March 28, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 28, 1963 |
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6017 S.E. 86th Ave
portland, Ore
he Skokomish In-
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Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington 20 Pages -- 3 Section,.
Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 10 Cents per Cop
under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota. ___
Ba#q-00et Journal
Pknned Next Thursday Circulation
wlfr, sfrmnd' g2ra;otu tulCrZe ...... Dr,ve Starts
dinner ,with seconds, thirds and
more if you want), musical en-
tertainment, a chance to see and
hear a sports celebrity, and a
chance to rub elbows with an ath-
letic team ?
You want to know, huh! Well,
it's at the Rotary Club's annual
post-season basketball dinner hon-
oring the 1963 Highclimber bas-
ketball players and their moth-
The time s next Thursday
night at 6:30. the place is Mt.
View school cafeteria.
of those famed feeds prepared by
the school kitchen crew and serv-
ed by the cute girls of the home
economics classes at Irene S.
Reed high school.
The celebrity is Bob Houbregs,
who only s short 10 years ago led
the University of Washington
Huskies to the Pacific Coast con ,
ference basketball championship
and to the semi-finals of the
NCAA tournament, in the process
of which he scored 43 points as
the Huskies swamped Seattle Un-
iversity led by the famous John-
ny and Eddie O'Brien twins in
the only meeting between the
Huskies and the Chieftains in
bregs set a Husky scoring record
nd became an All-Aberican along
with O'Brien, the only time two
players from Seattle ever made
All-American at the same time.
Houbregs followed that up with
five years of professional basket- BOB HOUBREGS
ball. He zs now supervisor of a All-American Coming
boys all-star sports camp near
Seattle. "Hoob" will be principal or from any Rotary Club mem-
speaker at the banquet, her.
Tickets may be purchased at How's that for a $2 bargain,
Cells & Valley Appliance Center friend?
After 20 Years With &boo/
RETIRING - Mrs. Laura Murphy, clerk of the Shelton School
Board, sits at the desk she will vacate April 1 when she retires
after 20 years as clerk of the board.
Mrs. Laura Murphy will con-
clude 20 years as clerk of the
Shelton School Board Monday
when the board has its reorgani-
zation meeting.
She Submitted her resignation
o the board, effective at the end
Jf her current term in office which
ends with the reorganization
She says she has no particu-
lar plans for her retirement.
MRS. MURPHY has seen a lot
of changes in the school district
)potation since she first took ov-
er as clerk. At that time, the
mperintendent's office was in the
:Irene S. Reed building. It has
since been moved to new quart-
ers in the Evergreen School.
Four new school buildings have
been built during her time in of-
rice, the Evergreen, Bordeaux, Mt.
View and Grant C. Angle build-
ingoS4E SCHOOL, the old Lincoln
School, has been torn down.
The district's budget and pay-
roll have increased a great am-
ount during the 20 years, she com-
Her successor will be seAected
Bicycles, watches, cash, and a
trip to summer camp are avail-
able again this year to enterpris-
ing youngsters selling Journal
subscriptions in the annual csm-
pagin for new readers and re-
Boys and girls between the ages
of 9 and 15 can start today by fil-
ling out the registration coupon
on page 12 of this paper and
bringing it to the Journal office.
Participants have the choice of
taking cash commmsions instead
of bicycles or watches if they de-
sire. In this campaign partici-
pants can earn all three if they
wish bicycle, watch and cash, or
any combination of the three. And
of course the top subscription
salesman will get the grand prize
in addition . . . a week's paid va-
cation at smnmer camp.
Lead all of the zles on page
12 and then get busy.
City Mulls '
Water, Sewer
For Park
Development of Callanan Pm
ms progressed about as far as
.'an until water and sewer lines
::or r'st room facilities, and, for
ase in watering plants, the Shel-
:on City Commissmn was told
Tuesday night. "
A delegation of Jaycees ap-
peared at the commissic{n meeting
to ask if the city had funds av-
il.'ble to install" the water and
sewer lines.
City u)mr':isor Pat Byrne said
he h;d mi(te a rough estimate o:
!./n)nt $2.300 for just matvrials to
:11 the waLer and sewer 1.o where
',,e 1)}ms eaii for the permaneI
,.s room facilities.
that there was no provision flz
the 1963 budget for the work and
it was doubtful if that amount
of funds could be squeezed out.
Arnold Fox, acting as spokes-
man for the Jaycees.-said the
, group had been working on the
park with the idea it could be
put into shape for use by the
public this summer.
Byrne suggested the possibility
of temporary restroom facilities
for this summer in a location clo-
ser to existing water and sewer
Travis said tills appeared to be
the best bet and suggested city
officials and Jaycee representa-
tives explore the possibility.
iF SUCH A PLAN could be
worked out, Travis said, the com-
mission would do its best to find
the money some place in the bud-
get to get the job done.
The Jaycees also asked the city
to establish the grade on E street
so the planned parking lot can
be graded off. Byrne said he would
get this done.
Byrne reported to the commis-
sion that the contractor's work
on the repair of the Angle Way
slide area was complete.
A letter was received from Con-
gresswoman Julia Butler Hansen
stating she had contacted the
Community Facilities Corporation
about the city's request for funds
under the Accelerated Public
Works Program and that a check
on the status of the request was
in progress.
Police Chief Paul Hinton said
1963 dog licenses are now avail-
able and that the 1962 licenses
expire June 30. Licenses purch-
by the board at the Monday re- ased now will be good until June
organization meeting. 30, 1964, he said.
Kindergarten Students Registered
REGISTRATION DAY it was registration
day for next fall's kindergarten students in the
Shetton School District Tuesday and Wednes-
day. These three youngsters look at Picture
books under the watchful eyes of two Campfire
Girls while their mothers were completing the
registration forms. They are, left to right,
Charlene Barron, Freddie Bedell and June Bar-
ton, Freddie and June wore gettiflg r¢gietercd
while Charlene came along to keep an eye on
what sister June was doing. Those whose last
names began with the letters in the first half
of the alphabet registered Tuesday morning with
104, mostly kindergarten students, registering.
The registration was completed Wednesday af-
ternoon. Turnout this year appeared better than
last when a total of 150 incoming students were
1963 Forest Festival G00een
lwo Sentenced Foreign Students "Visit. lien,
For Burglary As Part Spring Varatton Tour
Leonard N. Hodgson. Shelton, Six foreign students from the The students will also be taken
was sentenced to a maximum of
15 years in the State Penitentiary
in Walla Walla on a charge o
second degree burglary in Mason
County Superior Court Friday by
Judge.harles T. Wright.
Hodson pleaded guilty to the
ch'arge:2'He was arrested by Ma-
son County Sheriff's officers
March 17 and was charged with
entering a summer home on Phil-
lips Lake blonging to Margaret
Lane. Auburn.
Hodgson also admitted several
other home burglaries in the coun-
ty, the Prosecuting Attorney's of-
rice said.
Wilma Getschmman. arrested
with Hodgson for entering the
Lane house, was given a two-year
deferred sentence by Judge
Wright after pleading guilty.
She requested a court-appointed
attorney and John Ragan was
named by Judge Wright to repre-
sent her. After a short conference
with Ragan, she entered her plea.
We/Fare Advisory
Committee Set
By Commissioners
The Mason County Commission
Monday named a group of local
citizens as members of the Wel-
fare and Juvenile Advisory com-
The list was compiled from]
names submitted by organizations
which has been asked to suggest
possible board members.
Named to the committee were
University of Washington are
guests in Shelton homes Wednes-
day, today and Friday.
They arrived here from South
Bend Wednesday afternoon and
will return to Seattle Friday after-
Their stay here is sponsored by
Women's Society for Christian Ser-
vice-Of the First Methodist Church
and the Shelton Rotary Club.
THE WSCS HAD a pot luck for
them at the Church Wednesday
evening and they will be gaests at
the Rotary meeting at noon today.
Informal evenings at the host
family homes are planned for to-
night and a visit to Shelton Schools
is planned for Friday.
Forest Festival
Meeting Tonight
The Mason County Forest Fest-
ival Association will meet at 8 p.
m. today in the conference room
of the PUD 3 building to discuss
further plans for this year's fes-
Forest Festival membership
cards have been put in a number
of local businesses and in the
hands of members of various lo-
cal organizations,
M. M. (Bud) Lyon, who is in
charge of the membership sales
for the Rotary Club, which is
handling the sales this year, urg-
ed all-Mason County residents to
support the Festival by purchas-
ing a membership.
The membership cards will be
exchanged for the traditional For-.
est Festival Button tt a later
on tours of local industry in which
they are interested.
The tour, held during spring va-
cation at UW, is arranged by the
Foundation for Understanding
,Through. Students at UV. Similar
groups of students: are visiting'
(ither Washington cities and tovno
The six ;.stUders..-i+.t ": gi:6fit)
to Visff here are Antho/y WiloB,
Wariboko West. Cyril Emehdu
and Ade Abiodun all of Nigeria,
Africa Massood Gelani, Iran, and
Sasbar Asif.
Dr. Douglas Larson. of the Ro-
tary Club. is in charge of arrange-
ments for the student's visit,
The group who is isiting here
have been in Hoquiam and South
Bend before eomig o Shelton.
School District is
Ailoted Federal Fun00s
Shelton School District has
been allocated $12.941 in federal
fnnds under Public Law 874. Sens.
Warren !{agnuson and Henry M_.
Jackson announced this week.
Under this law, federal funds
are allocated to school districts
which have increased enrollment
because of federal installations.
Students Plan
50.Mile Hike
The hiking bug has hit Irene
S. Reed High School.
Planning to leave Saturday
morning on a 50-mile hike are 22
students. They intend to leave
here at 6 a.m. and plan to go to
Allyn, Belfair, down the Hood
Canal through Union and back to
[ Shelton, hoping to make it in nine
Herb Hergert. Mrs. Arne Johnson,
Mrs, Ruth Brod. Valentine Sienko,
Robert Rice Darrell Sparks, Mrs.
Jack Sandvig, Mrs. Vera Short-
sleeves, Glen Ferguson, Laurie
Carlson. V. T. Connolly, Clara
Eastwood Sam Theler and Harry
The commission voted to open
bids at 1:30 p.m. April 15 on a
brush ripper attachment for two
of the county tractors.
The county's liability insurance
was renewed with [le Angle Ag-
An estimate of $486.72 for re-
pairing the jail roof was submit-
ted by the Olson Roofing Co. The
estimate was approved by the
commission, subject to approval
by the prosecuting attorney.
County Young
Democrats To Meet
Mason County Young Demo-
crats will meet at 8 p.m. tonight
h the Court House.
Because of a change in the con-
.titution of the State organization,
officers for the club must be elec-
ted over again.
The election will 'be held at the
meeting tonight.
Oi|.v Fire Permits
In Effect .April I
ire permits will be required
ior outside burning within the
city limits of Shelton after April
1. it was announced this week.
Permits are not needed for in-
cinerators or screened burning
Permits may be obtained by cal-
ling the City Fire Department at
The Mason County Forest Fes-
livH Queen this year will be Mar-
::yn Hughes, a five-foot, five-inch
miss with dark hair and hazel
Marilyn, 17, and a senior at
h'ene S. Reed high school was se-
lected this week by the judging
committee from the five candi-
She will be crowned :May 23 at
the queen's banquet, the first ma-
jql:, -,etivity of tle three-day For-
est Festival.
THE NEW QUEEN was born
in Shelton June 12, 1945 and lives
with her parents, Mr. and iVfrs
Albert Hughes and brothers Frank
and Larry at 1121 Harvard in
TANKS ARRIVE-M/Sgt, Ken Rose administra- State. The tanks M-48's with 90 mm weapons,
tire supply technician for the Shelton National arrived about noon Friday from Camp Hurry
Guard Unit, looks over the two tanks the unit
received Friday. The unit was recently switched
from an artillery unit to Company B, First
Medium Tank Battalion, 303rd Armored im the
reorganization of the National Guard in the
Work00Done On Shelton !
Port Owned Facilities .
hnprovement of some Port
owned facilities has been on
agenda of the Shelton Port Com-
mission in recent weeks.
Painting of the hanger at the
Airport has been completed.
The parking lot and launch ap-
proach on the port's property at
Arcadia has been graveled to in]-
prove it.
Plans are being worked up on
chmges at the city dock to im-
prove the facilities there.
and will be used by the local unit in training.
Three additional tanks assigned to the udit will
remain at Camp Hurry. The Shelton. National
Guardsmen got their first look at the tanks
at their drill Monday night.
GUN ROLLS OUT-One of the 455 Howitzers which the Shelton
National Guard unit had during its time as an artillery unit rolled
out of town Friday al=ter.noon des.qned for Seattle where it went
to Battery B, First Battalion, 146th Field Artillery.
L oral National 6ua rd 6et00 Two Tanks
She is completing her fourth
year as a school yell leader, hav-
ing etarted in Junior high school.
Her other school activities in-
clude membership in the Pep club,
Honor Society, Thespians and La-
tin Club.
She plans to attend Vashing-
ton State University to become a
biology' teacher.
Her father is employed by Ray-
onier at its research lab here.
The four other candidates will
be members of the'queen's court.
THEY ARE: Lynne Stevens. 17,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Stevens, Grapeview, and Ran-
di Tuson. 18, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rodger Tuson. Island. Lake,
seniors at Irene S. Reed High
school; :Marlyn Mills, 17. daugh-
ter of Joselh F. Mills. Belfair.
and a senior at North Mason hig'l
school, and Virginia Hollatz, 18.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hollatz, Matlock, a senior at Mary
IV[. Knight high school.
The queen was selected by a
judging committee named by the
Forest Festival Association.
]vIembers of the judging com-
mittee were A. S. (Steve) Viger,
3Zrarden Stroud and Lillian Nor-
vold. Sheltoh: Carl Izett. Allyn,
land Helen \\;Vright, Union.