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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 26, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 26, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, March 26, 2020 - Shelton-Mason Journal Page A-39 r, t E: r 2‘ .‘. . This undated historical photo shows football players at a muddy Loop Field in Shelton. With local sports shuttered due to the novel coro- navirus, the Shelton-Mason County Journal is reaching into its archives to find historical sports photos and stories of interest. Journal file‘ I, photo ‘ For the week of March 26 through April 2 ALLYN I Case Inlet 7 . . DATE HIGH (FEET) lOW (FEET) SUN MOON AM PM AM I WV? 26 Thu 13.9 12.8 1:45 27 Fri 13.7 12.8 2:19 28 9:52 128 2:56 : : 29 10:47 12.6 3:36 I . 5:52 a 30 Mon 9:30 12.4 11:52 12.5 4:22 I 7.2 3*MMEWMW manna ‘. " 1 2 mmmmm SHELTON I Oakland Bay 5 ' ' DATE HIGH (FEET) LOW (FEED SUN MOON AM PM AM We? A positive message on Friday adorns the metal railing of the High Steel 26 Bridge over the Skokomish River. Journal photo Justin Johnson 27 m ‘2 28 Sat 9-09 13 4 1o:3o- 4:02 4.5 4:27 ., r_ I“. —»'~- ~7 ~~ . . : V. 5:07 0.4 7:37 POST con a e A_38 We are all in this together. We LFA I tlnued from p truly are. a 0.3 6:48 7:38 I knew that it‘was likely that the re- My continued health as a high-risk strictions that were in place last week individual depends on everyone doing '1 were going to get stepped up, and on their part. My parents living in Idaho Monday afternoon Gov. Jay Inslee did are 67 and 72- Their lives likely de— . just that. pend on slowing down this pandemic_ UNION I HOOd Canal 1 I, In a televised address, Inslee an- Please don’t think you can’t be af- MW nounced a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” fected by it, even if you’re younger and M" “M “M: ‘ PM OI‘der that, among other steps, Closed healthy Y0u might think you’re not 26 -Thu m-m -7:32 .07 m-aa m-za -6:59 -7:35 an campgrounds. parks and goingto gettoo sickm‘ifi’s notgoing 27 mmmnn areas throughout the State Starting to be that bad, but it mlght not be you 28 6 9.10 10 4 1 7 6.55 4. Thursday. The legally binding order is who pays the price. It could be your ' ' ' I_ ' ' ' 0 set to last for at least two weeks. ParentS, 01‘ your aunt 01‘ your 1111016 10:10 10‘3 2:55 15- 6:53 a - I love the mountains. I love the wa- Who does- ":22 10'3 "5 I 0 I terways, but We need to get this Virus our trails and parks aren’t 30mg 1 9 3 . ,3 . 7.44 I , . _ _ AM . . . . . 0 . under control and Inslee s dec1s1on is anywhere- . I mew WWMMWM zannnnanmnmmm It will save lives. It will buy our three weeks, or whenever we shut this health care workers time. _ Virus down. ~ . 1 Last week, I Wrote about my anxi- . Until then though, let’s stay home ety around COVID-19 and my per- and stay‘safe the best we can. weekly T'de Tables Sponsored by sonal health. I , «1 Getting outside in the sunshine I Justin Johnson is the Sports Out— Tide tableshave been nunscribed and ‘ .-.. VW’MWNWRWWSM swam? ‘ definitely helped, but it’s also a risk Editor for the Shelt0n_Mason may contain errors. Nol Intended for l I that I didn’t need to take. And neither County Journal. He can be reached by "av'gamm‘l "‘9‘ " ., did anyone else. email at VIidalhfgrmatiopfgurtesy US Harborgggrg MM Vflm