting highlighted by visits with rarely seen friends. NAVY MOTHERS HAVE GUEST Mrs. Lorna DuCette, of Seattle, State Commander of the ,Navy Mothers Clubs, will be the guest of tthe helton club April 2 for a potluck dinner ut Memorial hall. Mothers with sons or daughters in the Navy, Coast Guard or Msr- ines are invited to attend. Dinner time is 6 p.m. Too ]PILL DIRT WANTED, HA 6-2a(). . M3/26  ends of I) furniture, bed, chest, etc. Phone HA I' 0-3225. A3/26 tl'(l --ri-g-hL-g-=-i- F:d--g(£ -PhS,.; Union 292. H3/26-4/2 SUVaBA-7)'Yh'? .............. 2e ACRES, more or less, located '.jtlSl fiorth Of Matloek. Good hot]so and barn. Nice little place, for a (.t)uph: who are retir,'d t)r one Wol'ktll II( Simpson's. All Inodern ¢onvellJenqes. Lights, water, school bus, and nlall route. Priced to ell. %50.00. Ed F. Oldfteld. Real EstaLo. M,)nt(,san(,. 3/26 NOTICI,; OF HEARING ()N EMRGENCY AIII)IOPR IA'I'It)N WHEREAS, uilfor'e.('(']l ("Xpel(,o. for the opt, ration of the Mson C.unty Jail have s)'i,,n and no hudg(,t fro' 1't5, [) for the fo|h)wing ill!Ill has I)('('11 mad(, ; and WI-IEREA, in the judgnmnt ()I' th(' Bonrd it ts for the best int(')'(,.ts ,,f Mason Cotlnty that such ('XI)(q(ditlrll'eS gtFe necessary 8.]1(1 ii1(, t'(,Ih)winu sul|l will be ]'oqulred CAPITAL QIITLAY Jnil Iqquivmont ........... $120q.95 NOW TIt.IItEFORE, in the .iu lg'  enl of tho Board. an Plll¢l'g(qlcv t'XIHIN 1110 HW sum (,f $1203.95 will b,, roquir,,d 11"011 t]'l ' (/]l'lq'ql[. Xl)OIISV b'lltlf| to (lleq!| Sllch allog,d (q]l*'(g((l(''; all4 "IT IS HERERY ORDERED tim| a h(!G('hlg t}(. held lhOl'O(')ll ()I1 M()llOay. April 6. 1959. al 2:00 P.M. at th(, ol'fi(,e '}f thP l:l]R')lll'd ill + the Collrt ]"{¢IIISP II1 Sh0[ton. /it which tnllO /]lid pll|co I[11},|)Ilye(" nlay t([)l)Pal' and hP 1'1('8,'(I fol' <)r againsl tho g)'a]lting of stlcll alhqa','d ( Kenvy ; DATE[) this 23rd day of Marvh. 1959, BOARD OF COUNTY COMM]S- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHI NGTON John Bari.kman, (llai('lllan C. W. Streckenbach Roy Mltcholi ATTEST: C. Nolan Maan Clerk of the BOard /26 It The Navy's newest aircraft car- t'le, US Independence, contain 180 mile or'piping and 290 miles 6f electric cable. Pa "t NEW TV SERIES Chann(,l ,1, Seattle), at 3 p.m., f()r "Tat'kit,'" a television se)'ies pre- the nexl five ]llldays (;xcluding paved hy the Anl(:wiean (7;111(:(,]' St)" ]il,Ol.. cietv will be shown (in K()M() II III I IIII I IIII III III III ..... I I [ i I IIIJJlL ,I "Jl I IIU2 Ill I Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLt$ Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, hoItem I ....... I1 ,JlllJJll III1! • IJ ..... I I I ........... 7.. ........ i iii iii ii i i i iii i EASY TO ARRANGE... EASIER TO REPAY...AT SEATTLE-FIRST! It's no bother at all to arrange for Seattle-First National Bank Financing. Most dealers can take care of all details.., or come in any time to our Installment Credit Department. Our low bank rateswill keep your car cost down. It's the com- mon nse way to pay for your car. SHELTON BRANCH 203 Wt Rail,al Av*.u* ' Ion HA 6-8291 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPO'RAT]O'i JUST ARRIVED! All New SPRING STYLES Pictured below is only a le brighlen your wardrobe for small part of our large • u • selection of m o d e r n. Oocaslon! costomo 00o00or, EASTER or ANY " 1959 'Fle Bonds you save will be your I }ov,'n. The B'onds you own may[ save. you. Meanw'hile Series E i Savmg:s e.,mas grmv .s :<,)u hol. I ] I lien1. ] ........... i IN WESTERN WASfllNOTON COME TO US r-OR ALES PARTS,.D SERVICE R DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL LONG LASTING P,.PlLLAR. ' ® DIESEL E NGI N ES. MOTOR GRADERS. TRACTORS, EARTH MOVl NG EQUIPMENT. k BONDED BUY, CERTIFIED BUY AND BUY AND TRY iSED EQUIPMENT .... _w QeeQIIIOSSOooQOOOIOS t@@QOe@@@O@O - 0Well, your Telephone Manager in Shelton . |eQle*l, ell, s,• o e o o o o o o • • •• 4, o o @ e e e I O wonder just what happens when you receiver .:. hea a dial tone... dial? makes those clicking sounds.., that • that busy signal? even need to leave the comfort- in front of your TV set to find the SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pacific Telephone, featured Tuesday, on Success Story," 7:00 - 7:30 p.m., find out what happens when you Call. called long distance? You'll see a operator.., hear her placing a araway places. . SOrae of the people who worl "back- Telephone to serve you . . ght... SHELTON-MASON " a.O00NAL - raSt0'(;)t, []..A.." Shelton, Washin Social Events Mrs. Angle Relates South American Trip A Catholic (:impel hewn out nf wails, pparenlly bY drilling, but solid salt in an Indian n"dne was t}h'-tl si]e WaS aIlazed at the l)el'fec - ()n( nf tile nlllny attl':.lclions I.haL lion of Ilh' ('onceailllelll. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arlgh' saw First sto l) on the Angle ll'i[) w;ls thu'ing tieir month's tom' (if Col.. in Medellin, the ()t'('hid capital ot ombia SOlllh Americl. The Allgles the world. Ml'S. Angle said sh(, was l'(,tlll'ned l:lsl 'r'hul:.s(la?¢. in!presst,(t willt the nillnbt,l' o[ The chapel, located just outside Am(q'ican industries present in the of Bogola, lies beneath tile earth's ('.it3', which she ealh,(l the imhls- Sllrfllce and is entered throngh a lri&l center of Colomhia. tunnel in the mountain. Final stop in Colombia was C, ar- The' chapel walls have heen lhag'erla, foundod in 1,533 by Span- smoothed and highly polished. Con- lards. Mrs. Angle des(')Sbe(t il as cealed lighting ilium]narcs beaut{- one of ]he oldest cities in Soulh fill start atory work. Mrs. Angle America. commented that the wiring was A seven-mile wall built (ff coral completely concealed in tile sail snrroun(Is the city, Mrs. Anglo ................................ i" ................. ' ...... saM. "This is ()no of the city's Masonic Group mo:,t i,,te,'es00in00 at, Tl, e wall was built by slave labor to l)rote(,t the city from dmrau(ling Installs Officers ,),,n,s. 'P"  p '*'' ''' ' ' '''' ' g1' ' ] '' . that th(.y had lak(,n front the )lgt - White baskets filled with pink liv,,s in (arl'hag(,na uqflle,await- roses decorated the Union City ing shipn]ent to Spain. Masonic Temple for the recent il-' "The wail is so wide in pof stallation of El]nor Chapter 177 lions that the Spaniards drilh,d of the Eastern Star, ih(,ir soldiers on it," Mrs. Angle re- Installed were Addles Schaufler, lated. "The eity was never in- worthy matron; Joe Huntley, wor- wuted aft(u" Ill(, wail was built." thy patron; Hazel l)ammann as-i Mrs, Angle ealled Carthagena sociate matron; Clarence Latham, lone of the most colorful of the associate patron; Georgia Miller, [Colombian cities Silt' arid her illls- secretary; Elms White, treasurer;]band visited. "The citv ix on the Hazel Tiffany conductress Fran- water's edge. Canoes f]'(ml the ()ut- (' Moake, ssociate conductress; j lying islands come in bearing Lenore Borg, chaplain; and Elea- goods flu' lhe nalive market," not' Pierce, marshall. 'File Angles were in Bogota dur- Others were Cords VJatkins, or- Iing a student l'iot in which buses were overturned and car" tires flal- ist;. Marian Grisdale, Ada; arlaRee(ter, Ruth; Esther Chris- tened. "We stayed in the hotel tensen. Esther; Alvina Wright, that day,' Mrs. Angle said laugtl- MISS SANORA COLLINS an4 Mr. Lewis McCord were married Martha; Katherine Wermer, Elec- ing. in a double ring ceremony In tile F,ltb Lutheran ChurCh iunday tra; Evelyn Nicholson, Warder; Mrs. Angle recalled that the by the Reverend Bernhard Bretheim. The couple will live in Top- and Harry Mawson, sentinel, most embarrassing experience of penish, Washington. (Journal Photo by Dean.) Those elected to courtesy officer their trip was when tieir porters __-.2.- posts are Hattie Huntley, pro- put their bags in a private' (:at'. r tern officer'; Mattie Baeklund, "We arrived at the airport in Collins, Mccord Ama anth Court prompter: Char]a Reeder, soloist: Medellin to find thst ,no one spoke Susie Anderson, Bible bearer and English. So by sign language and Wed Here Sunday Honors Visitors my smatLe,'ing of Spanish Idireet- jewel keeper; and Christine Ahl, ed the boys to load our hags for birthday chairman, the hotel. They ttmn disappeared White stock and baskets of The Iurel Court, Order of the Installing officers were Edna and while we were waiting for white gladiolas and blue daisies Amaranth held Friend's Night at Haines, matron; Mat.tie Backhmd. them Lo return the car's owner decorated Faith Lutheran Church their March meeting, matron; Clarence Latham, patron; apl)eared, I guess they thought for the wedding last Sunday of Officers from Grays Harbor Ruth Latham chaplain; Betty this car was nicer than their older Miss Sandra Joan Collins to Mr. Court. Aberdeen; Capital Court, Goodpaster. marshal]; Margaret ta×i's. Lewis McCord. Olympia, and Canal Court Union. Suhr. organist; and Roberts Hub- The Angles visited Panama, held all offices for the opening and bard. soloist. Mexico City and Los Angeles as Tim new Mrs, McCord is the closing of the court. Mattie Backhmd, retiring ma- well as Colombia, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Raymond Lewis Cql)ins of Shelton. The Honored Lady Edna Smlley and tron, and Clarence Latham. retir- _ ............. groom is lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. Sit" Knight Weaver Berkman, Roy- ing patron, were presiding off]- FAIR OFFI(EIIS IIETUINEI) McCord of 12 N. Elm St., Top- al Matron and Patron of the Grays eers. All officers of llae Mason C, oun- Harbor Court. presided during the ......... ty I'air Board have been re.. opening. Honored Lady Grace Os- BUTLEI{S WEEKENII (IliES'rS (dec;(,(1. The bride wore a gown of white trand and Sir Knight Carl Os- Mr'. and Mrs, Glen Butler were Officers are C, W. St rectcenbach chantilly lace over satin with long trand, Royal Matron and Patron the weekend guests nf M]' and president: Robert Nhitnlarsh. vice molded bodice studded with se- of the Capital Court, presided dur- Mrs. Dean O. Smilh of Ewrett, president: Gyneth Auseth. secre- quins. The gown's full skirt was ing the regular business meet- While there, the Butlers attended tary; and George Wagener. tress- waltz length, in front, tapering tng. a luncheon and bridal shower in m'('r, to heel length in back. A finger- At the April meeting officers honor of Miss Nancy Smil.h who Carl Emsley was a[)poitfl.e(I pub- tip veil on a tiara of sequins and will be elected and "Life Member- will become the bride of their son. licity chairman Appointed tel the pearls crowned the ensemble. The ships" presented to five charter Jack on April 18. Bltil(li)g and (;rotmds (,,(mmittee ........ were Dale Van Valkenburg, Charles HOSPITAL HEAl) IIONORED K. Peck. Martin Auseth. and Carl Mrs Helen MeCann, superinte, n- Emsley, ('hairnlan. members. HAM WINNERS ANNOUNCEI) Winners have been announced for the Ham Drawing g,ven re- cently by the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild. They are Herman Johns and Lil- lion Franklin, winners of the two hams, and Mrs. Stewart Steehler, Mrs, Ann Tare and Mrs. Harriet Campeau, winners of Easter bas- kets. Election of officers is the mat- ter of business for the April 2 meeting. Mrs. Dale Nye and Mrs, George Hunter will be co-hostesses for that meeting.. JAYETTES HEAR TALK The Shelton Jayettes heard a talk on color co-ordinating and in- terior decorating by Mrs. Jane Windsor at their recent meeting. Club business included a report on the Jaycee District No. 2 meet- ing and the election of Mrs. John Dallam to the District No. 2 vice presidency. " - the state Plans were mane for . . I convention in Spokane April 24 to 26. bride earl'led white gardenias with single blossoms of hyacinths in white net with blue ribbon. Gerrie Nelson of Seattle. cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a copen blue taffeta gown wiih a high front necklace, dipping to a V in back and copen hlue satin slippers. She carried a bouquet of white stalk and white streamers. Bridesntaids were Mrs. Sally Stacy, Olympia; Mrs. Pearl Aguirre, Moxee, and Miss Ruth Worsen and Miss Phylis Gallen- get, both of Seattle, The bride's twin cousins, Jane and Joan Dittman, were flower girls. They wore ccpen blue taf- feta dresses set off .with white lace and a matching sash at the waistline. Robert Dittman, cousin, was ring bearer. 'Walter Pugsley of Zilla. Wash., was best man. Ushers were Ray Collins, Jr,. brother of the bride; William McCord, bther of the groom; Norman Johnson and Skip Chandler. The couple will live in Toppeno ish when they return from a hon- eymoon along the Oregon coast. Both are now juniors at Central Washington College, Plain talk to the man who thlnke "all oars are built alike today" Thls acts as an insulator-absorbs road" shocks that would otherwise travel up to the steering wheel. Mercuyy, unlike some cars, gives you this with either manual or power steering. WE IV[ Iq.[NTY = r!lOlif 'IrN4T TUIS THE mT-KT  I, i Tq¥ We know it is the greatest Mercurlt cvcr designed "and built. Never ia Mcrcur,/s 20-year history have we had so much value in the product itselL Mercury has advantages everywhar over competition. The four deg:ribed on this page are only typical. In future messages YII tell you about dozens more--in tyling, comfort, in every- dfing you want in a car." Mercury Markedng Manager 5th and Railroad Shelton, Washington "The one thing w¢ know ¢r kuycrs want above all in an automobile is quality. Yet many people assume that all cars today are pretty much the same in this rcspect. s ia far from being the case. I can leat 30 asic differences in of aur 9 Mercury. Natu- these differences make a better car. For example: " ;IIENQTH STARTS WiTH THE FRAME frh'aCkbone of ever Mercur is the -me. W- Y Y tt t. e use a heavy box-type con. (',o)2?l}.-the hcaviest iu the industry. -',evp tltors use r  that are u to 1251 " , fanes  p Unds lighter. 2 W[ IIIII. nUALI T y CAN S E 0,- -, Y OU E girtelare.tlte way Me.rcury builds en- vha, t UOds. Most competitive cars use known as a single-pancl con- struction. This type of hood'can be twisted and I.nrned with the slightest pressurc-often flutters and vibrates when thc car is in motion. At Mercury, on the othcr hand. wc use a double- panel construction--two layers of steel with the insulation sandwiched in between. Not only is Mercury's hood more rigid, but it looks better• YOU FEEL THE QUALITY WITH EVERY STO. Mercury hrakes are the largcst in the ficld-with up to 22% more brake lin- ing than compctitive cars. And only Mercury in its field h:ls brakes that adjust thcmselves mechanically. You save money by eliminating periodic adjustments. And you are safer be- causc Mercury brakes stay properly adjusted i0r thc lile of the linings. ...AND EV[RY TIM[ YOU TAK[ THE WH£[L All 1959 Mercurys have a flexible cou- pling installed in the steering ystem. "m Pauley Inc. dent of Shelton General Hospital, was honored yesterday with a sur- prise party to celebrate her first year of service at the imspHal. Some thirty employees presented her with a cake and orchid cor- sage, MEETING SCHEDULED The Mason County Democratic Club will have a business meeting this evening .in the PUD building with an open meeting following at 8 p.m. Mary Ann Reynolds, state librarian, will be guest speaker. PIONEERS WILL MEET Daughters of the Pioneers nf Washington. Matin county chap- ter No. 14 will meet at 2 p,m., April 2, in the home of Mrs. Florence Groshonff, 123 Alder St. Officers will be., elected. HIGHLIGHTS TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Fau- bert returned Wednesday from a meeting of the Hotel. and Resort Owners held in Port Angeles. The Fauberts report an interesting meeting highlighted by visits with rarely seen friends. NAVY MOTHERS HAVE GUEST Mrs. Lorna DuCette, of Seattle, State Commander of the ,Navy Mothers Clubs, will be the guest of tthe helton club April 2 for a potluck dinner ut Memorial hall. Mothers with sons or daughters in the Navy, Coast Guard or Msr- ines are invited to attend. Dinner time is 6 p.m. Too ]PILL DIRT WANTED, HA 6-2a(). . M3/26  ends of I) furniture, bed, chest, etc. Phone HA I' 0-3225. A3/26 tl'(l --ri-g-hL-g-=-i- F:d--g(£ -PhS,.; Union 292. H3/26-4/2 SUVaBA-7)'Yh'? .............. 2e ACRES, more or less, located '.jtlSl fiorth Of Matloek. Good hot]so and barn. Nice little place, for a (.t)uph: who are retir,'d t)r one Wol'ktll II( Simpson's. All Inodern ¢onvellJenqes. Lights, water, school bus, and nlall route. Priced to ell. %50.00. Ed F. Oldfteld. Real EstaLo. M,)nt(,san(,. 3/26 NOTICI,; OF HEARING ()N EMRGENCY AIII)IOPR IA'I'It)N WHEREAS, uilfor'e.('(']l ("Xpel(,o. for the opt, ration of the Mson C.unty Jail have s)'i,,n and no hudg(,t fro' 1't5, [) for the fo|h)wing ill!Ill has I)('('11 mad(, ; and WI-IEREA, in the judgnmnt ()I' th(' Bonrd it ts for the best int(')'(,.ts ,,f Mason Cotlnty that such ('XI)(q(ditlrll'eS gtFe necessary 8.]1(1 ii1(, t'(,Ih)winu sul|l will be ]'oqulred CAPITAL QIITLAY Jnil Iqquivmont ........... $120q.95 NOW TIt.IItEFORE, in the .iu lg'  enl of tho Board. an Plll¢l'g(qlcv t'XIHIN 1110 HW sum (,f $1203.95 will b,, roquir,,d 11"011 t]'l ' (/]l'lq'ql[. Xl)OIISV b'lltlf| to (lleq!| Sllch allog,d (q]l*'(g((l(''; all4 "IT IS HERERY ORDERED tim| a h(!G('hlg t}(. held lhOl'O(')ll ()I1 M()llOay. April 6. 1959. al 2:00 P.M. at th(, ol'fi(,e '}f thP l:l]R')lll'd ill + the Collrt ]"{¢IIISP II1 Sh0[ton. /it which tnllO /]lid pll|co I[11},|)Ilye(" nlay t([)l)Pal' and hP 1'1('8,'(I fol' <)r againsl tho g)'a]lting of stlcll alhqa','d ( Kenvy ; DATE[) this 23rd day of Marvh. 1959, BOARD OF COUNTY COMM]S- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHI NGTON John Bari.kman, (llai('lllan C. W. Streckenbach Roy Mltcholi ATTEST: C. Nolan Maan Clerk of the BOard /26 It The Navy's newest aircraft car- t'le, US Independence, contain 180 mile or'piping and 290 miles 6f electric cable. Pa "t NEW TV SERIES Chann(,l ,1, Seattle), at 3 p.m., f()r "Tat'kit,'" a television se)'ies pre- the nexl five ]llldays (;xcluding paved hy the Anl(:wiean (7;111(:(,]' St)" ]il,Ol.. cietv will be shown (in K()M() II III I IIII I IIII III III III ..... I I [ i I IIIJJlL ,I "Jl I IIU2 Ill I Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLt$ Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, hoItem I ....... I1 ,JlllJJll III1! • IJ ..... I I I ........... 7.. ........ i iii iii ii i i i iii i EASY TO ARRANGE... EASIER TO REPAY...AT SEATTLE-FIRST! It's no bother at all to arrange for Seattle-First National Bank Financing. Most dealers can take care of all details.., or come in any time to our Installment Credit Department. Our low bank rateswill keep your car cost down. It's the com- mon nse way to pay for your car. SHELTON BRANCH 203 Wt Rail,al Av*.u* ' Ion HA 6-8291 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPO'RAT]O'i JUST ARRIVED! All New SPRING STYLES Pictured below is only a le brighlen your wardrobe for small part of our large • u • selection of m o d e r n. Oocaslon! costomo 00o00or, EASTER or ANY "