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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 REAL ESTATE off P.ay- FOR SALE: Five acres, modern house, For in- eiectrnc hot water tank, Skokomish Valley, Phone HA 6-8686. Bll/14 tfn tfn 2i)-AcRE RAICH. 4 nliie-on&apos;Ba'ysffTx'e; holne nmdel'n hi)use, outbuildings, some oil "liznb('r. HA 6-6023 after 6 p.m. 'd f(,c G2126 tfo H3/26-4/9 place; carpeting; new double gar- age; two lot in grass, one fenced; Bev(,rly Heights. Phone tlA 6-3265. P3/19 tfn erty on 7th and Euclid St. Pllone Union 411. S6/6tfn in good neighborhood utility room, shop, carport. FHA appraised $11,000. _ p_!i!?ne_.H &_-! ._ ............... G:/5 lfn FOR SALE: 4-room Hlllcrest home, large fenced lot $4900. Pkone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p,m. E3/27tf- room unfurnished house. Plume I-{A __S=sA3 a_l't£r 6 p.m._ ....... s2/26 u n FOR SALE---Waterfront 2S0 ft. Hamlnersley Inlet. 9 acres in all. (l bedroonl I'loDle. Moderll exe-)t, 2 wells, good outbuildings, allll) (' fruit tr(.es aad grapes. Newly ftql('tql. $5000 to Call HA 6-g330 after 5 I.m, to $1000 H3/26-4,'2 make fine MOD+-E-t-------b-ed-rm---ho-me --on t. . View. F.H.A. appraised $11.000. C. D. Grytness. 2240 Madison. Phone HA With 5 bed- 6-8120. . 3/26tin Has 41 40 ACRES on highway near MeCleary. Creek on place $200. Wrlt Route. Of excellent 2. B'ox 262. Elnla. Wash. B3/26-,1/2 ; piped in- F-0"--Sk-E.ll'.lished h()o-s, 2 view 3 blOCkS lots on Hillcrest priced for qulek Arcadia sale. For information call I-IA 6- and oner 6409. P3/26 tfn ,Part trade dLA$SIFIED SE'RVI,E payment. , .... &RTIFICIAL BR.EDINGservice 0r Bath alrY end beef, "$7.00 cash. Ev- With fire- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc, and bffilt Pall Wlllnm Turner Olympia, col- refinished. Lo- lest. FL. 2-2113. ' tfn ve. Owner SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. in advance Leave calls at Journal office, phone , HA. 6-4412. lmger Sewi"g Machine C., Olympia. 11/22t fn Oil ]V/t. PIANO LNIN'G and repair. All work lr month. Lowell :Hart. HA 6- H9/4 tf blown lk Wool tulg= , Phone HA (I-8(17. 6/0tfn ORDIOI private lessons m your home. Stan&Ro National Sehoot or Aq_ rdlon Mrs. Casada phone HA g _ sZ. ' /1 tfn M.IEUR TREATMENTS at my resi- dence ear the Lower Skokemieb school. Mond, Wednesdays and Thursdays. :Phone Hoodsport TR '/- 5438. A. F. Oppelt, 8/6tfn home with fire- patio, 2 car that you Located from city by ap- cleared land building and Located on will con- EXCELLENT BUYS! ROOMy OOWNT()WN 4 BEDROOM HOME . . . home, and close to schools. Some dining room, basement, 2-car yard. Only $600 down, includes closing, on IN THIS VERY COZY HOME . . . the cheerful fireplace, those panelled living make this such a nice cottage. Two bedrooms, OUtdoor living, etc. $7500. E OPTION TO BUY , . , home near Bordeaux school $50 per apply on purchase price of $4950. D ONLY $25 MONTHLY -- WHY RENT? excellent Angleside residential area. Has r heater, range, and oil heater. $2250. VN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS . . and taxes. Very comfortable 2 bedroom living-dining area, all-over carpeting, THOSE LOVELY DREAM HOMES! have ever wanted in a home . . room, separate dining room, den, full basement, and marvelous view. By )ME WITH LARGE YARD FOR ONLY $5000 and has abundance of flowers, fruit trees, gar- terms. WORKSHOP OR OFFICE AT HOME? . . downtown home is just the ticket. building for hobby, workshop, office, rs. $8500. tlCKEN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE home, fine chicken houses,' barn, outbuildings, land with Creek through property. $15,000. A NICE LOT ON PHILLIPS LAKE? . . . er cabin, and think of the fun you'll all fishing, etc. $1495 with $250 down FOR RENTALS -- HAVE SEVERAL TIME, BOTH FURNISHED AND A. ROY D UNN €6363 .=A00TOR • Title Insurance Bldg Preferred Properties BEDROOM, MT. VIEW . . . "tttractlVe roomy home must be Located on 90X100 lot it has Imch a .fireplace, baseboard elec- 0Yen and range, hardwood floors uily plastered. $I5,5(10 FHA with Call today for an appointment. iBING THE BOAT . . . this one. 4 bedrooms, % yet out of city limits. An bUy at 0nly $7,950 and owner or wlll'consider trading $4,000 you, Call Kurt Mann for fur- HILLCREST,,. as this for less living room, dining room, wood furnace. Full price terms, Can also be bought fA IN DOWNTOWN ARE . . . partial baemerft, baeeboard other nice features. Full and very convenient terms can er will carry contract. NSION . . . outgrows the LARGE two bed- on the first floor, you can have and second bath upstairs room in the basement. No crowding price $12,750 on FHA terms of OPPORTUNITIES , . , $1,000 down. you can go into the -service station business and be r stop in and let us show you. did. .. REALTY AI., H) 6-8535 ANYTIME 228 North First sI-rELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrtstmastown, U.S.A.," CLASSIFIED SERe'ICE nll n tREES TOPPED. trlmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/13tfn FOR SALE 200 ft. waterfront x 450 ft. d. epth, drilled well with large pamp house and work shop combined. 3-car carport• Beautiful location in a cow,, $8500. )I: * $ 80 Acres 40 acres cleared, under irrigation, tractor and all equip- ntent included. All newly seeded, on good black top road. 5 bed- room house, also dining ruom, ntil- ity room, Large barn In good con- dition, loafing shed, most all new fence, 2 creeks on place with wa- ter rights. Price $18,000.00 with good terms. 3 bedroom house, garage, one lot 60 x 100 foot. includes wall to wall carpeting, draperies, nice location .... $10,500.00, will F.H.A. 3 bedroom house, fireplace, radiant heat in floors, garage, 1 outside fireplace, 1 lot, AnKleside --- $10,500.00, $400.00 down payment and closing cost. Practically new 3 bedroom house on Mt. View, dining room, nice utility room, attached garage, fire- place, all electric heat--S12,000,00. 110 Acres, about 30 acres cleared, seeded to red clover, very good fences. Large barn, excellent house, plenty of water, 300,000 feet of merchantable timber stumpage, close to town, $12,000,00. gl $ $ 5 acres all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single gar- age$8,000.00 or will trade for city property, 32½ Acres, 24 acres cleared and in pasture, barn 40 x 60 foot, garage and wood shed, drilled well, 2 bed- rooms, living room, den, dining room, kitchen, utility, partly fur= nished with practically new furn- iture, about 150 holly tre- $13,650.00, $6,542.00 down pay- ment. gt  2 bedroom house, central oil heat- ing plant, nice utility room, one lot 80 x 100, yard In perfect Shape L.-th 'front and rear--left town, must sell at once, make an offer. a • • WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First Office HA 6-6642--Ree. HA 8-35 • i , Legal Publications No. 2778 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR 1}ISTRIBUTION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In l'robate) In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of NORMAN E. EI,LISON and NELLIE E. ELLISON. also known as NELLIE,M. ELLISON. Both Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARJORIS ELLISON GTANNUSA. as executrix of the corn(lined (estates of Norman E. Ellison. deceased, and Nel- lie E. Ellison. also known as Nellie M. Ellison. dedeased, has filed in the of- fice of the Clerk t)f said Court her final Report and petition for distribu- tion. asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said exeCutrix; and that said Report and petition will be heard on the 3rd day of April, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Caurt Room of the Pro- bale Department of said Cqurt, at which time and place any person inter- sated In said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and coutest the salne. DATED this 27th day of February, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, BY Irene McGulre. Deputy LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys for Estates Belt Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. 3/5-12-19-96 at No. S IOTIC] OF HLa.RING ON FINAL ItEPORT AND FETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Ia the Matter ol the Estate of ROY L, BYERS, Deceased, VE NOTICE IS HEREBY. GI N that Aa C. Byers, Exequtor of the estate of Roy L. Byers, deceases, na.a filel with the Clerk of the anov_e entitled Cburt his final report and _petition for distribution asking the t;'ourt to settle and approve said report and petition for diatribuuon, tO dis-] tribute tile property to..tne pets9 n [ thereto entitled and to amcnarge the said Executor. • .... I Notice is farther given that said l final reurt and vetitlon for distrlbu. I tion will be heard on Friday, the :d] day of April. 1959, at the hour of 101 o'clock in the forengpn, aimg c ourtl room in the Court /otme a sneitoa, I Washington .... Dated this Snd day of March, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason County, W_ htngton' By Irene McGuire Deputy werk B. FRANKLIN HUSTON Attorney for said Estate . n le Bid leton, ashlngton 3/5-12-19.26 4t NOTICE OF OF THE tINGTON FOR MASON Estate of HOW- LUCY E. as the Allan of final tO Petition ):00 A,M. at Probate Dep merit of said at which time place any perSon interested in t restate may appear and file obJectl thereto and contest the same. DATED this 27th day of February 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court BY irene cOuire, Deputy GLENN E. CORtt- Attroney for Estate Bell BuildiJ" -. - e i p°u t r I Pt 0  tx'ee+ ' /5-1-19- it Journal Want Ads Pay|.' Publications No. 2335 No'rICE OF IIEARING FINAL REI'OltT AND I'ETITII)N FOIl I)IS'I'ItllI|'T II)N IN TIIE SIIPERI()IL, C()IYltT 01; TIlE STATE (iF WAStl I N(IT()N .It(lit MASON C()UNTY (In I'rohat(,) In the Mailer ,)t' lhq, Estat(. of l. D. SBEI,TON. also kn(,wa as D()U(; SItELTON. l)ve,'ase(1. NOT,IC E IS IIEREBY GIVEN ih'd RUTH LATHAM as administratrix of tile estale of F. D. S}lent,ll. Ills() kn(,wtl as DOUK Shelton. decenst,d, has fil,'d in tile ofl'i('e ot the Cle.rk t,l said Court her final Ret)urt and )etiti()n for dlStrlDutloll, askillg the (.oul't tO settle said R(.port. distribute the pr,)p- ertY to the persons th('ret[) eniitl(-d and t,, discharge said administratrix and I nit said R('p(,rt and p('i t (,n will be heard on tl,(. t7th day of April, 1959 at 10:(D A.M. at the Court Room of lhe Probate Departn:ent of said Court, at whicit time and place, any pcl'son intelegted ill said Estate tna, i , ,i,, I Legal, Publications N.. ,q09 NOTI(E TO ('llEi)iTOIt T() I'ItEENT ANI) FII.I ('I,AIM, IN TIlE SIrPEI:I()R C()[:Rq' ()b" '['Hl., STATE ()F VtAS111N(IT( )N l,'( )It tt+'\\;S()N (N)lINTY " [tl Ill,' ',V[I11'I" of tlw (]t(:ll'(liaa]li)) ,I the l'(,r.<m aIl(I h]sl:lto )1' I.[llTtlA V. :MtYNSON. :, M('atally lncoalp-lonl l )t'[+N(}ll, N()TICE IS IIERIq}IY (lIVEN that L(*llel's ()l (]tlaFdi£111:hlp Ill |he abl,;,, entitled Illtll t(?l' W,'IN" k!/':Jill o€t It) Lll(  nndt)rsiI2tl(,(| (1/1 the 20th day ()1 .[al'(,b t959 by said SIl )(')'i)l' C,)urI. NOTICI,] IS Iq:IVFIIEP. (llV N 1hit( all l)t'l'st)as ])Itx'il < 'I+IJNIS a':(lllSI |he' sahl i)('l's+II ¢)r h<'l' e.(T:ll+ • llI'f' l'(11 r,'d I( S('I'Vf! Ihlqll with llt'('t'SS(l'y VO[IC[)t+l'k atla('h('d ul)Oll |he { ] 1.1tllqt Jail l't)F said l)el'sl)Tl /lll(t t'gtlll(" 4)1 Ll[l()ll lll. atlol'II(L Of I'('C()l'd 1'O1' said (ILlal'(li;ll] [:, I'l'a}lk - Jill |-]('Lll[Oll Atlu'lo }lllih.linu. SIwllon, WllshinIon. [)viill' t]l( • t)hl(', fioSlgllOd ['o]' ell,! tran,acli()n (l the bLlqlleqS of said guar(ii:lllS]ltp, sJld l'i]e th4, sttlU wilh th(' Ch.rk (d" s'(bt (otlrt. tot'v|ll'q with proof <)l service, wiLhia {] lIH)llths appear and file (ll)je(,ti)ns th(,('(,t(, aud t'|er thv l'iz'.d i)ul)]ieation of this n(r. eontesL ihe saiile.  ii IJee, Io-.'u : 26 {alt'h t!)59, or :ti(l DATED lhlS 13th day 4)f March, [t'lainls will Im t()F(.v¢,r havred 1959. [ II. C. ROTTI.,;R HARRY DEYETTE (]uaT'(|iall 4,1" |h(' P('l'*oll alld Clerk <)f said C,)urt Estate (('13(+' ha V Mun,.)n I,EWIS & CORREA B. ];'RANKLIN tlEUST()N .tttn'neys for Estate ell Building 121 South Fourth Street Sbelton. Washington 3/19-26-4/2 3t No. 3092 NOTICE TO CREDITORs IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probaie) In_the Matter of the Estate of JAMES RoBERT !I'()RyY. Dec:eased, NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN that the undersigned has. be(u* appointed and has qualified as the Admlnistratrix of the Estate of James Robert Story .e ' .... ..... "a. that all_ persons+ - having clatnls against said deceases are hereby required to serve, tb 9 sa.m, duly Veri- fied, on the unaersignea AUl/llnlstra- trlx or her attorney of+ record at the address below siatedand file the same with the Clerk of the said court, to- ,nether with proof of such service with- six months after the date of first pubi.ication of this notice or the same will be barred. THERESA KING &dminiatratrix GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate . .. Office and Post Office Aa0ress Bell Bldg., 121 South 4th Street Bhelton. Washington 8/5-12-19-26 4t No, 751 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASI-LINGTON FO MASON COUNTY ALVA M. BENNETT, formerly known as AVA MeKAY, Plaintiff, va. PHOENIX LOGGING CO,, a col poration; and all otiwr persons or par- tts unknown claiming any right, title, Interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE PHOENIX LOGGING CO.. a cor- poration; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest in the real estate des- cribed in the Complaint herein. You and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first pub- lication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (80) days after the 19th day of Febrtmry, 1959, and defend the above- entitled ation in the superior court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff, at his office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to he demaads of tile complaint in this action which has been tiled with the clerk of sad court, The object of rials action Is to quiet title in Plaintiff to real estate in Ma- son County, Washington. described as: The Northwest quarter (NW£) of the Northwest quarter (NWtA) in Section twenty (20), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range four (4) W.M. in Mason County, '" Wagnington, against the claim of the Defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plalatlff. Office & Post Office Address: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton. Washington. 2/19-26-9/5-12-19-26 6t No, 303 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Atlornoy for (hmr(iian Anglo l<lK., Sheltoa. Wash. 3/26-4/2.9-16 41 NOTICE 4)F AMENIIED WATElt BIGHT API['LICATII)N NO. 14929 STATE OF+" WAS}{IN{T(')N OIe[ClCE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: Thai Emil R Ram- stead of Des Moin(,s, Washillgt(llt. oil July 17, 1958, flied apl)Li<atioa for per- mit, t,i. dLvert the public' 4)f unnMlled apring, tributary of liod Canal. In lhe am0uflt of 0.(]i s4e(')nd foot stlbject to (,xilllng tights, eon- tlnuotmI: eacll year for the I)urpDse ()f domestic supply; that tim Splu'oxinmtc lloint of (hvel'slon is local('(t within Tract B Cady's unrise Reach (Govl. Lot 1) el S4,ction 23 and of St.eli(in 24. Township '22 N.. RanKs 3W. W.M. in Mason County. Ally obiP(ttJons olus[ be ac4!o(tlt)an|ed by a tw(; dollar ($2.00) reeordhlg f(,e and filed with the, State Supervisor of Water Res()ur(:es witifin thirty (301 days from April 2. 1959. Witness my band and official seal this 13th day of March. 1959. M G. WALKER State SUpel'VlSO£" of Water Resoarces. 3/26-4/2 2t No. 3100 NOTICE TO CRI,;DITOit IN THE SUPERIOB COURT (IF TI./ STATE OF WA SHIN(tTON FOIl MASON COUNTY (ia Prohste) In the Matter of the Estate of RICtt- ARD ADAMS. 3B.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appoiat(,d and ires qualified as the. Administrator of the Estate of Richard Adams Jr.. deceased, that all persona having cJaims against said. deceased are herehv I.e- quired to serve the same, duly'veri- fied, on the undersigned Administr- tot" or hls attorneys of recor(i at lit,) address beh)w stated and file the same with the Clerk of tle said court, to- gether with proof of such aervh'e wilh- iu eix months after tie date of firvt publlcation of this notice or tbe same will be barred. /s/ RICHARD C. ADAMS SR, Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Office and Post Office Address Bell Bldg., 121, South 4ih SIre(l Shelton. Wasllington 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t No. NOTICE TO CREDITOltN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE 'STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matt('u of the Estate of MATIqA M. T,OIFNESS, Deceased, NOTICE IS GIVEN thai Elizabeth A. Oyer is the appointed an(i quatifi(,d Administratrix c.t.a, with the Will an- nexed ,,f tlw Last Will and Yestam*,nt f Matha M. Loffnes d(:ceascd; that all persons having rialtos against the (,state or the deceased are her('bY l'o- quired to serve the a)ae duly er'ifhd, ifi dMticate, with th0 n(.('+,stmvy v,,u('h- era attached, tlpoll th AdlninJstratrix e,t.a. Mr her attorney. Robert I, Sn- der. at their address(,s hereinbvlow tated, and file such clainls together with proof of service wilh the Clerk of said Court within six months a£tr th date of the first publication of this ( € notice, to-wit: Mar'tl 12. 1.)59. All elailIIs not SO prostrated and flied will be barred. ELIZAlqETH A. ()YEa Administrat fix c.t.a. OBERT L. SNYDER Gow.y Building Shelton. WLhingt4)n Attorney for Administralrix e.t.a. 3/12-1.9-26-4/2 4t In the Matter of the Estate of No. 3093 GEORGE EOENES, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE Tena K, Egnee, the Executrix of the STATE OI WASHINGTON FOR estate of George Egenes, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court her TIIE COUNTY OF MASON final report and petition for dtstri= Iu tl." Matter of the Estate of buttes, asking the Court to settle and GLADYS KNAUI, Deceased, approve the same, to distribute the Notice is hereby given .that the un- property to tha persons thereto en- derslned has been appointed and has titled and to discharge said Executrix. qua:ltfied aa Adminlstratrix of the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that above entitled e'tate; that all persons said final report and petition for dis- having claims against said deceased tribution will be heard on Friday, the are herei)y required to serve the same, 3rd da" of April, 1959, at the hour of duly verified, on said Admlnistratrix 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tbe or he.r attorfieys of record at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same Cotirtroom of said Court In' Shelton, with tile Clerk of said Court, toether Washington. DATED THIS 26th day of February, with proof of such service, withn six months after ths date of first pullica- 159. HtRY DEYETT] tion of this notice or the same will Mason County Clerk. be barred. Date of first publication March 12, [-RoBERTGvey- BYBuildingL.IrenesNTDERMCGulre, Deputy Clerk 1959, LAUREL 'ALK.ER ..... ,^ Qelton, Washington .... 28 4t Administratmx or saia ,st Attorney for 'xecutrix 915-1--11 - ]GARLAND, GARLAND & BISHOP [Attorneys for Estate -- "" I Off lee and Post0ffide Address No. 3016 NOTIC OF BEARING OF FIHAL RIJPOR, PIffT|TI01 FOR E DISTRIUTI[ON, AND DISCHAN OF ADMINISTRATRIX " IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN .D FOR THE 'COUNTY OF MASON " (In F,bate) - In the Matter of the Etae of RIC" ARD EARLE" RUTLEDGE, :DeceaSes: Notice is hsreby given that DIANE la[gY, Administrartx of the estate of RICHARD EARLE RUTIDGE, e- ceased, has flied with the Clerk of tile Superipr Court of said County and Sate net final report and petition lor distrthutlon of said estate' and tha the 10th day of April, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. Department No.  .of said Superior Court, at Shelton in sa la County. has been duly fixed by OU rmpemor Court for the settlement 'Ag the said Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to settle such re port, distrlbutS the property to the persons etttled thereto, and discharge said Admlnistratrix, WITNESS, the Hen. CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Judge of the above entitled Court, and the seal of said Court af-, fixed this 10th day of March, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE _ . Clerk of said Superior Court TRENA BELSITO WORTHINGTON ttoraey for the Estate 5 Thurston Savings & Loan Bldg._ Olympia. Washington 3/12-19-26 3t No. 2884 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT ND PETITION FOR DISTRIB|ITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Tn the Matter of the Estate of EVA CHESTER HUNTLEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JENNIE GOODRO, as administratrtx of the Estate of Eva Chester Huntley, has filed in the office of the Cler "of said Court her final Report and Pert7 tlon for Distribution asking the C0u r "to settle said Repo'rt distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said administratrixA and that said Report and Petition wm be heard on the 10th day of April, 1959, at 10:00 A,M. at the Court Room f the Probate Department of said curt' at which time and place any Persoa interested in said Estate ma appear and file objections thereto ana cOntest the same. " ..... 9 DATED thls llth day .gt .arcn, xo . Cler oI sa &mrt t', _= By Irede McGulre, IlgWu y FqN E CORREA Attorney for Estate e 11 South Fourth Stre t _ __ Shelton Washington 3/12-19-$6-4/ t 205-09 Dietz Building Bremerton, ...... Washington 3/12-19-26 3t No..q0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ii THE SUPIR!0R COURT OP THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ] MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of 01e Estates of JOAN CASE BOLTON and DONALD 'STEPHEN CASE, Mi- nors, LEE W. GILLETTE, is the appointed and qualified Guardian of the estat(s of said minors. All persons having claims against said minors must serve the same, duly verified, on said Guard- isn or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with preof of such ervice. within six months after March 19, 199,: the date of the first publica- I tioa of this notice, or the claims will he. barred LEE W. GILLETTE Guardian 1107 South 141st Tacoma. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Buildin Shelton. Washington Attorney for Guardian 3/19-26-4/2-9 4t No. $04 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DINTRIBUTION ZN, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ln Probate) In the Matte," of the Estate of BEU- I,AH ANNA TRENCKMANN Deceased. NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that William, M. Troncknmnn and Robert 3". Trenckmfinn. Exe(..utors of the 4state of Beulah Anna Trenckmann. deceased. have filed wtth tb(, Clerk of the above entitled Court their final report and petition for distrqbution asking lhe Coa.rt to settle dud approve said final report and petition for distribution, to distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to disehar'e the said Executors. NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN that said final report and Petition for dis- tribution will be heardon Friday. tile 3rd day of April. 1959. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon al the court room in the Court ttouse in Silelton. Washington. Dated this 2nd day of March. 1959. ItARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason County, WashlnKton By Ir0ne McCmire II ty Cle,k B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for sald Estate Angle lldlg. Shlton, Washingtos 3/,i-1+-19-6 4t r. O 0 Shelton. Washin PubUeations Legal ('I%IL NEIIVICI,; I,',NAMINATION [,',,) (7it3 (,, Shelt+,n I:'<)li('(, .Dept. all(t }l+'ltt)n [,'u'o I)t't)I. Mar(-h ;0. IW)9. al :00 P.M. in (') '.' Ilall. ];cgillllill S;l];lly: fie]i<,( TM l)epl, .+- $3S5.0(I 1((')' ln(,llll£. Fi)'e I)t,i)t. . $3S5.00 I)(q' llll )Ill|/ At)[)ht.allt)ll,  lll:l,V h,' obtaill,ql Ill |he" P()li('(. J)f+lH. and b'ire I)t.t)t. a(ld lrlllS| Do l'('|th'n('d t,) ill,' l.)('.l)t, ()|'[h:'o by 5:t)(I I'.M March 27. 1959. tdunlifi(,ali,)lls will ].' giv4'(I )%' [)('|)|. il('ads. R( )CKY I IEMT;I()FIV ( 'llltlFIllat| ('1% JJ St'I'vic, (ollllllission h('lt<)ll Va.l l 111 '.z l( 111 3/19-26 2t AI)VI,:It'rlNI,:.MENT FOR BIDS S(':d)'d bids will |)o r+'(''l,tl by Ihc II[l(|('I'Sigllt'(l unlil " p.lll. (*ll April 8, 1959. aL tim (,[fie(! t)l the, SUl)e(.lnten- (lent +)f Schc)l)Is, Be.lair, Mason Couaty, -W:l.hinvt()ll. f()l" Archit(,ctoral, Mech- anJ(';ll :llld l+l,'('tri('a| trades (:oetrvls ['l)l' 4'(,llstFIl('tl()n of a<[dJtions to lellair J tlnit)l'-S,'nlo f }tigb  'll,,r)l, };cLJ'aiv, Wash illg t()ll. t;O/II t'aclors lllUSt sUbl:[llt a separate bid ,)n the' .r(:hil(wtlral. lectlanlcal) Itlt(l Eh,cll'i('ai |l'adts CoaLl'a('Ls; or they nUly sis, subnlit a eombinath)n bid to include Al'4.'blI(N'lur:tl M(('hani4'at. aud t.lectrit;ai 1.1*ad('s Illl(l,'l' M ,llLI'al et)L- I.I'IICL l'|alls, sp(,4 ifh ltl )llS IAad contl'act docunH'ets aaly bO obtained by I,iddcl'S ,it the t)ffict +)f Wll]ial)l Ai'hd Johns(911 & Ass,)ciates. 3506 l;t'oadway Avenue, Everett. Wt4stl|ngl orl. Each prime coutractor will be allowed Oll St!L 4,1 d£aWllli4S and [mclficLiolls ttl)n th!poJt as follows: Avchit+!ctural, $25:00; Me(:hanic&t, $15.00; Electrical, $15.00. Additioaal sets may be" pur- cbatt',d tit rtpl'(Jdu(Lioe, t:osL. Plaa holders wll<, dO a()t enter a boris fide bid slid Wile do ll4)t. I'etUrll ue- n£arked and unmutilated, plans and sp4,('ifieathns l)r]l)r Lo bid op*!ning, if 11o bid is t,) uc subaliLLed, will fol'l'(dL tllelr dep(,sitS. Eaeil bid shall lie m:cotnpanied by a certifiod che('k, casilier's cheek, or bid bolld, nlad(; J)ay;lble to North Ma4nl Cons<)lidat(-'d Seht)ol District NO, 403, ill. au aln()unt not less tllan l'ive percent (5%) 4)1' t ( Llid, p US all a't(rnaLos. Sch,)ol boal'd (hret'Lors reserv(! the rigilt tO walv(' elly in[o)'laalitb.s or irregu- lrities in any hid or Ill tllt hiddtng, atU ntay re jet1 any or all bids, N6 biddw may withdraw Igs bid af- tcr the h.ur set for th4, opening there- of or' before award of tim contract, UUieSS said award is delayed 1or a period e.xceeding thh't (30) dys. , NORTtt MASON CONSOLIDATED SCIIOOL DISTRICT' NO. 403 I Marguerite Ninnenlan ] Clerk of the Board R(,ute I Box 5J(} 1=;,', fft t!',_ Waslli!!gtl_n _ 8]_!96 -4/2 3t CALl. FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 2 pan. Marcll 30 1959 at the of(lee oI the Coqnty Conulllssioners, lot furnish- Ins Mason County with the following vquipnl4:nt ; TWo 12)--7-9 cubic yard Dump Truck Oil.v. {el--TrucK "£'ractor, 60.000 lbs. G.C.W. St),(:tficaLious and. bid forms I/lay be 01)tained at. the Office ot the County lugin','er. The counl 3 r cont(.lnplates trading In [h/'ee I)'U('kS. Cr(lUnty (}qu(pnlCat no's. 9. 10 and 13. The County reserves the right to re- jecL any or all bids or to accepL the bid deemed most advantaceous to the Count.y. "" " Da|ed at Shelf(in, Waslflngton, this 16th day of March, 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON y C. Nolan Mason Mason County Auditor 3/19-26 2t No." 3(H8 NOTICE t}F IIEAItlNG ON FINAL REI'OltT AND PETITION FOR I)IWI'RIBUTI()N IN TtlP SIIPI'+BIOP COURT OF THE STATE ()l+' WASIIIN(_]T()N tC()R MASON C(,)UNTY In lht Matter of the Eslste of Waltt'l' Cooke,. deceased. N()TICI,: IS ttEREBY GIVEN that Ku|i*+ Co,)kc EXCCU rix of said (stale has fih'd with th4. Clerk o1" said C,)nr{ l'.r /inal re|)orl and pelt(ion f(,r distri- }ti,)lv'a,,knlg tile Ct,tl 't to sPttle and a])I)t'+,vb tiao :-h)ne and t( (iistl ibute '(+It(' p)'opery I(, the I)vrs ins lher !tl) ('ntith:d and t.(, discharge the ]Jx'e4'(1- trix. NOTICE IS 'URTftER (:lIVEN that" said final report and petith)n t:or d s- (rlbuti4m will be heardoa Feiday tile 2,1th day elf Apri, 1959. (It the' Ilour ,)r l0 a,lll,, a Ill+:! Ct)urtrt)om of the Mason C,,lll ty (onl thouse at Shelton. Wsshingto. DAT}D THIS 2ih'(1 day of March. 1959. ] I AI{ [{Y I)I'IYETTE. CLez'k ot mti(I Court. t)y: IRENE McGUIRE. l)euty Ch,rk. ItONERT L. ,NYDEtL (h)x'oy Bull(line Sh(!i| (n, Was]lingll) u Alt(r)rney ft)r said EstaLe. 3/29-4 '2-9.,16 4t. INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids wll! lie r,(:,eived by the Boaed of C,munissloners of Public Utti- it District No...l_of Mason County vvaselng[on, until 8:00 P.M., Monday, Mar('h. 30, 1959. at their office In Pot- latcil. Washington; to furnish one trnck chassis.of 19,500 .lb. G.V.W. capacity with ('sb and incidental equipment, All bids to be Olt4med at the above tilue sad place, . Speeifi('utions may t)e secured at the District office or upon written request. Dated this 17th day of March, 1959. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRlCT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY t[arold Hunter. Secretary 3/19,26 2t ......... il-- ............ NOT,era To C.EmTIIRS IN TIrE SUPERtORCOUaT OF THE , STATE (iF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COBNTY 'I (In iabate) n the Matter of the Estsls of LION- ARD T,. HAWK, Dee!ased . NOTICE IS HEREBY tIVEN that the undecsigncd has been appointed and has qualified as the Admtnistra- trix of the Estate of Leonard L. Hawk, deceased, that all persons having claims against said deciased arc hereby re- lulred to serve 'the same, dul veri- th¢l, on the undersigned Adnunistra- tvlu or tier atterney of record 'at tile ddress below stated and file the Same with lhe Clerk of the said court to- gether with proof of such service with* In six month afier the date of f rst publication of this nctic( or the same will be )arred , " /s/ BERTHA VISSER Administratrix CLENN E. CORREA %IIornoy f,)l' Estate )ffice and Post Office Address 3ell Bhig., 12i South 4th Street 3helton. Waslaington 3/26-4/2-9-16 4f No 2885 MASON COUNTY (In Prahate) In the Matter of the Estate of ADOLPH BUECHEL. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that T1tARCII, LA BUECHEL DIESEN, In her eapaeity ss administratrix of the abl)vo (,stnt, will sell at .private sale and for cavh tile following described real estate: Northeast quarrel' of Northeast quartet' (NE=I NEI), Secthm e gift- even (18). T.wnship twenty (20) N.rth. I{ange, four (4) West. W,M., Mason C()llllty, Washington. except- ins publi(' roads and except- log lnd deeds to Fritz Bueehel aecocding to deed dated Janltary 26. 1942. f lt July 10. 19,12. ill Val- ume 76 ()f Deeds, page 556. Maso Counly Auditor's Filing No. l{)2712 anti fut'iier xcepting there rorn lands h('re(ofo1'o deeded to and owned by tho $<,li(el District, and M S( qlano tlS [Still lnach Se 'y, to th, i)i.d,,st and host Llidder. Bids lD'lSt I)' .l )ID tted |ll wr[l eg and ulay be left witll the adminlstratri¢ at BII Bull(ling. 121 S(,ut I F nlrih St 'set, Shelton Washington. Bids wtIl he re. c(lved until the dais of sai*. The sale will be made on or after April 17, 1959, The Administratrlx re. Serves the right to reject any and all bids. THARCILLA UECHEL DIESEN Admintatratrtx LEWIS & CORREA Bell Building 121 South Fou)'tit Stree| Shelton. Washington 3/26-4,/2-9 3t 21 State ?ffers 00eed/ing Stork Near|3" 2 miHiou secdlings fronl the VashJngl.on SLate l)epartment of Natt|ral l-tesolll'ct,. al'e available A few days ago a nugicat morn- merit came to our tlalf of the .'arth. On March 21, the sun cross- cd the equator I.ut(t swung north- ward casting its rays increasing- ty more strongly on our land. A 12.ew springLinle was born, And wilh its birth the hearts of nun well-up with a joy that is as clot ts the sensibiiitie of l ltougllt. With the coming of spring it is our nature Lo wonder at. the myslerious resurgence of welling bud and seed, and at the stirring of the creatures of field, stream and f(u'est. W'e ponder this annutl rebirth from the livinff soil with- out knowing that we ponder. ' t Suc  wondermeut is our heritage and It is good. For since man was raise(t from dust he has been a creat.ure of nature. With the con.- ing of springtime the emotions of the season are a part of hint; as delicate texture is a part of vio- let h which bloom in shady places alongside a country road. In almost every case when soil sample report 'sheets come back frqm the laboratory, they show Ma- son County soils to he low or very low in phosphorus and potassium. This i a general condition here as most Mason County soils are new, geologically speaking. They have not had time to break down into finer substances which make available to plants an abundant supply of food elements. Home- owners who want good lawns and gardens, as well as farmers who want productive fields, should pay attention to tlis fac and ttpply the lacking fertilizers accordingly. Many farmers and homeowners do not understand that putting fertilizer on Soil is an annual af- fair. Each year growing plants use up most of the annual application, What is not used is washed from the soil by long and heavy winter rains. Now that folks have gotten a good case of the green-thumb dis- ease they are dinging us about how to get rid of moss in lawns. The answer to this question goes back to soil fertility and to lawn management, once grass is grow- ing. There is a genera] notion that lime applied to a lawn is a sure fire way to put the quietus to moss. This may be true in some cases. But lime spread over lawns can do ntore hamn than good; be- cause rasing the lime level may create a better condition for clov- er growth and clover is considered a weed in a well-kept grass lawn. A good rule to follow is to apply lime only by soil test. You can No. 2b NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE S1)'PERIOB C(:)URT ()}e TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()I¢, MASON COUNTY la Probate) In Hie MatUr (if the Estate of FRANK J. HUNTTNG, D,','('asvd. NOTICE TS tqERErY GIVEN  hat tl)e !.ad(,r.lgeed tlaH 13ceil al')ll(,Inie, d sod h qualified as the Execult'ix of the l}stale ,)f I'RAN.K J', ITUNTINfL d +- e(,ased: that all Ders¢'ms |lavilg 4.,laJtns Lainst said ('l(q!ca(!d ttl'e he.l'(qly r.- [qlllred tO serve lhe salae (l 1 3" Ve "i- ) f{e,d, Oll Iho unf]¢,rsigll,,d Llllah M, i]Ultlblg oF ]1('I' alI(,l'll+?y of I+eeol'd at Ill(' ft.(]dress bei0w Sll(i I'll(' ilia same with the Chrk of th(, said Court, h,:(qher wilh l)roof of such st)rviee wit}lill SIX m()nths after the dab! of firs! publication of thLs noth!e or the same will be barred /s/ LULAI-I M HUNTING BYRON E. McCLANAI-IAN Attorney for Estate ()(flee and Psst ()(flee Address: Courthonse Shelton, Washingten 3/19-6-,i/2 3t NOTI('E t)F SlIERIFIP', NALE (.)F A BA N DON F,D V E II ICI, ES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th ) ,)n Monday the 30th da> of Malch. 1959, al the h,)ur of t:00 P.M. of said day at r,'si<tvllC(3 of P,'ald Wat.on. at. l. 13(X St0 iTrtiol WashinKton (Sunset I B'ch), I will sell the following des- vribed vehh:le, to-wit: (1) 1947 Iat¢,rttati+)nal LoK Truck, Mtr N(,. RLD2(717(16. Lit'. -I 573-T1 (1957). ) And at the hour 4)i' 1:30 I.M. of said Hay at r4,sldence of Nclsou Btu'bel', Belfa/r, Washington, I 'will sell the foi|nwing dewibed abandom.,d whtcie. to-wlt : ('2) I,€4 'ClV'c)tert ' Tt|dor. Mtr to. 469694t. Lie. KTF 705. .ooo 00a.d this•24th d.y '¢, A. 'iOT:R. Sheriff Mamm Coanly, WaMtlgton ....................................... 3126 1| .NOTICE GF -.EA G ON FIgAL REPORT AND PEtiTION .FOR" DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T}iE STATE OF WAIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter of the Estaie of Edna Ellen Evans, deceased. Berna Eugene Evans, Adloiuivtrator of the said estate, has fth'd In th( said Court iris final report and petitlou for distt.tbtrtical aking the Court )o settle said report, distribute the prop- l erty to the person thereto entitled and dlscherge the said Adtnintqtrator. Said report and petltiou will be heard on the 24th day nf April, 1959. at 10 a,m,, ira the Cotu,trtlom ef said Court. in the C4urlty Courthouse at Shelter, Washington, DATED THIS 23rd day of March, i959, ' ' ' HARRY DEYETTI,, ' Clerk of said Cotn.t ROBERT L. SNYDEH, Cd)vey Btl[iding , Shelton, Washington Attorney for' Adlnlnlstrator. . ._.,..:__ .... - 8/26-4/2.9.1-4t. l INVITATION TO BID Settled beds will be received hy the l Board of Commissloners of" Public Util- ] ttY Ist,'Ict NO. 1 of Mason County I Washington, until 8:00 P.M., Monday, ] larch 0, 1959, at their office in Pot-I latch, Washington; to furnlsh one elec-I teieally operated ladder and other in- cldontal equipment suitable for electric utility line and service work, All bid to be opened at the above time and place, " Spe(iflcations m be scured at the District office or upon written request, Dated this 17th clay ,if Mgrch, .1959. PIYBLIC UTTLTTY DTSTRICq' NO. 1 OF MASON C3UNTY Harold Hunter, Secretary 3/19-26 2t to priwtle land owners for planting durirtg the current season. State Lartd Commisshmer Bert Cole said Alril 1 is the deadline 'for r.eceiving orders at the L. T. "Mike" Webster Stat.e Forest Nnr- sery near Olympia for shipment this season. Awtilable nursery stock, whicl is all 2-year-old and ready for plant- ins, inch(des 1.000.000 Douglas fir trees for use m Western %Vasl k- ington: 300,000 Scotcit pine; 200.- 000 Austrian pine: 200.000 cara- gana; 100,000 Russian olive; 70.000 black locust; 20,000 green ash. and 20,000 Chinese elm. The trees are sold to private land owners for $7.20 pet' thous- and, which is exactly the cost of raising them to the planting size. For another 40 cents per thousand, bnyers cao have the state nursery treat the seedlings with a rabbit repellant. Intetsted land owners are ad, vised either write o telephone the Webster Forest Nursery for order blanks. The address is L. T+ "Mike" Webster Forest Nursery, Rt. 4, Box 425-A, Olympia. or telephone Olympia Fleetwood 6- 8169. Indian Foods To Be Featured at Dinner The first annual International Friendship Dinner will feature In= dian cuisine. The dinner, sponsored by tile Political Forum. will be ield April 18 at the Mt. View Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Nilkanth Chavret, of Seattle. will prepare Indian del icacies for the dinner. Some 40 exchange students from India will help Mr. and Mrs. Chaw'et with the foods. The Political Forum intends to feature a different nation each year. Platform: Better world un- derstanding through the stomach, get soil testing ifformation by dropping by the Extension Serv- ice's office in the Post Office Building, Sheiton, If y<tu have moss in your lawn it is an indication of poor lawn management, low soil fertility and lack of proper watering. If spot- ty turf and weecis worry you and you want to do something about them, accept the fact that lawn care is a regular procedure, rather expensive and time consuming, Then go one way or the other. As for being an owner of a large, pretty lawn, it's hard for a mau t,o have his cake and eat it too. Bui if you have a patchy lawn attd want somethiog better, you may go about it this way: 1. Early in the spring, spray to kill moss. A good moss-killing spray can be bonght a.I most gar- den suppl:y dealers. 2 \\;Vht'n moss is l¢illt,(t, rake out,, 3. Rake up bare spots anti thin pOts to make l sced bed. 4. BroadCast ovel" whole lawn, including bare spots, 5-1010 fer- tilizer t the rate of about 12 pound8 for each 1,000 square feet. 5. Sow the bai'e spots with a good grass mixture which has heen proven for the area Cheap seeds are no bargains. 6. Rake in the seeds gently and firm with the back of a hne 7. Vater ]hc whole lawn im- me(liately. 8. When is well established, mow and remove clippings. Mow at ]east once a week; better yet, twice a week. 9. Every thtrty dayn until the first of September, broadcast am- moniun sulphaLe over" the whole lawn at the rae of five pounds lor eacl 1.000 sqtmre feet attd water mimediately 10. Water lawn when the soil is dry. But when you do water, .ai¢ .oil to a del)th of at least ," four inches. This will cause the, grass roots to penetrate to the soil better. A deeply Seldom form that thatched condi- tion so prevalent in Mason County,' lawns. 11. Apply fertilizer schedule ev- e*T year, • , "12. Ki|l annual weeds and clover with 2-4-D, These" suggestions are gneral. For best results one should have a soil test of his lawn so tlaat a special schednle can be worked out for his special problem. "There are no gains without pains," said wise Ben Franklin, ;the painless payroll savings plan for buying U.S. Savings Bonds had not been invented in his day. Try a Journal Want Ad t MIS00ION00Y BAPTIST MISNON Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Eaoh Sunday Sponsored by First M|Isionary Baptist Churoh of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welconte , . , , - ,, f, HEAR BILLY GRAHAM EVERY SATURDAY EVENING 10 P.M. CHANNEL 13 RRST 6HUROH OF 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash, [ Sunday SChool 9h0 t,m. .,. 11 a.m. Wednesday evening tstimony eting8 S p,m. Reading room located in ohurch. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mien. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to :45. 1959 REAL ESTATE off P.ay- FOR SALE: Five acres, modern house, For in- eiectrnc hot water tank, Skokomish Valley, Phone HA 6-8686. Bll/14 tfn tfn 2i)-AcRE RAICH. 4 nliie-on'Ba'ysffTx'e; holne nmdel'n hi)use, outbuildings, some oil "liznb('r. HA 6-6023 after 6 p.m. 'd f(,c G2126 tfo H3/26-4/9 place; carpeting; new double gar- age; two lot in grass, one fenced; Bev(,rly Heights. Phone tlA 6-3265. P3/19 tfn erty on 7th and Euclid St. Pllone Union 411. S6/6tfn in good neighborhood utility room, shop, carport. FHA appraised $11,000. _ p_!i!?ne_.H &_-! ._ ............... G:/5 lfn FOR SALE: 4-room Hlllcrest home, large fenced lot $4900. Pkone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p,m. E3/27tf- room unfurnished house. Plume I-{A __S=sA3 a_l't£r 6 p.m._ ....... s2/26 u n FOR SALE---Waterfront 2S0 ft. Hamlnersley Inlet. 9 acres in all. (l bedroonl I'loDle. Moderll exe-)t, 2 wells, good outbuildings, allll) (' fruit tr(.es aad grapes. Newly ftql('tql. $5000 to Call HA 6-g330 after 5 I.m, to $1000 H3/26-4,'2 make fine MOD+-E-t-------b-ed-rm---ho-me --on t. . View. F.H.A. appraised $11.000. C. D. Grytness. 2240 Madison. Phone HA With 5 bed- 6-8120. . 3/26tin Has 41 40 ACRES on highway near MeCleary. Creek on place $200. Wrlt Route. Of excellent 2. B'ox 262. Elnla. Wash. B3/26-,1/2 ; piped in- F-0"--Sk-E.ll'.lished h()o-s, 2 view 3 blOCkS lots on Hillcrest priced for qulek Arcadia sale. For information call I-IA 6- and oner 6409. P3/26 tfn ,Part trade dLA$SIFIED SE'RVI,E payment. , .... &RTIFICIAL BR.EDINGservice 0r Bath alrY end beef, "$7.00 cash. Ev- With fire- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc, and bffilt Pall Wlllnm Turner Olympia, col- refinished. Lo- lest. FL. 2-2113. ' tfn ve. Owner SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. in advance Leave calls at Journal office, phone , HA. 6-4412. lmger Sewi"g Machine C., Olympia. 11/22t fn Oil ]V/t. PIANO LNIN'G and repair. All work lr month. Lowell :Hart. HA 6- H9/4 tf blown lk Wool tulg= , Phone HA (I-8(17. 6/0tfn ORDIOI private lessons m your home. Stan&Ro National Sehoot or Aq_ rdlon Mrs. Casada phone HA g _ sZ. ' /1 tfn M.IEUR TREATMENTS at my resi- dence ear the Lower Skokemieb school. Mond, Wednesdays and Thursdays. :Phone Hoodsport TR '/- 5438. A. F. Oppelt, 8/6tfn home with fire- patio, 2 car that you Located from city by ap- cleared land building and Located on will con- EXCELLENT BUYS! ROOMy OOWNT()WN 4 BEDROOM HOME . . . home, and close to schools. Some dining room, basement, 2-car yard. Only $600 down, includes closing, on IN THIS VERY COZY HOME . . . the cheerful fireplace, those panelled living make this such a nice cottage. Two bedrooms, OUtdoor living, etc. $7500. E OPTION TO BUY , . , home near Bordeaux school $50 per apply on purchase price of $4950. D ONLY $25 MONTHLY -- WHY RENT? excellent Angleside residential area. Has r heater, range, and oil heater. $2250. VN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS . . and taxes. Very comfortable 2 bedroom living-dining area, all-over carpeting, THOSE LOVELY DREAM HOMES! have ever wanted in a home . . room, separate dining room, den, full basement, and marvelous view. By )ME WITH LARGE YARD FOR ONLY $5000 and has abundance of flowers, fruit trees, gar- terms. WORKSHOP OR OFFICE AT HOME? . . downtown home is just the ticket. building for hobby, workshop, office, rs. $8500. tlCKEN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE home, fine chicken houses,' barn, outbuildings, land with Creek through property. $15,000. A NICE LOT ON PHILLIPS LAKE? . . . er cabin, and think of the fun you'll all fishing, etc. $1495 with $250 down FOR RENTALS -- HAVE SEVERAL TIME, BOTH FURNISHED AND A. ROY D UNN €6363 .=A00TOR • Title Insurance Bldg Preferred Properties BEDROOM, MT. VIEW . . . "tttractlVe roomy home must be Located on 90X100 lot it has Imch a .fireplace, baseboard elec- 0Yen and range, hardwood floors uily plastered. $I5,5(10 FHA with Call today for an appointment. iBING THE BOAT . . . this one. 4 bedrooms, % yet out of city limits. An bUy at 0nly $7,950 and owner or wlll'consider trading $4,000 you, Call Kurt Mann for fur- HILLCREST,,. as this for less living room, dining room, wood furnace. Full price terms, Can also be bought fA IN DOWNTOWN ARE . . . partial baemerft, baeeboard other nice features. Full and very convenient terms can er will carry contract. NSION . . . outgrows the LARGE two bed- on the first floor, you can have and second bath upstairs room in the basement. No crowding price $12,750 on FHA terms of OPPORTUNITIES , . , $1,000 down. you can go into the -service station business and be r stop in and let us show you. did. .. REALTY AI., H) 6-8535 ANYTIME 228 North First sI-rELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrtstmastown, U.S.A.," CLASSIFIED SERe'ICE nll n tREES TOPPED. trlmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/13tfn FOR SALE 200 ft. waterfront x 450 ft. d. epth, drilled well with large pamp house and work shop combined. 3-car carport• Beautiful location in a cow,, $8500. )I: * $ 80 Acres 40 acres cleared, under irrigation, tractor and all equip- ntent included. All newly seeded, on good black top road. 5 bed- room house, also dining ruom, ntil- ity room, Large barn In good con- dition, loafing shed, most all new fence, 2 creeks on place with wa- ter rights. Price $18,000.00 with good terms. 3 bedroom house, garage, one lot 60 x 100 foot. includes wall to wall carpeting, draperies, nice location .... $10,500.00, will F.H.A. 3 bedroom house, fireplace, radiant heat in floors, garage, 1 outside fireplace, 1 lot, AnKleside --- $10,500.00, $400.00 down payment and closing cost. Practically new 3 bedroom house on Mt. View, dining room, nice utility room, attached garage, fire- place, all electric heat--S12,000,00. 110 Acres, about 30 acres cleared, seeded to red clover, very good fences. Large barn, excellent house, plenty of water, 300,000 feet of merchantable timber stumpage, close to town, $12,000,00. gl $ $ 5 acres all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single gar- age$8,000.00 or will trade for city property, 32½ Acres, 24 acres cleared and in pasture, barn 40 x 60 foot, garage and wood shed, drilled well, 2 bed- rooms, living room, den, dining room, kitchen, utility, partly fur= nished with practically new furn- iture, about 150 holly tre- $13,650.00, $6,542.00 down pay- ment. gt  2 bedroom house, central oil heat- ing plant, nice utility room, one lot 80 x 100, yard In perfect Shape L.-th 'front and rear--left town, must sell at once, make an offer. a • • WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First Office HA 6-6642--Ree. HA 8-35 • i , Legal Publications No. 2778 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR 1}ISTRIBUTION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In l'robate) In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of NORMAN E. EI,LISON and NELLIE E. ELLISON. also known as NELLIE,M. ELLISON. Both Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARJORIS ELLISON GTANNUSA. as executrix of the corn(lined (estates of Norman E. Ellison. deceased, and Nel- lie E. Ellison. also known as Nellie M. Ellison. dedeased, has filed in the of- fice of the Clerk t)f said Court her final Report and petition for distribu- tion. asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said exeCutrix; and that said Report and petition will be heard on the 3rd day of April, 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Caurt Room of the Pro- bale Department of said Cqurt, at which time and place any person inter- sated In said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and coutest the salne. DATED this 27th day of February, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, BY Irene McGulre. Deputy LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys for Estates Belt Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. 3/5-12-19-96 at No. S IOTIC] OF HLa.RING ON FINAL ItEPORT AND FETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Ia the Matter ol the Estate of ROY L, BYERS, Deceased, VE NOTICE IS HEREBY. GI N that Aa C. Byers, Exequtor of the estate of Roy L. Byers, deceases, na.a filel with the Clerk of the anov_e entitled Cburt his final report and _petition for distribution asking the t;'ourt to settle and approve said report and petition for diatribuuon, tO dis-] tribute tile property to..tne pets9 n [ thereto entitled and to amcnarge the said Executor. • .... I Notice is farther given that said l final reurt and vetitlon for distrlbu. I tion will be heard on Friday, the :d] day of April. 1959, at the hour of 101 o'clock in the forengpn, aimg c ourtl room in the Court /otme a sneitoa, I Washington .... Dated this Snd day of March, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason County, W_ htngton' By Irene McGuire Deputy werk B. FRANKLIN HUSTON Attorney for said Estate . n le Bid leton, ashlngton 3/5-12-19.26 4t NOTICE OF OF THE tINGTON FOR MASON Estate of HOW- LUCY E. as the Allan of final tO Petition ):00 A,M. at Probate Dep merit of said at which time place any perSon interested in t restate may appear and file obJectl thereto and contest the same. DATED this 27th day of February 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court BY irene cOuire, Deputy GLENN E. CORtt- Attroney for Estate Bell BuildiJ" -. - e i p°u t r I Pt 0  tx'ee+ ' /5-1-19- it Journal Want Ads Pay|.' Publications No. 2335 No'rICE OF IIEARING FINAL REI'OltT AND I'ETITII)N FOIl I)IS'I'ItllI|'T II)N IN TIIE SIIPERI()IL, C()IYltT 01; TIlE STATE (iF WAStl I N(IT()N .It(lit MASON C()UNTY (In I'rohat(,) In the Mailer ,)t' lhq, Estat(. of l. D. SBEI,TON. also kn(,wa as D()U(; SItELTON. l)ve,'ase(1. NOT,IC E IS IIEREBY GIVEN ih'd RUTH LATHAM as administratrix of tile estale of F. D. S}lent,ll. Ills() kn(,wtl as DOUK Shelton. decenst,d, has fil,'d in tile ofl'i('e ot the Cle.rk t,l said Court her final Ret)urt and )etiti()n for dlStrlDutloll, askillg the (.oul't tO settle said R(.port. distribute the pr,)p- ertY to the persons th('ret[) eniitl(-d and t,, discharge said administratrix and I nit said R('p(,rt and p('i t (,n will be heard on tl,(. t7th day of April, 1959 at 10:(D A.M. at the Court Room of lhe Probate Departn:ent of said Court, at whicit time and place, any pcl'son intelegted ill said Estate tna, i , ,i,, I Legal, Publications N.. ,q09 NOTI(E TO ('llEi)iTOIt T() I'ItEENT ANI) FII.I ('I,AIM, IN TIlE SIrPEI:I()R C()[:Rq' ()b" '['Hl., STATE ()F VtAS111N(IT( )N l,'( )It tt+'\\;S()N (N)lINTY " [tl Ill,' ',V[I11'I" of tlw (]t(:ll'(liaa]li)) ,I the l'(,r.<m aIl(I h]sl:lto )1' I.[llTtlA V. :MtYNSON. :, M('atally lncoalp-lonl l )t'[+N(}ll, N()TICE IS IIERIq}IY (lIVEN that L(*llel's ()l (]tlaFdi£111:hlp Ill |he abl,;,, entitled Illtll t(?l' W,'IN" k!/':Jill o€t It) Lll(  nndt)rsiI2tl(,(| (1/1 the 20th day ()1 .[al'(,b t959 by said SIl )(')'i)l' C,)urI. NOTICI,] IS Iq:IVFIIEP. (llV N 1hit( all l)t'l'st)as ])Itx'il < 'I+IJNIS a':(lllSI |he' sahl i)('l's+II ¢)r h<'l' e.(T:ll+ • llI'f' l'(11 r,'d I( S('I'Vf! Ihlqll with llt'('t'SS(l'y VO[IC[)t+l'k atla('h('d ul)Oll |he { ] 1.1tllqt Jail l't)F said l)el'sl)Tl /lll(t t'gtlll(" 4)1 Ll[l()ll lll. atlol'II(L Of I'('C()l'd 1'O1' said (ILlal'(li;ll] [:, I'l'a}lk - Jill |-]('Lll[Oll Atlu'lo }lllih.linu. SIwllon, WllshinIon. [)viill' t]l( • t)hl(', fioSlgllOd ['o]' ell,! tran,acli()n (l the bLlqlleqS of said guar(ii:lllS]ltp, sJld l'i]e th4, sttlU wilh th(' Ch.rk (d" s'(bt (otlrt. tot'v|ll'q with proof <)l service, wiLhia {] lIH)llths appear and file (ll)je(,ti)ns th(,('(,t(, aud t'|er thv l'iz'.d i)ul)]ieation of this n(r. eontesL ihe saiile.  ii IJee, Io-.'u : 26 {alt'h t!)59, or :ti(l DATED lhlS 13th day 4)f March, [t'lainls will Im t()F(.v¢,r havred 1959. [ II. C. ROTTI.,;R HARRY DEYETTE (]uaT'(|iall 4,1" |h(' P('l'*oll alld Clerk <)f said C,)urt Estate (('13(+' ha V Mun,.)n I,EWIS & CORREA B. ];'RANKLIN tlEUST()N .tttn'neys for Estate ell Building 121 South Fourth Street Sbelton. Washington 3/19-26-4/2 3t No. 3092 NOTICE TO CREDITORs IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probaie) In_the Matter of the Estate of JAMES RoBERT !I'()RyY. Dec:eased, NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN that the undersigned has. be(u* appointed and has qualified as the Admlnistratrix of the Estate of James Robert Story .e ' .... ..... "a. that all_ persons+ - having clatnls against said deceases are hereby required to serve, tb 9 sa.m, duly Veri- fied, on the unaersignea AUl/llnlstra- trlx or her attorney of+ record at the address below siatedand file the same with the Clerk of the said court, to- ,nether with proof of such service with- six months after the date of first pubi.ication of this notice or the same will be barred. THERESA KING &dminiatratrix GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate . .. Office and Post Office Aa0ress Bell Bldg., 121 South 4th Street Bhelton. Washington 8/5-12-19-26 4t No, 751 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN TH SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASI-LINGTON FO MASON COUNTY ALVA M. BENNETT, formerly known as AVA MeKAY, Plaintiff, va. PHOENIX LOGGING CO,, a col poration; and all otiwr persons or par- tts unknown claiming any right, title, Interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE PHOENIX LOGGING CO.. a cor- poration; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest in the real estate des- cribed in the Complaint herein. You and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first pub- lication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (80) days after the 19th day of Febrtmry, 1959, and defend the above- entitled ation in the superior court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff, at his office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to he demaads of tile complaint in this action which has been tiled with the clerk of sad court, The object of rials action Is to quiet title in Plaintiff to real estate in Ma- son County, Washington. described as: The Northwest quarter (NW£) of the Northwest quarter (NWtA) in Section twenty (20), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range four (4) W.M. in Mason County, '" Wagnington, against the claim of the Defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plalatlff. Office & Post Office Address: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton. Washington. 2/19-26-9/5-12-19-26 6t No, 303 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Atlornoy for (hmr(iian Anglo l<lK., Sheltoa. Wash. 3/26-4/2.9-16 41 NOTICE 4)F AMENIIED WATElt BIGHT API['LICATII)N NO. 14929 STATE OF+" WAS}{IN{T(')N OIe[ClCE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: Thai Emil R Ram- stead of Des Moin(,s, Washillgt(llt. oil July 17, 1958, flied apl)Li<atioa for per- mit, t,i. dLvert the public' 4)f unnMlled apring, tributary of liod Canal. In lhe am0uflt of 0.(]i s4e(')nd foot stlbject to (,xilllng tights, eon- tlnuotmI: eacll year for the I)urpDse ()f domestic supply; that tim Splu'oxinmtc lloint of (hvel'slon is local('(t within Tract B Cady's unrise Reach (Govl. Lot 1) el S4,ction 23 and of St.eli(in 24. Township '22 N.. RanKs 3W. W.M. in Mason County. Ally obiP(ttJons olus[ be ac4!o(tlt)an|ed by a tw(; dollar ($2.00) reeordhlg f(,e and filed with the, State Supervisor of Water Res()ur(:es witifin thirty (301 days from April 2. 1959. Witness my band and official seal this 13th day of March. 1959. M G. WALKER State SUpel'VlSO£" of Water Resoarces. 3/26-4/2 2t No. 3100 NOTICE TO CRI,;DITOit IN THE SUPERIOB COURT (IF TI./ STATE OF WA SHIN(tTON FOIl MASON COUNTY (ia Prohste) In the Matter of the Estate of RICtt- ARD ADAMS. 3B.. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appoiat(,d and ires qualified as the. Administrator of the Estate of Richard Adams Jr.. deceased, that all persona having cJaims against said. deceased are herehv I.e- quired to serve the same, duly'veri- fied, on the undersigned Administr- tot" or hls attorneys of recor(i at lit,) address beh)w stated and file the same with the Clerk of tle said court, to- gether with proof of such aervh'e wilh. iu eix months after tie date of firvt publlcation of this notice or tbe same will be barred. /s/ RICHARD C. ADAMS SR, Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Office and Post Office Address Bell Bldg., 121, South 4ih SIre(l Shelton. Wasllington 3/26-4/2-9-16 4t No. NOTICE TO CREDITOltN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE 'STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matt('u of the Estate of MATIqA M. T,OIFNESS, Deceased, NOTICE IS GIVEN thai Elizabeth A. Oyer is the appointed an(i quatifi(,d Administratrix c.t.a, with the Will an- nexed ,,f tlw Last Will and Yestam*,nt f Matha M. Loffnes d(:ceascd; that all persons having rialtos against the (,state or the deceased are her('bY l'o- quired to serve the a)ae duly er'ifhd, ifi dMticate, with th0 n(.('+,stmvy v,,u('h- era attached, tlpoll th AdlninJstratrix e,t.a. Mr her attorney. Robert I, Sn- der. at their address(,s hereinbvlow tated, and file such clainls together with proof of service wilh the Clerk of said Court within six months a£tr th date of the first publication of this ( € notice, to-wit: Mar'tl 12. 1.)59. All elailIIs not SO prostrated and flied will be barred. ELIZAlqETH A. ()YEa Administrat fix c.t.a. OBERT L. SNYDER Gow.y Building Shelton. WLhingt4)n Attorney for Administralrix e.t.a. 3/12-1.9-26-4/2 4t In the Matter of the Estate of No. 3093 GEORGE EOENES, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE Tena K, Egnee, the Executrix of the STATE OI WASHINGTON FOR estate of George Egenes, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court her TIIE COUNTY OF MASON final report and petition for dtstri= Iu tl." Matter of the Estate of buttes, asking the Court to settle and GLADYS KNAUI, Deceased, approve the same, to distribute the Notice is hereby given .that the un- property to tha persons thereto en- derslned has been appointed and has titled and to discharge said Executrix. qua:ltfied aa Adminlstratrix of the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that above entitled e'tate; that all persons said final report and petition for dis- having claims against said deceased tribution will be heard on Friday, the are herei)y required to serve the same, 3rd da" of April, 1959, at the hour of duly verified, on said Admlnistratrix 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tbe or he.r attorfieys of record at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same Cotirtroom of said Court In' Shelton, with tile Clerk of said Court, toether Washington. DATED THIS 26th day of February, with proof of such service, withn six months after ths date of first pullica- 159. HtRY DEYETT] tion of this notice or the same will Mason County Clerk. be barred. Date of first publication March 12, [-RoBERTGvey- BYBuildingL.IrenesNTDERMCGulre, Deputy Clerk 1959, LAUREL 'ALK.ER ..... ,^ Qelton, Washington .... 28 4t Administratmx or saia ,st Attorney for 'xecutrix 915-1--11 - ]GARLAND, GARLAND & BISHOP [Attorneys for Estate -- "" I Off lee and Post0ffide Address No. 3016 NOTIC OF BEARING OF FIHAL RIJPOR, PIffT|TI01 FOR E DISTRIUTI[ON, AND DISCHAN OF ADMINISTRATRIX " IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN .D FOR THE 'COUNTY OF MASON " (In F,bate) - In the Matter of the Etae of RIC" ARD EARLE" RUTLEDGE, :DeceaSes: Notice is hsreby given that DIANE la[gY, Administrartx of the estate of RICHARD EARLE RUTIDGE, e- ceased, has flied with the Clerk of tile Superipr Court of said County and Sate net final report and petition lor distrthutlon of said estate' and tha the 10th day of April, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. Department No.  .of said Superior Court, at Shelton in sa la County. has been duly fixed by OU rmpemor Court for the settlement 'Ag the said Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to settle such re port, distrlbutS the property to the persons etttled thereto, and discharge said Admlnistratrix, WITNESS, the Hen. CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Judge of the above entitled Court, and the seal of said Court af-, fixed this 10th day of March, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE _ . Clerk of said Superior Court TRENA BELSITO WORTHINGTON ttoraey for the Estate 5 Thurston Savings & Loan Bldg._ Olympia. Washington 3/12-19-26 3t No. 2884 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT ND PETITION FOR DISTRIB|ITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Tn the Matter of the Estate of EVA CHESTER HUNTLEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JENNIE GOODRO, as administratrtx of the Estate of Eva Chester Huntley, has filed in the office of the Cler "of said Court her final Report and Pert7 tlon for Distribution asking the C0u r "to settle said Repo'rt distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said administratrixA and that said Report and Petition wm be heard on the 10th day of April, 1959, at 10:00 A,M. at the Court Room f the Probate Department of said curt' at which time and place any Persoa interested in said Estate ma appear and file objections thereto ana cOntest the same. " ..... 9 DATED thls llth day .gt .arcn, xo . Cler oI sa &mrt t', _= By Irede McGulre, IlgWu y FqN E CORREA Attorney for Estate e 11 South Fourth Stre t _ __ Shelton Washington 3/12-19-$6-4/ t 205-09 Dietz Building Bremerton, ...... Washington 3/12-19-26 3t No..q0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ii THE SUPIR!0R COURT OP THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ] MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of 01e Estates of JOAN CASE BOLTON and DONALD 'STEPHEN CASE, Mi- nors, LEE W. GILLETTE, is the appointed and qualified Guardian of the estat(s of said minors. All persons having claims against said minors must serve the same, duly verified, on said Guard- isn or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with preof of such ervice. within six months after March 19, 199,: the date of the first publica- I tioa of this notice, or the claims will he. barred LEE W. GILLETTE Guardian 1107 South 141st Tacoma. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Buildin Shelton. Washington Attorney for Guardian 3/19-26-4/2-9 4t No. $04 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DINTRIBUTION ZN, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ln Probate) In the Matte," of the Estate of BEU- I,AH ANNA TRENCKMANN Deceased. NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that William, M. Troncknmnn and Robert 3". Trenckmfinn. Exe(..utors of the 4state of Beulah Anna Trenckmann. deceased. have filed wtth tb(, Clerk of the above entitled Court their final report and petition for distrqbution asking lhe Coa.rt to settle dud approve said final report and petition for distribution, to distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to disehar'e the said Executors. NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN that said final report and Petition for dis- tribution will be heardon Friday. tile 3rd day of April. 1959. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon al the court room in the Court ttouse in Silelton. Washington. Dated this 2nd day of March. 1959. ItARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason County, WashlnKton By Ir0ne McCmire II ty Cle,k B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for sald Estate Angle lldlg. Shlton, Washingtos 3/,i-1+-19-6 4t r. O 0 Shelton. Washin PubUeations Legal ('I%IL NEIIVICI,; I,',NAMINATION [,',,) (7it3 (,, Shelt+,n I:'<)li('(, .Dept. all(t }l+'ltt)n [,'u'o I)t't)I. Mar(-h ;0. IW)9. al :00 P.M. in (') '.' Ilall. ];cgillllill S;l];lly: fie]i<,( TM l)epl, .+- $3S5.0(I 1((')' ln(,llll£. Fi)'e I)t,i)t. . $3S5.00 I)(q' llll )Ill|/ At)[)ht.allt)ll,  lll:l,V h,' obtaill,ql Ill |he" P()li('(. J)f+lH. and b'ire I)t.t)t. a(ld lrlllS| Do l'('|th'n('d t,) ill,' l.)('.l)t, ()|'[h:'o by 5:t)(I I'.M March 27. 1959. tdunlifi(,ali,)lls will ].' giv4'(I )%' [)('|)|. il('ads. R( )CKY I IEMT;I()FIV ( 'llltlFIllat| ('1% JJ St'I'vic, (ollllllission h('lt<)ll Va.l l 111 '.z l( 111 3/19-26 2t AI)VI,:It'rlNI,:.MENT FOR BIDS S(':d)'d bids will |)o r+'(''l,tl by Ihc II[l(|('I'Sigllt'(l unlil " p.lll. (*ll April 8, 1959. aL tim (,[fie(! t)l the, SUl)e(.lnten- (lent +)f Schc)l)Is, Be.lair, Mason Couaty, -W:l.hinvt()ll. f()l" Archit(,ctoral, Mech- anJ(';ll :llld l+l,'('tri('a| trades (:oetrvls ['l)l' 4'(,llstFIl('tl()n of a<[dJtions to lellair J tlnit)l'-S,'nlo f }tigb  'll,,r)l, };cLJ'aiv, Wash illg t()ll. t;O/II t'aclors lllUSt sUbl:[llt a separate bid ,)n the' .r(:hil(wtlral. lectlanlcal) Itlt(l Eh,cll'i('ai |l'adts CoaLl'a('Ls; or they nUly sis, subnlit a eombinath)n bid to include Al'4.'blI(N'lur:tl M(('hani4'at. aud t.lectrit;ai 1.1*ad('s Illl(l,'l' M ,llLI'al et)L- I.I'IICL l'|alls, sp(,4 ifh ltl )llS IAad contl'act docunH'ets aaly bO obtained by I,iddcl'S ,it the t)ffict +)f Wll]ial)l Ai'hd Johns(911 & Ass,)ciates. 3506 l;t'oadway Avenue, Everett. Wt4stl|ngl orl. Each prime coutractor will be allowed Oll St!L 4,1 d£aWllli4S and [mclficLiolls ttl)n th!poJt as follows: Avchit+!ctural, $25:00; Me(:hanic&t, $15.00; Electrical, $15.00. Additioaal sets may be" pur- cbatt',d tit rtpl'(Jdu(Lioe, t:osL. Plaa holders wll<, dO a()t enter a boris fide bid slid Wile do ll4)t. I'etUrll ue- n£arked and unmutilated, plans and sp4,('ifieathns l)r]l)r Lo bid op*!ning, if 11o bid is t,) uc subaliLLed, will fol'l'(dL tllelr dep(,sitS. Eaeil bid shall lie m:cotnpanied by a certifiod che('k, casilier's cheek, or bid bolld, nlad(; J)ay;lble to North Ma4nl Cons<)lidat(-'d Seht)ol District NO, 403, ill. au aln()unt not less tllan l'ive percent (5%) 4)1' t ( Llid, p US all a't(rnaLos. Sch,)ol boal'd (hret'Lors reserv(! the rigilt tO walv(' elly in[o)'laalitb.s or irregu- lrities in any hid or Ill tllt hiddtng, atU ntay re jet1 any or all bids, N6 biddw may withdraw Igs bid af- tcr the h.ur set for th4, opening there- of or' before award of tim contract, UUieSS said award is delayed 1or a period e.xceeding thh't (30) dys. , NORTtt MASON CONSOLIDATED SCIIOOL DISTRICT' NO. 403 I Marguerite Ninnenlan ] Clerk of the Board R(,ute I Box 5J(} 1=;,', fft t!',_ Waslli!!gtl_n _ 8]_!96 -4/2 3t CALl. FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 2 pan. Marcll 30 1959 at the of(lee oI the Coqnty Conulllssioners, lot furnish- Ins Mason County with the following vquipnl4:nt ; TWo 12)--7-9 cubic yard Dump Truck Oil.v. {el--TrucK "£'ractor, 60.000 lbs. G.C.W. St),(:tficaLious and. bid forms I/lay be 01)tained at. the Office ot the County lugin','er. The counl 3 r cont(.lnplates trading In [h/'ee I)'U('kS. Cr(lUnty (}qu(pnlCat no's. 9. 10 and 13. The County reserves the right to re- jecL any or all bids or to accepL the bid deemed most advantaceous to the Count.y. "" " Da|ed at Shelf(in, Waslflngton, this 16th day of March, 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON y C. Nolan Mason Mason County Auditor 3/19-26 2t No." 3(H8 NOTICE t}F IIEAItlNG ON FINAL REI'OltT AND PETITION FOR I)IWI'RIBUTI()N IN TtlP SIIPI'+BIOP COURT OF THE STATE ()l+' WASIIIN(_]T()N tC()R MASON C(,)UNTY In lht Matter of the Eslste of Waltt'l' Cooke,. deceased. N()TICI,: IS ttEREBY GIVEN that Ku|i*+ Co,)kc EXCCU rix of said (stale has fih'd with th4. Clerk o1" said C,)nr{ l'.r /inal re|)orl and pelt(ion f(,r distri- }ti,)lv'a,,knlg tile Ct,tl 't to sPttle and a])I)t'+,vb tiao :-h)ne and t( (iistl ibute '(+It(' p)'opery I(, the I)vrs ins lher !tl) ('ntith:d and t.(, discharge the ]Jx'e4'(1- trix. NOTICE IS 'URTftER (:lIVEN that" said final report and petith)n t:or d s- (rlbuti4m will be heardoa Feiday tile 2,1th day elf Apri, 1959. (It the' Ilour ,)r l0 a,lll,, a Ill+:! Ct)urtrt)om of the Mason C,,lll ty (onl thouse at Shelton. Wsshingto. DAT}D THIS 2ih'(1 day of March. 1959. ] I AI{ [{Y I)I'IYETTE. CLez'k ot mti(I Court. t)y: IRENE McGUIRE. l)euty Ch,rk. ItONERT L. ,NYDEtL (h)x'oy Bull(line Sh(!i| (n, Was]lingll) u Alt(r)rney ft)r said EstaLe. 3/29-4 '2-9.,16 4t. INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids wll! lie r,(:,eived by the Boaed of C,munissloners of Public Utti- it District No...l_of Mason County vvaselng[on, until 8:00 P.M., Monday, Mar('h. 30, 1959. at their office In Pot- latcil. Washington; to furnish one trnck chassis.of 19,500 .lb. G.V.W. capacity with ('sb and incidental equipment, All bids to be Olt4med at the above tilue sad place, . Speeifi('utions may t)e secured at the District office or upon written request. Dated this 17th day of March, 1959. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRlCT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY t[arold Hunter. Secretary 3/19,26 2t ......... il-- ............ NOT,era To C.EmTIIRS IN TIrE SUPERtORCOUaT OF THE , STATE (iF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COBNTY 'I (In iabate) n the Matter of the Estsls of LION- ARD T,. HAWK, Dee!ased . NOTICE IS HEREBY tIVEN that the undecsigncd has been appointed and has qualified as the Admtnistra- trix of the Estate of Leonard L. Hawk, deceased, that all persons having claims against said deciased arc hereby re- lulred to serve 'the same, dul veri- th¢l, on the undersigned Adnunistra- tvlu or tier atterney of record 'at tile ddress below stated and file the Same with lhe Clerk of the said court to- gether with proof of such service with* In six month afier the date of f rst publication of this nctic( or the same will be )arred , " /s/ BERTHA VISSER Administratrix CLENN E. CORREA %IIornoy f,)l' Estate )ffice and Post Office Address 3ell Bhig., 12i South 4th Street 3helton. Waslaington 3/26-4/2-9-16 4f No 2885 MASON COUNTY (In Prahate) In the Matter of the Estate of ADOLPH BUECHEL. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that T1tARCII, LA BUECHEL DIESEN, In her eapaeity ss administratrix of the abl)vo (,stnt, will sell at .private sale and for cavh tile following described real estate: Northeast quarrel' of Northeast quartet' (NE=I NEI), Secthm e gift- even (18). T.wnship twenty (20) N.rth. I{ange, four (4) West. W,M., Mason C()llllty, Washington. except- ins publi(' roads and except- log lnd deeds to Fritz Bueehel aecocding to deed dated Janltary 26. 1942. f lt July 10. 19,12. ill Val- ume 76 ()f Deeds, page 556. Maso Counly Auditor's Filing No. l{)2712 anti fut'iier xcepting there rorn lands h('re(ofo1'o deeded to and owned by tho $<,li(el District, and M S( qlano tlS [Still lnach Se 'y, to th, i)i.d,,st and host Llidder. Bids lD'lSt I)' .l )ID tted |ll wr[l eg and ulay be left witll the adminlstratri¢ at BII Bull(ling. 121 S(,ut I F nlrih St 'set, Shelton Washington. Bids wtIl he re. c(lved until the dais of sai*. The sale will be made on or after April 17, 1959, The Administratrlx re. Serves the right to reject any and all bids. THARCILLA UECHEL DIESEN Admintatratrtx LEWIS & CORREA Bell Building 121 South Fou)'tit Stree| Shelton. Washington 3/26-4,/2-9 3t 21 State ?ffers 00eed/ing Stork Near|3" 2 miHiou secdlings fronl the VashJngl.on SLate l)epartment of Natt|ral l-tesolll'ct,. al'e available A few days ago a nugicat morn- merit came to our tlalf of the .'arth. On March 21, the sun cross- cd the equator I.ut(t swung north- ward casting its rays increasing- ty more strongly on our land. A 12.ew springLinle was born, And wilh its birth the hearts of nun well-up with a joy that is as clot ts the sensibiiitie of l ltougllt. With the coming of spring it is our nature Lo wonder at. the myslerious resurgence of welling bud and seed, and at the stirring of the creatures of field, stream and f(u'est. W'e ponder this annutl rebirth from the livinff soil with- out knowing that we ponder. ' t Suc  wondermeut is our heritage and It is good. For since man was raise(t from dust he has been a creat.ure of nature. With the con.- ing of springtime the emotions of the season are a part of hint; as delicate texture is a part of vio- let h which bloom in shady places alongside a country road. In almost every case when soil sample report 'sheets come back frqm the laboratory, they show Ma- son County soils to he low or very low in phosphorus and potassium. This i a general condition here as most Mason County soils are new, geologically speaking. They have not had time to break down into finer substances which make available to plants an abundant supply of food elements. Home- owners who want good lawns and gardens, as well as farmers who want productive fields, should pay attention to tlis fac and ttpply the lacking fertilizers accordingly. Many farmers and homeowners do not understand that putting fertilizer on Soil is an annual af- fair. Each year growing plants use up most of the annual application, What is not used is washed from the soil by long and heavy winter rains. Now that folks have gotten a good case of the green-thumb dis- ease they are dinging us about how to get rid of moss in lawns. The answer to this question goes back to soil fertility and to lawn management, once grass is grow- ing. There is a genera] notion that lime applied to a lawn is a sure fire way to put the quietus to moss. This may be true in some cases. But lime spread over lawns can do ntore hamn than good; be- cause rasing the lime level may create a better condition for clov- er growth and clover is considered a weed in a well-kept grass lawn. A good rule to follow is to apply lime only by soil test. You can No. 2b NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE S1)'PERIOB C(:)URT ()}e TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()I¢, MASON COUNTY la Probate) In Hie MatUr (if the Estate of FRANK J. HUNTTNG, D,','('asvd. NOTICE TS tqERErY GIVEN  hat tl)e !.ad(,r.lgeed tlaH 13ceil al')ll(,Inie, d sod h qualified as the Execult'ix of the l}stale ,)f I'RAN.K J', ITUNTINfL d +- e(,ased: that all Ders¢'ms |lavilg 4.,laJtns Lainst said ('l(q!ca(!d ttl'e he.l'(qly r.- [qlllred tO serve lhe salae (l 1 3" Ve "i- ) f{e,d, Oll Iho unf]¢,rsigll,,d Llllah M, i]Ultlblg oF ]1('I' alI(,l'll+?y of I+eeol'd at Ill(' ft.(]dress bei0w Sll(i I'll(' ilia same with the Chrk of th(, said Court, h,:(qher wilh l)roof of such st)rviee wit}lill SIX m()nths after the dab! of firs! publication of thLs noth!e or the same will be barred /s/ LULAI-I M HUNTING BYRON E. McCLANAI-IAN Attorney for Estate ()(flee and Psst ()(flee Address: Courthonse Shelton, Washingten 3/19-6-,i/2 3t NOTI('E t)F SlIERIFIP', NALE (.)F A BA N DON F,D V E II ICI, ES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th ) ,)n Monday the 30th da> of Malch. 1959, al the h,)ur of t:00 P.M. of said day at r,'si<tvllC(3 of P,'ald Wat.on. at. l. 13(X St0 iTrtiol WashinKton (Sunset I B'ch), I will sell the following des- vribed vehh:le, to-wit: (1) 1947 Iat¢,rttati+)nal LoK Truck, Mtr N(,. RLD2(717(16. Lit'. -I 573-T1 (1957). ) And at the hour 4)i' 1:30 I.M. of said Hay at r4,sldence of Nclsou Btu'bel', Belfa/r, Washington, I 'will sell the foi|nwing dewibed abandom.,d whtcie. to-wlt : ('2) I,€4 'ClV'c)tert ' Tt|dor. Mtr to. 469694t. Lie. KTF 705. .ooo 00a.d this•24th d.y '¢, A. 'iOT:R. Sheriff Mamm Coanly, WaMtlgton ....................................... 3126 1| .NOTICE GF -.EA G ON FIgAL REPORT AND PEtiTION .FOR" DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T}iE STATE OF WAIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter of the Estaie of Edna Ellen Evans, deceased. Berna Eugene Evans, Adloiuivtrator of the said estate, has fth'd In th( said Court iris final report and petitlou for distt.tbtrtical aking the Court )o settle said report, distribute the prop- l erty to the person thereto entitled and dlscherge the said Adtnintqtrator. Said report and petltiou will be heard on the 24th day nf April, 1959. at 10 a,m,, ira the Cotu,trtlom ef said Court. in the C4urlty Courthouse at Shelter, Washington, DATED THIS 23rd day of March, i959, ' ' ' HARRY DEYETTI,, ' Clerk of said Cotn.t ROBERT L. SNYDEH, Cd)vey Btl[iding , Shelton, Washington Attorney for' Adlnlnlstrator. . ._.,..:__ .... - 8/26-4/2.9.1-4t. l INVITATION TO BID Settled beds will be received hy the l Board of Commissloners of" Public Util- ] ttY Ist,'Ict NO. 1 of Mason County I Washington, until 8:00 P.M., Monday, ] larch 0, 1959, at their office in Pot-I latch, Washington; to furnlsh one elec-I teieally operated ladder and other in- cldontal equipment suitable for electric utility line and service work, All bid to be opened at the above time and place, " Spe(iflcations m be scured at the District office or upon written request, Dated this 17th clay ,if Mgrch, .1959. PIYBLIC UTTLTTY DTSTRICq' NO. 1 OF MASON C3UNTY Harold Hunter, Secretary 3/19-26 2t to priwtle land owners for planting durirtg the current season. State Lartd Commisshmer Bert Cole said Alril 1 is the deadline 'for r.eceiving orders at the L. T. "Mike" Webster Stat.e Forest Nnr- sery near Olympia for shipment this season. Awtilable nursery stock, whicl is all 2-year-old and ready for plant- ins, inch(des 1.000.000 Douglas fir trees for use m Western %Vasl k- ington: 300,000 Scotcit pine; 200.- 000 Austrian pine: 200.000 cara- gana; 100,000 Russian olive; 70.000 black locust; 20,000 green ash. and 20,000 Chinese elm. The trees are sold to private land owners for $7.20 pet' thous- and, which is exactly the cost of raising them to the planting size. For another 40 cents per thousand, bnyers cao have the state nursery treat the seedlings with a rabbit repellant. Intetsted land owners are ad, vised either write o telephone the Webster Forest Nursery for order blanks. The address is L. T+ "Mike" Webster Forest Nursery, Rt. 4, Box 425-A, Olympia. or telephone Olympia Fleetwood 6- 8169. Indian Foods To Be Featured at Dinner The first annual International Friendship Dinner will feature In= dian cuisine. The dinner, sponsored by tile Political Forum. will be ield April 18 at the Mt. View Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Nilkanth Chavret, of Seattle. will prepare Indian del icacies for the dinner. Some 40 exchange students from India will help Mr. and Mrs. Chaw'et with the foods. The Political Forum intends to feature a different nation each year. Platform: Better world un- derstanding through the stomach, get soil testing ifformation by dropping by the Extension Serv- ice's office in the Post Office Building, Sheiton, If y<tu have moss in your lawn it is an indication of poor lawn management, low soil fertility and lack of proper watering. If spot- ty turf and weecis worry you and you want to do something about them, accept the fact that lawn care is a regular procedure, rather expensive and time consuming, Then go one way or the other. As for being an owner of a large, pretty lawn, it's hard for a mau t,o have his cake and eat it too. Bui if you have a patchy lawn attd want somethiog better, you may go about it this way: 1. Early in the spring, spray to kill moss. A good moss-killing spray can be bonght a.I most gar- den suppl:y dealers. 2 \\;Vht'n moss is l¢illt,(t, rake out,, 3. Rake up bare spots anti thin pOts to make l sced bed. 4. BroadCast ovel" whole lawn, including bare spots, 5-1010 fer- tilizer t the rate of about 12 pound8 for each 1,000 square feet. 5. Sow the bai'e spots with a good grass mixture which has heen proven for the area Cheap seeds are no bargains. 6. Rake in the seeds gently and firm with the back of a hne 7. Vater ]hc whole lawn im- me(liately. 8. When is well established, mow and remove clippings. Mow at ]east once a week; better yet, twice a week. 9. Every thtrty dayn until the first of September, broadcast am- moniun sulphaLe over" the whole lawn at the rae of five pounds lor eacl 1.000 sqtmre feet attd water mimediately 10. Water lawn when the soil is dry. But when you do water, .ai¢ .oil to a del)th of at least ," four inches. This will cause the, grass roots to penetrate to the soil better. A deeply Seldom form that thatched condi- tion so prevalent in Mason County,' lawns. 11. Apply fertilizer schedule ev- e*T year, • , "12. Ki|l annual weeds and clover with 2-4-D, These" suggestions are gneral. For best results one should have a soil test of his lawn so tlaat a special schednle can be worked out for his special problem. "There are no gains without pains," said wise Ben Franklin, ;the painless payroll savings plan for buying U.S. Savings Bonds had not been invented in his day. Try a Journal Want Ad t MIS00ION00Y BAPTIST MISNON Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Eaoh Sunday Sponsored by First M|Isionary Baptist Churoh of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welconte , . , , - ,, f, HEAR BILLY GRAHAM EVERY SATURDAY EVENING 10 P.M. CHANNEL 13 RRST 6HUROH OF 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash, [ Sunday SChool 9h0 t,m. .,. 11 a.m. Wednesday evening tstimony eting8 S p,m. Reading room located in ohurch. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mien. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to :45.