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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• !! Page 20 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY 3OURNAL-- Published in uCh&apos;tstmastown U.S.A." Shelton, Washin on Thursda , ul V, " &: I,/, l,/,, ,N¢, I! f;/ FOR SALE SHltUBS-.Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagner Feed Co, 219 So First Phone HA 6-4532, , 2/12 tfn ROOFING and all-Jte-buiidtng ma- terials, notlIng down. 86 montm to pay under FHA reruns now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., _p_h2! % HA:. -6:4803. ............ 6/t BRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, Princess Model "L," all guarantees, now only $149,50, $2,0,48 down; $10.05 n}onlhly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889. 2/12 tfn wllere. .Phone Olympia FL 7-77PJ, C1/ tfn 2-bathroom house, can be used for holm:! or buslneas. toves and Borne furniture. If sold. It Would have to be moved away, Merle Kubick. 205 E. l:'Inc, Pitons 6-4297. K2/19 tfn BOYSEN PAINTL-all types-'and kinds. theme el: 1322 colore. L.M. DECOR- ATING ChLNTR, 321 Ralh'oad. .................................................... L/ 2 _}fn FOR SALE-.-Two-room modern cabin II b tooved, bargain. Warfield'a Resort, 1 mile north of Hoodsport. W2126 tfn Forret Green. Matlock. Phone HA -3m5. G3/26-4/9 on consigmnent, your bo&ts, motor, trailers, etc. Hlllcrest Hardware. 2/90tfn DOLLS FOR SAL: 18" Revlon Dolls and hand made clothez to fit. 10 to 21" Revlou and Madame Alexander dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemstitching. Phone HA. FOR SALE: large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrlgerafors, wuhers, dryers. Iells & Valley/Ap-85tfn pllance Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light al&b wood, $I0 a cord. HA. 6-687. CSltta TRAVEL, IS OUR BUSINW.I Ar- a&ugemen for nil tours, transpor- tton ann rervaUqns, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, phones HA. 6-4134 or HA. 8-8972. 6/2,6tfn F6-K-g00 i OLOR FILM prtesn, direct dea- ler, faster, snore efficient. Also 4- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zie- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA. 6-6168. 8/16fin <ICH BLACK TOP SOIL', fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA. 8-855. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25tfn qOTHING DOWN, 86 months to pay under F.H,A. terms on all building supplies. Lump It all under one bill Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Ph. HA. 6-4a08. 8/Sttn UED'hA'L-'DWIN Aerconlc Plan,,, like new, Johnny's Mustc Box. /25 tfn MONO CHAIN-WS, 8 h.p., dlt drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain, Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/13 tfn T'--0'-S-6iL_--g-r'e, fill dirt. F. -.'. Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tfn F0R "- SALEL-Used- "'i'adiip]olograph, self-propelled lawmnower. Lunstord's Firestone Store, 3/19 tfn SH E I T O I" -G E N E R AI--H--pi'tal" Auxili: ary will sponsor a rummage sale Friday, March 27, 8 to 4 p.m. in the Armory. 3/19-26 nmwer. Phone HA 6-8526. M3/19-26 SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mary If no answer, Ph, HA 6-4692 Ph, HA. 6-3053 Rt, I. Box 476 West Coast Upholstery CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 2-5 tfn I , 1 , r .r  , . I I I I EELLS AND VALLEY BEUEVE . . , Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after price is forgotten. I See FRIGIDAIRE First REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M • R CANI'IL| II I FOR SALE I i 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Evergre.n Square, Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn FOR SALE OR RENT--Professional rug. upholstery equipment, supplies. L. M. Decorating Center, 321 Rail- road Avenue. 2/26 tfn meat at WaR's Marine Supply, on beautifttl Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- _port TR. 7-64. 1/19tfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on all Ullding materials allows [ou to p construction co unuer one bill. For informaflon inquire at Lawton Lumber. 4110 . IK St. Fhone 6-41L Ii/$tta el, Phone 6-8187. Dolls of all kind repaired. Do It noW! Come in anO see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original ierted patterns in pillow cases. ]Kr. Ann Twardowski. L1./6 tn FOR SALY-?Y-'t" recelveda few 19 model 18 h.p. Evinrude outboard mo- tors at greatly reduced prices. Hill- crest Hardware. 1/1 tfn fi"-K-UY zff--Tvsrl t r''v pack -gal. cartene 97 ,te, gal- lons I.79, $-oM $8.97. FeN- ler'e Ice Cream Center. 4 North First. 649t/n JVi-NRUDE OARD MOTOR aal and service at Hillcrt Hardware. /0t "CHRISASTOWN, U,S.A," rubber stamps for sale at the Journal $1.25 inch. I07 So. 4th. /It S'C'fiWiBW--I-R]" for sale, very g"d condition, large size. Phone HA 6-8595 after 5 p.m, La3/12 tfn $25, Spring Glory silverwm 4 place setting, bargain. Phone HA 8-8080. H3/5 tfn dition. Call HA 8-8289 preferably evenings. G2/26 tfn HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect, Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 64837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boats our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 RT, 1 BOX 48 Fruit Trees. nicely branched $2.00 Dwarf Fruits .................... $2.75 up Combination Trees ........ $3.50 up Flowering Plum & Crabapple $2.50 Hawthornes, red .................... $3.00 Pink Dogwood, 3-4 ft ......... $5.50 3apanese Cherry, upright .... $3.50 Japanese Weeping Cherries $6,00 Weeping Willow .................... $3.00 Pernettias, red, pink or white berries Tamarlx, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $1.5031"25 Heather ...................................... 75¢ Asparagus ...................... $1,00 doz, BlUeberries ........................ $1.75 ea, Rockhill Strawberries .. $1,50 doz. Marshall Strawberries ... 50¢ doz. Small Berries & Rhubarb 3 for $1. Wide selection of Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs ,r , , add ENCHANTMENT TO YOUR HOME . . .NEWOROLD . . . with this Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisement must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing to ueceary. FOR SALE 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office. Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn MOSS IN YOUR LAWN? Use G, albraith MOSSITE. Moss Is eliminated as it fertilizes. Now is the time to AT- TACK your moss problem. Our spreaders are available for your use. Craystone of Shelton, Phone HA 6-6881. 3/12-19 condition. Phone HA 6-2496. O3/19 FOR "S-.AL- slzee of Arlene Rotary tillers. One model displayed at sec- ond hand store. Low down payment. Fy terms on approved credit. I will gladly demonstrate. George Cooke. authorized dealer, Phone HA 6-6389, 3/5 tfn W'TI-" 'X--C'-LB--7--B-'-AG-- Galbraith MOSSITE or GOLFGREEN you may purchase a 5-LB. package of Gai- bralth's Acidizer or Rose Fertilizer fornly half the regular pries. Gal- braith fertilizers are known through- out the Puget Sound for tl'eir excel- lence. Your lawn and shrubs dc- serve only the best  Say Galbraith. Graystone of Shelton, Phone HA 3-6681. 3/12-19 OATS. 'IvI'AILERS and outboard mo- tors at Hillcrest Hardware. 21Otfn our lawn in spring conditlon. Use albraJth Golfgrecn Fertilizer. Golf- green is the ORGANIC fertilizer with a balanced 5-8-5 unit mix. Graystonc of Shelton, phone HA 6-6661, 3/12-19 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery Lowest Cost per month for first line tires FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Evergreen Square. Phon,. HA 6-8201. er. Water and garbage included. - .............................. m ......................... 4- 3/26 tfn Ground floor Shorter Auts 825 [FOR RENT--2-bedrooms, large living COVERINGS"---for--'aiis.-'wlndoWs, 5+" " " .... " 2/'26 tfnl room, picture windows, utility room floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, - ......... wired for washer & dryer, carport, rugs, tile. yardgoods. L.M. DECOR- O.Nz ,, x w. tmaroom unfurnished close in. partly furnished. To see call ATINQ CENTER, 321 Railroad. apartments, not water heat, range, at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. 1/29 tfn refrigerator included. Holly Hill B3/12 tfn -zanaer Ant 8  r4a a. FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large r----.e Apts. 920 Olympic Joe Hartou h ........ or H. 6-6598 ......... l6/26tfn building, 220 wiring, close to stores vase.pUlleYSSheltonand shaftS.Junk Co.,All typeSFirst andSal"  ............ : ................. : .....  ...... on highway, 201 E, Pine. Ideal for Mill, phone HA. 6-8628. 9/Stfn . OR RENT--2 bedroom hmLse, oil fur- cabinet shop or business or home nace, electric range, refrigerator, at- or both or tear down if sold. Phone tached garage. D. Burke, 1102 Fair- HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine, K3/5 tfn - B' FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt.. 2 bed- LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt.. GOLDSBOROUGH with the purcimse of any Kenmore rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, heat and hot water furnished. Phone Convenient to mil Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, electric range, trash burner, oil heat- HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn to es. City sewer, • highway bridge. '. plex. Electric  room. Phone HA 6* FOR Rght 11o I00 W. Pine, pbo FOR RENT--Spor low winter rates, newly redecorated, Owne port, 3 mils'nort FOR RENT--3-room furnished house, HA 6-3772. -----,r_PartiI. '6" OR RENT--2-bedroom home one mile garage, view, water and garba&e from Lake Nahwatzcl, partly fur- paid. Phone HA 6-6642. P3/12 tfn FOR _n+h,;d. PhoneL_HA 6-3845, $3/26-4/2 F-O--RR--E--IT---3--oo-aaP. frrnished'-5th furnished.large bedrooms.HA FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. ] and Cedar. Phone 6-4676." M3/12 tfn p.m.  ___ .718 No. 6th, phone HA. _ .af.r I-----R--FTTD-ne=le-do--he---t-l-fu. F6--REN"---ne-be t_: :;tel f ttboi ] t i nlahed °n waterfr°Ei)_( Phone HA 6-8767. F o" o US R--- .... '-----VS ge"-part-]-y'--fu ed[ urnishedl. ' S1/ tfn FOR SALE--1956 : three room apartment downtown. -- ............................. ........... ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent, un- cellent condition, I0 .Aamts- ro. pets. _. water, furnished, at 1735 Stevens. Call HA 25,000 miles. Don  Page xurnmnea. 'one JA e-s/u, g.RKQK ftr K n m r,n-q/l fft Flying ...... • ' FOR RENT--Unfurnlshed two-bedroom TR--R-'U-€-KFOR S FOR .RJf.NT: room pL, eomp|ete,YF lf$ t house Mt. View. Phone HAM3_/_!9__t_f.n6-4510. Phone Hoodsport , furntshea. Jr'none HA 84V0-- ' 4-wheel drive flat FOR RFAT--FurlShed cottages and FOR lENT---3-roonz furnished house. trailer spaces, The Pines. L10/9 tin FOR SALE--New 4-cylinder Ford Fer- rUtOn qlon,. motor. Good boat motor. IIA 6-8935. B3/26 ,OLD FISH FOR SALE, 35¢ and up. HA 6-4378, 638 Arcadia St. V3/26 HOUSE TRAILER, 14-ft., propane range, sleeps two, aluminum built. $300. Write Route 2, Box 262, Ebna. Wash, B3/2-4/2 DOZEN YEAR OLD red liens. $2.00 apiece: Bring own boxes. 1926 Sum- mitt Drive. J3/26 FOR SALE--18 ft. Norseman Cabin Cruiser. two 25 H.P. Johnson elec- tric starting outboards, 18-ft. Sterling boat trailer--Speed up to 35 mph. Wouhl consider taking pickup truck or 14-ft. runabout in trade. Phone HA 6-4121. N3/26 HAY FOR SALE, 50¢ per bale. Mc- Donald Farm, Kamilche Valley, _ pho_n(:. H.h__e:37: 0________/: 4/_99 FOR SALE--New and used tractors and cats. all prices; all kinds of farm machinery. Terms or cash. Phone HA 6-6001. A3/19 tfn surplu.q i-in. Neoprene wet suits, tailored Li-in. skindiving and water skiing suits or kits. Newest in skin. i diving equipment. 1950 Chevrolet sta- tion wagon for sale, Phone HA 6- 6877. Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 3/19-4/2 FOR RENT MODERN 3-room ground floor fur- nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- then, close to stores. Ideal for pen- sioned lady. 208 No. 1st, Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn crest with fireplace and full base- ment. Oil heat. $65 too. Call HA 6-8272. A3/19-26 hot water heater, Spark nil heater, Phone HA 6-2121 or 6-8177. L3/19-4/2 nished house, available April 5. Ga- rage. Phone ItA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tfn FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn !!. 11 VIGOROUS GROWING ROSES IN POTS EVERGREENS, HEATHER, FLOWERING SHRUBS and MANY PERENNIALS We have the best peat and whale fertilizers money can buy .... Try Belfair Gardens Star Rt. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wash. across frOm Belfair P.U.D. If It's Concrete or Carpentry Work Let George Do It BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored. GEORGE'S Cement and Caennter HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Terms Due to Other Commitments A FRANCHISE BUSINESS with Inventory and Fixtures ' FOR SALE' Early American Franklin Heater Fireplace. Large heating capacity  durable all cast iron  insures lifetime carefree service. Open swing doors and you have a fireplace -- closed a stove, or TRADE q59 s, Olsen Furniture Luns e 326 Cota HA e 42o 317 Railroad Ave. FOR T--P.eed Apt Z-bedroo-: furnishes, yard. large garage. Walter George. HA 6-664,2 or HA 6-.4686. 10/2-11/18 tfn -R RENT-Small house on Angte- side. Phone HA 6-$080 after 6 p.m. DI0128 tin fOR .FT--Furniahed Canal 2-bed- room home, washer, dryer, fine beach. Owner reserves basement apartment. Phone Mrs. Catto, Olym- p)a FL 2-3780 evenings, Hoodeport TR 7-5838 weekends, C/19 tfn I SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rate Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-tfn I A PERFECT GIFT! Give Shelton's Famous Log Monument Glazed! In Everlasting Tile 6"x6" - Use it as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate $1.50 each SPECIAL BARGAIN ON FIREPLACE SCREENS Screens to fit fireplaces up to 36", $19.95, Includes Brush and poker. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop 2335 Olympic Hiway North HA 6-2057 Open 12:30-5:30 I iii BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD Used Furniture Daveno & chair .................... $49.50 Daveno .................................... $30.00 : 3-Pc. Sectional ..........  ......... $49.50 6 Chrome Chairs ............ $3.50 Ea. Chrome Set ............................ $35.00 Wood Heater ........................ $49.50 Apt. Size Range .................... $35.00 Refrigerator .......................... $39.50 TV Set .................................... $39.50 Electric Range .................... $59.50 Coil Springs .......................... $10.00 Dishwasher, Portable .......... $99.00 New Furniture Chairs, uph. Reg. $17.95 .... $6.95 5-Pc. Dining Sets ................ $49.50 Swing Rockers .................... $59.50 Daveno .................................... $99.50 Inlaid Tile ............................ 12€ Ea. Head Boards, Plas ................. $8.95 Bamboo Shades, All Sizes to 10-Ft. Wide USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1--iaveno .................................... $25 1--daveno and chair .............. $5 {clean, very good condition) 2--upholstered chairs .... ea. $10 1--free arm daveno ................ $6 No children. No pets. Water and garbage paid. Phone HA 6-3198. Me3/19-26 FOR RENT--Furnished onedro i duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cots, P1/9 tfn )R RENT--Modern ffrnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 ttn AND QuIr rooms, by day or week, Cxneron Hotel 2/Stfn FOR RENT  Attractive waterfront home, I bedrooms, city eonven- lences. 10 miles from town. Call HA -3641. G1/15 tn I'URNISHED APT. on Mt. View, W satiable on Hood who l willing to w0 dies Home Jo keeping, McCalls il Products, 2109 Ea ¢t erich, Washington., " 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to ING.  !. Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tfn paint houses, mates phone its...D PX-ME available 12o2 cot st O---N----AP-AR-T-lN-TS--7"--Bac°msn°rough Apts. S4/4tfn MAN .................... OR WO'" AN units ideal for single men or worn- K?ns°eant, Y,un r Cos en. Also attractively furnished one "":, , Y:., esllY bedroom apartments All utilities yer .,o.r an2tr ^,-, furnished e,,eept ligh'ts. Reasonable. ,. °roo,; Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. r...v.,ins pr0 ._ 1/4 t 11th St., Bre ONE LARGiem-ehT-' all ESsex 7-5661,1-5661, a"'$' reduced rent. Will take one small[ a.m. child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA ._., 6-2228. La12/4 tfn [vRUIT TRE. spry0 sprayer. Ga dust for sale. .rl REBUILT VOLTAGE REGULAT- __I-I_A 6-6584: . ORS for 6-volt cars $5.00 ex- rANTED--Use-d change. Bonded brake shoes ex- h .Jtko on change for most cars $8.95 per car. HAN=D:=:A=N--- RODGERS BROS. Auto Wrecking ------- ------thi -!'i* .n't-be Rt. 1 Box 6, Shelton, Wash. L-anisiH 6-3098. Phone HA 6-4662 FURNACE CL---E--A_ 3-12-tfn etallattons oil cO u. Furnace ., 821  : USED FURNITURE we Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R, R, Ave. HA. 6-4332 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn I., I Custom Tractor Work Retovating or regular plowing, diecing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Weli-agd sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. = , , , ,, WANTED • Used Furniture • Will Pay Cash or take on Consignment. PHONE HA 6-3375 or HA 6-2411 K/3-12/tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-tn I II  I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders CHAIN SAW S . accurate precisiOn s'] Sacger Motor ShoP, HA 6-4602.  typlng, secrtarial  on public in p.lea Box X, Journa,d ...< slck, house cleanly| or will baby sit n] Durand, phone   _ 332 WILL DO IRONINq sin L. Arnold. HA tors-,- coP'le r lVa Shelton-Junk -o, Streets. Phone I4 W--T-E-D--large or .o., P,O. BOX 4 WANTED: Dead s courteous service.. Elma 1211, Grays .IXnc. WANTED : 1000 Rubber W Laurel P h otootllliMJ lawns. 14 years eF 6842 BOAT BUILDER, .c any ambittou . boat building. ci Hiwa.v Norn or nings. ____ .. , WANTED TO  or 4 bedrooms, IUttt to buy. Call HA  p.m.  part-time work a,. Both needed at ShC : LOST--Bright Ca r Pei Upholstery Clelf: :i Mercantile Compa-U 'r 5-BEDROOMS, f a,! dining room, d bo" bags disposal, ze $12,000. Phone H - , ]Tm -' dcornC r 10] tric heat. Price €'.' 6-8405 after 5 p.m. peting. ' -raRER B E D--O . plastered, Insular .eQ throughout t'irepl!: carport wlth stoe$ to schools. Angl,, (like new) 1--davenport ............................ $20 1--club ehaJr ............................ $15 l--dvcnport ............................ $15 2-.4..'6 coil springs ........ $10 - $15 1---4/'6 box spring and ' mattress . ............................... $25 2--4/6 beds ........................ ea. $10 2.---3/3 beds ........................ ca. $10 Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn 6-3180 after P FO---ffsXLE--- i larg. sun r o 1, St. Phone HA 6"_4. ItOME FOR SAL , $ wall to wall carpett plenty built-ins; _# foundation and loa age; two 60' x l0V, A nice home at Ff, down, about $53 W 1---maple bedroom suite, _ vanity, bench, chest, bed .... $65] ' HA 6-6573, 1---large round dining table, |-4 JL 4 chairs, buffet .................. $40 I _ !_ f" .?/ I--- swing rocker ...................... $20 II  ?2,I 1--dresser with mirror. ......... $15 II anv , ."._.,,:(I :t 1--drop leaf table and II Dm,z nsss, , e, !: two chairs ............................ $10 [, o . .!( 3---wood heaters ... ......... $35- $55 I New Hampshire ....:I: I -Speed Queon wringer II .................. . T-: washer .................................... $:+5 I ........ r . : 1---Easy Spin Dry washer .... $55 I White Leghoru  . ', 2---ood incinerators .... $,t0 - $50 | White Rocks (]neat -1. " 2---.wood ranges ........................ $35 II type) '   1--.Coldspot refrigerator ........ $45 ]1 " "[  1--Frigidaire refrigerator ........ $65 II :! 1.-Kelvinator 40" range ........ $95 J| ...... Reconditioned TV sets ........ $50 up ]| wagener eea to. Odd Chronte chairs ................ $10 II 219 So. First St. [I Olsen Furniture Co. II PONE HA 6-432 328 Cota Ph. HA. 6-4702 | I • !! Page 20 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY 3OURNAL-- Published in uCh'tstmastown U.S.A." Shelton, Washin on Thursda , ul V, " &: I,/, l,/,, ,N¢, I! f;/ FOR SALE SHltUBS-.Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagner Feed Co, 219 So First Phone HA 6-4532, , 2/12 tfn ROOFING and all-Jte-buiidtng ma- terials, notlIng down. 86 montm to pay under FHA reruns now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., _p_h2! % HA:. -6:4803. ............ 6/t BRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, Princess Model "L," all guarantees, now only $149,50, $2,0,48 down; $10.05 n}onlhly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889. 2/12 tfn wllere. .Phone Olympia FL 7-77PJ, C1/ tfn 2-bathroom house, can be used for holm:! or buslneas. toves and Borne furniture. If sold. It Would have to be moved away, Merle Kubick. 205 E. l:'Inc, Pitons 6-4297. K2/19 tfn BOYSEN PAINTL-all types-'and kinds. theme el: 1322 colore. L.M. DECOR- ATING ChLNTR, 321 Ralh'oad. .................................................... L/ 2 _}fn FOR SALE-.-Two-room modern cabin II b tooved, bargain. Warfield'a Resort, 1 mile north of Hoodsport. W2126 tfn Forret Green. Matlock. Phone HA -3m5. G3/26-4/9 on consigmnent, your bo&ts, motor, trailers, etc. Hlllcrest Hardware. 2/90tfn DOLLS FOR SAL: 18" Revlon Dolls and hand made clothez to fit. 10 to 21" Revlou and Madame Alexander dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemstitching. Phone HA. FOR SALE: large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrlgerafors, wuhers, dryers. Iells & Valley/Ap-85tfn pllance Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light al&b wood, $I0 a cord. HA. 6-687. CSltta TRAVEL, IS OUR BUSINW.I Ar- a&ugemen for nil tours, transpor- tton ann rervaUqns, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, phones HA. 6-4134 or HA. 8-8972. 6/2,6tfn F6-K-g00 i OLOR FILM prtesn, direct dea- ler, faster, snore efficient. Also 4- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zie- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA. 6-6168. 8/16fin <ICH BLACK TOP SOIL', fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA. 8-855. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25tfn qOTHING DOWN, 86 months to pay under F.H,A. terms on all building supplies. Lump It all under one bill Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Ph. HA. 6-4a08. 8/Sttn UED'hA'L-'DWIN Aerconlc Plan,,, like new, Johnny's Mustc Box. /25 tfn MONO CHAIN-WS, 8 h.p., dlt drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain, Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/13 tfn T'--0'-S-6iL_--g-r'e, fill dirt. F. -.'. Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tfn F0R "- SALEL-Used- "'i'adiip]olograph, self-propelled lawmnower. Lunstord's Firestone Store, 3/19 tfn SH E I T O I" -G E N E R AI--H--pi'tal" Auxili: ary will sponsor a rummage sale Friday, March 27, 8 to 4 p.m. in the Armory. 3/19-26 nmwer. Phone HA 6-8526. M3/19-26 SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mary If no answer, Ph, HA 6-4692 Ph, HA. 6-3053 Rt, I. Box 476 West Coast Upholstery CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 2-5 tfn I , 1 , r .r  , . I I I I EELLS AND VALLEY BEUEVE . . , Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after price is forgotten. I See FRIGIDAIRE First REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M • R CANI'IL| II I FOR SALE I i 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Evergre.n Square, Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn FOR SALE OR RENT--Professional rug. upholstery equipment, supplies. L. M. Decorating Center, 321 Rail- road Avenue. 2/26 tfn meat at WaR's Marine Supply, on beautifttl Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- _port TR. 7-64. 1/19tfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on all Ullding materials allows [ou to p construction co unuer one bill. For informaflon inquire at Lawton Lumber. 4110 . IK St. Fhone 6-41L Ii/$tta el, Phone 6-8187. Dolls of all kind repaired. Do It noW! Come in anO see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original ierted patterns in pillow cases. ]Kr. Ann Twardowski. L1./6 tn FOR SALY-?Y-'t" recelveda few 19 model 18 h.p. Evinrude outboard mo- tors at greatly reduced prices. Hill- crest Hardware. 1/1 tfn fi"-K-UY zff--Tvsrl t r''v pack -gal. cartene 97 ,te, gal- lons I.79, $-oM $8.97. FeN- ler'e Ice Cream Center. 4 North First. 649t/n JVi-NRUDE OARD MOTOR aal and service at Hillcrt Hardware. /0t "CHRISASTOWN, U,S.A," rubber stamps for sale at the Journal $1.25 inch. I07 So. 4th. /It S'C'fiWiBW--I-R]" for sale, very g"d condition, large size. Phone HA 6-8595 after 5 p.m, La3/12 tfn $25, Spring Glory silverwm 4 place setting, bargain. Phone HA 8-8080. H3/5 tfn dition. Call HA 8-8289 preferably evenings. G2/26 tfn HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect, Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 64837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boats our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLASS Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 RT, 1 BOX 48 Fruit Trees. nicely branched $2.00 Dwarf Fruits .................... $2.75 up Combination Trees ........ $3.50 up Flowering Plum & Crabapple $2.50 Hawthornes, red .................... $3.00 Pink Dogwood, 3-4 ft ......... $5.50 3apanese Cherry, upright .... $3.50 Japanese Weeping Cherries $6,00 Weeping Willow .................... $3.00 Pernettias, red, pink or white berries Tamarlx, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $1.5031"25 Heather ...................................... 75¢ Asparagus ...................... $1,00 doz, BlUeberries ........................ $1.75 ea, Rockhill Strawberries .. $1,50 doz. Marshall Strawberries ... 50¢ doz. Small Berries & Rhubarb 3 for $1. Wide selection of Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs ,r , , add ENCHANTMENT TO YOUR HOME . . .NEWOROLD . . . with this Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisement must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing to ueceary. FOR SALE 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office. Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn MOSS IN YOUR LAWN? Use G, albraith MOSSITE. Moss Is eliminated as it fertilizes. Now is the time to AT- TACK your moss problem. Our spreaders are available for your use. Craystone of Shelton, Phone HA 6-6881. 3/12-19 condition. Phone HA 6-2496. O3/19 FOR "S-.AL- slzee of Arlene Rotary tillers. One model displayed at sec- ond hand store. Low down payment. Fy terms on approved credit. I will gladly demonstrate. George Cooke. authorized dealer, Phone HA 6-6389, 3/5 tfn W'TI-" 'X--C'-LB--7--B-'-AG-- Galbraith MOSSITE or GOLFGREEN you may purchase a 5-LB. package of Gai- bralth's Acidizer or Rose Fertilizer fornly half the regular pries. Gal- braith fertilizers are known through- out the Puget Sound for tl'eir excel- lence. Your lawn and shrubs dc- serve only the best  Say Galbraith. Graystone of Shelton, Phone HA 3-6681. 3/12-19 OATS. 'IvI'AILERS and outboard mo- tors at Hillcrest Hardware. 21Otfn our lawn in spring conditlon. Use albraJth Golfgrecn Fertilizer. Golf- green is the ORGANIC fertilizer with a balanced 5-8-5 unit mix. Graystonc of Shelton, phone HA 6-6661, 3/12-19 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery Lowest Cost per month for first line tires FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Evergreen Square. Phon,. HA 6-8201. er. Water and garbage included. - .............................. m ......................... 4- 3/26 tfn Ground floor Shorter Auts 825 [FOR RENT--2-bedrooms, large living COVERINGS"---for--'aiis.-'wlndoWs, 5+" " " .... " 2/'26 tfnl room, picture windows, utility room floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, - ......... wired for washer & dryer, carport, rugs, tile. yardgoods. L.M. DECOR- O.Nz ,, x w. tmaroom unfurnished close in. partly furnished. To see call ATINQ CENTER, 321 Railroad. apartments, not water heat, range, at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. 1/29 tfn refrigerator included. Holly Hill B3/12 tfn -zanaer Ant 8  r4a a. FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large r----.e Apts. 920 Olympic Joe Hartou h ........ or H. 6-6598 ......... l6/26tfn building, 220 wiring, close to stores vase.pUlleYSSheltonand shaftS.Junk Co.,All typeSFirst andSal"  ............ : ................. : .....  ...... on highway, 201 E, Pine. Ideal for Mill, phone HA. 6-8628. 9/Stfn . OR RENT--2 bedroom hmLse, oil fur- cabinet shop or business or home nace, electric range, refrigerator, at- or both or tear down if sold. Phone tached garage. D. Burke, 1102 Fair- HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine, K3/5 tfn - B' FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt.. 2 bed- LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt.. GOLDSBOROUGH with the purcimse of any Kenmore rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, heat and hot water furnished. Phone Convenient to mil Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, electric range, trash burner, oil heat- HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn to es. City sewer, • highway bridge. '. plex. Electric  room. Phone HA 6* FOR Rght 11o I00 W. Pine, pbo FOR RENT--Spor low winter rates, newly redecorated, Owne port, 3 mils'nort FOR RENT--3-room furnished house, HA 6-3772. -----,r_PartiI. '6" OR RENT--2-bedroom home one mile garage, view, water and garba&e from Lake Nahwatzcl, partly fur- paid. Phone HA 6-6642. P3/12 tfn FOR _n+h,;d. PhoneL_HA 6-3845, $3/26-4/2 F-O--RR--E--IT---3--oo-aaP. frrnished'-5th furnished.large bedrooms.HA FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. ] and Cedar. Phone 6-4676." M3/12 tfn p.m.  ___ .718 No. 6th, phone HA. _ .af.r I-----R--FTTD-ne=le-do--he---t-l-fu. F6--REN"---ne-be t_: :;tel f ttboi ] t i nlahed °n waterfr°Ei)_( Phone HA 6-8767. F o" o US R--- .... '-----VS ge"-part-]-y'--fu ed[ urnishedl. ' S1/ tfn FOR SALE--1956 : three room apartment downtown. -- ............................. ........... ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent, un- cellent condition, I0 .Aamts- ro. pets. _. water, furnished, at 1735 Stevens. Call HA 25,000 miles. Don  Page xurnmnea. 'one JA e-s/u, g.RKQK ftr K n m r,n-q/l fft Flying ...... • ' FOR RENT--Unfurnlshed two-bedroom TR--R-'U-€-KFOR S FOR .RJf.NT: room pL, eomp|ete,YF lf$ t house Mt. View. Phone HAM3_/_!9__t_f.n6-4510. Phone Hoodsport , furntshea. Jr'none HA 84V0-- ' 4-wheel drive flat FOR RFAT--FurlShed cottages and FOR lENT---3-roonz furnished house. trailer spaces, The Pines. L10/9 tin FOR SALE--New 4-cylinder Ford Fer- rUtOn qlon,. motor. Good boat motor. IIA 6-8935. B3/26 ,OLD FISH FOR SALE, 35¢ and up. HA 6-4378, 638 Arcadia St. V3/26 HOUSE TRAILER, 14-ft., propane range, sleeps two, aluminum built. $300. Write Route 2, Box 262, Ebna. Wash, B3/2-4/2 DOZEN YEAR OLD red liens. $2.00 apiece: Bring own boxes. 1926 Sum- mitt Drive. J3/26 FOR SALE--18 ft. Norseman Cabin Cruiser. two 25 H.P. Johnson elec- tric starting outboards, 18-ft. Sterling boat trailer--Speed up to 35 mph. Wouhl consider taking pickup truck or 14-ft. runabout in trade. Phone HA 6-4121. N3/26 HAY FOR SALE, 50¢ per bale. Mc- Donald Farm, Kamilche Valley, _ pho_n(:. H.h__e:37: 0________/: 4/_99 FOR SALE--New and used tractors and cats. all prices; all kinds of farm machinery. Terms or cash. Phone HA 6-6001. A3/19 tfn surplu.q i-in. Neoprene wet suits, tailored Li-in. skindiving and water skiing suits or kits. Newest in skin. i diving equipment. 1950 Chevrolet sta- tion wagon for sale, Phone HA 6- 6877. Morgus' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arcadia Road. 3/19-4/2 FOR RENT MODERN 3-room ground floor fur- nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- then, close to stores. Ideal for pen- sioned lady. 208 No. 1st, Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn crest with fireplace and full base- ment. Oil heat. $65 too. Call HA 6-8272. A3/19-26 hot water heater, Spark nil heater, Phone HA 6-2121 or 6-8177. L3/19-4/2 nished house, available April 5. Ga- rage. Phone ItA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tfn FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn !!. 11 VIGOROUS GROWING ROSES IN POTS EVERGREENS, HEATHER, FLOWERING SHRUBS and MANY PERENNIALS We have the best peat and whale fertilizers money can buy .... Try Belfair Gardens Star Rt. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wash. across frOm Belfair P.U.D. If It's Concrete or Carpentry Work Let George Do It BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored. GEORGE'S Cement and Caennter HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Terms Due to Other Commitments A FRANCHISE BUSINESS with Inventory and Fixtures ' FOR SALE' Early American Franklin Heater Fireplace. Large heating capacity  durable all cast iron  insures lifetime carefree service. Open swing doors and you have a fireplace -- closed a stove, or TRADE q59 s, Olsen Furniture Luns e 326 Cota HA e 42o 317 Railroad Ave. FOR T--P.eed Apt Z-bedroo-: furnishes, yard. large garage. Walter George. HA 6-664,2 or HA 6-.4686. 10/2-11/18 tfn -R RENT-Small house on Angte- side. Phone HA 6-$080 after 6 p.m. DI0128 tin fOR .FT--Furniahed Canal 2-bed- room home, washer, dryer, fine beach. Owner reserves basement apartment. Phone Mrs. Catto, Olym- p)a FL 2-3780 evenings, Hoodeport TR 7-5838 weekends, C/19 tfn I SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Low winter rate Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-tfn I A PERFECT GIFT! Give Shelton's Famous Log Monument Glazed! In Everlasting Tile 6"x6" - Use it as a Wall Piece or Hot Plate $1.50 each SPECIAL BARGAIN ON FIREPLACE SCREENS Screens to fit fireplaces up to 36", $19.95, Includes Brush and poker. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop 2335 Olympic Hiway North HA 6-2057 Open 12:30-5:30 I iii BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD Used Furniture Daveno & chair .................... $49.50 Daveno .................................... $30.00 : 3-Pc. Sectional ..........  ......... $49.50 6 Chrome Chairs ............ $3.50 Ea. Chrome Set ............................ $35.00 Wood Heater ........................ $49.50 Apt. Size Range .................... $35.00 Refrigerator .......................... $39.50 TV Set .................................... $39.50 Electric Range .................... $59.50 Coil Springs .......................... $10.00 Dishwasher, Portable .......... $99.00 New Furniture Chairs, uph. Reg. $17.95 .... $6.95 5-Pc. Dining Sets ................ $49.50 Swing Rockers .................... $59.50 Daveno .................................... $99.50 Inlaid Tile ............................ 12€ Ea. Head Boards, Plas ................. $8.95 Bamboo Shades, All Sizes to 10-Ft. Wide USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1--iaveno .................................... $25 1--daveno and chair .............. $5 {clean, very good condition) 2--upholstered chairs .... ea. $10 1--free arm daveno ................ $6 No children. No pets. Water and garbage paid. Phone HA 6-3198. Me3/19-26 FOR RENT--Furnished onedro i duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cots, P1/9 tfn )R RENT--Modern ffrnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 ttn AND QuIr rooms, by day or week, Cxneron Hotel 2/Stfn FOR RENT  Attractive waterfront home, I bedrooms, city eonven- lences. 10 miles from town. Call HA -3641. G1/15 tn I'URNISHED APT. on Mt. View, W satiable on Hood who l willing to w0 dies Home Jo keeping, McCalls il Products, 2109 Ea ¢t erich, Washington., " 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to ING.  !. Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tfn paint houses, mates phone its...D PX-ME available 12o2 cot st O---N----AP-AR-T-lN-TS--7"--Bac°msn°rough Apts. S4/4tfn MAN .................... OR WO'" AN units ideal for single men or worn- K?ns°eant, Y,un r Cos en. Also attractively furnished one "":, , Y:., esllY bedroom apartments All utilities yer .,o.r an2tr ^,-, furnished e,,eept ligh'ts. Reasonable. ,. °roo,; Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. r...v.,ins pr0 ._ 1/4 t 11th St., Bre ONE LARGiem-ehT-' all ESsex 7-5661,1-5661, a"'$' reduced rent. Will take one small[ a.m. child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA ._., 6-2228. La12/4 tfn [vRUIT TRE. spry0 sprayer. Ga dust for sale. .rl REBUILT VOLTAGE REGULAT- __I-I_A 6-6584: . ORS for 6-volt cars $5.00 ex- rANTED--Use-d change. Bonded brake shoes ex- h .Jtko on change for most cars $8.95 per car. HAN=D:=:A=N--- RODGERS BROS. Auto Wrecking ------- ------thi -!'i* .n't-be Rt. 1 Box 6, Shelton, Wash. L-anisiH 6-3098. Phone HA 6-4662 FURNACE CL---E--A_ 3-12-tfn etallattons oil cO u. Furnace ., 821  : USED FURNITURE we Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R, R, Ave. HA. 6-4332 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn I., I Custom Tractor Work Retovating or regular plowing, diecing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Weli-agd sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. = , , , ,, WANTED • Used Furniture • Will Pay Cash or take on Consignment. PHONE HA 6-3375 or HA 6-2411 K/3-12/tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-tn I II  I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders CHAIN SAW S . accurate precisiOn s'] Sacger Motor ShoP, HA 6-4602.  typlng, secrtarial  on public in p.lea Box X, Journa,d ...< slck, house cleanly| or will baby sit n] Durand, phone   _ 332 WILL DO IRONINq sin L. Arnold. HA tors-,- coP'le r lVa Shelton-Junk -o, Streets. Phone I4 W--T-E-D--large or .o., P,O. BOX 4 WANTED: Dead s courteous service.. Elma 1211, Grays .IXnc. WANTED : 1000 Rubber W Laurel P h otootllliMJ lawns. 14 years eF 6842 BOAT BUILDER, .c any ambittou . boat building. ci Hiwa.v Norn or nings. ____ .. , WANTED TO  or 4 bedrooms, IUttt to buy. Call HA  p.m.  part-time work a,. Both needed at ShC : LOST--Bright Ca r Pei Upholstery Clelf: :i Mercantile Compa-U 'r 5-BEDROOMS, f a,! dining room, d bo" bags disposal, ze $12,000. Phone H - , ]Tm -' dcornC r 10] tric heat. Price €'.' 6-8405 after 5 p.m. peting. ' -raRER B E D--O . plastered, Insular .eQ throughout t'irepl!: carport wlth stoe$ to schools. Angl,, (like new) 1--davenport ............................ $20 1--club ehaJr ............................ $15 l--dvcnport ............................ $15 2-.4..'6 coil springs ........ $10 - $15 1---4/'6 box spring and ' mattress . ............................... $25 2--4/6 beds ........................ ea. $10 2.---3/3 beds ........................ ca. $10 Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn 6-3180 after P FO---ffsXLE--- i larg. sun r o 1, St. Phone HA 6"_4. ItOME FOR SAL , $ wall to wall carpett plenty built-ins; _# foundation and loa age; two 60' x l0V, A nice home at Ff, down, about $53 W 1---maple bedroom suite, _ vanity, bench, chest, bed .... $65] ' HA 6-6573, 1---large round dining table, |-4 JL 4 chairs, buffet .................. $40 I _ !_ f" .?/ I--- swing rocker ...................... $20 II  ?2,I 1--dresser with mirror. ......... $15 II anv , ."._.,,:(I :t 1--drop leaf table and II Dm,z nsss, , e, !: two chairs ............................ $10 [, o . .!( 3---wood heaters ... ......... $35- $55 I New Hampshire ....:I: I -Speed Queon wringer II .................. . T-: washer .................................... $:+5 I ........ r . : 1---Easy Spin Dry washer .... $55 I White Leghoru  . ', 2---ood incinerators .... $,t0 - $50 | White Rocks (]neat -1. " 2---.wood ranges ........................ $35 II type) '   1--.Coldspot refrigerator ........ $45 ]1 " "[  1--Frigidaire refrigerator ........ $65 II :! 1.-Kelvinator 40" range ........ $95 J| ...... Reconditioned TV sets ........ $50 up ]| wagener eea to. Odd Chronte chairs ................ $10 II 219 So. First St. [I Olsen Furniture Co. II PONE HA 6-432 328 Cota Ph. HA. 6-4702 | I