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Oeyette Completes
;Aulomotive Game
FOR ORD, Calif.--Army Pet.
MiChael A. Deyette, 1S, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Victor E. Deyette,
Route 3, Shelton. completed the
eight-week automotive mainten-
ance helper course March 13 at
Fort Ord, Calif.
Deyettt. entere tile Army last
November and received basic train-
Washington History
In lho year 1778, one hundred
arm eighty-one years ago on an-
olher March 22nd Sunday, Cap-
tain .lames Cook made llw folh)w-
ing entry ill his journal:
"Between this islsnd or reek,
and thP riorthern -xt)'eme of land
ins at Fort Ord. fh(,re appear(d lo lie a small t)llen-
................................... (rig which flattered us with hopes
of finding a harbt)ur there, These
hopes lessened as We drew nearer:
'ind. lit last. we had sore(, reasol]
to think that tim opening was
' ' closed It.(lid. ()I) this =l('COLlnt .l
Fhtttery . . . It is in this v(,ry
|ate(tide whore wo now wet'(L thut
geographers have planed the pro-
v¢o saw nothing like it;' nor is
• t here th(' least probabiliI y that
Phone IIA 6-$$22 or HA 6-6207
liver any such thiltg existed."
lI l.w Jnteresling tl) In)to thai
(el)I'.)e VItI'ICOIIV,I" V,':IN one (if the
ei,ew (m Captain Cook's v(lyag-%
who later vain(., in eoll'mal)d of the
1792 oxp(:.dltion and (,stored tile
"protendo(l" strait.
Randy Greenwall
Ends Tank Course
VILSECK, (lerrnany-.-.Second Lt.
Rafldall A. Greeuwalt, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Greenwalt, 901
E. Cascade St., Shelton. completed
the armor crewman advanced
course IV[arch 14 al the Seventh
Army Tank Training Center in
Vilseck, Germany.
Greenwalt is regularly assigned
as a platoon leader in Company B
of the 3rd Division's 32nd Armor
in Friedberg.
The 24-year-old officer was
graduated from Irene S. Heed High
St:heel in 1953 and from the Unl.
v(n'sity of "Washington in 1957.
Use ,i;-urnii-W-ali Ads
Starring Errol Flynn, Juliette
Greco and an all star cast.
They tore the "Roots of l-I(v-
en" from the very earth itself.
The towering adventure that
crashes against Heaven! Tile
thrills of a lifetime, the creen's
mightiest safari into every hu-mory prying the lid off tee
man emotion.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 29-30-31
Starring: Connie Stevens and
Robert Driscoll
It will hit you where you live.
It will jolt you hard A shock
l)roblems at home and al seilool
,Grapeview ,News
After tills plL'l week's per(or- frigezato)s, et('., did lmep out of
mance on the parl of the \\;v(.qtlller- tlt(, upright open air huts. (in the
]llan, Who ca.n call :l woman fit:lilt;!
ITorrential rains topped by a beau-
Leotls StlIt(ll)y fol'nled t]iP (.onlbi/l;l-
tion that resulte(i ill tilt, ,lulie
Stocks having a bulldozer oLl| io
their Trea.ure Island tract. Net
reslflt, one bulldozer faccd by a
llll(l pocket but job fin(sired com-
plete wilh blastinK. Thus eneotir-
aged..halle an(I Doris ft.)ileal mer-
rily on, clearing berry vines, etc.
and planting flowers in their wake.
At the psychological moment the
George Lewis and Co. Cllnleell
Service drove in with hot coffee
and cake to spur on the industrious
• The flirtatious promises of newly
arrived spring also lured the Ru-
hm Millers up from l'o)::land to
titeir siinllner tlOllle ill Sotlies'
Coyly'. 'Pile Millers, both school
te.achers, thus Sl)(,nt I Ii(dr long-
l()okcd-forward-to spring vacation
l'eildying the plu('c, f(n Slllltnler
I)IL I{. D. Ma('RAE and Joe
welcomed home Mr.. Mactae last
,[onday, March 1(;, from an ex-
tended trip to Flo)'ida Mrs. -Iac-
Rae was the gue.t of tier sister
a.n(i brother-in-law. Mr. anti Mrs.
Stanley Tatom of Sheritlan, Ore.
Also aceompanyin/¢ them were Mr.
and Mrs. "Butch" Batchelder of
Alaska, and wha! a nlarvclons
trip it. was for all. 'rhe retire took
them south through California
(those Califollia drivers. ) Cost Mr.
Tatom one new door for his spank-
ins new red Cadillac!L across the
continent to the deep South. Point
of greatest interest visited in Flor-
ida by this fivesome were Palm
Springs, Miami and its fabulous
Lincoln Road (a tourist's heaven
of shops, etc.), Key West, and the
fascinating and colo$ul Seminole
swamps. The Seminole reservation
visit was a rewarding one also
even if a few electric lights, re-
Call Hoodsport TR, 7-5237
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler.Plymouth Cars
International Trucks
ret|u'n trip the group visited the
b'r(,nch Qila)'t(r' an(I otlwr int:er-
osting secl()rs of New O)']eans,
t(lell OIl I(l HtIS(.OlI, Texas, which
l)rove(l to be as beautifnl and mod-
ern a city as it is reput('(| to I)e.
On a side trip the groul) spent
(lilt, dfty tollring Juarez, Mexico,
;Ill(l, Its ;t contrast, oll their way
hOltl( Ollt'e again crossed the })of
d('r to visit Del Rio, Mexico, only
l.t) find a much So(tiller oily. All
in all the )'oud Irip front Sheri-
' dan covered 10,000 interesting
lnih,s, consunled seven short weeks
till(:] C0Vel'cd ' ?* states! ( ? ':' *--
Hand me my atlas!) Oil, yes! The
original purpose of the trill was
for Mr. Tatonl to pursue the wily
sailfish off lhe coast of Ieh)ri(la,
but (,iiher weather conditions were
[not suitable or the sailfish were
wilier than usual, because his am-
bition was not fulfilled, however
all tgree(Tt that the trip was a won-
dcrful and sttccessful vacation.
Taking a trip, sonlewhat shorter, i
the same weekend, \\;vere Florence
Palms and daughter, Pat. The
Palms drove up to Vancouver, B.
C. Friday where they met Pat's
friend, Joyce Bradner, who had
just completed her pediatric af-
filiation there from the Tat, oma:
General. (Note of interest: Joyce I
is a Stadium High graduate who
came to the U.S. from Germany J
some eight years ago.) This pleas-
ant weekend was culminated when
all three enjoyed Sunday dinner
with Florence's friends, tile Henry
Lovells of Tacoma. Pat has now
begun her scheduled student as-
signment to nursery duty's( the
Tacom General Hospital.
MEANWHILE, back on the
home front, we all notice a couple
of four-wheeled "new arrivals." A
gorgeous new Indian turquoise and
colonial white Foll is sitting in
the Joe and Sarah Tsehlda drive-
way. (Joe is reputed to have cho-
sen this color because their golden
cocker spaniel Patsy looked so
pretty in it!) Up in Grin md Ethel
Buckingham's driveway sits the
oLher "new arrival," an aqua mist
and white Rambler station wagon,
the materialization of Grin's
heart's desh'e. Bright new outlook
for a brand new spring!
Home from Seattle for the week-
end was Carol Seiners, who with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, W.
Somers, attended the lovely Sun-
day* afternoon wedding of one of
'Carol's fo-mer schoolmates. The
lovely spring bride was the for-
mer Sandra Collins of Shelton who
was wed to Mr. Lewis McCord
Good friday
United Service Offers a Chance
to Worship
Tomorrow is Good Friday. a day to
pause and remember. Remember the
deed that one man performed nearly two
thousand years ago to give the world new
hope. It is fitting to know that now,
many years later, people still remember
the meaning of Good Friday and Easter.
We at Simpson Logging Company will
join our friends and neighbors in the
community in attending the Mason Coun-
ty Ministerial Association's United Good
Friday service at Faith Lutheran Church
from 12 to 2 p.m. tomorrow. In this way
we hope to show our humble recognition
to the man who promised the world sal-
Our 64th Year
;d In aOhrfstm o
Ten students of Irene S, Reed
High School were initiated re-
cently into Quill and Scroll, na-
tional journalism honorary, in a
candlelight ceremony,
The ceremony was. part of tile
annual Publications Initiation. hon-
oring menbe)'s of the two student
publications, Highelimber an(! Sa-
ttonler A. Post of Tacoma, past
)resident of the Nalional Quill
and Scroll Society took part in
the Quill initiation. New members
of lhe Press Club were presented
by Marian IAnn, chlb president.
John McCallum, author of the
best sellers "That Kelly Family"
and "Tie Tiger Wore Spikes," was
featnred speaker of the evening.
The Reverend E. C. Knautz gave
the invocation.
Quill and Scroll initiates were
Thea Saegcr, Willard Kessel, Mary
Matson. Mary Kansas, Jenny
Knautz, Dennis Yule, John Schur
Ruth Deffinbaugh, Larry Hughes
and Clint Willour.
The Press Club initiated 57
of Toppenish at the Faith Luther-
an Church in Shelton.
We are glad to learn that Mr.
AI Richards reLurned home safe-
ly ttlis past Monday from the
Shelton General Hospital where
he had undergone surgery the pre-
vious Friday. Taking it plenty
easy while recuperating. All tells
us that it was like "old home week
for North Mason County," Mrs.
Fred Stock of Allyn being riglit
across the hall and Mr. Henry
Dahl of Victor also being in the
immediate vicinity. Speedy con-
valescence, y'all!
Medical patients in the area
eem to be suffering mainly from
our newest invader, a respiratory
vils of no mean dimensions. Lloyd
Richey spent a mkserable weekend
fighting the little beastie, Cheryl
Hanson finally licked it after a
two-weeks bout and returned to
school last Monday and the Walt
Clayton, Jr., residence might well
have been called the Grapeview
General Hospital, what with four
down and Walt to go. Myron Polk
also managed to get on the list.
Easter bunnies are not the only
harbingers of spring!
ON A IORE cheerful plane,
once again we see appearing on
the local waters, bright new craft
and Julie Stock's marina boat slip
did a land-office business this past
weekend. The Les Rices with their
new craft also added to the illu-
sion of spring arrived, ..what with
daughter Leslie gaily water-skiing
behind same, clad warily in Ber-
muda shorts and heavy sweat
Visiting with Don and Shirley
Pogreba the better part of last
week was Shirley's cousin, Berrm-
dine, and hubby, Gene Killoy, and
chilhms, Paul and Kathy. Gene,
on spring vacation from his teach-
ing post at the Oregon City Jun-
ior High School, sported a hand-
some beard grown to help cele-
brate Oregon's centennial anniver-
sary. Sunday marked the end of
the pleasant family Visit.
Visitors or no, Young Don Po-
greba took to the Sound Satur-
day with Grandpa, Orville Kager;
to try his luck with the rod and
reel and retm'ned sporting a lovely
si×-pound fish. Orville also had
two good ones. Orville must have
really had the touch this weekend,
going out with Big Don and com-
ing home with nice .ones, while
Don was 'temporarily out of touch
with our finny friends.
The Myron Polks made a pin
grimlage this past weekend to Port
Angeles, stopping on the way at
the Sequim VFW hall for a game
night. (Louise reported not much
luck but lots of fun!) Purpose of
the pilgrimage was to help Lou'
ise's mother, Mrs. Vina Lacasse,
celebrate her 80th birthday. The
get-together took place at the
home of Louise's sister and hubby,
Mr. and Mrs. Kermltt Goodma,
where Mrs. Lacasse lives. Having
assured themselves of Mrs. La-
casse's spryness and gogd health,
Myron anI Louise left Sunday
morning returnln-
, t; home by way
of Seattle in order to visit other
rein(ires there.
Also spending their spring va-
cation in Grapeview are young
i Pam and Rickey Richey of Se-
attle. They are the children of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Richey and
are visiting with uncle and aunt,
Lloyd and Faye Richey preumahiN
until early tlis weekend.
AN UP-TO-DATE eck up on
Lock Wren's convalescence: no
notable slippage in the humor de-
partment, same old twinkle in the
eye! Sounds like you can't keep
a good man down!
"Gov" Lewls spent quite a sum:
ulating Saturday evening enter.
taining Sambo Engen and after
refreshments, the two quietly col-
who spent the reBt of the evening.
in a much more relaxed fashi()n.
Pinochle fans, now hear this
warning! Sworn to be completely
devoid of any devious sleight :.o$
hand methods, the Earl Parks and
Joe Tschidas report the following
results of an evening (not an all-
night!) spent at playing pinochle:
Joe and Earl racked up a 1500
trump count and double pinochle
four times, while Jeaie and Sarah
lay claim to double pinochle! And
they say it can't be done!!
The arah Eckert Orthopedic
Auxiliary .met at the home of
Marge t/oil last Friday evenin
with Ethel Buckingham helptn
Merge as co-hostess. Faye Riche
was taken in as a new membs
Ads Grigg attended as a
gnest. A lovely vening was en-
Joyed by eli at their one evening I
meeting of the year.
G 1 o b e - trotting Grapeviewite,
Mrs. Faye Mitchell, sent news
home recently from Luxemburg.
She has left her family in Czecho-
slovakia and is now on the final
lap of her trip, planning to returr
hnme via Montreal, across Canade
by train, arriving in Seattle, po@
sibly within a month.
After an enjoyable "overnight"
with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wray in Tacoma, last weekend,
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Grlgg drove
home via Olympia in order to view
i the damage caused by the run,
:'away raltroa¢l ars and 'to VtsW
other relatives there.
r ||llllllllll|'|lllllllm|ll|m ii i1| mllaU nmu
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um m m m m m mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm.m
m m mmmmmm mmmmmm mmm m
Iany of the larger schools in
tiffs area will have a weetCs spring
vacation, but the Harstine Island
school will have only two days,
l,Ti(iay and Monday. The school
children lmve an Easter egg hunt
planned for this Thursday at 12:30.
Peggy and Alvin Anderson of
Belfair were on the Island this
past weekend to help Gumler and
Helen Johnson celebrate Gunner's
birthday. Dropping in during the
week to extend birt:hday greet-
ings were Mr. and Mrs. Sundius
Johnson of Olympia.
Patricia O'Brien of Kentfield,
C.dif., are spending their week of
spring vacation at their home on
the nortli end of the Island.
Spring is really sprung and one
way you can tell is that Dr. Bra-
key of the experiment station at
Puyallup was on the Island spray-
ing the loganberries.
We are very happy to report
that the Oyster Cannery is start-
ing production on the first of
April. It sure will be nice to have
a payday once in a while.
Mr. and Mrs` Warren Yates of
Seattle brought their daughter
Connie .out to the Island to spend
her spring vacation with Grand-
ma and Grandpa Yates.
Mr. Lewis Wingert of the Uni-
versity of Wahiigton spent the
past weekend with his folks, the
Arlo Wingerts.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks, and
:Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates met at
the home of George Waites to
draw up plans for a float from
Haratine Island to be entered in
the Forest FeStival. It was decided
by popular vote to make a scale
model replica of the old paddle
wheel ferry named the Island Bell.
This ferry was built by Earl Harri-
man and the theme of this year's
parade is honoring pioneers and
Earl was a pioneer in the field of
ferrys. In those days whenever
we needed a new ferry Earl would
tow in a few logs and start build-
ing a new conveyance.
IF ANY OF YOU have a pic-
ture of the old Island Belle we
sure would like to borrow it. The
Harstine ferry was nning on a
limited schedule this past Monday.
The ferry was pushed with the
barge while the ferry itself was
undergoing a motor change.
A1 and Monies Pridham mot-
tored to the College of Puget
Sound field house this past week
and saw the Tacoma Home Show.
Mrs. Gordon :Simmons has re-
turned from a week's visit to Cor-
vales, Ore. Returning with her
were her daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Sil Arata and chil-
dren. The Aratas returned to Or-
egon on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCul-
loeh were the Tuesday dinner
guests of the John Hitchcocks.
Happy birthdays this week go
to Mr. Joe Glaser of Bemerton
and to H. A. Glaser who is eele-
brating his birthday anniversary
on the 31st.
Beautiful Point Wilson was very
much populated this past weekend
with the L. JerreIls and the Mich-
ael Gills at their summer homes,
The Jerrells will be here a week.
Civil Service Lists
Senior Forestry Job
• An examination is now open for
fillhzg positions as Senior Fozest
Worker, $1.75 to $1.93 an hour,
in Region VI of the U.S. Forest
• Service, comprising the States of
Washington and Oregon, except
counties of Whitman, Spokane,
Pend Orielle, Stevens, Ferry, and
Additional infornmtion concern-
ing these, positions may be ob-
tained at major post offices or the
Eleventh U. S. Civil Service Re-
gional Office, Federal Office
Building, Seattle. Wash.
) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russ() of
Seatlh? "u'e spen(Tling a few (tars
!on the Island .'is guesls (it" tile
H. A. Giasers. Mrs. Russo u:ed
to teach school here in tie one
t*ooln N('ho0] )1()1);'{ ;it l)le St)Hl[))
end of the Ishmd. She likes (o
compare her class of 50 s(,cond
and third graders in Seattle with
the class of four students she
taught here. She used to walk
from the south end of tile Island
to Glasers' to practice the piano.
Those were the days I guess.
TIIE MARTINE Goetseh home
was a busy place this Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Phiiip Cimp-
man driving with the kids for a
visit. Little Olivet' was baptized
Sunday. Also dropping in were
Boh Caves and his friend, I)ianne
Schuyler of Bah)bridge Island. Mr.
an(l Mrs. John Lee Goeisch were
honle for the v,'eel(end from ,'4(,-
Mrs. Everett Simons was ell the
Island all last week and plans on
spending this week tere, too. Miss
Joy Sinlons entertained at a dinner
party for nine of her college
friends. Everett and Frankew ar-
rived Friday night to round out the
list of people.
John and Beulah Hitchc:ock vis-
ited with Island resident Melvin
Sutton who is confined to the
Sarah House. Later on they went
to Vaughn and visited with Mrs.
Eest Devine.
Mr. Budd who bought the Carnes
place was on' the Island this week-
end and started work on the house.
Miss Cindy Waiie had a bad fall
and sprained her ankle Sunday. We
hope it's coming along fine.
MRS. BEN ]RI(INEY has return-
ed to the Island after an extended
visit in Tacoma following sur-
gery. We waat to welcome you
home Jean, glad to have you back.
Happy hirthday to Mrs, A1 Prid-
ham on Friday the 27th. Many
happy returns of the day, Monica.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knauf and
children and Mrs. Dale Peugh at-
tended a special all day meeting
in Chehalis this past Sunday.
,k NO
Title I
Open 'til
J. V. "Joe"
Owner &
We have recently aoquir
SIMPLEX 400 larnmower;
ener, the newest and most
ate straight,line mower stalk
ever built.
V Ill ANY MOWER.. '_
ii Ill rotary, hand, or p0"
• . . from 4 inoh#]
JI 38 inches in ¢t
I - C::%,., width.
Keys Ma
jf'-"-' Get that spare
lt when you
Engine Repairs
MASTERCUT Rotary-type
Hedrick Sport
Auto Chemicals
Auto Accessories
3-6-930 , , . $7.96
3.6-979 . . . $3.49
,: . . . . • . . . .
12-VOLT AUTO HORN , , . , , , . .$8,49
...... I . , B . I . I . . . . .
Lunsford's T| iPe Sf O 111 e 317
Oeyette Completes
;Aulomotive Game
FOR ORD, Calif.--Army Pet.
MiChael A. Deyette, 1S, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Victor E. Deyette,
Route 3, Shelton. completed the
eight-week automotive mainten-
ance helper course March 13 at
Fort Ord, Calif.
Deyettt. entere tile Army last
November and received basic train-
Washington History
In lho year 1778, one hundred
arm eighty-one years ago on an-
olher March 22nd Sunday, Cap-
tain .lames Cook made llw folh)w-
ing entry ill his journal:
"Between this islsnd or reek,
and thP riorthern -xt)'eme of land
ins at Fort Ord. fh(,re appear(d lo lie a small t)llen-
................................... (rig which flattered us with hopes
of finding a harbt)ur there, These
hopes lessened as We drew nearer:
'ind. lit last. we had sore(, reasol]
to think that tim opening was
' ' closed It.(lid. ()I) this =l('COLlnt .l
Fhtttery . . . It is in this v(,ry
|ate(tide whore wo now wet'(L thut
geographers have planed the pro-
v¢o saw nothing like it;' nor is
• t here th(' least probabiliI y that
Phone IIA 6-$$22 or HA 6-6207
liver any such thiltg existed."
lI l.w Jnteresling tl) In)to thai
(el)I'.)e VItI'ICOIIV,I" V,':IN one (if the
ei,ew (m Captain Cook's v(lyag-%
who later vain(., in eoll'mal)d of the
1792 oxp(:.dltion and (,stored tile
"protendo(l" strait.
Randy Greenwall
Ends Tank Course
VILSECK, (lerrnany-.-.Second Lt.
Rafldall A. Greeuwalt, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Greenwalt, 901
E. Cascade St., Shelton. completed
the armor crewman advanced
course IV[arch 14 al the Seventh
Army Tank Training Center in
Vilseck, Germany.
Greenwalt is regularly assigned
as a platoon leader in Company B
of the 3rd Division's 32nd Armor
in Friedberg.
The 24-year-old officer was
graduated from Irene S. Heed High
St:heel in 1953 and from the Unl.
v(n'sity of "Washington in 1957.
Use ,i;-urnii-W-ali Ads
Starring Errol Flynn, Juliette
Greco and an all star cast.
They tore the "Roots of l-I(v-
en" from the very earth itself.
The towering adventure that
crashes against Heaven! Tile
thrills of a lifetime, the creen's
mightiest safari into every hu-mory prying the lid off tee
man emotion.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 29-30-31
Starring: Connie Stevens and
Robert Driscoll
It will hit you where you live.
It will jolt you hard A shock
l)roblems at home and al seilool
,Grapeview ,News
After tills plL'l week's per(or- frigezato)s, et('., did lmep out of
mance on the parl of the \\;v(.qtlller- tlt(, upright open air huts. (in the
]llan, Who ca.n call :l woman fit:lilt;!
ITorrential rains topped by a beau-
Leotls StlIt(ll)y fol'nled t]iP (.onlbi/l;l-
tion that resulte(i ill tilt, ,lulie
Stocks having a bulldozer oLl| io
their Trea.ure Island tract. Net
reslflt, one bulldozer faccd by a
llll(l pocket but job fin(sired com-
plete wilh blastinK. Thus eneotir-
aged..halle an(I Doris ft.)ileal mer-
rily on, clearing berry vines, etc.
and planting flowers in their wake.
At the psychological moment the
George Lewis and Co. Cllnleell
Service drove in with hot coffee
and cake to spur on the industrious
• The flirtatious promises of newly
arrived spring also lured the Ru-
hm Millers up from l'o)::land to
titeir siinllner tlOllle ill Sotlies'
Coyly'. 'Pile Millers, both school
te.achers, thus Sl)(,nt I Ii(dr long-
l()okcd-forward-to spring vacation
l'eildying the plu('c, f(n Slllltnler
I)IL I{. D. Ma('RAE and Joe
welcomed home Mr.. Mactae last
,[onday, March 1(;, from an ex-
tended trip to Flo)'ida Mrs. -Iac-
Rae was the gue.t of tier sister
a.n(i brother-in-law. Mr. anti Mrs.
Stanley Tatom of Sheritlan, Ore.
Also aceompanyin/¢ them were Mr.
and Mrs. "Butch" Batchelder of
Alaska, and wha! a nlarvclons
trip it. was for all. 'rhe retire took
them south through California
(those Califollia drivers. ) Cost Mr.
Tatom one new door for his spank-
ins new red Cadillac!L across the
continent to the deep South. Point
of greatest interest visited in Flor-
ida by this fivesome were Palm
Springs, Miami and its fabulous
Lincoln Road (a tourist's heaven
of shops, etc.), Key West, and the
fascinating and colo$ul Seminole
swamps. The Seminole reservation
visit was a rewarding one also
even if a few electric lights, re-
Call Hoodsport TR, 7-5237
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler.Plymouth Cars
International Trucks
ret|u'n trip the group visited the
b'r(,nch Qila)'t(r' an(I otlwr int:er-
osting secl()rs of New O)']eans,
t(lell OIl I(l HtIS(.OlI, Texas, which
l)rove(l to be as beautifnl and mod-
ern a city as it is reput('(| to I)e.
On a side trip the groul) spent
(lilt, dfty tollring Juarez, Mexico,
;Ill(l, Its ;t contrast, oll their way
hOltl( Ollt'e again crossed the })of
d('r to visit Del Rio, Mexico, only
l.t) find a much So(tiller oily. All
in all the )'oud Irip front Sheri-
' dan covered 10,000 interesting
lnih,s, consunled seven short weeks
till(:] C0Vel'cd ' ?* states! ( ? ':' *--
Hand me my atlas!) Oil, yes! The
original purpose of the trill was
for Mr. Tatonl to pursue the wily
sailfish off lhe coast of Ieh)ri(la,
but (,iiher weather conditions were
[not suitable or the sailfish were
wilier than usual, because his am-
bition was not fulfilled, however
all tgree(Tt that the trip was a won-
dcrful and sttccessful vacation.
Taking a trip, sonlewhat shorter, i
the same weekend, \\;vere Florence
Palms and daughter, Pat. The
Palms drove up to Vancouver, B.
C. Friday where they met Pat's
friend, Joyce Bradner, who had
just completed her pediatric af-
filiation there from the Tat, oma:
General. (Note of interest: Joyce I
is a Stadium High graduate who
came to the U.S. from Germany J
some eight years ago.) This pleas-
ant weekend was culminated when
all three enjoyed Sunday dinner
with Florence's friends, tile Henry
Lovells of Tacoma. Pat has now
begun her scheduled student as-
signment to nursery duty's( the
Tacom General Hospital.
MEANWHILE, back on the
home front, we all notice a couple
of four-wheeled "new arrivals." A
gorgeous new Indian turquoise and
colonial white Foll is sitting in
the Joe and Sarah Tsehlda drive-
way. (Joe is reputed to have cho-
sen this color because their golden
cocker spaniel Patsy looked so
pretty in it!) Up in Grin md Ethel
Buckingham's driveway sits the
oLher "new arrival," an aqua mist
and white Rambler station wagon,
the materialization of Grin's
heart's desh'e. Bright new outlook
for a brand new spring!
Home from Seattle for the week-
end was Carol Seiners, who with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, W.
Somers, attended the lovely Sun-
day* afternoon wedding of one of
'Carol's fo-mer schoolmates. The
lovely spring bride was the for-
mer Sandra Collins of Shelton who
was wed to Mr. Lewis McCord
Good friday
United Service Offers a Chance
to Worship
Tomorrow is Good Friday. a day to
pause and remember. Remember the
deed that one man performed nearly two
thousand years ago to give the world new
hope. It is fitting to know that now,
many years later, people still remember
the meaning of Good Friday and Easter.
We at Simpson Logging Company will
join our friends and neighbors in the
community in attending the Mason Coun-
ty Ministerial Association's United Good
Friday service at Faith Lutheran Church
from 12 to 2 p.m. tomorrow. In this way
we hope to show our humble recognition
to the man who promised the world sal-
Our 64th Year
;d In aOhrfstm o
Ten students of Irene S, Reed
High School were initiated re-
cently into Quill and Scroll, na-
tional journalism honorary, in a
candlelight ceremony,
The ceremony was. part of tile
annual Publications Initiation. hon-
oring menbe)'s of the two student
publications, Highelimber an(! Sa-
ttonler A. Post of Tacoma, past
)resident of the Nalional Quill
and Scroll Society took part in
the Quill initiation. New members
of lhe Press Club were presented
by Marian IAnn, chlb president.
John McCallum, author of the
best sellers "That Kelly Family"
and "Tie Tiger Wore Spikes," was
featnred speaker of the evening.
The Reverend E. C. Knautz gave
the invocation.
Quill and Scroll initiates were
Thea Saegcr, Willard Kessel, Mary
Matson. Mary Kansas, Jenny
Knautz, Dennis Yule, John Schur
Ruth Deffinbaugh, Larry Hughes
and Clint Willour.
The Press Club initiated 57
of Toppenish at the Faith Luther-
an Church in Shelton.
We are glad to learn that Mr.
AI Richards reLurned home safe-
ly ttlis past Monday from the
Shelton General Hospital where
he had undergone surgery the pre-
vious Friday. Taking it plenty
easy while recuperating. All tells
us that it was like "old home week
for North Mason County," Mrs.
Fred Stock of Allyn being riglit
across the hall and Mr. Henry
Dahl of Victor also being in the
immediate vicinity. Speedy con-
valescence, y'all!
Medical patients in the area
eem to be suffering mainly from
our newest invader, a respiratory
vils of no mean dimensions. Lloyd
Richey spent a mkserable weekend
fighting the little beastie, Cheryl
Hanson finally licked it after a
two-weeks bout and returned to
school last Monday and the Walt
Clayton, Jr., residence might well
have been called the Grapeview
General Hospital, what with four
down and Walt to go. Myron Polk
also managed to get on the list.
Easter bunnies are not the only
harbingers of spring!
ON A IORE cheerful plane,
once again we see appearing on
the local waters, bright new craft
and Julie Stock's marina boat slip
did a land-office business this past
weekend. The Les Rices with their
new craft also added to the illu-
sion of spring arrived, ..what with
daughter Leslie gaily water-skiing
behind same, clad warily in Ber-
muda shorts and heavy sweat
Visiting with Don and Shirley
Pogreba the better part of last
week was Shirley's cousin, Berrm-
dine, and hubby, Gene Killoy, and
chilhms, Paul and Kathy. Gene,
on spring vacation from his teach-
ing post at the Oregon City Jun-
ior High School, sported a hand-
some beard grown to help cele-
brate Oregon's centennial anniver-
sary. Sunday marked the end of
the pleasant family Visit.
Visitors or no, Young Don Po-
greba took to the Sound Satur-
day with Grandpa, Orville Kager;
to try his luck with the rod and
reel and retm'ned sporting a lovely
si×-pound fish. Orville also had
two good ones. Orville must have
really had the touch this weekend,
going out with Big Don and com-
ing home with nice .ones, while
Don was 'temporarily out of touch
with our finny friends.
The Myron Polks made a pin
grimlage this past weekend to Port
Angeles, stopping on the way at
the Sequim VFW hall for a game
night. (Louise reported not much
luck but lots of fun!) Purpose of
the pilgrimage was to help Lou'
ise's mother, Mrs. Vina Lacasse,
celebrate her 80th birthday. The
get-together took place at the
home of Louise's sister and hubby,
Mr. and Mrs. Kermltt Goodma,
where Mrs. Lacasse lives. Having
assured themselves of Mrs. La-
casse's spryness and gogd health,
Myron anI Louise left Sunday
morning returnln-
, t; home by way
of Seattle in order to visit other
rein(ires there.
Also spending their spring va-
cation in Grapeview are young
i Pam and Rickey Richey of Se-
attle. They are the children of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Richey and
are visiting with uncle and aunt,
Lloyd and Faye Richey preumahiN
until early tlis weekend.
AN UP-TO-DATE eck up on
Lock Wren's convalescence: no
notable slippage in the humor de-
partment, same old twinkle in the
eye! Sounds like you can't keep
a good man down!
"Gov" Lewls spent quite a sum:
ulating Saturday evening enter.
taining Sambo Engen and after
refreshments, the two quietly col-
who spent the reBt of the evening.
in a much more relaxed fashi()n.
Pinochle fans, now hear this
warning! Sworn to be completely
devoid of any devious sleight :.o$
hand methods, the Earl Parks and
Joe Tschidas report the following
results of an evening (not an all-
night!) spent at playing pinochle:
Joe and Earl racked up a 1500
trump count and double pinochle
four times, while Jeaie and Sarah
lay claim to double pinochle! And
they say it can't be done!!
The arah Eckert Orthopedic
Auxiliary .met at the home of
Marge t/oil last Friday evenin
with Ethel Buckingham helptn
Merge as co-hostess. Faye Riche
was taken in as a new membs
Ads Grigg attended as a
gnest. A lovely vening was en-
Joyed by eli at their one evening I
meeting of the year.
G 1 o b e - trotting Grapeviewite,
Mrs. Faye Mitchell, sent news
home recently from Luxemburg.
She has left her family in Czecho-
slovakia and is now on the final
lap of her trip, planning to returr
hnme via Montreal, across Canade
by train, arriving in Seattle, po@
sibly within a month.
After an enjoyable "overnight"
with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wray in Tacoma, last weekend,
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Grlgg drove
home via Olympia in order to view
i the damage caused by the run,
:'away raltroa¢l ars and 'to VtsW
other relatives there.
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Iany of the larger schools in
tiffs area will have a weetCs spring
vacation, but the Harstine Island
school will have only two days,
l,Ti(iay and Monday. The school
children lmve an Easter egg hunt
planned for this Thursday at 12:30.
Peggy and Alvin Anderson of
Belfair were on the Island this
past weekend to help Gumler and
Helen Johnson celebrate Gunner's
birthday. Dropping in during the
week to extend birt:hday greet-
ings were Mr. and Mrs. Sundius
Johnson of Olympia.
Patricia O'Brien of Kentfield,
C.dif., are spending their week of
spring vacation at their home on
the nortli end of the Island.
Spring is really sprung and one
way you can tell is that Dr. Bra-
key of the experiment station at
Puyallup was on the Island spray-
ing the loganberries.
We are very happy to report
that the Oyster Cannery is start-
ing production on the first of
April. It sure will be nice to have
a payday once in a while.
Mr. and Mrs` Warren Yates of
Seattle brought their daughter
Connie .out to the Island to spend
her spring vacation with Grand-
ma and Grandpa Yates.
Mr. Lewis Wingert of the Uni-
versity of Wahiigton spent the
past weekend with his folks, the
Arlo Wingerts.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks, and
:Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates met at
the home of George Waites to
draw up plans for a float from
Haratine Island to be entered in
the Forest FeStival. It was decided
by popular vote to make a scale
model replica of the old paddle
wheel ferry named the Island Bell.
This ferry was built by Earl Harri-
man and the theme of this year's
parade is honoring pioneers and
Earl was a pioneer in the field of
ferrys. In those days whenever
we needed a new ferry Earl would
tow in a few logs and start build-
ing a new conveyance.
IF ANY OF YOU have a pic-
ture of the old Island Belle we
sure would like to borrow it. The
Harstine ferry was nning on a
limited schedule this past Monday.
The ferry was pushed with the
barge while the ferry itself was
undergoing a motor change.
A1 and Monies Pridham mot-
tored to the College of Puget
Sound field house this past week
and saw the Tacoma Home Show.
Mrs. Gordon :Simmons has re-
turned from a week's visit to Cor-
vales, Ore. Returning with her
were her daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Sil Arata and chil-
dren. The Aratas returned to Or-
egon on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCul-
loeh were the Tuesday dinner
guests of the John Hitchcocks.
Happy birthdays this week go
to Mr. Joe Glaser of Bemerton
and to H. A. Glaser who is eele-
brating his birthday anniversary
on the 31st.
Beautiful Point Wilson was very
much populated this past weekend
with the L. JerreIls and the Mich-
ael Gills at their summer homes,
The Jerrells will be here a week.
Civil Service Lists
Senior Forestry Job
• An examination is now open for
fillhzg positions as Senior Fozest
Worker, $1.75 to $1.93 an hour,
in Region VI of the U.S. Forest
• Service, comprising the States of
Washington and Oregon, except
counties of Whitman, Spokane,
Pend Orielle, Stevens, Ferry, and
Additional infornmtion concern-
ing these, positions may be ob-
tained at major post offices or the
Eleventh U. S. Civil Service Re-
gional Office, Federal Office
Building, Seattle. Wash.
) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russ() of
Seatlh? "u'e spen(Tling a few (tars
!on the Island .'is guesls (it" tile
H. A. Giasers. Mrs. Russo u:ed
to teach school here in tie one
t*ooln N('ho0] )1()1);'{ ;it l)le St)Hl[))
end of the Ishmd. She likes (o
compare her class of 50 s(,cond
and third graders in Seattle with
the class of four students she
taught here. She used to walk
from the south end of tile Island
to Glasers' to practice the piano.
Those were the days I guess.
TIIE MARTINE Goetseh home
was a busy place this Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Phiiip Cimp-
man driving with the kids for a
visit. Little Olivet' was baptized
Sunday. Also dropping in were
Boh Caves and his friend, I)ianne
Schuyler of Bah)bridge Island. Mr.
an(l Mrs. John Lee Goeisch were
honle for the v,'eel(end from ,'4(,-
Mrs. Everett Simons was ell the
Island all last week and plans on
spending this week tere, too. Miss
Joy Sinlons entertained at a dinner
party for nine of her college
friends. Everett and Frankew ar-
rived Friday night to round out the
list of people.
John and Beulah Hitchc:ock vis-
ited with Island resident Melvin
Sutton who is confined to the
Sarah House. Later on they went
to Vaughn and visited with Mrs.
Eest Devine.
Mr. Budd who bought the Carnes
place was on' the Island this week-
end and started work on the house.
Miss Cindy Waiie had a bad fall
and sprained her ankle Sunday. We
hope it's coming along fine.
MRS. BEN ]RI(INEY has return-
ed to the Island after an extended
visit in Tacoma following sur-
gery. We waat to welcome you
home Jean, glad to have you back.
Happy hirthday to Mrs, A1 Prid-
ham on Friday the 27th. Many
happy returns of the day, Monica.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knauf and
children and Mrs. Dale Peugh at-
tended a special all day meeting
in Chehalis this past Sunday.
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Open 'til
J. V. "Joe"
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We have recently aoquir
SIMPLEX 400 larnmower;
ener, the newest and most
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V Ill ANY MOWER.. '_
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Keys Ma
jf'-"-' Get that spare
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Engine Repairs
MASTERCUT Rotary-type
Hedrick Sport
Auto Chemicals
Auto Accessories
3-6-930 , , . $7.96
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12-VOLT AUTO HORN , , . , , , . .$8,49
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Lunsford's T| iPe Sf O 111 e 317