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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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195!) IEITON-MA,0N COUNTV .]O[RNAL i"  c- ,I &apos;  llbl ,;.lh d il"t "Cb/iMma.h';i;}, ,,1'.,).,, ,.,,, ,n01ton Washington OF TH ONLY DAYS LF00T You to Renew or Subscribe For The Shelton-Mason County Journal to the credit of of the boys or girls in the campaign, one For I Year ,ayments,,m,t= $3.50 to I year each. to be mailed to addresses in Mason County, Washington Outside Mason County, Washington, the Price is L$3.75 for one year. "toy th PRI00'ES GOINg UPt e, .'_Campajgn, subscription prices will be • -.go PER YEAR IN MASON COUNTY and scat . $5.00 PER YEAR ELSEWHERE yone Will be allowed to pay a one-year sub- aadV°n at the present rate of $3.50 per year ' '"J out-of-county until April 4, 1959• m SUBSCRIPTION iiii CAMPAIGN TO THE PARENTS By helping your child win erie of these prize bicycle s you save the actual money it would cost to get a bicycle for him orther. Even if yeu can well afford to buy o bicycle your boy or girl will ofpleasure from the one he or she Plats won, plus the additional thrill ff o real accomplishment. You should interest your- self, actively, in the campaign of your boy or girl .jntered in this subscription campoign. The campaign work is an ex- perience and training which willbe invaluable to your child later in life. Your child wants one of the prize bicycles or he or she would not have entered this campaign, ON:LY / DAYS LEFT For Candidates to Do Their Best ork to Win One of the Prize NOW IS THE TIME to start an aches cantpapn in earnest. Wlat any candidate has up to this time has no bear- B00;cy00c.l00es ar One of the Cash Commissions Plus the New Prize of ing whatever on this Mcopd new Cash Prize campaign, ltisonlyfor=th, lut,we.kofth. $10 IN CASH sampaign,,starHng Saturday. Another New Subscrip00,'on Campaign Wi00h,$1o Cash Prize Is A,00-7ounced INOTES ON SECOND NEW. $10 CAMPAIGN 'Phe new $10 prize campaign announced to. is the second $10 cash prize campaign. first $I0 cash prize campaign ended last aesday ,and was. toy NIW ul¢rlpttons Only. The econd nw $I0 cash prize cam- lalga is for new and renewal subscriptions. a. All SubsQrJptlona each .candidate hands In ,ore Satullav m 0 n f this Week to and €  . .... r lag • Udlng SatUrday night of next week, will COUnt votes on the original prizes end points on the NEW campaign. .,,,t o, a the ,lo o.h ?ze. earapgl= ' a prize ldentiea in value will given a& ': ; " ch tying candidate. vePybody Will win in this second New $10 Prise Campaign ae all subscriptions ed In durl| the time.el the NEW $10 r=.Paign Will eeunt votes toward the original Itltnv" In the original prllm oampalgn only sa Sly *7 aotivo candidates Ira allowed to be sc- dl s thae 4ice priTea,/Uld elu;h .otlve ean- eomrnl.w,! II I'eldve • 'prize bh)ycle or Qash able .-.,on for tla WOlk ha or she dos in m=mpaiDn" r ,;l,z,e.wners will be announced and all ak= ,',-fle awarded by the Judges when they of t tan 11 count of votes onthe 1Mr night  camiml?m I0 O, n/a:i,'Wlihhave sbsMJy no,bear. seoond new $10 osh prize gna- t " " nl Urns** , Y those subscriptions secured end Wk'_'n batween turday molmttg of this Istt .and tur411y night of next week (the heW'nt t0 tlta'empaign) will eount n this • "tmPisn. ......... tAa.n°w there tS another $10 cash prlz-- for ,m it! It will mean :1;10 spending money " winner. stale:, e. help UX , candidates, by marking your ,NEW,'ticI €orreotly as either OLD er an ¢l:?srson. le now locating the:lJpr he • vs n i#   Jlubscrlber ahd remains as OLD leaper'iS changes the name or address on the tOOth;. NEW subscription |s one that adds r name to our list. 0h._ e-;m dates receive full credit for all 9aY- es Subscriptions, For Just the Last 8 Days Just for securing the most points on subscriptions, either old or new, during the last 8 days of the subscription compaign. It's for YOU! NOTE--This $10 iPrize camRaign ,is a new campaign and only those candidates entered in the original campaign .for the prix bicyciles and the cash commissions ere eligible to compete in the newS10 prize campaign. The New Prize of $10 in Cash will be g|ven to the candidate among the present active candidates/€curing the molt polnt on new or old. subscriptions between .Saturday morning of this week and Saturday night €/ next wcck, the closing night of the entire campaign. Schedule of Points For 00Second New $10 00Cash ,Pri00,e ,00¢n0000ign All subscriptions turned in between this Saturday morniqg and g o,€ , the, =a ,,at- uray ight, will untis in :,lEW Sxo CSH prize ampaign 4olws: 7 Pointis per Year All subscriptions turned in between Monday morning and Wednety n!sht   k will count points toward this NEW azo CASH prie a, follovt: (5 oin!s  Year gll,sublcripfi turned inbetl#e.¢n ,T..hwlday.@aornlng ad Saturday Idllht d.ext week ,(die !t aht o[ t€ c a.n), Wm eouatip s tow ardsthe NEW $o CASH prize as followix 5 Points per Year NOTE: ,YOu will de,e-lve .more.Jint= ,fir ,lbscrlption= the .earlier you turn them in dur thh seNBWi,lt°;a.n.'bsptns turned in bY thi Saturda',uiht will e turneo m un the count m0re than:thai : . -h rig., ' ,£llowing days,and .stal;Bcriptions tyj-aed in b, Wednesday night will count more t an those handed in later. Start now. Take advantage ot the highest point schedule. YOUR OPPORTUNI * (Copyright  by J. D. Stack) * WHAT IT MEANS You can win the axe CASH PRIZE in the new campaign and, at the same time and with the same subscriptions, cnhance your opportunity of winning the most valuable priz in thc original list of prize bicycles and cash commiss/ons. Each is a separate competition and all suh- scriptions secured and turnedin between Saturday morning of this wcck, and Saturday night of next week, will count votes toward the original bicycle pris and pnts in the new $o CASH PRIZE campaign. Every one wins, as all subscriptions turned m during the new $[o campaign will count votes in the origlnalbicycle and cash commission campaign. ALL START ON AN EQUAL BASIS Saturday Morning IN THE NEW azo CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN NOTES the city entries do their utmost they are going to see the majority of the prize b. cycles .Carried off by the country candidates. The out.of-town list includes some line work- era and excellent subscription producers. If yoMr name aPl:)oara In the list :of candl- dite8 pbllshed today you are considered as aotl:fe candidate ,and eligible to share in the Ilstof prizes ald commissions If you only report t18 Saturday and Wednesday and Sat. urd.ay  next week, """  " " , " Dent's fall zo see each and every person who lromtsed you a subscription for er -aturday. ome,have threatened It, but so far no ene hls dolts it. That Is, cover their area Utor- oughly, golng up arts street or road and down the other, calling at every home. You wl!l be aurprleed at the good results you will secura by doing this. You should now check back on all those who promised yoa a subscription or satd "may le" they wold pay you later. Many of these people have been holding their payment for a certain candidate but will soon pay it to someone else if the one to whom they promised it does not call back, For Further Information, Call On, Telephone, or Write Campaign Manager 00OSE FAVQ00IT t Phone HA. 6-4412 107 South Fourth, Shelton THIS OAMPAIGN ENJ)S M 90'OL00 SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 4, 1969 (0000il)IDATE OFFICE OPEN EACH EVENING 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK i , i, ill l i P AY YOUR Subscription N 0W ft Hoodsport- Potla00h By Merle Smith The March meeting of the ().N.O. Club was heht in the beacl hums of Mrs. John l<nee- lall(t. ]t'S. ('. ii. Pall'llel' w:ls c)- hostess for tile evening affltir, Guests played cootie for white ete4)hant prizes. Mrs. Robert Smith Was winner of tile Parlay chalice, the gTft being it lovely Easter basket. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Fred Cassassa, rs. Gene Spauiding arid Mrs. Joe Me- Kiel. Mr. and Mfrs. Wally Oliver have returned to their home here and their johs as Postmaster and Clerk, following a six week trailer trip in the Southwestern states. They also met other Hood Canal residents wintering in the desert country, among them Mr. and Mrs. AI Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. :Lester Dickin,son, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bayes. Herb Dickinson in in a She!ton hospital following recent mwgery. Mr. and Mrs, A1 Johnson and family, of Quilcene, were Slanday dhmer gaests in the holxe of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray. Mrs. George. Ferris, of Tacoma, spent several days visiting in the Emery Winter's home. Dut'ig ler visit she was guest storyteller for the kindergarten group. Her skill in characterizing a very special dragon will long !repress the boys and girls h the group. Mr. and Mrs. Mauriee Kaare  and Jerry were seen busi! ig on :their recently acquired beach property near. the Peter Borg'm Karen Kaare is home from school in VancouVer,to spend n;s- ter vacation .here. Mr. and .Mrs. :Perry Hexrin4gton, of Port 4kngeles, spent l;he week- end visiting in the home of .ir. and Mrs. Lew Evans. Dinner guest,s in ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dean were Mr. gmd Mrs..Du.ane Meade, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Bill .Dean. The grou I) .eljoyed watching slides of the Jim Det4i's in a ne,,,, projector )f D - a n.e's. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bearden and Mi:s E1 in(: Essex and boys have returned from their winter home in ,Rane ho Mirage, Calif., to their home here. The second grade stu- dents will welcome lilly Essex back in their midst. Mr'. and Mrs. Karl Lmscott have retttrnt.d from a.three month visit with their daughter and families in San Diego, Calif. They visited many friends and places during their stay in the South. Since their return they haw . also visited with relatives in :Milton. One of the nic- est gifts they bronght home with them is a lovely set of dishes, sent to them by their daughter, Ruth, and family, wlv) are in Japan, Whel'( I,t. John Hadley is statism = ed with the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haineu, Mrs. Evelyn Nieholson, Mrs. Maimie Kaare, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huntly traveled to S,rattle'- day evellinff ta attend the (Iran(l Collr[ of the Anlaranth. Mrs. Dick Schauffler was in- stalled as Worthy Matr'm of the glinm" Chapter O,E.S. at a meet,:' ing of the group in Union, Friday evening. Mrs. Maimie Kaare was hostess for the Social ChJb of the Amar- anth at ;{171 :fteruoon gthering last week. Mrs. Gordon Dickinson and chihh'en are spending the Easter vacation in their home here, eom- ing from Bellingham where Mrs. Di(:kinsm is a student at tle Slate College. Mrs. Rose Berryman has been confined to a Sheltm hospital this week. :Mr. and Mrs. Al Schafer have returned t. the Treasnre Chest after spending the winter in Calf ferule. We mdcr'stanl th,t our Southem vacationers starttt home after hearing that the daffodils were in bh)om in the Hood Canal ga rd(qls. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Anderson were hosts:sees for a grotl l) Of friends who gathered in their holtte t meet the Rex'. and Mrs. Charles 1-:let.ten, of tie Shelton Methodist Church. The lt-lo(;*d Canal Legion and Auxiliary Post and Unit 230'are affain announcing I)ians for th e Anntml Easter Egg hunt to be held at tbe Bill Goodpaster home on the Lake (Jnshm,n Road, Sunduy. March 29 at 2 o h)ek m the, ftel noon. Mrs. Norman (]ry is ill charge )f the affair. Fifhsen d¢llars urorth of pizza egg's as well as many candy egKn will be hidden. Scare:hers will be divi& in three groups aceord to age, with groups from 1-4, 5'8, ad 9-12. :Prize eggs will be co|- eyed by the see,rod grade Brownie girls. Free ice or(ms will ale0 1 given to tlmse attending, Mumps, chicken pox, measles, and the flea are taking their tol! among the Canal families, especi- ally the children. The IItg/Gronvolds are sporting a red car, brand new this week. Fred Cssassa, new square daee caller in the Canal area, is haYIP a Wederated Square Dance. t)$rt* in the Hood Canal Women's CIUi :House, Saturday, March 28 from :30 to 11:30 in the eventng The American Legion AttxilrN Unit 2:!0 of,J-Iced Canal is haying a rt!mnage, sale in the Shetn P.U.D. [tlitorium, Thursday anti Friday, Mt'ch 26 and 27. Mrs. ,Verlle Hill is chairman of the event. ,gehool children of ttood Canal ,D.istriet.tNo. '404 will enjoy a vaca- tion on '/iriday and Monday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rogers, of Tlllictl, Mr, and Mrs. Clauson of Tacos:h., and Henry Hanson. of Dupont. ,Iohnna. Winters is spending the school vacation in the Emery Winters home. Member of the Hood Canal Wo- men's Club are entertaining 15 foreign exchange students On Thnrsday, Mareh 26. The stud- ents re from China. India, tl u dan, Kern,a, Japan and Poland.ll Ltend the University of Wa,eh- ington m Seattle. The group will have luneh:)n at the Garden, l.vely home (tf P. and Mrs. Arthur Kraus. In the afternoon they will tour facilities of the Simpson I,ogging CompaIiy. A potluck dinner open to all who may like to attend, will be held in.the Club House in Potlatch beginning at 6:30 o'clo('lt in the evening. Please bring a eove dish. .The seedling's entertainment Will feature Mr. and Mrs. Wait Sim- rhone of Lower Skokomish in al Indian l)rogram and dance. The Salty Sshayers, of Hood (;anal, will .present two squares of danc- ers in several numbers. The pur- pose of the pv,)gram is to show the fore.tan stuc mrs sev,,ral of the A rneri( an folk and t raditinal dances. The Wmlen's Club voted to ad,)pt an orphan frmn a forelgn land. The country from Whom the child will be picked will be decided at a later date. Librarian Named For Thurslon.Mason Alfred Kreig of Port Angeles has bee)t appointed Regional iLl. brarian in charge oaf the "Fhlrston. Mason Inter-County Library nd the Olylnpia Public Library by the two library boards. At present Mr'. Kraig is librarian of t!e Port Angeles Public Libra- ry and the Chtlbtm County Li- brtry. NEVER TOO 00EARL¥... 00KEVEll M Ig 00ATE,,. Now Is The Time To... HOME LOAN All aooount insured Up te$10,O00 by F.S. & L. and I.C, THURSTON OOUliTY FEDERAL SAVI00 LOMi ASSOGIATION ecurity Bldg., Otyrapla, Wash. OFFICERS Carlton I. Sears, President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. Hazel Wahner, Secxetary-Treu. Eugene Dcaan, At. (,2ecy..'. J. C. Minahull, Vtce President DIRECTORS-- HAZEL WALMER v. . t,Acm J. C. MINHUI cRtn'o . s --NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES Si/% PER ANNUM-.- 195!) IEITON-MA,0N COUNTV .]O[RNAL i"  c- ,I '  llbl ,;.lh d il"t "Cb/iMma.h';i;}, ,,1'.,).,, ,.,,, ,n01ton Washington OF TH ONLY DAYS LF00T You to Renew or Subscribe For The Shelton-Mason County Journal to the credit of of the boys or girls in the campaign, one For I Year ,ayments,,m,t= $3.50 to I year each. to be mailed to addresses in Mason County, Washington Outside Mason County, Washington, the Price is L$3.75 for one year. "toy th PRI00'ES GOINg UPt e, .'_Campajgn, subscription prices will be • -.go PER YEAR IN MASON COUNTY and scat . $5.00 PER YEAR ELSEWHERE yone Will be allowed to pay a one-year sub- aadV°n at the present rate of $3.50 per year ' '"J out-of-county until April 4, 1959• m SUBSCRIPTION iiii CAMPAIGN TO THE PARENTS By helping your child win erie of these prize bicycle s you save the actual money it would cost to get a bicycle for him orther. Even if yeu can well afford to buy o bicycle your boy or girl will ofpleasure from the one he or she Plats won, plus the additional thrill ff o real accomplishment. You should interest your- self, actively, in the campaign of your boy or girl .jntered in this subscription campoign. The campaign work is an ex- perience and training which willbe invaluable to your child later in life. Your child wants one of the prize bicycles or he or she would not have entered this campaign, ON:LY / DAYS LEFT For Candidates to Do Their Best ork to Win One of the Prize NOW IS THE TIME to start an aches cantpapn in earnest. Wlat any candidate has up to this time has no bear- B00;cy00c.l00es ar One of the Cash Commissions Plus the New Prize of ing whatever on this Mcopd new Cash Prize campaign, ltisonlyfor=th, lut,we.kofth. $10 IN CASH sampaign,,starHng Saturday. Another New Subscrip00,'on Campaign Wi00h,$1o Cash Prize Is A,00-7ounced INOTES ON SECOND NEW. $10 CAMPAIGN 'Phe new $10 prize campaign announced to. is the second $10 cash prize campaign. first $I0 cash prize campaign ended last aesday ,and was. toy NIW ul¢rlpttons Only. The econd nw $I0 cash prize cam- lalga is for new and renewal subscriptions. a. All SubsQrJptlona each .candidate hands In ,ore Satullav m 0 n f this Week to and €  . .... r lag • Udlng SatUrday night of next week, will COUnt votes on the original prizes end points on the NEW campaign. .,,,t o, a the ,lo o.h ?ze. earapgl= ' a prize ldentiea in value will given a& ': ; " ch tying candidate. vePybody Will win in this second New $10 Prise Campaign ae all subscriptions ed In durl| the time.el the NEW $10 r=.Paign Will eeunt votes toward the original Itltnv" In the original prllm oampalgn only sa Sly *7 aotivo candidates Ira allowed to be sc- dl s thae 4ice priTea,/Uld elu;h .otlve ean- eomrnl.w,! II I'eldve • 'prize bh)ycle or Qash able .-.,on for tla WOlk ha or she dos in m=mpaiDn" r ,;l,z,e.wners will be announced and all ak= ,',-fle awarded by the Judges when they of t tan 11 count of votes onthe 1Mr night  camiml?m I0 O, n/a:i,'Wlihhave sbsMJy no,bear. seoond new $10 osh prize gna- t " " nl Urns** , Y those subscriptions secured end Wk'_'n batween turday molmttg of this Istt .and tur411y night of next week (the heW'nt t0 tlta'empaign) will eount n this • "tmPisn. ......... tAa.n°w there tS another $10 cash prlz-- for ,m it! It will mean :1;10 spending money " winner. stale:, e. help UX , candidates, by marking your ,NEW,'ticI €orreotly as either OLD er an ¢l:?srson. le now locating the:lJpr he • vs n i#   Jlubscrlber ahd remains as OLD leaper'iS changes the name or address on the tOOth;. NEW subscription |s one that adds r name to our list. 0h._ e-;m dates receive full credit for all 9aY- es Subscriptions, For Just the Last 8 Days Just for securing the most points on subscriptions, either old or new, during the last 8 days of the subscription compaign. It's for YOU! NOTE--This $10 iPrize camRaign ,is a new campaign and only those candidates entered in the original campaign .for the prix bicyciles and the cash commissions ere eligible to compete in the newS10 prize campaign. The New Prize of $10 in Cash will be g|ven to the candidate among the present active candidates/€curing the molt polnt on new or old. subscriptions between .Saturday morning of this week and Saturday night €/ next wcck, the closing night of the entire campaign. Schedule of Points For 00Second New $10 00Cash ,Pri00,e ,00¢n0000ign All subscriptions turned in between this Saturday morniqg and g o,€ , the, =a ,,at- uray ight, will untis in :,lEW Sxo CSH prize ampaign 4olws: 7 Pointis per Year All subscriptions turned in between Monday morning and Wednety n!sht   k will count points toward this NEW azo CASH prie a, follovt: (5 oin!s  Year gll,sublcripfi turned inbetl#e.¢n ,T..hwlday.@aornlng ad Saturday Idllht d.ext week ,(die !t aht o[ t€ c a.n), Wm eouatip s tow ardsthe NEW $o CASH prize as followix 5 Points per Year NOTE: ,YOu will de,e-lve .more.Jint= ,fir ,lbscrlption= the .earlier you turn them in dur thh seNBWi,lt°;a.n.'bsptns turned in bY thi Saturda',uiht will e turneo m un the count m0re than:thai : . -h rig., ' ,£llowing days,and .stal;Bcriptions tyj-aed in b, Wednesday night will count more t an those handed in later. Start now. Take advantage ot the highest point schedule. YOUR OPPORTUNI * (Copyright  by J. D. Stack) * WHAT IT MEANS You can win the axe CASH PRIZE in the new campaign and, at the same time and with the same subscriptions, cnhance your opportunity of winning the most valuable priz in thc original list of prize bicycles and cash commiss/ons. Each is a separate competition and all suh- scriptions secured and turnedin between Saturday morning of this wcck, and Saturday night of next week, will count votes toward the original bicycle pris and pnts in the new $o CASH PRIZE campaign. Every one wins, as all subscriptions turned m during the new $[o campaign will count votes in the origlnalbicycle and cash commission campaign. ALL START ON AN EQUAL BASIS Saturday Morning IN THE NEW azo CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN NOTES the city entries do their utmost they are going to see the majority of the prize b. cycles .Carried off by the country candidates. The out.of-town list includes some line work- era and excellent subscription producers. If yoMr name aPl:)oara In the list :of candl- dite8 pbllshed today you are considered as aotl:fe candidate ,and eligible to share in the Ilstof prizes ald commissions If you only report t18 Saturday and Wednesday and Sat. urd.ay  next week, """  " " , " Dent's fall zo see each and every person who lromtsed you a subscription for er -aturday. ome,have threatened It, but so far no ene hls dolts it. That Is, cover their area Utor- oughly, golng up arts street or road and down the other, calling at every home. You wl!l be aurprleed at the good results you will secura by doing this. You should now check back on all those who promised yoa a subscription or satd "may le" they wold pay you later. Many of these people have been holding their payment for a certain candidate but will soon pay it to someone else if the one to whom they promised it does not call back, For Further Information, Call On, Telephone, or Write Campaign Manager 00OSE FAVQ00IT t Phone HA. 6-4412 107 South Fourth, Shelton THIS OAMPAIGN ENJ)S M 90'OL00 SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 4, 1969 (0000il)IDATE OFFICE OPEN EACH EVENING 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK i , i, ill l i P AY YOUR Subscription N 0W ft Hoodsport- Potla00h By Merle Smith The March meeting of the ().N.O. Club was heht in the beacl hums of Mrs. John l<nee- lall(t. ]t'S. ('. ii. Pall'llel' w:ls c)- hostess for tile evening affltir, Guests played cootie for white ete4)hant prizes. Mrs. Robert Smith Was winner of tile Parlay chalice, the gTft being it lovely Easter basket. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Fred Cassassa, rs. Gene Spauiding arid Mrs. Joe Me- Kiel. Mr. and Mfrs. Wally Oliver have returned to their home here and their johs as Postmaster and Clerk, following a six week trailer trip in the Southwestern states. They also met other Hood Canal residents wintering in the desert country, among them Mr. and Mrs. AI Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. :Lester Dickin,son, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bayes. Herb Dickinson in in a She!ton hospital following recent mwgery. Mr. and Mrs, A1 Johnson and family, of Quilcene, were Slanday dhmer gaests in the holxe of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray. Mrs. George. Ferris, of Tacoma, spent several days visiting in the Emery Winter's home. Dut'ig ler visit she was guest storyteller for the kindergarten group. Her skill in characterizing a very special dragon will long !repress the boys and girls h the group. Mr. and Mrs. Mauriee Kaare  and Jerry were seen busi! ig on :their recently acquired beach property near. the Peter Borg'm Karen Kaare is home from school in VancouVer,to spend n;s- ter vacation .here. Mr. and .Mrs. :Perry Hexrin4gton, of Port 4kngeles, spent l;he week- end visiting in the home of .ir. and Mrs. Lew Evans. Dinner guest,s in ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dean were Mr. gmd Mrs..Du.ane Meade, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Bill .Dean. The grou I) .eljoyed watching slides of the Jim Det4i's in a ne,,,, projector )f D - a n.e's. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bearden and Mi:s E1 in(: Essex and boys have returned from their winter home in ,Rane ho Mirage, Calif., to their home here. The second grade stu- dents will welcome lilly Essex back in their midst. Mr'. and Mrs. Karl Lmscott have retttrnt.d from a.three month visit with their daughter and families in San Diego, Calif. They visited many friends and places during their stay in the South. Since their return they haw . also visited with relatives in :Milton. One of the nic- est gifts they bronght home with them is a lovely set of dishes, sent to them by their daughter, Ruth, and family, wlv) are in Japan, Whel'( I,t. John Hadley is statism = ed with the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haineu, Mrs. Evelyn Nieholson, Mrs. Maimie Kaare, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huntly traveled to S,rattle'- day evellinff ta attend the (Iran(l Collr[ of the Anlaranth. Mrs. Dick Schauffler was in- stalled as Worthy Matr'm of the glinm" Chapter O,E.S. at ameet,:' ing of the group in Union, Friday evening. Mrs. Maimie Kaare was hostess for the Social ChJb of the Amar- anth at ;{171 :fteruoon gthering last week. Mrs. Gordon Dickinson and chihh'en are spending the Easter vacation in their home here, eom- ing from Bellingham where Mrs. Di(:kinsm is a student at tle Slate College. Mrs. Rose Berryman has been confined to a Sheltm hospital this week. :Mr. and Mrs. Al Schafer have returned t. the Treasnre Chest after spending the winter in Calf ferule. We mdcr'stanl th,t our Southem vacationers starttt home after hearing that the daffodils were in bh)om in the Hood Canal ga rd(qls. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Anderson were hosts:sees for a grotl l) Of friends who gathered in their holtte t meet the Rex'. and Mrs. Charles 1-:let.ten, of tie Shelton Methodist Church. The Ho(;*d Canal Legion and Auxiliary Post and Unit 230'are affain announcing I)ians for th e Anntml Easter Egg hunt to be held at tbe Bill Goodpaster home on the Lake (Jnshm,n Road, Sunduy. March 29 at 2 o h)ek m the, ftel noon. Mrs. Norman (]ry is ill charge )f the affair. Fifhsen d¢llars urorth of pizza egg's as well as many candy egKn will be hidden. Scare:hers will be divi& in three groups aceord to age, with groups from 1-4, 5'8, ad 9-12. :Prize eggs will be co|- eyed by the see,rod grade Brownie girls. Free ice or(ms will ale0 1 given to tlmse attending, Mumps, chicken pox, measles, and the flea are taking their tol! among the Canal families, especi- ally the children. The IItg/Gronvolds are sporting a red car, brand new this week. Fred Cssassa, new square daee caller in the Canal area, is haYIP a Wederated Square Dance. t)$rt* in the Hood Canal Women's CIUi :House, Saturday, March 28 from :30 to 11:30 in the eventng The American Legion AttxilrN Unit 2:!0 of,J-Iced Canal is haying a rt!mnage, sale in the Shetn P.U.D. [tlitorium, Thursday anti Friday, Mt'ch 26 and 27. Mrs. ,Verlle Hill is chairman of the event. ,gehool children of ttood Canal ,D.istriet.tNo. '404 will enjoy a vaca- tion on '/iriday and Monday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rogers, of Tlllictl, Mr, and Mrs. Clauson of Tacos:h., and Henry Hanson. of Dupont. ,Iohnna. Winters is spending the school vacation in the Emery Winters home. Member of the Hood Canal Wo- men's Club are entertaining 15 foreign exchange students On Thnrsday, Mareh 26. The stud- ents re from China. India, tl u dan, Kern,a, Japan and Poland.ll Ltend the University of Wa,eh- ington m Seattle. The group will have luneh:)n at the Garden, l.vely home (tf P. and Mrs. Arthur Kraus. In the afternoon they will tour facilities of the Simpson I,ogging CompaIiy. A potluck dinner open to all who may like to attend, will be held in.the Club House in Potlatch beginning at 6:30 o'clo('lt in the evening. Please bring a eove dish. .The seedling's entertainment Will feature Mr. and Mrs. Wait Sim- rhone of Lower Skokomish in al Indian l)rogram and dance. The Salty Sshayers, of Hood (;anal, will .present two squares of danc- ers in several numbers. The pur- pose of the pv,)gram is to show the fore.tan stuc mrs sev,,ral of the A rneri( an folk and t raditinal dances. The Wmlen's Club voted to ad,)pt an orphan frmn a forelgn land. The country from Whom the child will be picked will be decided at a later date. Librarian Named For Thurslon.Mason Alfred Kreig of Port Angeles has bee)t appointed Regional iLl. brarian in charge oaf the "Fhlrston. Mason Inter-County Library nd the Olylnpia Public Library by the two library boards. At present Mr'. Kraig is librarian of t!e Port Angeles Public Libra- ry and the Chtlbtm County Li- brtry. NEVER TOO 00EARL¥... 00KEVEll M Ig 00ATE,,. Now Is The Time To... HOME LOAN All aooount insured Up te$10,O00 by F.S. & L. and I.C, THURSTON OOUliTY FEDERAL SAVI00 LOMi ASSOGIATION ecurity Bldg., Otyrapla, Wash. OFFICERS Carlton I. Sears, President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. Hazel Wahner, Secxetary-Treu. Eugene Dcaan, At. (,2ecy,,'. J. C. Minahull, Vtce President DIRECTORS-- HAZEL WALMER v. . t,Acm J. C. MINHUI cRtn'o . s --NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES Si/% PER ANNUM-.-