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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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959 IWJTON-MASON CQUhrY JOURNAL- Trouble. Care Peak Perform. your TV set, cians ,necessary re- 14A. 6-3172 Hlway No. Social Even ts l.,,..8oclety Editor , • Phone HA. 6-4412 VFW Post 1694 Beds Officers Veterans of Foreign Wars. Post ]694, elected officers at their last meeting. They are: Darell D. Sparks, com- mander; Melvin Cleveland, senior vice-commander; James O. Med- calf, junior vice-commnder; Lar- ry F. Godwin, adjutant quarter- master; Robert L. Snyder, judge advocate; Dr. B. B. Forman, post surgeon; Albert D. Pinney, chap- lain, and Robert C. Springer, three- year trustee. Hugh Gruver anti Eugene F. Martin will retain their trustee position. The officers will be installed at the Post meeting April 17. JOG to Donate $50 Tile Carrie Elliot Junior Ortho- pedic Guild will donate $50, mon- ey earned in a recent sweater raf- fle, to the Seattle Children's Or- thopedic Hospital. JOG ha. scheduled a pizza and cocktail party and dance for April. Community Pride... spirit of giving that we teachers of Educational Association -- by "Talent Association" agree to on .panel teams before organ- g us. There is no charge Can Discuss Through First Hand Knowledge: Orthol.dla Auxiliary T° Beg,|naB°!!!e ?rive meeting of the Rainier Orthopedic Auxiliary hehl at the borne of Mrs. H.C. Women's Club °""° .,,,,dell The drive will begin April i Has Busy Schedule witha house t(, house canvas of the downtown al'e$t and (:ontimle The Hood (3anal Women's Club through April 15 throughout the is completing a busy schedule this city. Proceeds fl'onl redeemat)le month. Children'sb°ttles willorthopedicbe given tOHospital.,the Se ttle ] l'otlatch members of the club I served hmcheon to 30 women at "Every bottle picked up means a their regular meeting hast week in few cents more for the benefit of their clubhouse. Eenteriaining ehihlren who receive the wottder- were Mrs. Grace Gouley, vocdist., ful care l.he hospital gives." Don- and Mrs. Beth Johnson, accom- na Stlnd, a xiliary nlember, said. paniment. Mrs. Nine Miller re- She encouraged community mere- viewed the book "h'eland and Me" hers to save all rede'mable bet- by Orina Atkinson flea. International subjects dominated the business meeting. The chlh CARD PARTY HAS voted to glw support to a Korean child for a yea,', and discussed at- ALASKAN THEME rangements for hostessing a pot- luck dinner meeting in honor of The forty-ninth state formed the visiting foreign students from the therhe of a card party given by the University of Washington at 7 Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Auxiliary p.m. this evening at the Potlatch this week. Wall decorations in- Clubhouse. Mrs. Gilbert, inteta- cluded a large tourist map of Alas- tional relations chairman, has in- ka and some of the first flags with vited the public to attend. Guests 49 stars. The refreshment table should contact Mrs. Winifred Gil- was covered with a table cloth more. map. Eskimo dolls, igloos and to- Noon luncheon will be served to terns completed the decore. Fish- the students at the home of Mrs. net table cloths and favors with Edith Kraus, club president, miniature flags decorated other The club plans a White Elephant tables• Sale at their next meeting. In Partners for the games were April they will co-hostess the chosen by matching the names of spring meeting of the Mason Coun- Alaskan cities. ty Federation of Woman's Clubs at Mrs. Joe Tschida was chairman the Shelton Armory. of the affair. Christmastown O.G. Bethel 37, Jobs, Social Meeting Held Receives Guests The Christmasto,vn Orthopedic Guild held their March meeting Bethel No. 37 of Job's Daugh- last week at the home of Mrs. Rob- ters was hostess to two honored ert Temple. Mrs. George Kaszycki guests at a St. Patrick's Day meet- in ¢'Cllritma2tow+. U,,q.A,," CONGRATULATION EXTIRNDID---Mt. Carl Blank, Olymp|c Pemhmul district diret0r of the %Vashington .'tate Federation of Garden Club., w:ts on hand at a ment meeting to help the Mltel- ton elnb celebrate 20 years of atlvlty. She Is The Shelton' Garden Club annu- al Conservation Luncheon held a special meaning this year for the gardners as the club began its 21st year. Following the hmcheon club- members and guests from other garden clubs throughottt the coun- ty reviewed the history of the club, from the first planting of Railroad Avenue to the planting of the "triangle." During the 20 years since its founding, the club has won two national awards for its civic improvements. The Junior high school nonette was cohostess for the evening, ins in the Masonic Temple. Capael. 13. Hobbycraft Game prizes for the social event Visiting were Mrs. Dorothy Ball, went to Mrs. Earle Mericle, Mrs. Grand Guardian, and Mr. Jolley, 14. Home Economics Stan James and Mrs. Vern Nelson. associated Grand Guardian for the 15. Language Arts The white elephant prize was car- state. They were on hand for the sang "A Fellow Needs a Girl," ried away by Mrs. John Pill. initiation of Sandra Jones, daugh- "Happy Birthday, Garden Club" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones; and "Follow the Gleam, Grandma," Mrs. Don Brown wil hostess the Cathleen Archer, daughter of Mr. directed by Gary Nicloy. April meeting, and Mrs. James Archer. and Cin- Phil Murphy, mamger of the dy Waite, daughter of Mr. and Shelton Chamber of Commerce, the Grades 16. Mathematics 17. Music Through the Ool Grades 18 Physical Educat,on • " " IT   • [ Mrs. George WaRe, Jr. 'and feature speaker of the klnch- oh " 19. Civics • •B •• li  Pat Simmons was given a jewel- eo, stated "If you don't have a "od Public Affairs: • V V IL.  ry bracelet in honor of her initia-[goo d garden club in your city, National and State ....... 1- • ,, ._ t,,'.v u,K. you won't get others, to come m boat handlin ....... ........... 90 e^,^^, Lunch Pro-rams=,, ..=,. .:.'z',".'i$:::'::':;':':':':¢:':2z':':' az:-....':':'""::::::: :.':'::::';:':': :::::"':'z':'":l..'::::"::: portOtherof• thebusinesSslumberinCludedparty ma Ta-re" in his talk to the group on the u zl. cnool r nance, ....,.= ....::..::':':::.::; .:i:: .,-71::: :!:i . _ • ......... need of a garden club to beautify • roUnds,-' .... Bus 22 Science F'):2:?':2'@:i ':$8 .!| coma vtarcn a ann ox tne rmn(- a city. He also asked the group 'e " ..:.."/ .::!'..!':t i: ..'.':| ship Night visitation at l ort Oreh- for aid in finding beneficial spots ' :%. "";" Z :':::,;; ' '": _. 23. Shop Work i:::. .' . ,% ::!l ard where the Shelton girls were onstruct,on" 25.24" Skin Diving t: ":ili l] t !Ji presented with the Traveling Gay" f°r hist°rical markers'fielding the censer', ation°n behalfspot. elf Activities . cla! Sere ! :!:?::Yi] ship Vlsttatl°n is scheduled f°r °fthel°calHtst°rical''°ctety" light wa a film of the Agnes guages 26 Spe n country, north of Lake Chelan, by Id Counseling 27. Traveh g   j !;] April 17. Roy Peacher of Rayonier Incorpor- 28. Testing  ' "t  " ' - .L.'. : ,..  ii1 SKATE PARTY SCHEDULED atcd. The film stressed the need ;;" Vocational Wor unties Na't!°nSk    i:'?i A skating party is scheduled by for protection of the "crown jew- el of America," the wilderness. • i I ]  =1 I i ii the Atahwalpa Children's Ortho- Corsages were given the past e ....... I U | II / • I  pedic Guild for 7 p.m. Wednesday, presidents of the club, Mrs. George er of each topic compels the speaker delimit i n = m / • ' I! April 1 at the roller rink. Cropl)er, Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mrs. ms d=scretion. ' ......... I IIIII1 Admission is fifty cents for the Percy Kennerly, Mrs. Guy Norris, *RK Z ............... • IIHULU party a fund raising project for Mrs.'Frank Snaith and Mrs. Ferald ,.. =rt, 'res lent, nelton *-oucattonai ssn. •nmmnrn .,--;h ei=hth '-, .;.*h ,.a. • -t-&RD m,,-- ........... m-Ulllml ......... , ............ , .... Dill, and special guest, Mrs. Carl nt.#Dll I, WUDIIC Helauofls m students. The party is open to all Blank, Seciuim, director of the 420 S. FIRST ST. students in that grade division. Olympic Peninsula District of the    I of Oa,'d  [ StatFederatlon en Chlb. s Vet Auxiliary Init!ales, Elects Year's OHioers I HERE" WHY J tion of new rembers occupied a ]recent meeting of the Veterans ]of Foreign Wars Auxiliary... I New officers are Betty (oawm, I p[e:ident; Colleen Gephart, senior J v'c '-president; Fal Robinson, jun- ]ior vice-president; Florence Hamil- ] ton, treamwer; Arma Springer, LAUND ,chap]ain;JosephineSparks, con" • I ductress; Mary Jadin, guard, and [Ruth Nelson, t'hree-year trustee. I They will preside over the fol- Ilowtng new members: Rose May [ Keir, Wildavene Quinn, Phyllis I D6ugan, Betty Los Owen, Anna- belie Price, Jeanette Thomas, Ber- REVOLVING AGITATOR IS BEST... wy n w/.= me . Sand = nice O'Neill, Mae Patrick, Lucille Arbogast, Barbara J. Honey, Mil- dred Mallow, Dorothy Towle, Ruth Schnader and Ann Rowe. I I I _ . I I Mrs. Ruth West, fifth district w..,. elllelr| Rinses Better Cleans Itlelfl president from Aberdeen, presided .urn.. • , Le,,ndro&at cleans itself Therds no feMer.lfl, // Uflt € whH dtfly  that°Ver arrangementsthe initiation, areSheunderrep°rtedway s automabcMly White I ' C*olh.**.=d,.-- .' ware, Ind I1 dlldn 1, y r' -10 !....W h! for the net Fifth District meet- I  Rev01vingAg itM0rwhi 'lx__-l fr0tkm.sntJ'-It [ t;  g v.ru0Di,lle ton.Ins scheduled, for May 16 in Shel- l macmne comes ou[ . ,e, j lifts 1 Ifiunlss tlu  ms€hines strain it a I 'X, : .' .... Other out-of-town visitors were , spotless lree o $011, •  50 timsl s mimda TN  lff" back  U TM  __ . . .. .. Alyce Bottleson, Elizabeth *dolzner ln, '.' proves it, == Ik,}d Test pleYe it[ T: nt,. cm. Ip and Anna Young of Aberdeen. :Ma- O IKI ,,,p 0v,,,, ry Trohimovich of Elma and Corn Johnson of Hoquiam. WESTINGHOUSE Languages ad Counseling 4f, RK. ZERR, President, Shelton Educational Assn. RUBLIN, Public Relations "N DRY COMBINATION ( Program Wash Computer ..•l i I I I ves yo¢ SEPARATE Program# fo#= t Colm4ml alm I & Sm md mma  . L W km iii P:ge 1 , ................ / .......... . shown here (tar right) eeagnmttttlng Mrs. George CJropper, first president of the helton club. Mrs. L. D. Ha.k, a founder mid at.five mem- hev, looiot on. (Journal pirate, Dean print.) |LTON EL TRIC ii i i I t IJlll ii i iii j i GAS-TeeNs[ By RALPH and HARRY  WASH d' 1 "i'd like to get a WASH and IRON job please." e YoU'll be surprised at the dif- ferent things wc can do to give you more Pt,EASANT M()TORING ! @ 419 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-6283 COLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIOE il MOBIL TIRES • , , , , , First and Pine Strect • . r_ r 1_. i Goodwin, Mrs. Walter Marble, Mrs, Phone H A 6-3906 Gardeners Pass 20 xear vm K, lo.i,, .. wilii mnder .... t , m t and M. Redick. Review History, Achevements t ...... - ........... Winners o£ the door prizes were/ Mrs. Harold Sutheriand, a plant, l|  •  • , , i M,.. Roy Rector and Mrs. Homertll Ilnlaln Fmtinr Sunday Frank, co.ges. /i -e"'" "'" """" Mrs. Frank Smith, present pres, I I ! (: ,,o+ ..=.. ,,=... , ...... tend beea,+,se o rune. e -/I MIIIIII'" i1111111" I IIII1=1, il , sent her thanks to Mrs, Dill, • IIMIIlM Ililqlllil LUUUL Y L _ __ tl IIlllllql, IIl'llllrl liVliIAL chairman of the affair, Mrs. V. T. I Connolly, decorations, Mrs. Ken- 1 nerly, corsages, tickets and reaer-/i  "r-_ ....... . .___ vations, Mrs; Rector, corsages, and[ II IUI rngnway a tlaon to the women in cof the] kitchen preparations. "racy were/I ugrr a- a r • T Mrs. Lentz, Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs.|| [Xuu .J,'LtlJ Del Cole. Mrs. Marie Almaden,| Mrs. Harold Cramer, Mrs. A. H. IJ j I I I i i i i i i When People Have A Choice.... ]Vmll saM1 v ],7 e oose.... Darigold 1 Pro cts i In Store After   Slore Throughoui   The Oounly lii : .0 , . : ,;: ,+' ,rd+ Where 0anpld / '++++. .i! + com.t.... - , w,., " "- !i! IFresher Because It's Local Stork Shower Given Mrs. Stanley James Mrs. Stanley James was hon- ored recently at a stork shower In the home of Mrs George Kas* zycki, 2015 Adams St. Mrs, John Pill was co-hostess. Game prizes were won by Mrs. Gordon Bennett and Mre. Gone Lindberg. Others attending were Mmea Robert Temple, Edward Cole, L E. Johnson, Harvey Utter, Jim Bat- stone, Roy Anderson, Walt Man. berg, Arehie Dittman, Jack Powell, Daug Dayton, John Eager, and Anse Cleveland. Sending gifts and unable to at- tend were Mrs, Earl Mericle and Mrs. Gerhard Ness. HOMEMAKERS TO MEET Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet April 1 in the home of Mrs. Donald Smith, Rt. 1, Box 23,3, Kamilche, for potluck lunch and business meeting. A plant exchange will follow the meeting. A public card party is scheduled. for April 4 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clark, 608 Bellevue W. There will be a drawing on a hamper at the party. The hamper will be on display April 3 at the Sears store. GOLDEN AGE CLUB MEETS The Golden Age club will meet today at. 6 p.m. for a potluck din- ner with a program and dance to follow. All senior members of the community are invited. The club will have a  .Je Friday and Saturday at the" Umon Hall. Dadgold Dairy Produo Are Produaad and Processed In Mason and Ksap Oounties. Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn. THIRD AND GROVE • • Phone HA 6-4473 959 IWJTON-MASON CQUhrY JOURNAL- Trouble. Care Peak Perform. your TV set, cians ,necessary re- 14A. 6-3172 Hlway No. Social Even ts l.,,..8oclety Editor , • Phone HA. 6-4412 VFW Post 1694 Beds Officers Veterans of Foreign Wars. Post ]694, elected officers at their last meeting. They are: Darell D. Sparks, com- mander; Melvin Cleveland, senior vice-commander; James O. Med- calf, junior vice-commnder; Lar- ry F. Godwin, adjutant quarter- master; Robert L. Snyder, judge advocate; Dr. B. B. Forman, post surgeon; Albert D. Pinney, chap- lain, and Robert C. Springer, three- year trustee. Hugh Gruver anti Eugene F. Martin will retain their trustee position. The officers will be installed at the Post meeting April 17. JOG to Donate $50 Tile Carrie Elliot Junior Ortho- pedic Guild will donate $50, mon- ey earned in a recent sweater raf- fle, to the Seattle Children's Or- thopedic Hospital. JOG ha. scheduled a pizza and cocktail party and dance for April. Community Pride... spirit of giving that we teachers of Educational Association -- by "Talent Association" agree to on .panel teams before organ- g us. There is no charge Can Discuss Through First Hand Knowledge: Orthol.dla Auxiliary T° Beg,|naB°!!!e ?rive meeting of the Rainier Orthopedic Auxiliary hehl at the borne of Mrs. H.C. Women's Club °""° .,,,,dell The drive will begin April i Has Busy Schedule witha house t(, house canvas of the downtown al'e$t and (:ontimle The Hood (3anal Women's Club through April 15 throughout the is completing a busy schedule this city. Proceeds fl'onl redeemat)le month. Children'sb°ttles willorthopedicbe given tOHospital.,the Se ttle ] l'otlatch members of the club I served hmcheon to 30 women at "Every bottle picked up means a their regular meeting hast week in few cents more for the benefit of their clubhouse. Eenteriaining ehihlren who receive the wottder- were Mrs. Grace Gouley, vocdist., ful care l.he hospital gives." Don- and Mrs. Beth Johnson, accom- na Stlnd, a xiliary nlember, said. paniment. Mrs. Nine Miller re- She encouraged community mere- viewed the book "h'eland and Me" hers to save all rede'mable bet- by Orina Atkinson flea. International subjects dominated the business meeting. The chlh CARD PARTY HAS voted to glw support to a Korean child for a yea,', and discussed at- ALASKAN THEME rangements for hostessing a pot- luck dinner meeting in honor of The forty-ninth state formed the visiting foreign students from the therhe of a card party given by the University of Washington at 7 Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Auxiliary p.m. this evening at the Potlatch this week. Wall decorations in- Clubhouse. Mrs. Gilbert, inteta- cluded a large tourist map of Alas- tional relations chairman, has in- ka and some of the first flags with vited the public to attend. Guests 49 stars. The refreshment table should contact Mrs. Winifred Gil- was covered with a table cloth more. map. Eskimo dolls, igloos and to- Noon luncheon will be served to terns completed the decore. Fish- the students at the home of Mrs. net table cloths and favors with Edith Kraus, club president, miniature flags decorated other The club plans a White Elephant tables• Sale at their next meeting. In Partners for the games were April they will co-hostess the chosen by matching the names of spring meeting of the Mason Coun- Alaskan cities. ty Federation of Woman's Clubs at Mrs. Joe Tschida was chairman the Shelton Armory. of the affair. Christmastown O.G. Bethel 37, Jobs, Social Meeting Held Receives Guests The Christmasto,vn Orthopedic Guild held their March meeting Bethel No. 37 of Job's Daugh- last week at the home of Mrs. Rob- ters was hostess to two honored ert Temple. Mrs. George Kaszycki guests at a St. Patrick's Day meet- in ¢'Cllritma2tow+. U,,q.A,," CONGRATULATION EXTIRNDID---Mt. Carl Blank, Olymp|c Pemhmul district diret0r of the %Vashington .'tate Federation of Garden Club., w:ts on hand at a ment meeting to help the Mltel- ton elnb celebrate 20 years of atlvlty. She Is The Shelton' Garden Club annu- al Conservation Luncheon held a special meaning this year for the gardners as the club began its 21st year. Following the hmcheon club- members and guests from other garden clubs throughottt the coun- ty reviewed the history of the club, from the first planting of Railroad Avenue to the planting of the "triangle." During the 20 years since its founding, the club has won two national awards for its civic improvements. The Junior high school nonette was cohostess for the evening, ins in the Masonic Temple. Capael. 13. Hobbycraft Game prizes for the social event Visiting were Mrs. Dorothy Ball, went to Mrs. Earle Mericle, Mrs. Grand Guardian, and Mr. Jolley, 14. Home Economics Stan James and Mrs. Vern Nelson. associated Grand Guardian for the 15. Language Arts The white elephant prize was car- state. They were on hand for the sang "A Fellow Needs a Girl," ried away by Mrs. John Pill. initiation of Sandra Jones, daugh- "Happy Birthday, Garden Club" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones; and "Follow the Gleam, Grandma," Mrs. Don Brown wil hostess the Cathleen Archer, daughter of Mr. directed by Gary Nicloy. April meeting, and Mrs. James Archer. and Cin- Phil Murphy, mamger of the dy Waite, daughter of Mr. and Shelton Chamber of Commerce, the Grades 16. Mathematics 17. Music Through the Ool Grades 18 Physical Educat,on • " " IT   • [ Mrs. George WaRe, Jr. 'and feature speaker of the klnch- oh " 19. Civics • •B •• li  Pat Simmons was given a jewel- eo, stated "If you don't have a "od Public Affairs: • V V IL.  ry bracelet in honor of her initia-[goo d garden club in your city, National and State ....... 1- • ,, ._ t,,'.v u,K. you won't get others, to come m boat handlin ....... ........... 90 e^,^^, Lunch Pro-rams=,, ..=,. .:.'z',".'i$:::'::':;':':':':¢:':2z':':' az:-....':':'""::::::: :.':'::::';:':': :::::"':'z':'":l..'::::"::: portOtherof• thebusinesSslumberinCludedparty ma Ta-re" in his talk to the group on the u zl. cnool r nance, ....,.= ....::..::':':::.::; .:i:: .,-71::: :!:i . _ • ......... need of a garden club to beautify • roUnds,-' .... Bus 22 Science F'):2:?':2'@:i ':$8 .!| coma vtarcn a ann ox tne rmn(- a city. He also asked the group 'e " ..:.."/ .::!'..!':t i: ..'.':| ship Night visitation at l ort Oreh- for aid in finding beneficial spots ' :%. "";" Z :':::,;; ' '": _. 23. Shop Work i:::. .' . ,% ::!l ard where the Shelton girls were onstruct,on" 25.24" Skin Diving t: ":ili l] t !Ji presented with the Traveling Gay" f°r hist°rical markers'fielding the censer', ation°n behalfspot. elf Activities . cla! Sere ! :!:?::Yi] ship Vlsttatl°n is scheduled f°r °fthel°calHtst°rical''°ctety" light wa a film of the Agnes guages 26 Spe n country, north of Lake Chelan, by Id Counseling 27. Traveh g   j !;] April 17. Roy Peacher of Rayonier Incorpor- 28. Testing  ' "t  " ' - .L.'. : ,..  ii1 SKATE PARTY SCHEDULED atcd. The film stressed the need ;;" Vocational Wor unties Na't!°nSk    i:'?i A skating party is scheduled by for protection of the "crown jew- el of America," the wilderness. • i I ]  =1 I i ii the Atahwalpa Children's Ortho- Corsages were given the past e ....... I U | II / • I  pedic Guild for 7 p.m. Wednesday, presidents of the club, Mrs. George er of each topic compels the speaker delimit i n = m / • ' I! April 1 at the roller rink. Cropl)er, Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mrs. ms d=scretion. ' ......... I IIIII1 Admission is fifty cents for the Percy Kennerly, Mrs. Guy Norris, *RK Z ............... • IIHULU party a fund raising project for Mrs.'Frank Snaith and Mrs. Ferald ,.. =rt, 'res lent, nelton *-oucattonai ssn. •nmmnrn .,--;h ei=hth '-, .;.*h ,.a. • -t-&RD m,,-- ........... m-Ulllml ......... , ............ , .... Dill, and special guest, Mrs. Carl nt.#Dll I, WUDIIC Helauofls m students. The party is open to all Blank, Seciuim, director of the 420 S. FIRST ST. students in that grade division. Olympic Peninsula District of the    I of Oa,'d  [ StatFederatlon en Chlb. s Vet Auxiliary Init!ales, Elects Year's OHioers I HERE" WHY J tion of new rembers occupied a ]recent meeting of the Veterans ]of Foreign Wars Auxiliary... I New officers are Betty (oawm, I p[e:ident; Colleen Gephart, senior J v'c '-president; Fal Robinson, jun- ]ior vice-president; Florence Hamil- ] ton, treamwer; Arma Springer, LAUND ,chap]ain;JosephineSparks, con" • I ductress; Mary Jadin, guard, and [Ruth Nelson, t'hree-year trustee. I They will preside over the fol- Ilowtng new members: Rose May [ Keir, Wildavene Quinn, Phyllis I D6ugan, Betty Los Owen, Anna- belie Price, Jeanette Thomas, Ber- REVOLVING AGITATOR IS BEST... wy n w/.= me . Sand = nice O'Neill, Mae Patrick, Lucille Arbogast, Barbara J. Honey, Mil- dred Mallow, Dorothy Towle, Ruth Schnader and Ann Rowe. I I I _ . I I Mrs. Ruth West, fifth district w..,. elllelr| Rinses Better Cleans Itlelfl president from Aberdeen, presided .urn.. • , Le,,ndro&at cleans itself Therds no feMer.lfl, // Uflt € whH dtfly  that°Ver arrangementsthe initiation, areSheunderrep°rtedway s automabcMly White I ' C*olh.**.=d,.-- .' ware, Ind I1 dlldn 1, y r' -10 !....W h! for the net Fifth District meet- I  Rev01vingAg itM0rwhi 'lx__-l fr0tkm.sntJ'-It [ t;  g v.ru0Di,lle ton.Ins scheduled, for May 16 in Shel- l macmne comes ou[ . ,e, j lifts 1 Ifiunlss tlu  ms€hines strain it a I 'X, : .' .... Other out-of-town visitors were , spotless lree o $011, •  50 timsl s mimda TN  lff" back  U TM  __ . . .. .. Alyce Bottleson, Elizabeth *dolzner ln, '.' proves it, == Ik,}d Test pleYe it[ T: nt,. cm. Ip and Anna Young of Aberdeen. :Ma- O IKI ,,,p 0v,,,, ry Trohimovich of Elma and Corn Johnson of Hoquiam. WESTINGHOUSE Languages ad Counseling 4f, RK. ZERR, President, Shelton Educational Assn. RUBLIN, Public Relations "N DRY COMBINATION ( Program Wash Computer ..•l i I I I ves yo¢ SEPARATE Program# fo#= t Colm4ml alm I & Sm md mma  . L W km iii P:ge 1 , ................ / .......... . shown here (tar right) eeagnmttttlng Mrs. George CJropper, first president of the helton club. Mrs. L. D. Ha.k, a founder mid at.five mem- hev, looiot on. (Journal pirate, Dean print.) |LTON EL TRIC ii i i I t IJlll ii i iii j i GAS-TeeNs[ By RALPH and HARRY  WASH d' 1 "i'd like to get a WASH and IRON job please." e YoU'll be surprised at the dif- ferent things wc can do to give you more Pt,EASANT M()TORING ! @ 419 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-6283 COLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIOE il MOBIL TIRES • , , , , , First and Pine Strect • . r_ r 1_. i Goodwin, Mrs. Walter Marble, Mrs, Phone H A 6-3906 Gardeners Pass 20 xear vm K, lo.i,, .. wilii mnder .... t , m t and M. Redick. Review History, Achevements t ...... - ........... Winners o£ the door prizes were/ Mrs. Harold Sutheriand, a plant, l|  •  • , , i M,.. Roy Rector and Mrs. Homertll Ilnlaln Fmtinr Sunday Frank, co.ges. /i -e"'" "'" """" Mrs. Frank Smith, present pres, I I ! (: ,,o+ ..=.. ,,=... , ...... tend beea,+,se o rune. e -/I MIIIIII'" i1111111" I IIII1=1, il , sent her thanks to Mrs, Dill, • IIMIIlM Ililqlllil LUUUL Y L _ __ tl IIlllllql, IIl'llllrl liVliIAL chairman of the affair, Mrs. V. T. I Connolly, decorations, Mrs. Ken- 1 nerly, corsages, tickets and reaer-/i  "r-_ ....... . .___ vations, Mrs; Rector, corsages, and[ II IUI rngnway a tlaon to the women in cof the] kitchen preparations. "racy were/I ugrr a- a r • T Mrs. Lentz, Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs.|| [Xuu .J,'LtlJ Del Cole. Mrs. Marie Almaden,| Mrs. Harold Cramer, Mrs. A. H. IJ j I I I i i i i i i When People Have A Choice.... ]Vmll saM1 v ],7 e oose.... Darigold 1 Pro cts i In Store After   Slore Throughoui   The Oounly lii : .0 , . : ,;: ,+' ,rd+ Where 0anpld / '++++. .i! + com.t.... - , w,., " "- !i! IFresher Because It's Local Stork Shower Given Mrs. Stanley James Mrs. Stanley James was hon- ored recently at a stork shower In the home of Mrs George Kas* zycki, 2015 Adams St. Mrs, John Pill was co-hostess. Game prizes were won by Mrs. Gordon Bennett and Mre. Gone Lindberg. Others attending were Mmea Robert Temple, Edward Cole, L E. Johnson, Harvey Utter, Jim Bat- stone, Roy Anderson, Walt Man. berg, Arehie Dittman, Jack Powell, Daug Dayton, John Eager, and Anse Cleveland. Sending gifts and unable to at- tend were Mrs, Earl Mericle and Mrs. Gerhard Ness. HOMEMAKERS TO MEET Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet April 1 in the home of Mrs. Donald Smith, Rt. 1, Box 23,3, Kamilche, for potluck lunch and business meeting. A plant exchange will follow the meeting. A public card party is scheduled. for April 4 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clark, 608 Bellevue W. There will be a drawing on a hamper at the party. The hamper will be on display April 3 at the Sears store. GOLDEN AGE CLUB MEETS The Golden Age club will meet today at. 6 p.m. for a potluck din- ner with a program and dance to follow. All senior members of the community are invited. The club will have a  .Je Friday and Saturday at the" Umon Hall. Dadgold Dairy Produo Are Produaad and Processed In Mason and Ksap Oounties. Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn. THIRD AND GROVE • • Phone HA 6-4473