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Page A—6 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, March 26, 2020
Léfiéfié 053;. i537 a9; A—5
Why do we
still let young
people vote?
Editor, the Journal
I hope someone can help
me out. We have said anyone
under the age of 18 doesn’t
have enough common sense to
not smoke, so we made a law
saying they cannot buy tobac-
co products. They don’t have
sense enough to know vaping
is really bad for them (and
everyone), so we made a law
making that illegal for them.
They cannot drink alcohol, or
use guns or drive a car until
they have lots of training.
Now it looks like there has to
be a law to keep them from
congregating on beaches and‘
elsewhere because they do .
not realize the harm they pos-
sibly can do to lots of others,
including themselves, and not
mainly older people, because
of this coronavirus thing. I
have seen some young people
say on TV “it isn’t going to
affect me so I am going to do
what I want.”
Now tell me, since they
cannot legally do most of all of
the above and since it has long
been established that the pen
is mightier than the sword,
why do we let them vote?
Bill Robbins
GOP supports
for foreign
Editor, the Journal
The GOP is confusing me.
We can start with trillions for
a bailout package. It makes
the Bush/Obama 2008 and
2009 bailout requests look
like chump change. They
propose handing Treasury
Secretary Mnuchin half a tril-
lion dollars to basically hand
out without accountability for
six months after the loan has
been granted (in other words,-
after the election). They are
even stealing Andrew Yang‘s
idea of flat out handing out
cash, period. And, that does
not include the trillions the
Fed just pulled out of thin air
and gave to Wall Street. If all
of that is not top-down eco-
nomic socialism, then I don’t
know what is. All of this is in
the initial GOP proposal, in-
cluding money for the cruise
ship industry.
This last point is very in-
teresting. First, I would not
have put the cruise ship in-
dustry in my top list of criti-
cal industries. I have nothing
particularly against them,
but I just think there are
more important industries
like, say, aircraft production.
But there is something else
odd here.
There are American cruise
ship lines. But when you look
up the registry of their ships,
not one of them fly an Ameri-
can flag. Popular flags are
Panama, Malta, Bahamas, Li-
beria or others, namely flags
of convenience. This is not an
accident, or even new. The
motivation is to avoid U.S.
laws, like the one requiring
an American crew. The result
is an extraOrdinarily high
proportion of foreign workers
on all these ships. Sure, they
may have Americans at the
home office. But that is noth-
ing compared to the work-
force on the ships.
Now, here comes the GOP
shilling for the cruise ships.
Heck, even King Donald gave
the industry a shoutout on
Sunday during his press con-
ference. His majesty stated
that the cruise industry
. employs a lot of people. He’s
right. They do. But Ameri-
cans are few and far between.
The GOP is planning on a
lot of scratch to be handing
out that effectively bails out
foreign workers. King Donald
hates foreign workers. So
what happened to America
First? It couldn’t be lobbyists
or campaign contributors,
could it? Or protecting the
financiers? No way! I thought
you drained that swamp.
Andrew Makar
challenges are
Editor, the Journal
Climate crisis.
Child poverty.
The triad of above mala-
dies attacking our country
today are interwoven.
Climate crisis requires in—
novation to replace fossil fuels
and disposables.
The coronavirus begs a
quick fix today in the form of
medicine and long-term pre-
vention in the form of vaccine.
So far, the coronavirus has
bypassed children. Should
future potentially deadly vi-
ruses manifest in youth, those
with underlying physical con-
cerns will suffer most.
Of all children, the poor are
theleast healthy. They often
lack nutritious food, check-
ups, dental ,care, glasses.
One of these disadvantaged
children could bring orbiting
power stations to fruition 10
years sooner than anticipated.
Or help with an apparatus to
clean the oceans of debris and
toxic chemicals. ,,
It’s estimated that our
nation’s GDP is $1 trillion
lower due to child poverty. We
can increase the value of our
goods and services produced .
by educating our youth to
make and create. We must
not hear the mantra that we
don’t have U.S. citizens ca-
pable of doing the work.
Providing for our youth
today saves money over a life—
time and will help in needed
innovation. As we come out
of the pandemic and look to
ways of improving our re-
sponse, let’s get our priorities
in order. Let’s level the play-
ing field.
Joan Gilbert
A letter
to humans,
from Earth
Editor, the Journal
Dearest Humans,
I find it tragic and interest-
ing that you are caught so un-
aware and unprepared for your
present situations with me.
If you think about it, it
is really very logical. For
centuries you have sucked
and ripped from me, massive
amounts of my resources, both
living and nonliving. What
is worse you have ignited
much of it and sent the trashy
smoke into the very air you
breath and atmosphere I now
struggle to maintain. You still
don’t seem to know by now
that I take my own course. I
was here when you were not,
I will be here when are you
not. I’m not saying this little
bug will wipe you out, but if
you keep up your nonsense,
something will wipe you out.
Has before as you know.
This little bug will run its
course. Like so many before
it, the devastating and minor.
I am certain a genetic and de-
mographic cohort will remain.
Since you have yet to learn
to get along, a major weak-
ening of any of the so called
powerful nations will leave
the door open for the less en—
lightened to make their move.
This group no longer rides
horse and throws spears.
So, lighten up, wash your
hands, stay away from each
other (you social creatures-
you) and hope the warm
weather (another balancing
mechanism I have) will help
you wipe out this little pesti-
lence—before it wipes you out.
Remember, you exist be-
cause of me, not vise versa.
Your mother,
Jim Boldt
media cause
Editor, the Journal
Some years ago, I was en-
rolled in college to obtain my
degree in addiction counseling
and treatment. A bulletin at
the campus displayed the fol-
lowing quote. “It is important
to have an open mind. How—
ever, it is even more impor-
tant to not open your mind so
far that your brains fall out!”
Unfortunately, it appears that
tens of millions of my fellow
“sheeple” citizens have never
heard of this’useful idea.
I viewed the CDC website
on March 12 for U.S.A. statis-
tics. Following are the influé
enza statistics shown on that
date. From Oct. 1, 2019, to '
Feb. 29, 2020, 34 million to 49
million cases of flu were esti-
mated to have occurred during
that 152-day period in the
United States. That figures
out to at least 223,684 cases
per day or as many as 322,368
cases per day. Where was the
red alert emergency when
those cases were occurring?
Also estimated were 20,000
to 52,000 deaths during that
152-day‘period. A death rate
of 131 to 342'per day in the
United States. No red alert
Also, on the CDC website
as of March 14, there were -
2,628 confirmed cases of CO-
VID-19 in the United States,
568 of them in Washington
state. Jan. 21 is the date of
the first acknowledged case
of COVID-19 in the United
States. This means that new
cases have been developing in
the United States at an aver-
age rate of 48 cases per day
for the first 54 days. The CDC
numbers noted above reveal
an influenza infection rate of
223,684 to 322,368 new cases
per day. So, for those 152
days, the influenza‘infection
rate was 4,660 times to 6,716
times more infectious than
the current rate. Yet the gov-
ernment, the media and the
medical arena found no cause
to alert “we the people.” Since
the first acknowledged case of
COVID-19 here on Jan. 21, 50
people have died. Just under
one person per day. When
we citizens were dying at the
rate of'131, 342 deaths per .
day, where was the red alert
emergency for “we the people”
then? This reveals to me that
the 152-day level of illness
and death is acceptable to
the “sknkweasel” politicians,
bureaucrats, uncivil servants,
mainstream media, medical ‘
field and pharmaceutical in-
The American public has
been avalanched with a re—
lentless blizzard of outright
lies, propaganda, disinfor-
' mation, misinformation and
bamboozle for decades by
numerous aspects of the gov-
ernment by way of the media,
and by way of the government
agencies and departments.
The citizens have accepted
this endless barrage infor-
mational sewage as if it were
honest and accurate. And in
continuing to do so my fellow
ignorant, dim-witted “sheeple”
citizens are being herded,
bamboozled and stampeded.
However, the most destructive
element of all of this will be
that the “sheeple” will remain
absolutely convinced that only
what the “sknkweasels’7 pro-
claim is accurate.
Considering the CDC sta-
tistics I have provided above,
do you truly believe anything
“Sknkweasels” are blathering?
Of c0urse, the most destruc-
tive form of dishonesty is
the withholding of essential
information of which many
“Sknkweasels” are exception—
ally skilled.
Why has not the govern-
ment, the radio stations, the
television stations, the news-
papers, the medical arena
and numerous other sources
provided “we the people”
the above noted truthful in-
formation I have revealed?
My conclusion is that these
self-appointed gods in govern-
ment, media medical arena
and the pharmaceutical in- I
dustry have only three major
concerns. That is the endless
and unbridled accumulation
of wealth, the accumulation
of power and the accumula-
tion of control over others. If
they had integrity and were
truthful, we would have been
given accurate and honest
information from the begin-
ning with which to make our
own sensible and responsible
decision. Not this stinking
fear mongering propaganda
spewing from thousands of
“Sknkweasels” are a cross
between a skunk and a wea-
sel, its goal is to spew an
endless filibuster of skinking
lies and then make unbridled
amoral efforts to weasel out of
the legitimate consequences of
such despicable behavior.
I would be truly happy to
be proven incorrect on every-
thing I have written above.
However, given that most of
what I have written is already
true and the rest is unfolding
in front of us, I do not see that
Hank Wooldridge