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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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22 , News By Mrs. Ray Kratcha Last reminder of the annual Easter breakfast will be served at --:he Southside Grange Hall from T a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 29. Ham or bacon will be served. The public is invited. Eleanor Braumbaugh of Seattle, repent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braumbaugh. Southstde Grange holds its reg- Ular meeting on April 3. Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Walter Chappell's bn Mill Creek Road on April 2. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Irs. Ray Kratcha and Janice We re: Walt Kratcha of Shelton, ,George Boyce, Tom Roberts and Melvin Schwede of Fort Lewis, End Eldon Stephens of Pouisbo. Also Edward York spent Saturday evening with them before leav- |ng for the Air Force Sunday. Arcadia Club meets at Pauline Emsleys on April 1, at 11 a.m. for a pinochle party and also Canasta will be played. Friendship Club meets at Mrs. Frank Wolfe on April 1. • The Willing Workers met at Jeffrey Heinis on Thursday. They .talked on preparing gardens. Mrs. Shepherd baked the club an Ea ter cake decorated with a bunny on top. On March 14, Mary Wetter, Mrs. Bob Ktmbel, Monna Heinis and Mrs. Melvin Swayze took the club on a field trip to Cook's Plant Farm. All brought back Easter presents of pansy plants for their mothers. Next meet will be at Mary Wetters. A baby shower was held for Gladys Marlene Fowler at the home of Cora tester, mother of the honored guest. They all en- Joyed a noon smorgasbord. Those attending were: Ltlltan Russell, Opal tester, Cloris tester, Rachell Chase, Effie Crump, Vivian Crump, Lisa Allnock, Thelma Lee, Cora tester, Nadtne Culltson, Ruth Kadoun and Agnes Neueneccner, t)f Shelton. Out-of-town guests Were Maxlrm Dlckson of Tacoma, Elenorie Stacey of Bremerton, Betty Fowler of Longview, Mary Johnston and Ramona Provast, rE. Renecker, of Olympia. Send- ing gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. George Johnston of Matlock, Viola Johnston, Marie Johnston, and Myrtle Russell of Olympia; Ialene Smith and Chloe Stacey of Elma; Audrey Sisk and Ethel Manis of Bremerton; Hazel Tindall, Shirley Lee and Lucille Lawson of Shelton; and Juanita Tindall, Mary Kratcha and Molly Staeey of Slletz, Ore. Ruth Ka- doun, hostess, received the gift of a gold ring in chocolate pre- sented by Agms Neuenccner. Kimbel Logging Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Wate , • PILI,NG AND LOGS For Sale I:ON]) HA. 6-6208 qql J SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington UNION NEWS By Vivian Jones First aid classes are being held at the Hoodsport school, three nights a week, Monday, Tuesday Shelton Couple Sees College Planning El Paso, Old Mexico To Be Explained S/Sgt. and Mrs. ,James M',don I Early planning for college will 1be stre:sed at a meeting for ,ev- recently visited El Paso), Texas, enth and eighth graders and their during a trip through the South- parents, at the Junior High School wst. They are establishing a new auditorium at 7 p.m. April 2. home in Dallas. and Wednesday. From Union at- tending the classes are Dick Bue- chel, Harry Coles, Wanda Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tim. Last Thursday, March 19, the Housewives Bowling League held a meeting to plan next season's league and the coming summer league. A banquet to be given at "Ritners" in Shelton, this April, where awards will be presented to the winning team of the 1958-1959 season. Our team, sponsored by Dick Buechel, has as members, Edith Walter, captain; Tillie Sher- man, IAII Updyke, Katie Niles and Lila Scheel. The Randall Updykes enjoyed Sunday visitors from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. David English and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chance. Word has been received that Walter Waldo died last week in i Aberdeen very suddenly, of a heart attack. He was a former owner of the Union Marine Boat House. We are all very sorry. I Weekend guests at the Wayne Aliens were Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Hall of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Corcy Goff, her daughter and three children spent a delight- ful few days in Seattle at the home of Mrs. Dick Dauson. The Herb Aliens had a wonder- ful 34th wedding anniversary. They had 50 friends and relatives to help them celebrate the special day. The Allen's son, Ronny Al- len, came from San Francisco for the gala affair. Ronny is with the Bank of California in San Fran- cisco. Mrs. Phyllis Besett, with her sister, Mrs. Virginia Sheely, her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Westphalen, left last week for a few weks in Okanogan. Mrs. Curt Grout enjoyedher sis- ter, Mrs. Dick Taylor and daugh- ter, Sherry, from Salem, Ore., a few days last week. Edith Walter, captain of our Housewives Bowling team bowled 201 in a 491 series (three games to you) League Tuesday of last week. Believe me, that's getting that old ball right in there. Con- gratulations, Edith. Mrs. Douglas Grout took off for a few days in Olympia last week as guest of Mrs. John Walker. Weekend guests of Mrs. Grout were Mr. and Mrs. Victor McNam- ara., of Portland, Ore. Last Thursday, March 19, the Hood Canal Woman's Club held their monthly meeting at the Club House in Pothttch. After a deli- cious lunch, then business meeting, further plans were made by the members for the foreign students visit. Those from Union were Mrs. Lud Andersen, Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mrs. Haryr Mawson, Mrs. Ethel Dalby, Mrs. Nina Miller, and guest of the club, Mrs. Kaye Sterl- ing. Mrs. Julia Todd Woods of San Rafael, Caltf, good friend of the Harry Coles, is here for the week enjoying some Washington rain. Sunday the Coles took Mrs. Woods clam digging at the beach, and had a whale of a time. Paul Jone's son, David Jones, of Seattle, is to be married, April 24 to Miss Dana Hope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hope of Ta- coma. The wedding and reception will be held at the Episcopal Church in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radltff, host and hostesses at Alderbrook Inn, are leaving very soon to live in Seattle. We are sorry and shall miss them. This Thursday evening at the Community hall at 8 o'clock is the Sportsmen's Club meeting. The film will be "Fish On," fishing in Alaska. Let's all turn up. Refresh- ments. Seems the commercial clam sea- son has opened at Copalis Beach, if you are interested. Ted Bally, leader of the 4-H boys group, "Eager Beavers," is teaching the boys to make small electric motors. Quite a project, Ted. It helps the boys learn the basic fundamentals of electricity. Boys in the group are Donald Demer, Ted Morse, Seth Coles and Danny and Garry Pierce. Tula Kimball leader of the 4-H girls group, "Cooking Cuties," has had the girls working on small filled flower pots, which they will deliver this Saturday to the "Sar- ah House" in Allyn for Easter cheer. Girls in the group are Mer- ildean Vlger, Diana Tim, Diana Demer, Margaret Buechel, Shelly Anderson, Betty Cowan and Bet- ty Ann Johnson and Janiee Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen en- Joyed having dinner Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pike Jr., here with the baby, at their mother's, Mrs. Hail. Mrs. Dwight Morris, her sister, Mrs. Sidney May, and daughter, Nancy, of Vancouver, B.C., will spend Easter Sunday in Hoquiam at the home of their mother, Mrs. J. W. Dickinson. Bill Timm Jr., son of Mr. and DAYTON COMMUNITY DAYTON -- Dance at Dayton Hall Saturday, March 28, to the music of the Holloway Orchestra from 9:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The Traveling Pinochle Club met Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rose, Sr. High winners were Rose Warnes and J. W, Rayson; low, Betty LeGarde and Ray Dfllenberg; traveling pi- hoChle, Dave Rayson and Betty LeGarde. Ladles' Club met on Wednesday, March 18, with Mrs. Manley Mich- ler as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Norman McNulty was observed. We will miss our friends, Mr. and Mrs. David MeKim and daugh- ter who are moving into a new home this week on Capitol Hill, the former A1 Davis home. Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of Shelton and her mother, Mrs. J. W. Ray- son, returned last Friday from Wilmington, Del., after spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ray, daughter of Mrs. Barley. On February 25, the Rays wel- comed a little daughter into their household who was named Teresa Louise. She joins a brother and sister. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry of Tacoma. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson of this community. Tommy Bunnell celebrated his 20 Years Ago MARCH 21, 1939.Twelve-year-ol’ Jimmy Alloway left by bus Sunday for Los Angeles to return home after visiting his aunt, Mrs. Fay Baker on Southside, for the past seven months. He has made the 1500 mile trip alone several times in the past few years and is becoming quite a veteran traveler. The Lincoln PT-A was held Thursday with the largest attendance of any meeting this year. The civilian and military flag salute was explained by Bernadine Winiecki and Philltp Stoehr, who also led the group in the salute. The nominating committee wa announced ms follows: Mrs. Win. Gross, chair- man, Mrs. Donovan Palmer, Mro. Lloyd Loughnan and Miss Blanche Bertrand. Shelton now boasts a Flower and Garden Club. A meeting was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Officers elected were Mrs. George Cropper, president; Mrs. E. E. Runacr, first vice-president; Mrs. Martha Deer, sec- ond vice-president; Mrs. W. A. McKenzle, recording secretary; Mrs. A. E. Htllter, corresponding secretary; and Mrs, W. F. Roberts, treasurer, MARCH 23, 1939.Mrs. James Needham was appointed as captain of Mason County for the Women's Field Army for the control of cancer. Looted for the second time in 11 days, the Peeble Grocery store was ransacked by robbers last night and the interior of the community store wrecked. Repairs were begun today to the damaged second floor of the Mill Street Restaurant and Rooming House operated by Mr. and Mrs, Ike Crisp which was gutted by fire Friday evening. Members of the ActivetteS gathered at the home of Mrs. Paul Marshall last night for potluck dinner. Mrs. Ruth Edgely won cut prize and Mrs. Helen Watkins honors at two tables of contract following dhmer. For Over 23 Years It Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU S06 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 829 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-4456 I I I I ii iiii II i eleventh birthday Monday evening by having Sandhi Riet(lorf and Bul Roberts as dinner guests. Doris Hickson also celebrated her birthday Monday evening with dinner guests being Marie Warnes and Geraldine Schur, Doris is now thirteen years old. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cochran were Mr. and Mrs. Erman Tlbblts and Minnie of Arcadia Road, Mr. and Mrs. William Tibblts and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits, Bill and Keth of Shelton, James North and Willis Tibbits of Lost Lake and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tibbits who visited with Leonard Tibbits of Natural Dam, Ark., who is houseguest of his sister, Mrs. Leon- ard Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs spent the weekend in Tacoma with their daughter, Mrs. Mozelle Pearson and sons. Maurice, Leslie and Larry re- turned with their grandparents to spend the Easter vacation. Gery Needham of East Olympia is spending this week with the James Hickson family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ras, Dlllenberg were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown and family of Shelton. JeAnne LeGarde was houseglmst over the weekend of Barbara Gol- dy. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Williams, Jane and Linda mot- ored to Tacoma and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidd and daughters. Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits was Jerry Heminger. Sunday afternoon callers at the Harold Ktdd and Harry Kidd homes were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Churchill and Mrs. Esther Kldd of Shelton. Mrs. Donald Rollevson and chil- dren of Cushman were Saturday and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Auseth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurman of Shelton. Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Zrs. Raymond White of Ta- coma. Bud and Steve Valley of Belfalr spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel vis- ited in Seattle on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buech- el. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell and children called on the Henry Chappeil fmnily of Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and son visited on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh. Sunday g;ests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs, Morris Allard of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cole of Kamllche. Also present was Gary's grandmother, Mrs. Edith Cole of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf visited on Sunday with Mrs. Pearl err in her home and Mrs. Bill Watts of Port Angeles who was visiting. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children motored to Montesano and called on Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raines, The next meeting of the Trav- eling Pinochle Club will be held on Saturday evening, April 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke. Ladies' Club will meet on Wed- nesday, April 1, with Mrs. Norman McNulty a hostess. Discussion will cover program The Mahons also visited neigh- planning in junior and senior high boring Juarez, Old Mexico, on the schools, selection of colleges, and U.S.-Mexico border, infornmtion on costs, requirements and scholarships. Mrs. Bill Timm, had a birthday, A panel of Miss Margaret Bald- his eighth. There were gifts, win, high school counselor; Don games, ice cream and cake, lots Brown, junior high counselor; ano of noise and shouting. Youngsters Mr. Bruce Schwarck, junior high helping Jr. turn the world over principal, will offer information. were Ricky Buechel, Chuck Vtger, Rannie Baily, George and John Your road to a brighter future Morris, Donnie, George and Ron- should be paved with U.S. Savings nie Wright. Bonds. Girl Scouts met at the home of Helen Tim, leader. They had a scavenger hunt, meeting and re- freshments. Those present were Margaret Buechel, Janice Blake, Diana Tim, Betty Ann Johnson, Merildean Vtger, Betty Cowan and Janice Fanning. An Easter service is to be held at the Community hall Easter morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Denny Hoffman, the American Sunday i Schcol Missionary, will be the speaker. All are cordially invited, please come. The regular Sunday School class will be conducted as usual at 10 o'clock. Happy Easter -- Cheerio!   emBuh  FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 ADD BEAUTY WITH I ENOES NOW IN STOCK MATERIALS, PLANS FOR BASKET WEAVE and All Types of Oedar Fences Vz" x 6" Cedar  One Side Rough, OnE Side Finished MORGAN & EACRETT LUMBER COMPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA. 6-4522 A TIII00IFT00IAY SLICED PINEAPPLE Shurfine Fancy 2½ Size Can .... FRESH BUTTER Darigold Cubes or Prints -- Lb.. € Gardens Fiesla Boneless, Ready to Eat, Whole or Half JAMES HENRY  Thick Sliced C SHURFINI Crlll STRAINED OR 300 Cans Delicious With LUCKY PIE 9½-oz. Can for. BLACKIE'$ LARGE Sliced Bacon.. 2-lb. pkg. 99' Farm 2 DOZ. NAIS ,,u,,,,,, 4 QUART JAR FOR ONLY. , . . , RIPE OLIVES NTTED-- ' TALL OAN F.. , . Strawberries Shur-Frssh Frozen ............ 10-oz. 19 € Bonila Rakes ..Blue6.oz.SkYTin 6/$1.00 Neslle's Quik Chocolate flavored Drink ...... 1-Lb..ox 39* Lucky Slrike C,AREES ............ P.r t. S2.49 Mualard NsIley ...,ar .................... 2oy-oz. 25 ’ Powdered Sugar Cer Erown& H Lb.]I/l'/’J}dl€ Alcoa Wrap Heavy oy .................... 2,.,. 59* Leslie Sail .............. 26.0.. 2/23 € Polalo Ohips Williams .............. 1o/, o, ct,. 49 € Jelly E&gs or Marshmallow. Carou., ................ ,.Lb 39* Graham Sunshine ........................... l-lb, Dash Deter,.., .......................... S-lb. 12-oz. I00off Snow ............ ,a,.. Spio I Span ’,esn., .: .............. Reg, Ivory Soap Personal Size Bars ................ LARGE U.S. NO. 1 LONG GREEN ASPARAGUS. LARGE SIZE AVOCADOS.. INDIAN RIVER  LARGE SIZE . 2-1bs. 35' • 3 for 29 ° PINK GRAPEFRUIT. 5 for 490 FLORIDA RED  U.S. NO. 1 NEW POTATOES . . . lb. 5' We will have Daffodils and make our own salad mix, Also we handle Cherry Tomatoes and Rhubarb 20th CENTURY On H//kmst HI-’ ORANGE DRINK o, 46-oz. Cans .......... ASSORTED JELL-O DESSERT FRUIT COCKTAIL Shurfine ............. 303 NESTLE'S MORSELS Chocolate ................ 6-oz, Pkg' NIBLETS CORN 12-oz. Cans ................ EaeB MJB INSTANT COFFEE 10€ OFF ............ 6-oz. Jar Illlmdmll BBI/IADBIA IMK'ailMALLUIV:i )[{raft ................... 101-0' • CAKE MiX Cinch, White, DevilFudge, Spice and Golden ...... 17-oz. pkg. Prices are Noon ThurS,, Sat., March Right to is 22 , News By Mrs. Ray Kratcha Last reminder of the annual Easter breakfast will be served at --:he Southside Grange Hall from T a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 29. Ham or bacon will be served. The public is invited. Eleanor Braumbaugh of Seattle, repent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braumbaugh. Southstde Grange holds its reg- Ular meeting on April 3. Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Walter Chappell's bn Mill Creek Road on April 2. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Irs. Ray Kratcha and Janice We re: Walt Kratcha of Shelton, ,George Boyce, Tom Roberts and Melvin Schwede of Fort Lewis, End Eldon Stephens of Pouisbo. Also Edward York spent Saturday evening with them before leav- |ng for the Air Force Sunday. Arcadia Club meets at Pauline Emsleys on April 1, at 11 a.m. for a pinochle party and also Canasta will be played. Friendship Club meets at Mrs. Frank Wolfe on April 1. • The Willing Workers met at Jeffrey Heinis on Thursday. They .talked on preparing gardens. Mrs. Shepherd baked the club an Ea ter cake decorated with a bunny on top. On March 14, Mary Wetter, Mrs. Bob Ktmbel, Monna Heinis and Mrs. Melvin Swayze took the club on a field trip to Cook's Plant Farm. All brought back Easter presents of pansy plants for their mothers. Next meet will be at Mary Wetters. A baby shower was held for Gladys Marlene Fowler at the home of Cora tester, mother of the honored guest. They all en- Joyed a noon smorgasbord. Those attending were: Ltlltan Russell, Opal tester, Cloris tester, Rachell Chase, Effie Crump, Vivian Crump, Lisa Allnock, Thelma Lee, Cora tester, Nadtne Culltson, Ruth Kadoun and Agnes Neueneccner, t)f Shelton. Out-of-town guests Were Maxlrm Dlckson of Tacoma, Elenorie Stacey of Bremerton, Betty Fowler of Longview, Mary Johnston and Ramona Provast, rE. Renecker, of Olympia. Send- ing gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. George Johnston of Matlock, Viola Johnston, Marie Johnston, and Myrtle Russell of Olympia; Ialene Smith and Chloe Stacey of Elma; Audrey Sisk and Ethel Manis of Bremerton; Hazel Tindall, Shirley Lee and Lucille Lawson of Shelton; and Juanita Tindall, Mary Kratcha and Molly Staeey of Slletz, Ore. Ruth Ka- doun, hostess, received the gift of a gold ring in chocolate pre- sented by Agms Neuenccner. Kimbel Logging Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Wate , • PILI,NG AND LOGS For Sale I:ON]) HA. 6-6208 qql J SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington UNION NEWS By Vivian Jones First aid classes are being held at the Hoodsport school, three nights a week, Monday, Tuesday Shelton Couple Sees College Planning El Paso, Old Mexico To Be Explained S/Sgt. and Mrs. ,James M',don I Early planning for college will 1be stre:sed at a meeting for ,ev- recently visited El Paso), Texas, enth and eighth graders and their during a trip through the South- parents, at the Junior High School wst. They are establishing a new auditorium at 7 p.m. April 2. home in Dallas. and Wednesday. From Union at- tending the classes are Dick Bue- chel, Harry Coles, Wanda Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tim. Last Thursday, March 19, the Housewives Bowling League held a meeting to plan next season's league and the coming summer league. A banquet to be given at "Ritners" in Shelton, this April, where awards will be presented to the winning team of the 1958-1959 season. Our team, sponsored by Dick Buechel, has as members, Edith Walter, captain; Tillie Sher- man, IAII Updyke, Katie Niles and Lila Scheel. The Randall Updykes enjoyed Sunday visitors from Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. David English and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chance. Word has been received that Walter Waldo died last week in i Aberdeen very suddenly, of a heart attack. He was a former owner of the Union Marine Boat House. We are all very sorry. I Weekend guests at the Wayne Aliens were Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Hall of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Corcy Goff, her daughter and three children spent a delight- ful few days in Seattle at the home of Mrs. Dick Dauson. The Herb Aliens had a wonder- ful 34th wedding anniversary. They had 50 friends and relatives to help them celebrate the special day. The Allen's son, Ronny Al- len, came from San Francisco for the gala affair. Ronny is with the Bank of California in San Fran- cisco. Mrs. Phyllis Besett, with her sister, Mrs. Virginia Sheely, her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Westphalen, left last week for a few weks in Okanogan. Mrs. Curt Grout enjoyedher sis- ter, Mrs. Dick Taylor and daugh- ter, Sherry, from Salem, Ore., a few days last week. Edith Walter, captain of our Housewives Bowling team bowled 201 in a 491 series (three games to you) League Tuesday of last week. Believe me, that's getting that old ball right in there. Con- gratulations, Edith. Mrs. Douglas Grout took off for a few days in Olympia last week as guest of Mrs. John Walker. Weekend guests of Mrs. Grout were Mr. and Mrs. Victor McNam- ara., of Portland, Ore. Last Thursday, March 19, the Hood Canal Woman's Club held their monthly meeting at the Club House in Pothttch. After a deli- cious lunch, then business meeting, further plans were made by the members for the foreign students visit. Those from Union were Mrs. Lud Andersen, Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mrs. Haryr Mawson, Mrs. Ethel Dalby, Mrs. Nina Miller, and guest of the club, Mrs. Kaye Sterl- ing. Mrs. Julia Todd Woods of San Rafael, Caltf, good friend of the Harry Coles, is here for the week enjoying some Washington rain. Sunday the Coles took Mrs. Woods clam digging at the beach, and had a whale of a time. Paul Jone's son, David Jones, of Seattle, is to be married, April 24 to Miss Dana Hope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hope of Ta- coma. The wedding and reception will be held at the Episcopal Church in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radltff, host and hostesses at Alderbrook Inn, are leaving very soon to live in Seattle. We are sorry and shall miss them. This Thursday evening at the Community hall at 8 o'clock is the Sportsmen's Club meeting. The film will be "Fish On," fishing in Alaska. Let's all turn up. Refresh- ments. Seems the commercial clam sea- son has opened at Copalis Beach, if you are interested. Ted Bally, leader of the 4-H boys group, "Eager Beavers," is teaching the boys to make small electric motors. Quite a project, Ted. It helps the boys learn the basic fundamentals of electricity. Boys in the group are Donald Demer, Ted Morse, Seth Coles and Danny and Garry Pierce. Tula Kimball leader of the 4-H girls group, "Cooking Cuties," has had the girls working on small filled flower pots, which they will deliver this Saturday to the "Sar- ah House" in Allyn for Easter cheer. Girls in the group are Mer- ildean Vlger, Diana Tim, Diana Demer, Margaret Buechel, Shelly Anderson, Betty Cowan and Bet- ty Ann Johnson and Janiee Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen en- Joyed having dinner Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pike Jr., here with the baby, at their mother's, Mrs. Hail. Mrs. Dwight Morris, her sister, Mrs. Sidney May, and daughter, Nancy, of Vancouver, B.C., will spend Easter Sunday in Hoquiam at the home of their mother, Mrs. J. W. Dickinson. Bill Timm Jr., son of Mr. and DAYTON COMMUNITY DAYTON -- Dance at Dayton Hall Saturday, March 28, to the music of the Holloway Orchestra from 9:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The Traveling Pinochle Club met Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rose, Sr. High winners were Rose Warnes and J. W, Rayson; low, Betty LeGarde and Ray Dfllenberg; traveling pi- hoChle, Dave Rayson and Betty LeGarde. Ladles' Club met on Wednesday, March 18, with Mrs. Manley Mich- ler as hostess. The birthday of Mrs. Norman McNulty was observed. We will miss our friends, Mr. and Mrs. David MeKim and daugh- ter who are moving into a new home this week on Capitol Hill, the former A1 Davis home. Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of Shelton and her mother, Mrs. J. W. Ray- son, returned last Friday from Wilmington, Del., after spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ray, daughter of Mrs. Barley. On February 25, the Rays wel- comed a little daughter into their household who was named Teresa Louise. She joins a brother and sister. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry of Tacoma. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson of this community. Tommy Bunnell celebrated his 20 Years Ago MARCH 21, 1939.Twelve-year-ol’ Jimmy Alloway left by bus Sunday for Los Angeles to return home after visiting his aunt, Mrs. Fay Baker on Southside, for the past seven months. He has made the 1500 mile trip alone several times in the past few years and is becoming quite a veteran traveler. The Lincoln PT-A was held Thursday with the largest attendance of any meeting this year. The civilian and military flag salute was explained by Bernadine Winiecki and Philltp Stoehr, who also led the group in the salute. The nominating committee wa announced ms follows: Mrs. Win. Gross, chair- man, Mrs. Donovan Palmer, Mro. Lloyd Loughnan and Miss Blanche Bertrand. Shelton now boasts a Flower and Garden Club. A meeting was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Officers elected were Mrs. George Cropper, president; Mrs. E. E. Runacr, first vice-president; Mrs. Martha Deer, sec- ond vice-president; Mrs. W. A. McKenzle, recording secretary; Mrs. A. E. Htllter, corresponding secretary; and Mrs, W. F. Roberts, treasurer, MARCH 23, 1939.Mrs. James Needham was appointed as captain of Mason County for the Women's Field Army for the control of cancer. Looted for the second time in 11 days, the Peeble Grocery store was ransacked by robbers last night and the interior of the community store wrecked. Repairs were begun today to the damaged second floor of the Mill Street Restaurant and Rooming House operated by Mr. and Mrs, Ike Crisp which was gutted by fire Friday evening. Members of the ActivetteS gathered at the home of Mrs. Paul Marshall last night for potluck dinner. Mrs. Ruth Edgely won cut prize and Mrs. Helen Watkins honors at two tables of contract following dhmer. For Over 23 Years It Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU S06 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 829 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-4456 I I I I ii iiii II i eleventh birthday Monday evening by having Sandhi Riet(lorf and Bul Roberts as dinner guests. Doris Hickson also celebrated her birthday Monday evening with dinner guests being Marie Warnes and Geraldine Schur, Doris is now thirteen years old. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cochran were Mr. and Mrs. Erman Tlbblts and Minnie of Arcadia Road, Mr. and Mrs. William Tibblts and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits, Bill and Keth of Shelton, James North and Willis Tibbits of Lost Lake and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tibbits who visited with Leonard Tibbits of Natural Dam, Ark., who is houseguest of his sister, Mrs. Leon- ard Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs spent the weekend in Tacoma with their daughter, Mrs. Mozelle Pearson and sons. Maurice, Leslie and Larry re- turned with their grandparents to spend the Easter vacation. Gery Needham of East Olympia is spending this week with the James Hickson family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ras, Dlllenberg were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown and family of Shelton. JeAnne LeGarde was houseglmst over the weekend of Barbara Gol- dy. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Williams, Jane and Linda mot- ored to Tacoma and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidd and daughters. Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits was Jerry Heminger. Sunday afternoon callers at the Harold Ktdd and Harry Kidd homes were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Churchill and Mrs. Esther Kldd of Shelton. Mrs. Donald Rollevson and chil- dren of Cushman were Saturday and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Auseth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurman of Shelton. Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson were Mr. and Zrs. Raymond White of Ta- coma. Bud and Steve Valley of Belfalr spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel vis- ited in Seattle on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buech- el. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell and children called on the Henry Chappeil fmnily of Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and son visited on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh. Sunday g;ests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs, Morris Allard of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cole of Kamllche. Also present was Gary's grandmother, Mrs. Edith Cole of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf visited on Sunday with Mrs. Pearl err in her home and Mrs. Bill Watts of Port Angeles who was visiting. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children motored to Montesano and called on Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raines, The next meeting of the Trav- eling Pinochle Club will be held on Saturday evening, April 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke. Ladies' Club will meet on Wed- nesday, April 1, with Mrs. Norman McNulty a hostess. Discussion will cover program The Mahons also visited neigh- planning in junior and senior high boring Juarez, Old Mexico, on the schools, selection of colleges, and U.S.-Mexico border, infornmtion on costs, requirements and scholarships. Mrs. Bill Timm, had a birthday, A panel of Miss Margaret Bald- his eighth. There were gifts, win, high school counselor; Don games, ice cream and cake, lots Brown, junior high counselor; ano of noise and shouting. Youngsters Mr. Bruce Schwarck, junior high helping Jr. turn the world over principal, will offer information. were Ricky Buechel, Chuck Vtger, Rannie Baily, George and John Your road to a brighter future Morris, Donnie, George and Ron- should be paved with U.S. Savings nie Wright. Bonds. Girl Scouts met at the home of Helen Tim, leader. They had a scavenger hunt, meeting and re- freshments. Those present were Margaret Buechel, Janice Blake, Diana Tim, Betty Ann Johnson, Merildean Vtger, Betty Cowan and Janice Fanning. An Easter service is to be held at the Community hall Easter morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Denny Hoffman, the American Sunday i Schcol Missionary, will be the speaker. All are cordially invited, please come. The regular Sunday School class will be conducted as usual at 10 o'clock. Happy Easter -- Cheerio!   emBuh  FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 ADD BEAUTY WITH I ENOES NOW IN STOCK MATERIALS, PLANS FOR BASKET WEAVE and All Types of Oedar Fences Vz" x 6" Cedar  One Side Rough, OnE Side Finished MORGAN & EACRETT LUMBER COMPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA. 6-4522 A TIII00IFT00IAY SLICED PINEAPPLE Shurfine Fancy 2½ Size Can .... FRESH BUTTER Darigold Cubes or Prints -- Lb.. € Gardens Fiesla Boneless, Ready to Eat, Whole or Half JAMES HENRY  Thick Sliced C SHURFINI Crlll STRAINED OR 300 Cans Delicious With LUCKY PIE 9½-oz. Can for. BLACKIE'$ LARGE Sliced Bacon.. 2-lb. pkg. 99' Farm 2 DOZ. NAIS ,,u,,,,,, 4 QUART JAR FOR ONLY. , . . , RIPE OLIVES NTTED-- ' TALL OAN F.. , . Strawberries Shur-Frssh Frozen ............ 10-oz. 19 € Bonila Rakes ..Blue6.oz.SkYTin 6/$1.00 Neslle's Quik Chocolate flavored Drink ...... 1-Lb..ox 39* Lucky Slrike C,AREES ............ P.r t. S2.49 Mualard NsIley ...,ar .................... 2oy-oz. 25 ’ Powdered Sugar Cer Erown& H Lb.]I/l'/’J}dl€ Alcoa Wrap Heavy oy .................... 2,.,. 59* Leslie Sail .............. 26.0.. 2/23 € Polalo Ohips Williams .............. 1o/, o, ct,. 49 € Jelly E&gs or Marshmallow. Carou., ................ ,.Lb 39* Graham Sunshine ........................... l-lb, Dash Deter,.., .......................... S-lb. 12-oz. I00off Snow ............ ,a,.. Spio I Span ’,esn., .: .............. Reg, Ivory Soap Personal Size Bars ................ LARGE U.S. NO. 1 LONG GREEN ASPARAGUS. LARGE SIZE AVOCADOS.. INDIAN RIVER  LARGE SIZE . 2-1bs. 35' • 3 for 29 ° PINK GRAPEFRUIT. 5 for 490 FLORIDA RED  U.S. NO. 1 NEW POTATOES . . . lb. 5' We will have Daffodils and make our own salad mix, Also we handle Cherry Tomatoes and Rhubarb 20th CENTURY On H//kmst HI-’ ORANGE DRINK o, 46-oz. Cans .......... ASSORTED JELL-O DESSERT FRUIT COCKTAIL Shurfine ............. 303 NESTLE'S MORSELS Chocolate ................ 6-oz, Pkg' NIBLETS CORN 12-oz. Cans ................ EaeB MJB INSTANT COFFEE 10€ OFF ............ 6-oz. Jar Illlmdmll BBI/IADBIA IMK'ailMALLUIV:i )[{raft ................... 101-0' • CAKE MiX Cinch, White, DevilFudge, Spice and Golden ...... 17-oz. pkg. Prices are Noon ThurS,, Sat., March Right to is