March 26, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 26, 1959 |
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Ps e 12 SHELTON'-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "OhriMmaMown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin on Thursda ,i
These Youngsters Will Earn Late Model Bicycles or Cash Commlsslo00
Tonlnly Adams
Eddie Aldrich
Gerry Armstrong Margaret Buechel Dennis Cardinal Robert Carey Ron Cole
Seth Coles Danny Conn Virginia Crumb Donald Cuzick Irvin Decicco Jr.
Tommy Eastgard Donald Ericson Janlee Fanning Linda Glover Terry Gustafmon Ricky Hanson Susan Harvey Norman Huisingh Steve Hyer
Terry Joslin Linda Kadoun Duane Kidd Marvin Kinnan
Dick Knautz Dale Leatherman Tommy Lowe Marvin Matson Jane McNulty
Tom Moore Ted Morse Larry Petty
Patsy Richey Mattie Robbins Russell Savage Steven Shefler Robert Sternquist
Shelton, Washington
Susan Tjomsland Maxine Tozier Glenn Van Blaricom Marel Viger John Wetherby Rosemary Wetter Richard Wyatt Dianne Zukowski Ray Barrington Pamela Boardman
Pictured above are boys and girls
competing for the bicycles and the cash
commissions in the Shelton - Mason
County Journal subscription campaign.
Wherever you live you can make one of
these youngsters happy by paying him
or her your new or renewal subscription
before 9,o'clock Saturday night, April 4.
Only subscriptions for one year each will
be accepted during this campaign, after
which all subscription prices will be
On another page is a list showing the
active candidates in the order of their
standings in their respective districts.
Choose a Favorite and Pay Your Subscription at Present Low Rates before 9 o'clock Saturday Night, April 4
• y Mrs, Nell Vanoe
Lilliwaup Conmmnity Club's
next c'rd party will be Friday
cv(.rdnK, Mar(')1 27. Pinochle will
be pl=t.ylld t() sl,art at. S p.rn. Tiffs
will be the s(,c(md party in a sez'-
ies of fivv Prizes will he awarded
for high a=3(I low Kcoi(,. lind i'(1-
freshnlents will be serw,d.
tlo(,d Canal G=lrtltn Club will
hr)ld tlmir next meoting Thursday,
ADrll 2, at lilt, Woman's Chlb-
hollse in PotbHeh. Mrs. Beulah
Vul'l will b(' tu,stess, A I)othlek
]llllchOorl will be served el: 12:30.
Nina Milh,r will bo luest speaker.
E}tch member is asked to bring it
miniature Kardon for display,
Olympic P(ninsuht [)istriet l,'ed-
eratmn of Gard,,n Clubs of Wash-
ington held Iheir March meeting
a nominsting committee of five]el0 members. I
members. The District Director, I Those attending the district[ KAMILOHE NEWS
Mrs. Grace Blank, of Seqtlim, call- {meeting from Hood Canal Garden [
ed tile business meetIDg to order at [ Club were Mrs. Jenny Hoff, presl- [ .._._.
10:30 a.m. | dent; Mrs; Cord Watklna. affd] iy G.,s&jE l-'Jt'Tx
, Mrs, lr¢ob,,rt A Nolson, presi-'"l Mrs. Daisy Vance. district hfstor= (Evanglistl Roland Dailey from
) , t Ol t Angtit s AJI] C/)ll(ltict evening
i' n Phe nexl district melting will ' - - ' '
" ; " • *' " - be in aul, "- services at the local church, start -(1 nt of the [ ,)rt An'reh ca,a,n
LAtin gave tht welcollle address. : , -,.,... o .... a-.. .. ...... ...
• lit sacl' uluct LIII'O/I II llu
Presid nts of g.lrden clubs and Ltlliwmm Motel is disDlayinu a - y t
. . ' . , .. -- . ,. , e lOllOwlng 8unoay.
dlstric, t (:hau-ntcn were introduced beautHul rustic slgn, which is a
and rel)orts given. A delicious hm-
cheon was served at 12::0 by the
Port Angeles Garden Club mem-
bers. The tables were beautiful
with their d(morations of spring
daffodils. After hmch Mr. Brian
Mldlian, director of the Univers-
ity of Washington Arborettu0
,bowed colored slide, pictures of
the arboretum gardens and spoke
on "The Arboretum Through the
Year." M[rs. Joseph Niemeyer, dis-
trict chnirman of horticulture.
gave a very interesting talk on
ehrysanthelnunts, which was en-
great addition to the motel.
Mrs. Addle Sehaufler of Hood
Canal was installed Friday eve-
ning as Worthy Matron of Ellinor
Chapter of Eastern Star No. 177
at the meeting held at Union.
Other officers installed with her
were Mesdames Alma White,
Frances Moake, lmore Borg, El-
eanor Pierce, Corda Watkins,
Charla Reeder. Esther Christen-
sen. Igw,lyn Nicholson and Mr.
Hrry Mauson Joe Huntley, wor-
thy patron: associate patron, Clar-
ence Latham; asociate matron,
The Reverend and Mrs. B. W.
Ellsworth and two sons spent Fri-
day cvuning iu Port. Angeles witi
their mothers, Mrs. Clara Poland
and Mrs. Mary Ellsworth, who has
been ill for quite some time.
Mr. and Mrs. James Barr and
two sons of Boring, Ore., spent
last Thursday and Friday with
their mother, Mrs. Gertrude Ellen-
Norman Oliver of Randle stop-
ped for a short visit with the R. F.
Keyzers on his way home last
Sunday afternoon.
Grange News
HARSTINE--As Irish as the
Emerald Isle were the grangers
of the Isle of Harstine when they
met Friday night. The lecture
program featured Irish jigs, songs
and dialogues. The business meet-
ing was devoted principally to
planning for the gavel meeting on
April 17 when Shelton Valley will
bring the traveling gavel. We
know from past experience that
they will have an excellent pro-
The grange is cooperating with
others on the island to build an
appropriate and attractive float
for the Forest Festival From in-
side information that we gathered
we know it will be very nice.
The community hall will be the
scene of a very energetic work
GLOQUALLUM Time Extended
Mrs. Kenneth Pearson was a
visitor at Spencer Lake on Thurs-
Dinner guests Saturday of the
George Lcbokis were Mr. and Mrs
George Liboky of Cle Elum, and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hliboki and
Margie Lou. Evening guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walko and Andy
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearson and
Judy, Michael and Melinda drove
i to Auburn Saturday to visit Dick,
Don and JemT Pearson at the
I Academy.
Sunday guests of the Tom Kear-
neys were Mrs. Shirley Hamilton
of McCleary, Irene Hamilton of
Porter, and Mrs. Belva Reed of
For Vet'sB0nus
Time has been extended until
December 30 for Korean War Vet-
erans to apply for their Washing-
ton State bonus.
The legislature enacted the ex-
tension after final filing time had
UW Acoo#00
Work of a kJ
featured in the 143
men's ExhibttiofJ
Gallery on the lJ i"
inton campus in
Cleota AdazS'
"Yule Tree" Wa;
htbition, March
The display Wlt$
lected .fr_o_m__more
Application blanks are available
from A1 Pinney, associate service Perhaps the la
officer of the Shelton Veterans of on record was tsj |
Foreign Wars, Post 1694, at 416 . of th
Bellevue, HA 6-8075. Or, write lAgriculture at O]
O00v,00,oo o, Ve00er00o00 Oom,eo
sation, 114 North Columbia, Olym- r
Marb 17 at the Porl Angeles joyed by all Eithtv memb,rs and , , ................... party April 2. Potlu('k dinner will Misses Sandra and Sherry Mc- t
o " " ..... ' - , • .. .,,..e, uammann ,ne chapter flail Mr an(] trs Humpnrey Nelson ' " . " .E[
G 1t ( bh(us, An ex¢('utiv(boar friend ten t" ,, m, ................. ;" .' . _ '; .. -., be served b the ladles Alfley, Ton] Lou and Joy Anensen,
..... d . s a t ded tile m .... nip.. _,, was oeautz[uly oecoratea zn ink sent last rtiaa wit z " Y '" ' , "
.):±:.!]:g.ff!!._h![!.:[!_9_..m._:[ecj.ct dk_n_::[_nTW_l:.a m(!b(u:h!p_ °_ff oe:}dditl :iaingnO(mdmwg?l; nce and Ronme Minks families their regular meeting'pril 3 and meeting in Aberdeen Saturday. W
e .... . ! . . . . .. ..... . . . . • . . P ,p , .y .n tJ e aw- MATLOCK will dis ense with and Don Eveleth attended a band ;.
• - candles P B y Centre. , go in a body to the gavel meeting Sunday. dinner guests of Mr. I .
,[ (taAl I1',,,' I.--'IP .... II.D r.--.ll..! i "'' The Get-together Club met last at Shelton i/alle. Th,^o.., .... m and Mrs George Leboki were Mr. k 1
,, | UUUU nUW lUl I WU'bdl rdllllllU! I Mrs: Sehaufler's daughter, Ro- Wednesday rot' a potluck lunch brinz the tr,iviin,"a;;£"%;: and Mrs. Eldon White and daugh-i [ J
:1 , ...... | berta Hubbartt, sang two beautiful and afternoon of visiting at the are still ,orkin : o teil '''*,';-" tel' Terry of Camas and Mr. and l f¥ L [t[I
:l I I p0000acbe00'; home o, Mrs Bruce Nelson. SOUTH SIDE " held a;en'hat,se' Mrs. Albert Alexander of Eima. I _.. W !
i;l I AUTO INSURANCE RATES FOR YOUR I I w.s pa:00ed to oap.0ity: aSaturad#YcroMwaCut21 a Th:y c;egoit " Pionhs l
"1 I --- | I r. and rs. Matt Btshoff of day evening" ,uests of the R F ...... .o " " ..... I d I i|
el it ' ¢ , • , lne maturer nacl a nlce program *
:: ( B fa ", were Sunday visitors at Keyzers. and eve. one en'o ed tile evenin . Program, April 3
=] J SECOND CAR NOW 25 o LESS! * I [ home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve This Friday evening Progress A cake ({,elk coeted the enteg: T he spring program at Prancer ] Tfi00l.00 I:VI:Y [
i1 | :'." .... Grange will dispense with their tainment. Fourteen 'visitors were cnool has .oeen postponed until I m m'mm mmllBm • , El
. | _ _ _ - | irs. oliver ray entertained at meeting and go in a body as via- in attendance vrlday, April 3. [ m =.,, ........... d |' I
| On | a in.aay party Saturday in hon- itors to the Agate Grange. SHELTON "VALLEY is work The scho,l announced that the] i RNIITN I IIIBglMII I I
i' I • ..d nit I Kancnu [ [rtn;!; s¢nes ,' eeXa,ananlmmcaeS Mrst?din letYe: stayiing tezh " iton a t,leent sshoW.toThleY :taaee pr°g'aemch.lnec'e°ursa'So rgn I &,MII IVII I.umut,p I I
; I property demage u .. -|lln I were se}-.ed in the afternoon and conv-le'--'ce-"e " 'y " t; ..... lan-e ..... " _ In progress in the multi-purpose [ 4-n * ,e,..r ...... u i
" -ames wer- -'---- '-- • ne zrom her recent l]l" ' $4 three times and are worK- roonl Sr Itl t] .,.ntoti¢,a h | v vv... .,n. • rn%011 '-- |
'** • 125 N 5gh 8t ' i .. e p,,ytm, xnose enjoy- . " ..... .......... c ..... co v---
L" [ eollllMn €oversEe . feet |] int, th,, n.. ..... ....... ;. ness. lng toward a fourth. ]m |
[ • madlcill avmerrbl one HA 6-8061 il Bnckshot and lathl,- t ..... ,,- Mrs. Alvin Nagel and Geri spent Thelr meetln I'ridav night was
/ "-" " "'- |] Stephen anti- Suan'"M'orls"Rv last Tuesday with her parents the devoted princilally to soilconser - " -'
..... Iland elvsn Prusia, ad"Vieky Amer[ L,eaults, .r., in Cloqual-vat.ion and they expect to have: ' y--iJ0Dil
,,.I FARMI[r.S |NSUPNC] **JE% IIpleree 'I'he I,s celved lnn him. They celebrated their 38th the county agent out to talk to - li0
, " " Y wedding anniversary March 17th Ulem in t' " l e " " Speci " "
/ Adh\\; II =r. an Mrs. I,rry D urkm o* happy to re ort that Ral h Sim -
• , GROUP nice gifts d . : , he near future. T l.y a, re
7;| AUTO•LII,FIRE.TIJtK II .................. --'Z- . Shelton spent Saturday evening son Jr. and is family a:'Pe comiC; Ths Is a al Invita n to 0
i * tf no unmarried male drivers under 25 "ears II __tl,, a glo,a,;,A A,1 the.Alvin l.aggls back from Minnesota in a short -- , .
, -- r ' " ,,v , |[ .z.. y u, ,,tg.',ex.aa,.z z:z.-- 111 uurtls scnreier (nee Mar- time
• - ...... *'e, ........ =" " To Pay a Subscription to the J]
, ............................................... . t /: "sflalll 8Jla DODy Son, t.i/enn, Pomona me • -- "- Tw-'--'- ., s ......... -.,I I
left the Sea-Tac Airport Monday hall ]'li . , t,,; tua .
' aftern ' "day, March 20. The turn- , ,
MA'AI.J" . .mzimm --ma---- --za. mma .[ aneV:acant e lPa°]eaZ r°'lte°n out was sznall due to the fact that .00HFITNN. MAgNN fiNIINTY INIIIIH00 I
IIUlI I //.a'//7_ IGlIl" Pl00Ellkal00llll00 ;,.,v h ..... ,, .r,, pnn .... o^,la,._, four subordinate granges met that Vlillmlm•Vllll ,,,nvv,- ,vvn n • Wvvn,•" I[ I
..... ....... .... ......... "n;a;.r-"";J,;. "L" %,:-,]u,. ....... ..y(l- night. Five resolutions were acted ........ I i
........ G,e'Yiannf r fu?tthe°Pn vg'i,oe °nainIatt:asrequested thatq[loreb: Before 9 p.m. Sturday, April 4, 1959 | [
don E 1 " g anges nave n zeal
tn oe,: ngand_, anthen,:ranRfur.t, window displays for the Forest ........ 2 ...... ..,-41
meet tbem. He )8 stationed with t-here-;il}"b'e "l'00"-el':r'¢.enS part'ie' ¢ !, I
4111ilk . }. .... --, -,-: .... :- - -_. :e s,L2 A2y - hosp,tal in Idar- pation. We are ooking forward ./ Circulation Departmtnl ! ]
• • • • • • • I !.'= .. _. - - • - : ....... " S , c n s aom..a r m'ec- to seeing somc outstanding dis- / I ' ) THE I-ILTON-MA$ON COUNTY JOURNAL | I
I • • • • • • • I/• I • I • 1 I mEB • nour Cl" rme n'om FlnliUl't. plays • I, _ . - ........ i I
"1• • • IV i[1111, iF • • 1 I [ The Lake Isabella Women's Club , " .....
#' 7.--- -- _ _ "" met at the home of Gertrude Ellen- . ,.he lames, ot '_,'wano.l, grange ( Shelton, Washington J I
--'""';'=" ' -- - = - ' ,:- = " - < * " e .......... nat1 prcl)areoi a Very nice alnner
TO KANSAS €111 truly e mght to uever on the uomeiiner officers' "Elected we-e 'l:es ,' ing and were well represented. ....... " ......... . k i
'0HV|'||NI C0N'|'T|01$ ........ ili!k,:!iiiYn::i!ni;:u; f':rptheeg'v?t°JeiSm'huSirdenh: d € / =:;:STT::::i::n:;ra::n;You:;:erj)oL:l: ya 1"}*€:1''i
A[[ $1,[0U|$ i;t af P,etl..rl r" ...... ;..,. ....... :^, .,a I)ownie, Vice-Pres Lydia Leggelt . _.AI..RHARB. QR .?.t/I carry the u live outsa',[ !
-- ...................... , ...... t.,,ut, ,, Soc. Cm'a I)rake Treas. Grace Pet- t.)'u)[enng gaw:! to me Agte this ( C,tv ntl#. (
r - - - - - - - 1 ty. Next meeting to be April 8th l,'l'lrlay evening. Tile nlcetmg Will " - ........ J ,
Dver means faster time to Kansas City and start at 8:a0 and supper will bo
Hell Tim Sag CITY OI IITLAHD at lertha Taylor's honle.
I Sad, ] St. Louis. Whethez you travel for business or
t:0t. .... r. 4.) .... tv. s, i pIease the Dome Lounge, the Dome Coach
1:16 t,H ................ tv. lacma
! 10:081.H_.. u-:-,,-'.tt'E/l ! tltd the world's only Dome Diner are--lust a few
I ot the City of Portland featturcs that will make
1:30 P.N ................. Ar. m
"- I your mp truly =motable.
8: P.R ............... Lv. lm
............ : Newest, Finest Traln Servlce Easl
I '':' t-2t "-:": ....... .. st
3:45 P.N. .... (I of P) ...... Iv. r
L ' ":"" _ ______ ................ ".-,-, "=" .' UNION PACIFIC
J. C. •ACH. Agent
407 E. Fourth Ave.
Olympi, FL 7-334
po(hlek Progress will dispense This coupon is for your *350 *3
T " ......... ;-.- ....... --'[-"-... wilh their regular meeting and at-
Journal want Aas ray tend. " convenience in making a
subscription p a y m e n t
.... during The Shelton - Ma-
scription campaign. To
count in this the payment
must reach The Journal Your Name
not later than 9 o'clock
Saturday night, April 4, Mailing Address ...................................................................
Eveff Salu y Ntghl ' *
" * If you wish to have your subscription payment
rda W.en this campaign, cnds one of thc boys or girls in the bicycle prize
oll April 4th, tire sub.
THE T R 0 P I C S CountYfromSCripti°n price in Mason$3.50willto be$4.50raisedper campaign, put his or her name on this line:
year, and to $5,00 for ad-
Schneider's Prairie - Shelton . Olympia Hiway dresses out of Mason
These Youngsters Will Earn La-te
Tommy Adams Eddie Aldrich Harvey Andrews Gerry Armstrong Margaret Buechel Run Cole Seth Coles Danny Conn Virginia Crumb Donald Cuzick Irvin Decicco Jr.
Tommy Eastgard Donald Ericson Janlce Fanning Linda Olover
Norman Huisingh Steve Hyer
Terry Joslin Linda Kadoun Duane Kidd Marvin Kinnan
Dick Knautz Dale Leatherman Tommy I.mwe Marvin Matson
Jane McNulty Tom Moore Ted Morse
Larry Petty Patsy Richey Mattie Robbins Russell Savage
Billy Thurman Dianna Timm Susan Tjomsland Maxine Tozier Glenn Van Blaricom Marel Viger
i i= , i i i i
Shelton, Washington
== = = ii i =
Pictured above are boys and girls
competing for the bicycles and the cash
commissions in the Shelton - Mason
County Journal subscription campaign.
Wherever you live you can make one of
John Wetherby Rosemary Wetter Richard Wyatt
these youngsters happy by paying him
or her your new or renewal subscription
before 9,o'clock Saturday night, April 4.
Only subscriptions for one year each will
be accepted during this campaign, after
Choose a Favorite and Pay Your Subscription at Present Low
Dianne Zukowski Ray Barrington Pamela Boardman
which all subscription prices will be
On another page is a list showing the
active candidates in the order of their
standings in their respective districts.
Rates before 9 o'clock Saturday Night, April 4
Gary Gripp ,
By Mrs, Nell Vance
Lilliwaup Comnmnity CIuWs
lw×t card party will hr Friday
e.ver)ing', Mar('h 27, Pinoclde will
be played to sf.a)'t at , p.m This
will be the sec(ind par;y it] a sez'-
leS of fiw, Prizls will bc awarded
for high and l()w ,cor(-. and re-
freshments will be served.
tlo¢d Canal Gardun Club Will
hold their next meeting Thursday,
Alir-il 2. at the Wonlan's Chlb-
h¢lIse in Potlnteh Mrs P, oulah
a nomtngting committee of five
members. The District Director,
Mrs. Grace Hlank, of Sequim, call-
ed the business meetbg to order at
,10:30 a.m.
, Mrs, Robc'rt A. Nelson, presi-"
dent of the Port Angeles Garden
Club, ¢ave the welcome address.
Presidents of garden clubs and
distrie.t chairntcu Were introduced
ttlld rettol't s given. A delicious iun-
eh('on XVflS tqervcd ill I2:30 by the
Port Angcle, Garden Club mere-
bet's. The tables were beautiful
with their decorations of spring
daffodils. After hmch Mr. Brian
Mulligan. director of the Univers-
310 members. I
Those attending the district i KAMILOHE utw
meeting from Hood Canal Garden/ s.'-wwv
Club were Mrs. Jenny Huff, presi- ]
By Glit,rJ I'E[TX
dent; Mrs. Cord Watklna aSCii v ' "
Mrs, Daisy Vance. district hfstnr': ' ,E angelist Roland Dailey from
, , , Putt Angeh s xJll conduct evening
b n l'he next district meeting will t ' " " ' ' ' "
,, - • /services at the local church, start-
OIL Ill dilly. / ' *
- - .... ing Easter Sunday through tha
billiwaup Motet m aisplaying a followino' Sunday
beautiful rustic sign, whici is a "
great addition to the motel. The Reverend and Mrs. B. W.
Ellsworth and two sons spent Fri-
Mrs. Addle Schaufler of Hood dy evening itt Port Angeles with
Canal was installed Friday eve- their mothers, Mrs. Clara Poland
ning as Worthy Matron of Ellinor and Mrs. Mary Ellsworth, wire has
Chapter of Eastern Star No. 177 been ill for quite some time.
at the meeting held at Union.
Other officers Installed with her Mr. and Mrs. James Barr and
Grange News
HARSTINE--As Irish as the
Emerald Isle were the grangers
of the Isle of Harstine when they
met Friday night. The lecture
progrmn featured Irish jigs, songs
and dialogues. The business meet-
mg was devoted principally to
planning for the gavel meeting on
April 17 when Shelton Valley will
bring the traveling gavel. We
know from past experience that
they will have an excellent pro-
OLOQUALLUM Time Extended
'For Vet'sBonus
Mrs. Kenneth Pearson was a
visitor at Spencer Lake on Thin's-
Dinner guests Saturday of the
George Lebokis were Mr. and Mrs.
George Liboky of Cle Elum, and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hliboki and
Margie Lou. Evening guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walko and Andy
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearson and
Judy, Michael and Melinda drove
Time has been extended until
December 30 for Korean War Vet-
:erans to apply for their Wasbing-
ton State bonus.
The legislature enacted the ex-
tension after final filing time had
ow A.,#|
Oraflsman'l .,r
Work of a lJ
featured in the 1][ .'--
men's Exhibitloll,
Gallery on the Lr l-
inton campus in*
Cleota AdalnS
"Yule Tree" WaS
htbitton, MarCh
The display v/aP
letted frommore
Vo]'l will be hi,stess. A I)othlck
luncheon will be si,rvod a.L 12:30.
Nina Miller will be I4uet speaker.
Etch member iN ask(,(/ /;(i bring a
ndniaturo gar¢icn for display.
Olympio Peninstfla District Fed-
erati(m of Gar(h,u Clubs of Wash-
ity of Washington Arboretum
,howed colored slide pictures of
the arboretum gardens and spoke
on "The Arboretum Through the
Year." Mrs. Joseph Niemeyer, dis-
trict chairman of horticulture.
gave a very interestring talk on
were Mesdames Alma White,
Frances Moake, Imore Borg, El-
caner Pierce, Cords Watkins,
Charla Reeder. Esther Christen-
sen. Ewlyn Nicholson and Mr.
Harry Mauson, 3oe Huntley, wor-
thy patnm: associate patron, Clot-
ingt.on held lheir March n]eeting chrysanthennmts, which was en- ence Latham; amsociate matron,
two sons of Boring, Ore., spent
last Thursday and Friday with
their mother, Mrs. Gertrude Ellen-
Nornmn Oliver of Randle stop-
ped for a short visit with the R. F.
Keyzers on his way home last
Sunday afternoon.
The grange is cooperating with
others on the island to build an
appropriate and attractive float
for the Forest Festival, From in-
side information that we gathered
we know it will be very nice.
'rhe community hall will be the
scene of a very energetic work
to Auburn Saturday to visit Dick,
Don and JerzT Pearson at the
Sunday guests of the Tom Kear-
neys were Mrs. Shirley Hamilton
of McCleary, Irene Hamilton of !
Porter, and Mrs. Belva Reed of
from AI Pinney, associate sezwice Perhaps the
officer of the Shelton Veterans of on record was
Foreign Wars, Post 1694, at 416 students of th
Bellevue, HA 6-8075. Or, write .¢f_,[
Agriculture at
the Division of Veterans Compen-The monster
sation, 114 North Columbia, Olym, pounds. After I[
March 17 at the Port Angeles ywed by all. Eighty members and Hazel Dammann, The chapter hall Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson party April 2. Potluck dinner will Misses Sandra and Sberry Mc-
....... be served by the ladies Alfrey, Toni Lou and Joy Anensen ..... _ ..... _.]
Golf c)nbimuse, n exoeutlwboardtfriends atter, ded the ,neeting. The was beautifully decorated in pink spent last riaay with uzc aw- , . . an "
me,dlng was held at 9 a,rn. to elect district now lass a membership of roses and the dining room in gel- rence and Ronnie Minks famili o MATLOCK will dispense wzth d.Don Evelet.h attended a. band :
' ;--- .................. ;. den daff¢ • their re ular e ' . • meeung in ADeraeen Saturaa " ,
Mils and pink and white an Bay Centre , g n .etmg April 3 and ..... Y. /J k.,i
: G . • • candles ' ^ ... " ........ go in a body to the gavel meetin unaay. runner guests of Mr. [i$f'A i'fl ['
: ood News for Two, Car Famllies l ... "o .................. ,-, ,et-togemer cmo met ,as[ at Shelton Valley The A'ate wii] and Mrs. George Leboki were Mr jr,- k'
_ ,*.-.L.c.nau,,er'S u.augnter, o-i We(mesaay for a potluck ,lunci' bring the travel'n , ave Tho..i and Mrs. Eldon White and d&ugh- tOOl.00 Rig tURin=
,,A tiful and open to the public The C - " ..... . ri lUs: held open nouse "
, . ." vtr. ana mrs. ari t-rector or Saturday, March 21. They report --
UT0 INSURANCE ATES FOR YOUR ;,.f _. n. osebu,.g, Ore., were last Wedne. a small crowd buts gooa crowd. Pioneer Reschedules ,
Y and everyone en o e e Program, A rll 3
SEC0 CAR NOW 25% LESS!* Beifair 00ero 00.nday visitors at .o,s p -
! the home of Mr, and Mrs Steve " , . . , j y d tile ,vening. P .
i{ ............. /urange will dispense with their" tatnment. Fourteen'visitor, were{ cn°°l nas oeen postponed until 'P'qlIP'iI ,--mtt mama.aiD , "l
orl , Ahl. " " _ Thin rlday evening Progress A cake walk completed tad enter- T he.sPring program at Pioneer
ffr..nver ray en[ertamea at I meeting and go in a body as via- in attendance i Friday, April 3. [I ' _.., ! I
a mrtnaay party Saturaay in hen- itors to the Agate Grange SHELT-" ' .......... I The school announced that the II I II]HM :,
Mrs ZdwinPett-is - "" .... in-on- y" v.b£ !s w°rZ'lprogram, sdheduled for last night, -- • tUMBEtll
,'| Ibod}]y|njueymnd Rill birthdays°r of her sons, Rex and 3immie,Silce cream and cak- -- " y s;ay, ngw, m a [a,ten[ snow. Tney nave,wa,,Zd h ........ , .,,..ll WIV
; I -.-- PEARSON ' .rs R • .........................................
were served in the afternoon and • . . F. K eyzez-s duzmg hez taken a talent show to the state I {. ,o ..... i. , ............. J/! - .41 I
• onv ze e " • ..... r-- -- -, ,,= s.t.,-tutpu.m:
_ ._ _ _ a_ed ............ -" ness 'n .............. , ...................... c,,ustic, plb-li ,, "]1
i| eol|{s|0n irag@ 125 N, 5th Stree$ games were nl v hn nin C a sc nee nora her lecent ill- glange three times and are work.| ........ +,, ..... it, ....... 420 OUTH FIRST • PH HA
• • , uwra a iourtn, lem "
; [ • madlcal ,meate Phon, HA S-SD61 k:2heotPl y e;l::irCoCn°USi?;: la,uin No gel. and Geri. spent Their meeting Friday night was I
' ' " • ay wzul ner parents, me devoted principally to soil conser-
/ FARMEnS INsUPIc] I Sapnela:d SPa ' M:rls'Vc; Alb_ertIGaulta: Sy.,. i,}_@loq}!a!- ration and they expect to have I
....... ..... ,- --, . urn. xney cemorated their tn the county agent out to talk to
: | GROUP / l::egift?e oys rece, vea ,,,,y WeldingnmverSyyMhkilnTt th'm i:he near future. Tlley are /
L | ALfl'O * tIRE * FIRE, TRUCK .... " . "_ . ". ppy report that Ralph Simp- I
nelton spent atutlay evening son Jr. and his family are eomir [
,ii J * tf no unmarried male drivel under 25 years, with the Alvin Nagels. •
--Try a Classified Ad--
. ]
NOW00 crn'Y- POR11AND
Only me night to Denver on the Domellaer
City of Portland. Convenient connection at
r- ..... - 1 Denver means faster time to Kansas City and
1 Sed. 1 Sc Louis. Whether you travd for buslness o,
:O;,at .... fir. tt) .... Iv. pIease the Dome Lounge, the Dome Coach
1:16 AM ................ b. Taceata
I le:ot. ............. t,.stmm ! sad the world's only Dome Diner are/ust a feW'
n.g=i I of the City of Pdand feattur0s that will make
3:30 P.M ................. An kavm'
I --a-- I ]K)lllr LIip IXuIy iIImorabl. --
I: P, IL ............... Ly.
7: A.WL ........ .... At. Kr {{M
............. N000ub F/H00t Tmi00
'. = --., ..... ,- "-I UNION PA .CnFIC __
*{:00 ................ b.
_ _ _'___ _ _
407 El. Fourth Ave. AIrll,,'
Olympia, FL 7,.bS @
back from Minnesota in a
Mz. Curtis Schreiber (nee Mar- time.
, . ]Befol
, Circu,at,o. !1
Jan pershall) and boby son, Glenn,
left the Sea-Tar Airport Monday
afternoon via the polar route on
a Pan American plane to make a
new home in Idar-Oberstein. Ger-
many, Their first stop will be
Gleenlmnd for fuel, then on to Lon-
don, England, and then Frankfurt,
Germany, where her husband wit
meet them. He is stationed with
the U.S. Army hospital in Idar-
Oberstein which is about a three-
hour car ride from Frankfurt.
The Lake Isabella WOmen's C/ub
met at the home of Gertrude Ellen-
berger Monday, March 23, for a
mtluck luncheon and short bus-
mess meeting and an election of
officers. Elected were Pres. Ida
Downie, Vice-Pres. Lydia Leggett,
Src: Cora Drake. Treas. Grace Pet-
ty. Next meeting to be April 8th
Pomona met at the Two/lob
hall Friday, March 20. The turn-
out was small due to the fact that
four subordinate granges met that
night. Five resolutions were acted
on. It was requested that all SUb,
ordinate granges have historical
window displays for the Forest
Festival and from reports we feel
there wil/ be 100 per cent partici-
pation. We are looking forward
to seeing somc outstanding dis.
The ladies of Twanol grange
Itad prepared a very nice dinner
tar the occasion. South Side had
dispensed with their regular meeL.
ing and were well represented.
FAIR HARBOR wi.ll carry the
tr)'axeling gavel to the Agate this
,'n'may evening. The nwcting will
at Bertha Taylor's home. start at 8:30 nnd supper will be
po(hzek. Progress will d/spenso
j ....... ',---,' ....... "--'---'--, wiih their regular meeting and at. This coupon is for your
ournal want Ads ray lenl convenience in making a
subscription payment
.......... during The Shelton - Ma-
t B . I II li son County Journal sub-
r DANe: E -'o
count in this the payment
must reach The Journal
not later than 9 o'clock
Saturday night April 4,
E ff S iu ghl '" ° * '
rday Nn When this campaigo ends
TROPICS .n 000r,, ,,,0
/ THE ,.,oo ,o M...
County will be raised
from $3.50 to $4.50 per
year, and to $5.00 for ad-
i chneider's Prairie - Shelton . Olympia Hiway dresses out of Mason
11111 I I I
Shelton, Washington pay
Here is my check (or money order) to a 1-Y e=rJ
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