March 26, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 26, 1959 |
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1959 SITELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in " " s
Chr?sfmn. few,, U.KA.," °ohdton Washin 19
o . I Adventlsts Slate Seattle Pacific Christian Science
00e00lce Communion Service Choir to offer Service Outlined
00euland [ Sacred Program '.7,1:,L n),is00% Ldev0000l
eld in (he Kneeled_el\\;viii be c';iebrated Satm'day at th.el Tt\\;e ' A Capella choir of Seattle will be I,fm).ght out .at services
Undav t a. ,< I Seventh Day Adventmt Churcn l t'aeitic Col ege will appear here Sunmy a the Cnrmtmn SciPnce
• ,, ¢dta* • " • • * , t ,, - • *
Lket Wall be Jesse according to Chnton Shankel, pas- tom(now during a northwest Ch!lc.h: ......
lame. ss -:',,,=- xno? I tm ....... saere¢. ¢ ,ncert tom' The (ho'tl Hight. , gnung, ,, . tat-,, esson-Sermon.. ,
er Radio S|r,,-] v,,.¢hl ...... io, "ll be held at Iwfll stag at the First B)tit enttth(I Iallty m the Goldtn
()gram "Mornlno' /11 n] twith Sabbath school at Church at 7 30 p m. Text from Mat)}. l l.l,t, 1.)): Jesus
- - -^ ' .......... eI serv [ I)ire(,o ,u ........ _ , _ caFfle into kialll .6., plia¢hlng the
u ,u a m NttClXVeeK p/''l.V " 'L 1' el /lie .lOLlp lS L I[)I
...... ' >,. t_) .... ' - ," ..... ' ffosoel of the el g(Ion] of God and
location for ice is held Wednesday tt 7 :,0 I I h tip J. Macg or tne conege's L' ] " who (m i- ,' .......... ' •
' this " " " "" * ' '¢r .... SCL'YiJL8 ,,e ...... .. Lt Illlttl, an(1
1 be • m I, chool of Mumc. The oramzatmn " "' of (led is
the aud- P. • ,: the kingdom . .' at hand."
2d rst Bap- A Stephen Foster hour ,,;iltb); hct(s.:te;tWpna:;;,ugt(])(;t Selections te be read from "Set-
eta. The held at 7:15 p.m. Saturaay i'' ,.A " .t , ,.. t•' ]ence and Health with Key to the
mOred by the PUD auditorium, tssaet(n eonce .ml}sm. ]Scriptm'es" by Mary Baker Eddy
)eople of the "The Glorious Resurrection" will .[.vne pt'ogra.m..wH )ncmne eompo-Jinelude the following 1208:20):
7 De-- near(- - oil the vocc"- .... ,,,e __.,,,,,ph, sm0ns, oy el,,. , ano c(mt(,m- I • ;, -o --,.,, ot' the real a
........ eey" at 9:30 a.m. Sllnday ell l!Ol'ary composers as well as early na!",[nl"£elare t'(; ii, e'i?21 !i 'ter;
Church KoMo .......................... ;,;%,c:n t22,?,hVO:00:il; [ &00;2}i2
St. David's Sets nI,ar*o, will be featured
a.m. at the
Rev. Leland
will be guest
services aL
with Mr.
at 10:30.
Services at
.at 10 o'clock
at 10:30.
POre one un-
Will en-
from this
and Monday
and Den-
guests of Mr.
vs. Stanley
visited their
at Tacoma
and chil-
sis of Mr.
a Y! (t
Called at
Knobel of
:rs. Grover
Mr. and
Fredenbu rg
and Grov-
Unday over-
Easter Services
The observance of Holy Week
and Easter at St. David's Episcopal
Church will begin with the service
of the Lord's Supper on Maundy
Thursday at 8 p.m.
On Good Friday, there will be
a celebration of the Holy Com-
munion at 10 a.m. The service of
the Way of the Cross will be used
at 8 p.m.
Easter Day services begin with
the Holy Communion at 9 a.m.; the
children's Festival Service at 9:45.
with music by the Junior Choir;
and the choral celebration of the
Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock, with
music by the senior choir, and
sermon by the vicar, the Rev. Rob-
ert B. Echols.
night guests also.
Mrs. L. F. Cook and Mrs. Augus-
ta Portman and Carl Portman
spent Thursday evening with Mrs,
Lula Owens.
Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Grand-
pa Neer were Friday luncheon
guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman
and Carl.
The Matlock Grange decided to
dispense with their April 3rd meet-
ing and go to the gavel meeting at
Shelton Valley. -
The Matlock Ladies Club enter-
tained the Hatchery Ladies Club
and many other ladies fl'om the
community last week Thursday,
and Mrs. Mabel Burk from the
L.M. department store showed
yardage material and the new
kinds and their care, and Mrs
tuth Boydston showed slides of
many places they traveled.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopkins and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Goodburn and family spent Sunday
at the Herbert Brehmeyer St'.
Mrs. Blain" Bunce and Mrs. Vera
Troy were.hmcheon guests of Mrs.
England of South Bay Friday.
Bernal Bunce of Seattle was a
weekend guest of his brother and
family, the Blain Bunces.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bunce and
Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and
family spent Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
The Blain Bunces spent Sunday
evening with their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of Shel-
er Services
Two Morning Worship
9:30 and 11 a.m.
Lutheran Church
Schedules Events
The Faith Lutheran Church will
hold a special Holy Week Com-
nlunion Service at 8 p.m. tomor-
row. Pastor J. Bernhard Bret-
helm will speak on "He was Pa-
tient as a Lamb." and the Senior
Choir will sing, "Were You There."
On Easter Sunday there will be
two worship services, at 8:15 and
11 a.m. Special music by the
choirs will be provided at the serv-
ices. and Pastor Bretheim's mes-
sage will be "Easter Victory."
The Sunday school invites par-
ents and friends to come to its
special Easter program at 9:30
a.m. Lenten Banks are to be
brought to this program and at-
tendance awards will be presented
to the Sunday school pupils. The
special Easter story film to be
shown to the older classes is en-
titled, "Journey into Faith."
Events for the week following
Easter begin on Tuesday at 6:30
p.m. with the youth class. Wed-
nesday at 7 p.m. the Brotherhood
and Ladies Aid meet. Hostess will
be Mr. and Mrs. John Kangas,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kangas, and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ranf.
On Thursday the junior choir
meets at 3:30 p.m., the Board of
Deacons at 7 p.m. and the senior
choir at 8 p.m.
First ch-ristian-
To Mark Sunrise
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service
will be held at, 6:30 a.m by the
First Christian Church. Breakfast
will be served by the men of the
church at 8 a.m.
The Bible sclool program wil be-
gin at 9:45 with the Resurrection
Day service at 11 a.m There will
be no evening service Sunday.
Bible study is hekt each Wednes-"
day at the home of Rev. I,. E.
mony, whictl cannot be lost nor re-
main forever unseen."
Baptists Plan
Easter Services
Three Easter services will be
scheduled at the Shelton First
Baptist Church, Easter Sunday ac-
cording to the pastor, Rev. E. C.
The first service is scheduled at
8:30 a.m. with special music and
a message entitled. "The First
Words of the Risen Lord." At
9:45 a.m. Sunday School activiti(s
will include a program by the
Primary and Beginners depart-
At 11 a.m. the choir will fur-
nish Easter anthems and the pas-
tor will speak on the subject,
"Keeping An Impossible Appoint-
ment." Special soloist for the oc-
casion will be Mr. Jesse Leise of
the Morning Cheer Book Store of
The evening service at 7 p.m.
will include a 100 youth choir
from the Junior. Jr."Hi and Sr Hi
departments, followed by a color
film "I Am The Resurrection.',
The pastor's Easter Sunday eve-
nings message will be on the
theme 'Our Journey Into Faith."
Mt. Olive Lutheran
The Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
has listed several Easter Week
Maundy Thursday Holy Com-
munion will be held tonight at S
p.m. Good Friday candlelight serv-
ice. "In the Shadow of the Cross."
will begin at 7 p.m. Early service
on Easter Sunday will begin at 7
The Sunday school Easter pro-
gram will be from 9:d5 to 10:45.
The regular worship service will
be at II a.m.
The Lutheran "Women's Mission-
ary League meets Tuesday, aml
cho;r rehearsal is Tursday at 8
4th and Cedar Streets
Maundy Thursday: 8 p.m. -- The Lord's Supper.
Good Friday: 10 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Meditation.
8 p.m .... Service of the Way of the Cross, with
Good Friday Hymns.
Easter Day: 9 am. -- Holy Communion.
9:45 a.m. -- Church School Service, with Junior Choir.
Lenten Offering Presentation. The Easter
Flower Cross.
11:00 a.m. --- Festival Celebration cf the Holy
Eucharist. Easter Hymns and Anthems.
Sermon by the Vicar
_ - _ _ _ - _
Mt. View Alliance Church
Eugene Breid, Pastor Washington & J
Great and Joyful
Easter Music by
The Chancel Choir
John Steinberg, director
Mrs. Harvey I#illman, organist
"Lay Hold on Eternal Life"
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Songs by the Children
Special Singing and Choir
Orchestra Playing
Illustrated Easter Message
with OIL pAINTINGS ON FELT of the Crucifixion
and Resurrection of the I)rd.
Notice: Only the one service on Easter Sunday Morning
with the program and closing with the Easter Message.
Message will be given at about 11:00 a.m Everyone is
invited to attend this special Easter Service.
6:30 p.m. Junior Young Peoples.
6:30 p.m. Sehior Young Peoples.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service.
Assembly of God
Loyalty Campaign
To Start Sunday
The Shelton Assembly of God,
130 East Pine St., will begin a
seven-week L o ya l t y Campaign
Sunday. The drive is part of a
program t(, increase attendance at
the h)cal church.
The kickoff Sunday will feature
a pledge program during which
Sunday school members will vohm-
teer to push consecutive attend-
ante for seven weeks.
Climaxing the campaign will be
l he presentation of certificates to
Sunday sdhool members who have
been loyal in attendance through-
out the seven-week drive,
A goal of 175 enrollment has
been set for the Loyalty Cam-
paig. [
A SPECIAL series of revival
services begins Tuesday at the As-
sembly of God conducted by Evan-
gelists Carl and Edna Goodwin of
Pomona. Calif.
They have travelled extensively
throughout America and have min-
istered in some of the largest As-
sembly ,of God Churches. Services
will be conducted Tuesday through
Friday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday serv-
ices will be at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Indian Assembly
The Skokomish Indian Assem-
bly will observe Easter with a
Good Friday serlvce at 7:30 p.m.
A communion service will follow•
The Sunday school program will
at a.m.
be Sunday !0:30 Morning
worship service and Easter eve-
ning service will be held with the
young people of the church in the
pageant ofthe 10 virgins.
Dead Man
To Life!
"No man ever lived alter he
died," Tom asserted to hi=
friend. "When you're dead,
you're deadl"
"How do you, know?" asked
"Of course t anyone coukt go
around clalmn that he would
come to life again. In fact, there
was onc a famous doctor in
France whn did that. Like
Jcsus, he did mlracle, of heal-
ing, he gathered disclplcs around
him, and said that he would
rise again after his death."
*'And did he?" Frank asked.
"No, of course not," amwcred
Tom. "He just stayed dead.
And hls di:ciples knew it. They
never saw him again."
"That's ta, b dffere,,,,"
Frank pointed out. "Jesus' di
ciples DID see Him aliw again.
They knew that their Master
was not dead, but aliveP'
That ia big nsws. It h tat
b#st nws the world hat seer
heardl It is not ntmor, but
actual fact. Easter is the festival
of the Lord who died for our
sins and IOSE again.
Come and celebrate glad
day with us. See how it can
mean everlasting life for you.,
3rd and Cota
. Sunday, March 29
9:15 a.m.--Coffee time
9:30 a.m.Guest speaker,
Jessie Lelse
"Christian Business Men
of Seattle"
10:00 a.m. Bible Study
"See and Believe"
EASTER DAY at 7:00 and 11:00 A. M.
Faith Lutheran Church
J. Bernhard Brethelm, Pastor
Good Friday --
Holr Communion Service 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday --
Worship Service 8:15 and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon: "Easter Victory"
Sunday School Easter Program
Film: "Journey Into Faith" 9:30 a.m.
March 27, 1959
- Noon to 2 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Church
The "Sovon Last Words of Christ"
will be presented by Seven Ministers of
Mason County Churches
$ * *
Sponsored by
Mason County Ministerial Association
The Ministerial Ao¢iation wishes to thank the Support
of Churches Committee of the KIwanis Club for asking
the cooperation of the local businesses to class for the
the cooperation of the local businesses to ¢1o8e for the
the two hour period,
1959 SITELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in " " s
Chr?sfmn. few,, U.KA.," °ohdton Washin 19
o . I Adventlsts Slate Seattle Pacific Christian Science
00e00lce Communion Service Choir to offer Service Outlined
00euland [ Sacred Program '.7,1:,L n),is00% Ldev0000l
eld in (he Kneeled_el\\;viii be c';iebrated Satm'day at th.el Tt\\;e ' A Capella choir of Seattle will be I,fm).ght out .at services
Undav t a. ,< I Seventh Day Adventmt Churcn l t'aeitic Col ege will appear here Sunmy a the Cnrmtmn SciPnce
• ,, ¢dta* • " • • * , t ,, - • *
Lket Wall be Jesse according to Chnton Shankel, pas- tom(now during a northwest Ch!lc.h: ......
lame. ss -:',,,=- xno? I tm ....... saere¢. ¢ ,ncert tom' The (ho'tl Hight. , gnung, ,, . tat-,, esson-Sermon.. ,
er Radio S|r,,-] v,,.¢hl ...... io, "ll be held at Iwfll stag at the First B)tit enttth(I Iallty m the Goldtn
()gram "Mornlno' /11 n] twith Sabbath school at Church at 7 30 pm. Text from Mat)}. l l.l,t, 1.)): Jesus
- - -^ ' .......... eI serv [ I)ire(,o ,u ........ _ , _ caFfle into kialll .6., plia¢hlng the
u ,u a m NttClXVeeK p/''l.V " 'L 1' el /lie .lOLlp lS L I[)I
...... ' >,. t_) .... ' - ," ..... ' ffosoel of the el g(Ion] of God and
location for ice is held Wednesday tt 7 :,0 I I h tip J. Macg or tne conege's L' ] " who (m i- ,' .......... ' •
' this " " " "" * ' '¢r .... SCL'YiJL8 ,,e ...... .. Lt Illlttl, an(1
1 be • m I, chool of Mumc. The oramzatmn " "' of (led is
the aud- P. • ,: the kingdom . .' at hand."
2d rst Bap- A Stephen Foster hour ,,;iltb); hct(s.:te;tWpna:;;,ugt(])(;t Selections te be read from "Set-
eta. The held at 7:15 p.m. Saturaay i'' ,.A " .t , ,.. t•' ]ence and Health with Key to the
mOred by the PUD auditorium, tssaet(n eonce .ml}sm. ]Scriptm'es" by Mary Baker Eddy
)eople of the "The Glorious Resurrection" will .[.vne pt'ogra.m..wH )ncmne eompo-Jinelude the following 1208:20):
7 De-- near(- - oil the vocc"- .... ,,,e __.,,,,,ph, sm0ns, oy el,,. , ano c(mt(,m- I • ;, -o --,.,, ot' the real a
........ eey" at 9:30 a.m. Sllnday ell l!Ol'ary composers as well as early na!",[nl"£elare t'(; ii, e'i?21 !i 'ter;
Church KoMo .......................... ;,;%,c:n t22,?,hVO:00:il; [ &00;2}i2
St. David's Sets nI,ar*o, will be featured
a.m. at the
Rev. Leland
will be guest
services aL
with Mr.
at 10:30.
Services at
.at 10 o'clock
at 10:30.
POre one un-
Will en-
from this
and Monday
and Den-
guests of Mr.
vs. Stanley
visited their
at Tacoma
and chil-
sis of Mr.
a Y! (t
Called at
Knobel of
:rs. Grover
Mr. and
Fredenbu rg
and Grov-
Unday over-
Easter Services
The observance of Holy Week
and Easter at St. David's Episcopal
Church will begin with the service
of the Lord's Supper on Maundy
Thursday at 8 p.m.
On Good Friday, there will be
a celebration of the Holy Com-
munion at 10 a.m. The service of
the Way of the Cross will be used
at 8 p.m.
Easter Day services begin with
the Holy Communion at 9 a.m.; the
children's Festival Service at 9:45.
with music by the Junior Choir;
and the choral celebration of the
Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock, with
music by the senior choir, and
sermon by the vicar, the Rev. Rob-
ert B. Echols.
night guests also.
Mrs. L. F. Cook and Mrs. Augus-
ta Portman and Carl Portman
spent Thursday evening with Mrs,
Lula Owens.
Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Grand-
pa Neer were Friday luncheon
guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman
and Carl.
The Matlock Grange decided to
dispense with their April 3rd meet-
ing and go to the gavel meeting at
Shelton Valley. -
The Matlock Ladies Club enter-
tained the Hatchery Ladies Club
and many other ladies fl'om the
community last week Thursday,
and Mrs. Mabel Burk from the
L.M. department store showed
yardage material and the new
kinds and their care, and Mrs
tuth Boydston showed slides of
many places they traveled.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopkins and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Goodburn and family spent Sunday
at the Herbert Brehmeyer St'.
Mrs. Blain" Bunce and Mrs. Vera
Troy were.hmcheon guests of Mrs.
England of South Bay Friday.
Bernal Bunce of Seattle was a
weekend guest of his brother and
family, the Blain Bunces.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bunce and
Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and
family spent Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
The Blain Bunces spent Sunday
evening with their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of Shel-
er Services
Two Morning Worship
9:30 and 11 a.m.
Lutheran Church
Schedules Events
The Faith Lutheran Church will
hold a special Holy Week Com-
nlunion Service at 8 p.m. tomor-
row. Pastor J. Bernhard Bret-
helm will speak on "He was Pa-
tient as a Lamb." and the Senior
Choir will sing, "Were You There."
On Easter Sunday there will be
two worship services, at 8:15 and
11 a.m. Special music by the
choirs will be provided at the serv-
ices. and Pastor Bretheim's mes-
sage will be "Easter Victory."
The Sunday school invites par-
ents and friends to come to its
special Easter program at 9:30
a.m. Lenten Banks are to be
brought to this program and at-
tendance awards will be presented
to the Sunday school pupils. The
special Easter story film to be
shown to the older classes is en-
titled, "Journey into Faith."
Events for the week following
Easter begin on Tuesday at 6:30
p.m. with the youth class. Wed-
nesday at 7 p.m. the Brotherhood
and Ladies Aid meet. Hostess will
be Mr. and Mrs. John Kangas,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kangas, and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ranf.
On Thursday the junior choir
meets at 3:30 p.m., the Board of
Deacons at 7 p.m. and the senior
choir at 8 p.m.
First ch-ristian-
To Mark Sunrise
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service
will be held at, 6:30 a.m by the
First Christian Church. Breakfast
will be served by the men of the
church at 8 a.m.
The Bible sclool program wil be-
gin at 9:45 with the Resurrection
Day service at 11 a.m There will
be no evening service Sunday.
Bible study is hekt each Wednes-"
day at the home of Rev. I,. E.
mony, whictl cannot be lost nor re-
main forever unseen."
Baptists Plan
Easter Services
Three Easter services will be
scheduled at the Shelton First
Baptist Church, Easter Sunday ac-
cording to the pastor, Rev. E. C.
The first service is scheduled at
8:30 a.m. with special music and
a message entitled. "The First
Words of the Risen Lord." At
9:45 a.m. Sunday School activiti(s
will include a program by the
Primary and Beginners depart-
At 11 a.m. the choir will fur-
nish Easter anthems and the pas-
tor will speak on the subject,
"Keeping An Impossible Appoint-
ment." Special soloist for the oc-
casion will be Mr. Jesse Leise of
the Morning Cheer Book Store of
The evening service at 7 p.m.
will include a 100 youth choir
from the Junior. Jr."Hi and Sr Hi
departments, followed by a color
film "I Am The Resurrection.',
The pastor's Easter Sunday eve-
nings message will be on the
theme 'Our Journey Into Faith."
Mt. Olive Lutheran
The Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
has listed several Easter Week
Maundy Thursday Holy Com-
munion will be held tonight at S
p.m. Good Friday candlelight serv-
ice. "In the Shadow of the Cross."
will begin at 7 p.m. Early service
on Easter Sunday will begin at 7
The Sunday school Easter pro-
gram will be from 9:d5 to 10:45.
The regular worship service will
be at II a.m.
The Lutheran "Women's Mission-
ary League meets Tuesday, aml
cho;r rehearsal is Tursday at 8
4th and Cedar Streets
Maundy Thursday: 8 p.m. -- The Lord's Supper.
Good Friday: 10 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Meditation.
8 p.m .... Service of the Way of the Cross, with
Good Friday Hymns.
Easter Day: 9 am. -- Holy Communion.
9:45 a.m. -- Church School Service, with Junior Choir.
Lenten Offering Presentation. The Easter
Flower Cross.
11:00 a.m. --- Festival Celebration cf the Holy
Eucharist. Easter Hymns and Anthems.
Sermon by the Vicar
_ - _ _ _ - _
Mt. View Alliance Church
Eugene Breid, Pastor Washington & J
Great and Joyful
Easter Music by
The Chancel Choir
John Steinberg, director
Mrs. Harvey I#illman, organist
"Lay Hold on Eternal Life"
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Songs by the Children
Special Singing and Choir
Orchestra Playing
Illustrated Easter Message
with OIL pAINTINGS ON FELT of the Crucifixion
and Resurrection of the I)rd.
Notice: Only the one service on Easter Sunday Morning
with the program and closing with the Easter Message.
Message will be given at about 11:00 a.m Everyone is
invited to attend this special Easter Service.
6:30 p.m. Junior Young Peoples.
6:30 p.m. Sehior Young Peoples.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service.
Assembly of God
Loyalty Campaign
To Start Sunday
The Shelton Assembly of God,
130 East Pine St., will begin a
seven-week L o ya l t y Campaign
Sunday. The drive is part of a
program t(, increase attendance at
the h)cal church.
The kickoff Sunday will feature
a pledge program during which
Sunday school members will vohm-
teer to push consecutive attend-
ante for seven weeks.
Climaxing the campaign will be
l he presentation of certificates to
Sunday sdhool members who have
been loyal in attendance through-
out the seven-week drive,
A goal of 175 enrollment has
been set for the Loyalty Cam-
paig. [
A SPECIAL series of revival
services begins Tuesday at the As-
sembly of God conducted by Evan-
gelists Carl and Edna Goodwin of
Pomona. Calif.
They have travelled extensively
throughout America and have min-
istered in some of the largest As-
sembly ,of God Churches. Services
will be conducted Tuesday through
Friday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday serv-
ices will be at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Indian Assembly
The Skokomish Indian Assem-
bly will observe Easter with a
Good Friday serlvce at 7:30 p.m.
A communion service will follow•
The Sunday school program will
at a.m.
be Sunday !0:30 Morning
worship service and Easter eve-
ning service will be held with the
young people of the church in the
pageant ofthe 10 virgins.
Dead Man
To Life!
"No man ever lived alter he
died," Tom asserted to hi=
friend. "When you're dead,
you're deadl"
"How do you, know?" asked
"Of course t anyone coukt go
around clalmn that he would
come to life again. In fact, there
was onc a famous doctor in
France whn did that. Like
Jcsus, he did mlracle, of heal-
ing, he gathered disclplcs around
him, and said that he would
rise again after his death."
*'And did he?" Frank asked.
"No, of course not," amwcred
Tom. "He just stayed dead.
And hls di:ciples knew it. They
never saw him again."
"That's ta, b dffere,,,,"
Frank pointed out. "Jesus' di
ciples DID see Him aliw again.
They knew that their Master
was not dead, but aliveP'
That ia big nsws. It h tat
b#st nws the world hat seer
heardl It is not ntmor, but
actual fact. Easter is the festival
of the Lord who died for our
sins and IOSE again.
Come and celebrate glad
day with us. See how it can
mean everlasting life for you.,
3rd and Cota
. Sunday, March 29
9:15 a.m.--Coffee time
9:30 a.m.Guest speaker,
Jessie Lelse
"Christian Business Men
of Seattle"
10:00 a.m. Bible Study
"See and Believe"
EASTER DAY at 7:00 and 11:00 A. M.
Faith Lutheran Church
J. Bernhard Brethelm, Pastor
Good Friday --
Holr Communion Service 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday --
Worship Service 8:15 and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon: "Easter Victory"
Sunday School Easter Program
Film: "Journey Into Faith" 9:30 a.m.
March 27, 1959
- Noon to 2 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Church
The "Sovon Last Words of Christ"
will be presented by Seven Ministers of
Mason County Churches
$ * *
Sponsored by
Mason County Ministerial Association
The Ministerial Ao¢iation wishes to thank the Support
of Churches Committee of the KIwanis Club for asking
the cooperation of the local businesses to class for the
the cooperation of the local businesses to ¢1o8e for the
the two hour period,