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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 2020
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Page A-26 — Shelton-Mason County Journal '— Thursday, March 26, 2020 WSU DIFFERENCE Master Gardener program suspended due to COVID-19 nother casualty of the battle to beat the . OVID-19 virus is the Washington State University Mason County Extension Master Gardener Program. We are suspending all group and public activities to help fight the spread of the virus. Along with canceling Gate” workshop, we have shut down Catalyst Park, includ- ing the community garden beds and associated workshops, the food bank demonstration garden and display gardens. The plant and pest clinic is still available by phone and email. You can email your plant questions to: masonmastergardener@gmail. com, use the “Contact Us” section on the website, or call and leave a mes- sage at 360-427-9670, ext. 687. As soon as public policy warrants, we will be back to full operation. Unfortunately, the food bank dem- COME WORSHIP WITH, Us By J EANNINE our last “Through the Garden POLASKI Will Preach for Food Podcast onstration garden isn’t some- thing that can be started at just anytime. Shutting down now means the crops that summer are not being plant- ed and the roughly 2,400 pounds of produce donated to The Saints’ Pantry food bank to help your neighbors may not be available. It is an un- intended consequence of try- ing to keep our friends and neighbors healthy during this crisis. - But there is something you can do to help. It harkens to a much earlier time when the country was dealing with a different type of war, World War I and World War 11. Let’s bring back the concept of the “Victory gar- den” by creating personal patches to help in this time of need. With the increased anxiety of a simple trip to the grocery store, sheltering, and so- cial distancing, having your own way to contribute Will help with your own are harvested throughout the ” morale along with helping to ease the food insecurity of the community. Victory gardens began in WI ini— tially to help our allies, then to help our own war efforts. The gardens waned after the war but became pop- ular again in WWII. Residents were urged to use idle land to plant fruits, vegetables and herbs to supplement rations and help lower the cost of feeding the troops, thus saving money to be spent elsewhere in the war ef- fort. Today’s version of a Victory garden would help feed your neighbors who may have trouble getting to the store regularly or may help those who need a food bank. As opposed to the his— torical versions, the current version should only be on private land and not be a group activity. If you have a garden already, just plant a little more to share. If you haven’t tried it before, maybe this is your year. If you have a container and some sun, plant some tomatoes or vegetables for , ‘l’ sharing. _ If you need information on gar- dening to accomplish this, WSU has wonderful materials available online at gardeneningwsuedu or send an email to masonmastergardenerCGi Your own personal victory garden can help ease your anxiety about be— ing cooped up along with helping win the struggle against food insecurity. Let’s make this a community-wide effort! Send me photos of your gar- dens and your donated produce to share on our Facebook page or in a future article. Now, if we could only grow toilet pape'r. I Jeannine Polaski is the Washington State University Mason County Ex- tension Master Gardener program co- ordinator.'She can be reached at jean- or at extension. mason / master-gardener/ master-gardener. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church HARVEST rounsqum Sunday Service 10 am. at Olympic Middle School (800 E. K Street) All other services held at: Harvest Foursquare Church 910 Dearborn Avenue in Shelton Pastor David Wilson 360—426-3305 \\ Missouri Synod FAIlLH a? Contemporary Service 8:30am Christian Education 10:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am 206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.mtoliveshltonorg Office 360-426-6353 Daycare 360-427-3165 St; 1 deg. ~JWWMMW~ SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 and 10:30 am. 426—8472 ' 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton On-site activities are currently suspended. Go to for the latest. 12'! 2 Connection Street, Shelton 0 360426.861 1 Rev. Doug Pelerson Evangelical Lulheran Church in America (ELCA) M3 New Community Church of Union 951 E, Dalby Rd. Union Iglesia Agua Viva Church of Living Water Ill/Iltltlt/ English Service 10:30 am. Sunday Spanish Service 4:00 pm. Sunday Bilingual Service 6:00 pm. Thursday 2221 WA Hwy. 300 in BeliaiI Pastor Joaquin 360-265-1498 All Services and Events are Cancelled Until Further Notice. , To learn more, please visit our website, or on Facebook at f/nccunion. 360-898-7855 www.thenccu.or 1 ill Ill/Ji'lltl'Si. 16 'iizi’i/r‘ullz "lll’ lo licilmmin green'pristz111‘s:‘llcicuiir'llz incl file/Cult i'illt’l‘ill llcpizl/s_'(g/"i'i}jlzltfi)um; {thrills nuizc’ ‘ Nil’lllfltll'lliiflt’ ‘:jliiflllOil'tll‘l‘li’lll‘"‘lilt’illl V illidllll" ‘oni/oi’lin’ bffm'ciizc‘iiz'ilzvmr'izrc ifirzincenemies;"ilmzranointc mylicudnit/210i];m ipruiinci/zovcr iii/ennui l iii/[21ml] n‘l ouscol lle' 2' Check our Website for Updates! Gethsemane Ministries (nondenominational) (360) 898-27 52 Live Contemporary Worship Meets 7pm Saturdays 2320 Washington St. Shelton GethsemaneeMinistriesrom 210 W Shelton Valle Rd Seventh-Day 3. Adventist Church . ‘ A All Saturday Services and Events . Suspended Until Further Notice. , For updates, please visit our website. ' SHEtTON 428 W. COTA FIRST BAPTIST Please Check Our Website for Updates 360-42 6-8461