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Date Unknown
Baptist church ceiling
falls among the pews
Shortly after ten o’clock Tuesday night the
neighborhood of the Baptist Church was startled
by a “rough house” in that direction, but investiga—
tion disclosed that no human agency was at fault.
The plastering from one half of the ceiling, lath
and all, had fallen and the ruin among the pews
was a sight. Willing hands put the next evening at
work cleaning up the mess and the damage will be
repaired by a temporary ceiling. A short time ago
several small sections of the plastering dropped and
a staging had been put up to make repairs by Mr.
Oakley, when examination showed that the whole
ceiling was more or less pulled away from its sup—
ports and dangerous even to make repairs. He left
the work pending a decision on what to do, and that
night came the catastrophe. It was fortunate that
no one was in the room, and especially so that the
accident had not occurred during services.
New homes needed
Now that lumber is again coming from the Ford
mill and the new mill will also be turning out lum—
ber the question of building materials will be re-
lieved in Shelton and those who are thinking of new
homes can go ahead with their plans. Lumber and
labor is as cheap here as anywhere, and there is no
prospect of gaining by delaying the building opera—
tions. Houses to rent are impossible and houses to
buy are hard to find so nothing is left but to secure
a vacant lot and start the building. New families
are coming to Shelton at the rate of one each week,
and the housing situation is getting acute. Rents
have always been low, but new houses for rent
would bring Whatever price the owner might feel
justified in asking, and this should justify the own—
ers of vacant property and idle money investing in
houses to rent. When the ice is broken other build-
ing will follow fast. 9
School strike in Chehalis
leads to suspensions
A number ofCl'iehalis High School students have
been permanently suspended following a general
school strike last week. The strike was the result of
temporary suspension by Principal Paul Todd of the
students who took part in a dance: at a school play
rehearsal, which was against the school rules.
March 23, 1939
New ice cream store
to open this Saturday
Boasting the latest and most modern equipment
for the manufacture of ice cream, Shelton’s new-
est ice cream parlor opens its doors to the public
Saturday morning when Fessler’s Ice Cream store,
situated across from the Safeway store, has its
opening day. According to Mr. Fessler the new
store has been equipped with the latest model Mills
Master—Freezer, which freezes ice cream in half
the time taken by older models, and with special
blizzard—type cabinets which harden the cream
more quickly. In addition a special thick mix will be
used to insure high quality ice cream. A variety of
15 flavors will be offered. To celebrate the opening,
Fessler’s is offering two giant cones for the price of
one, and will also give every purchase of a pint or
quart of bulk ice cream, a like quantity of brick ice
cream or sherbert.
Eye machine at school
testing orb efficiencies
They’re separating students from the chaff at
lrene S. Reed High School now, if eye tests will
be any help in that line. A new Keystone Ortho—
Binocular eye testing machine arrived at the senior
high school a few days ago which will test for
efficiencies such as muscle balance, visual acuity,
astigmatism, depth perception, fusion, etc. Read—
ing charts for analyzing reading difficulties and the
ability to read with either or both eyes are included
with the equipment of the machine. Baseball Coach
Homer Taylor has already given eye tests to can—
didates for his prep baseball team. All students
in school will be tested to determine whether they
need eye corrections before the end of the year.
March 27, 1947
Golf course plans set
Golf in their own “backyard” is virtually a cer—
tainty this summer for addicts of the old Scotch
pastime living in Shelton and vicinity if they rally
in sufficient numbers to support a plan worked out
by a Chamber of Commerce committee to which
finishing touches were put Tuesday night. This
plan calls for construction of a nine-hole course over
practically the same ground upon which the old
Bayshore golf course once layed, a physical factor
which will speed greatly the work of putting the
proposed new layout in condition for actual play by
July 15. The Chamber of Commerce golf committee
feels certain financing the project will not be dif-
ficult as it believes there are at least 150 or more
golfers in this community who wish to have a home
course badly enough to give the plan their full coop—
eration and financial backing. The committee has
been working for some time to fashion a workable
plan for providing this athletic—active community
with a new golf course. one of its major sports de-
ficiencies since construction ofthe Naval Air Base
engulfed the old Shelton golf course.
March 22, 1962
Two in hospital after gas
pedal sticks, causing
driver to lose control
Saturday morning at 12:05 was the time of an
unusual traffic accident on Railroad Avenue, 50 feet
west ofits intersection with Second Street involving
three cars and sending two occupants to the hospi—
tal, and injuring a third less seriously. The 17-year—
old driver negotiated a right turn from Third Street
onto Railroad and according to Shelton Police
Department accident reports, was unable to keep
the accelerator pedal from sticking in a wide-open
position. He tried to release the pedal from its posi—
tion on the floor by lifting it with his toe and when
unable to do so attempted the free it with his hand.
When he bent over to try and release the gas pedal
he lost control of the car and collided with a parked
vehicle on Railroad. The parked car was forced into
another auto parked in front of it causing consid-
erable damage to all three vehicles. The Shelton
volunteer fire department was called for assistance
in preventing a blaze from gas leakage from the
vehicles. The cars were sprayed with water and no
fire occurred.
t was
an i, ram;
and the intricacies of govern—
menial requirements. These are
important factors sellers and
buyers should be informed of
when making or reviewing an
With a local broker. buyers
sellers have lhc bcnclil of‘Tacc
lo face” mcclings. reviewing
documents and signing
Local brokers know the area well Our brokers are readily available
to Sl10\\' a properly, update infor—
mation and photos. Even more
bcncficial to you. local biokcrs arc
able to couucci you wilh in area
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Knowing our schools. neighbor—
hoods. ordiuauccs. [an s & regula—
tions. upcoming cycnls in die :u‘ca.
utilities. liilc companies and coun-
ly offices are just some of the bcu»
Thursday, March 26, 2020 — Shelton—Mason County Journal Page A—27
March 28, 1974
LSD mushroom warning
Mason County Sheriff'Dan McN air alerted resi-
dents of the county this week that his office is con-
ducting an investigation of the sale of frozen mush—
rooms coated with a hallucinogen drug, LSD. He
stated the sales are being made by individuals and
not in any stores. The mushrooms are being sold to
young people and adults under the guise of a frozen
exotic product with a glaze coating of LSD on the
top. The item is extremely dangerous and is being
sold in this area by person or persons unknown at
this time. McNair asked anyone who is approached
to purchase the mushrooms or having knowledge of
those involved with the selling to please contact the
sheriffs office immediately.
March 28, 1974
Gas supplies here are up
Increased allocations because of a higher base
and higher percentage allocations for some brands
have eased the gasoline situation in Mason County.
Station operators said the gasoline volume in
March 1972, on which allocations are based, was
higher than the February 1972 base since February
of that year saw a lot of bad weather and limited
driving. Some station operators received higher
percentage allocations than they had the previ—
ous month also. Shipments of Canadian gas to one
brands stations helped increase the amount of
gasoline available. Stations are still not getting ail
of the gasoline they could use, but are able to stay
open longer hours and not face lines when their
gasoline pumps are in operation.
March 22, 1973
There’s always
someone at Crisis Clinic
A living breathing person is available any hour
of the day for those who need to talk. She can be
reached at a place rather coldly called the Crisis
Clinic. But the clinic is not a cold place. And the
volunteers are not cold people. They are thoroughly
trained in crisis intervention and will deal with you
on a one-to—one level. But they won‘t solve your prob—
lems. They won’t push advice. They will not meddle
with your life. On an individual level a volunteer
will listen to you, trying to understand. And she’ll
respect your ability to run your own life. That's im«
portant to her because she wants you to help your—
self. She’s no do-gooder with a prescribed way for
everybody to act. She knows she’s a person and she
knows you are a person. She ‘an remember when
she feltjust like you did. When she needed assur—
ance. Or help. Or just someone to talk to. Sometimes
there was someone there for her. Sometimes not.
But she doesn’t want you to be alone. She under—
stands why you’re up in your room, wrenching your
heart out about something you. could never tell your
parents downstairs. You’ll never have to worry about
what she thinks ofyou. You won’t have to face her
the next day, wondering if she’s judging you for what
you said the night before. She’ll never think you’re
horrible, weak or evil. But she understands that
humans get themselves into trouble. And why they
have to get out. Often while a caller is explaining his
problem, he sees new things, new ways to deal with
his troubles. The clinic is open for any problems.
I Compiled from the archives ofthe Shelton-Mason
County Journal
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